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Kaliyuga : the last of the four Yugas (ages) in which the righteousness which was complete in the Satya Yuga, remains to the extent of one-fourth only; calamities, disease, fatigue, anger, distress, hunger & fear prevail, that it is to be followed by a restoration of Satya Yuga.

43 result/s found for Kaliyuga

... This Kaliyuga of 3102 B.C. - held to be the last Age in a series of Four Ages or Yugas - is a major reference-point in the traditional-Purānic chronology. Another such point is the Bhārata War. And the Aihole Inscription carries, along with its reference to the Kaliyuga, the words: "and after the Bhārata War." Evidently, Pulakeśin links the Bhārata War intimately with the Kaliyuga and understands... anybody who associated the Kaliyuga with 3102 B.C. to forget that by this date Yudhishthira, the eldest of the war's victorious Pāndava brothers, had been king of Hastināpura for a number of years and that the actual fighting against the Kauravas had ended before his accession. However, the epic does link the Kaliyuga and the Bhārata War intimately in three ways. The Kaliyuga is marked by (1) the... Pulisa [two astronomers], of the kaliyuga there have elapsed before our gauge-year 4132 years and between the wars of Bhārata and our gauge-year there have elapsed 3479 years." So the Bhārata War is put in (3479-1031 = ) 2446 B.C. elapsed, while the Kaliyuga is (4132-1031 = ) 3101 B.C. elapsed, which amounts to 3102 B.C. as its starting-point. Albērūnī 's Kaliyuga agrees with the postulate of the ...


... which is shed by Avatars like Krishna and in scriptures like the Gita. Reference to Krishna and the Gita is an appropriate approach to the theme of the Kaliyuga on which you have made interesting comments. According to tradition, the Kaliyuga came the moment Krishna's "lotus-feet" left the earth. The message of the Gita is, therefore, the last spiritual summons to us from the pre-Kali epoch. I am... soul-gesture. This is how in the Kaliyuga the God-seeker can make the Cow of existence afford to lose all its legs except one, the last remaining limb concentrating in itself the strength of the other three and giving them a new energy of simplified significance going straight to the spiritual mark. My somewhat complex attempt to read in the apparent negatives of the Kaliyuga a hidden positiveness seems... evolution, and the decline of the dharma or established law of conduct from the Satya to the Kaliyuga is not in reality a deterioration but a detrition of the outward Page 233 forms and props of spirituality in order to prepare a deeper spiritual intensity within the heart. In each Kaliyuga mankind gains something in essential spirituality. Whether we take the modern scientific or ...

... Purānic scheme of the Kaliyuga end. It belongs to the context of a close of the Kaliyuga, that was once envisaged but later hazed off and is now overlooked. Viśvasphurti is not Kalki: he is only like him in some essential traditional attributes and actions. There is resemblance, not identity. But who would Viśvasphurti be and what should be his date closing the Kaliyuga? A bell is rung in... comparison to the 99 generations for 2712 years. But we must remember one distinction between the two groups: the latter group belongs to the Kaliyuga, the former to the pre-Kali period. In the Purānic view, all things deteriorate in general in the Kaliyuga. Hence a smaller generation-unit for that Age is quite a natural concept, provided the comparative smallness is within certain limits and leads... starting 5084 B.C., running 901 years; Dvāpara, starting 4183 B.C., running 1081 years; Kali, starting 3102 B.C., running ? years The Run of the Kaliyuga The question-mark for the run of the Kaliyuga has to be paid a little attention. According to the current Purānic thinking, the Kali has kept running from 3102 B.C. for over 5000 years. Of course, in a flexible ...


... brought in a compelling logical consideration. The Purānic chronology, which refers to the Kaliyuga Era of 3102 B.C., is proved to have been in vogue by 634 A.D., the date of the Aihole Inscription of Pulakesin II which calculates both with the popular Śāka Era starting from 78 A.D. and with the Kaliyuga Era to which it links the Bharata War. So the Purānic pundits, who are said by modern historians... occur before 1332 B.C. The Purānic tradition and the Mahābhārata pointers would carry us still more back in time. As we know, the latter sets the Bhārata War 36 years before the hypothesized Kaliyuga of 3102 B.C. And the Purānas give dynasty-lengths as well as reign-lengths from the birth of Parīkshit in the year of the Bhārata War. The first Magadhan dynasty is of the 22 Bārhadrathas who reign... year of their Śaka Era. We have only to revert to a topic already treated when we refuted the claim that the traditional Indian chronology is internally inconsistent and that the dating of the Kaliyuga and the Bharata War does riot come to us in a single coherent voice. We dealt with a pronouncement of Varāhamihira, the author of the famous astronomical works, Panchasiddh ā ntik ā and ...


