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English [165]
A Centenary Tribute [2]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Greater Psychology [1]
A Vision of United India [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [1]
Ancient India in a New Light [3]
Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers [10]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [3]
Autobiographical Notes [1]
Bande Mataram [2]
Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis [2]
By The Way - Part III [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [2]
Education at Crossroads [1]
Essays Divine and Human [3]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [3]
Essays on the Gita [17]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [2]
Images Of The Future [2]
Indian Identity and Cultural Continuity [1]
Innovations in Education [1]
Isha Upanishad [1]
Kena and Other Upanishads [1]
Landmarks of Hinduism [2]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [3]
Letters on Yoga - I [2]
Letters on Yoga - II [1]
Letters on Yoga - III [1]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [2]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
On The Mother [4]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [3]
Our Light and Delight [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [2]
Philosophy of Indian Art [1]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [2]
Reminiscences [1]
Savitri [1]
Significance of Indian Yoga [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [1]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [1]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [2]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [9]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India [1]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [1]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [3]
Sri Krishna In Brindavan [3]
Sri Rama [1]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [3]
The Destiny of the Body [1]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Gita and its Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Human Cycle [1]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [2]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [1]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [5]
The Renaissance in India [1]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [1]
The Siege of Troy [1]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 3 [3]
Towards A New Social Order [1]
Towards A New Society [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Vyasa's Savitri [1]
Wager of Ambrosia [2]
Words of Long Ago [1]
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English [165]
A Centenary Tribute [2]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Greater Psychology [1]
A Vision of United India [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [1]
Ancient India in a New Light [3]
Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers [10]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [3]
Autobiographical Notes [1]
Bande Mataram [2]
Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis [2]
By The Way - Part III [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [2]
Education at Crossroads [1]
Essays Divine and Human [3]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [3]
Essays on the Gita [17]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [2]
Images Of The Future [2]
Indian Identity and Cultural Continuity [1]
Innovations in Education [1]
Isha Upanishad [1]
Kena and Other Upanishads [1]
Landmarks of Hinduism [2]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [3]
Letters on Yoga - I [2]
Letters on Yoga - II [1]
Letters on Yoga - III [1]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [2]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
On The Mother [4]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [3]
Our Light and Delight [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [2]
Philosophy of Indian Art [1]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [2]
Reminiscences [1]
Savitri [1]
Significance of Indian Yoga [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [1]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [1]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [2]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [9]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India [1]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [1]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [3]
Sri Krishna In Brindavan [3]
Sri Rama [1]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [3]
The Destiny of the Body [1]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Gita and its Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Human Cycle [1]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [2]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [1]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [5]
The Renaissance in India [1]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [1]
The Siege of Troy [1]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 3 [3]
Towards A New Social Order [1]
Towards A New Society [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Vyasa's Savitri [1]
Wager of Ambrosia [2]
Words of Long Ago [1]

Kurukshetra : ‘the field of the Kurus’, a plain where the great battle between the Kauravas & the Pandavas was fought. The site of the battle has been located near Delhi, not very far from Pāṇīpat in Karnal district of Haryana state. It was the scene of many battles in later days also. Within its boundaries flowed the rivers Drishdāwati & Saraswati, as well as the Apayā.

165 result/s found for Kurukshetra

... the merely medical to the wider question: Yes, I certainly think Kurukshetra was ‘historical’ as well as adhyamatic (all the acts of a Mahapurusha have that twofold quality and, for that matter so have the acts of all men in a more limited degree – limited because of their inner disharmony). I don’t know just when Kurukshetra occurred but I am quite sure the narrative has a substantial historical... ordinary run of humanity is not ready for that rule and, while it is so, doctors and their physical methods will be there. I have also supported justifiable violence on justifiable occasions, e.g., Kurukshetra and the war against Hitler and all he means. The question then, from this middle point of view, about the immediate question is whether this violence is justifiable and the occasion justifiable... sometimes gives rise to misgivings in me. This I told Nolini when he read out to us his masterly analysis on the values at stake in this War and the real issue: it is his comparing this war to Kurukshetra implying (when he identified Hitler’s cause with the Asura’s) that the Allies were here the Pandavas which is exactly what troubles Krishnaprem. You know I had never, from the very beginning, ...

... philosophy or ethical doctrine, but as bearing upon a practical crisis in the application of ethics and spirituality to human life. For what that crisis stands, what is the significance of the battle of Kurukshetra and its effect on Arjuna's inner being, we have first to determine if we would Page 12 grasp the central drift of the ideas of the Gita. Very obviously a great body of the profoundest... Gita we need, therefore, only concern ourselves with the spiritual significance of the human-divine Krishna of the Mahabharata who is presented to us as the teacher of Arjuna on the battle-field of Kurukshetra. The historical Krishna, no doubt, existed. We meet Page 15 the name first in the Chhandogya Upanishad where all we can gather about him is that he was well known in spiritual tradition... personages in the action of the Mahabharata, we may fairly conclude that they were actually contemporaries and that the epic is to a great extent dealing with historical characters and in the war of Kurukshetra with a historical occurrence imprinted firmly on the memory of the race. We know too that Krishna and Arjuna were the object of religious worship in the pre-Christian centuries; and there is some ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... it we must develop the right attitude. A good pupil is a constant learner. One striking example of the acceptance of discipleship in the midst of a terrible crisis is the story of Arjuna at Kurukshetra that we find in the Mahabharata. This momentous episode provides the occasion for the teaching of the Gita, and its importance derives from the fact that Arjuna can be looked upon as a representative... Mahabharata, is the rajasic man who governs his rajasic actions by a high sattwic ideal. At the opening of the episode in the Gita, we find him advancing to the field of a gigantic struggle, to Kurukshetra, with the full acceptance of the joy of battle, as to "a holiday of fight". He has confidence in the righteousness of his cause, believing that the sons of Dhritarashtra are unjust and wicked and... inner askesis is the teaching of the Gita. What Krishna impresses upon Arjuna is the necessity of the battle of life; and in Arjuna's case at that point in time his battle of life is the war of Kurukshetra. To fully grasp this we must understand that ancient Indian civilization aimed to minimize the incidence and disaster of war. To achieve this aim it limited military obligation to the small ...

... of Christ, the exile of Krishna in Brindavan and the colloquy with Arjuna on the field of Kurukshetra. The siege of Troy created Hellas, the exile in Brindavan 1 created devotional religion (for before there was only meditation and worship), Christ from his cross humanised Europe, the colloquy at Kurukshetra will yet liberate humanity. Yet it is said that none of these four events ever happened.... (1) Were the meditation and worship of former times the same as those of today? (2) What does this mean: "the colloquy at Kurukshetra will yet liberate humanity"? (1) In ancient times, as in our own day, each religion had its own particular kind of meditation and worship. And yet everywhere, always, meditation is a special mode of mental activity and concentration, only the details... that are scrupulously and exactly performed in honour of a deity. Here Sri Aurobindo refers to the worship and meditation of ancient India, in Vedic and Vedantic times. (2) The colloquy at Kurukshetra is the Bhagavad Gita. Sri Aurobindo considers the message of the Gita to be the basis of the great spiritual movement which has led and will lead humanity more and more to its liberation, that ...


... impulse from the hidden Source sweeps onward to its preordained fulfilment. Man may help or man may resist, but the Zeitgeist works, shapes, overbears, insists. The great and memorable vision of Kurukshetra when Sri Krishna manifesting his world-form declared himself as destroying Time, is significant of this deep perception of humanity. When Arjuna wished to cast aside his bow and quiver, when he said... Krishna manifests himself; it is as the Zeitgeist consummating in a moment the work carefully prepared for decades that He appears to Arjuna. All have been moving inevitably towards the catastrophe of Kurukshetra. Men did not know it: those who would have done everything possible to avert the calamity, helped its coming by their action or inaction; those who had a glimpse of it strove in vain to stop the... gnashing teeth. In the līlā of the Eternal there are movements that are terrible as well as movements that are sweet and beautiful. The dance of Brindaban is not complete without the death-dance of Kurukshetra; for each is a part of that great Page 30 harmonic movement of the world which progresses from discord to accord, from hatred and strife to love and brotherhood, from evil to the fulfilment ...


... is meant to be the field for the working out of that purpose and even the battle-field of Kurukshetra is not exempted from it. By implication, and even by open declaration, Gita says that life is not altogether governed by the ego - either individual or collective. In fact Sri Aurobindo suggests that Kurukshetra can be taken as the symbol of the battle of life in which forces of Light and Darkness are... constantly clashing. As regards the dilemma of Arjuna, Sri Krishna assures him that the Divine Will shall be fulfilled as far as the battle of Kurukshetra is concerned, even if Arjuna does not participate in it as its instrument. Krishna says to Arjuna in effect :Kurukshetra is not your battle only though each participant has joined it for his own purpose it is mine and I have a purpose to carry out and it ...

... Preparing for the Miraculous 4: What Arjuna saw: the Dark Side of the Force 1. Kurukshetra: The Field of the Kurus The Bhagavad Gita , a part of the ancient Indian epos Mahabharata , is one of the great creations of the human spirit, if not the greatest. Indeed, when compared with the most brilliant passages of the Gilgamesh epic, Homer’s Iliad... internecine quarrel within the Kuru clan, to which the Pandavas as well as the Kauravas belong, most kingdoms of the subcontinent have chosen sides and the day of the great confrontation, the battle in Kurukshetra, the field of the Kurus, has dawned. Of this great slaughter Arjuna is to be the chief instrument. Among the principal enemies are close relatives, former friends and even his former gurus. Many... Kali in her blood-stained dance of destruction and to say, ‘This too is the Mother; this also know to be God; this too, if thou hast the strength, adore.’” 6 Therefore: “We must acknowledge Kurukshetra; we must submit to the law of life by Death before we can find our way to the life immortal; we must open our eyes, with a less appalled gaze than Arjuna’s, to the vision of our Lord of Time and ...

