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A Captive of Her Love [1]
A Centenary Tribute [2]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Vision of United India [3]
Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother [2]
Bande Mataram [4]
Beyond Man [1]
Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis [1]
Catherine the Great [1]
Collected Plays and Stories [1]
Collected Poems [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [2]
Early Cultural Writings [2]
Essays Divine and Human [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [8]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [1]
Hitler and his God [67]
India's Rebirth [2]
Indian Poets and English Poetry [2]
Isha Upanishad [2]
Kena and Other Upanishads [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [1]
Letters on Yoga - I [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [1]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [3]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [5]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1963 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [2]
My Burning Heart [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
On The Mother [2]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [1]
Problems of Early Christianity [10]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [3]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Humour [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [16]
The Aim of Life [3]
The Crucifixion [6]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Human Cycle [3]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [1]
The Mother (biography) [3]
The Secret Splendour [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Uniting Men [1]
Words of the Mother - I [1]
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English [195]
A Captive of Her Love [1]
A Centenary Tribute [2]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Vision of United India [3]
Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother [2]
Bande Mataram [4]
Beyond Man [1]
Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis [1]
Catherine the Great [1]
Collected Plays and Stories [1]
Collected Poems [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [2]
Early Cultural Writings [2]
Essays Divine and Human [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [8]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [1]
Hitler and his God [67]
India's Rebirth [2]
Indian Poets and English Poetry [2]
Isha Upanishad [2]
Kena and Other Upanishads [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [1]
Letters on Yoga - I [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [1]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [3]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [5]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1963 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [2]
My Burning Heart [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
On The Mother [2]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [1]
Problems of Early Christianity [10]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [3]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Humour [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [16]
The Aim of Life [3]
The Crucifixion [6]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Human Cycle [3]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [1]
The Mother (biography) [3]
The Secret Splendour [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Uniting Men [1]
Words of the Mother - I [1]

Jew : a Jehudi, native of Judah, either a member of the tribe of Judah, or a native of the subsequent kingdom of Judah. The Jewish people as a whole, initially called Hebrews, were known as Israelites from the time of their entrance into the Holy Land to the end of the Babylonian Exile (538 BC). Thereafter, the term Yehudi signified all adherents of Judaism.

195 result/s found for Jew

... which was under the authority of priests. He was born, lived, died, and taught as a Jew. This is obvious to any casual reader of the Gospel texts. What's striking is not so much that he was a Jew, but that the Gospels make no pretense that he wasn't. The Gospels have no sense yet that Jesus was anything other than a Jew. The Gospels don't even have a sense that he came to found a new religion, an idea... their everyday life. Jesus sometimes taught by use of comparisons: Here is one well-known example. 30 And he said, "With what can we compare the kingdom of _____________ * rabbi: a Jew trained for professional religious leadership of a Jewish congregation. Page 36 God, or what parable shall we use for it? 31 It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when sown upon the... Judaism, was considered heretical:;"), in the role of the compassionate neighbour, Jesus challenges his audience. He seems to be saying: If a Samaritan, whom you consider .an outcast, will rescue a Jew in trouble, what a reflection it is on you and your religion if, in indifference, you pass by those in need. Through Jesus and the Christian religion the commandment to love one's neighbour has become ...


... trying to overthrow the throne of the pharaoh. There is the assertion that it was the Christians, followers of Paul, the Jew of Tarsus, who undermined the Roman Empire and caused its downfall. (To Hitler – as to Wagner, Chamberlain, Rosenberg and most of the Nazis – Christ was not a Jew but an Aryan and an anti-Semite.) There is the fundamental Jewishness of the Catholic Church, for is their holy book... internationalism, democracy, socialism, communism, Bolshevism, etc. Take any of these terms in the writings, speeches and conversations of Hitler and you will find them associated with “the Jew”. The words “Jew” and “Jewish” could be used for anything Hitler and his people found unpleasant, inferior, unjust, inimical or criminal. Philosophically, however, they always related to the changing world in... Another reason may have been that Hitler remained no longer satisfied with Eckart’s “metaphysical anti-Semitism” and turned to more tangible justifications of his mission. True, Eckart was a blazing Jew-baiter, preaching a purification of the German race from the Jewish Evil and the advent of a Führer who would lead the Germans toward their glorious future; but his way of reasoning and his philosophical ...


... shepherds. The incidents seem to be related. In all three, Moses shows a deep commitment to fighting injustice. Furthermore, his concerns are not narrow-minded. He intervenes at first when a non-Jew oppresses a Jew, then when two Jews fight, and when non-Jews oppress other non-Jews. So the Midian women take him home to meet their father. The daughters tell him about Moses' bravery. Needing a safe place... personally left Egypt. But which Egypt? There are many kinds of Egypts; material, psychological and spiritual, and ultimately the Jew, seeking higher consciousness, must break out of all of them. It is the inner freedom from desire, anger and so on, all of which keep not only the Jew, but all human beings from truly interacting with God. And of course, in Jesus' time as well, the Passover was of extreme... eliminated from Jewish religious life. Therefore, the commandment to commemorate the coming out of bondage, Passover, is presently kept at the synagogue and, most importantly, at the home of every observing Jew around the world, which includes the holding of the Seder, or the feast of the Passover. It is this Seder at which Jesus gathered his disciples that became to be known in Christianity as the Last Supper ...


... proclaimed to the world by Martin Luther. Was Christ, the founder of their faith, not a Jew? Chamberlain contended that he was not. At the time Christ walked upon the earth Galilee was inhabited by non-Jewish tribes. Christ had “a large proportion of non-Semitic blood”, and: “Whoever claimed that Jesus was a Jew was either being stupid or telling a lie.” 444 This irrefutable argument was duly repeated... existing on earth, the saviours of the world and the creators and carriers of the supreme Western culture. “The Aryan was distinguished by a physical form that typified the Germanic ideal of beauty; the Jew was his very opposite. Symbolically, only to be too deeply believed later on, the two represented the polarization of God and the devil … God was, so to speak, embodied in the German race, and the devil... Germans were not only the purest Aryans, they were the foremost in every field, also the religious, and “much more devout Christians than other peoples”. Hitler too believed that Christ was not a Jew. “Christ was an Aryan”, he said in one of his monologues, “but Paul abused his teaching to mobilize the dark forces and to organize a proto-Bolshevism”. 445 How far speculations of this sort can be spun ...


... Jews have been trained through thousands of years. Today the Jew is looked upon as especially ‘clever’, and in a certain sense he has been so throughout the ages. His intellectual powers, however, are not the result of an inner evolution but rather have been shaped by the object lessons which the Jew has received from others … Since the Jew never had a civilization of his own, he has always been furnished... ready-to-hand around him.” It was part of the stereotype of the Jew that his mind was dry, sterile, incapable of creation, and that he was a parasite or a vampire of the life-force and creativity of others. “The Jewish intellect will never be constructive but always destructive”, wrote Hitler. “In the course of a few years [the Jew] endeavours to exterminate all those who represent the national i ...


... if the denouement of the punitive drama was robbed of its identity-effacing starkness by the gift of an honourable burial from a suddenly intervening Jew of some status in Jerusalem.   How impossible such a burial and how apocryphal such a Jew would be in Paul's thought is proved also by the phraseology of the opening half of the famous hymn in Philippians 2:6-11 whose first lines as well as... Good News I preached is not a human message that I was given by men, it is something I learnt only through a revelation of Jesus Christ. You must have heard of my career as a practising Jew, how merciless I was in persecuting the Church of God.... Then God... called me through his grace and chose to reveal his Son in me, so that I might preach the Good News about him to the pagans. I did... which gave trouble to Paul during Gallio's proconsulship of Achaia (Acts 18:12), starting from 52 A.D. according to an inscription found at Delphi. 156 At the time 1 Corinthians was written, a learned Jew from Alexandria (Acts 18:24), Apollos, who after Paul's departure from Corinth had become a leader there of the Christian community, was with Paul and was unwilling to return to Corinth just then (1 ...

... instance, Anna Maria Sigmund, in her biographies of prominent Nazi women, quotes the father of Gerda Bormann as saying: “The Jew is not a human being. He is an element of decay. Just as the fission fungus chooses rotten wood to settle and destroys its tissue, just so the Jew has found the occasion to insinuate himself into the German Volk and do his mischief when, weakened by the loss of blood in the... alien racial elements, and when these have already insinuated themselves, it must suppress them and eliminate them. The Jew is such an alien and, therefore, when he wants to insinuate himself, he must be warded off. This is self-defence. In saying this, I do not characterize every Jew as inferior, as Negroes are, and I do not underestimate the greatest enemy with whom we have to fight. But I reject Jewry... he answered: “Of course I am a doctor and I want to preserve life. And out of respect for human life I would remove a gangrenous appendix from a diseased body. The Jew is the gangrenous appendix in the body of mankind.” 536 “The Jew too is a human being, nobody has ever doubted this”, said a sarcastic Joseph Goebbels. “But the flea is also an animal, though not a pleasant one. And as the flea is ...


... “Great Master of the Lie” If the Aryan was “the Prometheus of mankind, from whose shining brow the divine spark of genius has at all times flashed forth”, his antagonist was the Jew. “The Jew offers the most striking contrast to the Aryan”, wrote Hitler. “There is probably no other people in the world who have so developed the instinct of self-preservation as the so-called ‘chosen’ people... Eckart, who had used much of it in his magazine In Plain German , was an admired teacher. If the Aryan was the highest being in a human form, the Jew was the lowest; in fact, he was not even subhuman and his human shape was only a deceptive appearance. “The Jew wriggles his way in among the body of the nations and bores them hollow from inside,” teaches Mein Kampf . He is “a parasite among nations”, “a... theories about race and blood. “[The Jew] poisons the blood of others but preserves his own blood unadulterated … The religious instruction of the Jews is principally a collection of instructions for maintaining the Jewish blood pure.” 326 Therefore, what was at stake in the war between the Aryans and the Jews was nothing less than the life of humanity. “The Jew is the enemy of human existence. His ...


... a Daniel, Jew! Now, infidel, I have you on the hip. Portia : Why doth the Jew pause? Take thy forfeiture. Shylock : Give me my principal, and let me go. Bassanio :I have it ready for thee; here it is. Portia : He hath refus'd it in the open court; He shall have merely justice, and his bond. Gratiano :A Daniel still say I, a second Daniel! I thank thee, Jew, for teaching... Venice, confiscate unto the state of Venice. Gratiano :O upright judge! Mark, Jew. O learned judge! Shylock : Is that the law ? Portia : Thyself shalt see the act; For, as thou urgest justice, be assur'd Thou shalt have justice, more than thou desir'st. Gratiano :O learned judge ! Mark, Jew. A learned judge ! Shylock : I take this offer then: pay the bond thrice, And... And let the Christian go. Bassanio: Here is the money. Portia : Soft ! Page 156 The Jew shall have all justice. Soft! No haste. He shall have nothing but the penalty. Gratiano :O Jew! an upright judge, a learned judge! Portia : Therefore, prepare thee to cut off the flesh. Shed thou no blood, nor cut thou less nor more But just a pound of flesh; if thou tak'st more ...

... called him “a prophet of the Devil”. Günter Scholdt writes about his “shamelessness in his relation with truth”. Hitler defined his own mental processes accurately when he wrote that to the Jew lying was an art. “[The Jew] speaks to hide his thoughts, or at least to disguise them, and what he really means is not to be found in what he says but between the lines”. 1061 His own language and that of Joseph... Ignorance, Suffering and Death, and that these four aspects were therefore features of his personality. Falsehood. One of Eckart and Hitler’s recurrent themes was Schopenhauer’s saying that the Jew was “the great master of the lie”. When browsing through Mein Kampf we have found that Hitler systematically applied the methods of the fictional Elders of Zion, in which he was thoroughly instructed ...


