Find in Savitri Poems Flowers
... Divine Shakti: (1) The Transcendent Mahashakti who stands above the Ananda plane and who bears the supreme Divine in her eternal consciousness. (2) The Mahashakti immanent in the worlds of Sat-Chit-Ananda, where all beings move in an ineffable completeness. (3) The Supramental Mahashakti immanent in the worlds of Supermind. (4) The Cosmic Mahashakti immanent in the lower hemisphere. ... portions of the Mother, the Mahashakti, and she can always either manifest through them as separate beings or draw them together as her own various Personalities and hold them in herself, sometimes drawn back, sometimes at play, according to her will. In the supramental plane they are always in her and do not act independently but as intimate portions of the original Mahashakti and in close union and harmony... (5) Gods These four Powers are the Mother's cosmic godheads, permanent in the world-play; they stand among the greater cosmic Godheads to whom allusion is made when it is said the Mother as the Mahashakti of this triple world "stands there (in the Page 105 Overmind plane) above the Gods". 19 The Gods, as has been already said, are in origin and essence permanent Emanations of the Divine ...
... evolution a crucial process. This too with all its obscurity and struggle and imperfection is upheld by the Universal Mother; this too is impelled and guided to its secret aim by the Mahashakti. The Mother as the Mahashakti of this triple world of the Ignorance stands in an intermediate plane between the supramental Light, the Truth life, the Truth creation which has to be brought down here and this... that upholds us and the universe. Transcendent, the original supreme Shakti, she stands above the worlds and links the creation to the ever unmanifest mystery of the Supreme. Universal, the cosmic Mahashakti, she creates all these beings and contains and enters, supports and conducts all these million processes and forces. Individual, she embodies the power of these two vaster ways of her existence,... elsewhere but what she decides and the Supreme sanctions; nothing can take shape except what she moved by the Supreme perceives and forms after casting it into seed in her creating Ananda. The Mahashakti, the universal Mother, works out whatever is transmitted by her transcendent consciousness from the Supreme and enters into the worlds that she has made; her presence fills and supports them with ...
... call. The Fifth Limb: Faith in the Potency of Mahashakti — The faith in the Presence and the nearness of the Divine Mother must now be coupled with an equally unflinching faith in the supreme effectivity of her Force. For the sadhaka should not forget that she is not only Love and Grace, she is at the same time the Mahashakti of the Divine. But it happens very often that whenever... The Fourth Limb: The Presence — Once the sadhaka has grown aware of any wrong turn in his nature and has sincerely decided to get rid of it, he has but to invoke the divine aid of the Mahashakti and quietly open himself to the working of her Force and Light. But while calling for this aid it is necessary for him not to regard the Divine Mother as someone too far and too remote from... and feel it at all times to be concretely close and intimate to his consciousness. Even if he is not directly aware of the Presence, the sadhaka must know it for certain that the Mother Mahashakti is always with him, around him and inside him, enveloping him with her boundless Grace and holding him in her embrace in weal and woe, in life and death, on all occasions and at all times. In the ...
... cosmic Godheads to whom allusion is made when it is said that the Mother as the Mahashakti of this triple world `stands there (in the Overmind plane) above the Gods' . Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Himself and the Ashram: A Note on the Terminology of The Mother Sri Aurobindo has also revealed about Mahashakti and Her Emanations: In a sense the four Powers of the Mother may be called,... at once the Mother, the Mahashakti, and she can always either manifest through them as separate beings or draw them together as her own various Personalities and hold them in herself, sometimes kept back, sometimes at play, according to her will. In the supramental plane they are always in her and do not act independently but as intimate portions of the supramental Mahashakti and in close union and ...
... and evolving movements. Undated Notes - II The secret name of the Supreme Mahashakti signifies For the Supreme is Ananda unifying Consciousness and Existence in the single Power (Shakti) of these things. Undated Notes - III All is created by the Supreme Goddess, the Supreme and Original Mahashakti, all proceeds from her, all lives by her, all lives in her, even as she lives in... this (first in the Upanishads) is the viewpoint from the mental consciousness. It is incomplete because two things that are one have been left out, the Personal Manifestation and the name of the Mahashakti. The subsequent growth of spiritual knowledge has brought about a constant effort to add these missing elements. When the hidden secret has been discovered and made effective, the human consciousness... eternal and infinite truth of Sachchidananda ready for manifestation. It is the One Existence, but the Two in One are there, each in each, each perfect in the other. OM is the manifestation. The Mahashakti comes forth from the Supreme for creation. In the eternal manifestation the Two in One are evident to each other; their identity and union are foundation of the diversity of this play, and it is ...
