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A Scheme for The Education of Bengal [1]
A Vision of United India [6]
Alexander the great [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [1]
Ancient India in a New Light [3]
Autobiographical Notes [4]
Bande Mataram [24]
Beyond Man [2]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [1]
Down Memory Lane [1]
Early Cultural Writings [2]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
India's Rebirth [3]
Karmayogin [12]
Landmarks of Hinduism [2]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
Moments Eternal [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [5]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [6]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Nala and Damayanti [2]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [1]
On Education [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [2]
Philosophy of Indian Art [1]
Record of Yoga [1]
Reminiscences [1]
Significance of Indian Yoga [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [2]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [3]
Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [1]
Sri Rama [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Future Poetry [1]
The Human Cycle [1]
The Mother (biography) [1]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [1]
The Renaissance in India [14]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [7]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Veda and Indian Culture [2]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [2]
Writings in Bengali and Sanskrit [1]
Filtered by: Show All
A Scheme for The Education of Bengal [1]
A Vision of United India [6]
Alexander the great [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [1]
Ancient India in a New Light [3]
Autobiographical Notes [4]
Bande Mataram [24]
Beyond Man [2]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [1]
Down Memory Lane [1]
Early Cultural Writings [2]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
India's Rebirth [3]
Karmayogin [12]
Landmarks of Hinduism [2]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
Moments Eternal [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [5]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [6]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Nala and Damayanti [2]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [1]
On Education [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [2]
Philosophy of Indian Art [1]
Record of Yoga [1]
Reminiscences [1]
Significance of Indian Yoga [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [2]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [3]
Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [1]
Sri Rama [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Future Poetry [1]
The Human Cycle [1]
The Mother (biography) [1]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [1]
The Renaissance in India [14]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [7]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Veda and Indian Culture [2]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [2]
Writings in Bengali and Sanskrit [1]

Indian People : English bi-weekly of Imperial Press, Allahabad started in 1907.

139 result/s found for Indian People

... eloquent than the professional demagogue. And starvation is a better teacher than manuals of political economy." Bande Mataram of March 2,1907. An eloquent testimony to the poverty of the Indian people is furnished by the following incident: On the very day of his epoch-making triumph at the Parliament of Religions, Swami Vivekananda was invited by a rich and distinguished man to his home... and Western Disciples, pp. 586-7. The truth of the Swami's words can be best appreciated if we take them in their proper context of the then tamasic or inert state of the enormous mass of the Indian people. He felt the pulse of the nation, and with his characteristic boldness preached to it the paradoxical gospel of strength: "Your football will take you nearer to heaven than the Gita." He knew that... very grand and noble, if they were to smother all thought of their own peculiar interests, and aim henceforth, not at their own promotion, not at their own enrichment, but at the sole good of the Indian people. But such conduct we have no right to expect save from men of the most exalted and chivalrous character; and the sort of people England sends out to us are not as a rule exalted and chivalrous, ...

... civilian, Allan O. Hume (1892-1912). It was the first and for the time being the only political party in India, and its function consisted in performing the role of a buffer or cushion between the Indian people – i.e. the articulate middle class – and their colonial rulers. Behind all its rhetorical flourishes there was an attitude of submission towards the British masters, allowing itself no more than... withdrawn to the sidelines of political life, it did not mean that he had lost interest. He followed it with all the means at his disposal and also studied the character, mood and inclinations of the Indian people. ‘He studied the conditions in the country so that he might be able to judge more maturely what could be done.’ 27 The ideas thus gained and the subsequent political action he based on them... as Aurobindo Ghose and B.G. Tilak, with their programme of swaraj (independence), swadeshi (the use and consumption of Indian produce), boycott (of all things British) and upliftment of the Indian people. Ghose and Tilak had already met four or five years before and, although the latter was sixteen years older than the former, got on very well. ‘The men of extremer views were not even an organized ...

... And so in this way through an apparently insignificant event the seed of this maha-mantra was sown in the life of the Indian people. After the composition and publication of Vande Mataram in 1875, this mantra became known in learned circles. However, the soul of the Indian people was not yet awakened. Even after the publication of Anandamath in 1882, it did not inspire much enthusiasm. In the 1886... Divine Mother had been waiting just for this moment. It was known that even after the composition of Vande Mataram in 1875 and its subsequent publication, the song had still not awakened the Indian people in any considerable way. The littérateur Nabin Sen is said to have told Bankim Chandra: Look, how a good thing written unfortunately half in Sanskrit, half in Bengali, has been reduced to a ... fire swept over the whole Playground and a new life began. An immense change overtook the life in the Ashram. In 1905 the cry of Vande Mataram had released a tremendous force that awakened the Indian people and now that same maha-mantra , Vande Mataram , was awakening the whole world. A time shall come when every human being on the earth will cry out Vande Mataram ! Vande Mataram ! Vande Mataram ...


... official address Mr. Manmohan Ghose asks himself this very question and answers that the Congress represents the thinking portion of the Indian people. "The delegates present here today" he goes on "are the chosen representatives of that section of the Indian people who have learnt to think, and whose number is daily increasing with marvellous rapidity." Perhaps Mr. Ghose is a little too facile in his... person of Mr. Manmohan Ghose, who repeats and elucidates Mr. Mehta's idea. The Congress, he says, asserting the rights of that body to speak for the masses, represents the thinking portion of the Indian people, whose duty it is to guide the ignorant, and this in his opinion sufficiently justifies the Congress in calling itself national. To differ from a successful barrister and citizen, a man held in ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... human. But, in truth, nobody ever honestly believed in it. Loyalty has ever been a mere convenient tie in this country—convenient to the ruler because the reputation for profound loyalty of the Indian people keeps foreign enemies away; convenient to the ruled because like charity it covereth a multitude of political sins. But in truth no one ever really believed in this much-proclaimed virtue. No Englishman... trust and responsibility in what ought, by the law of God and nature alike, to be their own Government, surely does not prove that English statesmen ever honestly believed in the allegiance of the Indian people to their rule. The methods of state-regulated education, which carefully eschew every training or text book or instruction that is calculated to quicken any genuine love of freedom or any noble... Mahomedan populations of India that keeps them so easily under British subjection. Not loyalty, not allegiance, but mere passive acquiescence,—that is the word which sums up the real attitude of the Indian people towards their foreign master and the outlandish civic order they have established in the country. This acquiescence is due to a general belief—now rapidly being undermined and destroyed by the open ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... studied the temperament and characteristics of the British people and the turn of their political instincts, and he believed that although they would resist any attempt at self-liberation by the Indian people and would at the most only concede very slowly such reforms as would not weaken their Page 47 imperial control, still they were not of the kind which would be ruthlessly adamantine to... intermittent in its action but permanently there in principle; there was nothing of this kind in India. Sri Aurobindo had to establish and generalise the idea of independence in the mind of the Indian people and at the same time to push first a party and then the whole nation into an intense and organised political activity which would lead to the accomplishment of that ideal. His idea was to capture... aside from it in 1910 and withdrew to Pondicherry; much of his programme lapsed in his absence, but enough had been done to change the whole face of Indian politics and the whole spirit of the Indian people, to make independence its aim and non-cooperation and resistance its method, and even an imperfect application of this policy heightening into sporadic periods of revolt has been sufficient to bring ...


... 1. The Age of Imperial Unity, p. 705. 2.McCrindle. Ancient India as Described by Megasthenes and Arrian, p. 8, fn. 3."Education, Literature and Sciences", A New History of the Indian People, VI, p. 415. fn.l. 4. The Age of Imperial Unity, p. 174. Page 280 observes that, if the same monks are not spoken of, it would be indeed a very odd coincidence. But Vincent... Manusamhitā (X.43-44) grouping them with some other tribes as degraded Kshatriyas, tribes who lost Vedic rites and customs and thereby became "Dasyus". The Mahābhārata (XIII. 33, 21) calls them an Indian people that became Vriśalas (degraded castes) from seeing no Brāhmanas. Buddhist literature too tells the same story, a loss of original Aryan customs leading to a barbarous state. 1 To clinch all... the implication of Yāska's statement is: śavati in the sense "to go" is an ancient Vedic verb once in general Indian use but now restricted to the Kambojas who, unlike other sections of the Indian people, have somehow preserved it. Whether originally Irānian or no, this verb cannot make the Kambojas Irānian any more than it can make Irānian the Vedic literature of which the Nighantu took stock ...