... Page 140 Disciple : We have heard that you received guidance from Sri Krishna in your Sadhana : was it from Sri Krishna of the Bindravan or of Kurukshetra? Sri Aurobindo : I should think, it was of Kurukshetra Krishna. Disciple : These distinctions between various personalities of Krishna, one of Bindravana and others are of later growth in Vaishnavism. Sri... : They regard Bala Gopal as the Delight aspect or the Delight-Consciousness; but there are older schools of Vaishnavism that regard Krishna as an Avatar of Vishnu. Disciple : Krishna of Kurukshetra is; I suppose, one who gave the Gita. Sri Aurobindo : One who spoke the Gita is the Vishnu aspect. Disciple : Arjuna could not bear his sight and had to ask him to resume his human ...

... Essays on the Gita V Kurukshetra Before we can proceed, following in the large steps of the Teacher of the Gita, to watch his tracing of the triune path of man,—the path which is that of his will, heart, thought raising themselves to the Highest and into the being of that which is the supreme object of all action, love and knowledge, we must consider... illusion, the illusion of self-righteousness torn from his eyes, before a higher reconciliation with himself is effected? It is that aspect which is figured outwardly in the carnage and massacre of Kurukshetra and spiritually by the vision of the Lord of all things as Time arising to devour and destroy the creatures whom it has made. Page 39 This is the vision of the Lord of all existence as... existence proceeding by struggle and slaughter; the inward aspect is that of the universal Being fulfilling himself in a vast creation and a vast destruction. Life a battle and a field of death, this is Kurukshetra; God the Terrible, this is the vision that Arjuna sees on that field of massacre. War, said Heraclitus, is the father of all things, War is the king of all; and the saying, like most of the a ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... . I wish that You will please again appear with your lotus feet in Vrndavana. In Kurukshetra there are crowds of people, elephants and horses, and also the rattling of chariots. But in Vrndāvana there are flower gardens, and the humming of bees and chirping of the birds can be heard. Here at Kurukshetra You are dressed like a royal prince, accompanied by great warriors, but in Vrndāvana You... can taste it, but at other times he unfortunately cannot and therefore almost dies of thirst." Chaitanya Mahaprabhu fully identified with Radha's mood of separation upon seeing Krishna at Kurukshetra. In Radha-bhava, Mahaprabhu addressed the gopis: (Extract from Chaitanya-caritamrta) "My dear friends, where is that Krsna, Cupid personified, who has the effulgence of a kadamba flower... annual Ratha-yatra was filled Page 215 Radhika, by Chughtai (NGMA) Krishna and Radha, by Chughtai (NGMA) with the ecstasy of Radha meeting Shyama at Kurukshetra, and revealed his heart before Sri Jagannatha as follows: (Extract from Chaitanya-caritamrta) "The very personality who stole away my heart during my youth is now again my master. These ...


... appreciate in its catholicity the teaching of the Gita, we must accept intellectually its standpoint and courageous envisaging of the manifest nature and process of the world. The divine charioteer of Kurukshetra reveals himself on one side as the Lord of all the worlds and the Friend and omniscient Guide of all creatures, on the other as Time the Destroyer "arisen for the destruction of these peoples." ... once, to harmonise by overcoming and transcending. Then, as to human life in its actualities, we have to accept its aspect of a struggle and a battle mounting into supreme crises such as that of Kurukshetra. The Gita, as we have seen, takes for its frame such a period of transition and crisis as humanity periodically experiences in its history, in which great forces clash together for a huge destruction... renunciation of passion and desire. The former is the first impulse of Arjuna recoiling from the calamitous culmination of all his heroic activity in the great cataclysm of battle and massacre, Kurukshetra; losing his whole past principle of action, inaction and the rejection of life and its claims seem to him the only issue. But it is to an inner superiority and not to the physical renunciation of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... as you who know have said so. Only one point gave rise to doubts in me, in regard to what Nolini wrote in his Page 212 masterly analysis of the values at stake, comparing this war to Kurukshetra. 3 This is exactly what troubles Krishnaprem. How can the Allied Powers be compared to the Pandavas? I never doubted the wisdom of all efforts being directed against Hitler, but is it not unwise... does not make the English or Americans nations of spotless angels nor the Germans a wicked and sinful race, but as an indicator it has a decisive importance. Nolini, I should suppose, gave the Kurukshetra example not as an exact parallel but as a traditional instance of a War between two world-forces in which the side favoured by the Divine triumphed, because its leaders made themselves his instruments... and American bombs and aeroplanes, in either case a ghoraṁ karma : the means and times and persons differ, but it does not seem to me that Nolini is wrong in seeing in it the same problem as in Kurukshetra. As for war, violence, the use of force to maintain freedom for the world, for the highest values of human civilisation, for the salvation of humanity from a terrible fate, etc., the old command ...


... the eye of the Infinite. Not mind- made laws, but the Will of the overruling Providence directs his steps. If he appears to act as an agent of destruction, like Parashurama, or Sri Krishna in Kurukshetra, it is only to clear the path to a renewal and reconstruction. If he appears to blink at bloodshed, it is only in the interest of the creation of a nobler strain of it, and for laying the foundations... shrink from bloodshed and violence under such circumstances is a weakness deserving as severe a rebuke as Sri Krishna addressed to Arjuna when he shrank from the colossal slaughter on the field of Kurukshetra.... Where the need for immediate liberty is urgent and it is a present question of national life or death on the instant, revolt is the only course. But where the oppression is legal and subtle in... destruction, if it is inevitable in the inscrutable dispensation of Providence, prepares the world for a great new creation. Sri Krishna had to play on his central but veiled part in the battle of Kurukshetra, though its disastrous end was not hidden from his knowledge and vision. The greatest leaders of mankind combine in themselves the knowledge of the Brahmin and the Power of the Kshatriya in order ...

... standpoint, it is the infinite possibilities that surround the act or the event which give to act and event their full meaning and value. It may be said that Arjuna's hesitation and refusal to fight at Kurukshetra was of no practical moment since eventually he did take up his bow and slay the Dhritarashtrians & the otiose Page 514 incident might well have been omitted by God in His drama; but if... or to have retired from the fight but for the command of the incarnate God beside him, then his subsequent action in fighting & slaying would have had an entirely different value, the battle of Kurukshetra would have meant something entirely different to humanity & its results on the future life of the nation & the world would have been, comparatively, almost a zero. We can see this truth even with... concrete instance and drives home to the mind the whole difficulty with an incomparable mastery and vividness. The armies of the Pandava and the Kaurava stand facing each other on the sacred plain of Kurukshetra; the whole military strength of India & all its political future have been thrown down upon that vast battlefield as upon a dice board. On one side we see the eleven mighty armies of Duryodhana, ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... following Krishna's death. If the Kurukshetra war took place around this time, surely the period of the Rigveda will have to be considerably anterior to it and can by no means be around 1500 B.C. as the invasionists would like to have it! Hence, there is no question of invading Aryans destroying the Harappa Culture a mere hundred years before the Kurukshetra war. The Rigveda, therefore, necessarily... firmly identified as Megastheness Sandrocottus. Sethna provides an extremely valuable Supplement 11 in which he uses the revised chronology posited by him for fixing the dates of the Kurukshetra War and the beginning of the Kaliyuga, Page 341 traditionally dated to Krishna's death, at 1452/1482 B.C. and 1416/1446 B.C. respectively working back 8 or 9 g ...


... Dr. Vijay Khole Pro-Vice-Chancellor University of Mumbai Fort, Mumbai-400032 Prof Hoshiar Singh Pro-Vice-Chancellor Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra-136119 Haryana Dr. Bharat C. Chhaparwal Vice-Chancellor Devi Afiilya Vishwavidyalaya R.N. Tagore Marg Indore-452001 Dr. S. M. Sajid Department... *Devi Ahilya Viswavidyalaya, Indore for the Western Region, *Assam (Central) University for the Northern Eastern Region, *Viswa Bharati Shantiniketan for the Eastern Region and, *Kurukshetra University for the Northern Region, To work as Regional Resource Centres, Jamia Millia Islamia also offered to host a nodal centre in Delhi. As the first step, it was decided that each of ...

... that Arjuna to whom the teaching is addressed is a representative man, and the problem that he faced arose at a certain height of ethical concern in the midst of an actual and symbolic battlefield (Kurukshetra, which is also Dharmakshetra). He had come to the battlefield motivated by the ideal of a fight for justice. But as he gazed at the armies and looked in the face of the myriads of the champions of... its true being, nature and aim. 15 But should then one live by constant killing? How does this knowledge of the immortal Spirit justify the action demanded of Arjuna and the slaughter at Kurukshetra? The war is a result of the way and degree to which human life has progressed so far and is struggling to attain the aim that is placed before human life. The way in which the world has Page... central to the solution that Sri Krishna provides to Arjuna. Arjuna had come to the battlefield with the confident sense of the Right in regard to the role that he wanted to play in the battle of the Kurukshetra; he was acting according to the dharma of kshatriya, the dharma of the warrior that was recognized in his Age to fight and even to massacre, if need be, his enemies, who were judged in the highest ...

... great delight, forgetting all these crudities and all the small, minor flaws in the film. It came as a sort of a revelation. But apart from all that enjoyment, when I saw the battle of Kurukshetra, I felt somehow, I don't know whether I am right or wrong, that we, all of us here, must have taken part in this battle! We must have fought, we must have killed, we must have been killed, we... I might have been there, taking some small part; so too might all of you, either as fighters or wives of fighters or daughters of fighters. Some such connection must have been there either at Kurukshetra or somewhere else, which has brought all of us here in this life. I think the Mother said once that we have all met before in previous lives; either in the French Revolution or in the Russian... Gandhi's non-violence at work? (Laughter) You must remember, my friend, that it was the heroic age when men and women were heroes and heroines. I suppose you won't approve of Kurukshetra either, and would advocate the gospel of love and compassion. Gandhi said that battle was completely symbolic. Well, that is what India has come to today. See the condition of the world: Russia ...


