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65 result/s found for Kamala

... Grace on Kamala” The Mother has showered her grace on her children in such a way that every child can say, “This is a special grace of the Mother for me alone. For none else she has done this.” Kamala is indeed one of those children. Kamala does not write about herself, but I am interested in writing about her for two reasons. Firstly, it was the Mother who sustained my interest in Kamala, and secondly... passage'. Accompanying Mother for Pranam : A unique opportunity Mother gave Kamala was to accompany her when she went downstairs for Pranam. Separating grapes: Mother gave Kamala the work of separating good green grapes from bad ones. The very first day, she made Kamala sit in the upstairs Meditation hall. Kamala would enter through the main door opening into the vestibule and pass through the... the other to see Mother showering her grace on Kamala. You have asked why Kamala alone is all the time with Champaklal. I have written all the above at length to show that by showering her infinite grace Mother has given me to Kamala from her childhood and has still kept me with her. Much more can be written about the Mother's relation with Kamala. But one can understand it better by reading the ...


... Kamala.htm BIRTHDAY MESSAGES TO KAMALA Kamala A Sketch by the Mother 1.2.36 Kamala In faith and confidence and joy on the quiet and sunlit path towards the home of Light and Ananda. SRI AUROBINDO (The original message is missing.) 11.2.38 My blessings on Kamala for the year of her life that begins today. SRI AUROBINDO... 11.2.59 My dear child Kamala, I had one night, in December last, one striking proof of the sincerity of your devotion and since then I feel you very close to me. I am happy to tell you this on your birthday. With my love and blessings, THE MOTHER Page 124 Page 125 11.2.60 To my dear child Kamala, Bonne Fête! This is... MOTHER Page 126 Page 127 11.2.61 To Kamala, my dear child, Bonne Fête! Let the peace of a happy certitude be .always with you in this progressive march towards Victory. With my love and blessings, THE MOTHER Page 128 11.2,62 Kamala, my dear child, Bonne Fête! Let all thoughts, all feelings, all actions ...


... paper sheets to the Mother.) Mother, Pranam to my gracious Mother. Your happy child Kamala Love and blessings to my dear child. The Mother Page 3 Mother, Keep me always faithful to you. Your happy child Kamala Keep open to my blessings and love and they will keep you faithful. 15.6.35 The Mother ... Mother come in all the parts of my being. Your happy child Kamala I am always with you, ready to enter all corners of your being. With love and blessings 26.6.35 The Mother Mother, Pranam from my depth of my heart to my loving Mother. Your happy child Kamala In the depth of your heart you will always find my presence with... always at your feet. Accept my Pranam. Your happy child Kamala My dear child, you are near me and my love and blessings are always with you. 14.11.35 The Mother Mother, Pranam to my gracious Mother, My Mother, peace, peace, peace I pray for. Your happy child Kamala What troubles you, my dear child? Withdraw in the silence ...


... The Growth of a Flame Birthday Messages to Kamala Bonne Fête a Kamala 11.2.36 Kamala In faith and confidence and joy on the quiet and sunlit path towards the home of Light and Ananda. Sri Aurobindo 11.2.38 Kamala My blessings on Kamala for the year of her life that begins today. Sri Aurobindo Let this year bring... To Kamala, my dear child, With my love and blessings for the realisation of her highest aspirations. In the Peace, the Joy and the Love of the Lord. The Mother 11.2.64 To my dear child Kamala, Bonne Fête! With my love and blessings for the Peace, the Light and the Joy of the Lord to be always with you. The Mother 11.2.65 Kamala, my dear... 22 11.2.65 Bonne Fête! To Kamala With love and blessings for a peaceful and luminous year. The Mother 11.2.66 Bonne Fête! To my dear child Kamala With all the strength which comes from an absolute faith in the Divine's Grace and Love. The Mother 11.2.67 Bonne Fête! To Kamala My dear child, With love and blessings ...


... else she has done this." Kamala is indeed one of them. Kamala has not written about herself, but I am interested in writing about her for two reasons. Firstly, it was the Mother who sustained my interest in the life of Kamala and secondly, it gives me an opportunity to admire the Mother as I recollect many events of her infinite grace on Kamala. In the beginning, Kamala observed silence when she... early morning darshan of Sri Aurobindo. The bakery room where Kamala was staying was to be vacated. The Mother alloted her storeroom to Kamala. She was allowed to use the darshan room as a passage. I also remember another event. Sometimes while taking bath the Mother would come out of the bathroom with a piece of cloth and ask Kamala to stitch it for her immediately. At that time I used to wonder... interested in witnessing all this on two counts. One was to see the Mother's ways of working on Kamala and the other was to see the Mother showering grace on her. Someone might think why only Kamala was with Champaklal. I have written this at length to show that by showering her infinite grace the Mother had Kamala with me from childhood and till today she has kept her with me. It seems from Kamalaben's ...


