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Hamilton : Lord George Francis (1845-1927): Under Secretary of State for India under Disraeli 1874-8: Vice President of Council 1878-80: First Lord of the Admiralty 1885-92: Chairman London School Board 1894-5: Secretary of State for India (1895-1903). [Buckland]
... Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) 12 AN OLD CORRESPONDENCE ON SRI AUROBINDO BETWEEN K.M. MUNSHI AND K.D. SETHNA Hamilton Villa, Nepean Sea Road, Bombay 7 - 9-51 Dear Mr. Munshi, Thanks for sending me your speech on Sri Aurobindo. It is a good tribute, with genuine feeling and admiration behind it, and has some memorable... near him and I am not gifted with the higher faith of a devotee which you possess, perhaps we are destined not to agree. With kind regards, Yours sincerely, K.M. Munshi Hamilton Villa, Nepean Sea Road, Bombay 19.9.51 My dear Munshi, It was a pleasure to get your letter. Two or three points mentioned by you call for a short comment. I hope you'll forgive... however subdued, are bound to be left. There never was any Avatar in the past completely supramentalised or even envisaging the supramentalisation of every nature-part. Page 137 Hamilton Villa, Nepean Sea Road, Bombay 3.10.51 My dear Munshi, You must have received my letter of 19.9.51 replying to yours of 16.9.51. In it I touched upon a few points which stood ...
... Great Election It is not often that we care to dwell at length on the incidents of English politics in which, as a rule, India is not concerned nor affected by the results. A Brodrick to a Hamilton, a Morley to a Brodrick succeeds, and the sublime continuity of British policy, continuous in nothing else but this one determination to maintain absolutism in India, takes care that India shall have ...
... thank you for the trouble you took in replying to my previous letter with such an elaborate dissertation. With cordial greetings Sincerely yours, Dr. I. OLSVANGER Page 85 Hamilton Villa, Nepean Sea Road, Bombay, 16-5-52 Dear Dr. Olsvanger, I am glad you liked my article — but I am deeply disappointed with the reason for which you liked it. I don't at all mind your ...
... leadership to a man of Mr. Asquith's cold, hard and unsympathetic Whiggism may lead to an early disruption of the Liberal majority. For India, of course, that event would mean little or nothing; a Hamilton to a Fowler and a Morley to a Brodrick succeeds, and the only difference made by the retirement of the quondam friend, philosopher and guide of Moderatism into the cool shades of Opposition, will ...
... Aurobindo's reply is reproduced here as originally dictated to Nirodbaran and not in its final farm as included in the Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library Edition of Savitri.) Hamilton Villa, Nepean Sea Road , Bombay. 1.5.1946 Sri Aurobindo, Your patience with me is admirable and admirable too is the dear controlled force with which you express ...
... Hess’ plans to fly to Scotland in order to convince a fictional anti-Churchill faction to make peace and thus spare Germany a two-front war. Although Albrecht was a personal friend of the Duke of Hamilton, whom Hess wanted to meet, the way in which the political realities in London were misjudged is rather amazing. Goebbels wrote in his diary: “The Haushofers, father and son, have the Hess case ...
... Pattison, George, The Later Heidegger, Routledge, London, 2000. Pillai, Vaiyapuri S., History of Tamil Language and Literature, New Century Book House, Madras, 1956. Plato , Timaeus, In E. Hamilton & H .Caims (eds). The Collected Dialogues of Plato, Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J., 1961. Pradhan, A.P., The Buddha's System of Meditation, Sterling Publishers, N. Delhi, 1986 ...
... Civilization: Part II, The Life of Greece. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1966. Green, Peter. Alexander the Great. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1970. Alexander of Macedon. Penguin Books. Hamilton, J. R. Alexander the Great. Hutchinson University Library, 1973. Renault, Mary. The Nature of Alexander. England, Penguin Books, 1983. Robinson, CA. The Extraordinary Ideas of Alexander ...