... Shakti: (1) The Transcendent Mahashakti who stands above the Ananda plane and who bears the Supreme Divine in her eternal consciousness. (2) The Mahashakti immanent in the worlds of Sat-Chit-Ananda where all beings live and move in an ineffable completeness. (3) The Supramental Mahashakti immanent in the worlds of Supermind. (4) The Cosmic Mahashakti immanent in the lower hemisphere ...
... Supreme is definitely not this body which… He is completely different. You will not understand. I am the Mahashakti who animates everything and who is behind all things. But now I have abandoned all to the Lord. It is the Lord who does everything now. I have left everything in His hands. The Mahashakti has no separate will from the Lord. And what is going to happen does not bother me. Nor how much time... worlds and without me it would not be possible. You understand, I am like the telephonic connection. But I have no separate action from Him. The Mahashakti has become one with the Supreme. Mother; this I do not understand. You say that You are the Mahashakti and that You have abandoned everything to the Lord and that You do not have a separate will from Him. You have become one with the Lord, and You ...
... panic stricken. They turned back. Otherwise if they had continued to advance it would have all been over. The Mother as Mahashakti dominates all Her other aspects even though Her different individual forms work quite independently. But from time to time the Mother as Mahashakti does intervene to control them. The Mother has observed: To a certain extent (these four are independent) but not totally... to say, here in the material world, is the Mahashakti, you know. Well, she always has the poer to control the action of these different aspectsthough they are quite independent and act according to their own aspirations. And yet she can control them. Take for example, the instance of Kali. If Kali decides that she is going to intervene and the Mahashakti, who has naturally a much more total and general ...
... material world, is the Mahashakti, you know. Well, she always has the power to control the action of these different Page 289 aspects—though they are quite independent and act according to their own aspiration. And yet she can control them, in the sense that if... Take, for example, the instance of Kali. If Kali decides that she is going to intervene and the Mahashakti, who has naturally... perfection. I have a question from the last lesson. Here Sri Aurobindo has written: "All the scenes of the earth-play have been like a drama arranged and planned and staged by her [the Mother as the Mahashakti] with the cosmic Gods for her assistants and herself as a veiled actor." So this means that everything that happens here has already been staged on a higher plane. So everything is predestined Mother ...
... portions of the Mother, the Mahashakti, and she can always either manifest through them as separate beings or draw them together as her own various Personalities and hold them in herself, sometimes drawn back, sometimes at play, according to her will. In the supramental plane they are always in her and do not act independently but as intimate portions of the original Mahashakti and in close union and harmony... (5) Gods These four Powers are the Mother's cosmic godheads, permanent in the world-play; they stand among the greater cosmic Godheads to whom allusion is made when it is said the Mother as the Mahashakti of this triple world "stands there (in the Page 453 Overmind plane) above the Gods". 2 The Gods, as has been already said, are in origin and essence permanent Emanations of the Divine ...
... Presence.... The Mahashakti, the universal Mother, works out whatever is transmitted by her transcendent consciousness from the Supreme and enters into the worlds that she has made; her presence fills and supports them with the divine spirit and the divine all-sustaining force and delight without which they could not exist.... Each of the worlds is nothing but one play of the Mahashakti of that system ...
... correct sequence above my head. She said to me: “You are That because you have that. Only That has that.” It was far from anything I might have imagined, happily!’ 6 Twelve is the number of Mahashakti, the Universal Mother. The twelve pearls are her crown. There is the One that exists beyond time, in all eternity. It has no beginning and no end, it IS. And in the bliss of its being, it wants... referred to it. She told once more how Kali had entered her room dancing and had cried out: ‘Paris is being taken! Paris is being destroyed!’ But this time she narrates how the Great Mother herself, the Mahashakti with whom she had identified, came into the room behind Kali and said no, very simply but irrevocably. Now we have a somewhat better idea of the power by which an intervention of this kind was made ...