... If for some reason Mother is displeased with Kamala, please, let us know. There is absolutely no reason why Mother should be displeased with Kamala. She is not at all displeased with her and she has no wish at all that she should go to Gujarat; she wants her to be here; for here is her true home. Mother is not at all refraining from smiling at Kamala or doing it by force; she is doing with her... fit for Mother's service and for yoga. What is all this nonsense? The grace of the Mother does not withdraw; open yourself and you will feel it. 1.5.1929 Sri Aurobindo Since one month Kamala is telling me, “Mother is not putting her hand on my head. She is neither smiling nor looking at me. How can one stay here in this condition? I wonder if she wants me to go back to Gujarat.” The whole... her just as she has always done. It must be that Kamala has got into some state of sensitiveness in which she is misinterpreting Mother's looks and action—for Mother intends to be and has been very kind with her. This sometimes happens. So you must tell her to put these ideas out of her head and be calm and happy within and open herself to the Mother—then she will find that Mother is always close to her ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks On Kamala Roshan: “Dadaji, could you please write something about Kamala and her father Kashibhai? How did she come to the Ashram? Why is Kamala always with you?” C: “You want me to write about Kamala? All right, I will do it.” ...


... retained. Both Kamala and I used to accompany her. I would be in Sri Aurobindo's room. At the time of going down either Mother or Kamala used to call me. There are two doors between Sri Aurobindo's room and the 'long passage' (when visiting his room, we enter by one and come out by the other). Once it so happened that when Mother came to call me, she stood near one of them and asked Kamala: “Has Champaklal... Champaklal gone?” Coming out by the other door, I stood behind her and replied: “Mother, I am here.” Mother turned round at once and said to Kamala: “See how he is hiding behind me!” Then she looked at me and smiled. And what a smile! In itself the incident may seem small, but the way she used to act and speak made such occasions memorable. Only those who have experienced them can understand what ...


... have done but not shown to anybody. I will show her that; tell her.” C: “Then what has happened is very good, Mother.” Later, after Mother had shown the portrait to Kamala, I told Mother: “It is not out of pride that Kamala did not want to ask; she was sad because she could not help it. She wishes that everything comes spontaneously from you, not that you are obliged to do it, She knows that... portrait, was so happy, indescribable. One day Mother arranged these sketches in Pavitra's room for showing to Ashram artists, most of whom she had called. The next day I mentioned to Mother that Kamala was sad and unhappy. Mother: “Why?” C: “You did not call her to see your paintings.” Mother: “All right. I will make her very happy. You see, Champaklal,” she added with a smiling, happy ...


... Blessing packets, I am reminded about the special packets of DIVINE'S LOVE. You remember Kamala had wanted plastic boxes and you had arranged for them. Kamala would fill a box and send it to Mother or give it personally. How happy Mother was when she received the box each time! It was a great privilege for Kamala. At some stage Mother stopped using these packets. I could not understand why she was still ...


... Every day, when after her bath Mother used to come to Sri Aurobindo's door, she used to allow Kamala to do pranam to her. The next day, at this time. Mother gave the sketch in my hand asked her to show it to Kamala. Mother: “Oh, you want to show it to her!” So saying, Mother I showed it to Kamala and added: “The eyes are very nice and very expressive.” ...


... packets, I am reminded about the special packets of Divine's love . You remember once Kamala wanted plastic boxes for the work and you arranged for them. Kamala would fill a box with packets and send it to Mother or give it personally. How happy Mother was, each time she received a box! It was a great privilege for Kamala. At some stage Mother stopped using these packets. I could not understand why she ...