... consolidating their position in India a sentiment of national awareness along with a feeling of revolt was developing among the Indian people. This was hastened by certain factors. First, there was the arrival of missionaries, which caused great unease among the Indian people. Evangelical Christians had little understanding of, or respect for, India's ancient faiths and the attitude of non-interference... the heart of India's Page 41 traditional ways of life and were widely condemned and hated throughout the subcontinent. Third, the economic exploitation of the Indian people by the British was slowly becoming evident even to the average Indian. Before 1857, there was resistance to British rule and these may be classified into four types: peasant counter assaults ...

... of peoples who are notorious for their worldly and un­spiritual temperament.   It is not so much a question of concrete realisation, of attain­ment and achievement arrived at by the Indian people in their work-a-day life, but primarily and above all a question of ultimate valuation, of what they hold as the supreme ideal, of what they cherish in their heart of hearts, and of the extent to... obtains at a given moment is liable to be disturbed by the least change, either in the inner consciousness, or in the outer conditions. In other words, when we speak of the spirituality of the Indian people, it is to the disposition of their psychic elements that we refer, to the tone and temper of the soul they possess and to a constant nearness of latent spiritual possibilities, that may at... herself, none compassed the veritable amplitude of her innermost reality. It is when we come to the domain of the Spirit, of God-realisation that we find the real nature and stature and genius of the Indian people; it is here that India lives and moves as in her own home of Truth. The greatest and the most popular names in Indian history are not names of warriors or statesmen, nor of poets who were only poets ...

... studied the temperament and characteristics of the British people and the turn of their political instincts, and he believed that although they would resist any attempt at self-liberation by the Indian people and would at the most only concede very slowly such reforms as would not weaken their imperial control, still they were not of the kind which would be ruthlessly adamantine to the end : if they... intermittent in its action but permanently there in principle; there was nothing of this kind in India. Sri Aurobindo had to establish and gen­eralise the idea of independence in the mind of the Indian people and at the same time to push first a party and then the whole nation into an intense and organised political activity which would lead to the accomplishment of that ideal. His idea was to capture... aside from it in 1910 and withdrew to Pondicherry; much of his programme lapsed in his absence, but enough had been done to change the whole face of Indian politics and the whole spirit of the Indian people to make independence its aim and non-cooperation and resistance its method, and even an imperfect application of this policy heightening into sporadic periods of revolt has been sufficient to bring ...


... and begin another and perhaps a more glorious cycle. The history of India has been that of the life of such a people. The master idea that has governed the life, culture, social ideals of the Indian people has been the seeking of man for his true spiritual self and the use of life—subject to a necessary evolution first of his lower physical, vital and mental nature—as a frame and means for that discovery... so as to be always, not a construction of politicians, legislators and social and political thinkers, but a strongly stable vital order natural to the mind, instincts and life intuitions of the Indian people. A second stage of the society is that in which the communal mind becomes more and more intellectually self-conscious, first in its more cultured minds, then more generally, first broadly, then... could last by modifying itself to new circumstance and environment, was allowed to survive: whatever was in intimate consonance with the psychical and the vital law of being and temperament of the Indian people became universalised and took its place in the enduring figure of the society and polity. This spontaneous principle of life was respected by the age of growing intellectual culture. The Indian ...


... Rajputana and Madhyadesa", "The Administrative Organisation", "The Coinage", "Social and Economic Conditions", "Religion and Philosophy", "Education, Literature and Sciences", A New History of the Indian People, edited by R. C. Manjumdar and A. S. Altekar (Motilal Banarsidass, Lahore, 1946), VI Ancient India, Bulletin of the Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi, Nos. 10 & 11, 1954-55 ... "The Rise of the Guptas", "Foundation of the Gupta Empire", "The Expansion of the Gupta Empire", "The Imperial Crisis", "The Distintegration of the Gupta Empire", A New History of the Indian People (Motilal Banarsidass, Lahore, 1946), VI "The Vikrama Samvat and Śakābda", "India and the Western World" , "Colonial and Cultural Expansion" , The Age of Imperial Unity... Dynasties of the Kali Age (Oxford, 1913) Ancient Indian Historical Tradition (Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1962) Paranavitana, A. P., "History of Ceylon", A New History of the Indian People, edited by R. C. Majumdar and A. S. Altekar (Motilal Banarsidass, Lahore, 1946), VI Patil, D. R., Cultural History from the Vayu Purāna (Poona, 1946) "Gupta Inscriptions ...


... political field, the tardiness, and the final collapse with the advent of the Muslims raise certain very important questions. Was there a fundamental incapacity in the political consciousness of the Indian people or were there other reasons and forces responsible for this situation? We shall try to answer these questions briefly in the following pages. A great deal has been said and written in modern... peoples of the peninsula. What were the methods adopted by the ancients to bring about this spiritual and cultural unity? Observing the religious and spiritual tendency of the Indian people, the ancient seers adopted a combination of different psychological and practical methods to bring about spiritual and cultural unity. As a first step, they created sacred religious places... in which the problem was or ought to have been envisaged. The actual turn given to the endeavour was a contradiction of the peculiar mentality of the people. Conclusion The Indian people had developed a sound political system, which ensured the participation of the whole community in all activities. It was based on the principle of an organic self -determining communal life. ...

... ideology, their customs and their languages into India, have continued to live their lives according to their own traditions. It must be noted that one of the most powerful means of uniting the Indian people was language. And in this, one will notice that Sanskrit played a very important role. In the words of Chatterjee: "Sanskrit looms large behind all Indian languages, Aryan, and non-Aryan. It is... bridge even this shortcoming. There has thus been a cultural unity binding the diverse peoples of India. However, before we get down to trying to analyze the cultural unity of the Indian people, it would be pertinent to try to understand what we mean by the culture of a people. The aim of culture The aim of all human life is to seek happiness in this world, and... However in the application of spirituality to the political and social life, there were great difficulties. As already seen, the master idea that has governed the life, culture, social ideals of the Indian people has been the seeking of man for his true spiritual self; and it looked upon life as the frame and means for that discovery and for man's ascent from the ignorant natural into the spiritual existence ...

... the life of peoples who are notorious for their worldly and unspiritual temperament. It is not so much a question of concrete realisation, of attainment and achievement arrived at by the Indian people in their work-a-day life, but primarily and above all a question of ultimate valuation, of what they hold as the supreme ideal, of what they cherish in their heart of hearts, and of the extent to... obtains at a given moment is liable to be disturbed by the least change, either in the inner consciousness, or in the outer conditions. In other words, when we speak of the spirituality of the Indian people, it is to the disposition of their psychic elements that we refer, to the tone and temper of the soul they possess and to a constant nearness of latent spiritual possibilities: that may at any... herself, none compassed the veritable amplitude of her innermost reality. It is when we come to the domain of the Spirit, of God-realisation that we find the real nature and stature and genius of the Indian people; it is here that India lives and moves as in her own home of Truth. The greatest and the most popular names in Indian history are not names of warriors or statesmen, nor of poets who were only poets ...

... harmful the governing ideas of this religious philosophy as he understands or imagines he understands them. He explains the pervading irrational character of Hindu religion by the allegation that the Indian people have always gravitated towards the form rather than the substance and towards the letter rather than the spirit. One would have supposed that this kind of gravitation is a fairly universal feature... one would think that if anything an excess rather than a paralysis of the creative imagination might be charged against the Indian mind. Animism and magic are the prevailing characteristics. The Indian people has displayed a genius for obfuscating reason and formalising, materialising and degrading religion. If India has possessed great thinkers, she has not extracted from their thoughts a rational and ...


