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Judaism : the Jewish religion.

53 result/s found for Judaism

... philosophy. As you must know, much of early Christianity - including the doctrines of the Last Judgment and the Resurrection - is akin to Zoroastrianism, if not directly then at least through the Judaism, orthodox as well as Hellenised, which developed after the Babylonian captivity to which Cyrus the Persian put an end. I should think it a futile and obscuring endeavour, were I to attempt putting... let the cherished substance of our own faiths assume a light which never was intended to be there and to see everything in them sub specie Aurobindonis and forget that neither in Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity nor Islam has Sri Aurobindo discerned the immediate knowledge of the Supermind - he has not hesitated even to declare that multifarious'Hinduism itself cannot be equated... Church, I entirely agree with Zaehner when he says that intolerance has been a blot on the Church like untouchability in Hinduism. Unfortunately this derives from the Bible itself and disfigures Judaism and Islam as well as Christianity. I put this down to the cultural limitations of the Semitic people, who had an extreme sense of moral dualism. Page 114 This is where I feel that ...

... Abraham and his descendants are to keep faith only in God and no other gods, and He is to watch over them. Thus was the monotheism of Judaism, Christianity and Islam said to have been created. The Three, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are the Patriarchs of Judaism, the religion from which Jesus springs. For Jews even today, the Patriarchs are remembered in prayer three times a day: "Blessed are You... devoted to the Mosaic Law and living very religious lives. From this reaction, there developed a sect of Judaism. These orthodox Jews were called Pharisees, meaning those who separated themselves from the gentiles, and from the Hellenising forces and tendencies which constantly faced and threatened Judaism in the Diaspora. By the time of Jesus, the Pharisees had become the strictest defenders of the... say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished." (Matt. 5:17-18) — The Covenant The founding fathers of Judaism are Abraham, his son, Isaac and his son, Jacob. In Genesis, God reveals himself to Abraham and commands him: Go forth from your native land and from your father's house to the land that I will ...


... grip squeezing out both Judaism and Christianity grew ever tighter. Albright 242 refers to excavations "at Bittir, the site of the last stand of Bar Kokhba, leader of the Second Jewish Revolt about A.D. 135". In the wake of this Revolt Emperor Hadrian (117-138 A.D.) took drastic steps. Albright continues: "The Roman emperor Hadrian determined to do away with political Judaism completely; one of his... first came to Corinth about 50) was information that he himself had received at an earlier period. The verbs 'transmit' and 'receive' are almost technical terms in the vocabulary of Judaism for the handing on of tradition so that we are dealing here, at least in part, with a primitive tradition from Paul's early days as a Christian (mid-30s)."   Anderson presents Paul as the... "The Gospel according to Matthew, who was first a publican and later the Apostle of Jesus Christ, was the first to be written; it was written in the Hebrew [Aramaic] language for the believers from Judaism." But nothing in Matthew's Gospel as it stands shows the compiler depending on an eye-witness account. One with access to eye-witness memories would not - to quote Brown 11 - "draw so totally upon ...

... neighbour?" Jesus makes it clear that any human being in need is our neighbour. By casting one of the Samaritans (men much despised by the Jews because the religion of the Samaritans, although similar to Judaism, was considered heretical:;"), in the role of the compassionate neighbour, Jesus challenges his audience. He seems to be saying: If a Samaritan, whom you consider .an outcast, will rescue a Jew in... through all the generations. And indeed this clear statement of faith is still repeated daily by religious Jews, even four times a day. Its importance in both meaning and ritual is so fundamental to Judaism that this statement which is said in prayers daily is given a name, the Sh'ma. 4 "Hear, 0 Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord; 5 and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with... ______________ * martyr: to kill a person who would rather suffer death rather than renounce his religious beliefs, (n.) such a person. Page 60 back into the setting of first century Judaism; they have also rediscovered the Jewishness of the New Testament, and particularly of Paul. His epistle to the Romans (9-11) is the description of his struggle over the relation between early church ...


