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Lloyd George : David (1863-1945), 1st Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor, British prime minister (1916-22), who dominated the British political scene in the latter part of World War I & in the post-war period & laid the foundations for the modern welfare state. Having a long parliamentary career (1890-1922), he resigned from political life in 1922 during the English-Turkish crisis & thenceforth suffered criticism from both the Liberals & the Conservatives.

31 result/s found for Lloyd George

... relevant to be known, even if trivial. ‘You don’t expect her mind to be a factual encyclopaedia of all that is happening on all the planes and in all the universes? Or even on this earth, e.g. what Lloyd George 93 had for dinner yesterday?’ asked Sri Aurobindo. ‘Questions of consciousness, of course, she always knows even with her outmost physical mind. Material facts she can know but is not bound to... literally and their acts seriously, what was of humorous intent could have had wrong consequences. × Lloyd George was a prominent British statesman at the time. × If on this subject there are more comments from ...

... discontent. The Conservatives have to become dissatisfied with Chamberlain before they change him. The question is: whom will they put in his place? Among Labour and the Liberals there is no one except Lloyd George, but he is too old. Among the Conservatives, all except Churchill and Hore-Belisha are imbecile. SATYENDRA: Chamberlain won't easily give up. SRI AUROBINDO: No, he will stick on with his hands... would be ludicrous to carry inkpot and pen wherever he went. Besides, it would be so inconvenient as he writes whenever he gets time—and he writes with both hands. EVENING The radio said that Lloyd George had severely condemned Chamberlain. SRI AUROBINDO (opening the talk): So L.G. has hit Chamberlain on the head? He says he is both inefficient and ineffective. SATYENDRA: There will be a lively ...


... persecuted than we are in Bengal. Weakness of any kind does not pay in dealing with the Briton. The English Revolution The note of revolution which was struck with resounding force by Mr. Lloyd George and Mr. Winston Churchill in the quarrel with the Lords, is now ringing louder in England and has been Page 343 taken up in soberer but not less emphatic tones by Mr. Asquith and Sir... Sir Edward Grey. There can be no doubt that there was dissension in the Cabinet over the Budget and that the con-cessions made by the Government in the process of passing it were forced upon Mr. Lloyd George and certainly not to the taste of that fiery and uncompromising Celt. But the reactionary attempt of the House of Lords to control finance, has evidently closed up the ranks by driving the Moderates ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... could not fathom and which had to be clarified by Sri Aurobindo. Question: ‘In what sense is the Mother everywhere? Does she know all happenings in the physical plane?’ His answer: ‘Including what Lloyd George 93 had for breakfast today or what Roosevelt 94 said to his wife about the servants? Why should the Mother “know” in the human way all happenings in the physical plane? Her business in her... answers only when for some reason Sri Aurobindo temporarily had to stop corresponding. × David Lloyd George (1863-1945), prominent British politician, prime minister from 1916 to 1922. × Franklin Delano ...


... great drawback. "Not at all," said the actor, "you must now sell him wholesale." "Wholesale!" exclaimed the other, "How so?" "Because you cannot re-tail him." 11 (6) From Lloyd George: Lloyd George had the Celtic quickness of dual perception which is essential to wit. On one occasion when he was talking about Home Rule and saying that he wanted to see it not only for Ireland, but ...

... they have committed big mistakes. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, everybody makes mistakes except him. Who doesn't make mistakes? Gandhi has also admitted that he has made "Himalayan blunders". PURANI: Lloyd George is asking the Government to state its war aims and peace terms. How can one do that now? DR. MANILAL: And he refers to his own Government in 1917. PURANI: Yes, but that was when they were... a Yogi? Everybody knows he is not. He is only an interpreter. DR. MANILAL: He could be both. Sir? SRI AUROBINDO: He is not! What do you mean by could be? Anybody could be, you could be, Lloyd George could be. (Laughter) PURANI: A Ceylonese young man, a Buddhist has come to see the Ashram. He says Buddha didn't teach that the world was full of evil. SRI AUROBINDO: Oh! PURANI: But ...