... technique, borrowed from the popular lore, is to make the “other”, whether enemy or just “not one of us”, into a stereotype. The völkisch stereotype of the Jew would afterwards be taken over by the propaganda machine of the Third Reich. “The Jew lacked a soul, all virtues, and the capacity for ethical behaviour for the reason that Judaism was a fossilized legalism. What a striking contrast this made... whether, if the Jew lacked a proper soul, he could be classed as human. On the economic and social front it was asserted that Jews had consorted in diabolical intrigues to seize power in order to dominate the Gentile world … In a whole series of novels Jewish characters lacked all human qualities and met miserable fates, victims of their egoistical power drives. The objectification of the Jew as evil by... sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, but they were not as critical then. The Jew at that early date was still pictured as a comic, though grotesque, figure. In the image presented by the völkisch thought, he became a menace; he held the Germans in actual bondage. “The racial stereotype attributed so many grotesque qualities to the Jew that he was in essence dehumanized”, concludes Mosse. 533 Dehumanization ...


... simple”, states John Weiss, “not at all bothered that his hatred of the Jews denied the power of Christ to redeem all humanity. To him the Jew was simply not human. As the Protestant ‘German Christians’ of the Nazi movement would later claim: the blood of the Jew was beyond redemption.” 559 “A line of anti-Semitic descent from Martin Luther to Adolf Hitler is easy to draw. Both Luther and Hitler were... is true also that Luther, in particular, turned to the Jews for support of his new construing of the Bible and his rejection of papal claims. In his 1523 pamphlet, On the Fact that Christ was born a Jew, he argued that there was now no reason at all why they should not embrace Christ, and foolishly looked forward to a voluntary mass conversion. When the Jews retorted that the Talmud conveyed an even... will never shine on a more bloodthirsty and revengeful people, which therefore thinks that it is the people of God and that it has to murder and strangle the heathen.” 555 Or: “Cursed goy [i.e. non-Jew] that I am, I cannot understand how the Jews manage to be so skilful, unless I think that when Judas Iscariot hanged himself, his guts burst and emptied. Perhaps the Jews sent their servants with plates ...


... 10. The Jewish Question Hitler and his God “The Jews are our Misfortune” “A Jew remains a Jew, in Germany or any other country. We can never change this race, even by centuries of residence among other people”, says the Handbook of the Hitler Youth, published in 1937. 564 This statement, a point of doctrine for Hitler’s young, rash and ready heroes,... persisted in looking inward, which was a good thing, but also backward, which was not. That it developed simultaneously into the foremost industrial nation in the world made it more schizophrenic, and the Jew still more guilty. And that the Jews were intelligent and some of them highly visible, did not help either. A few quotes will have to do. They are intended to suggest the anti-Jewish atmosphere of... struggle. The Jewish question was therefore not to be met with tolerance. Instead it was reducible to a mortal contest: either the Jewish or the ‘true’ German way of life must prevail in the end … The Jew became the incarnation of evil. Any humaneness Lagarde possibly possessed was eventually obscured by his call for the extermination of the Jews like bacilli” 566 – a simile which was to enjoy a long ...


... causing an ecstatic trance. Later he asked his disciples what the Bible had to say about the physical features of Jesus. They replied: "Sir, we have not seen it written in the Bible anywhere; but born a Jew, he must have been very fair in complexion with long eyes and aquiline nose to be sure." Ramakrishna answered: "But I saw that the tip of his nose was a little flat; I don't know why I saw him like that... mention of the phenomenon of Christ, except in one case where there is a line about Christ, which line is a clear interpolation." The only first-century historian whose works are in our hands is the Jew Josephus. He has left two books: The Jewish War and Jewish Antiquities. The former recounts Jewish history from 170 B.C. to A.D. 73, the latter extends from the creation of the world to A.D. 66.... emperor's reign, i.e., A.D. 49. The fact of this expulsion is corroborated by the New Testament's Acts of the Apostles (18:2) in which Paul finds, when he comes to Corinth from Athens, "a certain Jew named Aquila, born in Pontus, lately come from Italy, with Page 17 his wife Priscilla because Claudius had commanded all Jews to depart from Rome". Suetonius, in the section "Nero" ...

... the Jew, with the aid of his Marxist creed, triumph over the people of this world, his crown will be the funeral wreath of mankind, and this planet will once again follow its orbit through the ether without any human life on its surface, as it did millions of years ago. And so I believe today that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: in standing guard against the Jew I am ...


... 10. The Jewish Question Hitler and his God “The Jew” “‘The Jew’ was invariably referred to in Nazi discourse as a type to which all Jews conformed, whether western or eastern, men or women, secular or religious, assimilated or unassimilated, bourgeois or proletarian. Even baptized Jews were irrevocably tainted in Nazi ideology by the stigma of degenerate ...


... more example, and a curious one, of social selection.” The community of people called “the Jews” was therefore based on “psychic convergence” and not on the physiological or taxonomic facts. To be a Jew, according to Vacher de Lapouge, was to belong to a group with the “Jewish mentality”, which was the result of religion and tradition. Pichot concludes: “The notion of race – whether Jewish or any... model for the establishment of a new aristocracy by natural or eugenic means.” Here Pichot quotes from Hitler’s dictates to Bormann, on one of his very last days at the bunker in Berlin, saying that the Jew is fundamentally a stranger, and that the Jewish race is foremost a community of the mind, shaped by a common destiny through all the persecutions they had to suffer in the course of the centuries. 595 ...


... One Rindtfleisch led a mob against them and they were killed and burnt to the last person. But Rindtfleisch did not stop there, for this “butcher of the Jews”, as he became known, led his troupe of Jew-baiters from place to place, attacking and slaying the Jews wherever he found them, except when they consented to be baptized. The killer wave ran through Franconia and Bavaria, making tens of thousands... crystallization of anti-Semitism in its classical form, which later led to the statement of Erasmus: ‘If it is the sign of a good Christian to hate the Jews, then we are all good Christians’ … Even if the Jew is no longer present in some places [the Jews were banished from Spain, France and England], the people invent him, and the less a Christian population runs into Jews in its daily life, the more it is ...


... Pagels shows how the authors of the four canonical Gospels – Mark, Luke, Matthew and John – gradually grew more inimical towards the Jews. In this they followed the footsteps of Paul of Tarsus, himself a Jew who had converted to Christianity, and who would transform the Judaic sect of the followers of Christ into a potentially universal (“catholic”) religion no longer bound to a particular people and its... committed the most heinous crime by hatching the complot against the Saviour of humanity … It is in consequence necessary that the city where Jesus suffered be destroyed from top to bottom, that the Jew be chased from his home, and that others [i.e. the Christians] be called by God to the blessed election.” Gregory of Nyssa, around the same time, preached in the true Christian spirit: “Murderers of ...


... opposed by many Jews. At this critical point the conversion of Saul of Tarsus enabled Christianity to broaden its appeal. Saul, though Greek in education and Roman in citizenship, was a fiercely orthodox Jew who felt it was his duty to attack the Christians. In the midst of his campaign he suffered a physical collapse (in the Acts of the Apostles it is said he was blinded); on his recovery he announced his... to the non-Jewish inhabitants of the Roman world. He persuaded early Christian leaders that many Jewish ritual practices could be abandoned; one could be a Christian without first having to become a Jew. He also explained Christian doctrine in terms that were understandable to men thinking in terms of Greek philosophy. In his Epistles, he began the work of building a Christian philosophy and theology ...


... will remain an inexhaustible stock of oratorical ammunition for Hitler, who of course never mentioned that among the mourners of the Jew Kurt Eisner, and wearing a red armband, there had been himself. Taking all this into consideration, it is rather ironical that the Jew Karl Marx, a favourite target of Hitler’s anti-Judeo-Bolshevik rhetoric, was a life-long anti-Semite – a fact for which he is rarely... could not. Yet, though many Socialist leaders are Jews, only few Jews are Socialist leaders. To call the mass of modern Jewry Socialist, let alone revolutionary, is a bad propaganda joke. The imaginary Jew portrayed in The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion ostensibly wants to bend the nations to his will by revolutionary mass uprisings; the real Jewish Socialist of France, Germany and Italy, however ...


... distance not wanting to think about her responsibility. “For [the Jew] language is not an instrument for the expression of his inner thoughts but rather a means of cloaking them”, Hitler wrote. “He will stop at nothing. His utterly low-down conduct is so appalling that one really cannot be surprised if in the imagination of our people the Jew is pictured as the incarnation of Satan and the symbol of evil... flee Germany, and the way so many allowed themselves to be led “like lambs to the slaughter”. Cohn quotes the testimony after the war of SS-general Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski, one of the notorious Jew-slayers: “Had the Jews only in the least been organized, millions of them could have been saved, but they were entirely taken by surprise.” 337 In his book on Hitler, one of the earliest biographies ...


... a novel. The Sin against the Blood was written in 1917, published in 1921, and became “a phenomenal best-seller”. The novel “depicts a rich Jew who violates an innocent Aryan girl, polluting her blood. A volkist, Dinter believed that intercourse with a Jew destroyed the capacity of Aryan women to reproduce anything but racially polluted offspring”, 500 a theme which will be repeated ad nauseam by... role in the formative years of Nazism. 499 He would even claim to be a precursor of Nazism and not hesitate to assert this for all to hear. A militant anti-Semite, he had held one of the very first Jew-baiting speeches as early as 1914, at the Zirkus Busch in Berlin, to a crowd of five thousand. He befriended Dietrich Eckart in Munich and Julius Streicher in Nuremberg, and corresponded from 1916 till ...


... Civilization. The Torah, in Exodus, includes the Ten Commandments. God commanded that his laws be kept, and it is by these laws that the Orthodox Jew still strictly guides his life today. To put it another way, during the lifetime of a deeply believing Jew, his/her duty to God is to keep the laws of the Torah. Furthermore, in order to keep God's law, Page 114 it is necessary to study the... region. plight: a condition of extreme hardship or danger. pogrom: an organized attack, often murderous, against a Jewish population. prodigal: wasteful, uncontrolled spending. rabbi: a Jew trained for professional religious leadership of a Jewish congregation. ravenous: ferocious and greedy. redeem: (by Jesus as Saviour or Redeemer) to free (men) from sin by his death on ...


... as supporting the virginal conception and given the footnote: 12 "Although this apocryphal gospel pretends to come from Jesus' family circle (his stepbrother James), the author was not a Palestinian Jew, for he betrays real ignorance of the Temple and its customs. Writing in mid-second century, he combines the Matthew and Lucan information with imaginative details of another origin." Apparently, the... cousins perhaps, which both Hebr[ew] and Aramaic style 'brothers', cf. Gn. 13:18; 14:16; 29:15; Lv. 10:4; 1 Ch. 23:22f." Do not the editors realise how odd it would be for a once-orthodox converted Jew like Paul to speak - as Mark, Matthew and Luke do later - of brothers in connection with the family of Jesus but change over to cousin when dealing with another family? Can we question that Paul knew ...

... Rathenau, the epitome of the German Jew, declared: “I am a German of Jewish descent. My people is the German people, my fatherland is Germany, my religion that Germanic faith which is above all religions.” 585 Professor Heinz Moral committed suicide after being dismissed from his university post for racial reasons; in a letter to the dean of faculty he had written: “I am a Jew and have never made a secret ...


... to the intimate circle around Hitler. Gutbarlett believed in the ‘sidereal pendulum’, an astrological contraption, and claimed that this had given him the power to sense at once the presence of any Jew or persons of partial Jewish ancestry, and to pick them out in any group of people. Hitler … had many discussions with him on racial questions.” 69 Wilhelm Gutberlet, a medical doctor, is mentioned in... as Thule’s emblem; others were Baron Karl von Teuchert, Countess Heila von Westarp and Prince Gustav Maria von Thurn und Taxis. The eighth person to be executed together with those anti-Semites was a Jew, professor Ernst Berger, arrested by mistake; he had insisted on being led to his execution thinking that they were taken to be interrogated and that he would be able to prove his identity. The news ...


