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Khulna : town in Khulna district, Bengal, now in Bangladesh.

60 result/s found for Khulna

... Newspapers should be redirected to “Khulna Charitable Dispensary,” and that in Exhibit… purporting to be written from Khulna Hospital is an instruction that all “letters and papers should be redirected to the above address”; i.e., Khulna Hospital. Sudhir’s father, it should be noted, was at that time Civil Hospital Assistant in charge of the Dispensary at Khulna. Then there is other evidence on which... himself .) “The Hindu” [11] – Madras (The following is published in the ‘Indian Telegrams’ columns of “The Hindu” of 12th. May 1908:) “ Development at Khulna ” “A hospital Assistant’s son arrested.” Calcutta, May 11 — A Khulna wire of yesterday’s date says: A Muhammadan detective from Calcutta came here this morning with instructions from the authorities and assisted by District Superintendent... since when I have been at Khulna, reading. Q: How do you support yourself? A: I was supported by my father who is a Government Hospital Assistant. Q: Have you anything else to say? A: I intended to teach illiterate people religion. Q: How was the mission supported? A: Barindra had a lot of money. Statements made by Sudhir : Sudhir Kumar Sarkar, of Khulna — I met Barindra about a ...

... Smiling, he added “Let it go. At least it is a consolation that the poor benefited by wearing new chappels for a while.” — Tejen Mukherjee 1920-1930 – Khulna The flood About 60 years ago there was a flood in Khulna after heavy rainfall. Khulna was flanked on the east by the river Rupsa and on the north by the Bhairab. Both of them were big rivers. Owing to the rains the rivers were in spate... unhurt in the midst of such a big crowd of Naga sanyasis is really a miracle. (M) 1920-1930 – Khulna ( Sudhir has narrated the following unusual experience to several people at different times. The details may vary; but the substance is like this ): A Supernatural Phenomenon One evening in Khulna when the days’ hustle and bustle had subsided and the conch-shells were announcing the time for... Bangladesh) on 21st February 1889, he was the son of Dr. Prasanna Kumar Sarkar (Bagchi), an eminent medical practitioner, who was also a close associate of Dr. K. D. Ghosh, Sri Aurobindo’s father in Khulna. Sudhir was endowed with a strong body; it was a natural gift from god. He could not bear the inequality by which the Europeans enjoyed a high-nosed superiority. Once at school a British inspector’s ...

... Mataram under the Editorship of Sri Aurobindo 28.May-22.Dec.1907 Bande Mataram Khulna Oppressions 27-June-1907 What is the reason of the extraordinary activity of Government oppression in the Khulna District. At the present rate Khulna promises to be the Barisal of West Bengal. A District Conference forbidden and held, a prosecution for sedition against... resources that a system of arbitrary, absolute, personal rule places at their disposal. Khulna is the first district in West Bengal which has set itself heart and soul to the work of organizing Swadeshi and Page 546 Swaraj and Khulna suffers accordingly. This is the real reason of the attempts made by the Khulna officials to stop or punish the holding of Conferences. These District and Sub-divisional... dreaded by the bureaucracy because they know them to be the first step towards organization. We welcome the oppressions in Khulna because they mean the beginning of a true awakening in West Bengal. After its splendidly successful Conference Jessore ought to organize itself as Khulna has been doing. The Twenty-four Parganas and Midnapore will soon follow and as the organization spreads, the oppression ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Bande Mataram under the Editorship of Sri Aurobindo 28.May-22.Dec.1907 Bande Mataram The Khulna Comedy 20-July-1907 The result of a political case is always a foregone conclusion in this country in the present era of anti-Swadeshi repression, for the object of the proceedings is not to detect and punish crime but to put down Swadeshi under the forms... bureaucratic oppression more and more. It is a political fight with the law-courts for its scene. In no recent political case except Rawalpindi has the veil of law been so ridiculously thin as in the Khulna case. Partly, no doubt, this is due to the personal gifts of the prosecuting Magistrate who decided the case. Mr. Asanuddin Ahmed is a very distinguished man. The greatest and most successful achievement... 90 one day and bring him down 200 per cent in estimation the other. It is whispered that it was not only for a masterly general incompetence but also for this special gift that he was transferred to Khulna. His triumphant dealings with logic were admirably exampled by the original syllogism which he presented to the startled organisers of the District Conference. "I, Asanuddin, am the District Magistrate; ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... was a Brummagem fraud compared with Mr. Morley's phrases? Vivat John Morley!" 8 (Paragraphing ours) Page 380 (4) The Khulna comedy: "In no recent political case except Rawalpindi has the veil of law been so ridiculously thin as in the Khulna case. Partly, no doubt, this is due to the personal gifts of the prosecuting Magistrate who decided the case. "Mr. Asanuddin Ahmed... 90 one day and bring him down 200 per cent in estimation the other. It is whispered that it was not only for a masterly general incompetence but also for his special gift that he was transferred to Khulna. "His triumphant dealings with logic were admirably ex-ampled by the original syllogism which he presented to the startled organisers of the District Conference. 'I, Asanuddin, am the District... praise we can give it is that it is on a level with his knowledge of, say, English. "Such was the brilliant creature who appointed himself Page 381 prosecutor, jury and judge in the Khulna sedition case. "Under such auspices the conduct of the case was sure to be distinguished by a peculiarly effulgent brilliancy. In order to prove that Venibhusan Rai talked sedition it was thought ...

