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16 result/s found for Hydari, Sir Akbar

... 395ff, 409ff, 422ff, 441ff, 593 Hofman, Dr Albert 742 Hopkins, Gerard Manley 41, 71, 80, 354 Huta (Savita Hindocha) 587-8, 605, 652, 679, 684, 700-4, 712-3, 717, 721, 727, 754 Hydari, Sir Akbar 443 Page 901 L'Idée or Idea 29-30, 32ff, 44, 50ff, 64, 191, 298 L'Idée Nouvelle (New Idea Society) 101ff, 126, 128, 148, 150, 298 Imitation of Christ, The 639 India ...


... Rama-nama or not, she answered that for full benefit of her help, he must stop the other thing. × Ali Hydari, son of Sir Akbar Hydari (Prime Minister of Hyderabad and a devotee of Sri Aurobindo), and his wife Alys were very devoted to the Mother and lived in the Ashram for several years. For more about them and the Ashram ...

... back and they are bitter. SRI AUROBINDO: That, of course. PURANI: Sir Akbar Hydari has got a full set of the Arya. SRI AUROBINDO: How? PURANI: It seems his own bookseller from whom he has bought many books had a set. As soon as he knew that Sir Akbar wanted it, he gave the whole set gratis. Naturally Sir Akbar was very pleased. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, having it gratis would be an added ...

... has asked them to suspend it and is communicating with the Government to remove the ban. PURANI: Yes, it is he who was behind the trouble in Hyderabad. He stood against Sir Akbar Hydari. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. PURANI: Sir Akbar says that Hyderabad had no Hindu-Muslim trouble before. It has been brought in from outside. SRI AUROBINDO: That is true. Muslims from the North and the Arya Samaj brought ...

... everybody knows If the disciple's name is disclosed, the Yogi will immediately be spotted. I wonder if he is hinting at you. SRI AUROBINDO: Me? But I have no eminent disciple! PURANI: What about Sir Akbar Hydari? SRI AUROBINDO: He is not exactly a disciple. SATYENDRA: Perhaps Brunton himself is a disciple eminent enough? PURANI: He also says that he is not after money. The proof he gives is that ...

... now trying to imitate the West. Parliamentary government is not suited to India. Sir Akbar Hydari wanted to try a new sort of government with an impartial authority at the head. In Hyderabad the Hindu majority complains that though the Mohamedans are in a minority they occupy most of the offices in the State. By Sir Akbar's method almost every interest would have been represented in the Government and... off. DR. SAVOOR: It is possible in Hyderabad which has a Nizam, but how to do the same in an all-India constitution? What then is your idea of an ideal government for India? SRI AUROBINDO: Sir Akbar's is as good as any. My idea is like what Tagore once wrote. There may be one Rashtrapati at the top with considerable powers so as to secure a continuity of policy and an assembly representative of ...

... setting up of the Press was largely made possible by Sir Akbar Hydari, the grandfather of my friend Bilkees, wife of Air Vice-Marshall I. H. Latif, retired Chief of the Indian Air Force. Along with the letterpress and other machinery from the Hyderabad Government Press, he sent its manager to teach the basics of running a printing press. Sir Akbar was the then Dewan of Hyderabad State, under whose ...

... He told me that this building was designed by a great architect, Antonin Raymond, a friend of Pavitra's, whom he had met in Japan. It was a very fine design but money was a problem to build it. Sir Akbar Hydari, the Diwan of Hyderabad, had a great admiration for Sri Aurobindo and used to come here sometimes. Mother asked him to help get Her the money Page 87 to build Golconde and it was ...

... but one can always tell old stories. I used to know Sir Akbar Hydari, who was Finance Minister and then Prime Minister of Hyderabad. Before his time, the Hyderabad finances were in the state of chaos I have just mentioned and the Government was always short of money. It was a rich area which ought not to have been in that position. Then came Sir Akbar. He became Finance Minister and from the very first... who did not have his gift of organisation and immediately, from the very first year, again they were short of 17,000 lakhs! It was the same province, with the same revenue, the same people, but Sir Akbar's marvellous gift of organisation was no longer there. That is a true story. Very few people have this gift. It is as if you had a large number of miscellaneous things in front of you: it would ...