... and cultivate their superior Aryan soul. The German people were destined to redeem the world. As high as the Aryan Germans stood on the hierarchical ladder of humanity, so low stood the Jews. “The Jew has no sense of the experience of what is eternal or of the need of immortality. Ergo: he has no soul, and is therefore the opposite pole of the Germans, who are always striving for something higher... constituted the vanguard. This battle must not only be fought in the open, between the opponents in society, but first of all in every individual, for only mastery within himself of the Aryan over the Jew could lead to mastery over the world. The Jews “belong to ‘the organism of humanity’ as certain bacteria do to the human body. … We have to endure the Jews among us as a necessary evil, who knows for ...


... The most dangerous contamination in Hitler’s eyes was, of course, the Jew. (“He poisons the blood of others but preserves his own blood unadulterated.”) In the following paragraph of Mein Kampf , one of the most often quoted, one again hears an unmistakable echo from Gobineau: “If with the help of his Marxist faith the Jew is victorious against the peoples of this world, then his crown will be a ...


... me), the first thing he says to me is: "I hope you don't mind sharing the same room with a Jew?" "Well..." I said. "Why should I? Jews are very nice people! All the Jews I have met were very generous people." Why did he... I couldn't understand his question. I was really taken aback, you know. For me a Jew, a Black, a Chinese were all human beings. I never understood how people could see a difference ...

Satprem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   My Burning Heart

... dicta spring from prejudice and the echo of a prejudice; they are evidence not of a more vigorous critical mind but of a restricted critical sympathy. Certainly if we expect a Beautiful White Devil or a Jew of Malta from the Hindu dramatist, we Page 192 shall be disappointed; he deals not in these splendid or horrible masks. If we come to him for a Lear or a Macbeth, we shall go away discontented; ...


... honest blood but gold Runs liquid in her veins: for she has sold Her soul to commerce, Mammon is her creed, The ledger lined her Bible, and Christ must bleed In plundered nations that the modern Jew May prosper. This is not Europe that you knew When from the clash of mighty States you went Into harsh sultry deserts well-content. For all her swift and sovran moods of old Are changed into a reckoning ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... methods, clung to the old Roman idea of assimilation which he sought to execute both by Roman and by un-Roman means. He showed even a tendency to go back beyond the Caesars of old to the methods of the Jew in Canaan and the Saxon in eastern Britain, methods of expulsion and massacre. But since he was after all modernised and had some sense of economic necessity and advantage, he could not carry out this ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... Page 342 or by religion, from the judgment or from the heart, their first preoccupation was to live according to their knowledge,—the Stoic & the Epicurean quite as much as the Christian or the Jew held his knowledge as a means towards life, towards the highest fulfilment of his being. It has been left for enlightened Europe to profess a religion, yet avowedly separate its precepts from practical ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... should then hardly be surprised when Benjamin W. Bacon 75 tells us how in Matthew's period - c. 90 AD according to Bacon, which is almost the same as Brown's estimate* - Gnostic Docetism, with the Jew Cerinthus at Ephesus as its principal exponent, was trying to reduce Jesus to a "phantom", a mere receptacle of the Spirit. Against all Docetic dualism, Matthew's story "maintains that the Son of ...

... in the way they are expressed, but the manipulation of the forces is the same. I learned all this through Theon. Probably, he was ... I don't know if he was Russian or Polish (a Russian or Polish Jew), he never said who he really was or where he was born, nor his age nor anything. He had assumed two names: one was an Arab name he had adopted when he took refuge in Algeria (I don't know for what ...


... the people of his intimate circle: “War is always, war is everywhere. There is no beginning to it, there is no peace, ever. War is life. War is in every contest, war is the primeval state.” And: “The Jew: he poisons the blood of others but preserves his own blood unadulterated.” 34 And when Germany in the winter months of 1945 will be crushed by the armies of the Allies, closing in from the West and ...

... Catechism of the Anti-Semite; its twenty-seventh impression in 1907 was renamed Handbook of the Jewish Question and remained till the end of the Third Reich a source of reference and inspiration for all Jew-haters. Fritsch launched the “Anti-Semitic People’s Party” in 1889. In 1902 he started a periodical, the Hammer , which became such a success that Hammer Associations sprang up everywhere in Germany ...


... after having had to remove him as Gauleiter of Thuringia for recurrent misbehaviour and corruption. “There is, in spite of all his weaknesses, not a single full-blooded personality like him … And the Jew is much more base, bloodthirsty and satanical than Streicher has depicted him”, said Hitler in one of his monologues. 1024 He will never forget that in 1922, after his “conversion”, Streicher transferred ...


... compared the Austrian corporal in the first months after the Great War to “a worn out stray dog” who would accept a crust of bread from anyone who wanted to be his master, even from a Frenchmen or a Jew. Mayr was caught and handed over to the Germans. He died in the Buchenwald concentration camp on 9 February 1945. 239 ...


... president of the Nuremberg Military Tribunal in 1946. There are countless documents telling of the sadistic power trip of the brown storm-troopers and the Hitler Youth, who could humiliate and beat up any Jew, and destroy his property, without as much as a gesture of resistance, and who became hardened by this practice to do worse. It remains a startling fact that Jewish crowds of hundreds or thousands allowed ...


... 416, 417, 418, 419, 420 414—To fear God really is to remove oneself to a distance from Him, but to fear Him in play gives an edge to utter delightfulness. Page 330 415—The Jew invented the God-fearing man; India the God-knower and God-lover. 416—The servant of God was born in Judaea, but he came to maturity among the Arabs. India's joy is in the servant-lover. 417—Perfect ...


... by Matthew in the more direct statement becomes seizable from two great announcements by Paul. Galatians 3:26-29 runs: "For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus... There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ"... In Colossians 3:11 Paul adds another pair of categories - "Barbarian, Scythian" - growing ...

... effect beyond our current technology may be presumed.   The crucified man, about five feet ten inches tall, with a beard and long hair is of the Caucasic type - more precisely, like a Sephardic Jew. The fibres of the Shroud's linen have yielded 48 samples of pollen of a kind found only in Palestine, Southern Turkey and a few parts of Europe. So at some point of time they must have been exposed ...

... in the east. During summer, the place becomes unimaginably hot - so hot that you cannot imagine it. I had been there to learn occultism from a great master, Monsieur Theon, who was probably a Polish Jew. During the hot noon, I used to sit under an olive tree daily for meditation. I could endure the heat all right. One day, during deep meditation, I suddenly began to feel uneasy, and, opening my eyes ...


... and Queen. He used to prophesy about race-horses too. This got him into trouble. He was imprisoned and died in prison. (After a few minutes' silence) Have you heard of Nostradamus? No? He was a Jew. At that time the Jews had a lot of knowledge. He wrote a book of prophecy in an obscure language and foretold, among other things, the execution of Charles I, the establishment of the British Empire ...


... true. As I said, he was a normal human being with enormous many-sided powers and capacities which very few people have possessed. Hitler's idea of the Nazi order is also not his. It is the idea of a Jew whom he murdered later on. PURANI: And you can see in Europe the type of New Order and civilisation he wants to establish. NIRODBARAN: But as regards military genius they say he is as great as ...


... The link had been established at last, and there was no danger of it snapping or the experiences of the higher planes being lost on return to the material consciousness. Max Théon, a Polish Jew, and his wife Alma, an Englishwoman, an even greater occultist, lived at Tlemcen in Algeria. In 1906, leaving the continent for the first time in her life, Mirra spent a few months with them. Together ...


... money from any one and yet he was affluent. It was said he knew alchemy and could make gold. (There was a few minutes silence.) Sri Aurobindo : Have you heard about Nosterdamus? No? He was a Jew. At that time Jews had great knowledge. He wrote a book of prophecy in some obscure language and prophesied about the execution of Charles I, the end of the British Empire and the lasting of the Empire ...

... most accounts. Yet those who swear by him keep him hanging on the cross. Poor, poor Christ. He who could not tolerate sham in the name of religion. Remember his going to a Jewish temple—he was a Jew—with a broom and determinedly sweeping out all the pretentious priests? He must be hanging his head in shame at the doings of his 'followers.' Christian clergy and the laity alike felt no shame ...

... emperors to both the rival religions." This freedom of religion became ingrained in the Indian people. Different religions lived side by side. Persecuted peoples from other lands, like the Parsi, the Jew, or Syrian Christians, sought refuge on Indian shores. The world knew that Hindus had a taste for cultural diversity. Raja-raja Chola, encouraged Sri Mara Vijayottungavarman, the ruler of Sri Vijaya ...

... led through Bassora Bare in their shifts with halters round their necks And, stripped before all eyes, whipped into swooning, Then sold as slaves but preferably for little To some low Nazarene or Jew. Was that The order, Almuene? IBN SAWY Merciful Allah! And it is done? ALZAYNI I doubt not, it is done. IBN SAWY Their crime? ALZAYNI Conspiring murder. They have killed ...


... brute force the spirit, the idea is bound to conquer. The Roman Empire is no more, but the Christianity which it thought to crush, possesses half the globe, covering "regions Caesar never knew". The Jew, whom the whole world persecuted, survived by the strength of an idea and now sits in the high places of the world, playing with nations as a chess-player with his pieces. He knows too that his own life ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... hunger & thirst after what others have in their keeping from the false idea that they are different from myself and their possessions are not already my possessions." The difference of ideas between the Jew & the Indian becomes at once palpable. "Lust not after thy neighbour's goods," says the Jewish lawgiver in effect, "for he is he, thou thou, and thou hast no righteous claim to another man's possessions ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... churches founded by him, there are the facts of his milieu and of his education to favour our exegesis. The Jerusalem Bible 78 ably features these facts: Page 263 "Paul was a Jew with a Greek cultural background which he had possibly begun to acquire when a boy in Tarsus and which was certainly reinforced by repeated contact with the Graeco-Roman world; this influence is obvious ...

... on the political scene was “a decision that would be for good, with no turning back”. How came that Hitler, who was not an anti-Semite in May 1919, at least not an outspoken one, became a militant Jew-baiter in the following months, as is evident from reactions to his pep talks as an army propagandist and from the Gemlich letter, written on 16 September? How had Hitler constructed the pillars of his ...


... gestures by German Aryans, but it is undeniable that the general atmosphere was inimical towards the Jews. There is no doubt that Hitler did not have to push much to make a National Socialist kick a Jew, and harassing those “other” people was a lot of fun for a member of the Hitler Youth, as retaliation was out of the question. National Socialism wanted to discard the Jews from German society. Hitler ...


... soon established along the great European trade routes and in urban centres. By the ninth century the Jews of Europe enjoyed their greatest success as international merchants and traders; the words Jew and merchant were virtually synonymous. Along with Greeks, Syrians and Italians – Christians all – Jews were the advance agents of a society yet to come … Down to our own time, the wealth of some highly ...


... Glimpses of the Mother’s Life II, p. 157. × Kimberley Cornish, The Jew of Linz , p. 154. × Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier, Le matin des magiciens , p. 253. ...

... she had known him, was not sure about his provenance. He never told her who he really was, where he was born, how old he was, or anything else. According to her supposition he was a Polish or Russian Jew who had received initiation in India, knew Sanskrit, was knowledgeable about the Rig Veda, and had worked together with H.P. Blavatsky in Egypt. The marriage certificate of Max Théon and Alma, dated ...

... they were constantly shadowed by the police, who suspected them of being anarchists. And there was the Dreyfus Affair, tearing France apart from 1894 to 1906. Artillery Captain Alfred Dreyfus, a Jew, was accused of having provided arch-enemy Germany with secret military information, thereby committing treason. Though steadfastly maintaining his innocence, he was found guilty by court-martial, publicly ...