... that the Jews of his own day “had lost all true connections with the ancient Hebrews; they were fossilized, a living example of the spirit run dry. Pharisaic fundamentalism was now the essence of Judaism, based as it was on the literal observance of the laws. Since such a sterile religious attitude was incompatible with a vital mysticism, it could never fuse with the living and developing Germanic... evil and unchangeable. He shared the Wagnerian thesis that Christianity was a product of ‘Hebraic Orientalism’, and that those who clung to the ‘entire’ Christian tradition could not truly oppose Judaism or defend the ‘Nordic tradition’.” 567 “Only the Nordic gods could help the German people to victory, for only the Nordic religion was able to combat Jewish infiltration. According to Dühring the battle... völkisch ideas, and those already in the movement took readily to the precepts of anti-Semitic racism.” 572 In 1890 Hermann Ahlwardt published The Desperate Struggle between the Aryan Peoples and Judaism. “Ahlwardt stated that a people who rid itself of Jews freed itself for the material development of the Volk, and thereby rose toward dominion over the world. For him, as for the romantic advocates ...


... citadel Judaism had never been impervious to foreign influence. The orthodox Jewish angelology and demonology of Jesus' time had come mainly from Persia, and, as for the Essenes, 'Pythagorism, Orphism, Chaldean astral religion, Parsiism and, apparently, even Buddhism all contributed ingredients much transformed on their way to the Jordan Valley.' 7 The idea of a capsulated Palestinian Judaism ... John's Gospel, but in the story itself there is nothing inconsistent with the known situation in Palestine.   "Jesus, while facing the narrower type of Palestinian Judaism, faced, as well, the wider outlook of Hellenistic Judaism, and to suppose, as some critics hold, that words such as "The field is the world' [Matthew 13:38], could not have been his, seems unwarranted...   "At Pentecost ...

... demands it. Judaism sees ethics as ultimately dependent on a source above humanity, on God. Without God, morality is reduced to a matter of opinion. In his ministry, Jesus would make this connection even stronger. In the first century before CE, more than a thousand years after the Torah was given, a would-be convert asked Hillel, the greatest rabbi of his age, to summarize Judaism briefly (literally... is hateful unto you, do not do unto your neighbour. The rest is commentary; now go and study" Rabbi Akiva who lived in the beginning of the second century CE, said that the most fundamental law of Judaism was : "What is hateful unto you, do not do unto your neighbour." Page 110 God's Love Shown in the Old Testament In The Old Testament, God often speaks of His love and the love... God who gave them the Torah, nor break the covenants made between them and God by Abraham and Moses. Thus, by 400 CE a new religion, Christianity, formed and the religion from which it was formed, Judaism, was cast off almost completely. Page 112 ...


... Mother's Chronicles - Book Three 7 Judaism What exactly did Mother mean by Théon's 'Jewish background? To understand it in some measure let us refresh our memory about Judaism. Judaism is one of the oldest extant religions of mankind. The history of the Jews is one of strife and persecution. Judaism's main persecutors have been its... race excelled as a law-giver— take Moses and his Ten 'Thou Shalt Nots'! Although for the Cabala the role of man on earth is "to renew the unimpeded flow of Divine Love," the watchword of exoteric Judaism is rather Justice. God, in it, is basically depicted as the Judge of mankind, and not its Lover as in Hinduism. Perhaps it was also against this sense of severity that Christ rebelled? Christ ...

... 2:6+; 1 Corinthians 15:44+, but this expectation of happiness for the soul that has left the body after death betrays the influence of Greek thought, an influence already making itself felt in the Judaism of the period, cf. Luke 16:22; 23:43; 1 Peter 3:19+. Cf. also the texts referring to ecstatic states when the soul is 'out of the body', 2 Corinthians 12:2f; cf. Revelation 1:10; 4:2; 17:3; 21:10."... immortal entity surviving the body's death?"   6   The True Sense of Resurrection in Paul   Paul is always taken as subscribing to a supposed early Christian view derived from Judaism, which Brown 67 briefly puts before us when he writes: "Of course, 'body' did not mean for Paul what it means for most Christians today, since his basic anthropology did not involve a body-soul composite... body-soul composite". We should not be surprised at this attunement; for, as The Jerusalem Bible informs us, the Hellenistic influence was already making itself Page 262 felt in the Judaism of the period. How easy it would be for Paul to come under that influence may be guessed from a piece of information we can cull from Brown 74 himself who repudiates for Paul the Greek notion: "In ...

