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Kidnapped : one of the best-known works of R.L. Stevenson published in 1886.
... jealousy touch the heart no doubt just as they touch the mind but they rise from the navel region and entrails (i.e. the lower or at highest the middle vital). Stevenson has a striking passage in Kidnapped where the hero notes that his fear is felt primarily not in the heart but the stomach. Love, hope have their primary seat in the heart, so with pity etc. The Central Vital or Vital Proper Above ...
... been told by their life-instinct, although the superficial sense in which they understood it was not obviously the whole truth. At one time, they made up their minds that Sri Aurobindo should be kidnapped in a car with the help of one of the chiefs of the local "bandes". We had to patrol all night the house in which Sri Aurobindo lived, lest there should be a sudden attack. I gather the ringleader ...
... told by their life-instinct, although the superficial sense in which they understood it was not obviously the whole truth. At one time, they made up their minds that Sri Aurobindo should be kidnapped in a car with the help of one of the chiefs of the local "bandes". We had to patrol all night the house in which Sri Aurobindo lived, lest there should be a sudden attack. I gather the ringleader ...
... the heart no doubt just as they touch the mind but they rise from the navel region and entrails (i.e. the lower or at highest the middle vital). Stevenson has a striking passage in the " Kidnapped" where the hero notes that his fear is felt primarily not in the heart but the stomach. Love, hope have their primary seat in the heart, so with pity etc."5 " But is it true that even anger ...
... well in the house of V.V.S. Aiyar, but they were found by a maidservant. A police spy was smuggled into Aurobindo’s house as attendant of an invalid guest. Rumors were afloat that Aurobindo would be kidnapped, and his young associates kept watch night and day armed with bottles of acid. Paid informers had accused Aurobindo in court of all kinds of subversive activities, but when a French examining magistrate ...
... From Nolini Kanta Gupta, Reminiscences (Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1969) 44-45. At one time, they [the British authorities] made up their minds that Sri Aurobindo should be kidnapped in a car with the help of one of the chiefs of the local "bandes". We had to patrol all night the house in which Sri Aurobindo lived, lest there should be a sudden attack. I gather the ringleader ...
... life and property and looting. The Mahora Page 73 powerhouse that supplies the electric current to the whole of Srinagar has been burnt. The number of women who have been kidnapped and raped makes my heart bleed. The wild forces thus let loose on the State are marching on with the aim of capturing Srinagar, the summer Capital of my Government, as first step to over-running the ...
... grove, beyond the compound, which was fifteen to twenty acres. They were panting. The fat gentleman was waiting there with a palanquin of eight bearers." Thus Dr. Krishna Dhan Ghose got his son kidnapped. A new life began for Barin. He came to know a father's love and care. He found his lost Didi. And, for the first time, the two children became acquainted with their paternal grandmother Kailasbasini ...
... by their life-instinct, although the superficial sense in which they understood it was not obviously the whole truth." Exactly as the British secret police had decided to kidnap V. V. S. Aiyar, so did they decide to kidnap Sri Aurobindo "in a car with the help of one of the chiefs of the local bandes. We had to patrol all night the house in which Sri Aurobindo lived, lest there should be a sudden... Europeans, the receipt-book, the rubber-stamp facsimile and the way in which the hermetically sealed jar was dumped in the well in Aiyar's house would all be mercilessly exposed. Even their attempt to kidnap Aiyar may come out." Governor Duprat, in his report of 18 June 1912 "to the Minister for Colonies regarding various complaints against Mr. Nadau, Examining Magistrate at Pondicherry," emphatically ...
... Government of India with the approval of the Secretary of State. It has also replaced the long and uncertain process of trial ending in a punishment of fixed duration by the swift and sudden process of kidnapping and a punishment—no, we apologise to the Friend of India, we should rather say a leniency of uncertain, perhaps life-long duration. One other element it has introduced which patriots have had to ...