... clearly enough their father's financial difficulties. Yet it is on record that from 1884, when Dr. Ghose was first posted at Khulna as the Chief Medical Officer of the District, he was drawing a salary of Rs.625. By 1890 (by then he was also officiating as an Honorary Magistrate of Khulna and Satkhira 1 ), his monthly earnings had risen to Rs.775 —a considerable sum in those days when one paisa was enough... enough for a man to satisfy his hunger. So what was the matter? There was, naturally, the Doctor's own establishment at Khulna to keep up in the European style he favoured. Apart from the main house where K. D. lived —a thatched cottage set 1. A look at the records reveals that Dr. K. D. Ghose had completed nineteen years of service by July 1892. By then he was holding several offices: "Drainage... until the age of ten. Then one day in 1888, when Barin was going on eight, to put it in his own words, "a tiger fell amid the herd," and his Didi was gone. Swarnalata had let Saro be taken away to Khulna by her father. Barin was left all alone with his mother. For two years. Krishna Dhan's heart's desire was the education of his children, about which he had written to Mano. It was unacceptable ...

... 14 Darjeeling "Up to the age of five I was in Rangpur," Sri Aurobindo remarked, contradicting a statement by a biographer, "as my father was in Rangpur, not in Khulna. I went to Khulna long after returning from England." Sri Aurobindo reminisced. "Before the Swadeshi movement started, Debabrata Bose 1 and myself went on a tour of Bengal to study the conditions of the... posted at Khulna. Again from March 1884, and for one year, the Government of Bengal appointed him "Superintendent of Vaccinations, Metropolitan Circle," meaning Calcutta. The Bengal Government made this appointment in spite of the many objections raised by the Government of India —which might have added to K. D. 's bitterness against the English. Then in July 1885 Dr. Ghose was reverted to Khulna. He was... We found the people steeped in pessimism, a black weight of darkness weighing over the whole country. Only four or five of us stood for independence. We had great difficulty in convincing people. At Khulna, we were given a right royal reception. They served me with seven rows of dishes and I could hardly reach out to them; and even from the nearer ones I could eat very little. I was not known as a political ...

... consequence. Sudhir is my true bhakta”. It is significant too that quite a number of people came to the Ashram from Khulna through him and had taken up the spiritual life. Khulna was the place where Sri Aurobindo’s father was loved and adored like a god. And Sudhir-da belonged to Khulna; his father was a close associate of Dr. K. D. Ghosh, Sri Aurobindo’s father. I forbear writing about Sudhir-da’s... love for the Motherland. He was a great nationalist. He used to say, “This is the time to drive out the British! Can’t you all do something?” Hunted by the British, he left Assam and came to Khulna. In Khulna District, my uncle was the first to introduce sanitary privies with septic tanks. My father Amritalal Mitra, an overseer by profession, spoke highly of this. My uncle learnt homoeopathy all... for that one has to be a fighter. Sudhir had that fighter within him, and it could tame and subdue all kinds of forces. My Uncle Sudhir Sarkar NANDALAL BOSE (Family Friend – then residing in Khulna) One day we were gossiping in the house of our uncle. Suddenly Sri Madhav Bhattacharya, head of the Sanskrit school, taunting my uncle in an insulting and provoking tone, said, “The Mother of your ...

... The Khulna Appeal 28-September-1907 Yesterday we published the appeal of the Khulna National School Committee for funds to assist in the capital outlay necessary to establish the institution on a sound footing according to the requirements of the system formulated by the National Council of Education. The Khulna School is the first of its kind started in... in pursuance of the national policy by a district organisation formed in accordance with the scheme of organisation foreshadowed at the last Congress. But Khulna is a poor district and the few rich men it possesses are absentees who care little to benefit the locality and the people from whom they draw their means of luxury. The district has also been unfortunate in being exposed to an especial share... the holding of the District Conference. The expenditure necessitated by these persecutions and prosecutions has farther restricted the sum which might have been otherwise set apart for the School. Khulna is therefore entitled to especial consideration from the patriotic public and we hope the appeal will meet with an ungrudging response. Page 700 ...

