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Kunti Coonty County : in Mahabharata, Prithā, daughter of the Yādava prince Surasena, was renamed Kūnti when he was adopted by Kūntibhōja, her father’s childless cousin. Kūnti was one of the Pañcakanyāḥ (see Ahalyā).

49 result/s found for Kunti Coonty County

... of power. ) Here! ( Mother is holding a full newspaper page on her knees ) It's the introduction of your book... in America. It's in "Ulster County" [the piece had been submitted without comment by American friends to the Ulster County Townsman, a weekly newspaper published in Woodstock, New York, and the paper had published it]. ( Mother smiles and goes within ) Do you have anything ...

... Prince Bishop, because he was responsible for the political, military and religious affairs of the County Palatinate. Durham used to be a stronghold of the English against the invading Scots. It is two and a half hours from Edinburgh. The Bishop had a castle in the city which is the capital of County Durham. His See is the third most important in the Church of England—that is, after the Archbishop ...

... upon Richard Abelard by this fate or this strong recurrent coincidence that when he married again, he would not allow his wife to enter the home of his ancestors. He bought a house in the neighbouring county and lived there till his death from an accident in the hunting-field. After him Stephen reigned, a man modern-minded, full of energy and courage, who returned, scornful of antiquated superstitions... Popular as Dṛ Armand Sieurcaye was in the neighbourhood, the alliance had come with something of a shock to the countryside; for the Abelards, though less wealthy than many, were the oldest of the county families. But neither Abelard nor his daughter were troubled with these prejudices. The young man had powerfully attracted them both and the marriage was as much the choice of the father as of the... s which interested his keen, sceptical and inquiring mind, but did not help his purse. At Bombay, he met John Lancaster, Richard's brother, and was induced by him to try his fortune in the English county town aided by whatever local influence his friend, plucked by an almost Page 967 miraculous cure from the grip of a fatal disease, could afford him in gratitude for the saving of his life ...

... either have been entirely frustrated or postponed for another century. Instead of a separate nationality with its own culture, language, government the Irish would have ended by becoming a big English county governed by a magnified and glorified Parish Council. The same kind of bait was offered to the Boers, but that shrewd people resolutely refused to associate themselves with any form of self-government ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... intend to go to Mrs. Bee's House as soon as the room I want is vacated". Sudha and I, after college, went twice a week in the late evening to one of the Educational Institutions run by the LCC—London County Council—where we were learning how to make flowers from silk, satin, velvet and cambric. We were also learning bead-work on a tambour-frame twice a week as previously arranged. There were two lady ...

... At last the five princes were informed that the passage was ready. It led from the house to a lovely spot in the forest. One night the princes set fire to the palace and then with their mother Kunti, they made their escape through the underground passage. It was dark but safe. When strong Bhima noticed that his companions were not fleeing fast enough, he put his mother on his shoulders, took two ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... (Jatugriha Daha: Nandalal Bose). This refers to an episode of the Mahabharata when the Pandavas escape from "the house of lac" which has been set on fire. Bhima is shown here as carrying his mother Kunti. (Courtesy: NGMA, New Delhi) force behind speed; it is only the strong who can feel the lightness of the body without weakness; strength combined with grace and beauty bestows ...

... my study from January to July 1960. I chose English literature, poetry, business management and typing. Sudha and I had also chosen to join one of the educational institutions run by the London County Council. We went to the office of the institution and filled in the forms. Sudha was younger, so she only had to pay half fees. I paid half as well, since they refused to believe my age. Our college ...

... for a second lacking in real womanliness or respect for elders or reverence for tradition. Winternitz is right when he says that Savitri "recalls more the women of heroic poetry, such as Draupadi, Kunti and Vidula, than the brahmanical ideal of woman", 8 though it is doubtful whether even these, great as is their capacity to suffer and sacrifice, measure upto Savitri's incandescent purity of motive ...