... who accept this solution argue that all religions share a number of core ethical values, and as long as these core values are practiced, it does not matter whether one belongs to Christianity or to Judaism or to Hinduism or to Buddhism. This solution tends to regard pluralism of religions to be comparable to the pluralism of the methods of cooking or to the pluralism of the forms of sport. It is, however... cultural traditions. Cottingham rightly points out that the problem is more fundamental. Comparing Buddhism and Islam, he points out that while according to Islam, and for that matter according to Judaism also, the ultimate reality is absolutely and unqualifiedly One Personal being, according to Buddhism, ultimate reality Page 104 is not personal at all, and it even negates any appellation... mankind. Paganism increased in man the light of beauty, the largeness and height of his life, his aim at a many-sided perfection; Christianity gave him some vision of divine love and charity; Judaism and Islam how to be religiously faithful in action and zealously devoted to God; Hinduism has opened to him the largest and profoundest spiritual possibilities...;" viii A catholic recognition ...

... discussion that anyone but Hitler ever thought of doing away with the Jews physically. The völkisch movement, especially through its youth organizations, became a gigantic instrument to propagate anti-Judaism in Germany; the mentality it stood for, imprinted on the minds of a great part of the German youth, will contribute in a substantial measure to the background which rendered the Holocaust possible... völkisch stereotype of the Jew would afterwards be taken over by the propaganda machine of the Third Reich. “The Jew lacked a soul, all virtues, and the capacity for ethical behaviour for the reason that Judaism was a fossilized legalism. What a striking contrast this made with the German soul, steeped as it was in communion with the cosmos, the recipient of nature’s mysteries, striving to relate itself to ...


... a life-long anti-Semite – a fact for which he is rarely remembered. “Karl Marx, the prototype of the supposed Jewish labour leader, came from a baptized Christian family, and his own relation with Judaism can only be characterized as anti-Semitism; for under Jews he understood the sharply anti-Socialist, yes, anti-political Jewish masses of Western Europe, whom as a good Socialist he coldly despised... god of the Jews … The Law without foundation or reason of the Jews is no more than a religious caricature of morality … The social emancipation of the Jews means the emancipation of the society of Judaism …” Etc. Léon Poliakov remarks dryly: “It may be noted that he applied the adjective ‘Jewish’ only to others, never to himself.” 611 ...


... others lived from commerce or the liberal arts. Still, as the historian J. Juster rightly underlines, ‘no pagan author has typified them as merchants; one encounters nowhere the identification of Judaism with trade, which a few centuries later will become commonplace’. “Still other Jews were much appreciated professional soldiers, fighting or mounting guard on the frontiers of the [Roman] empire... with secular officials and groups such as the Lombards, Venetians, Syrians and Greeks – Christians all. The Vatican itself was known for its sophisticated credit practices.” It may be remembered that Judaism, Christianity and Islam all condemned money lending as a sin. “Some complaints accused Christians of charging higher rates than Jews, for usury was a problem even where no Jews lived.” 600 From that ...


... most important writings were put on Rome’s “Index of Forbidden Books.” All this because of the Christian mullahs, madrasas, communal congregations, and fatwas. The three Abrahamic religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam – are highly esteemed by theologians because they are supposed to be the only monotheisms. This is a gross misconception. “The earliest Greek natural theology was certainly... be remembered that the Hebrews were the Chosen People to whom all “the nations” were to bow, and whose reign over the Earth would be the sign for the Last Judgment. Nor should it be forgotten that Judaism had its own Galileo in the person of Baruch Spinoza (1632-77), one of the great philosophers. “On 27 July 1656, the elders of the Amsterdam synagogue made the following cherem , or damnation, or fatwa ...

... man and his relationship with God. He is viceregent of Allah on the planet earth. Being vicegerent of Allah is a big responsibility which other creatures refused to bear. Islam is in tune with Judaism and Christianity in that it believes that Allah (SWT) has created man in his own image. This bestows on man a very high status which other creatures are deprived of. Man's high status is not only due... The following verse clearly describes the purpose of man's creation: Page 354 I have not created the Jinn and man (or mankind) but to serve Me (51*56) Islam is in tune with Judaism and Christianity in that it believes that Allah (SWT) has created man in his own image. 2 This bestows on man a very high status which other creatures are deprived of. Man's high status is not only ...

... who accept this solution argue that all religions share a number of core ethical values, and as long as these core values are practiced, it does not matter whether one belongs to Christianity or to Judaism or to Hinduism or to Buddhism. This solution tends to regard Pluralism of religions to be comparable to the pluralism of the methods of cooking or to the pluralism of the forms of sport. It is, however... cultural traditions. Cottingham rightly points out that the problem is more fundamental. Comparing Buddhism and Islam, he points out that while according to Islam, and for that matter according to Judaism also, the ultimate reality is absolutely and unqualifiedly One Personal being, according to Buddhism, ultimate reality is not personal at all, and it even negates any appellation of oneness or plurality ...