... phenomenon because I am an Indian born to it. Actually I am not such a dyed-in-the-wool Indian: I was born a Parsi Zoroastrian, brought up in a single-truth religion like any Christian or Muslim or Jew. I arrived at the Indian synthesis by a partly natural and partly willed process. And, having been single-truthed for nearly 20 years, I am not oblivious of the several fine attributes of an early creed ...


... heaven..." (26:9-13). 14 On turning to the autobiography in Galatians we find the same antecedents to the "revelation" connected with Damascus: "You must have heard of my career as a practising Jew, how merciless I was in persecuting the Church of God, and how enthusiastic I was for the traditions of my ancestors" (1:13-14). 15   In passing, we may contradict the excuse ...

... German nationalist hostages had been murdered. This was at a time that the leadership of the Russian Revolution, including Lenin, was generally (but incorrectly) supposed to be entirely Jewish, that the Jew Bela Kun had started a short-lived Marxist revolution in Hungary, that the Jews Rosa Luxemburg, Leo Jogisches and others had sparked off the Spartacist revolt, and that Marxist revolts were brewing ...


... of the Treaty of Versailles (he entertained the same irrational hopes for an understanding with Great Britain as the German leadership before the Great War); the protagonist of the Aryan race, the Jew, had to be discarded in one way or another. But now Hitler dared to express what could only have drawn ridicule when he was still known as the Austrian corporal: Germany must conquer the world for the ...


... numbers and were reprinted till the end of the Third Reich. What the nationalist literature did not promulgate were the visionary predictions of a Romantic like Heinrich Heine (1797-1856), who was a Jew. “Christianity – and this is its nicest merit – has somewhat softened the crude German fighting spirit but could not eradicate it, and when the taming Talisman, the Cross, falls to pieces, then the savagery ...


... hungry and penniless. They could not forever be kept marching and chanting in the streets or collecting money for the Party – while doing a little mischief on the side, for instance beating up an old Jew. They were looking forward to what was promised to them – power, food and money – and this not in the long term but as soon as possible. “Hitler had already for some time become the hostage of his ...


... of falling to the level where Southern Italy is today. This pestilential adulteration of the blood, of which hundreds of thousands of our people take no account, is systematically practised by the Jew today.” Hitler also wrote the following, which may be taken as a summing up of his basic ideas on the subject of race: “Therewith we may lay down the following principle as valid: every racial mixture ...


... for which the world was created. 413) To fear God really is to remove oneself to a distance from Him, but to fear Him in play gives an edge to utter delightfulness. Page 481 414) The Jew invented the God-fearing man; India the God-knower and God-lover. 415) The servant of God was born in Judaea, but he came to maturity among the Arabs. India's joy is in the servant-lover. 416) ...


... preserved for us scattered instances of this travail, instances of failure and success which are full of instruction. We see the struggle towards the aggregation of tribes among the Semitic nations, Jew and Arab, surmounted in the one after a scission into two kingdoms which remained a permanent source of weakness to the Jewish nation, overcome only temporarily in the other by the sudden unifying force ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... expresses her strong displeasure that her so-called note on Arabs and Israelites was published in "Mother India" under the title "The Jews and the Arabs." Mother protests against the use of the word "Jew," which corresponds to only one Israelite tribe and has taken on a pejorative meaning. ) [See conversation of June 21, 1967 . This was not a note by Mother, but the rough transcription noted by a ...


... as the Sufi developments of Islam do, but this is so because overtly or covertly the influence of Hinduism has been felt by them. Hence to be a Hindu, as distinguished from a Christian or Muslim or Jew or Zoroastrian or even Buddhist, is to be steeped in the tradition of a spirituality which, while admitting of various kinds of contact and communion with the Infinite Eternal and so granting the validity ...

... believe in the unity of knowledge. This explains why the Muslim Rumi had disciples with Christian, Zoroastrian and various other backgrounds. The v great Sufi "invisible teacher" Khidr is said to be a Jew. The Moghul Prince Dora Shikoh identified Sufi teachings in the Vedas and Upanishads. Even Pythagoras and Solomon are sometimes referred to as Sufi teachers. Page 154 But what is at ...

... become aware of the boots, i.e. of your subtle body and its exits. November 28, 1936 Boil again inside the right nostril! But perhaps you will ask me to imagine being a Spaniard, German, Jew, the Japanese-German pact and the Russian inflammation against it etc., etc. All right, Sir, I will imagine all these if you will imagine giving me a dose of Force, what? It is for you to do that ...

... AUROBINDO: Mandel is the only man, clean and honest, who has not made money from politics. Laval and others are afraid of him. He is unpopular because of his straightforwardness. SATYENDRA: He is a Jew. He refused to join his party with Ribbentrop when the latter proclaimed eternal friendship with France in 1937. SRI AUROBINDO: The result of his eternal friendship is the swallowing up of a part ...


... teaching. Here, in Palestine, she began to paint water-colour landscapes. Work in the boarding school for Arab girls came to a stop at the end of the British Mandate in Palestine. As Janina was not a Jew, there was no reason for her to stay there and she decided to go back to Poland in February 1948. She worked there for nearly nine years, supervising the educational work of different institutions. Later ...


... Kicking is easy. As to the effects or after-effects, that has to be seen. MYSELF: Boil again inside the right nostril! But perhaps you will ask me to imagine being a Spaniard, German, Jew, Japanese—German pact, Russian inflammation at it etc., etc. All right, Sir, I will imagine all these if you will imagine giving me a dose of Force, what? SRI AUROBINDO: It is for you to do that ...


... appreciation. This is the story of my literary work in the two decades. In the year 1952 or 1953 we saw a few films on French writers and musicians like Balzac, Zola, and Chopin (originally a Polish Jew). I had some interesting talks with the Mother on them. I do not know how it happened. Probably because I had at that time become a teacher of French in the School and was therefore studying French ...

... words, the Supreme God (!), the greatest God! And nobody knew him by any other names than these two: Aia Aziz or Max Théon." But Mirra had picked up one reliable piece of information. "Théon was a Jew, although he never Page 48 mentioned the fact. It was made known by the Tlemcen officials; when he arrived he had to tell them who he was. He never talked about it and had changed his ...

... meet a singular man who called himself Max Theon—The "Supreme God,” no less. He never said who he really was or where he was born, nor his age, nor anything. 1 It seems he was a Russian or Polish Jew, who was forced to leave his country for that reason. He published in Paris a magazine called La Tradition Cosmique through the agency of someone called Themanlys, a friend of Matteo’s. Mirra pounced ...

... from Tilak's side, made no pretence to impartiality. Tilak was made to stand in the dock while charges against him were read out. The nine-member jury was made up of six Europeans, two Paris and one Jew. When the jury pronounced its verdict of 'guilty'—with two dissenting voices saying 'innocent'—Tilak, the iron-willed, said, "All I wish to say is that in spite of the verdict of the jury, I maintain ...

... Prasad, the then President of India, he unmasked himself. "The Hindu," wrote Nehru, "is certainly not tolerant and is certainly more narrow-minded than almost any person in any other country except the Jew." And to fill our cup, there is Nehru's bitter reproach to the French Indologist, Alain Daniélou. "What you are interested in is just what we want to destroy." To destroy. ...

... strains were, he declared in his table talk, inferior to the Jews: if 5000 Jews were transferred to Sweden, within a short time they would occupy all the leading positions.” 635 The mystery of the cause of Hitler’s hatred of the Jews must have been closely connected with “his vision of the apocalyptic conflict between the Aryans and the Jews”, which we have briefly examined when leafing through Mein... executive organs of the regime would know that any radicalization of the politics against the Jews was authorized by the highest representative of the regime. On top of this, “Hitler gave confidentially direct oral orders with which he started particular operations of the systematic mass murder of the Jews.” 628 This is carefully worded by Longerich and supported by many persons involved in the ... 634 which is a historians’ understatement. And Joachim Fest puts is as follows: “We can probably no longer plumb the cause of this ever-growing hatred [of the Jews], which lasted literally to the last hour of Hitler’s life.” “He admired the Jews”, says Fest. “Their racial exclusiveness and purity seemed to him no less admirable than their sense of being a chosen people, their implacability and intelligence ...

... was Jewish.) The Marburg professor of philosophy Hermann Cohen wrote in 1916: “As Germans we want to be Jews, and as Jews Germans”, and he thought he saw how in the perspective of history Germans and Jews would fuse into unity. “It was from this angle”, writes Dietrich Bronder, “that the Jews as German soldiers have affirmed themselves on all occasions, even in Hitler’s armies, and that they were... “When World War I began, the Jews expressed their sense of German nationalism by swarming into the army with an ardour as lemming-like as that of the gentiles. Some 100 000 Jews (one out of every six, including the women and children) entered the German Army. Of these, 80 000 served in frontline trenches, 35 000 were decorated for bravery, and 12 000 were killed. ‘The Jews were pathologically patriotic’... German Jews hoped their sacrifice in war would convince all of their patriotism, and indeed, in the name of national unity, German anti-Semitism was muted at first”, writes John Weiss. However: “Soon German racism surpassed even pre-war intensity, encouraged by the German army. When Jews were accused of slacking, the general staff requested the Ministry of War to conduct a count of Jews at the front ...

... “Numerically, the Jews remained a tiny minority, never more than about one percent of the population. Those few, however, tended to congregate in Berlin. The 50 families of 1671 grew to a population of 3 322 in 1800, to 92 000 in 1900, to a peak of 173 000 in 1925 (about six times the 29 000 in Frankfurt, Germany’s second-largest Jewish community).” Even during this increase, Berlin’s Jews never numbered... like Wertheim, Tietz and Kaufhaus Israel. The most important newspaper groups were owned by Jews, and, to a very considerable extent, the spectacular culture of Berlin in the 1920’s; the culture dominated by personalities like Max Reinhardt and Bruno Walter and Albert Einstein, was a Jewish culture. “To the Jews, this was naturally a matter of pride, and more than one Jewish chronicler has pointed out... Burleigh and John Weiss make the effort to find out who the German Jews actually were, how they lived, and, most important, in how far the accusations of their torturers and executioners were justified. Were the Jewish people really one coherent, monolithic body, striving to fulfil its destiny as a race? Was it to this end that the Jews gathered the world’s money in their hands, and that they tried ...

... of the new ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity, was also “a vicious anti-Semite” (Weiss). The many barbs against the Jews in his Philosophical Dictionary are there for all to read, e.g. “the Jews, our teachers and our enemies, whom we believe and detest”, or: “The Jews thus treat history and ancient fables as their old-clothes-men threat their worn garments: they turn them and sell them for... Nazism 10. The Jewish Question Hitler and his God A Less Prejudiced Attitude How, then, did the next stage in Europe’s history, the Enlightenment, treat the Jews? Its principle was a radical questioning of all certainties and dogmas formerly held to be unquestionable. The field of questioning was broadened constantly by discoveries of new lands and peoples,... English editor and translator of the Dictionary tries to defend his author: “This sort of thing is common form in Voltaire, and the legend of his anti-Semitism has persisted … He did not dislike the Jews on ‘racial grounds’, but only because they were the people of the Old Testament and the precursors of Christianity” – which looks like a curious reason for his dislike. 562 “I therefore ask, gentlemen ...

... Pan-Germans against Jews and Czechs in the streets of Vienna was a fact of everyday life. Schönerer had become “the idol of German shopkeepers, artisans and clerks, his photo was displayed in countless shops, his paper was available for reading in nearly every pub. A brisk business was done in watch chains with images of hanged Jews … The party program was depressingly familiar: Jews must not teach or... or serve in the army or the civil service, and there should be quotas in law and medicine … Artisans and peasants must be protected [against the Jews] and Jews kept out of the empire; those already there were to be treated as aliens with special legal and tax burdens.” 141 “It is indeed beyond question that Hitler not only took over Schönerer’s political principles, but that he nearly copied them,”... hostel in the Meldemannstrasse were Jews, as Hamann herself found out. She also writes: “The decisive question when anti-Semitism became for Hitler the crucial point cannot be answered from his time in Linz and Vienna.” 146 When Hitler in the hostel and in the frontline dugouts launched into one of his rhetorical outbursts, his vehemence was not directed against the Jews; he was angered because Germany ...