... As Sri Krishna points out: "If you are killed, you will attain heaven, or if you attain victory, you will enjoy kingship over the earth. Therefore, get up with determination to fight, O son of Kunti!" (II.37) Thus, utilitarianism has also a place and justification and relevance at a certain stage of consciousness which rules man in his lower stages of ascent from the life of impulses to the ...

... revolutionary issue, according to geographical, almost racial distribution. Wales, Scotland and the North are for the new age, the Centre and the South for the past. In the Southern, Midland and Eastern counties the Unionists have achieved a tremendous victory and we think there is hardly a constituency in which the Liberal majority has not been either materially, often hugely reduced or turned into a minority ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... confusion, people ... Noise always gives me the impression of chaos, always. I must say that downstairs on Darshan days people chat, look each other over, see how he or she is dressed—it's like a county fair around the Samadhi. Page 503 Yes, it's true—who's there, who isn't, how he looks, who's he with ... Oh! ( silence ) And you? What news? It's not always easy. Why isn't ...

... inroads into his privacy and said whatever his fancy dictated on the spur of the moment. Page 53 Woodroffe Ware, was solemnized at the Register Office, in the District of Westminster, County of Middlesex. One of the two witnesses was Augusta Rolfe, who is none other than the devoted Teresa. Théon's father is listed as: Judes L. Bimstein, Rabbi. Alma's father as: William J. Ware ...

... few parts of Europe. So at some point of time they must have been exposed to the air of any of these locations. Dr. Robert Buckley, the deputy medical examiner and forensic pathologist of Los Angeles County, has listed the lesions suffered by the crucified man. There are blood flows from numerous puncture wounds on the top and back of the scalp and on the forehead. There is a wound on the left wrist, ...

... written to his father on his behalf, but for the most part unsuccessfully. It is only lately that I managed to extract from him enough to pay some tradesmen who would otherwise have put his son into the County Court. I am quite sure that these pecuniary difficulties were not due to any extravagance on Ghose's part: his whole way of life, which was simple and penurious in the extreme, is against this : they ...

... District —but I quite understand your difficulties in the way of expense and luggage, for we have been feeling the same. And Derbyshire, I can tell you from my own experience, is one of the loveliest counties in England if you only go to the right part. I stayed one whole Summer at Mallock Bank, and from there had a splendid walking tour —My brother, I, and another gentleman 1. Collected Poems ...

... He sent her Theodor Yankovich, who drew up for her a plan which she promulgated as a "Statute of Popular Schools" (August 5, 1786). An elementary school was established in the chief town of each county, and a high school in each of the principal cities of twenty-six provinces. These schools were open to all children of any class; corporal punishment was not allowed in them; teachers and textbooks ...

... Kaiser expressed the contrast very well. PURANI: Yes, he said the Nazis were a gang of ruffians and blackguards, without God, tradition and dynasty. SRI AUROBINDO: That's the disadvantage for the county When Hitler and Mussolini go they won't leave any tradition behind. They have no families of cultural distinction such as there used to be in the old times. In India there was also the traditional ...

... with sacrifice as the only object, is the reply of the divine Teacher. "By doing works otherwise than for sacrifice, this world of men is in bondage to works; for sacrifice practise works, O son of Kunti, becoming free from all attachment." It is evident that all works and not merely sacrifice and social duties can be done in this spirit; any action may be done either from the ego-sense narrow or enlarged ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... vitality, or even without real vitality or any living spirit of particularism or separatism, as a convenience, an administrative rather than a psychological fact like a French department or an English county. But still it may preserve just sufficient mechanical distinctness to form a starting-point for that subsequent dissolution of human unity which will come about inevitably if the unification is more ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... one. The persons of the epic and the things they do are certainly Shakespearean. And the Kauravas too are marvellously Shakespearean - the hypocritical old father, Duryodhana himself, and Radheya, Kunti's abandoned son who- is so noble but thrown onto the side of adharma because of his mother's sin against dharma. And so with all. But Shakespeare never created a Lord Krishna nor could any Western poet... able to get. Yes, the theme of dharma and adharma is very evident in every episode. But it all becomes so very complex - indeed Shakespearean - in such a character as Kama, thrown by the adharma of Kunti his mother into the camp and service of the enemy. And one feels that modern civilization has become so entangled in the complexities of adharma that where can we begin to disentangle the web? Always... to bring here the most marvellous theatrical experience this generation is likely to see, ever - nine hours was a timeless moment. The cast was international, and when one had become accustomed to Kunti as a Korean, Yudhisthira as an Englishman, Bhima a Negro, Arjuna an Italian, and two handsome middle-eastern twins, and much besides, one saw that Peter Brook's vision of the Mahabharata as the story ...