... (consciously) টলস্টয়ের মত Resist no evil ইতি মহাবাক্যের শ্রদ্ধায় দুঃখদারিদ্র্য মহৎ করেনি ৷ “ভারতের অধ্যাত্মবিজ্ঞান ভূয়া মাত্র ৷ ইহা জীবনেতে পূর্ণমাত্রায় গঠন করিয়া তুলিতে অক্ষম ৷” আবার বলেন না কি, “Lloyd George, Dr. Wilsonএর মত এমন একটী লােকও ভারতে ছিল না যে একটা principleকে সম্মুখে রাখিয়া সকল ঐশ্বৰ্য্যকে ত্যাগ করিয়াছিল ৷” আমাদের আত্মসমর্পণ কথা শুনিয়া শ্রীহকের হাসি পায়, এই কথা শুনিয়া আমাদেরও হাস্য ...


... again.” 865 “I was not the only one to succumb to Hitler’s strange fascination”, writes Speer. “So did statesmen of importance, men like Hindenburg, [John] Simon [British Foreign Secretary], Lloyd George [British statesman], Mussolini, and many others.” 866 Famous among those others were the American aviator Charles Lindbergh; the Duke of Windsor, who could have caused serious complications if he ...


... physical reality. This does not mean that she registered in her mind, in her active consciousness everything that happened in the world (how many fish the fishermen in Pondicherry had caught or what Lloyd George had had for breakfast, as Sri Aurobindo wrote in jest). She had not been ‘thinking’ any more for many years; she did not utilize a mental consciousness for it had been ‘sent packing’ in 1962. What ...


... intelligence. Science which traces so confidently the nobly complete and astonishing evolution of our race in a fairly swift straight line from the ape man to the dazzlingly unfixable brilliancy of Mr. Lloyd George and the dyspeptic greatness of Rockefeller, rejects the old traditions as dreams and poetic figments. But to recompense us for our loss it has given us instead a more practicable, persistent and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... brilliant than many others'. They ought to have progressed then farther in Yoga than myself, e.g. Mussolini, Lenin, Tilak, Brajendranath Seal, the admirable Crichton, Gandhi, Tagore, Roosevelt, Lloyd George etc. etc. All Avatars or all full of the essential principle! The inner consciousness is there. All that does not apply to me alone. There are hundreds of others. The inner consciousness ...


... the forces working there? I suppose the universal or "everywhere" includes the physical plane. If so, does the Mother know all the happenings and events on the physical plane? Including what Lloyd George had today for breakfast or what Roosevelt said to his wife about their servants? Why should the Mother "know" in the human way all such happenings on the physical plane? Her business in her embodiment ...

... brilliant than many others'. They ought to have progressed then farther in Yoga than myself, e.g. Mussolini, Lenin, Tilak, Brajendranath Seal, the admirable Crichton, Gandhi, Tagore, Roosevelt, Lloyd George etc., etc. All Avatars or all full of the essential principle. If one has the essential principle, what does it matter if one has no urge towards spirituality? The inner consciousness is there ...

... 1940-contd Talks with Sri Aurobindo 10 MAY 1940 PURANI: Lloyd George has said in his speech what you said before. He says, "We promised help to Poland and did nothing. In Finland the same story and now in Norway it is repeated." SRI AUROBINDO: His is the strongest attack, asking Chamberlain to resign. PURANI: Churchill has said that because of the ...


... pass the M.A. SRI AUROBINDO: The M.A. will give him personality? That shows what he wants. It is because people seek personal power that retirement becomes dangerous. EVENING NIRODBARAN: Lloyd George has used terms like yours about the war management! SRI AUROBINDO (laughing): Yes, his speech is very truculent. This Chamberlain does not seem to want anybody with individuality around him ...


... SRI AUROBINDO: Then they shouldn't have allowed Franco to win at all. If they had helped the Republican party, Franco would have been defeated. All this has been due to Chamberlain. PURANI: Lloyd George also asked for help to the Republicans at that time. NIRODBARAN: And they would have had Russia as their ally and she would have been more trustful of them. Now to take Gibralter may well be ...


... everything. DR. MANILAL: What everything? SRI AUROBINDO: Everything means everything. PURANI: Their meaning of Sarvajnatva is knowing all the facts of existence. SRI AUROBINDO: Even what Lloyd George had for his break-fast or knowledge of the share markets? Then some other talk intervened. After this Dr. Manilal again resumed the topic. DR. MANILAL: What are the meanings of the English ...


... about material things. Good Lord! you don't expect her mind to be a factual encyclopaedia of all that is happening on all the planes and in all the universes? Or even on this earth—e.g. what Lloyd George had for dinner yesterday? Questions of consciousness of course she always knows even with her outermost physical mind. Material facts she can know but is not bound to do it. The matter however ...

