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12 result/s found for Jyotin

... Champaklal Speaks Jyotin and Flowers You remember the old Bakery house just opposite the Ashram main building? A small flour-mill was also there. Now the building has become part of the School. Jyotin 1 used to live there. When this house had to be vacated for the School, it was arranged that Jyotin would move to Delafon house. But it was reported to Mother... Mother that there must have been some misunderstanding and I was sure that Jyotin would never go against her wish. I promised to see him and report. Accordingly, I went and ascertained the facts from him and reported to Mother that actually Jyotin was ready to go wherever she asked him to. She was very pleased. When Jyotin came to Mother, she received him sweetly and said: “Champaklal was pleading... stopped and Mother began to give me all the Humility and Champa flowers that she had received during the day. × Jyotin Sengupta began visiting the Ashram from 1926 and settled here 1941. Later he was in charge of the flower service now in Delafon house. ...


... NIRODBARAN (after a while) : Jyotin explains the symbolism of your poem "Trance" by saying that the star is the individual soul and the moon the universal. The storm is doubt. And when the doubt is cleared from the mental sky, the individual soul stands face to face with the universal. SRI AUROBINDO: Good Lord! I didn't know that I had put all that philosophy into the poem. Jyotin has built a big superstructure... SRI AUROBINDO: I can't remember the poem, so I can't say anything. NIRODBARAN: You speak of a single-pointed star. SRI AUROBINDO: Telling me that is of no use. I must see the poem. What does Jyotin say about "The Bird of Fire?" NIRODBARAN: He says that it is also symbolic but that this one is an example of perfect symbolism. SRI AUROBINDO: Why? NIRODBARAN: I don't know. SRI AUROBINDO: ...


... for Mother used to be baked in the evening. Jyotin-da of the bakery was in a Page 75 dilemma. He came to Manibhai and requested him: "Please make me a duplicate." Manibhai gravely answered: "I can't do it now, it's past five o'clock. The smithy is closed. Tomorrow morning when my department reopens, I'll make it." Jyotin-da tried a lot of cajoling: "Brother, if you... then how can I bake Mother's bread this evening? Please come now, I'm in real trouble." But Manibhai was one who walked straight and a rule was a rule. He would not budge. However, he went with Jyotin-da and inspected the lock, fiddled with it a little but his refrain did not change: "Now it's five and time to close. I'll make you the key tomorrow morning at eight." Next morning, however ...


... publications from Auropress. Can you further share any stories about the Mother, more on your work for her or special anecdotes that you remember? The Mother was so fond of flowers, according to Jyotin-da, that in the early days, before the Ashram had gardens, to him the old saying “beg, borrow or steal” was the method used to procure flowers for the Mother for distribution. So, with hurricane lantern... presence of beauty and joy and peace: the beauty and bliss of the Divine Mother’s Grace! [“Flowers bring with them the smile of the Divine” — from Prayers and Meditations .] Many were the stories Jyotin-da, another sadhak, would tell. This is one that had baffled him when he tried to fathom the Mother’s ways with her children. He told me of a flower I had not seen though I knew the tree. It was “Jerusalem ...


... and other works in prose made him one of the undisputed voices of Gujarati genius. With the thirties came Dilip Kumar, Nirodbaran, Nishikanto, Arjava, Amal Kiran, Harindranath, Behari, Jyotin, Jyotirmoyee, Sahana-devi, Tehmi, Madhav Pandit, and others, followed by Jugal Kishore, Kishor Gandhi, A. S. Dalal, Peter, Deshpande and others. It will be difficult to go into their special ...


... sea-shore: "big babes leaping!" Then there was the equally strange experience when the Mother had made me the first furniture manager. I had to remove a cot belonging to Barinda. I arranged with Jyotin to get everything ready for me. He told me to go to the house concerned and added the startling news: "Now the cot is on Barinda." I remonstrated: "You mean that Barinda is on the cot?" He firmly ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1966 July 27, 1966 Today is the birthday of Jyotin, the gardener. He brought me this, look!... ( Mother gives a double pink lotus ) It's beautiful. Page 155 The day man will be like this... There, exactly! Exactly what I was thinking. When you see this, you feel your infirmity. ( Mother ...


... opportunity to bring England down to her knees. One such group, "the Gadar party", as it tried to land arms and ammunition obtained by ship from America, was caught red-handed. Another was led by "Tiger" Jyotin, our Tejen's father as you all know, who waged open war with the police at Buri-balam Page 72 in Orissa and died fighting with all his followers. We have a cinema film of the dramatic ...


... looked after it. But it was not enough.) This Liaison work suited him well and he took to it like a duck to water. We will see him at work. Kameshwar also worked in the laundry for a period, under Jyotin-da (late). They went collecting “to-wash” clothes, and delivered the washed ones from door to door! It was very nice of them, but only possible on those days when the quantity of clothes was small ...


... Madan Gopal suddenly got high fever... Seems to be malaria which he had before... I might give him an injection tomorrow for quick action. Sanction? If it is the antimalarial injection given to Jyotin, yes. I asked N.P. to keep a watch over him; so N.P. should not go for work in the afternoon. He wants your permission. Yes. July 18, 1936 I hope I don't trouble you unnecessarily ...

... opportunity to beat England down to her knees. One such group, "the Gadr party", as it tried to land arms and ammunition obtained by ship from America, was caught red-handed. Another was led by "Tiger" Jyotin, our Tejen's father as you all know, who waged open war with the police at Buribalain in Orissa and died fighting, with all his followers. A third consisting of our 'refugee' patriots assassinated ...

... strength to serve his Master and his Mother. Sparks of Fire RAJEN GANGULI ( Managing Editor, ‘The Advent’, Ashram Publication ) I first met Sudhir-da here in the Ashram in February 1940, at Jyotin’s room, opposite the Ashram Gate. His personality at once captivated me; he had such fiery eyes and a transparent simplicity. I found through him a new meaning in the words patriotism, love and affection ...