... shall succeed even partially in that, then I shall know that my hour of success is at hand & that I have got rid of the past karma in myself & others, which stands in our way & helps the forces of Kaliyuga to baffle our efforts. About Tantric yoga; your experiment in the smashana was a daring one,—but it seems to have been efficiently & skilfully carried out, & the success is highly gratifying.... omission, slipshod ritual,—the tamasic defects, must be avoided. Success must not elate your minds, nor failure discourage. 3dly, angarakshana is as important as siddhi. There are many Tantriks in this Kaliyuga who are eager about siddhi, careless in angarakshana. They get some siddhi, but become the prey of the devils & bhutas they raise. Now what is the use of a particular siddhi, if the sadhakas are destroyed... in Kriya is indispensable or at least a conscientious and diligent attempt at perfection. This has not been made; on the contrary all the defects that have made Tantra ineffective throughout the Kaliyuga abound in your anusthana . All this must be changed; the warning has been given & it will be wise to give heed to it. If not,—well, you know what the Gita says about those who from ahankara hear ...


... brings us to 634 A.D. - within the period of Hiuen-Tsang's association with Harsha. Then Pulakesin specifies 3736 years after the Kaliyuga, pointing from 634 A.D. to 3102 B.C., this yuga's traditional date. He also connects the Bhārata War intimately with the Kaliyuga. A word on Hiuen-tsang's chronology of the Guptas will be in Page 604 place here. The defeat of Mihirakula... spiritual teachers - each generation said to have been of 30 years - before the 36th year of Buddha's life when his ministry started. C. 1446 or 1415 B.C. The death of Krishna, marking the Kaliyuga which started 36 years after the Bhārata War, and synchronising with the accession of Parīkshit, the grand-nephew of Yudhish-thira, to the throne of Hastīnapura. C. 1171 B.C. The death of... and known as Maśakas, a warrior tribe of the Śakas, in Sanskrit literature. 259 B.C. Death of Samudragupta and, as calculated by one tradition of the Purānas, the end of the hypothesised Kaliyuga of 3102 B.C. The Greek name Amitrachates could stand not only for Sanskrit Amitrachchhettā ("Mower of enemies) but also for Sanskrit Amritakhāda ("Eater of Ambrosia") and this significance would ...


... and spiritual evolution and the decline of the dharma or established law of conduct from the Satya to the Kaliyuga is not in reality a deterioration but a detrition of the outward forms and props of spirituality in order to prepare a deeper spiritual intensity within the heart. In each Kaliyuga mankind gains something in essential spirituality. Whether we take the modern scientific or the ancient Hindu ...


... 430, 454 Kahola, 544 Kaivarta, 176 Kākas, 424, 427 Kalachuris, 489 Kālakāchārya, 517, 602 Kālakāchārya-kathā, 428, 504-5, 507, 517 Kalbappa Hill (Chandragiri), 219 Kaliyuga, 139-141 Kaliyugarāja-vrittantā, vi (fn) Kalhana: Rājatarahginī, 46-51, 367, 479, 507 Kālidāsa, i, ii, 374, 564, 566-7, 572, 601 Kalinga, Kalingas, 41, 209, 210, ... Purānic chronology, i-viii, 2-16, 46-57. 102-113, 126-52, 223-8 applied to Buddha's date, 368 Chaturyuga/The Four Yugas, 126-39; Brahma, day and night of, 127; Kalpa (aeon), 127; Dvaparayuga, 49, 139; Kaliyuga, 2, 3, 13, 14-16, 19, 46-49, 98-9, 104, 134, 145, 224; Krita Age, 133, 139, 145; Tretayuga, 139 generation units, 134-6 Magha, Magha-century, 6, 7, 8, 11, 46, 47, 49, 50, 98-99, 104, 225 ...


... Ancient India in a New Light SUPPLEMENT ONE THE TRUE DATES OF THE BHĀRATA WAR AND OF THE KALIYUGA MARKED BY KRISHNA'S DEATH To round off our chronology in terms that are prominent in the Indian tradition we should arrive at an estimate of the epoch in which the Bhārata War was fought and in whose wake the Yuga traditionally designated... and going back by 240 or 270 years, we touch 1452 or 1482 B.C. for the approximate epoch of the great conflict. Then, if the conflict happened, as traditionally computed, 36 years before the Kaliyuga, the latter must fall in c. 1416 or 1446 B.C. and thereby indicate the probable year of Krishna's departure from the earth. 1. Ibid., p. 34. 2. Ibid., 36 and p. 32, fn. 1. 3. Ibid ...


... to disappear and the first sign of his disappearance was utter degeneracy, the tendency to lose himself and while keeping some outward signs of the Brahmin to gravitate towards Shudrahood. In the Kaliyuga the Shudra is powerful and attracts into himself the less vigorous Brahmin, as the earth attracts purer but smaller bodies, and the Brahmatej, the spiritual force of the latter, already diminished ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... age, his age of the perfected Truth, Satyayuga, Kritayuga, in which he lives according to some high and profound realisation of his divine possibility, nor of his Page 126 iron age, the Kaliyuga, in which he collapses towards the life of the instincts, impulses and desires with the reason degraded into a servant of this nether life of man. This too precise order is rather the appropriate ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... it is his spirit that pervades the action and purpose of the hymn. Page 62 × It is supposed that in the Kaliyuga this is no longer possible, or possible only by direct self-surrender to the Supreme Deity. Therefore the complexity of the Vedic system has been removed from the domain of our religious practice ...


... sister on the way to battle,—the same face, a modern Teutonic face reappearing always as one of the leaders, recognisable especially by the helmet, moustache & small aquiline face (middle-aged). Period Kaliyuga; a war of great historic importance. 2) A dancing girl of the same age, strong aquiline face, in loose transparent draperies. This seems to be a Roman period of the Kali. A handsome & imperial ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Realise God in the nation, realise God in your brother, realise God in a wide human association." This is the ideal by which humanity is moved all over the world, the ideal which is the dharma of the Kaliyuga, and it is the ideal of love and service which the young men of Bengal so thoroughly realised, love and service to your brothers, love and service to your Mother and this is the association we are ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... Kayasiddhi. But perfect Kayasiddhi includes other developments such as the siddhis of Mahima, Laghima, Anima and the invulnerability and incorruptibility of the body,—powers hitherto attained in the Kaliyuga only by very advanced Siddhas. They depend primarily on the replacement of the ordinary fivefold processes of prana, apana, vyana, samana and udana by the single simplified action of the original ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... not tempt the author of the new volume to be a fanatic of the antiquity-favouring Puranas, even while giving them a good deal of consideration, nor to plead for the traditional fixing of the Kaliyuga and the Bharata War at the end of the fourth millennium B.C. as do the nationalist-minded revisionists of history today. Mr. Sethna has emphasised in his Introduction that if the ch ...


... age, the age of the perfected Truth, satya yuga or kritayuga, in which the human being moves according to some high and profound realisation of the divine possibility, nor of the iron age, the kaliyuga, in which the human being collapses towards the life of instincts, impulses, and desires with the reason degraded into a servant of the lower life. The typal order is the appropriate principle of ...


... body will in its turn naturally influence the rest of mankind and act so effectively and largely that the human race in general will put on a different aspect, the aspect of a humanity not of the Kaliyuga but of the Satyayuga. That is what the general human mind has been aspiring for and calling "Ramarajya". A humanity with a radiant mind, a purified, generous, un-egoistic, yet creative vital and ...

... Mridu-di who had stitched her own black swimsuit decided to go swimming. Meeting me on the way, she enquired: 'How do I look?' "You look splendid, Mridu-di, I answered, like Tadaka herself from Kaliyuga!" I could see she was wild but she didn't say anything. One day Mridu-di caused an uproar in the Playground. There was standing in the Playground. The march-past was begin. And just ...

... so low as it has now. It looks as if a small number of violent men are the arbiters of humanity and the rest of the world is ready to bow down before one man. PURANI: It is the lowest depth of Kaliyuga, I suppose. 1 Take O take those lips away, That so sweetly were foresworn: And those eyes break of day. Light that do misled the morn. But my kisses bring again, Bring again, Seals of love ...


... bad for the Allies. (Laughter) He is using this as a political stunt against Roosevelt and is trying to preach his isolationism. The world is getting queer. No wonder the British consul says it is Kaliyuga. (Laughter) NIRODBARAN: The other day, while talking about the Divine Will, you said that Christ knew that he was to be put on the cross and yet one part of him didn't want it. Did you mean that ...


... persist in this path. How, then, can ordinary mortals like us— SRI AUROBINDO (smiling) : It is not for ordinary mortals. SATYENDRA: Even the Vedantic realisation is too high they say, for the Kaliyuga—and your path is so much longer. SRI AUROBINDO: Not so much a longer path as a new path—one that has not been trod before by others. SATYENDRA: Will it be easier for those to come, just because ...


... (Laughter) "But didn't he recognise you by your name?" "Do you think I went up and introduced myself to him, saying - 'Here I am, Aurobindo Ghose!' Isn't such saintliness too much to expect in this Kaliyuga of ours? Actually, there is one particular rule that all revolutionaries follow - one never reveals one's name. I had been a revolutionary leader for so long, yet very few people called me by my actual ...

... body will in its turn naturally influence the rest of mankind and act so effectively and largely that the human race in general will put on a different aspect, the aspect of a humanity not of the Kaliyuga but of the Satyayuga. That is what the general human mind has been aspiring for and calling "Ramarajya". A humanity with a radiant mind, a purified, generous, unegoistic, yet creative vital and a ...

... impossible to manufacture a perfect astrologer by education as to manufacture a poet. Hence the disrepute into which the profession of astrology too lightly and numerously followed has fallen in the Kaliyuga. In addition nine tenths of the true science are lost and the little that remains, is replete with errors. Astrologers make lucky hits or stumble on the truth, but it is only a rare genius here & ...


... Vishnuchitta, Yogin and poet, of Villipattan in the land of the Pandyas. He is termed Perialwar , the great Alwar. A tradition, which we need not believe, places him in the ninety-eighth year of the Kaliyuga. But these divine singers are ancient enough, since they precede the great saint and philosopher Ramanuja whose personality and teaching were the last flower of the long-growing Vaishnava tradition ...


... He is known to Himself not only as the universal Lord of the Lila, but as the individual, Narayana concealed in Nara, playing through him, different from him, one with him. Many Adwaitins of the Kaliyuga insist that God is a myth and only the Sad Atman is a reality, just as many Buddhists deny the Sad Atman as well and say that only the Asad is a reality, but if we know only the Sad Atman or only ...


... Sandrocottus. Sethna provides an extremely valuable Supplement 11 in which he uses the revised chronology posited by him for fixing the dates of the Kurukshetra War and the beginning of the Kaliyuga, Page 341 traditionally dated to Krishna's death, at 1452/1482 B.C. and 1416/1446 B.C. respectively working back 8 or 9 generations of preceptors from Ashvalayana ...


... spindle. झयु      to go, move. Contact, Pressure To hurt, destroy; eat; waste, grow old; heat, burn; bend; censure; fight; rub. झर्च्      to injure झष्      to hurt, kill. झर्झरकः      Kaliyuga झ      lost, destroyed .. asleep, sleeping Page 669 झंझा      anything lost झः      a thing lost or mislaid झम्      to eat, consume झृ      to grow old झर्झरा      harlot ...


... the Asura the hundredth Chaturyuga of the sixth Pratikalpa comes to a glorious close. Notes on Images - IV Certain farther images have appeared which seem intended to show the nature of the Kaliyuga civilisation evolved by the inter-mixture of the barbarian & the Gandharva Pashus. 4 One is that of a very wide road climbing up a steep incline; the comparative height of the trees on one side ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... about a mean & grovelling ego; meanwhile the spaceless & timeless Soul is denied its joyous & splendid manifestation. 361) O soul of India, hide thyself no longer with the darkened Pandits of the Kaliyuga in the kitchen & the chapel, veil not thyself with the soulless rite, the obsolete law and the unblessed money of the dakshina; but seek in thy soul, ask of God and recover thy true Brahminhood & ...


... On Thoughts and Aphorisms Aphorism - 362 362—O soul of India, hide thyself no longer with the darkened Pandits 1 of the Kaliyuga in the kitchen and the chapel, veil not thyself with the soulless rite, the obsolete law and the unblessed money of the Dakshina; 2 but seek in thy soul, ask of God and recover thy true Brahminhood and Kshatriyahood ...


... After that, to protect India and the world anew, there had to be a Purna Avatar. 7 This Avatar will awaken the Brahmatej 8 , which is dormant. Sri Aurobindo also says that it is only in the Kaliyuga 9 that the Divine manifests fully because man is in great danger in this age. And here he is! He himself reveals the great secret: the Divine has fully manifested in India. But he has the modesty ...


... Vishnuchitta, Yogin and poet, of Villipattan in the land of the Pandyas. He is termed Peri-alwar, The Great Alwar. A tradition, which we need not believe, places him in the ninety-eighth year of the Kaliyuga. But these divine singers are ancient enough, since they precede the great saint and philosopher Ramanuja whose personality and teaching were the last flower of the long-growing Vaishnava tradition ...


... periods of man's highest attainment or to the eras of his lowest possibility. It is neither the principle of his ideal age of the perfected Truth nor of his iron age (called in Indian terminology Kaliyuga). In other words, the varna system is appropriate only to the intermediate ages of man's cycle in which he attempts to maintain some imperfect form of his true law. There are at least two such ...


... transformation the subconscious and the inconscient have to be conquered. You can say this is precisely the principal sadhana of the present age. That is why they have described Kalki, the avatar of the kaliyuga, as being a little lame. I look upon my knee-trouble in the same way. * Dada said: I was studying in college then. During the winter holidays we would sometimes go to the ...

... disappear and the first sign of his disappearance was utter degeneracy, the tendency to lose himself and while keeping some outward signs of the Brahmin to gravitate towards Shudrahood. In the Kaliyuga the Shudra is powerful and attracts into himself the less vigorous Brahmin, as the earth attracts purer but smaller bodies, and the brahmatej, the spiritual force of the latter, already diminished ...

... In the course of a conversation, I spoke to Mother about the Kalki avatar. Kalki was lame and he was supposed to come on a white horse, holding an unsheathed sword. After ending the Kaliyuga he would pave the way for the advent of the Satyayuga. What was the meaning of the white horse, the sword and 'his slight limp? Mother replied that the horse was a symbol of force Page 210 ...


... question, that upward gaze, and that quiet and firm voice with power in it to shake the world, that firm fist planted on the table, – the symbol of self-confidence of the divine Truth. There may be rank Kaliyuga, the Iron Age, in the whole world but it is the great good fortune of India that she has sons who know the Truth and have the unshakable faith in it, and can risk their lives for its sake. In this ...

... mind: Why can’t we see God? Why can’t we speak to Him as a friend? Why wouldn’t He come to us if we called Him like Dhruva or Prahlad? The grown-ups would say: “That’s not possible. In this Kaliyuga God does not show himself in this way.” But our supreme good fortune is that the Divine Herself has come down onto this earth. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have Themselves become our friends. ...


... question, that upward gaze, and that quiet and firm voice with power in it to shake the world, that firm fist planted on the table, – the symbol of self-confidence of the divine Truth. There may be rank Kaliyuga, the Iron Age, in the whole world but it is the great good fortune of India that she has sons who know the Truth and have the unshakable faith in it, and can risk their lives for its sake. In this ...


... introduction to the Gita): "The elements of evil that are going to be destroyed in the course of the world's evolution are precisely the ones that are eliminated through an inordinate growth in the Kaliyuga." Written in 1909, 72 years ago....   The night of December 20-21, 1981 Kireet: "The Government is beginning to wonder what you are up to."   The night of December 22-23, 1981 ...

... that upward gaze, and that quiet and firm voice with the power in it to shake the. world, that firm fist planted on the table, - the symbol of self-confidence of the divine Truth. There may be rank kaliyuga, the Iron Age, in the whole world but it is the great fortune of India that she has sons who know that Truth and have an unshakable faith in it, and can risk their lives for it. In this significant ...