... simplicity and strength, of grace and suppleness, is perhaps the chief claim of the ś loka to unique distinction as a metrical form. The passion of the heroic figures, the agony of a Kausalya or of a Kunti, the clash of battle, the tasks of peace, the climb of philosophy, the revelation of Upanishadic wisdom, the lure of beauty, the enchantment of love, all have flowed into the handy and shining mould ...

... works are to be performed with sacrifice as the object. Sri Krishna declares, "By doing works other than for sacrifice, the world of men is in bondage to works; for sacrifice practise works, 0 son of Kunti, becoming free from all attachment" .67 We have here the reiteration of the Vedic Yoga of Yajna, Page 42 not in its ritualistic sense, but in its esoteric sense, which is made explicit ...

... standard of mankind, is to be false to himself and to the demand of the world on its leaders and kings. "Slain thou shalt win Heaven, victorious thou shalt enjoy the earth; therefore arise, O son of Kunti, resolved upon battle." Page 65 This heroic appeal may seem to be on a lower level than the stoical spirituality which precedes and the deeper spirituality which follows; for in the next ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... its very nature permanent and indestructible. Renunciation of attachments and sense of possession is the means by which the true self is realised. Page 179 III "O Son of Kunti, this physical life is called the field circumstances and the one who knows it is called the knower of the field." Two Things That Cannot Be Doubted: The Indian idea of the application ...

... you've made Auroville; you don't know it, but that 's why.. .. " Because this was the LAST HOPE of reacting against the imminent catastrophe. If an interest for this creation is awakened in every county, little by little it will have the power to Page 34 react against the mistake they've made. That interested me a lot, because I had never thought of it. Of course, when I was shown ...

... up at one stroke the entire big piece and took his leave. De Quincy was horrified. Day after day he looked into the local newspapers to see if any foreigner had been found lying dead anywhere in the county. No trace of a laudanum-poisoned Malay was reported. Amrita saw Sri Aurobindo going merrily on in spite of the abnormal amount of the poppy-product consumed. No wonder the Mother, knowing of such feats ...

... impersonal self, the question how practically it brings about that result is the next issue that arises. "How, having attained this perfection, one thus attains to the Brahman, hear from me, O son of Kunti,—that which is the supreme concentrated direction of the knowledge." The knowledge meant here is the Yoga of the Sankhyas,—the Yoga of pure knowledge accepted by the Gita, jñāna-yogena sāṅkhyānām ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... towards the Divine almost as a constant preoccupation. Not a single moment passes for such a sadhaka when he does not remember the Divine. The Bhāgavata speaks to us about the following prayer of Kunti addressed to the Divine: "O Lord, just as the river Page 167 Ganga flows always towards the ocean carrying all its waters to pour into it, let all the movements of my heart and ...

... plays, he never revised them, he never brought out any of them in book-form, much less did he collect them, he just made his pile and retired to Stratford and lived there as the richest man in the county. Apparently, that was all his ambition. However, in two or three of his dramas we do find a marked stamp of occult action and the two most outstanding of these dramas are Macbeth and Lear. ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... Tamil for eye விழி and the root விள் with its numerous derivatives; a number of words meaning open, public, sale, auction, publication etc; Latin vile, common, cheap; villa, open place, country place, county seat; vendo, I sell; venalis, to be sold; but especially video, I see. In Sanscrit we have विद् to know; विज् to separate, discriminate; विच् in the same sense; वि itself always implying in some form ...

