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Kaiser : a German title, equivalent to emperor, derived from the Roman title Caesar, & first associated with the Germans from AD 962, when their kings became Holy Roman emperors. In 1871, Wilhelm I of Prussia assumed the title of emperor (Kaiser) of Germany, a style distinct from the older German designation. Interestingly, in the 1st century AD, Vāsishka or Vājeshka (son of the Scythian-Kushān Kanishka I whose empire stretched from Gāndhāra to Vārānasi & Mathurā) took the title of Kaisara! [Advanced History of India, R.C. Majumdar et al: 116]

22 result/s found for Kaiser

... Remarks on Public Figures in Europe Kaiser Wilhelm II The Kaiser gave up at the last moment when he could have assumed a dictatorship. Napoleon did the same after Waterloo. In Napoleon's case they say it was the result of his disease, he was no longer quite his old self. The Kaiser was a man without any real strong stuff in him to face adversity. In the... back at Compiègne all the balance of forces had passed to the other side. 26 October 1934 The Kaiser, Hitler and His Lieutenants Hitler and his chief lieutenants Goering and Goebbels are certainly vital beings or possessed by vital beings, so you can't expect common sense from them. The Kaiser, though ill-balanced, was a much more human person; these people are hardly human at all. The nineteenth ...


... actually happened in that fateful month of November 1918? We know that Ludendorff and Hindenburg realized that the war was lost, that Germany had to come to terms with its enemies, that therefore the Kaiser had to go – and that the Supreme War Lord and his Quarter-Master General managed to shift this whole burden to the ineffective and powerless government of which Max von Baden was the chancellor at... people are now sighing.” 278 Erzberger would be assassinated by members of Organization Consul; Ludendorff would be fêted in Weimar as “the völkisch king” and Hindenburg would be honoured as the Ersatz Kaiser , substitute emperor, and elected president in 1925. “The Weimar Constitution was felt as something superimposed on Germany by the Western Powers – which would make Germany like the rest of Western ...


... Germany. But the Allies recovered, partly thanks to the fresh American troops, and from 8 August, Germany’s “black day”, the Hindenburg-Ludendorff duo knew that defeat was inevitable and informed their Kaiser accordingly. All this has a direct impact on our story. The German proletariat, represented by the “German Socialist Party” and the more radical Marxist “German Independent Socialist Party” – which... Jewish journalist, proclaimed Bavaria a Socialist Republic on 7 November. The Wittelsbach king, Ludwig III, abdicated that very day, the first of all eighteen still ruling German princes to do so. (Kaiser Wilhelm II would follow suit on 9 November. It had been one of the peace conditions formulated by the American President Woodrow Wilson that all authoritarian and military structures and institutions ...


... destinies, was able to order its own life so as to express its self-vision. We must not be misled by appearances into thinking that the strength of Germany was created by Bismarck or directed by the Kaiser Wilhelm II. Rather the appearance of Bismarck was in many respects a misfortune for the growing nation because his rude and powerful hand Page 40 precipitated its subjectivity into form ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... put Hitler in the saddle, hoped to be able to bring William back from Holland in due time, and it was because of this expectation that Paul von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg was called the “Ersatz Kaiser”, which might be translated as “emperor-ad-interim”. Hitler, then, was one among many men of destiny, at times well-nigh forgotten or written off, and always underestimated. When at the beginning ...


... cultured nation. Sri Aurobindo: What culture do they have? I should think on the contrary that Getmany before Hitler was more cultured than the present Germany. That reported interview with the Kaiser expressed the contrast very well. P: Yes, he said the Nazis were a gang of ruffians and blackguards, without God, tradition and dynasty. If you read Essays on the Gita, you'll ...


... cultured nation. SRI AUROBINDO: What culture do they have? I should think on the contrary that Germany before Hitler was more cultured than the present Germany. That reported interview with the Kaiser expressed the contrast very well. PURANI: Yes, he said the Nazis were a gang of ruffians and blackguards, without God, tradition and dynasty. SRI AUROBINDO: That's the disadvantage for the county ...


... only the Asuric man, "a man aggrandised, magnified, in whom Force has become super-dominant, crushing under its weight all the other attributes of man". In the popular imagination of the time, the Kaiser and his .warlords approximated to the Nietzschean Asuric ideal, and certainly Hitler and his Nazi hordes ("The Children of Wotan", as Sri Aurobindo calls them in his poem) were to prove total p ...


... Ireland and in Bengal - an attempt at the discovery of a nation's or of a sub-nation's soul. Sri Aurobindo rightly points out that it was not her soldiers and empire-builders like Bismark and Moltke and Kaiser Wilhelm II but her thinkers like Kant, Hegel, Fichte and Nietzsche and her great musicians, Beethoven and Wagner, who represented Germany's great subjective force that has ushered in the modem renaissance ...

