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Hrishikesh : “master of the senses”, an epithet of Sri Krishna.

19 result/s found for Hrishikesh

... Bhubaneshwar to bring him. We had wired to Jyotish Mukherji to stop there and bring him, but Jyotish had started before Page 410 receiving the wire. The next person expected from Bengal is Hrishikesh Kanjilal and we can ask him to do it; but this will take some time. If Durgadas is anxious to come at once , it will be better for him to make his own arrangements in the matter. As to the money... anyhow arrange or manage to come—once here, there can be, in Chandernagore language, a general "clearance". [6] 9, Rue de la Marine Pondicherry July 5, 1929. To Durgadas Shett Hrishikesh has wired on the 2nd from Sherpur (Mymensingh) that he will start in a week and bring you to Pondicherry with him. I do not know if he has written or wired to you, so I write to inform you. Please ...


... travelled through Kashi, Haridwar, Hrishikesh, etc. Throughout he was dogged by an oft-recurring dream in which he was holding an infant in his arms. Long ago his guru had told him to get married, but he did not. Was this an indication that he should have? Now his mind was troubled. He wrote to the guru. Bharat Brahmachari asked him to come back. From Hrishikesh he returned to Bairati and went straight... learnt of it much later and, after coming here to Pondicherry, learnt that this ‘Koli’ was termed “hostile Forces”. He roamed aimlessly, remorse gnawing into him. He went to Punjab, Kashmir, Haridwar, Hrishikesh — but carried the regret with him. His cup of misery overflowed, as news reached him that Bharat Brahmachari had expired. His guilt, blaming himself as one cause of the guru’s departure, increased ...


... Part IV: Correspondence with Early Disciples Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II Hrishikesh Hrishikesh, It appears from your present letter and attitude that you propose to give God a seat on your right hand and R. another on the left and to sit in meditation between oscillating sweetly from one to the other. If this is what you want to do please do ...

... Early Letters on Yoga and the Spiritual Life (1911-1928) Autobiographical Notes To Hrishikesh Kanjilal [c. 1922] To Hrishikesh It appears from your present letter and attitude that you propose to give God a seat on your right hand and R—another on the left and to sit in meditation between oscillating sweetly from one to the other. If this is what ...


... written to him a year and a half before his departure. Part of it was included in the collection Bases of Yoga in 1936.   Page 589 To Hrishikesh Kanjilal. Circa 1922 . A member of Barin Ghose's revolutionary group, Hrishikesh Kanjilal (born 1879) was one of the defendants in the Alipore Bomb Trial. Convicted, he spent ten years in the Andamans. After his release he visited Sri ...


... a wanted man. For some time he had been travelling incognito all over India as the leader of a group of sannyasis. His assumed name was Swami Kevalananda. When he came to 41, Rue Francois Martin, Hrishikesh (later known as Vishuddhananda Giri), Motilal Roy, Rameshwar De, Natwardas, Amrita, Barin, Datta (Miss Hodgson) and the Mother, whom Amar did not meet, were staying in the house. Amar had long matted... and immediately the whole phenomenon ceased; not a single stone was thrown after that and peace reigned." ¹ The phenomenon was witnessed by Sri Aurobindo, the Mother, Bijoy, Amrita, Satyen, Hrishikesh Kanjilal and Upendranath Bannerji. Upen, who did not believe in the existence of occult forces or in the possibility of materialisation, went out on the terrace with a lantern and a lathi looking ...


... has written asking to come here for a year and offering to pay all his expenses. I shall decide about this hereafter. Purani will be coming in March and I don't want too many people here. But if Hrishikesh does not come, as I suppose he will not, I may possibly decide to let Kshitish come for some time if not for a whole year. Aurobindo. [8] "Arya" Office, Pondicherry. 31st January, 1923 ...