... social and political teaching, and their effect and hold on the mind and life of the people have been so great that they have been described as the bible of the Indian people. That is not quite an accurate analogy, for the bible of the Indian people contains also the Veda and Upanishads, the Purana and Tantras and the Dharmashastras, not to speak of a large bulk of the religious poetry in the regional languages ...


... swept by barbaric invasions and for almost another thousand years in servitude to successive foreign masters. It is clear therefore that judgment of political incapacity must be passed against the Indian people. Here again the first necessity is to get rid of exaggerations, to form a clear idea of the actual facts and their significance and understand the tendencies and principles involved in the problem... The lifeless attempt of the last generation to imitate and reproduce with a servile fidelity the ideals and forms of the West has been no true indication of the political mind and genius of the Indian people. But again amid all the mist of confusion there is still the possibility of a new twilight, not of an evening but a morning Yuga-sandhya. India of the ages is not dead nor has she spoken her last ...


... the new Indian Union for inclusion within it and this would automatically accomplish itself without any further difficulty; but things are not so simple as that. Undoubtedly the sentiment of the Indian people had in the past envisaged an India one and indivisible and the abolition of the small enclaves of foreign rule such as Portuguese and French India as imperative and inevitable. But circumstances... other arrangements might be made by which there should be closer participation in the political life of the country as a whole. The final logical outcome of the dual situation of the French Indian people would be a dual citizenship under certain conditions through which French India could be in the French Union and participate without artificial barriers in the life of India as a whole. The present ...


... imitate and to improve. Japan has reorganized herself without the blessings of foreign rule, China is doing the same, and there is no reason to suppose that there is any constitutional defect in the Indian people which would prevent them from following the example if the alien incubus were removed. In none of these cases would foreign rule facilitate the transition to a modern organization of politics and... bring them nearer to each other. Those who like Mr. Krishnaswamy Aiyar think that because Europe will take much of India's religion and philosophy, therefore she will learn to love and respect the Indian people, forget that Europe adopted a modified Judaism as her religion, yet hated, despised and horribly persecuted the Jews. European prejudice will always refuse to regard Asiatics as anything but an ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... European Science has rudely scouted the claims of Comparative Philology to rank as a Science; European Ethnology has dismissed the Aryo-Dravidian theory of the philologist & tends to see in the Indian people a single homogeneous race; it has been trenchantly suggested and plausibly upheld that the Vedas themselves offer no evidence that the Indian races were ever outside India but even prove the contrary—an... the general mind. Alone in all this overthrow the European account of Vedic religion & Vedic civilisation remains as yet intact & unchallenged by any serious questioning. Even in the minds of the Indian people, with their ancient reverence for Veda, the Europeans have effected an entire divorce between Veda & Vedanta. The consistent religious development of India has been theosophic, mystical, Vedantic ...


... 31, 1902, p. 196. 2.Quoted in English by Govind Pai in The Journal of Indian History, August 1935, p. 197. 3."New Indian States in Rajputana and Madhyadesa", A New History of the Indian People, edited by R. C. Majumdar and A. S. Altekar (Motilal Banarsidass, Lahore, 1946), Vol. VI, p. 41, fn. I. Page 30 ies even in the distant parts of the empire refer to their overlords... Raychaudhuri, 2 assuming that "much light is thrown on the character of Chandra Gupta Vikramāditya's administration by the narrative of Fa-hien", notes apropos of the pilgrim's account of the Indian people of his day his statement: "In buying and selling commodities they use cowries." Raychaudhuri comments: "The last statement evidently refers to such small transactions as Fa-hien had occasion to ...


... social and political teaching, and their effect and hold on the mind and life of the people have been so great that they have been described as the bible of the Indian people. That is not quite an accurate analogy, for the bible of the Indian people contains also the Veda and Upanishads, the Purana and Tantras and the Dharmashastras, not to speak of a large bulk of the religious poetry in the regional languages ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... him on his honour as a politician that the Executive authority would do its best to make plaster-of-Paris taste exactly like wheat. With this assurance Mr. Schwann and the Indian people were quite satisfied. Happy Indian people! And yet now that the loaf has actually reached their hands, they seem a little inclined to quarrel with the gift: they have even Page 9 complained that the proportion ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... morality, justice and every other consideration. Subject to that necessity Mr. Morley proposes to allow a certain amount of free speech if that be possible. Free speech was harmless so long as the Indian people had not set their heart on self-government; but now that they are resolved to have nothing short of self-government, free speech means seditious speech, and sedition is not consistent with the ... ruled, in other words, of thoroughly understanding their thoughts, feelings and point of view. This does not mean that they shall rule India according to the sentiments, views and wishes of the Indian people. The whole conduct of Mr. Morley and the whole trend of his utterances show that he means the opinions of the Government to prevail without regard to Indian opinions and sentiments. The rulers are ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... 777 to give us, it is the drone of many notables and the mechanical squeaking of officially manipulated puppets that we shall hear, and this, the world will be told, is the voice of the Indian people. But Anglo-Indian statesmanship will not rest satisfied with reducing the ineffective voice with which they desire to delude our aspirations, to the character of a flat and foolish echo; they... Mahomedans as a counterpoise to the Hindus has been openly adopted. In the new Legislative Councils the Mahomedans are to have representation not as children of the soil, an integral portion of one Indian people, but as a politically distinct and hostile interest which will, it is hoped, outweigh or at least nullify the Hindus. The bureaucratic Machiavels have not realised that the conditions of the new ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... but by themselves they can only partially serve the wider national aim which is the heart of the great movement commenced in 1905, the industrial independence of the Indian people. There is no doubt that the great mass of the Indian people cherish this aspiration and would willingly follow any practicable means of bringing it into the list of accomplished ideals. Previous to the great movement in Bengal ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... features were of India's own kind and not at all the same thing as modern parliaments and modern democracy. And so considered they are a much more remarkable evidence of the political capacity of the Indian people in their Page 386 living adaptation to the ensemble of the social mind and body of the nation than when we judge them by the very different standard of Western society and the peculiar... result of conquest but more probably or more commonly from economic necessity, of servants and labourers. The predominance from early times of the religious and spiritual tendency in the mind of the Indian people brought about at the top of the social system the growth of the Brahmin order, priests, scholars, legists, repositories of the sacred lore of the Vedas, a development paralleled elsewhere but here ...


... Mahomedans as a counterpoise to the Hindus has been openly adopted.* In the new Legislative Councils the Mahomedans are to have representation not as children of the soil, an integral portion of one Indian people, but as a politically distinct and hostile interest which will, it is hoped, outweigh or at least nullify the Hindus The Hindus have become self-conscious, they have heard a voice that cries ... and least of all the ill-advised Frankenstein who was first responsible for its creation. The common belief among Hindus is that the Government have decided to depress the Hindu element in the Indian people by raising the Mahomedan element, and ensure a perpetual preponderance in their own favour by leaning on a Mahomedan vote purchased by a system of preference. The denials of high-placed officials ...


... Dadabhai Naoroji   entered the political fray in 1852 at the age of 27. He felt that the British misrule of India was because of ignorance of the way of life and the needs of the Indian people. To remedy this he felt that he must educate the Indian masses of their rights. He also believed that the British bureaucracy in India must be made aware of the problems of India. He wrote several... newspaper entitled Jnanaprakash, which allowed him to voice his reformist views on politics and society. Gokhale visited England and voiced his concerns relating to the unfair treatment of the Indian people by Page 48 the British government. He pleaded for gradual reform to ultimately attain Swaraj, or self-government, in India. He was instrumental in the formation of the ...