... because people want something to strike and so the popular cry, "The Jews the Jews". You remember I told you about the prophecy regarding the Jews that when they will be persecuted and driven to Jerusalem that the Golden age shall come? It is the Jews that have built Germany's Commercial fleet and her navy. The contribution of Jews towards the world's progress in every branch is remarkable. But... not understand why the Jews are being so much persecuted by Hitler. Disciple : I understand that the Jews betrayed Germany during the war. Sri Aurobindo : Nonsense, on the other hand they helped Germany a great deal. It is because they are a clever Page 60 race that others are jealous of them, for anything that is wrong you point to the Jews! It is so much more easy ...

... founder of the Germanenorden . In all cases German racism was practically identical with anti-Semitism, for the Jews were the main foreign organism, often compared to a germ or a virus, in the living body of the Volk. (Compared to the numbers and the economical and cultural influence of the Jews, the Gypsies were hardly of any importance – if the murder of half a million of them can be said to be of little... a prominent Pan-German, put the Semites on a nearly identical level with the Indo-Germans. If the Jews were hated and feared, it was in part because they were secretly admired (also by Hitler) for their surviving qualities and purity as a race, and for their intelligence. The characteristics of the Jews, stereotyped by Christianity in general, were ingrained, “programmed” in the thinking modes of the... virulent and aggressive because German nationalism and racism became virulent and aggressive. Even Treitschke wanted to give the Jews a chance to integrate into the nation, by converting to Christianism, before he became a militant anti-Semite and coined the slogan “The Jews are our misfortune”, which would resound through the coming generations. Ernst Haeckel seems never to have gone that far. ...

... People want something to strike at. So the popular cry, "The Jews, the Jews." Do you remember my telling you about the prophecy regarding the Jews—that when they will be persecuted and driven to Jerusalem the Golden Age shall come? It is the Jews that have built Germany's commercial fleet and her navy. And the contribution of the Jews towards the world's progress in every branch is remarkable. ... question of the Jews. Purani said that he didn't understand why the Jews were being persecuted so much by Hitler. NIRODBARAN: I understand that the Jews betrayed Germany during the First World War. SRI AUROBINDO: Nonsense! On the contrary they helped Germany a great deal. It is because they are a clever race that others are jealous of them. Or for anything that is wrong you point to the Jews—it is so ...

... which will remain, as far as the Jews are concerned, the basis of his ideology, his real “granite foundation”, till the last day of his life. There is the foreignness and the danger represented by the Jewish people; there is the affirmation that the Jews are a race, not a religious community; and there is the statement that the ultimate aim of the struggle against the Jews must be, “unshakeably”, their... to answer a question put to him in writing by Adolf Gemlich, another of Mayr’s military propagandists. The question was: “What is the attitude of the social-democratic government towards the Jews? Are the Jews also included in the socialist programme of “equal rights” of the peoples, even so when one considers them to be a threat to the Volkstum [the people as a race]?” 21 In his request to answer... an audience, and this would be of crucial importance for his and Germany’s future. Another noteworthy fact during his mission in Lechfeld was that Hitler, for the first time, began to attack the Jews, so vehemently that he had to be restrained by his superiors, who, however much they might agree with him, were after all serving a social-democratic government. The commandant of the Lechfeld camp ...

... religions of mankind. The history of the Jews is one of strife and persecution. Judaism's main persecutors have been its two daughters: Christianity and Mohammedanism. These quarrelsome sisters do not forget to equally quarrel among themselves. Concerning the persecution of the Jews, Sri Aurobindo spoke of a "Cabalistic prophecy," according to which "when the Jews will be persecuted and driven to Jerusalem... Jerusalem, then the Golden Age shall come." He also pointed out that "the contribution of the Jews towards the world's progress in every branch is remarkable." Indeed the Jewish race has produced Page 94 not only prophets like Elijah or philosophers like Spinoza (1632-77), but also the greatest of our modern scientists, Albert Einstein (1879-1955), born one year after Mirra. Besides... B.C., which would make Moses a contemporary of Sri Krishna. And peculiarly enough, just when Krishna led the exodus of his Yadava tribe from Mathura to Dwaraka, seemingly Moses did the same with the Jews in the Middle East. Page 98 way the Ten Commandments on top of Mount Sinai —"And to think Moses climbed up there to hear that banality!" exclaimed Mother— how Joshua completed Moses' ...

... included in it. Perhaps Italy will take Savoy, Nice and Corsica. NIRODBARAN: Mussolini is stretching his arm to Palestine too. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, and he wants to drive out the Jews en masse. SATYENDRA: Poor Jews! They have been cursed through the ages, driven out from everywhere NIRODBARAN: Why is it so? SRI AUROBINDO: Firstly, they have always tried to keep their individuality and, secondly ...

... published in the July 1967 issue of Mother India . On the typed sheet sent for approval, the Mother added the final sentence in her own hand. ) THE JEWS AND THE ARABS SOME ANSWERS BY THE MOTHER How is one to explain this age-old enmity between the Jews and the Arabs (although having a common ancestor), hating each other generation on generation up to the impasse in which we have been living from ...

... of little importance to launch the Kristallnacht, a euphemism for the biggest pogrom in German history. Soon a series of decrees gradually made life in Germany unbearable for the Jews – and not only for the Jews: Himmler issued his decree “to fight the Gypsy plague” on 8 December. Whatever the half-measures Hitler had been forced to take not to offend world opinion too much, from now on he indubitably... acceptance. But it seems one cannot rely on common sense to stand the strain.” 1113 Now Hitler, convinced that he was pressed for time, loosened all the brakes. For a time he had gone easy on the Jews, heading straight for his world war and allowing nothing to come in between. In the back of his mind, though, the idea had taken shape that the war would be the right occasion to realize, unheeded by... within his power, with the ultimate aim to eradicate them ( ausmerzen ) in the whole world. Sri Aurobindo read his intentions and signalled the preparations for “the deliberate cold-blooded murder of the Jews” as early as the last day of 1938. Hitler, the appearances notwithstanding, was sorely disappointed with the results of the Munich Conference. Raving against Chamberlain, he shouted: “That fellow ...

... For example, he said that Prince Edward, the son of George V, would lose the throne because of a woman. He also said that the Jews would be persecuted and driven out of every where. SRI AUROBINDO: This prophecy about the Jews is very old one. According to it, when the Jews will be persecuted and driven out of every country, it will be a sign of the coming of the millennium. Usually, the prophecies ...

... guidance, with the adamant conviction that the Germans were the Herrenmenschen ; that he was the one come to lead them towards the fulfilment of their Volkhood and their highest aims; and that the Jews were the enemies of this fulfilment. The practical aspects of this task coincided for the most part with the political aspirations of that time. In the prison at Landsberg, and most probably under the... Then, as Chancellor of the Reich, he capitalized on the political situation to secure the foundations of the Aryan world empire, and to execute what until then had been unthinkable, the genocide of the Jews. Hermann Rauschning 1 has already been quoted elsewhere as saying that Hitler could not proclaim his great, basic ideas openly from the start. He had at first to stick to the “fascist”, i.e. ... mind from the beginning of his career and remained always present, even when circumstances forced him to agree for a while with the Madagascar plan or with the emigration of the German and Austrian Jews. The ultimate settlement of accounts between the false and the true Chosen People was, in Hitler’s vision, inevitable. The growth of the National Socialist movement, the regained prosperity of Germany ...

... But even he has slipped up over the words "all the world" in Mark 16:15.   He feels that they go against his contention that Jesus wanted his mission to be very restricted - indeed to the Jews alone, as Vedanthan concludes from Matthew 10:5-7. Hence he thinks it important to note that the verse in Mark is considered by Biblical scholars to be an interpolation. But he forgets that Matthew... of the regions contained within the Roman Empire under Caesar Augustus's successors Tiberius and Nero whose reigns covered Paul's ministry. No matter how much to the Page 94 non-jews Christianity or, as Mr. Vedanthan would have it, Paulinism masquerading as Christianity was preached in the immediate wake of Jesus' lifetime, none of the Apostles can be thought of as having had an ...

... Dora, where the V-2s were built? Or the commanders of the Einsatzgruppen in Russia – Walter Ohlendorff, Arthur Nebe, Friedrich Jeckeln … – who performed such an effective job of slaughtering Jews and non-Jews alike in their tens of thousands? ...

... Lord”, fountainhead of all culture and everything worthwhile in the history of humanity, and they were the Chosen People. If the false pretenders to the title of Chosen People were the Jews, if the ultimate aim of the Jews was world dominion, as documented in The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion, and if Hitler’s Aryans had to exterminate them “to do the work of the Lord” and found the Kingdom of God... have told you] is not about equality with others but about power over others … In all these conquered countries it will be your task to play the leading role in the name of the German people … As the Jews were able to become the all-encompassing world power from their diaspora, so will we today, as the true people of God, from our dispersion throughout the world become the omnipresent power, the master ...

... in Hitler’s subconscious mind. “Eckart was very influential in the development of the anti-Semitic dynamic within the ranks of the Workers’ Party”, writes Mosse. “He reinforced Hitler’s abhorrence of Jews as a mysterious, strange and conspiring people, supplementing Hitler’s ideas in some areas, while creating a more fanatical foundation for their development in others. While Hitler had already shared... Jewish question is the chief problem of humanity, in which, indeed, every one of its other problems is contained. Nothing on earth could remain darkened if one could throw light on the secret of the Jews’.” 155 What happened between Eckart and Hitler during their frequent meetings remains unknown. It is nonetheless undeniable that Hitler generated a sudden burst of energy which would make him within... unification of all Germans into a Greater Germany; 2. the abolition of the Treaties of Versailles and St. Germain; 3. the right of Germany to the necessary territories and colonies; 4. the expulsion of all Jews from Germany.” 158 Before long the name of the German Workers’ Party (DAP) was changed into “National Socialist German Workers’ Party” (NSDAP) – quite a mouthful, but no problem in a language in which ...

... language Hitler used when he wrote or talked about the government of the Weimar Republic was even worse than the way he talked about the hated French. “November criminals”, designating all Leftists and Jews allegedly responsible for the armistice and related events, was used by him on uncountable occasions and became a sort of political concept in Naziland. But there was much more, and better, also in... against Germany’s mortal enemy prepared. Hitler called the government “the present Jewish-Democratic Reich, which has become a veritable curse for the German people”; they were “those ruffians of Jews who came into power in 1918 and were able to rob the nation of its arms”; they were “a gang of bandits”. 272 “According to the laws that govern human history, it is inconceivable that the German people ...

...   Has fire already answered us With its quick-gold convolvulus? Or the rose lighted its reply In crimson-circled symmetry?   Does downward Jew's translucent ball  Need let no secret utterance fall? Will never the hollow of man's ear  Catch aught save tones earth etches clear?   To unviewed heights flame-tongue must leap, ...

... 1967 Dearest Mother, People who have read the recent letter written by you to Vishwa (Dr. Ponnou) tell me that it is a very enlightening one. It is about the religious consciousness of the Jews and the Arabs. I am told that there is nothing political in it nor anything personal to Vishwa. If you consider it publishable, will you kindly permit me to approach Vishwa to give me either a copy ...

... in the first place Matthias Erzberger, had betrayed their country. Germany was not guilty of starting the war; it had lost the war because it had been betrayed by the Social-Democrats, communists and Jews within its own house; the nation must become strong and powerful again and take revenge. These were the inexhaustible themes of Adolf Hitler, who had been as shocked as the rest of the German nation... plunged his dagger between his shoulders and killed him. Now, once again, “the fighting Siegfried [i.e. Germany] succumbed to the dagger plunged in his back [by the pacifist Social-Democrats and other ‘Jews’]”, wrote Hitler in *Mein Kampf.* 260 This untruth, a lie called legend, launched by Hindenburg before a commission examining the cause of the German collapse, was reinforced and propagated by Ludendorff... tation and offended patriotic feelings provided abundant ammunition for Hitler’s broadsides against “Germany’s enemies”, real or imagined, internal and international. (And exposing the whole lot as Jews always elicited consent from his audiences.) France, however, was his favourite target among the Allies. This country was “a victor which should not have been one”, for it was unjust “that such a highly ...