... converted, it knows how to collaborate. 29 November 1967 Which came first in the manifestation, the god or the Asura? The oldest tradition says that the first four emanations of the Mahashakti—Consciousness, Love, Truth and Life—cut themselves off (separated themselves) from their Supreme Origin and became Unconsciousness, Suffering, Falsehood and Death. Then a second emanation was... You said, "The Transcendent is both one and two (or dual) at the same time." What does this mean? Beyond the creation lies the perfect Oneness, but potentially it contains duality since the Mahashakti will manifest for the needs of the creation. 5 February 1968 Last Monday You spoke to me about the Transcendent which is both one and two at the same time. Naturally, I shall wait for the ...
... progressive evolution of Nature must constantly realise the truth that if victory has come within the range of possibility, it has done so in just proportion to their sincerity, by the magic grace of the Mahashakti, the grace which the aspiration of their inner consciousness has called down. And what is now but possible will grow into the actual if we keep moving along the path we have so far followed. Otherwise... she will have to undergo and that will be far more agonising and terrible. But we do not expect such a catastrophe. We have hope and confidence that the secret urge of Nature, the force of the Mahashakti will save man, individually and collectively, from ignorance and foolishness, vouchsafe to him genuine good sense and the true inspiration. Page 67 ...
... progressive evolution of Nature must constantly realise the truth that if victory has come within the range of possibility, it has done so in just proportion to their sincerity, by the magic grace of the Mahashakti, the grace which the aspiration of their inner consciousness has called down. And what is now but possible will grow into the actual if we keep moving along the path we have so far followed. Otherwise... will have to undergo and that will be far more agonising and terrible. But we do not expect such a catastrophe. We have hope and confidence that the secret urge of Nature, the force of the Mahashakti will save man, individually and collectively, from ignorance and foolishness, vouchsafe to him genuine good sense and the true inspiration. Page 11 ...
... greet me: “ Bonjour, mon enfant ” (Good morning, my child), and then lovingly give me a flower. She would keep smiling as she looked at me but I just could not forget that the Mother was that very Mahashakti (Supreme Power) that governed this world and the universe. The Mother strove to teach me to be simple and free but I was always in awe. I always felt that I was a most ordinary girl from a little... these questions. In the Gita the Divine revealed Himself to Arjuna in the form of Sri Krishna and showed him his way of working. While studying The Mother , the Mother Herself, the One Eternal Mahashakti, explained to us so clearly Her various Powers of realisation and their working. Sri Aurobindo has revealed to us in such detail who She really is in His book: The four Powers of the Mother are ...
... 257-8, 339, 600 strict regimen of work 286, 460-1, 489 evening drives and meditations 287 at the 'Soup ceremony' 287ff, 341 (cf 195) Powers and Personalities 292ff, 529, 597 (cf 168-9) as Mahashakti 293, 451 ' as Maheshwari 296, 320 converses with disciples 297ff, 301 aphorisms and mahavakyas 298-9, 318 'inner relation' with disciples 305, 589, 692-4 rhapsody on Love 315ff, 471-7... race of supermen 180-2, 542, 619-21, 636, 670, 749 world union through uniformity 186-7 on the ground of the Spirit 187-8, 192, 303, 614-5, 633, 717-8 nations as souls or aspects of Mahashakti 451 religions and the supramental creation 188, 633-5, 742 and spirituality 317-8, 633, 786-7 (cf83) morality and spirituality 304, 641 Lord of Falsehood and Lord of the Nations 208 ...
... It is a wrong way of putting it which may lead to a confusion of ideas. You mean perhaps that she is to you the Mahashakti and that the force which will descend on you from the supramental plane and support your sadhana and action, will come from her. That is all right; but the Mahashakti is the Ishwara's and nobody can speak of her as "my Shakti". Lastly, you speak in regard to your experience of ...
... the Supreme; but she carries too the Supreme within her. Here in the creation she manifests the dual Supreme whom she carries within her as the Ishwara and the Mahashakti and also as the dual power of Purusha-Prakriti. The Mahashakti comes out of the Ishwara and does the work of the creation, supported by the Ishwara. 2 Man, the ignorant embodied mental being, begins to get free from his ...
... body by which all were mesmerized. She was the Universal Mother, ‘the divine Mahashakti, original Power, supreme Nature, holding in herself infinite existence and creating the wonders of the cosmos,’ 3 as Sri Aurobindo wrote. Of herself, she said: ‘The central Consciousness, here, in the material world, is the Mahashakti.’ 4 And Sri Aurobindo again: ‘All powers of all the planes must be seen and ...
