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Madhu : one of the two Daitya brothers slain by Sri Krishna.
... arose with a new religion in his hand, which was developed on original lines by men almost greater one thinks than he, by Rajnarain Bose and Debendranath Tagore. The two Dutts, Okhay Kumar and Michael Madhu Sudan, began a new Prose and a new Poetry. Vidyasagara, scholar, sage and intellectual dictator, laboured hugely like the Titan he was, to create a new Bengali language and a new Bengali society, while... ability and appreciative temper, scholarly, accomplished, learned in music and the arts, men in short not only of culture, but of original culture. Of these perhaps the most finished patterns were Madhu Sudan's friends, Page 94 Gourdas Byshak, and that scholarly patron of letters, Rajah Jyotindra Mohun Tagore. At the same time there arose, as in other parts of India, a new social spirit... in Bengal. Everything done byte men of that day and their intellectual children is marked by an unbounded energy and passion. Their reading was enormous and ran often quite out of the usual track. Madhu Sudan Dutt, besides English, Bengali and Sanskrit, studied Greek, Latin, Italian and French, and wrote the last naturally and with ease. Toru Dutt, that unhappy and immature genius, who unfortunately ...
... considered to be the guardians of the light of the Sun, 19 who presides over the realm of the supermind, the world beyond which is a triple world of the Supreme Conscious Being who is All-Delight ( Madhu ) The realm of the supermind is the realm of plenary light in which is the power of all-comprehending truth- consciousness (r ita chit ) It is at the gates of the realm of the supermind that one encounters... rain of heaven. And since in the state of universality and harmony, conflict and clash do not enter, there is in the experience of that rain, experiences of love and joy which are imaged as honey ( madhu ). In that state of yogic experience, the body, vital forces and the mind undergo a refreshing bath of purity and wideness and joy of fulfillment. The life-powers range with the voice of truth"-seeking... the seven-headed thought, may be regarded as the vast world of swar, which links the lower triple world of Matter, Life and Mind with the highest triple world, the world of delight or sweetness, madhu, of conscious force, urj, and self-existent substance ( vasu ). 38 The Vedic discovery is thus the discovery of the lower triple world, the highest triple world and of the intermediate linking world ...
... ya, Bengali verse had very little to recommend it beyond a certain fatiguing sweetness. Virility, subtlety, scope, these were wanting to it. Then came Madhu Sudan and Bankim, and, like Terpander and Orpheus added fresh strings to the lyre. In Madhu Sudan's hands that nerveless and feminine dialect became the large utterance of the early Gods, a tongue epic and Titanic, a tongue for the storms and ... rest the Bengali tongue was put by as an instrument hopelessly bad and unsatisfying; even Madhu Sudan in his youth neglected and forgot it. The strivings of Vidyasagara and Okhay Kumar Dutt were the strivings of a few far-sighted and patriotic men in a generation misled by false ideals. On that generation Madhu Sudan's first great poems, Sharmishtha and Tilottama , had a complex effect much of a... potency over the Bengali race. Of this it is not easy to suggest any image without speaking in superlatives. I had almost said in one place that he created the language, and if one couples his name with Madhu Sudan Dutt's, the statement is hardly too daring. Before their advent the Bengali language, though very sweet and melodious, was an instrument with but one string to it. Except the old poet Bharatchandra ...
... and the fine critical taste of Iswara Chandra easily discovered in this obscure student a great and splendid genius. Like Madhu Sudan Dutt Bankim began by an ambition to excel in English literature, and he wrote a novel in English called Rajmohan's Wife . But, again like Madhu Sudan, he at once realised his mistake. The language which a man speaks and which he has never learned, is the language of... else in bathos and the work turned out is ordinarily very mediocre stuff. It has something unnatural and spurious about it like speaking with a stone in the mouth or walking upon stilts. Bankim and Madhu Sudan, with their overflowing originality, must have very acutely felt the tameness of their English work. The one wrote no second English poem after the Captive Lady , the other no second English ...
... Kamini Sen, Robindranath and Robindranath's sister, that flower of feminine culture in Bengal, Swarna Kumari Devi, and many more whose names it would take long to repeat; but another Bankim, another Madhu Sudan comes not again. Some are pointing to this as a sign of intellectual barrenness; but it is not so. Shakespeare and Milton came within the limits of a century! Since then there have been Keats... not in this way, O sages of the bench and sophists of the bar, but by things of which your legal wisdom takes little cognizance, by noble thoughts, by high deeds, by immortal writings. Bankim and Madhu Sudan have given the world three noble things. They have given it Bengali literature, a literature whose princelier creations can bear comparison with the proudest classics of modern Europe. They have ...