... widows and orphans.” For now it was no longer a matter of the killing of a hundred persons whom Hitler disliked, or of a thousand Jews caught at random, but of hundreds of thousands of German soldiers, people of other nations, and of the systematic genocide of the Jews. In Stauffenberg’s position as a staff officer he could not but know about this, even if he did not know all of it. “Stauffenberg was... become thoroughly alarmed over what was taking place”. 722 The falling of the scales from his eyes happened gradually. The iron-fisted totalitarianism, the vulgar and systematic suppression of the Jews, the never ceasing flood of blatant propaganda, the black side of Hitler and his paladins, the arrogance and ruthlessness of the SS, the atmosphere of suspicion and fear – it all looked more and more ...

... of Jesus, a most revered and essential sacrifice was the one offered by devour' Israelites on Passover, and known as the Paschal Lamb. It commemorated God's deliverance of the Jews from Egyptian Bondage (see Appendix). Many Jews would each bring a lamb to the Temple in Jerusalem, and give it to a priest, who would slaughter the animal, sprinkle its blood upon the altar, and burn its entrails and fat... One!" [Luke 23:36] The soldiers also mocked him, coming up and offering him vinegar, [Luke 23:37] and saying, "If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself!" [Luke 23:38] There was also an inscription over him, "This is the King of the Jews." Jesus promises salvation to the crucified criminal who shows faith in Jesus' holiness* [Luke 23:39] One of the criminals who were... proof or explanation. Page 70 Old Testament Prophecies One factor that shaped the Passion (see below) narratives was the Hebrew Scriptures. When early Christians, many of whom were Jews, remembered the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus, they did so in the context of their sacred scriptures. They remembered Jesus' death not simply as an historical event but a divine sacrifice ...

... lot will be like that. SRI AUROBINDO: Quite so. That is the well-known Nazi position on the coloured races. Pétain is now taking it up in France. PURANI: Yes, he has already started against the Jews. SRI AUROBINDO: He is also preventing coloured people from entering the Government service. ...

... Christian authorities themselves. The Jews have many mystic symbols in their Cabbala. Originally they had no mysticism and didn't believe in the immortality of the soul. They believed that God breathes life into you at birth and takes it away at death. There is no future life or reincarnation. You are rewarded or punished in this single life on earth. The Jews got their mysticism from the Chaldeans ...

... with Stalin? SRI AUROBINDO: "Pact of brotherhood sealed in blood." That's what he said. Hitler has cloven-hoofed everybody. Now it is his turn to be cloven-hoofed. Carol says the British and the Jews dislike Russia having taken this step. Molotov will laugh at the idea. PURANI: In the recent naval engagement it seems that the Italian fleet ran away from the British. SRI AUROBINDO: Italy may... to be true. (Laughter) PURANI: The communists in Bessarabia are very happy and the Rumanians are fleeing. Trainloads seem to be crossing each other carrying refugees. SRI AUROBINDO: And the Jews are running away to the Russian territory. (Laughter) PURANI: The clashes, they say, are due to the overflow of the Russians. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, they outpaced the scheduled time! PURANI: ...

... become a moving force … I agree fully with Mister Hitler that what is called the social-democracy of the government is completely at the mercy of the Jews … All harmful elements must, like breeders of illness, be expelled or isolated – which goes for the Jews too …” 97 Hitler’s first visit to the DAP was not the casual occurrence it is still generally supposed to have been. This can also be deduced from ...

... Cosmic Spirit may after all have led him to do this in order to bring about that result. There is a Cabbalist prophecy: the Golden Age will come when the Jews will be driven out and persecuted everywhere. So Hitler by his mass persecution of the Jews may be bringing about the Golden Age! NIRODBARAN: Then has one no responsibility? Can one do as one likes. In that case one becomes a fatalist. SRI ...

... emanating from the new-born babe. Thakur was the founder of 'Satsang,' a group to which people from all walks of life were attracted, irrespective of their creeds: Buddhists and Christians, Jains and Jews, Hindus, Muslims . . . For Father that was the beginning —so far as I know — of several crucial experiences, including the awakening of the Page 9 Kundalini, the 'Serpent Power ...

... packets to Mother, who in turn gives them to Satprem: ) They are two old ladies, of German origin, but Jewish. In Germany, they still aren't kind at all; Hitler's influence has been disastrous, the Jews are still treated with contempt—it's disgusting, utterly disgusting. So these ladies went to Israel. They are very generous. But some people still have prejudices, you know! In France, with Pétain ...

... would not have been half as free as she is to-day. So, the Cosmic Spirit may have, after all, led him to do it to bring this result. There is a Cabalist prophesy   :  the golden age will come when the Jews will be driven off and persecuted every where. So, Hitler may be bringing that about. There are so many ways of looking at a thing. For instance, this American lady thinks, perhaps, that she is paying... mean that there is no moral standard. Humanity requires a certain standard it helps profess. It is obvious from what Hitler is doing that he is not serving the forces of Light. He is serving what the Jews would call "the forces of unrighteousness". But from the spiritual point of view, that may also be necessary. As they say "it takes all sorts to make the world." But again that does not mean that ...

... “Hitler was not a politician who based himself on a programme and who had to justify his actions to the people, but the redemptive figure of an exoteric cult whose aim was to liberate the world from the Jews … Strictly speaking the Germans did not need to know anything. They only had to have faith.” 775 “I have taught you how to have faith: now give me your faith!” Hitler shouted. And he said on another ...

... Chronicle of the Crusades Daim, Wilfried: Der Mann, der Hitler die Ideen gab Davidson, Eugene: The Making of Adolf Hitler – The Birth and Rise of Nazism Dawidowicz, Lucy: The War against the Jews 1933-45 Delpla, François: Hitler Fest, Joachim: Der Untergang Fest, Joachim: Hitler (1974 ed.) Fest, Joachim: Speer – The Final Verdict Fest, Joachim: The Face of the Third... Fischer”. Iyengar, K.R. Srinivasan: Sri Aurobindo Jäckel, Eberhard: Hitlers Weltanschauung Joachimsthaler, Anton: Hitlers Weg begann in München 1913-1923 Johnson, Paul: A History of the Jews Junge, Traudl: Bis zur letzten Stunde Kaufmann, Walter: Nietzsche – Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist Kempowski, Walter: Haben Sie Hitler gesehen? Kershaw, Ian: Hitler – 1889-1936 ...

... sense of the Infinite I had at the Shankeracharya Hill at Kashmir and at Parvati Hill near Poona, and the reality of the image in a temple at Karnali near Chandod. Disciple : I asked X why the Jews are so much persecuted in Germany. He said that they were a rich minority and so they were made the scapegoat. He said, the same thing Page 209 happened in France against the aristocracy ...

... the supermen would, moreover, become always purer and nobler because they would be freed of the peril of degradation by lower races and especially by the demonic race that was the lowest of all, the Jews. As Sri Aurobindo’s vision was that of a new era initiating the transformation of the human race into a race of higher beings he also called “supermen”, and as these higher beings would populate a new ...

... destruction of that happy order had been the work first of the Romans and then of the Church of Rome … The Old Testament was dismissed as valueless; for from the time of the creation onwards it was not the Jews but the Germans who were the Chosen People. Adam and all his descendants down to Japheth [one of the three sons of Noah], including all the Patriarchs, were Germans speaking German … It was Japheth ...

... carried beyond its Jewish context and brought to all of humanity by Paul of The New Testament. Paul recognised that the non-Jewish world could not adhere to both the strict Law of Moses, as orthodox Jews had to in order to worship properly, as well as follow the path of the illuminated Love Jesus asked of us. He did away with the Law of an "eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth" by replacing it with ...

... he could open a breach into it." Page 130 United States. Beginning of the New Deal. January 30, 1933 — The National Socialists come to power in Germany. The first measures against the Jews are taken shortly after. September 29, 1938 — The French and British Prime Ministers, Daladier and Chamberlain meet Hitler in Munich and avert war by abandoning Czechoslovakia to its fate. March ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Uniting Men

... go out and spill their blood for a Greater Germany to which the world would have to bow; it made them feel the true Chosen People, entitled and even missioned to exterminate the false pretenders, the Jews. This development is rather surprising if one has a look at the history of the German master race. As a Volk they were a battered people for centuries, moving, in the words of H.R. Trevor-Roper, ...

... of Jesus, he is told to run away to Egypt with her for a time because the king Herod attempted to murder all newborn boys in his kingdom because of a prediction by Three Wise men that the King of the Jews has been born. In Chapter II of Matthew, one can find the account of the Three Wisemen and how they find Jesus and Mary by following a miraculous star that guides them. They then worship the infant... the responsibility of sentencing Jesus to death. It was the custom that at the time of the Passover, one man could be freed and thus saved from crucifixion (see Note). Pilate then asked the crowd of Jews who do they wish to be saved, and the crowd condemned Jesus to death by ; __________ * blasphemy: an act or words which insult God or a holy place, Page 22 shouting the name of ...

... a Hill in Kashmir or on the Parvati hills at Poona, and the perception of the reality of Goddess at the Karnali temple. PURANI (after a pause) : To return to the Herberts: I asked Hubert why the Jews are so much repressed and persecuted in Germanv. He says the same thing as you did—that they are a rich minority and so they are made a scapegoat. The same was done, he tells me, to the French aristocracy ...

... innocent of it. Two Pharaohs are prominent in the context of the Exodus. The first is the "Pharaoh of the Oppression" under whom the Jews suffered; the other is the "Pharaoh of the Exodus". Albright conflates the two in Ramses II (1304-1238 B.C.) who enslaved the Jews to build the store-cities of Raamses and Pithom leading to the Exodus in c. 1294 B.C. This leaves Ramses II living for 46 years more... more, whereas the Bible states that the oppressive Pharaoh died before Moses returned to Egypt. On the other hand, if the Exodus occurred in the reign of his successor Merneptah and the Jews wandered for 40 years en route the Promised Land, how could this Pharaoh defeat them in Palestine? Further, as the mummies of both Pharaohs have been found, how can either be the one who was drowned in the yam... To fix upon the date of the Exodus, Sethna takes his clue from the Bible's computing of Solomon starting to build the Jerusalem Temple in the fourth year of his reign, which came 480 years after the Jews had left Egypt. Starting with an authentic date - that of the Battle of Qarkar on the Orontes in 853 B.C. (the 6th year of the Assyrian king Shalmaneser Ill's reign) in which Ahab fought - Sethna arrives ...

... Socialist Party”, for which the propaganda was launched on Christmas Day. This was meant to be a political party in the classical sense of the word, “German-völkisch and socialist”, but not accessible for Jews. Its newspaper would be the Münchener Beobachter und Sportblatt – a title intended to allure the lower classes by the addition of Sportblatt , which means “sports magazine”. The president of the ...

... devil, to the equally famous ‘scrap of paper’ [Hitler’s disdainful designation of the neutrality treaty with Belgium]. Who cannot see already in Luther’s betrayal of the peasants, the princes and the Jews an early example of the betrayal by the Prussian-Protestant officers of their Church and the world as a whole, is no more than a naïve fool.” 361 ...

... religion and philosophy, therefore she will learn to love and respect the Indian people, forget that Europe adopted a modified Judaism as her religion, yet hated, despised and horribly persecuted the Jews. European prejudice will always refuse to regard Asiatics as anything but an inferior race and European selfishness will always deny their fitness to enjoy the rights of men until the inevitable happens ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... dictators have remarkably few ideas :  Take for example Hitler. He believes that :      I  The Germans are the best people in the world. II. Hitler should be the leader. III. All the Jews are wicked persons. IV. All the people in the world must be Nazis. I do not understand how humanity can progress under such conditions. Disciple : The tendency of all governments is ...