... place. The significance of “she whom we call the Mother” can only be fully understood in her three aspects as the Great Mother of many names, but always “the one original transcendent Shakti;” as Mahashakti, the cosmic Mother of the Gods; and as the incarnated Mother in the Yoga. The Great Mother is known in all great spiritual and occult traditions, even though variously named and described. We... complete Divine is growing up in the Manifestation], Yet I have borne a Man as lord [the cosmic Purusha, the archetype of what humanity is to become]. The Mother herself gave us a glimpse of Mahashakti, the cosmic Mother, when she narrated one of her experiences on 3 February 1958. “The supramental world exists permanently and I am there permanently in a supramental body. I had proof of it this ...
... Playground or in private conversations. 91 They are certainly part of the life we are trying to describe in this book, as they are part of the Great Life, the constant presence on earth of the Mahashakti in her many material emanations or embodiments. The Mother made it clear that she had grown aware of these incarnations unexpectedly; that she herself was astonished by their multiplicity; that all... reincarnations up to the present one had been partial embodiments of her Divinity, more had not been necessary. This time, however, it was the full Being that had incarnated, she said, it was the Mahashakti, the Great Mother in her fullness. 53 Which may give us an idea of the importance and difficulty of the Work that was to be undertaken, as will become clearer in the following chapters. ...
... that upholds us and the universe. Transcendent, the original supreme Shakti, she stands above the worlds and links the creation to the ever unmanifest mystery of the Supreme. Universal, the cosmic Mahashakti, she creates all these beings and contains and enters, supports and conducts all these million processes and forces. Individual, she embodies the power of these two vaster ways of her existence,... I turned towards her and said to her: “No, Paris will not be taken, Paris will be saved” – quietly, just like that, but with a certain force. [On another occasion the Mother would say that it was Mahashakti herself who said “no.”] She made a face and went away. And the next day we received the dispatch … posted on the gate of Government House. We got the news that the Germans had been marching upon ...
... Her work. Page 63 The central circle represents the Supreme Mother, the Mahashakti. The four central petals are the four aspects of the Mother—and the twelve petals, Her twelve attributes. 1955 It is the symbolic design of the white Lotus of Supreme Consciousness, with the Mahashakti (the form of the Mother as universal creation) at the centre in her four aspects and twelve ...
... are. They don't have the conscious link with the Supreme that man has—man carries the Supreme within himself. That makes a considerable difference. But with this present incarnation of the Mahashakti.... She is the Supreme's first manifestation, creation's first stride, and it was She who first gave form to all those beings. Now, since her incarnation in the physical world, and through the position... Some days later, Satprem again brought up the above passage, asking whether the Mother hadn't been active on earth since the beginning of time and not merely "with this present incarnation of the Mahashakti." The reply: "It was always through EMANATIONS, while now it's as Sri Aurobindo writes in Savitri —the Supreme tells Savitri that a day will come when the earth is ready and 'The Mighty Mother shall ...
... dear child, I have just heard what you have recorded. It is beautiful, very beautiful. It is the first time that I have heard music express true power, the power of Mahakali, the power of the Mahashakti. It is formidable and at the same time, so deeply sweet... And specially, while listening to it, I had the impression of a door opening on to a still more beautiful future realisation. Sunil ...
... higher consciousness in Nature. Human mind can occupy itself with certain mental absolutes, not all. It can confine itself to the absolute of the silent Brahman or the absolute of the Infinite Power, Mahashakti, and exclude the rest of the infinite. So many movements like this are possible. But I do not concern myself with them. Looking at the thing as a whole, we find that the aim has been to manifest ...
... more precisely what Mother said and I am getting this page retyped by Nolini before returning the whole to you. The white light is the light of the Divine Consciousness and specially of the Mahashakti. The golden light is closely connected with the supermind, though of course it is not the only supramental light. Kali's light in the material is red, but when it comes from the supramental it is ...
... different level; now her Integral Yoga was a development in the consciousness of her body cells themselves. As always, she went about her accepted task with all the superhuman, divine energy she, the Mahashakti, had at her disposal, and barely three years later came the result we now know: ‘And the thing is done … The skies are full of the songs of Victory.’ It may be appropriate to stop here an instant ...
... herself above from whom the forces of transformation come.’ 11 In an Entretien of 1954, the Mother stated clearly that her central consciousness here in the material world was that of the Mahashakti, the Great Mother. On another occasion she said that, occultly, her heart was always a Sun, while higher up there must constantly have been the supramental brilliances unbearable to the human eye ...