... symbolism. The three leading features of these hymns to the Ashwins are the praise of their chariot, their horses and their rapid all-pervading movement; their seeking of honey and their joy in the honey, madhu , and the satisfying delights that they carry in their car; and their close association with the Sun, with Surya the daughter of the Sun and with the Dawn. The Ashwins like the other gods descend... of bliss, śubhaspatī . This character of the Ashwins is brought out with a continual emphasis by Vamadeva in the present hymn. In almost every verse occurs with a constant iteration the words madhu, madhumān , honey, honied. It is a hymn to the sweetness of existence; it is a chant of the delight of being. The great Light of lights, the Sun of Truth, the illumination of the Truth-consciousness ...
... relevant values in the daily lessons or in other activities outside the classroom. Thus the integrated approach should be practised both through curricular activities and co-curricular activities. (Madhu Kapani, 2000). The Institute adopts the Integrated Approach of Value-oriented Education. Value- Page 433 oriented education cannot take place in an artificial environment. The institute... T.B. Education of Human Values, Mittal Publication, New Delhi, 2001, p.141. 13.Goyal, B.R., Documents on Social, Moral and Spiritual Values in Education, NCERT, New Delhi, 1979. 14.Madhu Kapani, Education in Human Values, Sterling publishers private limited, New Delhi, 2000,p.28 15.Gokak, V.K., and Rohedikar, Teacher's Hand-book for the Course in Human Values, Page ...
... divine word, brahmaṇā , concealing the darkness and making Swar visible. The first result is the breaking open by force of the well which has the rock for its face and whose streams are of the honey, madhu , the Soma sweetness, aśmāsyam avataṁ madhudhāram . This well of honey covered by the rock must be the Ananda or divine beatitude of the supreme threefold world of bliss, the Satya, Tapas and Jana ...
... clarified butter stored in the cow, hidden there by the Panis in three portions according to Vamadeva; but it is sometimes the honeyed ghṛta and sometimes simply the honey, madhumad ghṛtam and madhu . We have seen how closely the yield of the cow, the ghṛta , and the yield of the Soma plant are connected in other hymns and now that we know definitely what is meant by the Cow, this strange and ...
... देवानां प्रथमः संबभूव, it is the first of Gods, the earliest birth of Time, the father of Atharva, and not the unborn eternal Hiranyagarbha. In the Puranas Brahma is described as in fear of his life from Madhu and Kaitabha, and cannot be the fearless and immortal Hiranyagarbha. Nor would it be possible for Aswalayana to come to Hiranyagarbha and say "Teach me, Lord," for Hiranyagarbha has no form nor is He ...
... Vedic moon-god Soma, whose plant of intoxication has to be gathered on lonely mountain heights in the moonlight and whose purified juice and essence is the sacred wine and nectar of sweetness, rasa, madhu, amṛta , without which the gods themselves could not be immortal. A lightest trifle, if it manages to get itself saturated with this sweetness of poetic delight and beauty, will be preserved for its ...
... 353) Recent archaeological research in Eastern Punjab (Shaffer, 1981) substantiates objections to the PGW-Aryan correlation. J.P. Joshi's excavations (1976,1977, 1978a, 1978b, Joshi and Madhu, 1982) at Bhagwanpura, Dadheri, Nagar and Katpalon have significantly altered the perspective of the archaeological sequence in the Punjab, particularly that regarding the PGW culture. At these sites ...
... by Vasanta (Spring): Mādhavenābhimatena sakhyā (3.23). As soon as Spring enters the forest, it is changed into a joyous riot of colour and song: lagna-dvirephānjana-bhakti-citraṃ mukhe madhu-śris tilakaṃ prakāśya/ ragena balaruna-komalena cuta-pravalostham alam-cakara/ 101 She unveiled her face, the beauty-goddess of spring: her eyes were lined with a string of black ...
... human beings, but Arvan for the Titans, Vajin for the Gandharvas, and Haya for the Gods, whose home is that supramental Truth, Right and Vast, which constantly and imperishably manifests Supreme Bliss, Madhu. Let us read that description: "Dawn is the head of the horse sacrificial. The sun is his eye, his breath is the wind, his wide open mouth is Fire, the universal energy, Time is the self of the ...
... Vedic Moon-God, whose plant of intoxication has to be gathered on lovely mountain heights in the moonlight and whose purified juice and essence is the sacred wine and nectar of sweetness, rasa, madhu, amrita, without which the gods themselves could not be immortal." 98 97The first manned spacecraft landed on the moon on 20 July 1969. 98 SABCL, 9:331-32. Page 63 ...
... qualities together? Why not? they are not incompatible qualities. English seems to have the necessary tone more easily, but is it possible in Bengali? I don't know why it shouldn't be. Madhu Sudan's style is a lofty epical style; it is not really grave and deep because his mind was not grave or deep—but that was the defect of the poet, not necessarily an incapacity of the language. ...