... drank from its inspiration. Christianity, the offspring of Buddhism, derived its ethics and esoteric teaching at second-hand from the same source. Through Persia Vedanta put its stamp on Judaism, through Judaism, Christianity and Sufism on Islam, through Buddha on Confucianism, through Christ and mediaeval mysticism and Catholic ceremonial, through Greek and German philosophy, through Sanscrit learning ...


... Babylonian captivity by the Persian king Cyrus (559-530 B.C.), who helped them rebuild their temple at Jerusalem and whom the Book of Isaiah hails as "Messiah", Zoroastrian doctrines entered Judaism and through Judaism infiltrated Christianity. Zoroastrianism believes in heaven and hell, the soul's survival and the resurrection of bodily life at the end of time when a saviour, mystically continuous with ...


... Gospel then presents Jesus' Galilean ministry (4:1-9:50) and his journey to Jerusalem (9:51-19:28). Acts subsequently takes up the early ministry of the apostles, confined for the most part within Judaism (Acts 8-15), followed by Paul's journey to the center of the world, Rome. Each ends with a rejection of Jesus by his own people, which leads to a world-wide apostolate. Not only is there this parallel... The God whom he worshipped as a Pharisee is still the same as the one he now worships, all that is written in the Law and the Prophets; Christianity is thus presented... as the fulfilment of Judaism...Paul in his letters would not express his position just so; see 2 Corinthians 3:6-18....."A profounder difference is the theme of Jesus' pre-existence which is found in Colossians (1:15) and ...

... early days. From Acts 24:5 we learn that a Jew employed the word "Nazoraeans" or "Nazarenes" to designate the religious group to which Paul belonged and which at that time was looked upon as a sect of Judaism. The later part of the Talmud, which developed between 220 and 500 A.D., refers to Jesus - almost always pejoratively - as "ha-Nozri" (the Nazarene). The popular notion is that "Nazarene" comes from ...

... of this world which brought forth Buddhism at the same time as it declared the Void alone to be real; the impregnation of the universe by Tao; the one God apparently distinct from his creation of Judaism and later religions—Christianity and Islam—; the supreme Being, Purushottama, who, in the Gita, is both the immutable Being and the mutable Becoming—all these definitions result of the same vision ...


... life, even after the birth of Jesus", notes that a vow of perpetual virginity by Mary "is totally implausible in the context supposed by Luke". Brown 4 assures us: "In our knowledge of Palestinian Judaism, there is nothing that would explain why a twelve-year-old girl would have entered marriage with the intention to preserve virginity and thus not to have children. Luke (1:25,48) uses the words 'disgrace' ...

... “that powerful enemy of the Jews”, would implement – adding a point of his own which for others had remained unthinkable, at least to such an extent. “The historical connection of the Lutheran anti-Judaism with the National-Socialist anti-Semitism is clear for all to see.” 558 “Luther was a racist pure and simple”, states John Weiss, “not at all bothered that his hatred of the Jews denied the power ...


... Sri Aurobindo put it, Christianity and the then still living force of its founder used the apparatus of the Roman Empire, which itself had absorbed the civilisation of the Greeks. Thus Greece, Rome, Judaism and Christianity became the pillars upon which Europe was built. All four elements have remained active through the ages and are still directly influential in what is now called Western civilisation ...

... through an act of God as described in the Bible, a collection of books holy to the early Hebrew tribes. The Bible was, and still is, a sacred text of three major religions – in historical order: Judaism, Christianity and Islam – although in each religion it has been complemented with additional revelations, doctrines and traditions. The first words of its first book, Genesis , are: “In the beginning ...

... large: it stresses a special Page 122 relationship among its initiates in distinction from the rest of humanity. There is a touch of the sectarian mind - as in the Semitic religions (judaism, Christianity, Mohammedanism) - in contrast to the world-wide attitude of Hinduism and Buddhism.   I have nothing against Freemasonry. My father was a master mason of the Lodge "Rising Star" ...


... properly gauged by Allah's own followers. Though they have rightly felt a great vital force released by their Prophet, their goal is still the life beyond just as in Christianity and Zoroastrianism, Judaism and Buddhism, except that Buddhism for all its emphasis on a supra-cosmic Nirvana as the summum bonum has the doctrine of reincarnation which implies a sustained interest in earth-life rather than ...