... in the Meditation House. 2.10.32 S RI A UROBINDO (N.B. The narration of the following dream is missing, therefore, only Sri Aurobindo's interpretation is given below.) Kamala, In your dream the woman you saw was clearly the appearance taken by a hostile force that wanted to take you out of the Ashram and the yoga and the Mother's protection into the ordinary consciousness... at daytime. Mother, what is this string? I could not make out from where it came? Why could I not see it? I humbly pray to you to explain the meaning so that I may understand the dream. Kamala, The strings you saw me pulling down are the lines of consciousness which can connect the personal being with the Divine Truth; they are above out of reach, I am bringing them down into the human... death and madness) taking form as thoughts and dreams. 10.4.35 Sri Aurobindo Mother, I saw a dream like this. I came to see you on my birthday. You said to me, "Kamala, I willingly allow you to go to Gujarat for a few days." If it is true, may I go to Gujarat after 21st February? The dream must have been a formation in your mind in dream - for there was no ...


... Aurobindo in last August's Darshan. Nolini had brought a German magazine 1 sent from London, containing Cartier-Bresson's photographs. Mother took out the pages with the pictures and gave them to Kamala. I cut out those pictures; they were printed on both sides of the pages. Then I cut out the middle portions of some mound as precisely as I could and framed the pictures back to back between the... Mother, if you don't feel like it. It is all right.” Even so, she wrote “Blessings” on the pictures. Mother had liked the mounted pictures so much that the next day she asked me to fetch them from Kamala as she wanted to show them to Pranab. While showing them to him she remarked: “How nicely they are arranged by Champaklal! Isn't it so?” × ...


... another Cachon from the box, she places it on my palm. It is 6.10 by the time she has come down to the first floor. I follow her through the Salon. Near the small passage she stops to say Bonjour to Kamala who is waiting there. Further on, in the long corridor Mounnou is waiting; Mother tells her Bonjour and gives her a small biscuit tin which is kept ready. Formerly—Mounnou was then ten—Mother used... brought with her upstairs. Inside the Salon Dr. Sanyal 7 is waiting near the cupboard. Mother greets him with a Bonjour . She glances again at the small passage near the staircase door where Kamala, Rassendran 8 , Chandana 9 , Doctor-babu's grandson Tarun and Arpita are waiting. Then Mother goes upstairs, the doctor follows. I go behind them up to the landing. Mother and Dr. Sanyal go into ...


... “Childhood” Our little ashram on the island of Kansia, a few miles from Bharooch, stood on the land of Kamala's father Kashibhai. When I joined that ashram in 1920, Kamala was a healthy and lively child of about five who, innocent and without inhibitions, roamed about freely in the huge estate. Once, the ladies there tried to restrain her with their ideas of dress and... let her choose whether to 'learn' the worldly ways or be free. She, of course, preferred her freedom and happily continued with her spontaneous ways. In the courtyard there were many berry trees and Kamala used to collect the best ones and bring them for me. Though many others lived in the ashram, she gave them only to me. Her elder sister Yashoda, who later married Vallabhbhai Patel's son, was also ...


... have a little soirée (only a few people) to-morrow as I don't like crowds now-a-days. Very well. P.P.S. I will askAmiya, Sbanta, Padmasini and Kiran from the Vigy house, may I ?Kamala too generally comes with Shanta. I suppose there is no harm as I am a little out of harm's way in these matters, espérons—at least too husy to be active in that direction. I have a little... materialise in you. Beware! Page 167 September 19,1936 I send you Jawaharlal's Autobiography. There are two fine photographs here of j. And one of the beautiful and noble Kamala, delicate and frail and truly "Virginal" as Jawaharlal puts it. But I want to have your opinion on his reading of the Hindu religion. I agree, however, with the bulk of his condemnation about religion ...

... drawn well. It is because you do not know perspective and the painting of a road depends on that. You will have to learn perspective. 15.1.33 Sri Aurobindo Kamala, I have accepted your beautiful painting box and I will make use of it. But truly I have no use for this drawing paper. So it is better if you take it back and use it for making your paintings... S RI A UROBINDO The paintings are good. Love and blessings. 11.5.38 T HE M OTHER Page 71 A list of the paintings done during 1933 to 1938 by Kamala is given below. The names of the flowers in the paintings refer to the significances as given by the Mother to those flowers. Krishna's Light in the physical mind Tenderness Integral ...


... that day and keep them for the next morning. Then in the morning, she would place these small roses in one dish, arrange them in two lots, one for me an the other for Kamala and after my pranam she would give me my lot. After me Kamala would receive hers. This went on for a long time. Then this particular flower was stopped and Mother started giving Champa ( Psychological perfection ). This continued ...