... spotless angels nor the Germans a wicked and sinful race, but as an indicator it has a decisive importance. As regards Nolini's giving the Kurukshetra example, it was not meant to be taken as an exact parallel in every minute particular; Kurukshetra was but "a traditional instance of a war between two world-forces in which the side favoured by the Divine triumphed, because its leaders made... strife and chaos and anarchy.... Mr. Chatterjee thought that the leaders were paralysed by an "inner crisis" comparable to the impotence of anguish that overwhelmed Arjuna on the field of Kurukshetra. Freedom and democracy in "independent" India were imperilled by the "New Despotism", and by the prevalence of corruption, nepotism and injustice. Many tamely surrendered to the "crazy materialism ...

... of Christ, the exile of Krishna in Brindavun and the colloquy with Arjuna on the field of Kurukshetra. The siege of Troy created Hellas, the exile in Brindavun created devotional religion, (for before there was only meditation and worship,) Christ from his cross humanised Europe, the colloquy at Kurukshetra will yet liberate humanity. Yet it is said that none of these four events ever happened. ...


... greatly deepened when we 36."Identification of Vinasana and some Consequential Observations", Svasti Sri (Felicitation Volume in honour of Dr. B. S. H. Chhabra, Delhi 1984), p. 217. 37.Kurukshetra, 1975, p. 95. 38. Op. cit., loc. cit. 39.In South Asian Archaeology , ed. Hammond Norman (London, 1973), p. 162 ff. 40.In Ancient Cities of the Indus, ed. Gregory Possehl (Delhi... 1986), pp. 176-191. 158.Agrawal, V. S., India as known to Pānini, 2nd ed. (Varanasi, 1963), p. 74. 159.Vedic Index, II, p. 364. 160.Shastri, K. D., The Ganapātha ascribed to Pānini (Kurukshetra, 1967), p. 149. 161. Ganaratnamahodadhi of Vardhamana, ed. Eggeling, Julius, reprint (Delhi, 1963), IV, p. 300 com. and no. 7, p. 338f. Alternative readings Saryana and Saryana are also available ...


... various modes of Krishna's being, first mentions the many-sided supreme reality that is Krishna of the Gita and then describes him as "the Godhead who was incarnate at Brindavan and Dwarka and Kurukshetra and who was the guide of my Yoga and with whom I realised identity".³Side by side with this "identity" we may observe how Sri Aurobindo concludes his explanation of the Mother's Flag: "The blue... spiritual or divine consciousness which it is her work to establish so that it may reign upon earth." 4 Once more the Master, the Mother, and the Godhead incarnate at Brindavan, Dwarka and Kurukshetra merge. From their personal oneness as well as the oneness of their work so repeatedly expressed, we should find it easy to equate with the Victory proper to Sri Aurobindo and to the ...

... 46 Ibid., p. 565. 47 Ibid., p. 574. Page 296 Now follows the occult Kurukshetra where Savitri and Death are the arch-antagonists. It is a journey and a struggle, a debate and a dialectic, marked by the steady progression in Death's discomfiture. This Kurukshetra is, indeed, a battlefield on divers fronts: Eternal Night, Double Twilight, Everlasting Day. These symbol ...

... speech. He is also quite conscious of the fact that Vyasa’s work is not an ordinary dialogue at all; it is the supreme Word, the benedictive Assurance coming from a person no other than the Avatar of Kurukshetra himself. It is the most benevolent Word for the individual’s as well as for the collectivity’s wide and benign progress. It is a teaching full of spiritual lore, rich in substance, rich in thought... Teacher. But that would not be an ordinary kind of closeness. In it there would be something more than that, something very meritorious, deep and intimately spiritual. There on the battlefield of Kurukshetra the warrior would be urged by his Charioteer to take up arms and fulfil himself in the war, the great sanguinary War waged for upholding Righteousness in the world. Page 104 Jnaneshwar ...


... Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers Appendices Selected chapters from 'Essays on the Gita' - Sri Aurobindo Our Demand and Need from the Gita The world abounds with scriptures sacred and profane, with revelations and half-revelations, with religions and philosophies, sects and schools and systems... other, the Lord of whom all is the manifestation, who even in our present subjection to Maya sits in the heart of His creatures governing the works of Prakriti, He by whom the armies on the field of Kurukshetra have already been slain while yet they live and who uses Arjuna only as an instrument or immediate occasion of this great slaughter. Prakriti is only His executive force. The disciple has to rise ...

... Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers Primacy of knowledge in the Synthesis It is significant for the synthetic character of the teaching of the Gita that even though at the very outset when Arjuna declares, "I will not fight", and even though Sri Krishna begins his answer by appealing to him to act and to fight, the very first note that... knowledge of its true being, nature and aim. But should then one live by constant killing? How does this knowledge of the immortal Spirit justify the action demanded of Arjuna and the slaughter at Kurukshetra? The war is a result of the way and degree to which human life has progressed so far and is struggling to attain the aim that is placed before human life. The way in which the world has progressed ...

... Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers A most Difficult Dilemma of Human Life and Gita's Solution The greatest significance of the Gita lies in the fact that it proposes a solution to a central typical problem of human life that presents itself at a certain critical stage of development. We may say that Arjuna to whom the teaching is addressed... addressed is a representative man, and the problem that he faced arose at a certain height of ethical concern in the midst of an actual and symbolic battlefield (Kurukshetra, which is also Dharmakshetra). He had come to the battlefield motivated by the ideal of a fight for justice. But as he gazed at the armies and looked in the face of the myriads of the champions of unrighteousness whom he had to ...

... godhead. They want to hold man bound down in their grip. Such a moment of crisis came to man in the time of Sri Krishna. The Kurukshetra War is known as a war of righteousness, dharma-yuddha; it was a war of the gods and the titans. On the battlefield of Kurukshetra Sri Krishna gave his message that was to initiate the New Age that was coming. In exactly the same way, Sri Aurobindo began to ...


... Durvasa. He may have many other things in him. SATYENDRA: Saints are, I suppose, nearer to earth and are at the top of the human ladder. In our Yoga it seems one has to face a Kurukshetra, I mean an inner Kurukshetra, and everyone has to be a fighter like Arjuna. SRI AUROBINDO: Not necessarily; it depends on the nature of the being. For instance, some people in their vital beings or during dreams ...


... looked at one another, some said yes, many said no. "Have you not read the Mahabharata?" Some children excitedly shouted, "We watched it on the TV." "You must have seen how in the battle of Kurukshetra the boy Abhimanyu found himself surrounded by enemy kings and fought single-handed and even broke through that mortal trap. But ultimately the Kauravas charged at him in a mass and killed him. Well... have you read the Gita? Then you know what Sri Krishna says. He says that He is born, that God is born, age after age, to uphold the Good and to destroy the Evil. Was it not Sri Krishna who turned Kurukshetra into a huge playfield of death, who destroyed the Kauravas? And what about Mother Durga, Kali? No, no. God is certainly not against violence, if it becomes necessary. He even takes up arms himself ...

... eyes the tenebrous Form Bore the deep pity of destroying gods. 55 Now follows the occult Kurukshetra where Savitri and Death are the arch-antagonists. It is a journey and a struggle, a debate and a dialectic, marked by the steady progression in Death's discomfiture. This Kurukshetra is, indeed, a battlefield on divers fronts: Eternal Night, Double Twilight, Everlasting Day. These symbol ...

... and sinful race, but as an indicator it has a primary importance.... 19 Then, adverting to Nolini's reference to Kurukshetra, Sri Aurobindo said that the parallel between the Mahabharata war and the war initiated by Hitler should not be pushed too far. At Kurukshetra, the side favoured by the Divine (Krishna) triumphed, "because the leaders made themselves His instruments". The Pandavas ...


... show a defeat, not merely of courage, but of true spirituality. It was an ebb in the spiritual sentiment which resulted in a complete nervousness with Arjuna on the eve of the great battle of Kurukshetra, and one spiritual ideal worked out in the Gita is that, if you allow spiritual timidity to intervene between you and your duty, all spiritual possibility is gone.... Those Hindus who give ungrudging... method of political agitation, it became Sri Aurobindo's crucial role to be the nation's pace-setter, to act the role of Krishna who buoyed up the drooping spirits of the Pandavas on the field of Kurukshetra, to foresee the developing destiny of the nation, to deploy the available forces (visible and invisible), to argue and to harangue, to plan and to execute. The whole of him none of his associates ...

... restricted objective. The greatest interpreter of the Gita, in which Krishna assigns Arjun, his disciple and friend, the horrible task, goram karma, of massacring his family on the field of battle, Kurukshetra, has put before us as the only law the supreme word of the Gita: "Abandon all dharmas and take refuge in Me alone. I will deliver thee from all sin and evil, do not grieve". Scarcely conscious of... Henceforth, we must face the occult obviousness (if one can thus term what is obvious for the soul and occult for the mentality), that there are now among us those who, spread over the world Kurukshetra, exist where things are worst (doubtlessly telepathically linked among themselves without knowing each other) and who accept physical or psychological torture in order to transform it by giving ...


... History of India (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1975). The Wonder that was India (Grove Press, New York, 1961). Bhan, Suraj, Excavation at Mitathal and other explorations in the Sutlej-Yamuna Divide (Kurukshetra, 1975) Bhandarkar, D.R., Some Aspects of Ancient Indian Culture [cited by Moti Chandra]. Bhandarkar, R.G. [cited by B.C. Law; see Law]. Bharadwaj, O.P., "Identification... and London, 1984). Sharma, G.R., History to Prehistory: archaeology of the Vindhyas and the Ganga Valley (Allahabad, 1980). Shastri, K.D., The Ganapatha ascribed to Pānini (Kurukshetra, 1967). Shukla, S.P., "Protohistoric art of Punjāb and Haryana", in Haryana Sahitya Akademi Journal of Indological Studies Vol. III, nos. 1-2 (Chandigarh, 1990). Smith, Vincent ...