... of the Greater Life. For about 1,000 years since the beginning of the Christian era, Indian culture was a living thing, an expression of the sanity, vitality and intellectual keenness of the Indian people; and "though sophistication set in and proliferated, the links with the spirit were not snapped: It is still and always spiritual, philosophical, religious, ethical, but the inner austerer... seemed to be slowly sinking into a morass of decay and degeneration. Not only in Bengal, this tendency prevailed more or less in the whole of India, and its evils crept into the entire life of the Indian people, the forms and institutions of which were either dead or dying. 16 The native vitality and robust zest for life that had once seemed verily inexhaustible now showed clear signs of emasculation ...

... with a strong desire to conciliate Mr. Pherozshah Mehta, that the Congress fails, because it has never been, and has made no honest endeavour to be, a popular body empowered by the fiat of the Indian people in its entirety. But for all that I have not managed to bring my view into coincidence with Mr. Mehta's. It is true he is not invincibly reluctant to concede the limits, which hedge in the Congress ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... more such students to foreign countries. 15) Others will be sent to travel through various countries on foot, inspiring by their lives, behaviour and conversation, sympathy and love for the Indian people in the European nations and preparing the way for their acceptance of Aryan ideals. After the erection and consecration of the Temple, the development of the work of the Order will be pushed ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... reality and unsparing struggle is rapidly taking its place. In the fierce heat of that conflict all shams must wither away and all empty dreams be dissolved. The issue has been fairly put between the Indian people and the alien bureaucracy. "Destroy or thou shalt be destroyed," and the issue will have to be fought out, not "it may be a century hence," but now, in the next two or three decades. Page 109 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... spiritual aim are the uniting bond of Indian religion and, behind all its thousand forms, its one common essence. If there were nothing else to be said in favour of the spiritual genius of the Indian people or the claim of Indian civilisation to stand in the front rank as a spiritual culture, it would be sufficiently substantiated by this single fact that not only was this greatest and widest spiritual ...


... kind of ground as the later Rajput work in a more ample fashion and with a more antique greatness of spirit and was in its ensemble an interpretation of the whole religion, culture and life of the Indian people. The one important and significant thing that emerges is the constant Page 300 oneness and continuity of all Indian art in its essential spirit and tradition. Thus the earlier work at ...


... human figure. But Indian poets and authorities on art have given in this connection the simile of the lion, and lo and behold Mr. Archer solemnly discoursing on this image as a plain proof that the Indian people were only just out of the semi-savage state! It is only too clear that they drew the ideal of heroic manhood from their native jungle, from theriolatry, that is to say, from a worship of wild beasts ...


... humour, an unobtrusive elasticity and equanimity in the vicissitudes of life are very marked features of the Indian character. The whole theory of a want of life and will and activity in the Indian people as a result of their culture is then a myth. The circumstances which have given some colour to it in later times will be noted in their proper place; but they are a feature of the decline and even ...


... movement and develops gradually behind the pomp and motion of this outward action the thought, the influences, the temperament and tendencies that were to govern another millennium of the life of the Indian people. Page 367 ...


... 149, 155-156,219, 241(fn), 249 and the communal principle, 19, 53 ,195 corruption in, 209 a Fascist organization. 215 imitation of, 61,62 Page 266 and the Indian people, 18,32 and Jinnah, 223 it s leaders, 10, 20 and Pakistan, 224 and th e Partition, 244 sessions of, -Arnrttsar (1919), 149 -Calcutta ( 1906), 35 . Lahore ( 1929), 149(fn) -Luc know (1916) ...


... companions. For some time Sri Aurobindo thought of returning to British India, but he soon saw that "enough had been done to change the whole face of Indian politics and the whole spirit of the Indian people to make independence its aim," as he wrote later. "His own personal intervention in politics would therefore no longer be indispensable. Apart from all this, the magnitude of the spiritual work ...


... in the world and not a work outside or separate from it. The life of the ancient Rishis in their Ashramas had such a connection; they were creators, educators, guides of men and the life of the Indian people in ancient times was largely developed and directed by their shaping infiuence. The life and activities involved in the new endeavour are not identical but they too must be an action upon the world ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... This is emphatically not the ideal of the new party, for we are opposed to any accommodation with the Government which precedes or dispenses with the concession of effective self-government to the Indian people. We shall shortly make a succinct and definitive statement of our programme and demands; and if there is really no difference of ideals, if the whole quarrel is a misunderstanding and the old leaders ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... single transition, and its meaning is far deeper than appears on the surface. It means that the two forces which must contend for the possession of India's future,—the British bureaucracy and the Indian people,—have at last clashed in actual conflict. Barisal meant passive, martyr-like endurance; Comilla means active, courageous resistance. The fighting is at present only on the far eastern fringe of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... then are the original ideas from which the Loyalist gospel proceeds? It has a triple foundation of error. First comes the postulate that disunion and weakness are ingrained characteristics of the Indian people and an outside power is necessary Page 358 in order to arbitrate, to keep the peace and to protect the country from the menace of the mightier nations that ring us in. Proceeding from ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... this fact when with an indiscreet frankness he referred to the educated class in India as "our enemies". A long era of repression and reaction culminating in Curzonism has opened the eyes of the Indian people. They have learnt that not only were the reforms of Liberal Viceroys and Governments small and ineffective in themselves, but that they were held on a precarious tenure. Mr. Morley or another might ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... innocent, but as he had suffered punishment for his innocence, it was not necessary to go any further into the matter. This too is British law and British justice. If all this does not convince the Indian people that the British sense of justice is most marvellous and unique and sui generis and without any peer or parallel in the world, it must indeed be hard-hearted and dull of soul. For our part we ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... that the Councils will be a Mahomedan and European body. British Unfitness for Liberty By all Anglo-Indian papers it was triumphantly announced as a conclusive proof of the unfitness of the Indian people for self-government that the Surat Congress should have been broken up by the storming of the platform when passions were highly excited and relations between parties at breaking-point. Every ordinary ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... have been condemned and needed others to help them out of the mire, these sons of Bharatavarsha, inheritors of an unexampled moral and spiritual tradition, have vindicated the superiority of the Indian people and its civilisation to all other peoples in the globe and all other civilisations by the spirit in which they have refused to recognise the dominance of brute force over the human soul. Stripped ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... Government to farther ill-advised measures of repression and adding darkness to darkness and confusion to confusion. Statesmanship they never had, but even common sense has departed from them. The Indian people made a fair offer of peace and alliance to them at the beginning of the movement by including goods produced in India through European enterprise and with European capital as genuine Swadeshi goods; ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... only gave the idea of a preconcerted and deliberate massacre on the impossibility being forced on them of connecting Arabi with that event." This phase of the incident, too, is not unfamiliar to Indian people, namely, how the authorities have in the past strained every nerve to screen the actual instigators and wrong doers, namely, the police, and foist upon innocent men the origin of riots. But the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... machines—national men, able men, men fit to carve out a career for themselves by their own brain power and resource, fit to meet the shocks of life and breast the waves of adventure. So shall the Indian people cease to sleep and become once more a people of heroes, patriots, originators, so shall it become a nation and no longer a disorganised mass of men. National education must therefore be on national ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... faculty. It was the mission of England to bring this rough material to India, but in the arrogance of her material success she presumed to take upon herself the role of a teacher and treated the Indian people partly as an infant to be instructed, partly as a serf to be schooled to labour for its lords. The farce is played out. England's mission in India is over and it is time for her to recognise the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... raise up the force which is as yet weak and set up one force against the other, so that it may never be possible for us to be faced in the Legislative Council by a united majority representing the Indian people and demanding things which we are determined never to give." Obviously when two forces stand against each other equally determined in two opposite directions, the people can only effect their ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... fail to be a dominant consideration. If any educational work has to be done in England, it is to convince these classes that it is only by the concession of control that the co-operation of the Indian people can be secured. And that work is best done from India. Page 182 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... and least of all the ill-advised Frankenstein who was first responsible for its creation. The common belief among Hindus is that the Government have decided to depress the Hindu element in the Indian people by raising the Mahomedan element, and ensure a perpetual preponderance in their own favour by leaning on a Mahomedan vote purchased by a system of preference. The denials of high-placed officials ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... infinite in thy forms, thou art contentment, compassion, patience and indomitable hero-ism, faith and endurance and knowledge of every kind. Be gracious, noble goddess; dwell long in the hearts of the Indian people! सिन्धून् हिमाद्रिञ्च सुसौम्यभासा प्रकाशयन्ती सुदृढप्रतिष्ठा। तिष्ठ प्रसन्ना चिरमार्यभूमौ महाप्रतापे जगतो हिताय ॥९९॥ Illumining these rivers and snowy mountains with a most gentle lustre, ...


