Find in Savitri Poems Flowers
Jaya : Jayāvati, companion of Pārvati, who charged her to bring up her first son Skandha in her heavenly abode where Asūras sent to kill him, could not enter. After the threat was nullified, the Great Gods (q.v.) renamed him Kārtikeya.
... that he was "trying to bring it [the world of the Gods] down into the physical". As the days passed, Jaya Devi and other sadhaks had felt that all Pondicherry was "fragrant with incense", that a great delight seemed to be at play. And on Mahashtami day, when she was granted a special permission, Jaya Devi performed a private worship in Sri Aurobindo's room. That day, she saw Sri Aurobindo looking like... background, it would have been merely banal if something of seminal significance had not happened sooner or later. But what exactly did happen? The reports of the sadhaks - Purani, Rajangam, Champaklal, Jaya Devi and others - are unanimous that, when Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had withdrawn after meditation, pranam and blessings, Datta spoke some words as if visioning something in a trance or a sudden... and meant a decisive victory on the path generating a new fervour and ananda in the atmosphere, few of the inmates were quite prepared for what immediately followed. On the 27th morning, Jaya Devi went as usual with the tulasi garlands and returned disappointed, for she had been told that Sri Aurobindo would not come out for darshan. Having shown the previous evening for one immaculate ...
... (Eminent Educationist), Prof. Ramamurthy (Sri Satya Sai Institute of Higher Learning), Prof. VS. Prasad (IGNOU), Prof. Shyam. B. Menon (DU), Prof. Karuna Chanana (JNU), Prof. Talat Aziz (JMI), Prof. Jaya Indiresan (formerly with NIEPA), Prof. B.P. Khandelwal and Prof. Marmar Mukhopadhyay (both in NIEPA) deliberated on the theme. The Committee proposed a course comprising a module each on: 1.Un... increasing geographical mobility and globalization a bringing people together from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds 3 The note on Learning to Live Together has been contributed by prof. jaya Indiresan. Page 396 resulting in a complex and diverse society. This demographic turbulence tends to get accentuated in educational institutions also posing a challenge to the management... Prof Talat Aziz IASE Faculty of Education Jamia Millia Islamia New Delhi-110 025 Prof Amrik Singh Sarvodaya Enclave New Delhi Prof. Jaya Indiresan B-57 Hill View Apartment New Delhi Prof. Karuna Chanana Zakir Hussain Center for Educational Studies Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi karunac ...
... In those days, Mirra seldom went out of the compound of the Library House, and she used to sit for meditation in upper-storey room. About a dozen - including Bejoy Nag, Rani Nag, Rajani, Upen and Jaya Devi - used to sit with Mirra during those meditative sessions of aspiration and inner awakening. In Purani's words, "It was as if Sri Aurobindo was slowly withdrawing himself and the Mother was ... they were themselves being invaded by a prepotent new force - as though they were unbelievably caught in the throes of a spiritual rebirth. Some idea of the charged atmosphere may be formed from Jaya Devi's reminiscences of those days, as translated from the original Bengali by Sisir Kumar Ghose: November came along. A strange feeling of joy took possession of all the sadhaks present. The... Immortality and Bliss. 51 Rajangam's is a briefer version: He has conquered Life. He has conquered Death. He has conquered All. Krishna the Lord has descended! 52 And Jaya Devi records: I was told: "Mahashakti, the Supreme Consciousness-Force, has descended into Sri Aurobindo." I could myself see light and glory bursting out of his body. Next day when I was ...
... 715 Janina 701 Janine (Morisset) Panier 477 Janet McPheeters see Shantimayi Jatti, B.D. 817, 821 Jawaharlal Nehru 404, 457, 595-6, 624, 716 Jay Holmes Smith 547-8, 589 Jaya Devi 233-4, 236, 239, 242 Jayantilal Parekh 691 Jesus Christ 180, 317, 482, 762 Jinnah, M.A. 446-7, 451, 458, 463 John of the Cross, Saint 41, 112 Jones, William 497 Joseph Szarka... 91-2 Page 909 André 478 Baron 662-3 Bibhas 670 Champaklal 212, 222, 420 Chidanandam 231, 765 Dilip Kumar 260 Ganapati Muni 258 Ganapatram 278 Huta 588 Jay Smith 547-8, 589 Jaya 239 Kanailal 218, 224 Kapali Sastry 256-7, 288-9 Kodandarama 212 Lizelle 49 Maurice 369 Minnie 765 Mishra 575 Mrityunjoy 270, 289, 364 Munshi 537 Narayan Prasad 434 Nirodbaran 273-4... us 669, 802 her understanding him anew 768 laying down Auroville's future 772 messages on his centenary 799-802 3. Others on Sri Aurobindo Amal Kiran 86-7 Andre 478 Champaklal 212, 420 Jaya 234, 239 Kapali Sastry 212, 360 Narayan Prasad 359 Nirodbaran 273-6, 360, 398-9, 408, 493 Nolini Kanta 86, 204, 217 Purani 212, 221, 225, 235 Richard, Paul 48-9 Shanti 271 Subbarao 222 ...
... story of Jaya and Vijaya, the celestial gatekeepers of lord Vishnu in Vaikunth, who were cursed by the rishi Sanaka that they would be ex-led from the Lord's presence. Later when the rishi was mollified he commuted the period of exile to either seven human births as friends of the Divine or three human births as His Page 207 Asuric enemy, to be destroyed by Him. Jaya and Vijaya ...