... will fall in the after-tremblings. Well might the mind of a man during the calamity, aware of the Power that stood over the world wrapped in this tempest, repeat the words of Arjuna on the field of Kurukshetra,— dṛṣṭvādbhutaṁ rūpam ugraṁ tavedaṁ lokatrayaṁ pravyathitaṁ mahātman.... dṛṣṭvā hi tvāṁ pravyathitāntarātmā dhṛtiṁ na vindāmi śamaṁ ca viṣṇo.... yathā nadīnāṁ bahavo'mbuvegāḥ samudram... his battle and his journey who appears in the place of the form of destruction and the outcome of all the ruin is the dharmarājya , the kingdom of the Dharma. To humanity as to the warrior of Kurukshetra the concluding message has been uttered, "Therefore arise, destroy the foe, enjoy a rich and happy kingdom." But the kingdom of what Dharma? It is doubtful enough whether as the nations were blind ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... his work and battle and the divine Teacher now proceeds to apply it to his action, but in a way that makes it applicable to all action. Attached to a crucial example, spoken to the protagonist of Kurukshetra, the words bear a much wider significance and are a universal rule for all who are ready to ascend above the ordinary mentality and to live and act in the highest spiritual consciousness. To break... around and within thee: that is all that thou needest, that is the truest and greatest way, that is the real deliverance." The Master of the worlds in the form of the divine Charioteer and Teacher of Kurukshetra has revealed to man the magnificent realities of God and Self and Spirit and the nature of the complex world and the relation of man's mind and life and heart and senses to the Spirit and the victorious ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... truth of the Spirit—since he can Page 450 no longer act according to the partial truths of the customary reason and nature of man—and yet to do his appointed work on the battle-field of Kurukshetra. To live inwardly calm, detached, silent in the silence of the impersonal and universal Self and yet do dynamically the works of dynamic Nature, and more largely, to be one with the Eternal within... against the anarchic violence of oppression, wrong and injustice. And yet the appeal to duty by itself can no longer satisfy the protagonist of the struggle because in the terrible actuality of Kurukshetra it presents itself in harsh, perplexed and ambiguous terms. The discharge of his social duty has suddenly come to signify assent to an enormous result of sin and sorrow and suffering; the customary ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... wast from the beginning, for I know not the will of thy workings. Turn thy heart to grace." Destruction, replies the Godhead, is the will of my workings with which I stand here on this field of Kurukshetra, the field of the working out of the Dharma, the field of human action,—as we might symbolically translate the descriptive phrase, dharma-kṣetre kuru-kṣetre ,—a world-wide destruction which has... lacuna it creates increase confusion. Even without thee, cries the Godhead, my will of destruction would still be accomplished, ṛte'pi tvām . If Arjuna were to abstain or even if the battle of Kurukshetra were not to be fought, that evasion would only prolong and make worse the inevitable confusion, disorder, ruin that are coming. For these things are no accident, but an inevitable seed that Page ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... ultimate purpose? What if the gentleman in question had to be given his chance as Duryodhan was given his chance when Krishna went to him as ambassador in a last effort to avoid the massacre of Kurukshetra? What rigid primitive notions are these about the Divine! And what about my explanation of how the Divine acts through the Avatar? 2 It seems all to have gone into water. By the way about... Parabrahma, Purushottama, the cosmic Deity, master of the universe, Vasudeva who is all, the immanent in the heart of all creatures, or the Godhead who was incarnate at Brindavan and Dwarka and Kurukshetra and who was the guide of my Yoga and with whom I realised identity? All that is not to me something philosophical or mental but a matter of daily and hourly realisation and intimate to the stuff ...


... of Christ, the exile of Krishna in Brindavan and the colloquy with Arjuna on the field of Kurukshetra. The siege of Troy created Hellas, the exile in Brindavan created devotional religion, (for before there was only meditation and worship), Christ from his cross humanised Europe, the colloquy at Kurukshetra will yet liberate humanity. Yet it is said that none of these four events ever happened. ...


... instances of Bhakti and Knowledge combined. SRI AUROBINDO: I am not speaking of exceptions. SATYENDRA: We have heard that you had guidance from Sri Krishna. Was it the Brindavan Krishna or the Kurukshetra Krishna? SRI AUROBINDO: I should think it was the Kurkshetra Krishna. I had an experience of Krishna-Kali in Alipore Jail. It was a very powerful vision. PURANI: These distinctions between... Balagopal as the delight-aspect or delight-consciousness, but there were other older schools, who regarded Krishna as an Avatar of Vishnu, and they were also Vaishnavas. SATYENDRA: It is the Kurukshetra Krishna who spoke the Gita. SRI AUROBINDO: The one who spoke the Gita is the Vishnu aspect. In the Vishnu Purana all these aspects are very finely described. The Vishnu Purana is the only Purana ...


... Yogi immersed in his own sadhana. It will show, on the contrary, how much he was concerned with the "good of humanity". Far from taking only a passive interest in the vast conflict, the modern Kurukshetra, where the fate of the entire world was being decided, he actively participated in it with his spiritual Force and directed that very fate to a victorious consummation. The account will also bring... establish on the earth. And the victory of Hitler's Germany would mean not only the end of civilisation, but also the death of that great possibility. It is in this sense I have called this War a modern Kurukshetra. Let us then go back to the crucial year 1938 when dark war-clouds were gathering and rumblings were heard all over Europe. There was a strong possibility that fighting would break out in December ...

... so, the nation which grew out of the fusion of clans and tribes has to outgrow itself; it has to live today, if she wishes to live, in and through the life of humanity as a whole.   Kurukshetra is a turning-point in history. The battle was between an old order that had to go and a new order that was taking birth. The old order was supported, on the one hand, by Bhishma and Drona, personating... establishment of this New Order of a larger, a greater human organisation, Dharmarajya, as it was called. Page 80 We have just passed through another, a far greater, a catastrophic Kurukshetra, the last Act (Shanti Parvam) of which we are negotiating at the present moment. The signi­ficance of this cataclysm is clear and evident if we only allow ourselves to be led by the facts and not ...

... Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis Bhagavadgita has this uniqueness that, unlike other great religious books of the world, it does not stand apart as a work by itself. It is given as an episode in an epic history of India and of a great war fought in it. This episode focuses on a critical moment... the battles of life in which we find ourselves all the time, but particularly, at critical moments. The setting in which the teaching of the Gita emerges is typical. The setting is that the Kurukshetra, the Page 32 field of battle, which is also the battle of life, the battle that we face in our life, visibly or invisibly, in our own times. Arjuna, the leading hero of the battle ...

... ultimate purpose? What if the gentleman in question had to be given his chance as Duryodhan was given his chance when Krishna went to him as ambassador in a last effort to avoid the massacre of Kurukshetra? 55 What rigid primitive notions are these about the Divine! And what about my explanation of how the Divine acts through the Avatar? It seems all to have gone into water. By the way about... Kauravas. × Duryodhan was the king of Kauravas who fought against the Pandavas in the great battle of Kurukshetra. × Cf. the last letter: Sudden opening in the understanding of painting, liberation of the mind ...

... I do not understand why people threaten us with this weapon of fasting unto death. Lord Krishna did nothing of this sort when Arjuna threw away his Gandiva and refused to fight in the battle of Kurukshetra. Instead, Lord Krishna smiled and induced Arjuna to ask questions and enter into a dialogue. And Lord Krishna answered every question patiently and elaborately." "Look, Upendra," said Mira,... Naveen Chandra smiled and said, "Nothing serious. It is a part of my battle." "What battle? Do you also have battles?" asked Mira with evident anxiety. "Oh! Karma Yoga is the battle of Kurukshetra, and I have been fighting this battle for the last twenty years. But it is a long story and I do not want that you should get involved in it." "But we want to be involved in the battle," cried ...

... the godhead. They want to hold man bound down in their grip. Such a moment of crisis came to man in the time of Sri Krishna. The Kurukshetra War is known as a war of righteousness, dharma-yuddha; it was a war of the gods and titans. On the battlefield of Kurukshetra Sri Krishna gave his message that was to initiate the New Age that was coming. In exactly the same way, Sri Aurobindo began to proclaim ...

... resistance fails, Sri Aurobindo says: "To shrink from bloodshed and violence under such circumstances is a weakness deserving as severe a rebuke as Sri Krishna addressed to Arjuna on the field of Kurukshetra. Liberty is the life-breath of a nation; and when the life is attacked, when it is sought to 156. "Even the greatest Rishis of old could not, when the Rakshasas were fierce and determined... dispossessed his brother, Sugriva, of his kingdom and wife. (Ref. the Ramayana) 166. In order to save the Pandavas from annihilation at the hands of the redoubtable Dronacharya in the battle of Kurukshetra, Sri Krishna persuaded the righteous Yudhishthira, who never spoke a lie, to announce to Dronacharya the news of his son Aswatthama's death and to add in a very low voice, which was tactfully drowned ...

... impossible) to dissociate mythic from historic truth, but mythic truth — the truth of Rama's fight with the Rakshasa, the truth of Krishna's singular ministry   Page 5 in the field of Kurukshetra — verily transcends history.* And so we find reared upon the foundations of Veda and Upanishad the crowning edifice of the Bhagavad Gita, the harmony of the three great means and powers of jñāna... jñāna, bhakti and karma — Knowledge, Love and Works — through which man may infallibly achieve both self-realisation and world-redemption. It would be unwise to tear the Gita from its Kurukshetra context, for the Gita is not only a wide-ranging treatise on ethical doctrine and spiritual philosophy but also — and no less pointedly — a complete (and apparently convincing) answer to the problem ...