... they met at every step; 6. Although the armies of Islam which came in wave after wave succeeded in imposing alien rule over large parts of India and converting some sections of the Indian people, they continued to face a war of resistance, which became a war of liberation in due course and broke the back of Islamic imperialism in the eighteenth century; 7. Christian-Western ...


... Ashram, with its International Centre of Education, should rouse the greatest interest and win the utmost encouragement. For, its work can be seen in intimate relation to the typical genius of the Indian people. Every country has its own basic psychological character and it can truly develop if it acts in consonance with that national personality. Historical India has been two things preeminently. On the ...


... On that occasion All India Radio, station Trichinopoly, asked Sri Aurobindo — he who had inculcated the idea of an absolute and unconditional independence upon the minds and the hearts of the Indian people — for a message. Sri Aurobindo rarely complied with such requests, but this time he wrote one of the important documents in his life. His text, read by a news reader, was broadcast on 14 August ...


... dissolve the ego-complex and then only we could enter into the Divine Life and enjoy the bliss of life while it lasted. This spiritual ideal became so wide-spread and deep-rooted in the mind of Indian people that life and matter were neglected in an exclusive Page 30 pursuit of the Spirit and the moment one realised it, he attained to the bliss of Brahman. Naturally, even this was ...

... Modern researchers like our own Sankalia as well as western scholars like Macdonell and Keith, authors of the Vedic Index, deduce from several expressions that the spiritual forefathers of the Indian people were non-vegetarians or at least not rigidly imitative of their own cows and horses in their dietary habits. Mind you, I am not defending meat-eating. My own natural instinct is in the opposite ...


... the affirmations of the Upanishads. A comparative study of the Vedas and the Upanishads will show that the Upanishads continue the Vedic effort of Yoga and the Upanishads provided to the Indian people a sure foundation of their own special genius. We find in the Upanishads the real budding of the soul of India, which has been continuously striving to bloom to its fullness during the long course ...

... art of painting by both men and women of the cultural classes. Even the later Rajput work continues the spirit and depth of the interpretation of spirituality, religion, culture and life of the Indian people. The six essential elements described in the Indian shastra of Indian painting can be considered to be something that is common in painting everywhere. But the Indian shastra gives us the evidence ...

... the mind of ancient India did not err when it traced back all its philosophy, religion and essential things of its culture to these seer poets; for he found that all the future spirituality of Indian people was contained there in seed or in first expression. According to Sri Aurobindo, the Vedic Rishis had discovered secrets and powers of Nature, which were not those of the physical world but which ...


... travelled downstream he would land, assault the cities near the banks, and subdue them all. However when he attacked the tribe known as the Malli, who are said to be the most warlike of all the Indian people, he nearly lost his life.(...) Alexander's voyage to the mouth of the Indus occupied seven months. When he reached the open sea with his ships, he sailed out to an island which he himself named ...


... the middle.... Indian poets and authorities on art have given in this connection the simile of the lion, and lo and behold Mr. Archer solemnly discoursing on this image as a plain proof that the Indian people were just only out of the semi-savage state! It is only too clear that they drew the ideal of heroic manhood from their native jungle, from theriolatry, that is to say, from a worship of wild beasts ...

... of middle-class India as a thinker on economic Swadeshi; he was inspired by the nationalism of Sri Aurobindo and Tilak. All these factors led to a gradual awakening of the Indian people to the British economic exploitation. It was inevitable that sooner or later, there would be a revolt against British rule. Since the political consciousness was not yet fully awakened ...

... English language and had established a vast railway network and telegraph lines. This brought the country some kind of administrative unity. But they also began a systematic exploitation of the Indian people. Page 6 Despite this political division and total disunity, the concept of India existed. There was still a notion of Indian civilisation and culture existing in this ge ...

... peoples of the peninsula. What were the methods adopted by the ancients to bring about this spiritual and cultural unity? Observing the religious and spiritual tendency of the Indian people, the ancient seers adopted a combination of different psychological and practical methods to bring about spiritual and cultural unity. As a first step, they created sacred religious places and ...

... improvement of the political status of the Muslims in India. In this he was aided by two factors: 1. The clever move by the British who declared that no political concession would be given to the Indian people unless there was a fair measure of agreement between the Hindus and the Muslims.. 2. Secondly, the repeated declaration of Gandhi and the Congress party that there could be no solution to ...

... by degrees people are drawn towards the soul and the beyond and all that, wouldn't that prove to be ruinous for the race and did not something like this actually take place in the history of the Indian people?" "Ma bhaih, Page 477 fear not," I assured him. "Only a few turn to this Path. After all, out of millions and millions how many – or how few – come this way?" But they ...

... movement a living and acting force. He was the leader of the 'extremist' group at Surat in 1907 when the first split occured in the National Congress. He was "one of the two or three leaders of the Indian people who were in their eyes the incarnations of the national endeavour and the God-given captains of the national aspiration." He was the Lokamanya Tilak. A politician, a lawyer, an educationist, a social ...

... creative of life, of a life not yet realised here. The Truth seen presses for realisation. In this sense it has been said that the sages and seers of the Vedas and the Upanishads created the Indian people. It is their Vision that caught hold of the soul of the race which cast its whole life, in all its intellectual, aesthetic, religious, social and political forms of cultural activity into the mould ...

... we watch with amusement (and pity) the hapless and cumbrous antagonist writhing in the nimble grasp of Sri Aurobindo. There are other occasions still when Sri Aurobindo is the tribune of the Indian people, and through him the disarmed and emasculated proletariat speak with awakened knowledge and pride and defiance to the civilised world in the strength of their new-found self-confidence and ...

... period - translations, narrative poetry, dramatic poetry, and other poetry both sacred and secular. The return to India, the renewed contact (after the suspension of fourteen years) with Indian people and Indian culture, seems to have released in Sri Aurobindo a hidden spring of literary activity, and the flow of verse - whether as translation or as original creation - seems to have continued ...

... but people had the certainty that their approval or disapproval of any action of the government would be effective; a sort of socialist democracy. In this way, a well-ordered civic life for the Indian people was assured. People were all for a good administration, as it allowed them to go about their daily lives unhindered, and lead a life of productivity and ease. In that commerce and industry had a ...

... people with a measure of impartiality, a rule that explains the support extended by Buddhist and Brahmin emperors to both the rival religions." This freedom of religion became ingrained in the Indian people. Different religions lived side by side. Persecuted peoples from other lands, like the Parsi, the Jew, or Syrian Christians, sought refuge on Indian shores. The world knew that Hindus had a ...

... could be brought about, this man had to come and, once in the field, had to come to the front. He could not but stand in the end where he stands today, as one of the two or three leaders of the Indian people who are in their eyes the incarnations of the national endeavour and the God-given captains of the national aspiration. His life, his character, his work and endurance, his acceptance by the heart ...


... it is certain that, aided by the inrush of the vulgar, the mechanical and the commonplace from the commercial West, they had succeeded in entirely vulgarising the aesthetic mind and soul of the Indian people. Its innate and instinctive artistic taste has disappeared; the eye and the aesthetic sense have not been so much corrupted as killed. What more flagrant sign of this debacle could there be ...