... adopted with the hope of gaining over the Jews. In many other ways, by constant appeals to their own Scriptures, by according them perfect freedom of worship and political equality, Mohammed endeavoured to conciliate the Jews, but they met his overtures with scorn and derision. When all hopes of amalgamation proved fruitless and it became clear that the Jews would not accept him as their Prophet, Mohammed ...

... by the human mind which always wants clean cuts. It is only a total vision both in time and space that can understand. 14 June 1967 How is one to explain this age-old enmity between the Jews and the Arabs (although having a common ancestor) hating each other, generation on generation up to the impasse in which we have been living from some days back? Perhaps the enmity exists only because ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... excessive or suggest despair. There must be at least 20 million Hindus in Bengal and they are not going to be exterminated,—even Hitler with his scientific methods of massacre could not exterminate the Jews who are still showing themselves very much alive and, as for Hindu culture, it is not such a weak and fluffy thing as to be easily stamped out; it has lasted through something like 5 millenniums at ...

... of a Messiah reached the ears of Herod and he heard that Christ was born in Bethlehem, the fear of his earthly dominion passing into the hands of another drove him to massacre all the children of the Jews in order to avoid his fancied doom. These examples are a parable of the eternal blindness of men when face to face with movements divinely inspired which threaten or seem to threaten their temporal ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... the Romans were cruel, but even they were human if not humanitarian in comparison and they would have been shocked by what is done in Hitler's Germany, like the deliberate cold-blooded murder of the Jews. PURANI: I was extremely shocked to hear of Von Schleicher being murdered in a new purge. SRI AUROBINDO: Hitler killed the lieutenant who had raised him to power on a charge of immorality, and ...

... from its opponents; but it is content to barter acquittal for an apology. Recantation was the alternative which the old persecutors of Page 911 Christianity and the Christian persecutors of Jews and heretics offered to those whom they threatened with the cross and the arena, with the rack and the fire, and it was offered for the same reason that it is offered today to the political martyr. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... that it was a reply to a letter B. wrote to ask me all kinds of questions, in particular: "Why? These two nations being neighbours, why do they hate each other so much?" "... That curse on the Jews is a Christian story, it has nothing to do with the Muslims. "Violence and enmity ... When brothers hate each other, they do so much more intensely than others do. Sri Aurobindo said: 'Hatred denotes ...

... Yes, but there won't be much chance of success in Hitler's time. There are very few Monarchists and Fascists. Most are Republicans It seems many Leftist leaders have reached London along with rich Jews and others. NIRODBARAN: In that case it will fulfil the prophecy that France will become communist! SRI AUROBINDO: All the prophecies have proved wrong. Those from Pondicherry said that from the ...

... course there are Muslims in India. Their genius is trying to strike a different note, still the foundation of India and her original character are the Aryan genius. The Muslims can be admitted in the way Jews have a place even in Christian Europe. Is this sort of unity all that is there? It would seem so when we look from a superficial point of view, from the outside. Page 242 But ...

... promoters of materialism were the Jews. The latter had no idea of true spirituality, or of a soul, or of another world. Voltaire had written it long ago: “What is very singular is that in all the laws of god’s people there is not a word about the spirituality and the immortality of the soul … It is quite certain, it is indubitable that Moses nowhere promised the Jews rewards and punishments in another ...

... little for them to be oriented in the right way. 2 But there are two types of difficult religion, the Christian religion (especially in the form of Protestantism), and the Jewish religion. The Jews are also out-and-out materialists: you die, well, you die, it's over. Though I haven't quite understood how they reconcile that with their God, who moreover is Unthinkable and must not be named... but ...

... from the ‘chaos of peoples’ caused by the Roman Empire and the Catholic Church. To this race belonged the future if it could free oneself from the anti-Germanic elements, in the first place from the Jews. Of all Germanic peoples it was specifically the Germans who were called to rule the world. If they did not succeed in this, they were condemned to perish.” 402 Emperor William II was one of Cha ...

... leadership status against no less patriotic or racist Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Ruthenians, Slovenes, Serbo-Croats, Italians, and others. “In Vienna there lived at the time more Czechs than in Prague, more Jews than in Jerusalem and more Croats than in Zagreb.” 34 The new ideas of Theosophy together with the growing self-awareness of the Austrian Pan-Germans explain in part a figure like Guido von List ...

... He never spoke of it and he had changed his name. They said he was of Jewish origin, but they could never say whether he was Polish or Russian. At least the person who told me never knew. But for the Jews it's the "Unthinkable," whose name must not be uttered (it is uttered only once a year, on the "Day of Atonement"; I think that's what it's called). It's the word Yahveh , and it must not be uttered ...

... can progress under such conditions. Look at Hitler. After all, what do all his ideas come to except that the Germans are the best nation in the whole world and Hitler should be their leader; all Jews are wicked persons; all people on earth should become Nazis; and France must be crushed. That's all! There was a little further talk and then somebody spoke of certain governments acting like robbers ...

... fight clear of the fallacy that it is itself the largest light. For one thing, where is the certainty that what we conceive to be good for the world is really so? The Grand Inquisitors roasted Jews and Protestants in the sincere belief that they were benefiting not only the world but even the souls of their poor victims! As Bernard Shaw has been at pains to explain, even Joan of Arc was ...

... The second point is: can that belief be Hindu-coloured without vitiating secularity? India called herself secular for only one purpose: she wanted to make it clear that Muslims, Christians, Parsis, Jews and Jains living within her borders would suffer no discrimination or penalty or suppression on account of their not being Hindus and not partaking in the Hindu conventions of worship. India wished ...

... This was the beginning of the Mohammedan conquest of India. It must be said right away that the massacres perpetuated by Muslims in India are unparalleled in history, bigger than the Holocaust of the Jews by the Nazis; or the massacre of the Armenians by the Turks; more extensive even than the slaughter of the South American native populations by the invading Spanish and Portuguese. We shall quote from ...

... they could not go on and now they have called the Palestine Conference. If the Mufti is clever he will be able to get as much as possible, but not the whole of it. Disciple : What about the Jews? Sri Aurobindo : They can leave them to their fate, or they can be sacrificed for their self-interests or they may do something just to save their face. In Ireland, they came to a compromise ...

... force is necessary to move an object at a distance." His briefest comment reveals so much! "The Slavs as a race are psychically more sensitive but generally they do not control these occult forces. The JEWS, having a long-standing tradition about these powers, seem to know the way of mastering them. Théon, the Mother's first teacher, had great powers and knew how to use them. Sometimes these powers are ...

... “materialists”, not much more than material beings in an animal-like state, Untermenschen, i.e. subhumans, or lower humans, or half-humans, and even non-humans although human in appearance (such as the Jews). The German stage was set for Martin Luther (1483-1546). “It fell to Luther to amplify considerably the rise of a nationalism which fused with the Reformation and gave to Lutheranism its specifically ...

... the title “Adolf Hitler, Traitor”, accusing Hitler of all kinds of misbehaviour within the NSDAP, and of acting in the same fashion as the people he ranted against in his speeches and articles, the Jews. The pamphlet was written as an angry reaction against Hitler by a group of NSDAP members. The broader background was that Drexler and others, during a prolonged absence of Hitler in Berlin, had approached ...

... contact was the only way of mixing blood with blood, one finds here the nexus with the widespread sexual and even pornographic character assassination of those intentional spoilers of the Aryan blood: the Jews. “If nature does not wish that weaker individuals should mate with the stronger”, one reads in Mein Kampf , “she wishes even less that a superior race should intermingle with an inferior one; because ...

... survive and even procreate, would mean tampering with the order of nature, whether or not created by a God. (Eugenics – and ultimately the eradication of a people that was supposed to be harmful, like the Jews – was therefore a development in the logical order of things.) Such reasoning left no longer any possibility open for an upward evolution beyond animal man, into a future where the human being might ...

... two-thirds of its civilisation to three such supreme moments of human history, the religious life of the congeries of tribes which called itself Israel and, subsequently, of the little nation of the Jews, the many-sided life of the small Greek city states, the similar, though more restricted artistic and intellectual life of mediaeval Italy. Nor was any age in Asia so rich in energy, so well worth living ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... of his speeches, which reached new levels of vulgarity in the extravagance of their threats and their unconcealed sadism. While Hitler wanted to bring about the millennium by a massacre of all the Jews, there was a certain [Friedrich] Lamberty in Thuringia who wanted to do it by folk dancing, singing and frolicking. Each saviour had a style of his own. No one and nothing was surprising; surprise had ...

... way Theon presented them, they seemed just like a bunch of marshmallows! It's not that they had no power—they had a lot of power, but they lacked that psychic flame. And to Theon, the God of the Jews and Christians was an Asura. This Asura wanted to be unique; and so he became the most terrible despot imaginable. Anatole France said the same thing (I now know that Anatole France had never read Theon's ...

... whether the world is ready or not for the Divine is its acceptance or refusal of the light. For example, when Christ was sentenced, Pilate had the right to pardon one of the four condemned. He asked the Jews whom they wanted to be freed. They wanted the robber Barabbas to be released and not Christ. Nowadays scholars say that Barabbas was not a robber but a national hero, or, if a robber, one like Robin ...

... Soma-wine, wisdom, wealth. PURANI: Do you remember a Madrasi departmental commissioner of police trying to prove that Christ was a Tamilian? SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, and also that the Tamilians were Jews! Do you know that now the Germans claim Christ as a German? PURANI: But I thought Hitler and Ludendorf were trying to give up Christianity and go back to the old Norse religion. SRI AUROBINDO: ...

... Orthodox; it protected the Jesuits Page 58 even after the dissolution of their order by Pope Clement XIV (1773); it permitted the Volga Tatars to rebuild their mosques. Catherine admitted the Jews into Russia, but she subjected them to special taxes, and (possibly for their safety) confined them to specific areas. She left the Raskolniki — religious dissenters — free to practice their rites ...

... civilian life. The details of those horrific massacres, in which defenceless people were trapped and machine-gunned, is part of Bangladeshi history. Survivors compare it to the Nazi extermination of Jews. At the same time, the Pakistani Administration in Dhaka thought it could pacify the Bengali peasantry by appropriating the land of the Hindu population and gifting it to Muslims. While this ...

... appropriate if we are to credit the legend of the unusual star which the Magi, the Wise Men of the East, are said by Matthew (2:1-2) to have followed as a guide towards the one "who is born king of the Jews". The visit of the Magi may not be history, but, as Kepler calculated in 1603, there was indeed an abnormal phenomenon in the night-sky in 7 B.C. The planets Jupiter and Saturn were in "conjunction" ...

... Spirituality in Art Is there any natural opposition between art and the spiritual life? The Puritans had cast aside poetry and music like poison. In the Talmud (the scripture of the Jews) there is the total prohibition to draw the picture of anybody, be he a man or a God. Plato in his Republic refused to award a locus to the poet. Even in the world of to-day, behind the externals ...

... God, there is the Unthinkable. It's not a 'God'." Then Mother said in a slow thoughtful voice, "But this stems from his Jewish background, it seems to me. Page 92 "And for the Jews, it's the Unthinkable, whose name must not be uttered. It is uttered only once a year, on the Day of Atonement- 1 think that's what it's called. The word is Yahveh, and should not be uttered. The ...

... European. The SS men in their “dashing and elegant” black uniforms were very status conscious and conditioned to be so. At the bottom of the pyramid of the Nazi state there were the ordinary people, Jews and Gypsies not included; above them ranked the National Socialist Party members; then came the uniformed members of the SA; and on top stood the SS, looking down on everybody else, also on the SA from ...