... book. Regarding the Mother's symbol, she wrote to me on 2.12.55: My dear little Child, Here is the correct design of the symbol. The central circle represents the Supreme Mother, the Mahashakti. The four central petals are the four aspects of the Mother and the twelve petals, Her twelve attributes . ...
... 15 August 1959 She meant by "this" the message of 15th August, anniversary of Sri Aurobindo's birthday. It ran: All is created by the Supreme Goddess; the Supreme and Original Mahashakti, all proceeds from her all lives by her all lives in her even as she lives in all. All wisdom and knowledge are her wisdom and knowledge, all power is her power, all will and force her will and force ...
... The Mother with Letters on the Mother Individual, Universal, Transcendent I am or was under the impression that Mother is the Cosmic and Supracosmic Mahashakti. I don't quite understand the question. I have explained in The Mother that there are three aspects, transcendent, universal and individual, of the Mother. 31 May 1933 As I see it, there ...
... have written any relation with Kali Puja? Yes, my child, because on Kali Puja day I always distribute the flowers of "Divine's Love"; for Kali is the most loving of all the aspects of the Mahashakti; hers is the most active and most powerful Love. And that is why every year I distribute the petals of "Divine's Love" on Kali's Day. And so naturally this explanation of why these flowers were chosen ...
... will know what is best for me. Then how can I do without a Guru who will lead me to Her Feet? I do not see anybody in the world more qualified than Sri Aurobindo to lead you to the feet of the Mahashakti. With my love and blessings. 16 July 1939 Page 207 My dear child, Your good and kind letter has made me happy. Last night, in silence, I told you, "To arrive at that ...
... you have 18, it means that the Infinite is established. Page 136 Then 36, which is 3 times 12: it's the union of 30 (Sachchidananda) and 6, the creation. The 12 is the figure of the Mahashakti. It's the essential creation, the creation in its essence—the creative Power. And perfection, too: the perfection in the execution. The 12 is a very important figure (24 is two times 12, and 36, ...
... be captured" or "Paris is destroyed"—something of the sort, anyway the Germans were advancing on Paris. And then, I saw the Mother—the Mother, that is to say... how does he call her? Maha... Mahashakti. Page 134 Huge!... You see, Kali had a human size, but she was huge, up to the ceiling. She came in behind Kali and stood there, and she said, "NO"—simply, just like that ( in a quiet ...
... this world matter. Riotous winds whipped up the sea, a thousand violins In ecstasy, presto, crescendo, ripped the veil to ribbons Between the devotee and the dazzling splendor of Mahashakti. The waves gone mad, danced in frenzy, foamy hands lifted high, Thundering a choir mingled with the voices of a hundred nations, A huge roaring cosmic harmony, an eruption of ...
... realises The Universal Mother; here the earth becomes the fire-chariot For the descended Rudrani in the victory celebration of her children In their battle against the asuras, the land where the Mahashakti treads; I want that land, I want Integral India. [68] On 5 December 1950 Sri Aurobindo left his body. His unexpected departure came as a bolt-from-the blue to all of his disciples and followers ...
... Louis XIV, 207 Lucifer, 267 MACBETH, 186 Madhusudan Dutt, 120, 197 Mahabharata, the, 188,217,222 Mahalakshmi, 275 Mahasaraswati,271 Mahashakti, 327 Maheshwari, 275 Maitreyi, 160 Manchester Guardian, the, 163n Mao-tse-Tung,242 Mara,280 Mars, 323 Maruts, 222 Marx, 128 -Dos ...
... Divine and, having completely surrendered himself to the Divine Mother, fearlessly move forward into the bosom of the still unknown future with the confidence of someone who knows that the divine Mahashakti is always with him with her protecting arms guarding him in all situations. And there is no agency either in the visible world or in the invisible ones who or which can do him any harm. Page ...
... Divine Nature, is the manifest omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent reality holding within her the transcendent divine Purusha who supports, sanctions and inspires secretly, yet is dependent on the Mahashakti and without her is nothing, sunyam. That is how the Tantriks put it. We may mention here, among European philosophers, the rather interesting conclusion of Leibnitz (to which Russell draws our ...