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... after taking up the copy and reading): Look here! He says that the people of Khulna have designated the town of Khulna the playground of Aurobindo's adolescence—because my father was a civil surgeon in Khulna. It is not true. Up to the age of five I was in Rangpur, as my father was in Rangpur, not in Khulna. I went to Khulna long after returning from England. NIRODBARAN: From five to seven, you were ...


... toured the districts of Jessore, Khulna, etc. We found the people steeped in pessimism, a black weight of darkness weighing over the whole country. It is difficult nowadays to imagine those times. "I was travelling with Devavrata Bose. He was living on plantains only and he used to speak to the people. He had a very persuasive way of talking. It was at Khulna that we had a right royal reception... Aurobindo wanted to remain in the background and work. He had an aversion to coming out before the public. Around this time revolutionary centres, not altogether well organised, were started at Khulna, Rangpur, Midnapur, Dacca etc. Years later, commenting on this work of revolutionary organisation, Sri Aurobindo said: "Barin does not give the true state of things [in his book]. I was neither... son of K. D. Ghose. They served me with seven rows of dishes and I could hardly reach out to all of them and even from the nearer ones I could eat very little. My father was extremely popular at Khulna. Wherever he went he became a power. When he was at Rangpur he was very friendly with the English magistrate. We went and stayed with his cousin in England afterwards, Mr. Drewett. It was always ...


... dramatist Dinabandhu Mitra, which remained close-soldered to the end, and it was here that his young wife died. At Kanthi, the next stage of his official wanderings, he married again and more fortunately. Khulna, the third step in the ladder, was also the theatre of his most ambitious exploits. Entangled in the Sundarban, that rude and unhealthy tract of marsh and jungle, the zillah was labouring under two... Bankim stept into their happy hunting-grounds and spoiled the game. But to the unhappy ryots, the battle-field for these rival Page 99 rascalities, he came as a champion and a deliverer. At Khulna this mild, thoughtful Bengali wears the strange appearance of a Hercules weeding out monsters, clearing augean stables, putting a term to pests. His tranquil energy quite broke the back of the Indigo... Brindaban, but they were overtaken by Bankim's warrant and persuaded to come back. Fine and imprisonment meted out with a healthy severity, shattered their prestige and oppressed their brutal spirit. Khulna then saw the last of government by organised ruffiandom. No less terse and incisive were Bankim's dealings with the water-thieves who lurking in creek and brushwood dominated to the perpetual alarm ...


... Bengal and toured the districts of Jessors, Khulna etc. We found that the people steeped in pessimism, a black weight of darkness weighing over the whole country. It is difficult now a days to imagine those days. I was travelling with Deva Vrata Bose; he was living on plantains and speaking to people. He had a very persuasive way of talking. It was at Khulna, we had a right royal reception, not so much... but because I was a son of my father. They served me with seven rows of dishes and I could hardly reach out to them, and even from others I could eat very little. My father was very popular at Khulna; wherever he went he became all powerful. When he was at Rangpur he was very friendly with the magistrate there. We went to his cousin's place in England afterwards, the Drewettes. It was always the... D. Ghose) who got things done at Rangpur. When the new magistrate came he found that nothing could be done without Dr. K.D. Ghose. So he asked the Government to remove him and he was transferred to Khulna. It was since that time that he became a politician. That is to say, he did not like the English domination. Before that every thing Western was good! He wanted, for example, all his sons to be great; ...

... beginning work as a Sub-Assistant Surgeon in Calcutta, but the greater period of his service was spent at Bhagalpur, ' Rangpur and Khulna. At Rangpur he managed to get a drainage work done, which was called "K. D. Canal" by the people. After 1884 he served at Khulna, remaining there till his death. Wherever he served he was very popular and highly respected by all. He used to take a very prominent... prominent part in civic life, and interested himself in schools, hospitals, municipalities and other public bodies. The people of Khulna afterwards started a school in his name and his photograph was placed in the town hall. It is said that he changed the whole face of the town of Khulna. He was always kind to the poor and extremely generous, so much so that he could never save anything from his pay. In the ...