... and associations connected with it have faded in their intensity, lost their hold on the mind and can no longer produce upon it a violent and disturbing impression. Aurobindo Ghose To Hrishikesh, It appears from your present letter and attitude that you propose to give God a seat on your right hand and R. another on the left and to sit in meditation between oscillating sweetly from one ...


... The Mother had finally arrived. The Great War was over, I mean the first one. And with the declaration of Peace, nearly all the political prisoners in India had had been released. Barin, Upen, Hrishikesh had all come back from the Andamans, although they were still hesitating as to whether they should join us here in the life of yoga or continue for some time longer their work in the outside world ...


... looks and their manner. They were harsh and rude and hard; one could know at once what kind of people they were." Most of us were boys and young men of 16 to 20, except for a few like Barin, Upen and Hrishikesh who were of about the same age, all nearing thirty. But within the very precincts of jail we made them understand how one "softer than the flower", mrduni kusumadapi, could turn into something ...

... "work that has to be done." I suppose some day I will write about Free Will, but for the moment there is no effective will, free or otherwise, to do it. There is no niyoga [appointment] from "Hrishikesh", I am afraid your uncle will have to wait till it comes. April 7, 1931 ... It is the old trick of despondency trying to come up again and have its spell or its gloomy innings—that ...

... An Ashram center in Calcutta. × The statue in bronze, done by the sculptor Hrishikesh Dasgupta, will be unveiled on 16 August 1975 by the vice-president of India, B.D. Jatti. × A students' ...


... then. The Mother had finally arrived. The Great War was over, I mean the first one. And with the declaration of Peace, nearly all the political prisoners in India had been released. Barin, Upen, Hrishikesh had all come back from the Andamans, although they were still hesitating as to whether they should join us here in the life of yoga or continue for some time longer their work in the outside world ...

... in Alipore Jail among the accused in the Bomb case. Page 384 Let me here in parenthesis note a few things about Debabrata Basu. He had been a contemporary of Barin, U pen and Hrishikesh and was among the leaders of our group. He was one of the writers. Indeed, it was he and Upen who gave a characteristic stamp to Yugantar by their writings. His was the mind of a meditative thinker ...

... Arabinda Ghose 19. Abinash Chandra Bhattacharji 20. Sailendra Nath Bose 21. DindayalBose 22. Narendra Nath Gossain 23. Sudhir Kumar Sarkar 24. Krista Jiban Sanyal 25. Hrishikesh Kanjilal 26. Birendra Nath Ghose 27. Dharani Nath Gupta 28. Nogendra Nath Gupta 29. Ashoke Chandra Nandi 30. MotiLal Ghose 31. Bijoy Ratan Sen Gupta 32. Sushil ...

... to Pondicherry for further sadhana? What more was there to achieve? Of course, once in a while we got news from Pondicherry from our co-revolutionaries — Bijoy Nag, Nolini Gupta, Upen Banerjee and Hrishikesh. We heard that around the year 1920 Sri Aurobindo had said that India’s freedom was already a reality in the subtle world; its earthly manifestation was being delayed only due to our own defects… ...

... the process here must depend on a nexus between the boy-servant and the house and if the nexus were broken, the servant and the house separated, the stone-throwing would cease. We sent him away to Hrishikesh's place and immediately the whole phenomenon ceased; not a single stone was thrown after that, peace reigned. That shows that these occult phenomena are real, have a law or process, as definite as ...

... process here must depend on a nexus between the boy-servant and the house and if the nexus were broken, the servant and the house separated, the stone-throwing would cease. We sent him away to Hrishikesh’s place and immediately the whole phenomenon ceased; not a single stone was thrown after that; peace reigned. That shows that these occult phenomena are real, have a law or process as definite ...

... process here must depend on a nexus between the boy servant and the house, so if the nexus were broken and the servant separated from the house, the stone-throwing would cease. We sent him away to Hrishikesh's place and immediately the whole phenomenon ceased; not a single stone was thrown after that and peace reigned. "That showed . . . that these occult phenomena are real, have a law or process ...