... or spiritual turn in individual and social life, 479; the Kingdom of God, 480; the coming spiritual age,480, 490, 658, 751 Huta, 684H, 690, 753 Huxley, Aldous, 417, 423, 694 Hydari,SirAkbar,579,730 Hymn to Durga' (Durga Stotra), 298, 786 Hymns to the Mystic Fire, 455ff Ibsen, Henrik, 79 Ideal of Human Unity, The, 404, 470ff; the problem of... handling of the hexameter, 626ff Ahmed, Asanuddin, 259 Aiyar, S. Doraiswami, 530, 579, 706 Aiyar, V. Krishnaswami, 221 Aiyar, Nagaswami, 378 Aiyar, V. V. S., 266, 378, 391,405,525 Akbar, Emperor, 8, 11, 293 Ali, Muhammad, 527 Alt, Shaukat, 527 Alipur Case (Manicktolla Bomb Case), 310ff, 359. 367 Alipur Jail, 202, 307, 310, 330, 388, 444, 490,525 Ambedkar, B. R.... 546fh Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, 78 Chirol, Sir Valentine, 269 Chitrangada, 100, 106, 185 Clough, Arthur Hugh, 639 Colebrooke, Henry, 13 Confucius, 212 Continent of Circe, The, 450 Conversations of the Dead, 338 Cornville, 134,140 Cotton, Sir Henry, 36-7, 204, 206 Cotton, James S., 31, 33,37, 38 ...

... least one modern residence for sadhaks with all reasonable amenities. In 1938, taking advantage of a handsome donation by the Government of the Nizam of Hyderabad on the initiative of the Diwan, Sir Akbar Hydari, who was one of Sri Aurobindo's ardent disciples, it now became possible for the Mother to plan the construction of a really good residence to be named Golconde. The Mother threw herself into ...

... himself, he would enjoy a calm repose. On a few occasions, we crowded round him like children, as he lay there, and began to show him two big volumes of Ajanta paintings, presented to him by Sir Akbar Hydari. The works of modern painters like Abanindranath, Nandalal and others, were also shown. Purani, Champaklal and Satyendra took interest in them and Sri Aurobindo freely gave his opinion but as ...

... tuned to the Divine, Madhav has been one of the principal, if unobtrusive, power-houses in the Ashram. Not all the sadhaks, however, have been permanent inmates of the Ashram. Some like Sir Akbar Hydari usually came only for the darshans. Others stayed for periods short or long and went away. There was S. Doraiswami Aiyar, a Nationalist and leading Madras advocate, who gave up his lucrative practice... for me! Kapāl* Sir? What to do? Sri Aurobindo: Why out of joint? It ought to strengthen your joints for the journey of Yoga. Not at all Kapāl, sir. Mind, sir, mind. Madam Doubt, sir. Madam * Bengali for fate. Page 608 Doubt! Miss Material Intellectualism, sir! Aunt Despondency, sir! Uncle Self-distrust, sir! Cousin self-depreciation, sir! The whole confounded... Nirodbaran: My hard labour and effort deprive me of the joy of creation and discourage me with a dread of the work. You say this is because I am an "efforter" and a "hower". All very well. Sir, but have you shown me the Grand Trunk Road of non-effort - not to speak of leading the way? Sri Aurobindo: There are two ways of arriving at the Grand Trunk Road. One is to climb and struggle ...

... in the Ashram, he continued his Divine ministry pressing steadily towards the goal. After independence, the political mart in India heard only stimulated battle-cries, * When Sir Akbar Hydari suggested that 'Durga' in Bande Mataram might be changed, Sri Aurobindo said by 'Durga' only the country 'India' was meant, not a Hindu Goddess. (Mother India, March 1971, p. 89.) ... from worldly life to practice Yoga at the feet of his great Guru, Rishi Aurobindo... at Sri Aurobindo Ashram there is no distinction of caste or creed. I heard this from the lips of the late Sir Akbar Hydari who... used to go there every year as on a pilgrimage. 62 The Ashram had truly become a Yogic place of pilgrimage for all India, and for the entire world; and 15 August began to have... representatives after the war. In the meantime, Indian leaders were invited to participate in a responsible Central Government and help the Allies to prosecute the war to the point of victory. Presently, Sir Stafford Cripps came to India to work out the details, and on 31 March 1942, Sri Aurobindo openly welcomed his mission in forthright terms: I have heard your broadcast. As one who has been ...

... knowledge and experience in this field. She would not engage workers from outside; it must be run by the Ashram inmates. We had at that time made some connection with the Hyderabad Government through Sir Akbar Hydari who was instrumental in, procuring a donation from the Nizam's Government for Golconde, hence the name 3 . This connection opened the channel for an experienced officer of the Government to ...

... letter. You can write to him: "It is absolutely out of the question for anyone connected with the Ashram to intervene in politics of any kind. He must not go to Sir Akbar Hydari (it would be quite useless in any case). If he went and Sir Akbar spoke to us of it we will be obliged to disavow his action as not sanctioned by us." You can send him our blessings. 3 June 1939 My dear child, I am ...