... if they were to smother all thought of their own peculiar interests, and aim henceforth, not at their own promotion, not at their own enrichment, but at the Page 18 sole good of the Indian people. But such conduct is what we have no right to expect save from men of the most exalted and chivalrous character; and the sort of people England sends out to us are not as a rule exalted and chivalrous ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... anything which could be construed into an acknowledgement of responsibility for his political actions to an established authority ruling and resolved to continue ruling without the consent of the Indian people. Page 615 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... in wrecking and breaking for its own sake. The Bengalee calls upon the people to repudiate these traitors, and the Tribune of Lahore, the Indu Prakash and Social Reformer of Bombay, the Indian People of Allahabad have by this time swelled that cry. The principle that underlay our attempt to get Lajpat elected to the Presidential chair has not been appreciated by the Punjabee , the Hindu ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... powers of the world to look on in amazement at His wonderful workings. When we left Pabna we knew that He was at work to unite the Bengali race. We hope yet to see that He is at work to unite the Indian people. When the Convention Committee meets at Allahabad, it will be seen whether it is His will to unite the parties into a single whole or to separate them from each other, so that the work of salvation ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... very hazy and confused notions regarding the character and constitution of that nation. Our history has been different in many respects from the history of other peoples. The composition of the Indian people has been unique in all the world. Nations grew in the past by the accretion and assimilation of different tribes. This is an earlier process. But India has not been a mere meeting place of tribes ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... been sadly uneasy and troubled ever since the appearance of the new party as a force in politics. Probably, it feels its secure and comfortable position as a [......] and worshipped patron of the Indian people threatened by the emergence of an obdurate and unpatronisable element. And it is at a loss how to deal with this unexampled situation. Sometimes fatherly, sometimes magisterial, now menacing, now ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... must firmly adhere and rely on them alone for our eventual success. A respect for the law is a necessary quality for endurance as a nation and it has always been a marked characteristic of the Indian people. We must therefore scrupulously observe the law while taking every advantage both of the protection it gives and the latitude it still leaves for pushing forward our cause and our Page 151 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... Karmayogin Bengal and the Congress The dissensions in the Congress have been a severe test of the capacity of the Indian people to act politically under modern conditions. The first necessary element of democratic politics is difference of opinion, robust, frank, avowed, firmly and passionately held, and the first test of political capacity in a democratic ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... as an inevitable feature of party excitement. The rough horseplay of public meetings which is a familiar feature of excited times in England, would not be tolerated by the more self-disciplined Indian people. As for really serious disturbance the worst things of that kind which have happened in India occurred at Surat when Sj. Surendranath Banerji was refused a hearing and on the next day when Mr. Tilak ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... political justification for it have disappeared. Discomfited and humiliated by the Government, they can still find no way to retrieve their position nor any clear and rational course to suggest to the Indian people whom they misled into a misunderstanding of the very limited promises held out by Lord Morley. Separated from the great volume of Nationalist feeling in the country, wilfully shutting its doors ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... that the secret societies are not secret and their members are known to the public, has only to be mentioned in order to show the spirit of Page 427 this gratuitous adviser of the Indian people. Nor can one peruse without a smile the suggestion that the Hindu community should use the weapon of social ostracism against the Terrorists. Whom are we to outcaste, the hanged or transported assassin ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... in the world and not a work outside or separate from it. The life of the ancient Rishis in their Ashramas had such a connection; they were creators, educators, guides of men and the life of the Indian people in ancient times was largely developed and directed by their shaping influence. The life and activities involved in the new endeavour are not identical but they too must be an action upon the world ...


... spiritual effort which are even now distinguishing marks of the Indian temperament. It is that readiness, that sensitiveness which justifies us when we speak of the characteristic spirituality of the Indian people. Page 219 The ancient idea of the adhikāra has to be taken into careful account if we would understand the peculiar character of Indian religion. In most other religious systems we ...


... ancient spirituality and philosophy and socio-religious culture. In their avowed intention they are popular summaries of the cosmogony, symbolic myth and image, tradition, cult, social rule of the Indian people continued, as the name Purana signifies, from ancient times. There is no essential change, but only a change of forms. The psychic symbols or true images of truth belonging to the Vedic age disappear ...


... shall only attempt to bring out certain points by a consideration of some of the most representative master works of creative intuition and imagination taken as a record of the soul and mind of the Indian people. The early mind of India in the magnificent youth of the nation, when a fathomless spiritual insight was at work, a subtle Page 317 intuitive vision and a deep, clear and greatly ...


... aside from it in 1910 and withdrew to Pondicherry; much of his programme lapsed in his absence, but enough had been done to change the whole face of Indian politics and the whole spirit of the Indian people to make independence its aim and non-cooperation and resistance its method, and even an imperfect application of this policy heightening into sporadic periods of revolt has been sufficient to bring ...


... lining of a bird's nest on the floor. Vision of future India 3) An elephant, initial crude condition on wall, ill-kept and spiritless; the same, feebly lifting its trunk to order. Symbol of the Indian people at the present moment. Seen at Chandannagar often, of Page 39 the past, charging furiously with lashing trunk. Also of the future, ibidem, controlled by a tender, disciplined and waiting ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... generality of men, but by a slight and indirect process, not profoundly, not puissantly, not permanently. The Indian metaphysical systems have influenced Page 90 the whole mentality of the Indian people profoundly, puissantly, permanently, not because of their logical subtleties, not even so much by the force & loftiness of their general ideas, but by their close dependence on powerful and wid ...


... England will be unable to resist except by one of three means. (1) universal conscription in England & the Colonies (2) the aid of Japan or some other foreign power (3) the aid of the Indian people. The first is useless for the defence of India, in case III, & can only be applied in case II, if England is still mistress of the seas. The second is dangerous to England herself, since the ...


... niti shatakam. Their main theme is the supremacy of learning and charade Readers will find in them the familiar ideas which are deeply interwoven with th e Page 142 ethos of the Indian people. It is an acknowledged fact that India has laid a greater stress on the pursuit of knowledge rather than on the pursuit of power or wealth. The Indian mind considers purity to be worthier of reverence ...


... in the world and not a work outside or separate from it. The life of the ancient Rishis in their Ashramas had such a connection; they were creators, educators, guides of men and the life of the Indian people in ancient times was largely developed and directed by their shaping influence. The life and activities involved in the new endeavour are not identical but they too must be an action upon the world ...

... significant mythus or tale expressive of some spiritual or religious or ethical or ideal meaning and thus formative of the mind of the people." Valmiki and Vyasa indeed shaped the minds of the Indian people. They were architects and sculptors of life. Their epics contain a deep reflection on life, on human psychology, on society, politics and religion. If the Mahabharata has been spoken of as a fifth ...


... Englishman about the Battle of Assaye. He said that when the French king fell, the soldiers didn't know what to do. They simply stood at their posts and were mopped up by the British. PURANI: The Indian people also had no unity among themselves. They didn't think in terms of their country as a whole. Someone, in writing about the Mahrattas, said that they had tremendous national egoism but no unity, and ...


... whom I have already quoted. He brings out the Mother's stand on the Cripps-question: "Then came the famous Cripps' Proposals. In the evening Sir Stafford Cripps broadcast his Proposals to the Indian people, from Delhi; they were discussed everywhere. In P's room the radio was installed and a connection made to Sri Aurobindo's room so that he might listen to the war-news and reports from all quarters ...

... relating to the ultimate aims of life which provide a clue to the enigma of the continuity of Indian culture and to the problems of building up a greater and more glorious cultural edifice for the Indian people should be provided. Finally, a somewhat detailed account of the story of the freedom struggle which constitutes our immediate past which presents us with a record of an unusual stirring ...

... to be determined by the varieties of deepest psychic and spiritual experiences shared and expressed by hundreds of the Vedic seers. It can be seen that the post-Vedic and later spirituality of Indian people was contained in the Veda in seed or in the first expression. The great force of intuition and inner experience, so evident in the Veda and the Upanishad, gave to the Indian mind the sense and ...