... "Cyrenius" (the Roman Quirinius under whom the census was held in 6 A.D.) in the reign of Augustus Caesar. The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the constellation of Pisces       4. A halya Kunti Draupadi Tara Mandodari tatha/ Panchakanya smarenityam mahapataka nashaka/ See my "Riddle of the Pancha Kanya" in Mother India elaborated further in "Panchakanya: Women of Substance" at http://wiow ...

... for he could not openly disobey the royal behest. And that tiger among men then having worshipped the king, entered the spacious arena, pacing with the careless steps of a tiger. And the son of Kunti then girded up his loins to the great delight of the spectators. And Bhima then summoned to the combat that athlete known by the name of Jimuta who was like unto the Asura Vrita whose prowess was ...

... written to his father on his behalf, but for the most part unsuccessfully. It is only lately that I managed to extract from him enough to pay some tradesmen who would otherwise have put his son into the County Court. I am quite sure that these pecuniary difficulties were not due to any extravagance on Ghose's part: his whole way of life, which was simple and penurious in the extreme, is against this. ..... till the end of August 1886. c/o Miss Scott Ambleside Rd. Keswick. Aug. 10th, Tuesday [1886] . . . And Derbyshire, I can tell you from my own experience, is one of the loveliest counties in England if you only go to the right part. I stayed one whole summer at Matlock Bank, and from there had a splendid walking tour. My brother, I and another gentleman took the train to Monsel Dale ...

... account is more detailed]:   Dr. K.R. Alur, a veterinary surgeon, has some pertinent information detailing a faunal report on the excavation at Hallur, a border village in Mirekerur taluka (county) of Dharwad district in Karnataka. His paper of 16 June 1990, Aryans and Indian History: an archaeo-zoological approach 1 says (PAO: 216-22):   This site was excavated by Dr. M.S. Nagaraja ...

... self-conquered and empty of desire, man attains by renunciation a supreme perfection of naishkarmya . How, having attained this perfection, one thus attains to the Brahman, hear from me, O son of Kunti,—that which is the supreme concentrated direction of the knowledge. Uniting the purified intelligence (with the pure spiritual substance in us), controlling the whole being by firm and steady will, ...

... कलेवरम् । तं तमेवैति कौन्तेय सदा तद्भावभावितः ॥ "Or indeed whatever (collective) impressions of mind one remembering leaveth his body at the last, to that state and no other it goeth, O son of Kunti, and is continually under the impress of those impressions." Hence the importance, even apart from Mukti, of living a clean and noble life and dying a calm and strong death. For if the ideas and impressions ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... be emphasized: Our culture is the culture of tydga. Even kings used to abdicate their kingdoms in order to seek the highest knowledge and Truth towards the end of their life. The story of Kunti, Gandhadri and Dhritrashtra can be told in this context. Ten taktyena bhunjita is another concept that can be introduced from the Ishopanishad. Abdication of desires is the one message ...

... to his father on his behalf, but for the most part unsuccessfully. It is only lately that I managed to extract from him enough to pay some tradesmen who would otherwise have put his son into the County Court. I am quite sure that these pecuniary difficulties were not due to any extravagance on Ghose's part.... 26 When sending the money at last. Dr. Krishnadhan seems to have reprimanded Sri ...

... Bears had the ball on the wearham eighteen-yard line when Jack Major, their captain, called time out. "We've got to get this touch-down," he told his team, "Our first chance in five years at the county championship is slipping through our fingers." "Harmon Phipps isjust too good for us," said halfback Glenn Wheeler. "We hold them scoreless for fifty minutes, then whaml He boots a thirty-yard... seats. Two tables away, Harmon Phipps grinned at Glenn and waved. "What's that supposed to mean?" Glenn asked Jack, 'That he's glad I won the game for him?" Dr. Shields, chairman of the county awards committee, rose to his feet. "Now we come to the outstanding player award trophy," be began: "I want to tell all of you that this year we had a mighty hard time deciding. We had to consider... speech for Harmon Phipps. Suddenly he realized that everyone was looking at him. Dr. Shields lifted the glittering black-and-gold trophy. "I take special pride in presenting this award to the county's outstanding football player and a fine sportsman—Glenn Wheeler." It wasn't just applause that broke over the ballroom. It was an out-and-out uproar. And there were many besides Glenn who knew ...

