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Judea : Graeco-Roman name of Judah, then a part of Roman Palestine; the others were Galilee, Samaria, &, east of the river Jordan, Peraea. In the time of Christ Judea was both part of the province of Syria & a kingdom ruled by the Herods.

15 result/s found for Judea

... He thinks of them as instruments in the plan of God whereby witness to Jesus should be borne 'in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth' (1:8). Peter dominates the first half of Acts because he was a major apostolic figure in the mission to Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. However, once Peter is instrumental in approving Paul's mission to the Gentiles (Acts 15), Luke be- trays... Pentecost, almost immediately after Jesus had gone, the audience which was reported to have heard the disciples preach in Jerusalem contained 'Parthians and Medes and Elamites and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappado-cia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabians' [Acts 2:9-11]." ...

... bring the modern world to Christ. But we must never forget that the Christ he preaches is one who is in accord with the demand of that world and differs from the traditional version of the God-Man of Judea. And his missionary aim backfires on the Church to which he belongs, for he wants just as earnestly the traditional version to change in the light of the religious intuition prompted by modernism. ... whom you have given me with the bloom of their charm here and now. Are there not with our mothers, brothers, friends and sisters, enough irresistibly lovable people around me? Why should I turn to the Judea of two thousand years ago? No, what I cry out for, like every being, with my whole life and all my earthly passion, is something very different from an equal to cherish: it is a God to adore. Tear... he believes that his Cosmic Christ cannot be conceived except in an initial relation to the historical Jesus, even though, once we reach the Universal Presence, the individual who lived in ancient Judea is of very minor importance. His importance for Teilhard lies simply in supplying the religious consciousness with a starting-point for its arrival at a Christic universality. Teilhard once vehemently ...

... man” to be born. “From Herodotus to Montaigne, [man, according to the Western view] only inhabited the shores of the Mediterranean … [His destiny] took shape between the delta of the Nile, the land of Judea and the coasts of Greece. Or between Byzantium, Rome and the Rhine. Never beyond the Elbrus or in the plains of the Ganges. Now the discovery of Asia will make possible the unification of the two halves ...

... power? SRI AUROBINDO: You have to develop the power. It doesn't come by itself. Even then, as I said, you may not be successful in every case. As, for example, when Christ came to some parts of Judea, he couldn't cure. He said, "These people have no faith." DR. MANILAL: Faith is then always a preliminary to cure? SRI AUROBINDO: Not necessarily. Without faith one may also be cured. Many patients ...


... of life, her prolific creativeness. We have to remember, too, that India expanded even outside its borders; its ships crossed the oceans and the superfluous surplus of its wealth brimmed over Judea and Egypt and Rome. India's colonies spread Indian arts, and epics, and creeds in the Archipelago; Indian religions conquered China and Japan and spread westwards as far as Palestine and Alexandria ...

... hundred * Cf. Sri Aurobindo: "If the Christ, God made man, lives within our spiritual being, it would seem to matter little whether or not a son of Mary physically lived and suffered and died in Judea. So too the Krishna who matters to us is the eternal incarnation of the Divine and not the historical teacher and leader of men." (Essays on the Gita, SABCL, Vol. 13, p. 12)   Page 6 ...

... does what is right is acceptable to him. 36 You know the word which he sent to Israel, preaching good news of peace by Jesus Christ (he is Lord of all), 37 the word which was proclaimed throughout all Judea, beginning from Galilee after the baptism which John preached: 38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power; how he went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed... and taught in the light of their faith in the crucifixion and resurrection. The language spoken by Jesus and the Hebrew people (see Note) around him was Aramaic. The first preachers were from Judea and spoke Aramaic. But soon the tradition about Jesus had to be translated from Aramaic into Greek as the preaching of the Gospel spread beyond the area in and around Jerusalem. These first preachers ...


... following a miraculous star that guides them. They then worship the infant Jesus and present him with precious gifts. In a dream, they are told of the evil nature of Herod and that they are to leave Judea without seeing Herod again. This they do. The birth of Jesus is the Christmas story that the world is most familiar with. For purposes of taking a census*** all citizens had to return to the city... These enemies were the religious officials and teachers of the Jewish establishment at that time. In the Gospels they are called Scribes and Pharisees. At this point, the reader should be reminded that Judea and its capital, Jerusalem were occupied by Rome. The Hebrew people were not free to govern ______________ * repentance: the feeling of great sorrow for one's past actions or sins. Page 20 ...


... which the crucifixion is the symbol? If the Christ, God made man, lives within our spiritual being, it would seem to matter little whether or not a son of Mary physically lived and suffered and died in Judea. So too the Krishna who matters to us is the eternal incarnation of the Divine and not the historical teacher and leader of men. In seeking the kernel of the thought of the Gita we need, therefore ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... J Jainism, 151 , 176 , 177 Jallianwala Bagh massacre, 156 (fn) Japan, 88, 137,202,216, 237 (fn) Japanese, 216, 218 jat, 90 Jews, 190, 242 Jinnah, 223, 224, 230, 241, 245 Judaism, 129 Judea, 137 K Kabir, 146 Kala Purusha , 91 Kali Yuga, 91 KaJi,44, 106, 124 Kalki,148 Karmayogin (English weekly) , 47, 71, 77,83 Kashmir, 228, 245(/n} Kemal , Mustapha , 169(fn), 192 ...


... of it, seems hardly to need a space for rest, a time for inertia and lying fallow. She expands too outside her borders; her ships cross the ocean and the fine superfluity of her wealth brims over to Judea and Egypt and Rome; her colonies spread her arts and epics and creeds in the Archipelago; her traces are found in the sands of Mesopotamia; her religions conquer China and Japan and spread westward ...


... seems hardly to need a space for rest, a time for inertia and lying fallow. She expands too outside her borders; her ships cross the ocean and the fine superfluity of her wealth brims over to Judea and Egypt and Rome; her colonies spread her arts and epics and creeds in the Archipelago; her traces are found in the sands of Mesopotamia; her religions conquer China and Japan and spread westward ...


... going to do. In his History of Anti-Semitism, Léon Poliakov writes: “One has been able to state that the history of the Jews commences in 586 BC in Babylonia [where the two remaining tribes of Judea were taken into slavery] … It is there that the unfailing faithfulness to Zion was born and that the last remnants of idolatry were extirpated; it was there that the Pentateuch was redacted in its ...


... of life, her prolific creativeness. We have to remember, too, that India expanded even outside its borders; its ships crossed the oceans and the superfluous surplus of its wealth brimmed over Judea and Egypt and Rome. India's colonies spread Indian arts, and epics, and creeds in the Archipelago; Indian religions conquered China and Japan and spread westwards as far as Palestine and Alexandria ...

... — Resurrection and ascension. — Paul's conversion. AD45-47 — Paul's first mission. AD58-60 — Paul imprisoned by Felix, procurator of Judea. AD61-64 — Persecution of Christians by Nero. — Death of Peter and Paul in Rome. AD60-100 — The four Gospels. Page 137 ...
