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Lais Lais : Sicilian courtesan, taken to Corinth in the Athenian expedition to Sicily.
... Kabir and Chandidas are somewhat in the same category, though with a difference of tone and temper. They are indeed, as Mr. Lai says, exquisite and they are authentically spiritual, but again more intense than immense and the masterful mantric expression is not theirs. If Mr. Lai responds to St. John of the Cross and to these two Indian singers he is not without any spiritual sympathy; still, he cannot... preposterous Mr. Lai. If poets like him tried to write in Sri Aurobindo's vein without any of the Aurobindonian discipline of consciousness and mystical drive of the inner being, they might very well turn out in verse a painted anaemia of pseudo-spirituality. Spiritual poetry cannot be written on the cheap, but that does not mean that what Sri Aurobindo writes answers to Mr. Lai's designation of... from identity... [p. 301] Page 129 All this is pure spiritual vision which seems to have made little impression on Mr. Lai during his reading of Savitri. But Savitri is spiritual philosophy as well as spiritual vision, and Mr. Lai is equally at sea with poetry that fuses the philosophical concept with mystic symbolism and revelation. Else how could he miss the concreteness ...
... Down Memory Lane Dilip Kumar Roy I had heard of Dilip Kumar Roy, son of Dwijendra Lai Roy, a reputed literary figure of Bengal. Dilip Kumar, himself a musician of fame, was a literary talent as well. I enjoyed listening to his music available through the HMV records. But when I heard him singing in person, it was an experience of a still higher order, more vibrant ...
... Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 Diction of Savitri In his introduction to Modern Indo-Anglian Poetry, P. Lai announces the adherence of the Unofficial Poets Workshop to certain basic "principles of language, method and intention." His statement raises a number of issues. I shall only deal here with one or two of them that refer to style and diction. For... statement implies. Nevertheless, I think that the verdict of "ridicule" may be passed only after examining the context in which such a phrase occurs. I look up a poem in the very anthology that P. Lai has edited and read on page 30 "wondrous subtlety", "rising sun", "taunting moon", "calm translucence", "wheeling planet" and "mutual flame", used in the course of 11 lines. But I should like to examine... before condemning them roundly. Double adjectives are not a rare phenomenon and inversion is a poetic device not infrequently patronised even by so sophisticated a poet as Dylan Thomas. P. Lai goes on to say: "We claim that the phase of Indo-Anglian romanticism ended with Sarojini Naidu: 'I bring for you aglint with dew a little lovely dream.' Now, waking up, we must more and more aim at ...
... (Paper read at the 26th International Congress of Orientalists, Paris, 16-22 July), p. 8. 5.Mackay, op. cit., PI. CXXVI, and M.S. Vats, Excavations at Harappā (Delhi, 1941), PI. CXXIII. 6.Lai. op. cit., p.8 7.J.P. Joshi, op. cit., PI. VII facing p. 121. 8.Sankalia, op. cit., p. 363, Fig. 95. 9."The Indus Valley Civilization", The Vedic Age, p. 189. 10.P.E. Cleator... scholars who have tried to read Proto-Dravidian in the Indus script but, like everyone else attempting decipherment so far, unsuccessfully, as may be gathered from the penetrating criticisms of B.B. Lai and other savants, who have basically invalidated their linguistic assumptions, arguments and methods. 15 They bring into prominence Seal No. 3357 where a man's figure is 12. Ibid., p. 156. ... Asko Parpola, Seppo Koskenniemi, Simo Parpola, Pentti Aalto, (The Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies, Special Publication No. 1, Copenhagen, 1969), p. 24. For the penetrating criticisms see Lai's article "Indus Script: Inconsistencies in Claims of Decipherment", The Hindusthan Times., New Delhi, April 6,1969, p. 14, and the articles of Romila Thapar and P.B. Pandit in the same newspaper ...
... of mystical insight bringing up image on strange yet apt image of some hidden Heart of Hearts which in its many-toned unity carries all experience transfigured into bliss", 196 another critic, P. Lai, has singled out this very canto for particular denigration. After giving two extracts which describe the region of the World-Soul, the critic loftily comments as follows: Reading this passage... and since the subject is 'The World-Soul', earth's perfect antidote, there the "intimacy of God" is everywhere, one treads on soul-ground, one rises in soul-space, and one experiences soul-joy. But Lai, our critic, is allergic to the soul; he sees nothing, there is nothing for him to hang on to! This is but the expression of the Lilliputian point of view, and leaves the white radiance of Savitri ...