... struggle between the forces of purity and impurity a new harmony of life and knowledge in another Satyayuga. Page 264 After the destruction of the conservative Kurus and Panchalas at Kurukshetra, the development of the Vedanta commenced and went on progressing till in its turn it reached its extreme & excessive development in the teachings of Buddha and Shankaracharya. But at the period ...


... greater knowledge, the character and consequences of the work can make no difference to the freedom of the spirit. The work may be outwardly a terrible action like this great battle and slaughter of Kurukshetra; but although the liberated man takes his part in the struggle and though he slay all these peoples, he slays no man and he is not bound by his work, because the work is that of the Master of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... Purushottama to the human being in which he is especially near to the man Page 375 who has come near to him. All these heroes and men of might who have joined in battle on the plain of Kurukshetra are vessels of the divine Will and through each he works according to his nature but behind the veil of his ego. Arjuna has reached that point when the veil can be rent and the embodied Godhead can ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... all in set terms of the Purushottama, but of himself,—"I", Krishna, Narayana, the Avatar, the God in man who is also the Lord in the universe incarnated in the figure of the divine charioteer of Kurukshetra. "In the Self, then in Me," is the formula he gives, implying that the transcendence of the individual personality by seeing it as a "becoming" in the impersonal self-existent Being is simply a means ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... Indian mind on the contrary finds greater character and a more moving interest in the calm and collected heroism of Arjuna, in the fine ethical temperament of Yudhisthira, in the divine charioteer of Kurukshetra who works not for his own hand but for the founding of the kingdom of right and justice. Those vehement or self-asserting characters or those driven by the storm of their passions which make the ...


... the Lord of whom all is the manifestation, who even in our present subjection to Maya sits in the heart of His creatures governing the works of Prakriti, He by whom the armies on the field of Kurukshetra have already been slain while yet they live and who uses Arjuna only as an instrument or immediate occasion of this great slaughter. Prakriti is only His executive force. The disciple has to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... Janaka or Vidura in India and even there would have been no Krishna or else Krishna would have been not the Lord of Brindavan and Mathura and Dwarka or a prince and warrior or the charioteer of Kurukshetra, but only one more great anchorite. The Indian scriptures and Indian tradition, in the Mahabharata and elsewhere, make room both for the spirituality of the renunciation of life and for the spiritual ...


... Thus wars are schools of courage, endurance, fearlessness; they may serve to destroy a past which refuses to disappear although its time is over, and they make room for new things. Wars can, like Kurukshetra, 1 be a way to rid the earth of a domineering or destructive race so that justice and right may reign. They can, through the presence of danger, Page 52 shake the apathy of a too tamasic ...


... from bloodshed and violence under such circumstances is a weakness deserving as severe a rebuke as Srikrishna addressed to Arjuna when he shrank from the colossal civil slaughter on the field of Kurukshetra. Liberty is the life-breath of a nation; and when the life is attacked, when it is sought to suppress all chance of breathing by violent pressure, any and every means of self-preservation becomes ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Janaka or Vidura in India and even there would have been no Krishna or else Krishna would have been not the Lord of Brindavan and Mathura and Dwarka or a prince and warrior or the charioteer of Kurukshetra, but only one more great anchorite. The Indian scriptures and Indian tradition, in the Mahabharata and elsewhere, make room both for the spirituality of the renunciation of life and for the spiritual ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... of visions help one's spiritual growth ]. I might give the example of St. Paul's vision on the way to Damascus as an example of a vision which really meant business. You have yourself given the Kurukshetra example. But all visions need not be so stupendous as that—small ones can also be useful. But the predisposition I spoke of was for visionary display, not for spiritual growth. There are people ...


... ordinary run of humanity is not ready for that rule and, while it is so, doctors and their physical methods will be there. I have also supported justifiable violence on justifiable occasions, e.g., Kurukshetra and the war against Hitler and all he means. The question then, from this middle point of view, about the immediate question is whether this violence is justifiable and the occasion justifiable. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... goodwill in action. Although the brute competitiveness of the infrarational is to be curbed, the sword-sweep of the supra-rational cannot be rejected. The cry of Sri Krishna at the battle of Kurukshetra, "Fight and win a mighty kingdom" is too clear to be allegorised away, too insistent in one form or another down the ages, especially at their turning-points, to be drowned by any mellifluous se ...

... building than to lament & hug in our arms what He is destroying. But it is not easy to discover His drift, & we often admire too much temporary erections which are merely tents for the warriors in this Kurukshetra and take them for the permanent buildings of the future. The Pandits are therefore right when they make a difference between the practice of the Satya & the practice of the Kali. But in their ...


... "Whosoever has his temperament purged from egoism, whosoever suffers not his soul to receive the impress of the deed, though he slay the whole world yet he slays not and is not bound." The Charioteer of Kurukshetra driving the car of Arjuna over that field of ruin is the image and description of Karmayoga; for the body is the chariot and the senses are the horses of the driving and it is through the bloodstained ...


... to the unification of the world. Evolutionary progression seems always to come at what is to our human awareness an enormous cost. Here we may remember “what Arjuna saw” on the battlefield of Kurukshetra: the Divine in all his glory, but also as Time the Devourer. 22 Each positive evolutionary movement induces inevitably “an enormous force [of resistance] commensurable with the magnitude of the ...

... personages in the action of the Mahabharata, we may fairly conclude that they were actually contemporaries and that the epic is to a great extent dealing with historical characters and in the war of Kurukshetra with a historical occurrence imprinted on the memory of the race."   I appreciate the sympathetic picture you have conjured up of me and the instinctive sense you have of my temperament: "Sir ...


... Chandra, to celebrate the various victories rounded off by this last one, set up - as Mookerji 2 says - "his pillar in honour of Lord Vishnu on the hill known as Vishnupada" - not far from the Kurukshetra and the Beās. 3 With the road open to us to opt for the Indus-delta, we may scrutinise the remainder of the inscription for helpful pointers in our direction. If the epigraph records the ...


... There is no letter of his in which, naming Krishna, he has allowed the impression that he could have been somebody else when the magical flute-player of Brindavan and the majestic charioteer of Kurukshetra was in the midst of men, the glorious figure about whose "historicity" Sri Aurobindo² has said that if we accept it "there is this great spiritual gain that one has a point d' appui for a more ...


... Vedic-Upanishadic birds Page 577 on the same tree, or of Nara and Narayana of the Puranas, or of the later-day Aitihasic human Warrior and the divine Avatar on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. Everywhere the soul, instead of losing itself in the oversoul, gets enriched in a shining and superior oneness as the first basis for carrying out its role in the divinity of manifestion to enjoy ...

... cautioned has been the Painted Grey Ware - PGW for short - found at a large number of sites in the Gangetic Valley. Presently it is considered datable even close to c. 1500 B.C. at Bhagwanpura in the Kurukshetra district of Haryana rather than to c. 800 B.C. as elsewhere before. The Bhagwanpura PGW material is mixed with Late Harappan remains, but the issue relating to this mixture we shall touch upon at ...


... to that place where birth is born, and rest is in the rest, and experience gets further enriched in the experience itself. Arjuna may think that he would not engage himself in the Battle of Kurukshetra,—as it happened in that sudden and impuissant mood in which he was caught, the enervate mood of despondency and weakness unusual to a warrior and a hero. But then, at the same time, with his Kshatriya ...


... found in the personality of Sri Krishna who was at once a spiritual teacher, a heroic warrior, a great harmoniser, and skilful worker who could excel in the task of a charioteer in the field of Kurukshetra. If we consider the spiritual history of India and also its history of dynamic activities that built up great edifices of mathematics and natural sciences, medical sciences, numberless philosophies ...


... the battles of life in which we find ourselves all the time, but particularly, at critical moments. The setting in which the teaching of the Gita emerges is typical. The setting is that the Kurukshetra, the field of battle, which is also the battle of life, the battle that Page 158 we face in our life, visibly or invisibly, in our own times. Arjuna, the leading hero of the battle ...


... representative Man entangled in a crisis of action. Even today, when we read the Gita, we find that our own contemporary crisis is similar to the crisis that was faced by Arjuna in a setting of Kurukshetra, the field of battle, which is also the battle of life. And the solution that the Bahgavadgita presents can very well be applied to our own crisis. The contemporary field of crisis presents alternative ...


... That there was a sharp conflict between the Jnana Yoga and Karma Yoga at the time of the Mahabharata can be clearly seen in the colloquy between Arjuna and Sri Krishna in the battlefield of Kurukshetra. The Jnana Yoga as developed in Sankhya and the Karma Yoga which was to be found in what Sri Krishna refers to as yoga were in such a sharp state of conflict that Sri Krishna was required to dissolve ...


... had told me later that she had seemed to hear the words of Krishna : "Fight. Do not calculate. The results are in My hands." She had added : "This was the occasion when I realised the meaning of Kurukshetra and why the message of the Gita is even today as fresh as it was to Arjuna." She had then narrated at length her experience of one night. She had said : "That night I was very tired and even my will ...

... manifest and that is working constantly from .above, on the other. In this process of battle there are defeats and triumphs, and the journey of the soul can be described as a constant field of Kurukshetra, where each process of triumph marks an exceptional manifestation of the Infinite Consciousness in some exceptional degree of awakening and glory. These exceptional manifestations tend to become ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... Page 16 boy who is known as Sri Krishna? Who would not like to have that Time-Vision in which Arjuna saw Sri Krishna as the Supreme Lord in action in the battlefield of Kurukshetra? Like millions in India, we would like to be flooded by the oceanic wave of love that drowns us in the depths of the sweetness of Sri Krishna. This book is a short anthology meant for readers ...


... The Veda and Indian Culture Glimpses of Vedic Literature The Portals of Vedic Knowledge Stories for Youth in search of a Higher Life Arguments of Arjuna at Kurukshetra and Sri Krishna's Answer Education for Character Development Education for Tomorrow Education at Crossroads A National Agenda for Education Teachers' Training Programme ...


... Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers Sri Krishna's answer The answer that Sri Krishna gives can be received and understood only if one realizes that even at the summit of the ordinary mental level of consciousness, there is no solution to the problem of the kind that Arjuna was confronted with. The mental consciousness is limited and ...

... Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers Arjuna's argument Let us state the argument of Arjuna: "I do not see any good by slaying my own people in the fight. O Krishna! I do not long for victory, nor kingdom, nor pleasures. O Govinda! Of what use is kingdom to us, or enjoyments, or even life? Those for whose sake we desire to gain kingdom ...

... The Veda and Indian Culture Glimpses of Vedic Literature The Portals of Vedic Knowledge Stories for Youth in search of a Higher Life Arguments of Arjuna at Kurukshetra and Sri Krishna's Answer Education for Character Development Education for Tomorrow Education at Crossroads A National Agenda for Education Teachers 'Training Programme in the ...


... described itself as 'a weekly review of National Religion, Literature, Science, Philosophy etc.' The cover illustration was that of Sri Krishna and Arjuna seated in their chariot on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, and the two mottos on the top were 'Remember me and fight' and 'Yoga is skill in works.' Week after week Sri Aurobindo contributed articles of rare inspiration. The early issues also carried his ...


... shrink from bloodshed and violence in such circumstances is a weakness deserving as severe a rebuke as Sri Krishna addressed to Arjuna when he shrank from the colossal slaughter on the field of Kurukshetra.' I have given you only a bare outline of Sri Aurobindo's ideas and you will need to read the original writings so as to understand the comprehensiveness of his perceptions. But what gave the ...


... students at the Gargi College in Delhi, gathered intellectuals at the India International Centre in Delhi. I have felt the power of living the eternal message of the Bhagavad Gita on the battlefield in Kurukshetra. I have shared the devotion of the worshippers of the goddess at the Lakshmi temple in Madurai. Page 213 And everywhere, in every experience I have known India's unique, essential ...

... is eventually killed by the Trojans, but his re-entry into the field of battle assures their eventual victory, for so it has been foretold. Arjuna is part of the victorious army on the field of Kurukshetra. Krishna has assured him that he and his brothers are destined to win. Both of these personalities exhibit heroic qualities of the highest order. Besides physical skills and even great physical ...


... king of Mithila during the time of the Ramayana, was famous for combining the knowledge of the Brahman with doing works of the world. Arjuna was the famous companion of Sri Krishna in the battle of Kurukshetra. Ramo Shyama : Tom, Dick and Harry. × Occult power. ...

... hinder any work that the Divine Power under­takes. Submitted to the Shakti, the body and mind and intellect engage themselves in the work appointed by God. Even a terrible massacre like that of Kurukshetra cannot stain a soul with sin if it is sanctioned by God, if it occurs in the course of the fulfilment of one's own dharma (Inner Law), but only a few can attain to this knowledge and this ...

... one is looking into a deep pool or the tranquil blue sky. A mystic symbol like 'AUM', a dramatic symbol like the Lord himself driving Arjuna's chariot through the embattled hosts on the field of Kurukshetra, a religious symbol like the Cross, a hunting symbol like the Hound Page 270 of Heaven pursuing the frightened sinner, a dialectical symbol like Savitri vanquishing Yama ...


... having brought down heavenly knowledge upon earth. The Christ, God's own son and beloved, perished on the Cross. Krishna, the Avatara, was killed by a chance arrow; and Arjuna, the peerless hero of Kurukshetra, Krishna's favourite, had to see days when he could not even lift his own bow with which he once played havoc. And in our own days, a Ramakrishna, who could cure souls could not cure his own cancer ...

... one identifies oneself with the higher static consciousness one finds nothing to be done, all is realised—"the eternal play of the eternal child in the eternal garden". But when one lives in the Kurukshetra of forces, one cannot throw away one's Gandiva and say, "I will not fight". Page 96 ...

... nation. Even so, the nation which grew out of the fusion of clans and tribes has to outgrow itself; it has to live today, if she wishes to live, in and through the life of humanity as a whole. Kurukshetra is a turning-point in history. The battle was between an old order that had . to go and a new order that was taking birth. The old order was supported, on the one hand, by Bhishma and Drona, personating ...


... having brought down heavenly knowledge upon earth. The Christ, God's own son and beloved, perished on the Cross. Krishna, the Avatara, was killed by a chance arrow; and Arjuna, the peerless hero of Kurukshetra, Krishna's favourite, had to see days when he could not even lift his own bow with which he once played havoc. And in our own days, a Rama­krishna, who could cure souls could not cure his own cancer ...

... (Laughter) SRI AUROBINDO: Then that girl from Mathura who knew all the details of her past life was also Sarvajna. When Arjuna said to Krishna, "Will you tell me again all you told me about Kurukshetra etc.,etc.?" Krishna replied, "Good Lord, do I remember all that blessed lot now? At that time I was in Yoga." DR. MANILAL: But he was always in Yoga. SRI AUROBINDO: He didn't say that. He said ...


... Divine in all its panoply and plenitude is securely set going upon earth. Sri Aurobindo's Action! - "a decisive action direct from the Supreme"! At this time, in the inner theatre or Kurukshetra within every one of us: in India, this ancient consecrated land, ancient yet not a back-number, divided and weakened and apparently decadent, yet alive somehow and indeed holding the promise of the ...

... Savitri's avatar-role, 665 ff; Aswapathy's Yoga, 667 ff; the Vision and the Boon, 669-71; symbolic procession of the seasons, 670; the quest and the choice 671-72; interiorised Yoga, 673; occult Kurukshetra, 674ff; Sri Aurobindo on, 677ff; "overhead" and mantric touches, 680ff; divers planes of consciousness, 68 1ff; autobiographical nuances, 684; Mother as Savitri, 684, 691; Huta's paintings, 685ff; ...

... with surprise that instead of speaking about the Bible he was expressing the inner sense of the Gita’s verse — once in a while it even appeared as if the sublime and divine statements of Krishna at Kurukshetra were coming out of the same lotus lips of Vasudeva in the Alipore dock. Without reading the Gita to be able to realise in the Bible the spirit of equality, renunciation of the desire for fruit, to ...

... Parabrahma, Purushottama, the cosmic Deity, Master of the universe, Vasudeva who is all, the Immanent in the heart of all creatures, or the Godhead who was incarnate at Brindavan and Dwarka and Kurukshetra and who was the guide of my Yoga and with whom I realised identity?³ 25-2-1945 But what strange ideas again! – that I was born with a supramental temperament and that I know nothing of ...


... free being, at once individual, universal and transcendent, in the Divine, unfettered by the limitations of his individuality. 22.02.65 * * * Life in the world is, indeed, a Kurukshetra, a battle field where the forces of darkness are in constant war with the forces of Light. This is the perennial fight between the Gods and the Asuras, as described in the Veda. It is no use hiding ...

... Disciple : But saints are nearer to humanity; they are not like the Ishwar-Koti to whom no laws apply. Disciple : In this yoga one has to fight like Arjuna, in the battle of Kurukshetra, because it is a yoga of fight and battle. Sri Aurobindo : Not necessarily; it depends on the nature of the being. There are some people, for instance, who when they meet the hostile ...

... India: Mr. Morley is a victim to this biparita buddhi, as his predecessors were on the eve of the American Revolution, as Duryodhana and Dhritarashtra were on the eve of the battle of Kurukshetra, as Ravana was before the fall of the mighty Rakshasa kingdom, as the ancient tyrants or the French monarchs were before they made way for the emancipation of their section of humanity.... The ...

... might.... If Sri Krishna had not destroyed that might and established a kingdom of the Law of Truth ... India would have fallen untimely into the hands of barbarians. "We must remember that the Kurukshetra war occurred five thousand years ago. Only after two thousand five hundred years passed was the first successful attack by barbarians able to reach the other shore of the Indus river. Therefore the ...

... the only political units out of which a nation might have been built. But the clan too was so attached to its separate existence that it was not till the clans were destroyed on the battlefield of Kurukshetra that larger national units could be built out of their ruins. Small kingdoms took their place based on provincial or racial divisions and until Page 908 the inrush of foreign peoples ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... constant inner sacrifice. It is this supreme soul, Purushottama, transcendent of the universe, but also its containing spirit, inhabitant and possessor, even as it is mightily figured in the vision of Kurukshetra, into whom the liberated spirit has to enter once it has reached to the vision and knowledge of him in all the principles and powers of his existence, once it is able to grasp and enjoy his mul ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... effect a complete victory, end flatly in a compromise and in the act of compromise are defeated by life. Its problems remain and even recur in their fiercest forms—even such as this grim problem of Kurukshetra. The idealising intellect and ethical mind hope always to eliminate them, to discover some happy device born of their own aspiration and made effective by their own imperative insistence, which will ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... accept Krishna as the encourager of a violent war, desired to take him, as well as Arjuna and all the rest, as an allegory of a certain part of our psychological make-up and the entire battle of Kurukshetra as an allegorical event and not an historical episode.   I had asked Amal for tips on learning Sanskrit about which he said, "I am afraid I can proffer no advice on learning Sanskrit. Yes ...


... been the Painted Grey Ware - PGW for short - found at a large number of sites in the Gangetic Valley. Presently it is considered datable even close to c. 1500 B.C. at Bhagwan-pura in the Kurukshetra district of Haryana rather than to c. 800 B.C. as elsewhere before. The Bhagwanpura PGW material is mixed with Late Harappān remains, but the issue relating to this mixture we shall touch upon at ...


... question of "why evil, why suffering", a question bred into his genes as can be seen from his introduction to "Le Dieu de Dieu". Not since Krishna gave his instructions to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra has the message of the role of war and suffering been so illuminated as in Sri Aurobindo's writings. Here is what Archaka says, daring to probe what most writers avoid: "Henceforth, we must ...