... not only a proper meaning to the diversity of religious modes in India but also a true sense to the variety of religions in the world. One comes to see Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism, Zoroastria-nism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, in their specific qualities as well as in their combinations, in a way that none of them by itself can see its own attributes. For, here is an all-inclusive harmonising vision ...


... hardly conceivable...Acts presents a picture of Paul that differs from his own description of himself in many of his letters, both factually and theologically.... The account of Paul's relation to Judaism in Acts also differs from that in his letter...In Acts Paul is not called an Apostle except in passing, and the impression is given, contrary to Paul's letters, that he is subordinate to and dependent ...

... National-Socialism … Their ideology was based on the “blood and soil” motto, hate against all civilization and liberalism, humanism and pacifism, social democracy and Bolshevism, as well as against Judaism.” After 1918 the youth movement became dominated by the “völkisch-anti-Semitic-pan-German” thought, says Bronder; the social-democratic Weimar Republic did no longer seem worthwhile to be defended ...


... largeness and height of his life, his aim at a many-sided perfection; Christianity gave him some vision of divine love and charity; Buddhism has shown him a noble way to be wiser, gentler, purer; Judaism and Islam how to be religiously faithful in action and zealously devoted to God; Hinduism has opened to him the largest and profoundest spiritual possibilities. A great thing would be done if all these ...


... archaeological research are making attempts to clarify as many points as possible. However, it is the Bible which has been the foundation of Judaic-Christian belief for over 3,000 years in the case of the Judaism, and for 2,000 years in the case of the Christianity. So, this essay gives some attention to the development of the New Testament. There is no mistaking the fact that the Bible has been considered ...


... called samvara) as well as by complete elimination (nirjarā) of the matter with which the soul has already become mingled. (iii) In Judaism2: A. J. Heschel contests the supposition that Judaism is a world-view of unalloyed optimism. Except for the first chapter of the Book of Genesis, the rest of the Bible, as he remarks, does not cease to refer to the sorrow, sins and evil of this world ...

... aim at a many-sided perfection. Christianity gave him Page 180 some vision of Divine love and charity, Buddhism has shown him a noble way to be wiser, gentler and purer; Judaism and Islam, how to be religiously faithful in action and zealously devoted to God; Hinduism has opened to him the largest and profoundest spiritual possibilities. A great thing would be done if all ...

... features of universal religions could be studied with the methods of comparative studies. Particularly we may emphasise the study of Hinduism, Confucianism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Jainism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Sikhism. Along with these religions, there should be a detailed study of the lives of great personalities associated with these religions, or various systems of yoga such as ...

... helped mankind. Paganism increased in man the light of beauty, the largeness and height of his life, his aim at a many-sided perfection; Christianity gave him some vision of divine love and charity; Judaism and Islam how to be religiously faithful in action and zealously devoted to God; Hinduism has opened to him the largest and profoundest spiritual possibilities...." 43 A catholic recognition ...

... largeness and height of his life, his aim at a many-sided perfection; Christianity gave him some vision of divine love and charity; Buddhism has shown him a noble way to be wiser, gentler, purer, Judaism and Islam how to be religiously faithful in action and zealously devoted to God; Hinduism has opened to him the largest and profoundest spiritual possibilities. A great thing would be done if all these ...


... 98(fn) J Jainism, 151 , 176 , 177 Jallianwala Bagh massacre, 156 (fn) Japan, 88, 137,202,216, 237 (fn) Japanese, 216, 218 jat, 90 Jews, 190, 242 Jinnah, 223, 224, 230, 241, 245 Judaism, 129 Judea, 137 K Kabir, 146 Kala Purusha , 91 Kali Yuga, 91 KaJi,44, 106, 124 Kalki,148 Karmayogin (English weekly) , 47, 71, 77,83 Kashmir, 228, 245(/n} Kemal , Mustapha , 169(fn) ...


... largeness and height of his life, his aim at a many-sided perfection; Christianity gave him some vision of divine love and charity; Buddhism has shown him a noble way to be wiser, gentler, purer; Judaism and Islam how to be religiously faithful in action and zealously devoted to God; Hinduism has opened to him the largest and profoundest spiritual possibilities. A great thing would be done if all these ...