... champion and a deliverer. At Khulna this mild, thoughtful Bengali wears the strange appearance of a Hercules weeding out monsters, clearing augean stables, putting a term to pests. His tranquil energy quite broke the back of the Indigo tyrants.... Fine and imprisonment meted out with a healthy severity shattered their prestige and oppressed their brutal spirits. Khulna then saw the last of government... usual distinguished success appeared for the B. L. His official appointment followed close on his degree. At Page 41 the age of twenty he was sent as Deputy Magistrate to Jessore. "Khulna, the third step in the ladder, was also the theatre of his most ambitious exploits. Entangled in the Sunderban, that rude and unhealthy tract of marsh and jungle, the zillah [district] was labouring... Sunderban.... The hydra of the waters had been crushed as effectually as the indigo pest; and since the era of Bankim's Page 42 magistracy one may travel the length and breadth of Khulna without peril except from malaria and ague. By a little quiet decisiveness he had broken the back of two formidable tyrannies and given an object lesson in what a Government can do when it heartily ...

... According to Sarojini Ghose, her father had sent a cable to Bombay's Grindlays & Co. asking when the ship was to berth at Bombay. The reply came, 'The ship has sunk.' Dr. K. D. Ghose was then in Khulna. Said Saro, "He was on the Page 13 point of getting into his tandem in the evening when the telegram arrived. After reading the message he put one foot on the footboard and, while... Saturday, 17 December 1892, the Bengalee published the following on the demise of Dr. Ghose. "It is with very great regret that we have to record the death of Dr. K. D. Ghosh, Civil Surgeon of Khulna. He was in many respects a distinguished man. Rung pur owes him a debt immense of endless gratitude for the important sanitary works, which were carried out at his instance, and under his immediate... appointed to that office, but that his dark skin was against him. We offer our heart-felt condolence to his bereaved family." A friend of Krishna Dhan's, Brajendranath De, an I.C.S. and Magistrate at Khulna, who lived nearby, gave the Page 14 following account of the doctor's last days. "Dr. Ghose believed up to the very end that his son had been admitted into the I.C.S. and was in fact ...

... . In Bhagalpur, Rungpur and Khulna — especially in the last place — Dr. Krishnadhan's name became almost a household word. "Wherever he served," writes Purani, "he was very popular and highly respected by all. He used to take a very prominent part in civic life, and interested himself in schools, hospitals, municipalities and other public bodies. The people of Khulna afterwards started a school... school in his name and his photograph was placed in the town hall. It is said that he changed the whole face of the town of Khulna." 7 Krishnadhan's generous and uncalculating nature seems to have made him give away without let or hindrance, and individuals and institutions alike benefited by their fruitful association with him. "Keen of intellect, tender of heart, impulsive and generous almost to r... hope, will yet glorify his country by a brilliant administration.... He is at King's College, Cambridge, now, borne there by his own ability. 33 Page 35 The letter was written from Khulna on 2nd December 1891. At that time Sri Aurobindo was supposed to be undergoing his I.C.S. probationship, and his father had every reason to believe that "Ara... will yet glorify his country by a ...

... delirious character of this disease can be easily understood from the Khulna telegram of the Secretary, People's Association. Mr. Newman had published from Barisal a peculiarly blood and thunder incident of the villainous drowning and stabbing of British goods by whiskerless young desperadoes of Khulna. The Magistrate of Khulna seems to have been so far taken in by the life-like vividness of Mr. Newman's ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... resulting breakdown in his health, which made it necessary for him to spend three or four months at his grandfather's place in Deoghar, except for brief spells in Calcutta or trips to centres like Khulna. He had accordingly to take leave from the National College again and again, and the management of the college was almost wholly relegated to Satish Mukherjee. On his return to India and during... soundness of his premises has nothing to do with the soundness of his conclusions. 28 Or who could have saved Mr. Asanuddin Ahmed from complete oblivion had not Sri Aurobindo written about "The Khulna Comedy":  Mr. Asanuddin Ahmed is a very distinguished man. The greatest and most successful achievement of his life was to be a fellow-collegian of Lord Curzon. But he has other sufficiently... the district...." Mr. Ahmed's English is the delight of the judges of the High Court, who are believed to spend sleepless nights in trying to make out the meaning of his judgements.... The Khulna case has been from the point of view of Justice an undress rehearsal of the usual bureaucratic comedy; from the point of view of Mr. Asanuddin Ahmed it has been a brilliant exhibition of his superhuman ...

... our story. Sri Aurobindo was born on August 15, 1872, the third son of Krishna Dhan Ghose and Swarnalata. Krishna Dhan, known in his lifetime as Dr. K.D. Ghose, was then posted as Civil Surgeon at Khulna. Sri Aurobindo was born at Calcutta in the house of Mono Mohun Ghose, a well-known barrister and a great friend of Dr. Ghose. Just as they were friends, so were their wives who had the same name, ... studies in England, Krishna Dhan returned to India in 1871 and joined the civil medical service of the Government, serving with great distinction as a Civil Surgeon at Bhagalpur and then at Rangpur and Khulna. He came back to India a 'pucca sahib', determined to model himself on the British and throw away all Indian ways of life, customs and manners. Krishna Dhan admired the English; at the same time, he... a fault. Wherever he was posted he was very popular and highly respected. At Rangpur, a drainage canal was laid as a result of his initiative and it was called 'K.D. Canal' by the people. Later at Khulna a school was also named after him. Indeed the poor people at these places almost worshipped him as a demi-god and such popularity was not always to the liking of his British masters. So there were ...


