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... a question based upon it. The following talk is based upon Chapter 1 of The Mother . Sweet Mother, it is written here: "A... submission... of the inner Warrior who fights against obscurity and falsehood." 1 Who is this "inner Warrior"? It is the vital being when it is converted. The vital turned completely to the Divine is like a warrior. It has even the appearance of a warrior. The... The complete sentence is: "A glad and strong and helpful submission is demanded to the working of the Divine Force, the obedience of the illumined disciple of the Truth, of the inner Warrior who fights against obscurity and falsehood, of the faithful servant of the Divine." × Sri Aurobindo's ...
... they are speaking of the god in his cosmic presence, power or function. This is evident from the very language when they speak of Agni as the immortal in mortals, the immortal Light in man, the inner Warrior, the Page 420 Guest in human beings. It is the same with Indra or Soma. The building of the gods in man means a creation of the divine Powers, Indra the Power of the Light, Soma the ...
... Divine. The difference between ordinary people and the Mother's Child Champaklal lies here. It is a very difficult thing to believe in God with the entire being. It requires a true hero and an inner warrior to do so. One must let a single consciousness ripen and take possession of one's entire being by means of steady contemplation. It is a very personal, intimate and inevitable process, which can ...
... in the conditions of Light and the Truth.... A glad and strong and helpful submission is demanded to the working of the Divine Force, the obedience of the illumined disciple of the Truth, of the inner warrior who fights against obscurity and falsehood, of the faithful servant of the Divine. It was my sincere effort that had spontaneously led and transmuted my life into an everflowing river that absorbs ...
... । रायः सूनो सहसो मर्त्येष्वा छर्दिर्यच्छ वीतहव्याय सप्रथो भरद्वाजाय सप्रथः ॥३॥ 3) Be in us the one whom the wolf cannot rend, the god who makes grow the discernment, makes grow the supreme inner Warrior who delivers. 11 O Son of Force, extend in mortals the Riches, the wide-spreading House, for the caster of the offering, for Bharadwaja the wide-spreading House. द्युतानं वो अतिथिं स ...
... mercy of every obscure or undivine influence. A glad and strong and helpful submission is demanded to the working of the Divine Force, the obedience of the illumined disciple of the Truth, of the inner Warrior who fights against obscurity and falsehood, of the faithful servant of the Divine. This is the true attitude and only those who can take and keep it, preserve a faith unshaken by disappointments ...
... The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 8 The Surrender of an Inner Warrior It means the the vital when it is converted. The converted vital is for the Divine like a warrior. The vital in man is the region of power and it is that which drives him to fight, to fight and conquer. It is the most difficult element to deal with: for it is this capacity to fight that ...
... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 The Surrender of an Inner Warrior IT means the vital when it is converted. The converted vital is for the Divine like a warrior. The vital in man is the region of power and it is that which drives him to fight, to fight and conquer. It is the most difficult element to deal with: for it is this capacity ...
... mercy of every obscure or undivine influence. A glad and strong and helpful submission is demanded to the working of the Divine Force, the obedience of the illumined disciple of the Truth, of the inner Warrior who fights against obscurity and falsehood, of the faithful servant of the Divine." 60 Page 78 What is thus demanded is this process of self-surrender in which the seeker is not ...
... annoyance, the dejection could very well have been the response her human-like body's disposition made to a sudden adverse turn of the physical sadhana and could easily have had behind it the Inner Warrior's profound sorrow—"psychic sadness", as Sri Aurobindo has it—that the outer instrument Page 34 should fail in endurance, fall short of the expected support. Here there may have been... The Mother - Past-Present-Future The Mother - Warrior of the Supermind* A NOTE ON THE ESSENTIAL TRUTH AND SOME SEEMING DISCREPANCIES Right up to the end the Mother is said to have fought indomitably for the work entrusted to her by Sri Aurobindo: transformation of her body so as to complete the Supramental Yoga and initiate a new Race. But... But at the same time we have been told of certain moments and moods during her last illness, where she appears helpless or hopeless—a striking contrast to her accepted role as Warrior of the Supermind. And the impression that she was helpless and hopeless reaches its acme when we come to think of her as leaving her body because she who had striven so gallantly for the Supramental Transformation had ...
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