... ideals and beliefs of a society pre- dominantly patriarchal, Aphrodite is said to be the daughter of Zeus, but in earlier myth she is said to have sprung from the foam of the sea. Her name, Edith Hamilton writes in her Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes, was explained as meaning "the foam-risen" (Aphros meaning foam in Greek). 6. About Athena's birth: Legend tells us that Athena was the favorite ...
... Vivekananda. That is how she came to India on 28 January 1898. Miss Margaret Noble was born in North Ireland on 28 October 1867. Her parents were Reverend Samuel Richmond Noble and Mary Isabelle Hamilton. Samuel's father, John Noble, was by profession a Protestant priest. But he was a rebel at heart. He rebelled against the subjugation of his motherland by the British. His heart was torn to shreds ...
... the annals of twentieth-century biology.” Wilson, the student of bees, ants and wasps in vivo , resisted the abstract methods of the mathematicians. Till he read a seminal article by William Hamilton on kin selection: “The Genetical Evolution of Social Behaviour.” This was the conversion which would lead to his theory of sociobiology. “I wanted to create a showcase for sociobiology using insects ...
... Dawkins and Gould varied significantly, for the revolutionary 60s, in which they reached their maturity, had been mainly an American phenomenon. In the Dawkins camp there were Edward Wilson, William Hamilton, John Maynard Smith, Daniel Dennett, Steven Pinker, Peter Atkins … – names known from the covers of popular science literature. “Most are passionately anti-religious, or at least passionately opposed ...
... Spratt, Philip, tr. Political History of India by J. Filozat (Calcutta, 1957) Page 618 Sten, Otto, In Indian Culture, I Geography, III, i, tr. by Hamilton and Falconer (London, 1854-57) Sunday Express, The Magazine Section, December 6, 1981 Thapar, Romila, Aśoka and the Decline of the Mauryas (Oxford, 1961) A History of ...
... unprejudiced mind can fail to be impressed with the claim staked for Chandragupta I as against Chandragupta Maurya for identification with Sandrocottus. l. Op. tit., pp. 276-77. 2. Hamilton and Falconer's translation of Strabo's Geography, Vol. Ill, p. 106. Page 220 ...
... Games are about to take place. ____________________________ Essay based on extracts from H.D.F. Kitto, The Greeks, Penguin Books, London, and from Edith Hamilton, The Greek Way, Norton and Company, New York Baron Pierre de Coubertin The Olympic flame, Seoul, 1988 ...
... hands of Newton and Leibnitz. The 19th century offers the example of almost simultaneous discovery of an interpretation of complex numbers made independently by Wessel, Argand and Gauss. Similarly Hamilton and Grassmann wrote at the same time those papers which were to become the foundation of modern vector analysis. The first two non-euclidean geometries, one by the Hungarian Janos Bolyai, and the ...
... Civilization: Part II, The Life of Greece, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1966 Green, Peter. — Alexander the Great. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1970 — Alexander of Macedon. Penguin Books Hamilton J.R — Alexander the Great, Hutchinson University Library, Plutarch, — The Age of Alexander—Nine Greek Lives, Penguin Books Translation and notes: lan Scot-Kilvert, 1973 Renault, Mary — The ...
... passed in their existing form would only engender an eternal feeling of fear and hatred in the minds of the public about the Government as being irresponsible. An irate Secretary of State, George Hamilton, remarked in the House of Commons that the critics of the Government who 'never enjoyed either the freedom of speech or of action formerly, now make exaggerated claims to their rights and liberties ...
... Impression, 1927). Baker, James Volant: The Sacred River: Coleridge's Theory of the Imagination (Louisiana State University Press, 1957). Beevers, John. World Without Faith (Hamish Hamilton, London, 1935). Berdyaev, Nicolas. The Meaning of History : translated from the original Russian by George Reavey (Geoffrey Bles, London, 3rd Reprint, 1949). ...
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