... colonial self-government. Some of these leaders were emotionally nationalists and yet intellectually loyalists. There was a view that disunion and weakness are ingrained characteristics of the Indian people and outside power was necessary in order to arbitrate, to keep the peace and to protect the country from the menace of the mightier nations. They also advocated that a healthy development was possible ...

... art of painting by both men and women of the cultural classes. Even the later Rajput work continues the spirit and depth of the interpretation of spirituality, religion, culture and life of the Indian people. The six essential elements described in the Indian shastra of Indian painting can be considered to be something that is common in painting everywhere. But the Indian shastra gives us the evidence ...


... in any aspect of its domestic or external affairs. The principle on which these proposals are based is that the new Constitution should be framed by the elected representatives of the Indian people themselves. So we propose that immediately after hostilities are ended, a constitution-making body should be set up consisting of elected representatives from British India and if the Indian States ...

... free and independent Government during the pendency of the war. The Committee would repeat that the essential fundamental prerequisite for the assumption of responsibility by the Indian people in the present is their realisation as a fact that they are free and are in charge of maintaining and defending their freedom. What is most wanted is the enthusiastic response of the people, which ...

... in any aspect of its domestic or external affairs. The principle on which these proposals are based is that the new Constitution should be framed by the elected representatives of the Indian people themselves. So we propose that immediately after hostilities are ended, a constitution-making body should be set up consisting of elected representatives from British India and if the Indian States ...

... the system of election that was introduced most cynically, a separate electorate for the Muslims was brought in. But despite all the show of reforms, no real responsibility was handed over to the Indian people. In fact, Morley was quite clear as to what his objective was. He said: "If I were attempting to set up a parliamentary system in India, or it could be said that this chapter of reforms led directly ...

... after the sixth century B.C. The gospel of inaction and pessimism did become a predominant influence, and it was this that was responsible for a great weakening of the dynamic impulse of the Indian people. Even today's weakness of India can largely be traced to that influence. But it must be stressed that the pessimistic tendencies had always to fight against other contending philosophies ...


... to be determined by the varieties of deepest psychic and spiritual experiences shared and expressed by hundreds of the Vedic seers. It can be seen that the post-Vedic and later spirituality of Indian people was contained in the Page 101 Veda in seed or in first expression. A great force of intuition and inner experience, so evident in the Veda and the Upanishad, gave to the Indian mind ...


... on them alone for our eventual success. A respect for the law is a necessary quality for endurance as a nation Page 319 and it has always been a marked characteristic of the Indian people. We must therefore scrupulously observe the law while taking every advantage both of the protection it gives and the latitude it still leaves for pushing forward our cause and our propaganda. ...

... in the world and not a work outside or separate from it. The life of the ancient Rishis in their Ashramas had such a connection; they were creators, educators, guides of men and the life of the Indian people in ancient time was largely developed and directed by their shaping influence. The life and activities involved in the new endeavour are not identical, but they too must be an action upon the world ...

... degrees people are drawn towards the soul and the beyond and all that, wouldn't that prove to be ruinous for the race and did not something like this actually take place in the history of the Indian people?" "Ma bhaih, fear not," I assured him. "Only a few turn to this Path. After all, out of millions and millions how many—or how few—come this way?" But they counteracted my remark by saying ...


... more such students to foreign countries. 15. Others will be sent to travel through various countries on foot, inspiring by their lives, behaviour and conversation, sympathy and love for the Indian people in the European nations and preparing the way for their acceptance of Aryan ideals. Page 78 After the erection and consecration of the Temple, the development of the work of ...


... been in the Sumerian period. Disciple : What is the nature of this collective, or if I may say so, Super-personality ? Sri Aurobindo : You have to look to the characteristics of the Indian people to understand that super-personality ) must be something that corresponds to them. When you are on the other side of mind you can look at it from beyond and see how this works below here ; but ...

... to the publication and added in her letter, "Being close to the Mother, you would be in a better position to know what she meant by a great and free India. I would say it meant that the Indian people should be more alive to their rich philosophical and cultural heritage and try to observe these high ideals in their daily life. This would strengthen us individually and help us to build a strong ...

... but a single and very limited class, could not honestly be called national____ It has never been, and has made no honest endeavour to be, a popular body empowered by the fiat of the Indian people in its entirety." He decried the Congress body's decrepitude. "Our actual enemy is not any force exterior to ourselves, but our own crying weaknesses, our cowardice, our selfishness, our hypocrisy ...

... writings of that period, it came to me that here was the Trident of Mahadeva. One prong jabbed the Bureaucracy. One prong jabbed the Moderates. One prong, Nationalism, jabbed the Indian people. The trident's handle was the Mother. "We recognise no political object of worship except the divinity in our Motherland." Page 457 ...

... whom his name has been anathema and his increasing pre-eminence figured as a portent of evil.... He could not but stand in the end where he stands today, as one of the two or three leaders of the Indian people who are in their eyes the incarnations of the national endeavour and the God-given captains of the national aspiration." Tilak's life, his character, his work and endurance, were some of the reasons ...

... ts, India's struggle for freedom grew by fits and starts. There was no constant effort to achieve it. "Sri Aurobindo had to establish and generalise the idea of independence in the mind of the Indian people and at the same time to push first a party and then the whole nation into an intense and organised political activity which would lead to the accomplishment of that ideal." This, in a country wholly ...

... never been demonstrated on such a scale." 1 1. Swadeshi and Swaraj, Page 305 Pal spoke on Swadeshi and Swaraj. "Swaraj," he explained, "will be the Swaraj of the Indian people, not of any section of it." This new National Movement in India, he asserted, "is essentially a Spiritual Movement." In a word, he became a popular exponent of the spiritual nationalism of Swami ...

... explains, adding "though perhaps it may still keep in capacity an enlivened intelligence or a profound or subtle spiritual receptiveness as its gain from the past." Just exactly what happened to the Indian people. Besides, the time of the Europeans had come. A spirit of adventure had taken hold of them. The vast ocean beckoned them to far-off explorations. The titan self of Europe sent an answering ...

... Sanskrit language. 1 In due course, after some interesting adventures, Agastya reached the southernmost section of the Western Ghats, the 1 Majumdar: The History and Culture of the Indian People, vol. 2 (Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan). Page 83 Podiyil Hills (Malaya mountains) from which flows the river Tāmraparni. "There, in the cool mountain fastness, Agastya produced a giant ...

... Arabindo Ghose, the future is going to be very much darker than it at present is." The Labour M. P. Keir Hardie, member for Methyr Tydvil, supported MacDonald. "Everything that tells against the Indian people" he observed, "is blazed forth, and matters which might tell in their favour do not receive anything like the same publicity." J. Ramsay MacDonald disclosed that "I have myself received, in ...

... Indian society, but under Minto they openly adopted the policy of setting Muslims as a counterpoise to the Hindus. Muslims were no more to be the children of the soil, an integral portion of one Indian people, but as a politically distinct and hostile interest, to nullify the Hindus. Worse was the seed of discord sown by creating caste as a political instrument. Is it not strange that the British rulers ...

... about a material improvement in the attitude of the Indian peoples towards their British rulers." There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in the Mirror 's philosophy. That a country cannot prosper in the true sense of the term unless it be left to its own fate is a truism with all right-thinking men. The publicists of the Indian Mirror type have a comfortable gospel of their own... Aurobindo 24.Oct.1906 - 27.May.1907 Bande Mataram Instinctive Loyalty 26-April-1907 The Indian Mirror reflects nothing but its own self when it says:—"Nobody in the country, howsoever absorbed in the dreams of an Indian autonomy, wishes to see the British connection severed and the country left to her fate. This instinctive clinging to some sort of relation... describe such diseased and abnormal sentiments as normal and instinctive is to mistake a slave for a man. It is highly prejudicial to our returning sense of self-respect that papers like the Indian Mirror should still be able to preach the gospel of servility. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Made in Biographies and Other Publications Autobiographical Notes The Indian National Congress: Moderates and Extremists [Allan Hume founded the Indian National Congress to act as an intermediary between the elite of the English and Indian peoples.] This description of the Congress as an intermediary etc. would hardly have been recognised or admitted ...