... 1048 Sri Aurobindo found in January 1939 that Hitler was “becoming more and more criminal and going down very fast.” 1049 It was at this time that he decided upon “the final solution” concerning the Jews, indirectly announcing this decision in his notorious Reichstag speech on 30 January. After coming to power he had exclaimed: “We are ruthless! I have no bourgeois scruples! They think I am uncultured ...

... seeker who, after having received his hand-touch of blessing on his head, did not come back with a heave in his heart, his blood tingling. Even those who have had a speck of faith felt somewhat like the Jews who had Page 270 marvelled about Christ and said that "he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes" — the authority that accrues to one who has seen the One stationed ...

... been considerably exaggerated. This persecution was not on the ground of any doctrine special to Christianity. There was quite a clutch of religio-philosophical sects in the Roman empire, including the Jews who lived side by side with the followers of Jesus at Rome. The Christians were in bad odour because they refused to make a god of the Roman emperor. They were considered dangerous traitors.   ...

... from the goats, the latter going to hell, I suppose. Islam reflects more or less the Christian vision. In Zoroastrianism we find the background of much of Christian belief. After the liberation of the Jews from the Babylonian captivity by the Persian king Cyrus (559-530 B.C.), who helped them rebuild their temple at Jerusalem and whom the Book of Isaiah hails as "Messiah", Zoroastrian doctrines entered ...

... b + c ad infinitum. Predictions and Prophecy I am afraid I have no great confidence in Cheiro's ideas and prophecies—some prophecies are fulfilled but most have gone wrong. The idea about the Jews is an old Jewish and Christian belief; not much faith can be put in it. As for the numbers it is true that according to occult science numbers have a mystic meaning. It is also true that there are periods ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... earth and heavens and is the guide and helper and saviour of his creatures. This larger and higher idea of the divine Being long kept many elements and still keeps some elements of the old crudity. The Jews who brought it forward most prominently and from whom it overspread a great part of the world, could Page 562 believe in a God of righteousness who was exclusive, arbitrary, wrathful, jealous ...

... liberal ideas. Even when they fight it is not so much for Islam as or right and liberty. It was the Madans and the Christians who began the religious wars – i.e., fighting for religion. First the Jews began persecuting and then the Christians when they began to disagree among themselves began to persecute also. Disciple : The Madan religion was born under such circumstances that the followers ...

... the Vedanta sanction the ordinary ideas of God as a Personal Active Being with definite qualities which is all the average religionist understands by the Divine Idea? Whether we regard him with the Jews as a God of Power and Might & Wrath and Justice, or with the Moslems as God the Judge and Governor and Manager of the world or with the early Christians as a God of Love, yet all agree in regarding ...

... on 12 March 1938. On 29 September of the same year Hitler, Mussolini, Chamberlain and Daladier signed the Munich Pact, an agreement that was the death-blow to Czechoslovakia. The pogrom against the Jews in Germany started on 9 November with the infamous Kristallnacht. The crisis over Czechoslovakia, with a threat of general mobilization and war, became acute in those months. The Germans occupied ...

... Id., p. 303. 554 Paul Johnson: A History of the Jews, p. 242. 555 Dietrich Bronder: Bevor Hitler kam, p. 352. 556 John Weiss: Ideology of Death, p. 23. 557 Dietrich Bronder, op., cit., p. 352. 558 Michael Ley: Apokalypse und Moderne, p. 153. 559 John Weiss, op. cit., p. 24. 560 Lucy Dawidowicz: The War against the Jews 1933-45, p. 50. 561 Voltaire: Philosophical Dictionary... 623 Ian Kershaw: Hitler – 1889-1936 Hubris, p. 573. 624 Traudl Junge: Bis zur letzten Stunde, p. 202. 625 Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf, p. 66. 626 Lucy Dawidowicz: The War against the Jews 1933-45, p. 208. 627 Id., p. 202. 628 Peter Longerich: Der ungeschriebene Befehl – Hitler und der Weg zur “Endlösung”, pp. 185-86. 629 Gitta Sereny: Albert Speer: His Battle with Truth ...

... excessive or suggest despair. There must be at least 20 million Hindus in Bengal and they are not going to be exterminated – even Hitler with his scientific methods of massacre could not exterminate the Jews who are still showing themselves very much alive and, as for the Hindu culture, it is not such a weak and fluffy thing as to be easily stamped out; it has lasted through something like five millenniums ...

... research activities. Bronowski has fond memories of the great man lecturing in an old sweater 1. J. Bronowski, The Ascent of Man, London, Futura, 1984. 2. anti-Semitism: Sentiment against the Jews expressed in persecutions and restrictions which can be both racial and religious. 3. McCarthyism: McCarthy, Joseph R. 1908-1957. US Senator and Republican known for his vigorous attacks mainly ...

... has been hotly discussed time and again, mostly with a condemnatory attitude, and its use has even been compared to what was done in the Nazi concentration camps, Hitler's holocaust of six million Jews. In the East one has also heard that it was tried out against Japan because Japan is an oriental country: the suggestion is that it would never have been dropped on Western people. May I briefly... at Belsen, Dachau, Auschwitz and other centres of systematic genocide. There was no pursuit of atomic bombing as there was of "the final solution" - the persistent multiple murder of non-combatant Jews as a matter of policy. The latter stands in a category of its own, with neither the means nor the end justifiable. Page 227 In passing, you have alluded to the Jesuits as having "said... war is engaged, both sides believing they represent dharma, all standards are apt to break down, as with Hiroshima. I do believe that we had to wage the last war against Hitler and the genocide of the Jews in the cause of dharma, but Hiroshima seems to have (as I feel it) gone beyond what any dharmaraja would be justified in allowing. Your knowledge of the sequence of events is more accurate than mine ...

... community, which derived some of its revenues from pilgrims coming to worship the Kaaba's many gods. He opened his house to all who would hear him — rich and poor and slaves, Arabs and Christians and Jews; and his impassioned eloquence moved a few to believe. His first convert was his aging wife, the second his cousin, Ali, the third, his servant, Zaid, whom he had bought as a slave and had immediately ...

... humanity. We need to ensure that students of today and tomorrow understand and work for those ideals for which leaders and youths, whether Hindus or Mohammedans, whether Christians or Sikhs, whether Jews or Parsis, irrespective of religion, language and race sacrificed their lives so that we may live in freedom and protect our freedom with courage and heroism. Sri Aurobindo had conceived of a ...

... al so Muslim Islamic culture ,168 ,179 it his a, 98(fn) J Jainism, 151 , 176 , 177 Jallianwala Bagh massacre, 156 (fn) Japan, 88, 137,202,216, 237 (fn) Japanese, 216, 218 jat, 90 Jews, 190, 242 Jinnah, 223, 224, 230, 241, 245 Judaism, 129 Judea, 137 K Kabir, 146 Kala Purusha , 91 Kali Yuga, 91 KaJi,44, 106, 124 Kalki,148 Karmayogin (English weekly) , 47, 71, 77 ...

... excessive or suggest despair. There must be at least twenty million Hindus in Bengal and they are not going to be exterminated,—even Hitler with his scientific methods of massacre could not exterminate the Jews who are still showing themselves very much alive and as for Hindu culture, it is not such a weak and fluffy thing as to be easily stamped out; it has lasted through something like five millenniums at ...

... The Catholic Encyclopedia by Robert C. Brod-erick (Nashville-Camden-New York: Thomas Nelson, 1976), p. 371, col. 1 says: "Begun in 144 by Marcion, this was the heresy that held that the God of the Jews was not the God of the Christians nor the Father of Christ...." Page 116 Acts was written much later than Luke (ca. 125) to counteract proto-Marcion misuse of the Pauline letters ...

... "certainly very bad" in Bengal, and that the condition of the Hindus there might become even worse. But despair was not the way out of the difficulty. Surely, if Hitler couldn't quite exterminate the Jews, the Muslim fanatics too wouldn't succeed in liquidating the Bengal Hindus. As for Hindu culture, it is not such a weak and fluffy thing as to be easily stamped out; it has lasted through something ...

... illusorily in the notion that the self outlasts the body. The West is accustomed besides to the Christian idea that the self is created with the body—an idea which the Christians took over from the Jews who believed in God but not in immortality—so the Western mind is dead set against any idea of reincarnation. Even the religious used to believe that the soul was born in the body, God first making ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... being Rudolf Hess. In the last phase of the war Speer was Minister for Production, which means that he was the boss of some 12 million slaves – forced workers from conquered countries, among them the Jews who, still more or less healthy, temporarily escaped extermination. In the rapidly worsening circumstances Hitler expected Speer to perform miracles, in other words to continue producing the aircraft ...

... without a suggestion from the Bible. When Christ is on the cross the wine he is offered is mixed with gall. The idea of retribution is typically Biblical. According to the traditional wisdom of the Jews everyone has to suffer punishment for the sins he has committed. In this context the incarnate God suffers punishment not for his sins. Is he not above all sin and virtue, being the very Lord? Sri ...

... civilisation of ours with all its treasures of art and literature and science may vanish as did that of Atlantis and yet nothing will have gone, for He is there and all is in Him. As Christ said to the Jews, proud of their descent from Abraham: 'I tell you, God is able to raise up from these stones seed unto Abraham.' P ralaya-payodhi-jale dhritavanasi vedam 'Vihita-pavitra-charit... excessive or suggest despair. There must be at least 20 million Hindus in Bengal and they are not going to be exterminated — even Hitler with his scientific methods of massacre could not exterminate the Jews Page 363 who are still showing themselves very much alive; and, as for the Hindu culture, it is not such a weak and fluffy thing as to be easily stamped out; it has lasted through something ...

... Socrates to death. Keshav —And the Jews in crucifying Christ? Trevor —Yes. Keshav —I admire your fortitude, my dear Trevor. And if the English people had thought Bentham was corrupting their youth, they would have been right in hanging Bentham, would they not? Trevor —What a fellow you are, Desai! Of course what I mean is that the Athenians & the Jews did not listen to their honest opinion ...

... one way, — by bombing it out of existence! Speaking about non-violence Sri Aurobindo told us in a talk on 28th October, 1940: "Gandhi has been forestalled in non-violence in Poland. The Polish (the Jews?) adopted non-violence against the Nazis and do you know the result? The Polish lady who is Ravindra's 1 friend wrote to Gandhi the account of the German oppression against the non-violent people ...

... excessive or suggest despair. There must be at least 20 million Hindus in Bengal and they are not going to be exterminated — even Hitler with his scientific methods of massacre could not exterminate the Jews who are still showing themselves very much alive and, as for Page 236 the Hindu culture, it is not such a weak and fluffy thing as to be easily stamped out; it has lasted through something ...

... keeping faith with ananda, for if like the purveyors of Mercedes-Benz cars and shampoos and cigarettes we consented to their world of material satisfactions-all would be lost. As in the Psalm of the Jews in exile, 'If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand lose its cunning' etc. 'By the waters of Babylon I sat down and wept.' I like your young friend's piece on Kubla Khan, and it Page ...

... At another time she moved up and down a train in her vital being and saw everything. The Slavs as a race are psychically more sensitive but generally they do not control these occult forces. The Jews, having a long-standing tradition about these powers, seem to know the way of mastering them. Théon, the Mother's first teacher, had great powers and knew bow to use them. Sometimes these powers ...

... time and effort. So don't hold it against me, if I don't tell you our destination. Even if it is in one person's consciousness, it tends to spread invisibly. ...... We are rather like wandering Jews. I don't know how long this new adventure will last, nor where it will lead us or whether it is illusory — in truth, I know nothing, everything is like a black screen. In that nothing, it burns ...

... time, I will answer your questions as regards the advertising for the Agenda point by point — I left your letters in Delhi (along with some boxes, everything is scattered, we are truly wandering Jews; I have an open bag at the foot of my bed, prepared to leave at once). Everything is well. Satprem I did not tell you that just as I was leaving Deer House , on December 22nd, as I was going ...