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Keshab Sen Keshab Chandra Sen Keshav Chandra : (1838-84): grandson of Ram Kamal Sen, the Diwan of the Calcutta Mint & a Secretary of the Asiatic Socy of Bengal: educated at Hindu, Metropolitan & Presidency Colleges, Calcutta: was thrown much into the society of Christian Missionaries: in 1857 he joined the Brahmo Samāj founded by Raja Rammohan Roy & extended by Debendranath Tagore: appointed Minister of the Ādi Brahmo Samāj by Debendranath, he established a central association at Calcutta 1862: established branches in Bombay & Madras: retired from Debendranath’s Samāj & established his Brahmo Samāj of India: published Great Men in which he contended that other men besides Jesus Christ also were “above ordinary humanity”: opened his Brahmo Mandir on 22Aug.1869 then went on a missionary tour to North-West Frontier Provinces & Bombay, visited Viceroy Lord Lawrence at Shimla & induced him to introduce a Bill for legalizing Brahmo marriages: visited chief towns of England & Scotland speaking at more than 70 meetings & chapels: back in Calcutta established Indian Reform Association & Bharat Ashram in 1872 when Brahmo Marriage Act was passed: his popularity among Bengalis decreased when he married his daughter to the young Maharaja of Cooch Behar both of them being under the ages fixed by the Brahmo Marriage Act; his appeal of divine adesha failed to pacify his followers, & he founded the Catholic Brahmo Samāj which replaced the simple Theism by mystical doctrines claiming special divine inspiration: in person he was a handsome powerfully built man, 6 feet tall. [Buckland]

22 result/s found for Keshab Sen Keshab Chandra Sen Keshav Chandra

... performed according to Brahmo rites in Midnapore was when he married his eldest daughter Swarnalata to Krishna Dhan. "The function was a grandiose affair," he notes. "Both Debendranath Tagore and Keshab Chandra Sen 1 came to Midnapore. A harmonium, just as it was becoming popular in Calcutta, was brought from there and was played during the musical interlude. The marriage ceremonies were held with such... nowhere near it." Isn't there an echo of Mira Ismalun, Mother's grandmother ? The marriage was solemnized in 1864. Swarnalata was twelve and Krishna Dhan nineteen. 2 1.Keshab Chandra Sen (1838-84) was to break away from the original Brahmo Samaj, form another branch and disclaim any relation with Hinduism. But ironically he was a great admirer of Ramakrishna, whom he met in 1875... Lotika Ghose 2 tells us that under his dynamic inspiration, there was formed the Bhagalpur Brahmika Society for women. This society was more radical than the one started in Calcutta a year earlier by Keshab Sen. The two were close friends. The Brahmo Year 1.The Reader should not get bewildered by the various spellings of the same name —of a person or a place. People of yore freely interpreted ...

... himself with Christ and Gauranga, the tone of his Barisal speech and this coronation ceremony are indications which make us uneasy for our veteran leader. He should remember the last days of Keshab Chandra Sen and avoid a similar debacle. It is time that public opinion should forbid this habit of self-laudation in our leaders. The Mahratta leaders have a much keener sense of the decorum and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... mismanages civic affairs in the smile of the City Corporation. He is the man of the present, but he is not the man of the future. On his generation, a generation servilely English and swayed by Keshab Chandra Sen and Kristo Das Pal, Bankim had little effect. Even now you will hear Anglicised Bengalis tell you with a sort of triumph that the only people who read Bengali books are the Bengali ladies. The... no longer true that they are its only readers. Already we see the embryo of a new generation Page 116 soon to be with us, whose imagination Bankim has caught and who care not for Keshab Chandra Sen and Kristo Das Pal, a generation national to a fault, loving Bengal and her new glories, and if not Hindus themselves, yet zealous for the honour of the ancient religion and hating all that makes ...

... Robindranath Tagore, men of surprising talent, nay, of unmistakable genius, but too obviously influenced by Shelley and the English poets. And last of all came the generation formed in the schools of Keshab Chandra Sen and Kristo Das Pal, with its religious shallowness, its literary sterility and its madness in social reform. Servile imitators of the English, politicians without wisdom and scholars without ...