... belongs to the set of the two Vedic-Upanishadic birds on the same tree, or of Nara and Narayana of the Puranas,. or of the later-day Aitihasic human Warrior and the divine Avatar on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. Everywhere the soul, instead of losing itself in the oversoul, gets enriched in a shining and superior oneness as the first basis for carrying out its role in the divinity of manifestation to enjoy ...


... Force — see Consciousness-Force the Gita —short form of Bhagavad Gita, "the Song of the Blessed Lord", being the spiritual teachings of Sri Krishna to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra; it occurs as an episode in the Mahabharata. Gnosis — a supreme totally self-aware and all-aware Intelligence; the Divine Gnosis is the Supermind. Gradations between Mind and Supermind ...


... Para-brahma, Purushottama, the cosmic Deity, master of the universe, Vasudeva who is all, the immanent in the heart of all creatures, or the Godhead who was incarnate at Brindavan and Dwarka and Kurukshetra and who was the guide of my Yoga and with whom I realised identity? All that is not to me something philosophical or mental but a matter of daily and hourly realisation and intimate to the stuff ...

... precious to me: the human in the Divine that made Krishna what He was to the grateful Pandavas — not only the Guru and pilot but the Friend and Sentinel as well who all but broke his pledge in the Kurukshetra and sprang out to slay Bhishma when he found his protege Arjuna's life in danger? A Muslim friend of mime recited once a Persian couplet which I translated in one of my bright moods of gratefulness ...


... Janaka or Vidura in India and even there would have been no Krishna or else Krishna would have been not the Lord of Brindavan and Mathura and Dwarka or a prince and warrior or the charioteer of Kurukshetra, but only one more great anchorite. The Indian scriptures and Indian tradition, in the Mahabharata and elsewhere, make room both for the spirituality of the renunciation of life and for the spiritual ...

... affined to the Aurobindonian Era of the Integral Yoga. One is Sri Krishna of the magic flute capturing the whole world's heart as well as Sri Krishna of the wide-visioned Gita in the war-chariot at Kurukshetra - Sri Krishna who revealed himself to Sri Aurobindo in the Alipore Jail and later secretly commanded him to leave British-ruled Calcutta first for French-ruled Chandernagore and then for Pondicherry ...


... in the other case to the accusation that he was hand-in-glove with Washington and Wall Street. But thousands of years before him Sri Krishna had led Arjuna's chariot, urged the mighty battle of Kurukshetra and called upon his beloved disciple to abandon all man-made Dharmas, take refuge in Him alone and fight with a high-stationed soul to bring about a New Age of history. In addition, Sri Krishna was ...

... neither stormed their predecessors out of the sites nor indeed did they have a hand in ousting in any way the earlier occupants. There was the discovery in 1976 that at Bhagwanpura in the Kurukshetra district of Haryana the people of Painted Grey Ware - supposed by some popularizers of history to be Aryan invaders - were the immediate successors of the Harappāns. But the discovery provides no ...


... D.D., 89fn., 125fn., 128 Kot Diji, 62, 63, 64, 101 Krishna, Sri, v Krumu, 14 Kshatriya, 89, 114 Kubhā, 14, 85 Kulitara, 110 Kurukshetra, 5, 98 Kushāņas, 87 Lal, B.B., 8, 49fn., 50, 101-2 Langdon, 73 Langhnaj, 22, 23 Linear B script, 49, 92 Lithuanian, 84, 91, 93 Lothal, 20, 24 ...


... ultimate purpose? What if the gentleman in question had to be given his chance as Duryodhan was given his chance when Krishna went to him as ambassador in a last effort to avoid the massacre of Kurukshetra? What rigid primitive notions are these about the Divine! And what about my explanation of how the Divine acts through the Avatar? 2 It seems all to have gone into water. By the way about ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... soul equally welcome since by their mingled strand are worked out the developing forms of the eternal good. He cannot be defeated, since all for him is moving towards the divine victory in the Kurukshetra of Nature, dharmakṣetre kurukṣetre , the field of doings which is the field Page 181 of the evolving Dharma, and every turn of the conflict has been designed and mapped by the foreseeing ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... our souls to raise themselves above appearances by an upward evolution until we know ourselves as the immortal Spirit. But how does it justify the action demanded of Arjuna and the slaughter of Kurukshetra? The answer is that this is the action required of Arjuna in the path he has to travel; it has come inevitably in the performance of the function demanded of him by his svadharma , his social ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... Arjuna may be awakened and attentive. For he is going to open his mind to the knowledge and sight of the integral Divinity and lead up to the vision of the eleventh book, by which the warrior of Kurukshetra becomes conscious of the author and upholder of his being and action and mission, the Godhead in man and the world, whom nothing in man and the world limits or binds, because all proceeds from him ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... minimum,—since action does not matter and inaction also is no object,—then the nature of the works also does not matter. Arjuna, once having attained knowledge, may continue to fight out the battle of Kurukshetra, following his old Kshatriya nature, or he may leave it and live the life of the Sannyasin, following his new quietistic impulse. Which of these things he does, becomes quite indifferent; or rather ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... least where is the call, the necessity, for the command to action, and what has all this to do with the maintenance of the cosmic existence, Page 444 lokasaṅgraha , the slaughter of Kurukshetra, the ways of the Spirit in Time, the vision of the million-bodied Lord and his high-voiced bidding, "Arise, slay the foe, enjoy a wealthy kingdom"? And what then is this soul in Nature? This spirit ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... no less than when to save & to succour. 499) The divine Friend of all creatures conceals His friendliness in the mask of an enemy till He has made us ready for the highest heavens; then, as in Kurukshetra, the terrible form of the Master of strife, suffering & destruction is withdrawn & the sweet face, the tender arm, the oft-clasped body of Krishna shine out on the shaken soul & purified eyes of ...


... reign, but meanwhile this is the first visage of universal existence and we have not to hide our face from it any more than could Arjuna from the terrible figure of the Divine on the battle-field of Kurukshetra, or attempt to escape and evade it as Shiva, when there rose around him the many stupendous forms of the original Energy, fled from the vision of it to this and that quarter, forgetful of his own ...


... the master race). That does not make the English or Americans nations of spotless angels nor the Germans a wicked and sinful race, but as an indicator it has a primary importance.... The Kurukshetra example is not to be taken as an exact parallel but rather as a traditional instance of the war between two world-forces in which the side favoured by the Divine triumphed, because the leaders made ...


... Sixteen Sympathy When is sorrow accompanied by sorrow? When one heart feels it and our heart feels it at the same time. Duryodhana, the famous warrior, fell on the plain of Kurukshetra and his friends were so full of grief that when he lay on the ground and died, all Nature seemed in disorder. Headless creatures with many arms and legs danced dreadful dances over the earth; in ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... English or Americans nations of spotless angels nor the Germans a wicked and sinful race, but as an indicator it has a primary importance. . . .     The Kurukshetra example is not to be taken as an exact parallel but rather as a traditional instance of the war between two world-forces in which the side favoured by the Divine triumphed, because the leaders made ...

... Aphorism - 500, 501, 502, 503 500—The divine Friend of all creatures conceals His friendliness in the mask of an enemy till He has made us ready for the highest heavens; then, as in Kurukshetra, the terrible form of the Master of strife, suffering and destruction is withdrawn and the sweet face, the tenderness, the oft-clasped body of Krishna shine out on the shaken soul and purified eyes ...


... life to any ceremony, whatever it may be, and yet do not depend on it. 6 February 1962 Sweet Mother, Sri Aurobindo says that five thousand years have passed since the great battle of Kurukshetra was fought. But the benign influence of Sri Krishna's political genius Page 269 ended only yesterday with Rani Lakshmibai. 6 After that, to protect India and the world anew, there ...


... therefore called Prithūdaka or Prithu's pool, from daka or udaka water; and the city which he afterwards built on the spot was called by the same name. The shrine of Prithūdaka has a place in the Kurukshetra Mahātmya, and is still visited." S. Majumdar 1 adds by way of annotation on Prithūdaka: "Referred to in the Kāvyamīmāmsā (p. 93) as the boundary between Northern and Central India." Jaya Chandra ...


... 1, 217, 494, 499, 508-9, 531, 535, 599, 600; Kumāragupta II, 494; Kumāragupta III, 494 Kumbha Sātakarni, 474 Kunala, 289, 349 Kuntala (Sātakarni), 474, 568, 571, 576 Kurukshetra Māhātmya, 85 Kurus, 209 Kurumbas, 274 Kushāna, Kushānas, 22, 23, 56, 424, 427, 432, 439, 444, 445, 447, 448-9, 453, 520, 600, 602, 603 Kusthalapuraka-Dhananjaya, 203 Kuvalayamāla ...


... and the symbolism. And why does Griffiths sidetrack to the Brinda-van-context the phrases quoted from Chapter XVIII. 65 of the Bhagavad Gita and declared to have been spoken on the battlefield of Kurukshetra: "Give me thy mind and give me thy heart and thy sacrifice and thy adoration. This is my word of promise: thou shalt in truth come to me, for thou art dear to me"? R. C. Zachner, a convert to Catholicism ...


... avatar-hood, so to speak, which acts according to a spiritual and mystical truth within and which can even appear at times to be violent and ruthless, just as Sri Krishna appeared on the battlefield of Kurukshetra where humanity stood divided into an army of the Divine and an army of the Diabolic. Further, the Indian genius is not democratic in the superficial modern manner. The whole world is indeed to be ...

... poetry and the symbolism. And why does Griffiths sidetrack to the Brindavan-context the phrase quoted from Chapter XVIII.65 of the Bhagavad Gita and declared to have been spoken on the battlefield of Kurukshetra: "Give me thy mind and give me thy heart and thy sacrifice and thy adoration. This is my word of promise: thou shalt in truth come to me, for thou art dear to me"? R. C. Zaehner, 26 a convert to ...