... Vedas themselves speak of the 'forefathers' who had achieved great spiritual conquests. The Vedas thus refer to a pre-Vedic period, during which, it is certain, the ancient forefathers of the Indian peoples had explored the secrets of the universe and produced momentous results. Some historians have felt that the forefathers of Vedic sages must have lived around 10,000 B.C or even earlier. Some... The Veda and Indian Culture _____________Appendix II____________ Important Landmarks of Indian History (Relevant to Indian Spirituality, Religion and Philosophy) The ancient dates of Indian history are quite uncertain. The earliest records of Indian history are the Vedas, but the period, when they were composed, has been a matter of controversy... the Indian spirit was so much endangered during this period that even today India suffers from a tremendous Inertia and obscurity. Even then, the Indian spirit began to re-assert itself from the middle of the 19th century which marks the begimiing of what has come to be called the Indian Renaissance. The period, beginning from 1800 A.D., when the British established the supremacy in India ...


... language or of some natural tongue, as Latin, and later on to a slight extent French, was for some time the common cultural tongue of intercourse between the European nations or Sanskrit for the Indian peoples, no unification which destroyed or overshadowed, dwarfed and discouraged the large and free use of the varying natural languages of humanity, could fail to be detrimental to human life and progress... and oratorical pastime,—that it is Bengal which first recovered its soul, respiritualised itself, forced the whole world to hear of its great spiritual personalities, gave it the first modern Indian poet and Indian scientist of world-wide fame and achievement, restored the moribund art of India to life and power, first made her count again in the culture of the world, first, as a reward in the outer life... more in the way of the rapid progress in India, nothing Page 517 has more successfully prevented her self-finding and development under modern conditions than the long overshadowing of the Indian tongues as cultural instruments by the English language. It is significant that the one sub-nation in India which from the first refused to undergo this yoke, devoted itself to the development of its ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... when the life of the community degenerated into an uneasily petrified ignorance and confusion, the old spiritual aim and tradition remained to sweeten and humanise and save in its worst days the Indian peoples. For we see that it continually swept back on the race in new waves and high outbursts of life-giving energy or leaped up in intense kindlings of the spiritualised mind or heart, even as it now... A Defence of Indian Culture A Defence of Indian Culture A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture The Renaissance in India VI A Rationalistic Critic on Indian Culture - 6 These are the principal lines upon which the structure of Indian civilisation was founded and they constitute the power of its conception of life. I do not think it can be said that... cultural development,—a stability hardly paralleled in any other culture. And, as interpreted by the Indian genius, it became a greater thing than a mere outward economic, political and social mechanism intended to serve the needs and convenience of the collective life. For the real greatness of the Indian system of the four varnas did not lie in its well-ordered division of economic function; its true ...


... and joy and the height and clarity of its purpose it became creative of the life of the people. Ananda, the joy of the spirit in itself carrying in it a revelation of the powers of its conscious being, was to the ancient Indian idea the creative principle, and ancient poetry did thus creatively reveal to the people its soul and its possibilities by forms of beauty and suggestions of power in a way we... dangers of the human soul, its godheads and its titanisms have played a great and well-recognised formative part second only to religion and the stress of religio-social training in the life of the Indian peoples. And even later the religious poetry of the Vaishnavas, Shaivas, Shaktas has entered powerfully into the life of the nation and helped to shape its temperament and soul-type. The effect of the... divine, became more intellectually conscious afterwards, was a dominant strain of the later Indian mind and got to its richest outward colour and sensuous passion in the work of the classical writers, while the expression of the spiritual Page 255 through the aesthetic sense is the constant sense of Indian art, as it is also the inspiring motive of a great part of the later religion and poetry ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... culture. Indeed, it was the beginning of a very turbulent period in Indian history. As a result of the Muslim conquest, doubts have been cast on the political capacity of the Indian peoples. But first let us try and see why this conquest happened. It took place at a time when the vitality of ancient Indian life and culture, after at least two thousand years of activity and creation, had been... and a more confused mass of peoples in the northwest. This was the weak point at which the Muslims broke in and rebuilt within a brief period another empire in the north of India; but this empire was not of the Indian type, it was an empire of the Central Asiatic type. This was the beginning of the second phase, which put a tremendous pressure both on the Indian political system and its culture... domination ceased very rapidly to be a foreign rule. The vast mass of the Mussulmans in the country were, and are, Indians by race; only a very small admixture of Pathan, Turkish and Mogul blood took place, and even the foreign kings and nobles became almost immediately wholly Indian in mind, life and interest. If the race had really, like certain European countries, remained for many centuries passive ...


... with her. In America and in England, Nivedita gave many lectures on India and Indian women. She came back to India, this time as if she were returning to her own motherland. Now she called India "our country" and Indians "our people". Rabindranath Tagore would remark later, "When she uttered the words our people, the tone of absolute kinship which struck the ear was not heard from any other... battle." She fought for the ideal of a national education based on Indian culture, Indian values, Indian spirit. One of her great interest was in the revival of ancient Indian art. Among her friends were the great artists of the Bengal renaissance, Rabanindranath Tagore and Nandalal Bose. Another of her dreams was the blossoming of Indian science. She encouraged her friend, the great scientist Jagadish... army. The Swami let England in December 1896. He knew that in India, Page 74 Margaret would have to face many difficulties. The English would hate her for befriending Indians. And the Indians would doubt her good intentions. He made all this clear to her in a letter. But then he made her a promise: "I will stand by you unto death... the tusks of the elephant come out but never ...


... majority of them are phalanges and teeth." Thus the possession of horses by the Gandhāra Grave Culture cannot distinguish the people of it uniquely as Aryan invaders. They might easily be Indian borderlanders on the move. The historical implication of horse-knowledge by Indians in the Harappān age is a point we shall take up elsewhere. Our immediate task is to expose the inadequacy of Fairservis's... invading tribes would never refer to it as a new land reached from another country. B.K. Ghosh remarks: "It really cannot be proved that the Vedic Aryans retained any memory of their extra-Indian 13."Peoples and Languages", The Cambridge History of India, edited by E.J. Rapson, 1922, p. 43. 14."The Age of the Rigveda", ibid., p. 79. 15."Race-movements and Prehistoric Culture", ... himself notes, 23 instead of the opposite which we should expect of people who are claimed to have travelled from west to east. When we consider all the rivers listed, we have only a pointer to Afghānistān with the Kubhā (Kabul), Krumu (Kurram), Gomatī (Gomal) and Suvāstu (Swat), suggesting, as R.K. Mookerjee says, "the Indian occupation of Afghanistan in those days". 24 The sole index to Central ...


... prose is better than most Englishmen's Thompson rejoined: "Well, the merits of the latter people you mention were extra-literary. Show the works of the Indians to people like Eliot and see." God knows what he means. I don't think God knows. What the blazes does all this nonsense mean? The latter people like Binyon and De la Mare have no literary merit or literary perception and Eliot has? Eliot... legitimately expressed in English, however unEnglish it may be, but an Eastern spirit, tradition or temper cannot? He differs from Gosse who told Sarojini Naidu that she must write Indian poems in English—poems with an Indian tradition, feeling, way of expression, not reproduce the English mind and turn, if she wanted to do something great and original as a poet in the English tongue. He objects to... our making even an experiment in English versification. How terrible! Then of course everybody must stop at once. I too must not presume to write in English—for I have an Indian mind and spirit and am that dreadful Indian thing, a Yogi! I can't say that he is absolutely wrong except in disfavouring even an experiment. Nobody ever is absolutely wrong. There is an infinitesimal atom of truth ...