... and 'element' turns into 'elephant'." Page 230 .. .The best critic of any attempt at deciphering the Indus script is B.B. Lai. If he is satisfied, something genuine can be said to have been achieved. Mahadevan hasn't come unscathed from Lai's pen. Perhaps the most attractive reading of the script is the recent one by Walter Fairservis Jr. apropos of excavations at Allahdino. I have... providing an incisive critique of B.B. Lai's paper on "The Indo-Aryan Hypothesis vis-a-vis Indian Archaeology" Amal clarifies some of my misconceptions regarding Sri Aurobindo at considerable length, providing a brilliant summary of the change from Vedic spiritual insight to Upanishadic philosophy and ends with a typically humorous quip: C'est tout about Lai just now. Let me deal with your postcard... that his The Problem of Aryan Origins would be a nightmare of typographical howlers that Calcutta was notorious for, Amal replied with his characteristic humour while expressing his respect for B.B. Lai's judgement: My Calcutta book will not be marred by printer's devils. I have gone through the proof very carefully two or three times. I agree that our Indian products are quite a nightmare. ...
... Vol. IV. Kosambi, D.D., The Culture and Civilization of Ancient India (London, 1965). article in Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society XXVI (1950). Lai, B.B., Has the Indus Script been deciphered? An assessment of the two latest claims (Paper read at the 26th International Congress of Orientalists, Paris, 16-22 July, 1973). The Indo-Aryan... Sriramadesikan, S.N., "Linguistic Research", in The Hindu (Madras) (Aug. 17, 1975). Srivastava, K.M., "The Myth of Aryan Invasion", in Frontiers of Indus Civilization, ed. B.B. Lai and S.P. Gupta (Books & Books, New Delhi, 1984). Thieme, Paul, "The 'Aryan' Gods of the Mitanni Treaties", in Journal of the American Oriental Society Vol. 80, no. 4 (Oct.-Dec. 1960) ...
... sleeping, the police charged up the stairs, revolver in hand, and arrested him. He was taken to the police station along with two others, Abinash and Sailen, and allowed to have a bath and lunch. Thence to Lai Bazar, where the accused were in lock-up for about three days, and kept on a starvation diet; no bath, just a wash, no change of clothes either. After this the prisoners, now swelled in number, ...
... : PROFESSOR D.N. PANIGRAHI DR.J.D. SHARMA DR. S. K. MOHAPATRA * * * Page 724 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS 1 Agarwal, Promila Darbari Lai DAV Model School Shalimar Bagh, Delhi 2 Aggarwal, T. R. Kulachi Hansraj Model School New Delhi 3 Ambasht, N. K. Chairman, National Open School B-31B Kailash Colony... Ranjan K. L-14 Kailash Colony New Delhi -110048 61.Goel, D.P. St. Margaret Sr. Sec. School D-Block, Parshant Vihar Rohini, Delhi 62.Goel, Veena Darbari Lai DAV Model School Shalimar Bagh, Delhi 63.Goela, Usha 151 DDA SFS, Hauz Khas New Delhi -110016 64.Goswami, Indu 67 Vaishali Pitampura, Delhi -110034 65.Goswami... Coordinator, Value Eduacation Ramakrishana Mission Ashram Pahar Ganj New Delhi -110055 113.Kumar, Sushil Principal, Maulana Azad Medical College New Delhi-110002 114.Lai Mohan Honorary Advisor DAV College Managing Committee Chitragupta Marg, Pahar Ganj New Delhi-110055 115.Lehri, G.K Dean (Academic) NCERT Sri Aurobindo Marg ...
... best. It was here in Vedapuri that WS Iyer, Subramania Bharati 1 On I s ' July 1909, Sir Curzon Willie, an ADC for the Secretary of State for India, was shot dead in London by Madan Lai Dhingra (who was subsequently hanged). Page 214 and Sri Aurobindo produced their best works. Sri Aurobindo? We shall be coming to him. But before that we would like to look ...
... firing squad! I was in fact getting myself ready for that. But things turned out rather differently. The British Government could not be so heartless after all. We were taken to the lock-up at the Lai Bazar police station. There, they kept us for nearly two days and nights. This was perhaps the most trying time of all. We had no bath, no food, not even a wink of sleep. The whole lot of us were herded ...
... like Brockington of Edinburgh University have laid a special emphasis on the pre-eminently ethical aspect of Rāma's conduct. Cf. Prof. J.L. Brockington's The Relevance of the Ramayana, 3rd Surendra Lai Kundu-Sarojini Kundu Memorial lecture, delivered at Calcutta on 18th December 1993. "Rama's moral grandeur", says Brockington, "comes from his willing submission to the apparently arbitrary requirement ...
... Mahabharata . You have mentioned Dr. Kanaiyalal Munshi as "calling the Ramayana a great literary work while expressing no opinion about the Mahabharata ". When the archaeologist B.B. Lai excavated the various sites listed in the Mahabharata and, finding there the ceramic known as Painted Grey Ware, dated the sites to about 850 B.C. in accordance with the Indologist Pargiter's chronology ...
... 98-100 Pre-Harappān, Proto-Harappān, Semi-Harappān, Harappān 101 Wheeler's warning against an excessive Aryan "preoccupation" 101 Archaeologist Lai's denial that the "massacre" skeletons at Mohenjo-dāro all belong to one and the same latest level of occupation 101 Physical anthropologist Kennedy's information that the skeletons ...
... in the integration, essentiality and unity. XI There is also a need to provide to the students the possibility of an adequate equipment to "read" the Book of Nature, of which Jawahar Lai Nehru spoke. For it is the ability to read Page 51 the Book of Nature that facilitates the exercise of the faculties of the total being by means of the concrete urge of experience. This ...
... Civilization", A Cultural History of India, edited by A.L. Basham (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1975), p. 19. Page 101 Kennedy, 'Trauma and Disease in the Ancient Harappāns", as summed up by Lai in the 1986 publication Frontiers of the Indus Civilization 18 informs us that as a result of his examination of these skeletons in detail he has come to the conclusion that the persons concerned ...
... 1958). Laureate of Peace : on the Genius of Alexander Pope (Roudedge, London, 1954). Kurtz, Benjamin P. The Pursuit of Death (Oxford University Press, London, 1933). Lai, P. & K. Raghavendra RAO. Modern Indo-Anglian Poetry (Kavita, Delhi, 1959). Langley, G .H. Sri Aurobindo: Indian Poet, Philosopher and Mystic (David Marlowe, London, 1949) ...
... Aurobindo: Excuse me. M-lal and Company are not running away from the Sm. Tail - they are only running after the paternal tail - as soon as they have stroked it sufficiently, they will return. All the Lais have gone like Japhet in search of their fathers and will return in June... Two others asked for filial leave - one is perhaps still thinking of running after P.T. But we are beginning to kick. One ...
... keen to learn the secret of facing the severest challenge of life. Bibliography Sri Aurobindo. Essays on the Gita. Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library, vol. 13. Pondicherry, 1971. Lai, P. The Mahabharata of Vyasa. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1980. Mukherjee, Radha Kumud. Ancient Indian Education. London: Macmillan, 1951. Rajagopalachari, C. Mahabharata. New Delhi; The ...
... candidacy viable. However, it is a candidacy only, since the archaeological work in this important region is only just coming into its own in Dani's capable hands. "The literary evidence, as B.B. Lai among others has shown, is there. The Rig-veda, the earliest account, tells of the coming of new people to the north-west; the Mahabharata stories record the movement to the middle Ganges Valley; the ...
... Archaeology Today * Postscript in 1989. There is also a terracotta figurine from a late though not surface level at Mohenjo-dāro which Mackay and Pusalker have taken to be of a horse. B.B. Lai considers the head to be a dog's. But Wheeler, who would be the last to see any Aryan trait at Mohenjo-dāro, says that the figurine "seems to represent a horse" (The Indus Civilization, 6 ...
... 238). A bull-throat bellowed with its brazen tongue... (p.245). Neighbouring proud palaces of perverted Power... (p.240). 196. The Adventure of the Apocalypse, 197. P. Lai, Introduction to Modern Indo-Anglian Poetry, pp. ii-iii. 198 The Common Reader, I Series, pp. 225-7. 199. ibid.,p.901. 200. Mother India, September 1956, p. 4. ... Existentialism, Ti. by E.M. Cocks,pp. 49-50. 171. T.S. Eliot, Burnt Norton. 172. Savitri, p. 835 . 173. See A Heifer of the Dawn, pp. 19-21. 174. P. Lai, Introduction to Modern Indo-Anglian Poetry, pp. ii-iii. 175. Quoted in Purani, Savitri: An Approach and a Study, p. 2. 176. Savitri, p. 323. 177. ibid.,p.892. ...
... is impossible."¹ The second point to which the attention of the reader may be drawn is the possibility of Chinese aggression about which he wrote in 1949 when, probably, the visit of Chou-En- lai and the Panchashila declaration made almost everyone feel that a new era of co-operation had dawned between India and China after practical isolation of fifteen hundred years. He wrote : " In ...
... were a proverb for their vileness of morals. Many of them, no doubt, as will inevitably happen when the restraints of society are not recognized, led loose, immoral & sensual lives; in such a class Lais & Phryne must be as common as Aspasia. Nevertheless the higher & intellectual element seems to have prevailed; those who arrogated freedom in their sexual relations but were not prostitutes, are admirably ...
... played in the Bangladesh war in 1971. He said that if the syllabus presented by Kireet Joshi could be introduced in our schools, the country would become one of the greatest in the world. Sir M.M. Lai said that while the Workshop spoke of higher aims of education, we have to realise that our country has 40 % of its population illiterate. He said that while one India lives in towns and metropolitan ...
... dharma's loss of existence. We have to remember also Krishna's persuasion of Yudhisthira: "You have to deceive Drona for the sake of saving your army, a vast multitude of men." 1 am amazed at Prof. P. Lai thinking "Arjuna was quite right not to want to slay the heroes of both sides, to see all his family wiped out in a war." First of all, Arjuna was asked to fight the Kauravas, the heroes ranged against... good translator as a rule but to do justice to spiritual writings one has to catch their inner afflatus and empathise with their supra-intellectual vision. You have referred to Mahatma Gandhi in the Lai-context. His doctrine of Non-violence is a commendable one, but in certain circumstances it has no validity. Thus Gandhi, during the Battle for Britain when the Luftwaffe was pounding the country and ...
... Kuhn, I., 406 Kulitara, 331 Kulliware, 251, 252 kurgan 322, 324, 325 Kurgan hypothesis, 276 Kuru, 239 Kutlug-Tepe, 306 Lai, B.B., 171 fn., 199, 213, 216, 224, 225, 239, 244 Lamberg-Karlovsky, C.C., 226 language/languages (see also individual languages and language groups), 159-60, 214, 215, 243-4, 273 ...
... "understands poetry in general, he has little sense of the precise—or rather of the associative magic of the words themselves." 89 Here we have another comment, from P. Lai as quoted by V. K. Gokak. 90 P. Lai considered that Indo-Anglian romanticism ended with Sarojini Niadu. "Now, waking up we must more and more aim at a realistic poetry reflecting, poetically and pleasingly, the din ...
... discern enough in his demeanour to conclude that he could be stern and imperious when required.' A notable visitor in January 1924 was Dilip Kumar Roy. Son of the famous poet and dramatist, Dwijendra Lai Roy, Dilip had already made a name for himself as a singer, and with his many talents he could have had a glittering career, but there was a restless urge in him which drew him to the spiritual path ...
... reading and, instead of being in a hurry to pass judgment, open himself more sensitively, more discerningly, to the Aurobindonian inspiration? Page 412 II (a)* Mr. P. Lai has issued "A Testament for our Poets". He has some pointed and pertinent things to say, but he spoils their effect by falling foul rather violently of one about whom Francis Watson, in a recent broadcast ...
... 603 Kusthalapuraka-Dhananjaya, 203 Kuvalayamāla, 276 Laghman (Lampāka), 235 Laghman inscription, 349-56 Lakshan ā vallī, 20 Lakshmi, 439-40 Lakshminarayan Rao, N., 27 Lai, B. B., iv Lambodara (Lamoboara), 478 Lampāka (Laghman, Lamghan, Laiighan), 235, 456, 599 Lanka, 383, 421 Larike, 480 Lassen, 361 Lauhitya, 544 Law, B.C., 92, 255, 480 ...
... the inconsistency Parpola has committed. Horse-evidence from both outside and inside the Indus Valley Richard Meadow seems to have overshot the mark in the matter of equine evidence. Lai, though unwilling to believe that the Harappa Culture knew the horse, was not so dogmatic. He 29 refers to an area outside the Punjab as being "known for having had its own indigenous variety of the... general phrase - "at so early a date" - occurs in relation to Kalibangan. This would suggest a substantial antiquity on a par with that of those two sites. Bharadwaj 38 supplies a chronological table. Lai gives the span of Harappan Kalibangan as 2200-1700 B.C., while Thapar's figure is 2300-1750 B.C. George F. Dales 39 corrects the former to 2700-1900 and the latter to 2850-1950 B.C. E.K. Ralph, H.N... Page 224 ponder a fact pointed out by Shashi Asthana 41 in connection with Kalibangan: ... the so-called 'citadels' at Indus cities were taken to be the seats of government but B.B. Lai (1981) has now conclusively proved that at least at Kalibangan it was not at all so; it was possibly the place where collective religious ceremonies were held around the 'fire altars'. In other words ...
... versatile Satyajit Ray (1921), the world-renowned film-maker, is his grandson. The members of this illustrious family have greatly contributed to the Bengali literary and cultural life. -Dwijendra Lai Roy (1863-1913), a magistrate who used his pen to write historical dramas and satirical songs. His son Dilip Kumar Roy (1897-1980) was a novelist and a renowned musician. Warm, refined and a gentleman ...
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