... train derailed. Then came the Muzaffarpore bombing; there were searches, bombs and pistols were found, and arrests made. I escaped to Khulna, my object being to hide in the forests of Sunderbans. But as a result of Naren Goswami’s treachery, Samsul Rahaman came to Khulna with a warrant of arrest. Out of consideration for my father and others who were in service, I surrendered myself voluntarily. There... news of my whereabouts and had sent my elder brother to enquire at the Yugantar office and take me back home. I mentioned all of this to Sri Aurobindo. He gave me some money and asked me to go home to Khulna. I asked him the reason — for I thought he had had enough of me and wanted to get rid of me. But he gave me those instructions: “Visit your mother once every week. When you go away, inform her the ...

... come to stay with Sri Aurobindo to get cured of his illness. He had brought along with him an attendant, Birendra Nath Roy. Biren was an acquaintance of Nagen's, maybe a friend, since both hailed from Khulna. He did look well after Nagen, cooked his meals, and while he was at it he did a lot of work for others also. He ended up becoming the general manager, cook, lending a hand wherever and whenever needed... a joke. "Out with it, out with it," they encouraged him. "I am a C.I.D. man," he said. "I am a spy." Page 397 No one believed him. How could he be a spy? Did he not come from Khulna? Was he not caring tirelessly for a sick man who was, moreover, Bejoy's cousin? Everyone burst out laughing. But Biren persisted in his story. He told them that he had shaved his head so that a new... sigh of relief. Never a dull moment with Sri Aurobindo! When the war broke out, Biren joined the Indian army and with it was sent to Mesopotamia. When Moni went to Page 398 Khulna in 1922, he met Biren who had a tea shop there. He received Moni very cordially and gave him a feast. He also assured him that he had given up 'Government service.' The episode was recorded by ...

... Karmayogin Khulna Speech Delivered at Khulna, Bengal, on 25 June 1909. Noted down by police agents and reproduced in a Government of Bengal confidential file. A note preceding the report of the speech says that "about three-fourths of it have been taken down". The text needed emendation in many places. Gentlemen, today I will speak a few words ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... s though always he preferred to remain in the background. In June, 1907, he went to Khulna to found a National School; there he was given a warm welcome. 'I received here a royal reception,' he says, 'not for being a leader of the nation, but because I happened to be the son of Dr. K.D. Ghose.' The heart of Khulna was still bound in gratitude to the good doctor who had ministered to the needy and the ...


... people. At Khulna we were given a royal reception, with plenty of dishes on the table. I was not known as a political leader but as the son of my father, K. D. Ghose. My father had been the all-powerful man there There was nobody who hadn't received some benefit from him and none had returned from his door empty-handed. He was said to have been a great friend of the poor. Previous to Khulna, my father ...


... whole-heartedly and called him 'the Lord of Rangpur'. To them, he was greater than any sahib. You have heard of Rangpur, haven't you? That's where Nolini comes from. From there, the family moved to Khulna, where Sudhir Sarkar comes from. "Do you know, your Monada's father?" "Yes, Sudhirda, Sameer's grandfather, who was with you in prison," said Vinit. "You in prison?" exclaimed a horrified... why, perhaps, Father loved me so dearly. I remember the shock my first impression of London gave me. The crowds and the noise and the traffic made it difficult almost to breathe. After the peace of Khulna, Deoghar with its hills and Darjeeling surrounded by its mountains and snows, this place with its tall houses from the top of which long spires of smoke rose into the sky was a new and not a very pleasant ...

... Bankim Chandra Chatterji Early Cultural Writings His Literary History 13-August-1894 Bankim's literary activity began for any serious purpose at Khulna, but he had already trifled with poetry in his student days. At that time the poet Iswara Chandra Gupta was publishing two papers, the Sangbad Prabhakar and the Sadhuranjan , which Dwarkanath Mitra... The one wrote no second English poem after the Captive Lady , the other no second English novel after Rajmohan's Wife . Bankim's first attempt of any importance was begun at Page 107 Khulna and finished at Baruipur, the birthplace of some of his finest work. It was the Durgesh Nandini , a name ever memorable as the first-born child of the New Prose. At Baruipur he wrote also Kopal Kundala ...