... procession of the Selvaraju family. DR. MANILAL: Did the family ever come to you, Sir, I mean in your early days here? SRI AUROBINDO: Come to me? It is said that the father of the family tried to kidnap me into British territory, if that is what you mean by coming to me. DR. MANILAL: I saw the Governor today. He looks absolutely like a bulldog with a ruddy face. PURANI: That is due to drink ...
... Valmiki' s : Apahrtya sacim bharyam sakyam Indrasya jivitum. Na ca Ramasya bharyarh mamapaniyasti jivitam. (Even after stealing Sachi, the consort of Indra, one may remain alive. But kidnapping me, the wife of Rama, one cannot retain one's life.) In these phrases we observe nothing of so-called spirituality. Here we get the utterance of common men like you and me. But I place ...
... arranged to kidnap Sri Aurobindo. Sri Aurobindo’s companions suggested that he should shift to another house for safety. Sri Aurobindo said: “I am not going to budge an inch.” It later transpired that the stevedore was shot dead by another sailor for a personal grievance. The sailor later committed suicide. At last, when the British Government in India could not succeed in kidnapping Sri Aurobindo... events in Sri Aurobindo’s life, revealing a deeper truth behind them.) “Yet I will Escape” — Sri Aurobindo Here are a few instances of how the mighty British Government in India planned to kidnap Sri Aurobindo, but was foiled in its effort every time: The Government prosecuted Sri Aurobindo for editing the Bande Mataram newspaper, but he was acquitted for want of proof. In 1908 a Scotch ...
... excited. At any rate there was a pistol, there was Satyen and there was Banerji. (Laughter) NIRODBARAN: So why not shoot him? DR. Manilal: Is it true, Sir, that the British Government wanted to kidnap you and but you were guarded by men with pistols? SRI AUROBINDO: May be. DR. Manilal: I was also present at the Congress. I didn't know of any row. . NIRODBARAN: You might have been one of ...
... es in India! It was therefore the considered view of the authorities in India that, by fair means or foul, Sri Aurobindo should be brought back to British India. In the first instance, kidnapping by the local "bandes" or professional goondas Page 377 seems to have been thought of, but Moni, Bejoy and their friends were ever alert and patrolled all night to prevent a... was an honoured political exile, entitled to their protection. Evil usually recoils upon itself, and such was the predicament of some of the evil-doers. Both Nand Gopal who had offered to do the kidnapping and Mayuresan who had engineered the plot to implicate the political exiles in criminal acts had ultimately to flee Pondicherry and seek asylum in British India. Writing of these events to Motilal... disciples made a further move, from Sundar Chetti's to Raghav Chetti's house (4, Rue Saint Louis), where they remained for the next two years. It was during his stay there that Nand Gopal's plan to kidnap Sri Aurobindo and Mayuresan's fraudulent attempt to implicate Sri Aurobindo and the other revolutionaries both misfired and recoiled upon the offenders. Outwardly it was a precarious life still - ...
... which would have given us a comfortable little fall of three feet. Fortunately she was relieved by this little demonstration and her temper improved wonderfully after it. Finally last night I helped to kidnap Dr Cooper, the Health Officer of the State, and make him give us a big dinner at the Station with a bottle and a half of sherry to wash it down. The Doctor got so merry over the sherry of which he ...
... formed only when the military situation became critical and the conditions of entering the SS were considerably lowered.) Another step of heightening the degree of purity of the German blood was the kidnapping in the occupied territories of thousands of Aryan-looking children, who were then raised with families in Germany. In the chapter “Stolen Children” of her book The German Trauma , Gitta Sereny writes ...
... name of Nand Gopal Chetty, to kidnap Sri Aurobindo. The plan was to carry him out of the limits of French India and arrest him there on some trumped-up charge. Chetty had in his pay political goondas or 'bandes' to do such dirty work. News of the plan reached Sri Aurobindo through his young men who at once armed themselves with acid bottles etc. to 'welcome' the kidnappers. But none appeared on the scene ...