... Both Resting 1950-11-01 Mother told Kamala: “Inform Champaklal that I will go to Sri Aurobindo at 2.45 p.m. today.” It appears that Mother had come and peeped into Sri Aurobindo's room to tell this to me. But she went back as she found that Sri Aurobindo was resting and I was sitting with my eyes closed. Mother told this to Kamala and said that she did not want to disturb me! You can ...


... Stars) 17. Sri Aurobindo's own experience in Alipore jail. 18. Harindranath Chattopadhyay (1897 -1990), a poet and cinema actor, brother of Mrinalini Chattopadhyay and Sarojini Naidu. Husband of Kamala Devi Chattopadhyay. 19. aksaravrtta: system of versification in which the number of letters and not the sounds is taken into account. 20. Vairagya: disgust or distaste for the worldly... 144. Baba Lokenath Brahmachari: born on Jamashthami day (August 1730) at 3 a.m., in Chourasi Chakia, a remote village in 24 parganas, West Bengal. He was the 4th child of Ram Narayan Ghosal and Kamala Devi. At age 11 his thread ceremony was performed, when he was initiated to the Gayatri Mantra by a householder- sanny'asi and a great scholar, Bhagawan Ganguli. Lokenath went away with his guru and ...

... are the four wheels of the chariot of Yoga. One who has them will progress safely on the path. 9 September 1947 For Kamala In faith and confidence and joy on the quiet and sunlit path towards the home of Light and Ananda. 11 February 1936 My blessings on Kamala for the year of her life that begins today. 11 February 1938 Page 840 My blessings on your birthday. May you ...


... them. Here I have a query for you. I don't have a complete rendering of the epic. I have at the moment in my hands what is regarded by competent scholars as the best condensation running to 741 pages: Kamala Subramanian's Mahabharata, third edition, 1977 (Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay). My query pertains to Draupadi's invocation of Krishna when the heinous disrobing of her in front of the gathering... the book for Temenos and must persist. The 700 pages are closely printed in smallish type and many need to be re-read in order to be understood. The 700-page condensation of the Mahabharata by Kamala Subramanian I found excellent. The American so-called translation by van Buitenen is bad, inaccurate, and I found in it no trace of the calling upon the Lord Krishna as you describe it in that very ...

... arrangements I thought of with regard to the debts have not taken shape or rather have postponed themselves to an indefinite future. If I remember right what you have immediately to pay is some 250 more to Kamala Palit and 600 to Arun. Besides this and the other 2000 to Arun, which if necessary can wait, there are the sums due, 1500 altogether, to the Kaviraj and Pulin Mitter. I believe there is nothing else ...


... first of our great publicists, understood the hollowness and inutility of the methods of political agitation which prevailed in his time and exposed it with merciless satire in his "Lokarahasya" and "Kamala Kanta's Daftar". But he was not satisfied merely with destructive criticism,—he had a positive vision of what was needed for the salvation of the country. He saw that the force from above must be met ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... will confirm or modify my general impression left by lines like For death has burst upon you, yet your light-flooded eyes do not tremble... I am not surprised at your sadness on hearing of Kamala-devi Chattopadhyaya's death. She was an unusual woman and she contributed much to India's varied cultural consciousness. Did you know that she was the wife - long separated - of one of India's most ...

... who lived there could benefit by the satsang and build up good sanskara . He had invited Dikshitbhai to come there, Dikshitbhai's wife and son were already there when he and I reached the ashram. Kamala was then 5 years old. Later, Punamchandbhai and his wife Champaben, and Chimanlal, elder brother of Kesarimal [who later opened the Ayurvedic Section in Sri Aurobindo Ashram], arrived. Kanti, brother ...


... to see what it was. Arriving in the anteroom which is at the top of the staircase leading to the ground floor, my attention was drawn in the midst of all this total obscurity to the white figure of Kamala 2 standing in the middle of the passage between the hall and Sri Aurobindo's room. She was as it were in full light while everything else was black. Then I saw on her face such an expression of ...


... opposite the Ashram: it was the house on Rue Francois Martin, in which Vasudha has been staying for nearly four decades. I had the entire place for Rs.12 a month! (laughter) In those days the room where Kamala now stays was the Mother's store-room; and she used to come from her room every now and then to her store-room across the open passage on the first floor, and I used to see her from one of my windows ...