... became a member, and also set up an institution for national and revolutionary propaganda, but this finally came to nothing." - Sri Aurobindo on Himself and on The Mother. Page 3 Khulna districts. Though a confirmed anglophile and an uncompromising non-conformist, his heart was full of the milk of human kindness. He was generous to a fault, and almost reckless in charity, for which... of his benevolent personality, and the place the better for his having worked there - the tone of its civic life improved, its social relations sweetened, and its material amenities enriched. At Khulna where he passed the later portion of his life, his was a name to conjure with, thanks to his generous nature and unfailing public spirit. Sri Aurobindo's mother, Swamalata Devi, was an educated ...

... son, Barindra Kumar, was born at Croydon, England. His name is listed in the birth register as "Emmanuel Ghose"! Swarnalata later returned to India with Barin and Sarojini. Dr. Ghose stayed alone at Khulna after his return and when Swarnalata came he arranged for her to stay at Rohini, a town two miles from Deoghar, with Barin and Sarojini. ¹. Cf. A.B. Purani , Evening Talks, Third Series (Po... when seven years of age, with my two elder brothers and for the last eight years we have been thrown on our own resources without any English friend to help or advise us. Our father, Dr. K.D. Ghose of Khulna, has been unable to provide the three of us with sufficient for the most necessary wants, and we have long been in an embarrassed position." ² Manmohan's letters to Laurence Binyon support this ...


... First issue of the weekly edition of the Bande Mataram. June 8 A warning is issued to the editor of the Bande Mataram by the British government. June 14 Leaves Calcutta for Khulna to found a national school. June 30 - October 13 Publication of Perseus the Deliverer, a drama, in the weekly Bande Mataram. July 30 Search of the Bande Mataram office. Complaint... Karmayogin, a weekly review directed and mostly written by Sri Aurobindo. June 19 Speech at Jhalakati, Barisal District. June 23 Speech at Bakergunj, Barisal District. June 26 Speech at Khulna. June 27 "The Right of Association" speech at Howrah. July 11 Speech at Kumartuli. July 18 Speech at College Square, Calcutta. July 31 "An Open Letter to My Countrymen" published by ...


... seven years of age, with my two elder brothers and for the last eight years we have been thrown on our own resources without any English friend to help or advise us. Our father, Dr K. D. Ghose of Khulna, has been unable to provide the three of us with sufficient for the most necessary wants, and we have long been in an embarrassed position. It was owing to want of money that I was unable... not quite true. It is certain that Dr. K. D. Ghose was a very generous man and that he had rare capacities of head and qualities of heart. Also he ruled like an uncrowned king both at Rangpur and Khulna, where he served as the District Medical Officer. Dr. K. D. Ghose had leanings towards the Brahmo Samaj before he went to Europe, but after his return he was an atheist and an agnostic. 2 ...


... 1 First issue of the weekly edition of the Bande Mataram. June 8 A warning is issued to the editor of the Bande Mataram by the British Government. June 14 Leaves Calcutta for Khulna to found a national school. June 30-October 13 Publication of Perseus the Deliverer, a drama, in the weekly Bande Mataram. July 30 Search of the Bande Mataram office.... Karmayogin, a weekly review directed and mostly written by Sri Aurobindo. Speech at Jhalakati, Barisal District. June 23 Speech at Bakerjung, Barisal District. June 26 Speech at Khulna. Page 815 June 27 "The Right of Association" speech at Howrah. July 11 Speech at Kumartuli. July 18 Speech at College Square, Calcutta. July 31 "An Open ...

... Suniti Devi. I had been released from prison and was then travelling extensively on business in Assam, Calcutta, Rajshahi, Khulna. At the Calcutta office of the Bengali magazine “Bijoli” I received a telegram: “Suniti ill come at once.” I took the night train and reached Khulna, my home town, in the morning. My mother opened the door and in a tear-strained voice whispered, “Something is very wrong with ...

... still doing well when last heard of (1932-33). Dr. K. D. Ghose was also a patron of arts. As a patron of the Star Theatre he bore the expenses of bringing the company every year from Calcutta to Khulna. The Star Theatre was one 1. Jadabeshwar Tarkaratna, who had expressed to Dr. Ghose the wish to found a chatuspathi, where Sanskrit grammar, poetry, laws and philosophy are specially... Chaitanya, and blessed the actress who played the leading role. He also blessed the author-cum-director, Girish Chandra Ghose (1844-1912), who then became his disciple. Every year a fair was held at Khulna. Once a week there would be a magic lantern show, and the doctor himself would speak on the subject ... in English; till a young Bengali patient of his said that he could understand nothing. "Yes, ...