... the Pakistani rulers, foreign fighters, who had fought in Afghanistan, were inducted into J&K. The flow of these foreign fighters from groups like Harkat-Ul-Ansar (banned by the US in 1997 for kidnapping a US tourist in Kashmir) remained in consonance with the state of affairs in Afghanistan. Despite this induction of foreign fighters the situation in Kashmir did not develop as the Pakistani rulers ...
... would have given us a comfortable little fall of three feet. Fortunately she ' was relieved by this little demonstration and her temper improved wonderfully after it. Finally last night I helped to kidnap Dr. Cooper. the Health Officer of the State, and make him give us a big dinner at the Station with a bottle Page 137 and a half of sherry to wash it down. The Doctor got so merry ...
... surveillance continued till 1937. Contact with revolutionaries like Subramaniya Bharati, the famous Tamil poet-patriot. 1912 British Government's plan to kidnap Sri Aurobindo; its failure. I9I4 March 29: Mother's arrival at Pondicherry; her first meeting with Sri Aurobindo. Her momentous discovery of the Saviour of the world in Sri Aurobindo ...
... philosopher 26 VI Ever since Sri Aurobindo came to Pondicherry in 1910 , the British Government in India had tried by any means whatsoever to get him back into their clutches. Kidnapping was tried, and failed - mainly because 'Mony, Bejoy, Nolini and the other young men were always an armour of protection to Sri Aurobindo. Pressure was put upon the French authorities at Pondicherry ...
... joy, Her and our vassal. 71 "The simile of the keys 'swung on her raiment's border' is a unique Bengali touch"72 says Prema Nandakumar, and so indeed it is; Mahasegn's plan, then, is to kidnap Vuthsa, make him lose his heart to Princess Vasavadutta, and by this means to make him a mere vassal of Avunthie. At Cowsambie, too, there are plans. Yougundharayan suggests to Vuthsa: ... plans that Comol Coomary (Kamal Kumari) should be abducted by Toraman; the Rana's wife would rather that Pratap the Chouhan did it; but, actually, the Rana's minister sees to it that Bappa does the kidnapping! Tie play is full of moves and counter-moves, awakenings and conversions, but it is the romantic love between Bappa and Comol that is the heart of the matter. The quality of the poetry may be i ...
... which would have given us a comfortable little fall of three feet. Fortunately she was relieved by this little demonstration and her temper improved wonderfully after it. Finally last night I helped to kidnap Dr. Cooper, the Health Officer of the State, and make him give us a big dinner at the station with a bottle and a half of sherry to wash it down. The doctor got so merry over the sherry of which he ...
... Bedl, op. cit., p. 2. 63 Douglas Jehl, op. cit., p. 1. 64 Ibid., pp. 1-2. 65 Ibid., p. 2. 66 The Jaish-e Muhammad Islamic extremist group is most notable in the West for its kidnapping and murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. Page 211 67 Douglas Jehl, op. cit., p. 1. 68 Ibid. 69 David Chazan, op. cit., pp. 4-5. 70 Indranil Banerjie ...
... youth up to his tenth year or so had been extremely miserable as his mother, with whom he was staying in Deoghar, succumbed more and more to her mental illness. At last Krishna Dhan succeeded in kidnapping first Sarojini and then Barin from their mother’s house. (These painful episodes must have contributed considerably to undermining the doctor’s health.) When Aurobindo had first seen Barin, somewhere ...
... easily and safely to my former friends. I was indeed like a nagging toothache for the old British lion! "So they hit upon a plan. A local rowdy, who was a wealthy political leader, was asked to kidnap me and take me back to British India in his car. But we got wind of this and my friends and companions started keeping watch over me round the clock. They even carried arms, for they had every intention ...
... attempting to get him extradited through all sorts of devious maneuvers, including planting compromising papers in his house and then denouncing him to the French police. 290 Once they even tried to kidnap him. Sri Aurobindo would finally be left in peace the day the French police superintendent came to search his room and discovered in his desk drawers the works of Homer. After inquiring whether these ...
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