... arrangement I thought of with regard to the debts have not taken shape or rather have postponed themselves to an indefinite future. If I remember right what you have immediately to pay is some 251 more to Kamala Palit and 600 to Arun. Besides this and the other 2000 to Arun, which if necessary can wait, there are the sums due, 1500 altogether to the Kaviraj and Pulin Mitter. I believe there is nothing else ...


... ethical-religious kind than spiritual—an element of preaching has entered in, which does not permit the revelatory truth in its dynamics to emerge. In any case, this is a much better presentation than Kamala Subramanian's hurried assessment in her digested Mahabharata wherein she depicts Savitri as someone "who was able to outwit Yama the god of death by her wise talk and her devotion to her husband ...

... 1950-11-05 Mother opened the drawer of the table and showed me a card. She asked if I had seen it. C: “Yes, Mother, you have given it to me.” Mother was surprised. Then pointing to the card, Kamala said: “Mother, somebody is standing in the corner there.” Mother: “Yes, it is a servant.” K: “Mother, outside also there is somebody standing.” Mother: “The servant is standing there and between ...


... they would sometimes get upset (especially Chandulal), but that was long ago. Now they have learnt to take it in the right way. 3.6.1934 Sri Aurobindo My Sweet Mother, Champaklal and Kamala are painting so well but I am not making progress. What should I do? Champaklal has a natural talent already developed to an unusual degree. As for K she did very poor things at first and took a ...


... Will of the Lord. And the Will is for the progress, I mean the inner progress. So whatever will happen will be for the best. 21 January 1960 The Mother The Mother with Champaklal and Kamala Part IV, "Correspondence with Early Disciples", contains letters by Sri Aurobindo written to Barindra Kumar Ghose and other early disciples. They give an intimate picture of the early days of ...

... it is clothing her in queenly garments.' In South India too, culture had a very powerful impact. We shall illustrate this phenomenon through two very powerful personalities, Subramaniam Bharati and Kamala Devi Chattopadhay. Bharati's Literature On 4 April 1910, a significant event occurred: Sri Aurobindo, poet, patriot and Yogi, arrived in Pondicherry from Bengal. Towards the ...

... son of Chakra. But could it be that the name means one who drives a wheel, like Shakatayana,the driver of sakata, the bullock­cart? Or is it something similar to Kamalayana, one who tends or enjoys a kamala, the lotus, lotus-eater? The Chakra or wheel here might be the potter's wheel, or it might as well be the spinner's wheel or Charkha. Does the name then mean something like one who owns or plies a ...

... where the seekers and aspirants came to receive his instruction and guidance. Today I shall tell you something of the aim and method of Satyakama's work as teacher. Upakoshala Kamalayana, the son of Kamala, resided with Satyakama as a student of sacred lore for twelve years, tending his fires. What this tending of the fires really meant we shall learn as we proceed. There were other resident pupils along ...

... seekers and aspirants came to receive his instruction and guidance. Today I shall tell you something of the aim and method of Satyakama's work as teacher. Upakoshala Kamalayana, the son of Kamala, resided with Satyakama as a student of sacred lore for twelve years, tending his fires. What this tending of the fires really meant we shall learn as we proceed. There were other resident pupils along ...

... the pencil made 'free progress' as it were of its own accord, and in a few minutes the sketch was finished - and an excellent portrait it was. Likewise she did the portrait of another close to her, Kamala. On yet another occasion, she drew a portrait of Pranab when he was resting. There were two striking self-portraits too, and one of them, drawn in 1935, matched with her portrait of Sri Aurobindo of ...


... the granary and the garnerer of choice anecdotes on the Mother's ministry, Nirodbaran, Sethna, Kishor Gandhi, all seasoned apostles and beloved children of the Mother, Champaklal, Pranab, Vasudha, Kamala, all constant and dedicated in their ministrations to the Mother, senior sadhak like Sahana Devi, Duraiswami, Rishabhchand, Prithwisingh, Chandradip, Sundaram, Jayantilal, Indra Sen, Pujalal, Mrityunjoy ...


... saying—न भूतो न भबिष्यति—it has never happened before and will not occur in the future! This vision reminds me of what the Mother once told me—that the flowers of Divine Love, which She used to give to Kamala for preparing Blessing Packets, were charged by Her. Now She gave me the experience of how She would do it. I saw the whole Meditation Hall of Matrimandir charged with the supreme Divine Love. When ...