... when the alien bureaucracy stands completely unmasked before our eyes, is an illustration of the obstinate cherishing of illusions. The Magistrate prohibits the holding of the District Conference at Khulna. The High Court is moved and the illegal ukase is precipitately withdrawn: but the withdrawal was merely a change of tactics. A bureaucracy never lacks pretexts to harass the undesirables. The promoters ...

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... under the Editorship of Sri Aurobindo 24.Oct.1906 - 27.May.1907 Bande Mataram National Volunteers 27-May-1907 Our Barisal Correspondent seems, like the Khulna Magistrate, to have taken the Englishman 's Special Correspondent much too seriously. The fictions of Mr. Newman are too evidently fictions to deserve serious criticism. Whether they are the distortions ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... that he had no authority in the town, all power being in the hands of Dr. K.D. Ghose. The new magistrate could not tolerate that. He asked the Government to transfer the Civil Surgeon, who was sent to Khulna and felt deeply hurt by such treatment. He lost his previous respect for the English people and turned into a nationalist. All this had an increasing influence on Aravinda, for his father, from then ...

... India after all these years. It seems that Krishna Dhan even went to Bombay to receive Sri Aurobindo but, in the absence of any exact information about the ship by which he was coming, he returned to Khulna. Later his bankers, Grindlay & Co. informed him that Sri Aurobindo had left England by the vessel Roumania and that this ship had been wrecked in heavy weather off the coast of Portugal with hardly ...


... come to Pondicherry." In April, 1912, his associates were a certain Surendra [Saurindra] Nath Bose, who acted as his secretary, and two other Bengali suspects named Bejoy Kumar Nag of Khulna, and Nalini Kanta Sirkar alias Gupta. They were said to be practising yog under Arabindo Ghose and worshipping the Goddess Kali, On 15th August, 1912, a meeting was held at ...

... and people rather shied of making gifts for the work of such secret societies. So we had to fix on loot. The mail runner was to be waylaid and his bags looted, somewhat far away in a place in the Khulna district. We left in a body and put up with a friend. There we had to spend a couple of days arranging to stitch up the bags, for the money had to be carried back in bags, you see. But for some reason ...

... shied of making gifts for the page-14 work of such secret societies. So we had to fix on loot. The mail runner was to be waylaid and his bags looted, somewhat far away in a place in the Khulna district. We left in a body and put up with a friend. There we had to spend a couple of days arranging to stitch up the bags, for the money had to be carried back in bags, you see. But for some ...


... Balkan states, as well as Stalin and Hitler, are all dictators. Even Gandhi, if he were put at the head of a free India, could be a dictator. My own father can be called the dictator of Rangppur or Khulna! The dictators come in answer to the necessity of the hour. When men and nations are in conflict with their surrounding conditions, when there is confusion all about, the dictators come, it set things ...


... believed that his son had been admitted into the Service and had, in fact, gone to Bombay to receive him and bring him home in triumph. Unable to get any definite news. Dr. Krishnadhan had returned to Khulna feeling depressed, and one afternoon he received a wire from his agents in Bombay that his son's name was not in the list of passengers who were travelling by the boat in which his son too was supposed ...

... English critics including Edmund Gosse. Next to Monmohan was Sri Aurobindo followed by their sister Sarojini and the youngest brother Barindra who is alive. 1872-77 With parents in Khulna where his father was Civil Surgeon. 1877-79 At Loretto Convent School, Darjeeling, where he Wad his first direct experience of a supernatural character. 1879-84 ...

... Calcutta from Baroda, with the ms. of Bhawani Mandir, written by Sri Aurobindo in English. It was printed secretly at night in D. Gupta's Press at Kalitola under the supervision of Sudhir Sarkar of Khulna, Joshi (a Mahratta) and myself in pamphlet form. The pamphlet was fifteen to sixteen pages, and in it there was a scheme for the establishment of a temple to Bhawani, to be erected in some inaccessible ...

... now they threatened to rain down in heavy showers. Other spiritual perceptions were also crowding into his consciousness. His training had started in earnest. As he travelled to Barisal, to Khulna, to Jhalakati (now all in Bangladesh) many visions rose before his eyes. A goodly number were scenes from Nature: "River scenes. Thickly wooded bank. Bright stream with islands. Padma wide flowing ...

... Krishna Dhan Chose (reproduced from Barin's autobiography) 104 Swarnalata with Manmohan, around 1877 (courtesy Sri Lab Kumar Bose and the late Sri Nirmal Ranjan Mitra) 107 Plaque at Khulna in memory of Dr. K. D. Chose (courtesy Smt. Lahori Chatterjee) 116 Facsimile of Krishna Dhan's letter to Rajnarain (courtesy Smt. Lahori Chatterjee) 121 Krishna Dhan, Swarnalata and ...