... have heard that spirits used to come to you. The book Yogic Sadhan is said to have been written by the spirit of Keshab Sen. SRI AUROBINDO: Keshab Sen? When I was writing it, always at the beginning and at the end the image of Ram Mohan Roy came before me. Somebody has evolved Keshab Sen out of Ram Mohan Roy. Do you know the origin of the name "Uttara Yogi" who is put as the author of the book? ...

... I will follow him." Disciple : People say that 'Yogic Sadhan' was written by the being of Keshab Sen? Sri Aurobindo : Keshab Sen? When I was writing it, every time at the beginning and at the end the image of Ram Mohan Roy came before me. So perhaps, Ram Mohan has been changed to Keshab Sen. Page 1 ... said that he never uttered "Kamini" but "Kama". I don't think there was anyone in Brahmo Samaj with spiritual realization. Dwijendra Nath had something in him and Shiva Nath Shastri too and perhaps Keshab Sen. Bejoy Goswami ceased to be a Brahmo. Disciple : Lele had realization? Sri Aurobindo : Of course, he had some, but as I said he had ambition and ego. Disciple : It is said that ...

... person? ( Laughter ) PURANI: That would be a nice idea. SRI AUROBINDO: I don't see why they are making a fuss about him. He was a second-class personality. All I know about him is that he was Keshab Sen's disciple and went to America. PURANI: He was a good speaker. SRI AUROBINDO: Plenty of people are good speakers! PURANI: You have seen the Egyptian Government's queer resolution? They think ...

... going into Samadhi to escape from pain. On the other hand, when one decides to bear a disease, it seems to me in a way an acceptance of it. Ramakrishna once, when he was seriously ill, said to Keshab Sen that his body was breaking up under the stress of his spiritual development. But spiritual development need not always lead to disease. NIRODBARAN: If Ramakrishna had so willed it, he could have ...

... this attitude, we may be allowed to cite here the view held by so great a personality as Sri Ramakrishna, an acknowledged master of Yoga and spirituality. On the occasion of his last visit to Keshav Chandra Sen who was then suffering from a fatal illness, Ramakrishna addressed Keshav and said: "Why is it that you are ill ? There is a reason for it. Many spiritual feelings have passed through... forth. Then comes the turn of ego. And lastly a violent commotion is seen in the frame." 3 Whatever may be the validity of Sri Ramakrishna's utterance in the particular case of Keshav Chandra, one cannot put forward solely on that basis a general and absolute proposition correlating 1 2 Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga p. 1561. 3 The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, Sri ...

... accident that many of the Bengalis who were associated with the Indian National Congress were also Brahmos by faith. We must not forget the important religious and social ideas which Brahmos like Keshab Chandra Sen or Sitanath Tattvabushan initiated nor those by non-Brahmos like Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar in reaction to the Brahmos. Tagore's Gora dramatises this aspect of Indian modernity and is perhaps ...

... find in Swami Vivekananda, the brilliant pupil, and Sri Ramakrishna, the illumined teacher. Page 287 Sri Ramakrishna standing in ecstasy during a kirtan at Keshab Chandra Sen's house in Calcutta. His nephew Hriday is seen supporting him. ( September 1879 ) S ri Ramakrishna and Narendranath could not have been more different in their background ...

... impresario friend of Prithwi Singh and Dilipda. Page 268 41 . Raja Dhirendra Narayan Rao of Lalgola, Murshidabad, Bengal, and poet and friend of Dilipda. 42 . Keshav Chandra Sen (1838-1884) joined the Brahmo Samaj in 1857 and launched a dynamic program of social reforms. He was given the title of ‘Acharya’ in 1862 by Devendranath Tagore. He went on to form the Sadharan ...