... Sunday Express, Magazine Section (Madras), December 6, 1981 Narain, A. K., In The Journal of the Numismatic Society of India, 1949, II The Indo-Greeks (Oxford, 1957) Narang, Jaya Chandra, "The Regional Structure of India in Relation to Language and History", The Cultural Heritage of India (Sri Ramakrishna Mission, Calcutta, 1958), Vol. I Page 614 ... 488 Nandas, 5, 9, 69.78, 175, 176, 225; Dhana-Nanda, 176, 183; Purva-Nanda. 181; Yoga-Nanda. 180, 181 NandiSūtra, 564 Narain, A. K, i, 50.236, 248, 264, 444 Narang, Jaya Chandra, 84, 85. Narasimhagupta Bālāditya, 403, 494, 508, 509, 601 Naravarman, 496 Nārāyana (philosophic god), 400-01 Nārāyanavataka, 396 Nāsatya, 582, 583 Nāsik ...
... you mean by the highest poetry? Two things are essential for high poetry : vision and beauty, and of course, the power of expression must be there. Disciple : We recently heard the song "Jaya jaya Gokula pāla". Sri Aurobindo : That is devotional poetry, not psychic. Disciple : "Ā hā! Ki majā ki majā" is not poetry (laughter). Sri Aurobindo : I mentioned vision and beauty ...
... were suddenly delighted to catch sight of a group of children playing in the midst of this desert heat. On seeing us, all the children started jumping and dancing and chanting very loudly. जय बोलो ( Jaya bolo —cry victory), जय बोलो, जय बोलो, जय बोलो, जय बोलो भाई | The children then caught hold of our hands and said, “Let us go.” But in this there was a sweet competition. Each child was eager to ...
... his soles. To serve his purpose he need not cover the whole of the earth with leather; it is enough to cover his two feet with leatherware. But the question is: What is exactly meant by citta-jaya, 'the conquest of the heart'? The answer is: The sadhaka has to become 'utkrānta-vāsanāh' ; that is to say, he has to renounce all his desires. After that, he has to eradicate the 'aham-bhava' 1 ...
... had long since become an informal leader of those doing embroidery. With 21-year-old Ichcha joining in November 1941, 15-year-old Minoo in July 1942, 17-year-old Bela in August 1943, 19-year-old Jaya Bose in 1943, and Minoo’s 14-year-old aunt Madhuri in October 1944, Vasudha’s group burgeoned into a ‘department’; and, thanks to Vasudha, Amma became the department’s ‘Amma’ and she ‘Akka’. Soon ...
... nothing can be achieved. You must cut off all bonds at one stroke. We have neither father, nor mother, nor anybody. We have only the Divine Mother. Tvamek Bhavani. Na tatah na matah Na jaya na vidya Na putra na putri Gatistang, gatistang Tvamek Bhavani. Page 131 And Dada's voice rang with deep feeling. * Ashwiini looks after Dada's ...
... he continued: 'Life is Her blessings, death too is Her blessings; joy is Her blessings, sorrow too is Her blessings.' * Babua has come from Calcutta for just two days. After Jaya-di's passing the whole responsibility of running a big school and 'Lakshmi-House' has fallen on his shoulders. He is still young. The thirty-forty teachers of the school are all quite elderly, the ...
... and leaves. I then noticed something dark in colour emerging from me though I could not perceive where it came from. That too went into the water. The priest chanted: “Om Shanti, Om Shanti, Om Shanti, Jaya Ho!” I experienced something new which I am unable to describe. The priest looked very happy. I told him, “I request you to please wait here. I am coming back. This place is so enchanting, and the ...
... effort and, truly speaking, this is excellent! I don't remember now to whom I said today—I think it was a "birthday" person... No, I don't know... it was someone who told me he was eighteen. It is Jaya. Yes, I know it is her birthday today. But I don't know if it was to her I said it. I said it to someone this morning. I said that between the age of eighteen and twenty I had attained a conscious ...
... Kurukshetra Mahātmya, and is still visited." S. Majumdar 1 adds by way of annotation on Prithūdaka: "Referred to in the Kāvyamīmāmsā (p. 93) as the boundary between Northern and Central India." Jaya Chandra Narang 2 goes as far back as Patanjali in referring to this town: "Uttarapatha is the country to the north of Prithūdaka, i.e. the modern Pihowa on the Sarasvatī..." Neither ...
... Invitees to the Meetings of the Task-Force (1) Dr. Ansuya Sheth (2) Shri Bhagirath Desai (3) Dr. Dulariben Jitendra Gandhi (4) Ms. Devaselvi (5) Ms. Jaya Berggreen Clowsen (6) Dr. M.N. Bhad (7) Dr. M.M. Alex (8) Professor Manoj Das (9) Mrs. Neeltje Matthijs Cornelissen (10) Mrs. Parul Joshi (11) Shri ...
... tennis at the Tennis Ground She would come to the Playground and sit in a chair in a corner by the wall. The girls would one by one present the dance they had prepared before the Mother. Anju, Dalu, Jaya, Bela, Leena Dowsett and many other girls showed their dance one after another. Once even Udar presented a dance in front of the Mother! One day Leena Dowsett performed a snake-charmer’s dance. She ...
... as soon as they are torn or old. I would notice while going to the Mother for Her blessing that flowers were embroidered on the Mother’s gown at several places. It was quite puzzling to me. Minu, Jaya, Bela and others were responsible for stitching the Mother’s gowns. So one day I asked Minu: “Why do you keep embroidering flowers here and there on the Mother’s gown? Can’t you do it in a certain ...
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