... Krishnaswamy Aiyar think that because Europe will take much of India's religion and philosophy, therefore she will learn to love and respect the Indian people, forget that Europe adopted a modified Judaism as her religion, yet hated, despised and horribly persecuted the Jews. European prejudice will always refuse to regard Asiatics as anything but an inferior race and European selfishness will always ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... his degradation from his perfect state by falling into the domination of sin; God made man perfect but man by his own fault brought sin and death into the world. This Semitic tradition passed from Judaism into Christianity and less Page 299 prominently into Mahomedanism became for a long time part and parcel of the fixed beliefs of half humanity. Yet it is doubtful whether the original legend ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... powers, and was therefore in all probability mystic and symbolical; for purification was, as we know, one of the master ideas of the ancient Mysteries. In India of the Gita, in the development of Judaism by the prophets Page 246 and by Jesus, while the old physical symbols were discouraged and especially the blood-rite, the psychological idea of sacrifice was saved, emphasised and equipped ...


... lism as a laughing matter, even if they had kept hoping that things would turn out better than expected and reasoned the danger away; no Jews had wanted war; and Bolshevism was not identical with Judaism. Hitler’s idea that the waging of war was to be combined with “the final solution” of the Jews has been pointed out by Lucy Dawidowicz, who found that time after time, when Hitler reminded his audiences ...


... to the German ‘Aryans’, being inherently destructive, parasitical, and agents of decomposition.” 591 We find this statement by Robert Wistrich confirmed by Léon Poliakov, who writes: “‘Jews’ and ‘Judaism’ – and this cannot be repeated too often – were only words, covering very diverse matters of which the status of being non-Christians may have been the only common denominator”. 592 By far the greatest ...


... Hitler’s ideas about the lowly character of the Russians, who first drew his attention towards the wide-open Russian spaces available for the taker, and who systematically equated Bolshevism with Judaism. It was also Rosenberg, a member of the Thule Society, who acted as the most anti-Semitic promoter of The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion, as well in his contributions to the Völkische Beobachter ...


... there, few people are religious, they have a much more Page 323 practical mind, but he has the religious temperament, so now it has become like this ( Mother puffs out her cheeks ), his Judaism is swelling up. The seven lights and the sheaves of prosperity.... I found it touching: "God bless You" ( Mother laughs ). I remember, long ago, right at the beginning (I think I had just moved ...


... give a class on the "history of religions," as the following letter in answer to a question from a teacher at the School bears witness. ) "...And finally, what was the occult influence of this Judaism Page 50 on human evolution? The more I think about it, the more the threads of it all appear to me so tied up and entangled together that only a knowledge 'in overview' seems capable of ...


... in the very period when Christianity had its origination seems to have answered a need of the future Europe standing on the threshold of an era in which a new powerful spirit had broken in upon old Judaism and a Graecised Near East and a rising Roman culture. Its invasion, with its "Christ crucified", its faith in things unseen, its unearthly formula of "Love your enemies" and its passion for the Beyond ...

... his degradation from his perfect state by falling into the domination of sin; God made man perfect but man by his own fault brought sin and death into the world. This Semitic tradition, passed from Judaism into Christianity and less prominently into Mahomedanism, became for a long time part and parcel of the fixed beliefs of half of humanity. Yet it is doubtful whether the original legend which enshrined ...

... only the Indian history of yogic science but also the study of yogic methods and their results as we find in the esoteric core of a number of religions such as Christianity, Islam, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, and even in Systems like the Chinese Taoism. Our Intention should be to bring to ourselves the treasures that are available in the records of yogic knowledge, so that our efforts result in a systematic ...


... to the modem world. Their religion has helped the Hebrews to maintain their identity, even to the present day, and it has provided the basis for three of the major religions of the modem world: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The largest part of the Hebrew scriptures (called today the Old Testament by Christians) was written down by many different authors between about 1000 and 150 BC. It includes ...


... and stupidity men succeed in packing up decorously and labelling 'Religion'!" had exclaimed Sri Aurobindo. Isn't it strange that the cradle of the three great religions that dominate the world—Judaism, Christian-ism, Islamism—coincides with the cradle of terrorism! "Basically," Mother summed up, "the only thing required is to abolish all limits." She loved to tell the story of "the first-born ...

... spiritual vision and practice. The comparisons are made not out of missionary zeal and with a one-track mind. I have sincerely studied what the great religions have to offer at their highest.   Judaism's fervent energetic self-dedication to its grandiose all-demanding God, Zoroastrianism's call for a purity of prayer like a fire rising up to an overarching Truth-supporting Divinity and for a smiling ...