... with me, I did not see anyone; hence I used to get a lot of time and the two of us could work together. In those days, I told you many things about Paris and its artists. Now, I have brought you and Kamala here, to Paris. See as much as you can, what you could not understand earlier will become clear directly by seeing.” I become more eager to see her—I keep calling Mother, Mother, Mother.... At that ...


... ethical-religious kind than spiritual an element of preaching has entered in, which does not permit the revelatory truth in its dynamics to emerge In any case, this is a much better presentation than Kamala Subramanian's hurried assessment in her digested Maha bharata wherein she depicts Savitri as someone "who was able to outwit Yama the god of death by her wise talk and her devotion to her husband" ...


... 10 a.m.. Mother went to the Balcony at 7.15. For various reasons the time of Balcony darshan never remained fixed. Then there was another programme after which she would go downstairs for Pranam and Kamala and I would accompany her. Today I was waiting in Sri Aurobindo's room for Mother to come in as usual for combing his hair when she called me at 9.35 a.m. As she had called, I went out to her and ...


... would accompany me. I said it was not necessary. He insisted on coming as he felt it was his duty. He said, “Mother has asked us to look after you.” I firmly refused: “It is absolutely unnecessary.” Kamala and Counouma1 advised me to travel in a car, but I preferred to go in the bus, because it was less expensive. The doctor in Madras was a close friend of Doraiswamy and was also an acquaintance of Counouma ...


... remember Mother tried once to stop the distribution of tea in the Ashram; but that could only be for a short period. It had to be resumed and it continues. At first it used to be distributed by me through Kamala, then through Rajangam. Thereafter it is been done by Ravindra. ...


... arrangement I thought of with regard to the debts have not taken shape or rather have postponed themselves to an indefinite future. If I remember right what you have immediately to pay is some 251, more to Kamala Palit and 600 to Arun. Besides this and the other 2000 to Arun, which if necessary can wait, there are the sums due, 1500 altogether to the Kaviraj and Pulin Mitter. I believe there is nothing else ...

... closing couplet, actually described the ________________________________ 1- Harindranath Chattopadhyay, a poet and cinema actor, brother of Mrinalini Chattopadhyay and Sarojini Naidu. Husband of Kamala Devi Chattopadhyay. Page 57 poem as the poet's memory of a girl running past him on the seashore!! I refuse to fall into your trap about Tagore. In vain is the net spread openly ...

... year 1953 when the Mother had begun to sleep in her new room, or perhaps a few years later till she had stopped going to the Playground, every night on her way to her room she gave her benedictions to Kamala, Champaklal and myself as we used to wait to wish her "Bonne nuit". One night Champaklal was not present. The Mother enquired, "Where is Champaklal?" I replied, "I don’t know, Mother; perhaps he ...

... this bright future dream of ours nearer to the present, and given to India's past a shining page of history. 4 page-382 Jawaharlal Nehru with his daughter Indira Nehru and wife Kamala Nehru,1931 THE Last Letter August 9, 1933 We have finished, my dear; the long story has ended. I need write no more, but the desire to end off with a kind of flourish induces me to ...

... Chakra. But could it be that the name means one who drives a wheel, like Shakatayana,the driver of śakaṭa , the bullock cart? Or is it something similar to Kamalayana, one who tends or enjoys a kamala, the lotus, lotus-eater? The Chakra or wheel here might be the potter's wheel, or it might as well be the spinner's wheel or Charkha. Does the name then mean something like one who owns or plies ...

... thou art might, O Mother, in the heart, O Mother, thou art love and faith, it is thy image we raise in every temple. For thou art Durga holding her ten weapons of war, Kamala at play in the lotuses And Speech, the goddess, giver of all lore, to thee I bow! I bow to thee, goddess of wealth, pure and peerless, richly-watered, richly-fruited ...

... sadhaks, Kodanda Ram Aiyya from Andhra and Ramchandran, a Tamilian, came and stayed in Pondicherry at their own expense, keeping in touch with Sri Aurobindo. Other visitors were Mrinalini Chattopadhyaya, Kamala Devi Chatto-padhyaya and Rameshwar De. Sarala Devi Chowdhurani and Colonel Joshua Wedgewood, a member of Parliament, came to Pondicherry and met Sri Aurobindo sometime between 1921 and 1926. There ...