... is the moment destined for a great advance in my Yoga. The ahankara was finally removed. Only faint remnants of it left. J. entered, but did not make herself manifest till next day. In train to Khulna. Small Sun in centre of brilliant Swarupa 18 June 1909 On steamer to Barisal. Tratak of Sun. Blue sukshma image of sun elliptical in shape. Pattern of bloodred curves on yellowish background ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Tantra after the Psalmodist arrives. Also about the Vedanta. If he does not come soon, I shall write all the same. Bejoy was to have seen Ramchandra in Calcutta & given you news of us, on his way to Khulna, but from your not sending the June money & from Sudhir's letter, it seems the interview did not take place or else no report was given to you. Please send Page 187 the money. I am going ...


... when seven years of age, with my two elder brothers and for the last eight years we have been thrown on our own resources without any English friend to help or advise us. Our father, Dr K. D. Ghose of Khulna, has been unable to provide the three of us with sufficient for the most necessary wants, and we have long been in an embarrassed position. Page 149 It was owing to want of money that I ...


... uprising that followed the partition of Bengal, the Colonial government's repression had become particularly cunning and ruthless. Page 54 June 25, 1909 (From a speech at Khulna.) The virtue of the Brahmin is a great virtue. You shall not kill. This is what Ahimsa means. If the virtue of Ahimsa comes to the Kshatriya, if you say, "I will not kill," there is no one to ...


... whole of South East Asia have been swallowed up and the "gate into India" has truly been opened wide by the wound of the Pakistani Falsehood—already, or very shortly, the Chinese are, or will be, in Khulna, some eighty miles from Calcutta, to help Yahya Khan to "pacify" Bengal. And Sri Aurobindo added, "If they succeed, there is no reason why domination of the whole world should not follow by steps ...


... requires your permission to go into all this business. Well? B.K. is a "disciple" and has been Manager of A.P.H. but is now to be relieved of his duties. He was at the head of some institution in Khulna—forgotten which. Don't know what status he has for the purpose. Probably he is or was a lawyer—but not sure. Permission be hanged! March 17, 1937 [Morning] You perhaps had a hope ...

... Mitra seems to have asked him to do it. PURANI: He can begin with a story. SRI AUROBINDO: And end with a story. (Laughter) PURANI: Barin appears to have written well about the Mother in Khulna Basi. (Sri Aurobindo smiled.) NIRODBARAN: Is what he says about the Mother true? He says that what would have taken you ten years in sadhana was done in one year by your contact with her. SRI ...


... centres in Bengal. When he returned to Calcutta, he gave the oath of the revolutionary party to P. Mitter. He used to go to Bengal during the vacations for the revolutionary work. He thus visited Khulna, Dacca, Midnapur, etc. Lathi-play, boxing, cycling, riding, target-shooting, etc. were regularly taught in most of these centres. Lives of Mazzini, Garibaldi and other revolutionaries were read ...

... resolve. Page 153 This was, or looked, accidental. But its result was very strange. Biren was in fact a secret agent of the Bengal government. As he had joined Nagen Nag at Khulna there was no chance of any suspicion being aroused against him. Biren wanted to return to Bengal as he had passed six to eight months at Pondicherry. He asked the police department to send a substitute ...


... can be extremists while retaining their calmness. Philosophic? Sri Aurobindo's second nature, I dare say. Not a ripple ever ruffled that equanimity and calm. I still remember Sudhir Sarkar of Khulna, narrating such a tale, with tears streaming down his cheeks. "You won't believe me, Sujata." He was then a boy of seventeen and had been deputed to serve Sri Aurobindo. He had accompanied Sri Aurobindo ...

... future. Never rigid, Sri Aurobindo was always ready to change his tactics and strategies with the changing circumstances. When Sri Aurobindo went on a tour of Bengal with Debabrata Bose —remember Khulna and the dishes I Thus the revolution he and other Nationalist leaders envisaged was a four-pronged effort, its constituents being: youth, labour, peasantry and army. He told others who were pushing ...

... acquaintance between the Boses and the Ghose family, except that Mrinalini's father once came in contact with Sri Aurobindo's father, Dr. Krishnadhan Ghose, while he was stationed as Civil Surgeon at Khulna. It must have been about the year 1890........ "Sri Aurobindo first met Mrinalini at the house of her uncle Sj. Girish Chandra Bose in Calcutta in the course of his search for a mate to share ...

... tried to dispel the confusion and show a path which the nation could tread. He toured the country, especially East Bengal, and he spoke in many towns and districts — Jhalakati (Barisal), Bakergunj, Khulna.... "Out on tour," reminisced Nolini, "Sri Aurobindo used to address meetings, meet people when he was free and give them instructions and advice. Most of those who came to his meetings did not understand ...