... Aurobindo thought Churchill had formed a strong Government, and on 15 May he remarked: It is a remarkable Ministry. Most of the ablest men of England are there, except Hore-Belisha and Lloyd George. As I expected, Morrison and Evans have been taken. Morrison is one of the best organisers. Their coming in will help to prevent any quarrel with Labour. 19 He also felt that the inclusion ...

... Good Lord! you don't expect her mind to be a factual encyclopaedia of all that is happening on all the planes and in all the Page 178 universes? Or even on this earth—e.g. what Lloyd George had for dinner yesterday? Others maintain that she knows when the question of consciousness is involved ... Questions of consciousness of course she always knows even with her outermost ...

... not expect me, surely, to know how many fishes the fishermen of Pondicherry have caught, or how much money they have made of it? [On another occasion he chose as an example of his ignorance what Lloyd George, a famous British politician at the time, had had for breakfast.] Because [the Divine] chooses to limit or determine his action by conditions, it does not make him less omnipotent. His self-limitation ...

... looking at you; because she is, indeed, always present." ... In what sense is the Mother everywhere? Does the Mother know all happenings in the physical plane? Sri Aurobindo: Including what Lloyd George had for breakfast today or what Roosevelt said to his wife about the servants? Why should the Mother 'know' in the human way all happenings in the physical plane? ... All knowledge is available ...

... Worried that Turkey might join the Germans in the War, the British government in order to win its support gave assurances of sympathetic treatment at the end of the war. The British Prime Minister, Lloyd George, declared on Jan. 5, 1918 that the Allies were "not fighting to deprive Turkey of the rich and renowned lands of Asia Minor and Thrace, which are predominantly Turkish in race". And President Wilson ...

... Indians? SRI AUROBINDO: The Viceroy is not likely to agree. The British won't like to abdicate, leaving all defence measures in inexperienced hands. PURANI: Chamberlain is being attacked by Lloyd George and asked to go. SRI AUROBINDO: That can't be done. It will create a dissension by offending the Conservative Party. ...


... PURANI: Some people conjecture that Hore-Belisha has resigned because of his difference with the generals. SRI AUROBINDO: But, isn't the War Ministry that directs the war policy? PURANI: Lloyd George in his memoirs has severely criticised the military technicians . He says in the last war the generals didn't want to attack Germany from the South because it wasn't the right technique. SRI ...


... there are some good organisers among them. NIRODBARAN: Unless they form a National Government with a Conservative Prime Minister. SRI AUROBINDO: In that case Churchill, Hore-Belisha, Eden and Lloyd George will have to come in. Morrison may be in the Ministry of Information and Greenwood for Labour while Attlee may be given some ornamental post, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancashire. NIRODBARAN: ...


... SRI AUROBINDO: Perhaps for fear of discovery. But they could at least send some deputies to make some secret arrangements, deputies who could act on their own responsibility. NIRODBARAN: Lloyd George has given a complimentary epithet to Hitler by calling him extraordinary. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, he has an admiration for Hitler. SATYENDRA: Others have called him a mad dog. NIRODBARAN: In ...


... appointment as Secretary of State India may have a chance. Of course Halifax would have been best. It is a remarkable Ministry. Most of the ablest men of England are there except Hore-Belisha and Lloyd George. As I expected, Morrison and Evans are taken. Morrison is one of the best organisers. Their coming in will help to prevent any quarrel with Labour. The Belgian position seems to be better today ...


... whole nation is united behind the demand for independence. NIRODBARAN: In Ireland they were forced to submit. They could have crushed Ireland if they had wanted to. SRI AUROBINDO: That is what Lloyd George threatened—that if De Valera didn't accept the treaty, Ireland would be crushed. All the Irish people were united in one demand and object. Every woman and child was a revolutionary and carried ...


... what is gained into life – for that, yoga by works is indispensable.³ Q: In what sense is the Mother everywhere? Does she know all happenings in the physical plane? A: Including what Lloyd George had for breakfast today or ¹ Sri Aurobindo, The Mother , With Letters on The Mother and Translations of Prayers and Meditations (Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1972), pp. 272-73 ...


... peaceful ! ( Laughter ) Disciple : X wanted to convert Arya into something like an Indian academy. Disciple : He also wanted to bring in Bahaism. His idea was something like four Lloyd Georges working together! Disciple : Some say that the World-War was brought about by Dayanand.   Sri Aurobindo : Yes, for world-peace ! ( Laughter ) 30-5-1923  A Dream ...