... 73 In the meantime Gopalaca arrives, ingratiates himself into Vuthsa's favour (notwithstanding his minister's warning), and the two young men have a happy time. When you look for it, it is madhu (honey) everywhere, and youth's a stuff that will not endure: O, earth is honey; let me taste her all. Our rapture here is short before we go To other sweetness on some rarer height ...
... kaiṭabham, nīlāśmadyutimāsyapādadaśakāṁ seve mahākālikām. Devi Mahatmyam – Mahakalidhyanam Who shines like a blue stone and has ten feet and whom the lotus-born Brahma lauded in order to slay Madhu and Kaitava when Hari was asleep, I worship that Mahākālikā. (Translation by Shankaranarayanan) Glory of the Divine Mother , p. 133. सेवे महातारिका कोमलाङ्गि देवि दुर्गे॥ ॐ श्रीनारायणि ...
... play with your dolls? Ajji: I read with pleasure story-books in English. Mother: Which is the last book you have read? Ajji: “The King and His Parrot”. Hema: I like stories. Madhu: I’d like to come to you every morning. Mother: Then do come every morning. Offering a gift to the Mother during the birthday celebration ...
... and a feeling for its literary secrets which gave him immense leverage in his work of creating a new prose. Not that there is the least touch of pedantry in his Bengali style: rather it was he and Madhu Sudan Dutt who broke the tyranny of the Sanskrit tradition: but one feels how immensely his labour was simplified by a fine and original use of his Sanskrit knowledge. At the age of seventeen, being ...
... the absorption. A new circumstance is the pervasion of the pranic body by the ananda as well as, with a less forcefulness of sensation, the manasic body. In the latter, at the highest, it is pure madhu of the Soma. All the anandas show signs of an increasing tendency to the orgiastic 10 September 1917 A strong attempt by the artificial obstruction to renew its power of strongly suspending ...
... composed by Vyasa, eighteen in number, which contain the whole of Hindu mythology and ancient legendary history. 32. (Dilip's note:) Dhruba Sundara, that is, "Beauty in the Concrete" (published in Madhu-Murali, IAP Publication). 33; Ordhendra Kumar Gangopadhyay (1.8.1881 - 9.2.1974), himself a good artist and musician, he is better known as an art-critic. Although he was a practising lawyer ...
... Bengali, Calcutta University, which he represented at the International Linguistic Congress held in Norway (1936). He was an eminent exponent of kirtan music. Comments on the poem: Astik. (Madhu Murali, 1st ed. p. 155) For the uninitiated reader: Nilkantha is another name of Shiva; because when he drank the world-anihilating poison his throat (kantha) became blue. ...
... qualities together? Why not? they are not incompatible qualities. English seems to have the necessary tone more easily, but is it possible in Bengali? I don't know why it shouldn't be. Madhu Sudan's style is a lofty epical style; it is not really grave and deep because his mind was not grave or deep—but that was the defect of the poet, not necessarily an incapacity of the language. 11 ...
... honey-streaming, Page 111 madhuścutaḥ and speaks of the Gods enjoying in them the intoxication of the energy, ūrjaṁ madanti ; from this we can gather that the honey or sweetness is the madhu , the Soma, the wine of the Ananda, of which the Gods have the ecstasy. But in the forty-seventh hymn he makes his meaning unmistakably clear. "O Waters, that supreme wave of yours, the drink of ...
... three levels, triṣu sānuṣu , body, life and mind); he it was supported widely heaven and earth, he it was fashioned the car with the seven rays; he it was held by his force the ripe yield (of the madhu or ghṛta ) in the cows, even the fountain of the ten movements." It certainly seems astonishing to me that so many acute and eager minds should have read such hymns as these without realising that ...
... hill or rock, is a symbol of formal existence and especially of the physical nature and it is out of this hill or rock that the herds of the Sun are released and the waters flow. The streams of the madhu , the honey, the Soma, are said also to be milked out of this Hill or Rock. The stroke of the Horse's hoof on the rock releasing the waters of inspiration would thus become a very obvious psychological ...
... this ocean of eternal existence is an ocean of absolute sweetness, in other words, of pure Bliss. For the sweet milk (itself a Vedic image) has, evidently, a sense not essentially different from the madhu , honey or sweetness, of Vamadeva's hymn. Page 107 Thus we find that both Veda and Purana use the same symbolic images; the ocean is for them the image of infinite and eternal existence ...