... to his father on his behalf, but for the most part unsuccessfully. It is only lately that I managed to extract from him enough to pay some tradesmen who would otherwise have put his son into the County Court. I am quite sure that these pecuniary difficulties were not due to any extravagance on Ghose's part: his whole way of life, which was simple and penurious in the extreme, is against this:... of nearly eighty years having intervened, it was thought proper to get assurance about the identity of the houses Sri Aurobindo occupied in England. Here are reproduced the replies of the various County Councils: 1.         Townhall, 49, Stephens Avenue, Hammersmith, W. 6. 30th December, 1955. To the best of my belief this is the same house that stood there ...

... 'Because it does not accomplish works in the spirit of sacrifice, therefore, the world becomes Page 43 imprisoned in the chains of works; accomplish the works as Sacrifice, O son of Kunti, free from attachment.' (3.9) "This is the first step of the argument. Let us analyse the situation further. Works have behind them two important propelling forces : i) Desire for the enjoyment ...

... Guru-stotram. [16] The next time he came to their house, in 1922, he stayed for two months. The ideal of womanhood was then still exemplified by Tara, Savitri, Ahalya, Mandodari, Sita, Kunti, Draupadi — married women solemnly worshipped these seven Satees every morning. (No wonder then, that Amma could never understand the "love" which now forms the criteria par excellence of our ...

... seed, The hearth, the steadfast land, the wandering sea, Not beautiful or rare in every part, But like yourself, as they were meant to be. Or Tagore's Bengali peasant girls; or Kunti, like a wreath of faded lotuses' pleading with her disowned son Radheya; or the fiery Draupadi; or the Savitri of the Mahabharata rather than Aurobindo's superwoman. It's unimaginative (in the poetic ...

... fathers and grandsires stand, and teachers and uncles and brothers and sons and grandsons and dear comrades, and fathers of wives and heart's friends, all in either battle opposed. And when the son of Coonty beheld all these dear friends and kindred facing each other in war, his heart was besieged with utter pity and failed him, and he said, "O Krishna, I behold these kinsmen and friends arrayed in ...

... Krishna points out in 11.37: "If you are killed, you will attain heaven, or if you attain victory, you will enjoy kingship over the earth. Therefore, get up with determination to fight, O son of Kunti!" Thus, utilitarianism has also a place and justification and relevance at a certain stage of consciousness which rules man in his lower stages of ascent from the life of impulses to the life of ...

... of images, in the Mahabharata what vivid Shakespearean characters Draupadi and Savitri are, and one can see the mysterious smile of the Lord Krishna and the mocking raised eyebrow of Duryodhana, and Kunti 'like a faded lotus-wreath' as she begs Radheya to spare her sons the Pandavas. You challenge me to give chapter and verse, so I do so. Open the book at almost any page and you find vague abstract words ...

... activities in Bengal at that time. "There are few more interesting passages in the Mahabharata than the conversation of Vidula with her son. It comes into the main poem as an exhortation from Kunti to Yudhisthir to give up the weak spirit of submission, moderation, prudence, and fight like a true warrior and Kshatriya for right and justice and his own. But the poem bears internal evidence of ...

... written to his father on his behalf, but for the most part unsuccessfully. It is only lately that I managed to extract from him enough to pay some tradesmen who would otherwise have put his son into the County Court." 10 The tutor's pleading would be in vain; the Colonial Office was convinced that Sri Aurobindo was dangerous. They were not wrong. When he sailed back to India, Sri Aurobindo was twenty ...