... Since we wandered in wilds at Ferrara, I have not lived in so much space," she wrote to her sister. According to Rajnarain, he was at the receiving end of her temper at their meeting, as was Keshab Sen on another occasion. "We were discussing about the customs and manners of our respective countries," narrates Rajnarain. "Then I asked her, 'Had it been we who had conquered England and greatly ...

... social reform the workings of the new movement are yet obscure... [but] already we see the embryo of a new generation soon to be with us, whose imagination Bankim has caught and who care not for Keshab Chandra Sen and Kristo Das Pal, a generation national to a fault.... With that generation the future lies and not with the Indian Unnational Congress or the Sadharan Brahmo Samaj. Already its vanguard is ...

... Bengal Page 74 correspondent of the Madras-based newspaper The Hindu. His articles regularly found a place of prominence in The Bengalee of S. N. Banerji, The Indian Mirror of Keshab C. Sen, Hope, Amrita Bazar, etc. The youngest, Munindranath, was also a man of letters. The youngest daughter Lajjabati Bose's (1870-1942) poems were a feature of many Bengali magazines of the time. ...

... recognised to be the first of these pioneers and he was followed by many other great men such as Dwarkanath Tagore, his son Debendranath, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Dayanand Saraswati, Sri Ramakrishna, Keshav Chandra Sen, Bankim Chandra Chatterji, Swami Vivekananda, Balgangadhar Tilak , Rabindranath Tagore, and others. The list is by no means exhaustive and I have given the names of only those who were Sri ...

... retirement and when Page 479 he came out and received everyone—well, a few years of it wore out his body. To that, I suppose, he had no objection; he even pronounced a theory, when Keshav Chandra was dying, that spiritual experience ought to wear out the body! But at the same time, when asked why he got his illness in the throat, he answered that it was the sins of his disciples which ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... Besides, when one decides to bear it, it seems to me a way of accepting the disease. But I don't understand the utility of going into Samadhi to escape from pain. Ramakrishna once said to Keshav Chandra Sen, when the former was seriously ill, that his body was breaking up under the stress of his spiritual development. But there is no necessity of having a disease for the sake of spiritual development ...

... qualified for greatness. A Rishi, a Mahapurusha, Rammohan was — and Ranade himself has been called a modern Rishi by V.S. Srinivasa Sastri. What an inspiring calendar of modern Rishis: Rammohan, Keshab Chunder Sen, Debendranath Tagore, Vidyasagar, Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Narayana Guru, Dayanand, Bankim Chandra, Ranade, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Subramania Bharati, Rabindranath Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi, Ramana ...

... Sri Aurobindo. Page 72 here of Bengal only - that Ram Mohan Roy was followed by Maharshi Debendranath Tagore, Rishi Rajnarayan Bose, Pandit Shivnath Shastri, Akshaya Kumar Dutt, Keshav Chandra Sen, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, poet Madhusudan Dutt, Bankim Chandra Chatterji, the inspired seer of the National Anthem, Bande Mataram, and the greatest novelist in Bengali literature. Dr. Rajendra... Bose. Debendranath went closer to the heart of the spirituality of the land, and Rajnarayan, discarding the eclecticism of Ram Mohan, upheld the cause of the pure essence of ancient Hinduism. Keshav Chandra Sen, upon whom had fallen the mantle of Debendranath, but who later broke with him and formed a new Brahmo Samaj, reverted to the eclecticism of Ram Mohan (in fact, Ram Mohan's tentative attempt ...

... long trek, came: — Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar (1820-91), the educationist. He was the great social reformer whose tireless effort made the Widow Marriage Act of 1856 possible. —Keshav Chandra Sen (1838-84) was a religious reformer. He founded the Brahmo Samaj. It was Kathiawar (Gujarat), that land of rocks and hills, whose fair and robust humanity hears the voice and the ...

... siddhi first in retirement and when he came out and received everyone—well, a few years of it wore out his body. To that, I suppose, he had no objection; for he even pronounced a theory, when Keshav Chandra was dying, that spiritual experience ought to wear out the body! But all the same, when asked why he got his illness in the throat, he answered that it was the sins of his disciples which they ...