... meditated; meditating, they became illumined in mind; illumined, they set him in front as the god of the ecstatic tongue, mandrajihvam , the tongue that takes joy of the intoxicating wine of Soma, mada, madhu , of that which is the wave of sweetness, madhumān ūrmiḥ , hidden in the conscient existence and out of it progressively delivered. 2 But of whom is there question? The seven divine Rishis, ṛṣayo ...
... bodily existence. In the world of the pure mind, divi , she rises into the full force and mass of the Light, ūrdhvaṁ pājo aśret , and from those pure and high levels she establishes the sweetness, madhu , the honey of Soma. She makes to shine out the three luminous worlds, rocanā ; she is then or she brings with her the beatific vision. By the effectual illuminations of the pure mentality, through ...
... The field of the gleaming of the Dawns, the world of the Light. × Madhu, the Soma. × Aditi and Diti. ...
... Apollo the Sungod is also the Master of poetry and of prophecy. Ghrita means clarified butter, but also the bright thing; soma means the wine of the moon plant, but also delight, honey, sweetness, madhu . This is the conception, all other features are subsidiary to this central idea. The suggestion seems to me a perfectly simple one, neither out of the way and recondite, nor unnatural to the mentality ...
... sense of other passages of the Veda; the identification of Súryá, daughter of the Sun is unproved, it is an airy conjecture depending on the proof of the identity of the Aswins not itself proving it; madhu in the passage about the Bees need not mean honey and much more probably means the honeyed wine of Soma, the rendering “bees” is one of the novel, conjectural & highly doubtful suggestions of European ...
... dream, O friend. There were beatings of the drum and blowings of the conch; and under the canopy hung heavily with strings of pearls He came, my lover and my lord, the vanquisher of the demon Madhu and grasped me by the hand. I dreamed a dream, O friend. Those whose voices are blest, they sang the Vedic songs. The holy grass was laid. The sun was established. And He who was puissant ...
... understanding, strength, forbearance and sensecon trol. You are the origin as well as the end (of all). You are the Divine Dwarf (the younger brother of Indra) as also the exterminator of the demon Madhu. (16) "You are the creator of Indra (in the form of Prajāpati, a creator of beings), the Supreme Ruler, Lord Visnu (who has a lotus sprung from His navel), who puts an end to all in combat. Eminent ...
... and sorrows sing in glorification with great delight. 17. Salutations to Thee the Causal Fish traversing the waters of the deluge! Salutations to Thee the Horse necked one (Hayagrīva) who destroyed Madhu and Kaitabha! 18. Salutations to Thee the great Tortoise who supported the Mandara mountain at the churning of the ocean! Salutations to Thee who incarnated as the Cosmic Boar to lift up the earth as ...
... flow leading up to superconcience. As that passage in the Upanishad makes it clear, the immortal waters of the ocean of superconcience rejuvenate the life-force and make it also immortal, amritam, or madhu, sweet and immortal honey. Sri Krishna, therefore, rejected Vedavada and expounded once again the true old teaching of Karma Yoga, the yoga of works. The path of sacrifice that is central to karma yoga ...
... attained. A special point of importance in this Upanishad is not only elaborate description of all planes of existence and of the knowledge of the Self and the knowledge of sweetness of immortality (madhu vidyā), it also contains descriptions of the way in which the discussions were held in the assemblies of the seekers of knowledge and yogins of the time of the Upanishads. These debates show that they ...
... sah) that is one with Aditi, the Divine Mother; it is identified with the Immortality, the supreme triple Principle, the vast Existence ( vasu ) , Energy of Consciousness ( urja ), and Bliss ( Madhu). That Reality is unmoving; it is the oneness of the gods that manifest from that Reality. It is said: "The Unmoving is born as the Vast in the seat of the Cow (Aditi),....the vast, the mightiness ...
... shining Mother of the herds, go, dhenu, aditi, to transform all our existence. For so comes to us the possession of the Truth, satya, rita; by the Truth one reaches the admirable surge of the Bliss, madhu, soma; and in the Bliss is found the infinite consciousness of absolute being, tridhdtu. 18 But before one can reach there and establish oneself in the Truth and Bliss of tridhdtu, four conditions ...
... and both are one, perfectly and without seeking, groping or effort, with the assured result. It is in this consciousness that is contained the honey, the nectar of delight. It is this honey (madhu) which is packed in the chariot of the Ashwins. The Ashwins, the divine twins, are the physicians of the gods who heal by the pourings of this nectar. It is this honey, soma, that is drunk by the ...
... yoke galled and oppressed. In the field of literature, which is the medium of expression of a nation's soul, arose some remarkable men of original genius. "The two Dutts, Okhay Kumar and Michael Madhu Sudan, began a new prose and a new poetry." "...Madhusudan's first great poems Sharmistha and Tilottama had a complex effect, much of a piece with the sensation created by Marlowe's Tamburlaine in ...
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