... secured from so high a quarter. But is it solicited or unsolicited? The seditious rags may Page 325 now envy the distinction. But will they be tempted to mend their ways? We would suggest a Kaiser-i-Hind for meritorious journals and recommend the Indian Mirror and the Indian Nation for the first two medals. Page 326 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... hospital at Pasewalk, in Pommerania. There he had touched the depths of his ordeal when hearing the announcement that the fighting had stopped on 11 November, that Germany had lost the war, that the Kaiser and all German princes had abdicated, and that a German republic had been proclaimed. Now he was waiting in Munich, in the barracks of what remained of his regiment, to be demobilized. Although ...


... difficult to get this kind of overseas commission, for nobody else wanted to run the risk of the voyage. Not only were some pirate German battleships, like the Emden, making the seas unsafe, the German Kaiser by that time had also given carte blanche to his 150 submarines to attack any enemy vessel within range. On 7 May 1915 the British passenger ship Lusitania and on 15 November the Italian ocean liner ...

... that defeat was inevitable and suffered a nervous breakdown. Now he and Hindenburg manoeuvred to let the politicians solve the enormous problem in which the German nation had got itself involved. The Kaiser, according to the armistice conditions laid down by the Allies, had to go. Left to themselves, the politicians of the German Socialist Party, the SPD, almost by accident proclaimed Germany a republic ...


... von Treitschke’s career mirrors the increasing racism and reaction of the universities”, writes John Weiss. “The favourite of the Prussian establishment, he was appointed royal historiographer by the Kaiser, and no middle-class household was complete without his famous German History of the Nineteenth Century [in five volumes and unfinished] … Idol of the German Student Federation, Treitschke gave scholarly ...


... writers were eunuches or eunuchoid. Peter Stuyvesant lost a leg and buried it in the West Indies, Toulouse-Lautrec had abnormally short legs, and Talleyrand was lame. Goebbels had a clubfoot, and Kaiser Wilhelm a withered arm. Lord Halifax has a withered hand. The closest analogy to Roosevelt in some respects, my friend Jay Alien suggests, is of all people St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of ...

... to it, but I object to the shooting incident. Ask him the names of those two Marathi youths. There was no one I knew who was quite capable of doing such things, going to the Consuls, the Czar, the Kaiser. PURANI: Does Barin's article show any change in his attitude? SRI AUROBINDO ( smiling, stretching out both hands in a half-hanging position and then pausing a little ): It is difficult to say ...


... What? NIRODBARAN: State Socialism. SRI AUROBINDO: Russia has not done it. PURANI: No—only according to Shaw. And then he says that when the British people are frightened they flare up. The Kaiser frightened them and he was defeated. Hitler also will have the same fate. SRI AUROBINDO: Is he defending the war now? PURANI: Yes. SRI AUROBINDO: He has been frightened himself then? (Laughter) ...


... as the German tank driver saw the revolvers, he cried out, "Kamarad" and surrendered. (Laughter) The Germans act by sheer mass drive and daring. But individually the soldiers were better in the Kaiser's time. They had more initiative. SATYENDRA: If Italy joins in, the French will be in a difficult position. They will attack France from the south. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, but the observers say that ...

... name of Pondicherry. SRI AUROBINDO: Oh yes. He knows every detail. In Germany they have schools for giving people such training and they know every town, every street in France and England. In the Kaiser's time, it is said, he knew even the location of trees in some places. Now it is more thorough. Japan and Germany are the most thoroughly organised countries. EVENING SATYENDRA: Some people here ...

... rational supermen establishing a perfect social rule upon earth, so now he thinks that by the action of his banded servants of the invisible King declaring political and social war upon godless Czars, Kaisers, rulers and capitalists the same end can be achieved. With them is God; in them God dwells, in the others, presumably, he does not dwell; those who have surrendered absolutely to him are the citizens ...

... sympathetic and honest people. Do you think the average man today is better than a Greek of 2500 years ago—or than an Indian of that time? Look at the condition in Germany today. You have seen the Kaiser's remark on Hitler. (Smiling) You can't say Germany is progressing. I have come in contact with the Indian masses and I have found them better than the Europeans of the same class. So too the working ...

... empires. But that resource is no longer as easily open to us in the new conditions of human society, whatever dreams may in the past have entered into the minds of powerful nations or their Czars and Kaisers. The monarchical idea itself is beginning to pass away after a brief and fallacious attempt at persistence and revival. Almost it seems to be nearing its final agony; the seal of the night is upon ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle