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Kalki : destroyer of foulness, destroyer of darkness, or destroyer of ignorance. By extension, he will complete the current cycle of evolution, “by bringing the Kingdom of the Divine upon earth” [SABCL 22:402].

50 result/s found for Kalki

... man and again the overmental superman. Krishna, Buddha and Kalki depict the last three stages, the stages of the spiritual development – Krishna opens the possibility of overmind, Buddha tries to shoot beyond to the supreme liberation but that liberation is still negative, not returning upon earth to complete positively the evolution; Kalki is to correct this by bringing the Kingdom of the Divine upon... A diarchy of two united souls. In a new act of the drama of the world The united Two began a greater age. An hour began, the matrix of new Time. 63 6. The Kalki Avatar In Hinduism, the Kalki Avatar is thought of as the last of the succession of Avatars, who will come at the end of the present Kali Yuga. The victor of the last, decisive battle with the hostile forces, he... birth to a race which shall follow: the Krita Aga or Age of Purity.” 65 Sri Aurobindo has closely related the Kalki Avatar with the Krishna Avatar. “Krishna is the Anandamaya; he supports the evolution through the overmind leading it towards Ananda.” 66 “… The last Avatar, Kalki, only accomplishes the work Krishna began – he fulfils in power the great struggle which the previous Avatars prepared ...

... ti with Kalki. Kalki, of the Purānas as we have them today, is a figure by himself, and they conceive him without conceiving Viśvasphurti as an Avatar. The latter's Avatarhood is no part of the existing Purānic scheme of the Kaliyuga end. It belongs to the context of a close of the Kaliyuga, that was once envisaged but later hazed off and is now overlooked. Viśvasphurti is not Kalki: he is only... will exist in succession through Fate. They will be destitute of righteousness, affection and wealth. Mingled with them will be Ārya and Mleccha folk everywhere..." Then let us note what the Avatar Kalki, who is supposed to come and wind up the Kaliyuga, will do. We learn from PatiP that this Avatar of Vishnu will annihilate various peoples such as Yavanas and Tushāras and 1. Ibid., p. 74... and subdue his body: after resigning his body he will go to Indra's world." No historical post-Krishna figure in the Purānas is suggested to be divine as is this king. Like both Krishna and Kalki he is equated with Vishnu, and he is a conqueror like them, and his death most explicitly resembles Kalki's. Certainly, a mysterious Avatar is before us. If, from the many versions of his name, we ...


... Hindus, Kalki, is represented as riding a white, winged horse and brandishing the flaming sword of Truth. But “too much importance need not be attached to the details about Kalki”, wrote Sri Aurobindo in a letter, “they are rather symbolic than an attempt to prophesy details of future history. What is expressed is something that has to come, but it is symbolically indicated, no more.” 36 Kalki, of course... course, was Sri Aurobindo – but people in the present time do not realise that Kalki had already come to wage his battle. For he had not come as expected in one male body, but in the bodies of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, who was herself no less a warrior. For are two of the personalities of the Great Mother not Durga and Kali? Out, out with the mind and its candle flares, Light, light the suns ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... man and again the overmental superman. Krishna, Buddha and Kalki depict the last three stages, the stages of the spiritual development—Krishna opens the possibility of Overmind, Buddha tries to shoot beyond to the supreme liberation but that liberation is still negative, not returning upon earth to complete positively the evolution; Kalki is to correct this by bringing the Kingdom of the Divine upon... Absolute, but the Supermind. I consider that in trying to overshoot, Buddha like Shankara made a mistake, cutting away the dynamic side of the liberation. Therefore there has to be a correction by Kalki. I was of course dealing with the Ten Avatars as a "parable of the evolution", and only explaining the interpretation we can put on it from that point of view. It was not my own view of the thing... having a view to the fact that one can make the attempt to reach the Highest on the neti neti as well as the iti iti line. Too much importance need not be attached to the details about Kalki—they are rather symbolic than an attempt to prophesy details of future history. What is expressed is something that has to come, but it is symbolically indicated, no more. So too, too much weight ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... Yet leaving out his warrior side lessens and therefore deforms his total image. He was after all the Avatar of the Supramental, which is none other than the last Avatar in the Hindu tradition: Kalki, expected to come on a white winged horse brandishing the sword of the spiritual power (and whom nobody perceived when he did come). If it is true that because of his effort the Supramental has... descended into the Earth's atmosphere, and if because of this descent the earthly evolution is entering the "upper hemisphere" of the Truth-Consciousness, then Sri Aurobindo cannot but have been Kalki. It is then unthinkable that he could have accomplished his mission without the-severest and continuous battles against the hostile forces in possession of the world. One reads about this in the deeply... I have nowhere read a thorough comment on this canto. Even its importance is rarely referred to. For the argument's sake we leave out the Mother's role in all this and the fact that the Kalki Avatar proved to be a complete, double-poled Avatar— something the ancient Hindu tradition could not foresee. 27 Savitri, p. 210. 28 Ibid., p. 219. Page 264 ...

... appeared in a golden light, on a white horse —almost like Kalki here." According to Indian tradition, KALKI will be the tenth and the last incarnation of Vishnu. From age to age, Vishnu the Godhead descends directly into the stuff of humanity and takes up its moulds and assumes human nature, to assist humanity in its evolutionary ascent. Kalki will appear riding a white, two-winged Horse, holding a ...

... an inner and not an outer change. But outer changes may at least prepare favorable conditions for that more real- amelioration,—or on the contrary they may lead to such conditions that the sword of Kalki* can alone purify the earth from the burden of an obstinately Asuric humanity. The choice lies with the race itself; for as it sows, so shall it reap the fruit of its Karma. 78 * * * ... Bombay. Sri Aurobindo explained his reasons for turning down this request, through which the Nationalists were hoping to give him an opportunity to return to politics.) ________________ * Kalki: the last Avatar, who comes riding a white winged horse, armed with a sword. He will come "like a burning comet." Page 148 Dear Baptista, I do not at all look down on politics ...


... the tale is indicated by that name. It's sad that so fine a symbol spells only "death" for the Christian mind. Down from the Rigvedic Dadhikravan through the Puranic animal on which the last Avatar Kalki is figured as riding onto earth to establish the Golden Age - down from hoary antiquity to the time of KDS the equus has played a spiritually suggestive part. As you know, KDS has several poems on his... be justified; but having reached that section in my bad American translation of the Mahabharata where the last phase of the kali-yuga is described, I wonder if that is not where we are. Would that Kalki, the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus, etc., be at hand. But 'what rough beast/Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?'. Yet how wonderful this world is, how rich, 'O brave new world that has such people ...

... But even the Christians. Even the Christians, yes. St. John said that there would be a new earth—that there would be, in fact, a new Christ, who corresponds to that of the Hindus. Kalki? Yes, Kalki. The description is very similar. And the Maitreya Buddha, too. Yes, but it seems we should be more cautious about him. According to Alexandra David-Neel, it's not a truly authentic ...


... audience since their childhood. The ten Avatars are: the Fish, the Tortoise, the Boar, the Man-Lion, the Dwarf, Parasurama alias Rama-with-the-axe, Rama (with the bow), Krishna, the Buddha and finally Kalki, who according to tradition is still to come. The succession, even at first sight, shows a continuity. ‘The Hindu procession of the ten Avatars is itself, as it were, a parable of evolution,’ writes... planet. In mentally conscious humanity an opening is possible toward the supramental realms thanks to Krishna, and the nirvanic state can be consciously attained by following the path of the Buddha. Kalki, finally, will bring about the great revolution which will result in the superhuman and the Kingdom of God no longer in an ethereal, hypothetical hereafter, but on a transformed Earth. Thus will come ...


... This handwritten note bore only this word and the date. Kalki is the name of the last Avatar who comes on a white winged horse to destroy the 'barbarians' ( yavan ) at the end of the Iron Age or the Kali Yuga , which is the period we are now passing through. His appearance marks the return of the Age of Truth, or the Satya Yuga . 9.7.59 Kalki Page 323 ...


... Vedantic nomenclature, Nirguna Brahman, Silent Quality-less Eternal Being) and, finally, Kalki who will come to set right the balance by bringing the Transcendent's power to base on the Transcendent's peace a new earth-order, a terrestrial Heaven. In this tale of evolutionary humanity we would indentify Kalki with Sri Aurobindo (the Master of the Integral Yoga, the Yoga not only of liberation but ...


... leading the human development. . . . Krishna, Buddha and Kalki depict the last three stages, the stages of the spiritual development — Krishna opens the possibility of over mind, Buddha tries to shoot beyond to the supreme liberation but that liberation is still negative, not returning upon earth to complete positively the evolution; Kalki is to correct this by bringing the Kingdom of the Divine upon ...

... fought because one hundred promised virgins had not been delivered to the Caliph of Cordoba. At the crucial moment St James, wearing shining armor and ‘in golden light on a white horse, almost like Kalki,’ 93 appeared on the side of the Christians and attacked the Infidels, thus carrying the day for the Christians. Since then Santiago Matamoro (Saint James killer of the Moors) has been the patron... She used her maiden name even after her marriage. × In Hinduism, Kalki is the tenth and last Avatar, expected to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth in a new Golden Age. He is usually represented on a winged white horse and wielding a sword. ...

... latter's descent an integral transformation is to be accomplished in terms of the Truth-Consciousness. The final Avatar who would bring God to earth and establish Him here was called Kalki by Hindu tradition and to identify Kalki we have to look for a figure whose goal is integral earth-transformation with the force of the supreme dynamic divinity of a Supermind which manifests the next stage after the Overmind ...


... again the over-mental man [Krishna]. Krishna, Buddha and Kalki depict the last three stages, the stages of the spiritual development -Krishna opens the possibility of overmind, Buddha tries to shoot beyond to the supreme liberation but that liberation is still negative, not returning upon earth to complete positively the evolution; Kalki is to correct this by bringing the Kingdom of the Divine ...

... history; he had appeared in a battle between the Christians and the Moors and his apparition vanquished the Moors. And he was magnificent! He appeared in golden light on a white horse, almost like Kalki. 6 ) All the slaughtered and struggling Moors were depicted at the bottom of the painting, and it was I who painted them; it was too hard for me to climb high up on a ladder to paint, so I did the... × Math : monastery. × Kalki : the last Avatar. He rides a white horse. ...


... and forty. A Korean who, for his part, bluntly says that he is, not the reincarnation of Christ (I don't think he is Christian), but the "new Avatar" (if he knew the Indian tradition, he would say "Kalki" 1 ). And it seems he has hundreds of thousands of disciples! I saw his photo ... I saw him "Korean," you understand, that is, not universal. Page 300 But it means things are moving ... of the tunnel THERE IS the light." ( Mother laughs ) I wondered, "Why do I tell him that!..." Page 305 × Kalki: the last Avatar, who appears on a winged white horse and is armed with a sword. He will come "like a burning comet." ...


... body, they are only different limbs ― Have you forgotten it? Have you forgotten that the very fount of kindness Page 188 And the cruel slayer Kalki are one and the same Incarna­tion? Kanu withdraws the violent Kalki-mood within his bosom And kneels down at the feet of Radha. The plenitude of kindness is kept imprisoned within the Mother's heart,― Demoness, Titaness ...

... were afraid that anyone who tried to put out the fire might see his or her own house set on fire. (27) In the course of a conversation, I spoke to Mother about the Kalki avatar. Kalki was lame and he was supposed to come on a white horse, holding an unsheathed sword. After ending the Kaliyuga he would pave the way for the advent of the Satyayuga. What was the meaning of the ...


... It is clear. It is a question of smell. Page 247 With you in the pure air, Satprem P.S.: You must not mistake the softness of a rag for the "softness of the soul," for Kalki 61 too is armed with a sword. P.S.2: In fact, one of the great confusions in Auroville (and almost everywhere) is of a mental and pseudo-spiritual order. Many people seem to forget that there... boat).... But it was exactly what those monstrous Forces wanted. Mother had another "Plan." × 61 Kalki, the last Avatar (for us, Sri Aurobindo), mounted on a formidable white horse. × 62 The distributor ...

... 202,216, 237 (fn) Japanese, 216, 218 jat, 90 Jews, 190, 242 Jinnah, 223, 224, 230, 241, 245 Judaism, 129 Judea, 137 K Kabir, 146 Kala Purusha , 91 Kali Yuga, 91 KaJi,44, 106, 124 Kalki,148 Karmayogin (English weekly) , 47, 71, 77,83 Kashmir, 228, 245(/n} Kemal , Mustapha , 169(fn), 192 Khaddar, 170 Khilafat movement, 149(fn), 156(fn), 165 , 169 , 173 , 195 Koran, 170 ...


... disintegration and increasing confusion in which man is labouring forward towards a new harmony which will appear when the spirit of God descends again upon mankind in the form of the Avatara called Kalki, destroys all that is lawless, dark and confused and establishes the reign of the saints, the Sadhus, those, that is to say,—if we take the literal meaning of the word Sadhu, who are strivers after ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... It is the intuitive inkling of this absence of further embodiment, rather than the anomalous idea of putting a term to the Infinite's manifestation on earth, that has led Hinduism to speak of Kalki as the last Avatar. Page 160 The "I" who wants to do Yoga A LETTER I did not reply to your first letter because I thought you would soon be in ...

... (amphibian), Boar (mammal), Dwarf (hominid), Rama with the ax ( Homo habilis or ergaster ), Rama with the bow ( Homo sapiens ), followed by the spiritual evolution of humanity in Krishna, the Buddha, and Kalki, the future avatar. This “procession of the avatars” is unmistakable. It should be clear that “avatar” in this context has no relation to the present degradation of this concept in some sectarian movements ...

... its bhumi , the Earth, are undergoing is on a scale which requires the intervention of an Avatar. If all this is true, then the Avatar has been present on the Earth in the Twentieth Century. Then Kalki, with the sword of Truth, has fought his battles, even though his physical incarnation was not as described in the Puranas. The World-Redeemer came, and nobody recognised him – as is humanity’s wont ...

... Foreword The talks in this book have been delivered in Auroville, the first four at the Townhall in September, the following six at Savitri Bhavan in November and December 2010. The talk on “The Kalki Avatar” was also held at the Townhall, in February 2011, in the context of the seminar on “Mutation II”. I had been invited to give talks in Europe, the USA and India, but I had to cancel all travelling ...

... down enjoy our desperation. Evolution is now generally accepted as a scientific fact. In India it has existed for centuries as a spiritual fact: witness the ‘procession’ of avatars from the Fish to Kalki, each one initiating a higher level of evolution. That Matter, Life and Consciousness are the gradations of evolution of our mother, the Earth, is clear to all eyes that see. It is less clear that Matter ...

... DA, 280 Janaka, 49, 51 Jayadeva, 149 –Gita Govinda, 147 Jayanandi, 286 Joshi, Yogishananda Nath Nilkantha Sharma, 155   KALI, 265 Kalki, 149 Kamali, 260 Kanhu, 260-1, 263-5, 269-70; 274,280, 282-3,285 Kankanapada, 284 Karataka, 77 Katyayani, 54 Kirkup, James, 46n. –New Directions ...

... down with all the Gods and takes possession of the earth. My way is the other: to change the human being by some sort of evolution into what I call a race of Gods. The Hindu vision of the last Avatar Kalki destroying everybody is an easy but rather drastic solution. The Divine Consciousness has entered into the Inconscient by a process of involution. It is only apparently inconscient. It is also s ...


... To slay the whole host of the Invaders, you have unsheathed your sword, how frightful, even as a streaming comet!   Page 148 Lo, the Lord has assumed the form of Kalki. Victory to the Lord! Victory to the Master of the World!   Listen to the sublime hymn that brings happiness and welfare, the very cream of creation, sung by the poet Jayadeva ...

... (extant) on either side of the-main altar in the Church of St. James of Compostela at Pau in France. A Spanish legend portrayed St. James appearing 'in a golden light on a white horse, almost like Kalki' and vanquishing the Moors. - Aug 23 Birth of her only child, Andre Morisset. Cures the child's illnesses 'without ever calling a doctor'. 1901-1907 Introduced, by Mattéo's friend Louis ...


... an inner and not an outer change. But outer changes may at least prepare favourable conditions for that more real amelioration,—or on the contrary they may lead to such conditions that the sword of Kalki can alone purify the earth from the burden of an obstinately Asuric humanity. The choice lies with the race itself; for as it sows, so shall it reap the fruit of its Karma." Let us hark back to ...

... disintegration and increasing confusion in which man is labouring forward towards a new harmony which will appear when the spirit of God descends again upon mankind in the form of the Avatara called Kalki, destroys all that is lawless, dark and confused and establishes the reign of the saints, the Sadhus, those, that is to say, – if we take the literal meaning of the word Sadhu, – who are strivers after ...

... confront toutes les horreurs de la création , all the horrors of creation. Now Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are accepted and adored as Gods by many; few realize that they were also the Great Warriors – Kalki with the sword, Kali doing battle – who had, unknown, to fight the crusade for the future of humanity. The reality of their Work, even of the little we know of it, is much more epochal than any of the ...

... being, the human as we are), Krishna, protagonist of the Mahabharata (representing the Overmind, the world of the gods and religion), Buddha (shooting straight up to the indefinable Absolute) and Kalki (the future Avatar who represents Supermind). The fundamental evolutionary meaning of this “procession”, theme of one of the most popular dances in the classical Indian styles, is unmistakable. “He ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... torturer. Ruksh in the Rustum-legend would represent the gigantic power of self-assertive vitality coming under the control of the mind in its heroic ventures. I have always regarded Sri Aurobindo as Kalki, the last Avatar of Hindu tradition, who has been figured as coming to the world riding a white horse. Perhaps the same symbolic horse arrives at the end of India's spiritual history as that Page ...


... the fourteen Manus enjoy each a reign of seven chaturyugas of varying lengths and the first & last of the hundred belong not to any Manu but the opening chaturyuga to Brahma & Rudra, the closing to Kalki & to Shiva. Man in the first appears only tentatively at the end, in the last only as a survival at the beginning. The third image is that of a bear leaping on a smaller animal which it keeps under ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Samadhi Page 40 18) A bundle of carbon papers for typewriting, put down, not folded, but partly turned down.        Samadhi. 19) Chhaya in Akash of Kali armed, followed by Chhaya of Kalki on horseback. For Feb 4ᵗʰ & 5ᵗʰ see other book. 1 Feb 6ṭḥ. 20) Chhayamay of Sister Nivedita. 21) Tejomays of a collar of pearls and two others of Jogini standing and asleep. 22) Varnamay ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... of the axe, the divinely-natured man, a greater Rama, the awakened spiritual man, Buddha, and, preceding him in time, but final in place, the complete divine manhood, Krishna,—for the last Avatar, Kalki, only accomplishes the work Krishna began,—he fulfils in power the great struggle which the previous Avatars prepared in all its potentialities. It is a difficult assumption to our modern mentality ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... inner and not an outer change. But outer changes may at least prepare favourable conditions for that more real amelioration,—or on the contrary they may lead to such conditions that the sword of Kalki can alone purify the earth from the burden of an obstinately Asuric humanity. The choice lies with the race itself; for as it sows, so shall it reap the fruit of its Karma. And that brings us back ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... ā, vi (fn) Kalhana: Rājatarahginī, 46-51, 367, 479, 507 Kālidāsa, i, ii, 374, 564, 566-7, 572, 601 Kalinga, Kalingas, 41, 209, 210, 244, 245, 472, 475, 491, 492 Kalki, 142, 143-44, 224 Kālsi, 268 Kāmarūpa (Assam), 213, 485, 487, 490 Kambistholi, 262, 263 Kambojas, 234, 248, 254, 255-6, 263, 289, 290, 308, 309, 310, 311, 530, 592, 594 ...


... Lord. We give below an extract from the Chaitanya Bhagavata: Sri Chaitanya said: " I am Krsna, I am Rama, and I am Nārāyana. I am Matsya, I am Kurma, I am Varāha and Vāmana. I am Buddha, Kalki, Hamsa, and Haladhara. I am Prśnigarbha, I am Hayagrīva, and I am Maheśvara. I am Nilacala-candra, I am Kapila, and I am Nrsimha. All visible and invisible beings are servants of my lotus feet ...


... the four Vyūhas — Vāsudeva, Sahkarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha! 22. Salutation to Thee as the Buddha, the pure one, who would bring confusion among the Daityas and Dānavas! Salutations to Thee as Kalki who would bring the destruction of kings and other ruling authorities that have degenerated into the state of barbarism! 23. O worshipful Lord! The world of living creatures overpowered by Thy Māya ...


... manus im tanu asritam . All previous Avatars are only a preparation for the coming of this Supreme Divine. It is said also that the present epoch marks a crucial turn and transition. We await the Kalki Avatar who will wipe off the past, the Iron Age, and bring in the Golden Age, Satya Youga. A question inevitably arises here – what next? Once the evolutionary movement has reached the apex, does ...

... body— manushim tanumasritam. All previous Avatars are only a preparation for the coming of this Supreme Divine. It is said also that the present epoch marks a crucial turn and transition. We await the Kalki Avatara who will wipe off the past, the Iron Age, and bring in the Golden Age, Satya Yuga. A question inevitably arises here—what next? Once the evolutionary movement has Page 72 ...

... yoga of Supramental transformation the subconscious and the inconscient have to be conquered. You can say this is precisely the principal sadhana of the present age. That is why they have described Kalki, the avatar of the kaliyuga, as being a little lame. I look upon my knee-trouble in the same way. * Dada said: I was studying in college then. During the winter holidays ...

... the scientific Middle-Ages of the twentieth century. Which means the whole West. And what I did not know either at the time, is that the formidable white horse, in Indian tradition, is the mount of Kalki, the last “avatar” (for us, Sri Aurobindo) the one who comes at the end of the human cycle to “change the Law” of reigning Death and Falsehood, in order to establish the reign of Divine Life and ...

... publicly. Is there a being somewhere and nobody knows him?... It would surprise me if there was no communication. I do not know. Well, there are many, many, quite an outburst of new Christs, of Kalkis, 1 of Supermen, oh! There are very many of them, but generally, in some way there is communication, in any case their existence comes to be known; well, among all of them, all with whom I have come ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... publicly known: is there somewhere a being unknown to all? ... I would be surprised if there were no communication. I don't know. There are many, many of them you know, a whole crop of new Christs, Kalkis, 2 supermen, ooh! so many of them, but generally, communication is made somehow or other, at any rate their existence is known; well, among them, among all those with whom I have been in contact ...