... that honorific as a special mark of spiritual status: we speak of Sri Rama and Sri Krishna but not of Sri Dasaratha (Rama's father) or Sri Arjuna (Krishna's close companion in the Battle of Kurukshetra) - or even, for that matter, of Sri Asoka though the Buddhist emperor happened to be a highly religious figure. And, most of all, we must remember that "Sri" was adopted by our Master himself ...

... for man can abuse his freedom to become an Asura and wreck himself too thereby. Man can regress to a cannibal, Bhima drinking Duhsasana's blood. Man may commit race-suicide, as nearly happened in Kurukshetra where only nine men survived out of 18 vast armies. I am afraid Aurobindo's inflated rhetoric does not see the terror and the tears at the heart of things. I must confess your casual rating of Vyasa ...


... plan by the Supreme Being to hint to Sri Aurobindo in advance at what was to happen. It is as if Sri Krishna played secretly in modern Calcutta a variant on his great declaration to Arjuna at Kurukshetra in remote antiquity: "The Kauravas have already been slain by me in my mind. Be you only my instrument to slay them now." In our context we may imagine Arjuna's Charioteer (called "Parthasarathy" ...


... the image of the two brothers, Rama and Laksman, bows resting on their shoulders, quivers on their backs, walking through the forests? Who does not shudder when he recalls the mighty Arjuna at Kurukshetra, facing the army of Dhritarastra, and so overcome by grief that he abandons his bow and arrows? Having said so Arjuna with his mind overwhelmed with agony threw away his bow together ...

... Kanwa, 247 Keats, 120, 194 Kepler, 301, 308 Khilafat, 51 Kierkegaard, 362, 375-6 Koran, the, 70 Korea, 209 Kosala,91 Kurukshetra, 80,81 LAERTES, 188 Lamarck, 254 Lao-tse, 242 Laplace, 225, 312, 319, 388 League of Nations, 78, 80, 85 Leibnitz, 327 Lenin, 125 ...

... na ś yati). Did not Arjuna on the battle- 1 R. L. Stevenson, A Child's Garden of Verses (quoted by Ian Ramsay in Prospect for Metaphysics). Page 3 field of Kurukshetra get overwhelmed with his vision of Time the Destroyer and cry out in awe and wonder: "O Form universal, enormous are thy burning eyes; thy mouths gape to devour, terrible with many tusks ...

... found in the personality of Sri Krishna who was at once a spiritual teacher, a heroic warrior, a great harmoniser, and skilful worker, who could excel in the task of a charioteer in the field of Kurukshetra. If we consider the spiritual history of India and also its history of dynamic activities that built up great edifices of mathematics and natural sciences, medical sciences, numberless philosophies ...

... Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers Gita's Karma Yoga: The secret of Karma Yoga lies in the right dealing with the relationship between desire and action, and in eliminating from the psychological complex by pursuing a sustained method the operation of desire so that one can discover the real origin of all dynamism of action in ...

... Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers Significance of the Gita as a Synthesis of Yoga The supreme significance of the Gita lies in the fact that in no text of yoga Shasta or the science of yoga do we find such a perfect system of karma yoga known to man in the past, and that it is the greatest gospel of spiritual works ever yet given ...

... Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers Relationship between Knowledge, Action and Devotion At the root of the synthesis of the yoga of the Gita is a clear and indispensable relationship that exists between cognition, conation and affection. Knowledge, which is the fruit of cognition is always superior to mere action, since knowledge aims ...

... Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers Introduction The Age of the Vedas and the principal Upanishads was the Age of Intuition, but this Age was followed by the Age of Reason. Inspired texts of the Veda and the Upanishads made room for metaphysical philosophy, even as afterwards metaphysical philosophy had to give place to experimental ...

... emerge from anger and hatred. A physician uses his knife for destruction of a disease, but in the motive there is no anger, or hatred. Destruction advocated by Sri Krishna in the battlefield of Kurukshetra was to be carried out in consciousness of non-attachment and not in that of anger or hatred. As this mater is very important, it will be useful to point out that while Mahatma Gandhi looked ...

... Teacher and Teacher Education •Landmarks of Hinduism •The Veda and Indian Culture •Glimpses of Vedic Literature •Stories for Youth in search of a Higher Life •Arjuna's Argument at Kurukshetra and Sri Krishna's Answers •Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays •A Philosophy of Education for the Contemporary Youth •A Philosophy of the Role of the Contemporary Teacher ...

... Teacher Education •Landmarks of Hinduism •The Veda and Indian Culture •Glimpses of Vedic Literature •Stories for Youth in search of a Higher Life •Arjuna's Argument at Kurukshetra and Sri Krishna's Answers •Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays •A Philosophy of Education for the Contemporary Youth •A Philosophy of the Role of the Contemporary ...


... that Arjuna to whom the teaching is addressed is a representative man, and the problem that he faced arose at a certain height of ethical concern in the midst of an actual and symbolic battlefield (Kurukshetra which is also dharmakshetra). He had come to the battlefield motivated by the ideal of a fight for justice. But as he gazed at the armies and looked in the face of the myriads of the champions of ...


... master race). That does not make the English or Americans nations of spotless angels nor the Germans a wicked and sinful race, but as an indicator it has a primary importance. . . . The Kurukshetra example is not to be taken as an exact parallel but rather as a traditional instance of the war between two world-forces in which the side favoured by the Divine triumphed, because the leaders made ...

... Page 65 accept it as such, - that the collective life of man will attain its fulfilment. We have often stated that the outstanding feature of the modern world is that it has become a Kurukshetra of Gods and Titans. It is no doubt an eternal truth of creation, this conflict between the divine and the anti-divine, and it has been going on in the heart of humanity since its advent upon earth ...

... armour,—if we choose to accept it as such,—that the collective life of man will attain its fulfilment. We have often stated that the outstanding feature of the modern world is that it has become a Kurukshetra of Gods and Titans. It is no doubt an eternal truth of creation, this conflict between the divine and the anti-divine, and it has been going on in the heart of humanity since its advent upon earth ...

... 46, 98 Jung, 134-5, 139, 147 Jupiter, 25 KALI, 383 Kalidasa,210 Kant, 137, 139, 389 Kanwa, Rishi, 151 Kinnara, 47 Krishna, 9, 58, 76, 82, 93, 101, 105, 112, 116, 161,317 Kurukshetra, 66, 109, 116 LAo- TSE, 134 Laplace, 370 Lazarus, 200 Lenin, 142 Louis XIV, 209, 320, 418 Lucifer, 46, 81 MADAGASCAR, 323-4 Macbeth, 93 McDougall, 57 Mahakali ...

... one identifies oneself with the higher static consciousness one finds nothing to be done, all is realised –"the eternal play of the eternal child in the eternal garden".¹ But when one lives in the Kurukshetra of forces, one cannot throwaway one's Gandiva and say, "I will not fight”. ¹Sri Aurobindo: Thoughts and Glimpses Page 109 ...

... foremost into the hidden bottom of the ocean. You understand the Flute, you understand Vrindavan, You have not understood the killing of Kamsa, you have not understood the war of Kurukshetra. You are a perfect Vaishnava, you chant hymns to Buddha. But Vishnu and Rudra are one body, they are only different limbs ― Have you forgotten it? Have you forgotten that the very fount ...

... Kauravas. But even after seeing Him with his own eyes he refused to accept Him. Contemptuously he dismissed it as merely illusion or magic. Page 34 Moreover, just before the battle of Kurukshetra, Dhritarashtra, Sanjay and all the rest requested and implored him to accept Sri Krishna and take refuge in His Grace. Disaster would follow if he didn't. But like one who is morally degenerate ...

... amrta. Love and Ananda are the last word of being, the secret of secrets, the mystery of mysteries. 15 God is the invoked charioteer guiding the Karmayogin through the embattled field of Kurukshetra: God is the transcendent experience of Sachchidananda: and God is the beloved Lord and Lover who responds utterly to the heart's longing for delight. And it is the same God too! III ...

... terrified and the phantoms in full flight will scatter disbanding with their incense sticks and their title deeds, faced with the smile of the new world. And we will rejoice. This is the true Kurukshetra 82 of the world: we must be on the side of those who pull her out of there, not of those who want to shut her up forever under a centenary and two centenaries, and their thousands of centenaries ...

... But verily do thy deeds in this world and wish to live thy hundred years...." It is an error to think that the heights of religion are above the struggles of this world.... The Charioteer of Kurukshetra driving the car of Arjuna over that field of ruin is the image and description of Karmayoga; for the body is the chariot and the senses are the horses of the driving and it is through the bloodstained ...

... and say that Sri Aurobindo is not a religion — not a single voice. So it is the "foreigners" who fight for Sri Aurobindo and for the soul of sleeping India. Auroville may well be the last Kurukshetra. 42 Yes, Mother had seen the cruel and merciless religion which would try to settle on the world in the name of Sri Aurobindo — a false Agenda and a false Auroville. The Ashram and the ...

... Lehmann, "as news of a great victory". Didn't the Gita itself owe its origin to the frightening spectacle of the rival armies - the Kaurava and the Pandava - glaring at each other on the field of Kurukshetra? The Word of the Arya , charged as it was with the infinite power of the spirit, was indeed the fittest answer to the unleashing of the Asuric forces of the War. The boil of the accumulated poisons ...


... of right and beauty". All life is a journey and a struggle, an itinerary of ups and downs, a prospective of perils and possibilities; and the struggle and mastery within have to precede the outer Kurukshetra with its trying vicissitudes. But this only means that all life should be viewed as the theatre of Yoga, the occasion for right aspiration, integral and intense effort, and splendorous realisation ...


... On The Mother CHAPTER 41 New Horizons I For Sri Aurobindo and the Mother alike, the earth was a theatre of conflict, a veritable Kurukshetra, between the Asuric and the Divine forces; it was also a field of unfolding possibilities. On the one hand, the supramental change was decreed and inevitable, and Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had direct evidence ...
