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Madras Mail : English daily started by a Brit in 1868; patronized by Anglo-Indians.
... Aurobindo's wife's cousin, would make all the arrangements for my going to Pondicherry, the former secretly and the latter openly. All I had to do was to go to the Howrah station and get on the Madras Mail. My departure for Pondicherry was set for March 28.... Generally I never used to venture out before sundown but on the day of my departure I went out in the morning and had a hair-cut. I bought some... exioned young man and he purchased a suit of European clothes so as to pass off as an Anglo-Indian and not be suspected by the police. To continue with Suresh's narrative, 'In those days the Madras Mail used to leave Howrah station in the evening. In the afternoon I put on my new clothes and left the house without any luggage. In my pocket I had a recently purchased money-bag containing three ten-rupee ...
... Power to take charge of his Sadhana ? Sri Aurobindo : You can leave the building up of the Sadhana to the Higher Power. 2-10-1926 Disciple : There is an article in the Madras Mail by Keynes in which the writer says that the attempt in modern times to establish Government monopoly is not desirable and people do not know what really happens. Sri Aurobindo : The writer ...
... throttled or that by association with men of violent views and actions their work for posterity is hampered and spoiled. In other words, so long as they do not obey the orders of the Englishman , the Madras Mail and the Times of India , and dissociate themselves from the new movement and Nationalism they will not enjoy the confidence of the bureaucracy or be allowed to approach them with statesmanlike ...
... at the disposal of the public. That would make myself, my blessings, my views and my Messages exceedingly cheap; in fact, I would be no longer Sri Aurobindo. Already Hindusthan Standard , the Madras Mail and I know not what other journals and societies are demanding at the pistol's point special messages for the 15th for themselves and I am supposed to stand and deliver. I won't. I regret that I ...
... disposal of the public. That would make myself, my blessings, my views and my Messages exceedingly cheap; in fact, I would no longer be Sri Aurobindo. Already the Hindusthan Standard, the Madras Mail and I know not what other journals and societies are demanding at the pistol's point special messages for themselves and I am supposed to stand and deliver. I won't. I regret that I must disappoint ...
... such as reduction in military expenditure from the address. The Sabha, which insisted on having the whole hog of it or none, declined to present the address and thus honour Viceroy Elgin. The Madras Mail wrote a scathing editorial describing the Sabha as a pigmy which dared to defy the giant! The Sabha sent a copy of the correspondence to this Anglo-Indian paper for publication, whereupon it advised ...
... the Nahars were on the look-out for some companion for Uday Singh's wife who was returning to Pondicherry at that very time, it was a nice coincidence for us on the long journey. The Howrah-Madras Mail took more than 36 hours to reach Madras (Central) where we had to take another train for Pondicherry which would leave from the other Madras station, Egmore. Uday Singh had come down to Madras from ...
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