... verandah of 41, Rue Francois Martin." Arunchandra Dutt, a disciple of Motilal Roy, came from Chandernagore and stayed at Sri Aurobindo's house for a few months. Mrinalini Chattopadhyaya and Kamala Devi Chattopadhyaya also came and met Sri Aurobindo in this year. In September, 1922, as already stated, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother moved with their disciples to No 9, Rue de la Marine which ...

... rakṣādhunā. I sing the glory of Shiva who holds Ganga. I sing the glory of the God Agni. I adore the beloved of Parvati, the essence of the three worlds. I worship Sri Aurobindo. O Supreme Goddess Kamala, higher than the high, be gracious, protect now the one who has come to Thy refuge. ( Source unknown ) वन्दे देवीं जननीम्। वन्दे मातरं सुरधुनीम् ॥ वन्दे मीरां पतितपावनीम्। शरणं शरणं मीरा ...

... śrīkṛṣṇāya namo namaḥ.9 keśava kleśaharaṇa nārāyaṇa janārdana, govinda paramānanda māṁ samuddhara mādhava. 14 Salutations to the One Who has a Lotus on thy navel, Salutations to the Lord of Kamala (Lakshmi). Salutations to Sri Krishna the protector of the devotee, Salutations to Kesava (Krishna), Narayana, Janardana, the reliever from sorrows, Salutations to Govinda, the Supremely delightful ...

... pure gold, will be wearing shining gold garments. She with the golden lustre will be wearing ornaments of pure gold. Her four arms will be adorned by lotus, goad, noose and conch.She is SriMira, Kamala, Lakshmi, Sri, seated on the golden lotus. Devimahatmyam Murtirahasya 2, 3 Translation by Shankaranarayanan Glory of the Divine Mother p. 304 एवं यः पूजयेद्भक्त्या सोऽवाप्नोति चराचरम् ...

... mīraiva paramā gatiḥ, mīraiva paramā gatiḥ. OM. Salutations to Thee who among all gods are the greatest bestower of boons, O Beloved of Hari. OM. O Goddess, adored in all the three worlds, O Kamala, consort dear to Vishnu. I bow down to Sri Mira, the most auspicious, the splendid one, pure, who art the supreme ray, beyond all rays, and who art the sovereign and soul of the universe. OM ...

... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Kamala’s Portrait 1951-04-12 Kamala's portrait done by Mother had faded. I took it to her and showed it saying: “Look Mother, what has happened!” Mother: “The drawing is very pretty.” She said it as if it had been done by somebody else! C: “Can you do something, Mother?” Mother: “Champaklal ...

... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Sri Krishna and Sri Aurobindo Kamala's brother Mahesh had come with me in 1923. Obviously we both came for the same purpose, but I found a difference in Sri Aurobindo's way of dealing with us. To me he was speaking and guiding me in his Yoga but to Mahesh he talked of bhakti and upasana [worship] ...

... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Kashibhai’s Offering It was long ago. Kamala's brother Mahesh passed away. Her father Kashibhai 1 wanted to offer some cows to the Mother. He asked me to inform her about it. Mother was very happy to know of this. But I noticed a change after some days. One day Mother told me that a printing ...

... Aurobindo agreed. When Punamchand went to Patan to bring back his wife, Sri Aurobindo asked about Champaklal and told him, "Bring him also when you come here. " Punamchand, his wife Champaben, Kamala's brother Mahesh, and Champaklal arrived in Pondicherry on 12 June 1923 and lived there for four years. One day he ingured his leg, which had to be operated upon in Madras. When the leg did not ...

... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks In Sri Aurobindo’s Protection Punamchandbhai, his wife Champaben, Kamala's brother Mahesh and I arrived here on 12th June 1923. After about a month, as far as I remember, plans for the marriage of Champaben's brother were finalised. Punamchandbhai did not go but sent Champaben to attend the wedding ...

... that he was an impromptu composer. These couplets seem quite ordinary but when he sang them the effect was so powerful that one would forget everything and just sit there. At Jhadeshwar, I had seen Kamala's father spend the whole day in his company. He used to keep a dhuni [a sacred fire tended with pungent herbs etc.] constantly lit in front of him. His massive physique reminded one of Bhimasen of ...

... Darshan arrived and I am sure what I felt all of you felt too. Again, with an air of expectancy, I waited for the Mother to come. She came, looked at us for quite a long time. As you know, we stand on Kamala's terrace 162 because we do not like to be jostled about in the crowd. So there we were standing, and you know perhaps that Mother looks first on that side. God knows why! Mother's intention is very ...