... 320, 418 Lucifer, 46, 81 MADAGASCAR, 323-4 Macbeth, 93 McDougall, 57 Mahakali, 44, 160, 207-10, 225, 382 Mahalakshmi, 44, 207, 209-10, 225 Mahasaraswati, 44, 207-10, 225 Mahashakti, 67, 198 Mahavira, 44, 207 Maheshwari, 44, 207, 209-10, 225 Manicheism, 127 Mary, 82 Matariswan, 44 Michael Angelo, 210 Middle Ages, the, 134, 139, 149, 421 Milton, 156n. ...
... strain; in the background, driven underground its presence is felt persistently. The Shunyam, the Asat, the Akshara Brahman could never totally obliterate the Sat Purusha, the Purushottama or the Mahashakti. The Line of the Everlasting Yes was kept living and vibrant in the Tantric discipline, for example, although at times it also suffered a change under the compelling impact of the Great Negation ...
... powers of the Mother. The twelve petals represent the twelve powers of the Mother manifested for her work. * It is the symbolic design of the white Lotus of Supreme Consciousness, with the Mahashakti (the form of the Mother as universal creation) at the centre in her four aspects and twelve attributes. * India is not the earth, rivers and mountains of this land, neither is it a collective ...
... is a briefer version: He has conquered Life. He has conquered Death. He has conquered All. Krishna the Lord has descended! 52 And Jaya Devi records: I was told: "Mahashakti, the Supreme Consciousness-Force, has descended into Sri Aurobindo." I could myself see light and glory bursting out of his body. Next day when I was carrying with me two garlands of tulasi ...
... have said, "The Transcendent is one and two (or dual) at the same time." What does this mean? Beyond the creation lies the perfect Oneness, but potentially it contains duality, since the Mahashakti will manifest for the needs of the creation. 5.2.1968 Last Monday You spoke to me about the Transcendent which is one and two at the same time. Naturally, I shall wait for the true co ...
... individual. The soul of a nation is also a. psychic being, that is to say, a conscious being, a formation out of the Divine Consciousness and in direct contact with it, a power and aspect of Mahashakti. A nation is not merely the sum total of the individuals that compose it, but a collective personality of which the individuals are as it were cells, like the cells of a living and conscious organism ...
... is imperative that the surrender of the aspirant should be ungrudging, unreserved, integral and absolute; and it must be a surrender to the supreme Consciousness-Force of the Divine, the eternal Mahashakti, the supreme Mother. We have now to proceed to consider who this Mother, the sole Pilot of the Integral Yoga, is, and how best we can surrender all ourself to Her transforming Love. Page ...
... . Page 394 Mother, in your symbol the twelve petals signify the twelve inner planes, don't they? It signifies anything one wants, you see. Twelve: that's the number of Aditi, of Mahashakti. So it applies to everything; all her action has twelve aspects. There are also her twelve virtues, her twelve powers, her twelve aspects, and then her twelve planes of manifestation and many other ...
... Spirit come into the front to manifest this Infinite in the beings and personalities and ideas and forms and forces of the universe and there is then present to us the divine Page 759 Mahashakti, original Power, supreme Nature, holding in herself infinite existence and creating the wonders of the cosmos. The mind grows conscious of this illimitable ocean of Shakti or else of her presence ...
... creativity the whole universe has taken birth. And when the Supreme manifests in the world His own personal being, He does it also through Her transcendence. In Her universal aspect She is Mahashakti. All the Gods and Goddesses are of Her making - they are but powers that express Her. There are many powers of the universal Mother which are not yet made manifest to us, and many universes ...
... translate I have all the experiences, they come spontaneously), I kept saying to myself, "No, that jiva hampers me; that jiva hems me in! It's not natural to me." What's natural to me is... it's probably Mahashakti. There is always that sense of creative Power, and of the Lord. The infinite, marvelous, innumerable joy of the Lord, you see, which is so intermingled with the Power—you can sense the presence of ...
... that upholds us and the universe. Transcendent, the original supreme Shakti, she stands above the worlds and links the creation to the ever unmanifest mystery of the Supreme. Universal, the cosmic Mahashakti, she creates all these beings and contains and enters, supports and conducts all these million processes and forces. Individual, she embodies the power of these two vaster ways of her existence, ...
... November 24 a little before evening all the sadhaks were asked to assemble. One after another we trooped to the upper hall. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother blessed us all with both hands. I was told: "Mahashakti, the Supreme Consciousness-Force, has descended into Sri Aurobindo." I could myself see light and glory bursting out of his body. End of a Chapter Next day when I was carrying with me two ...
... the 'food', for the world itself has come into existence because of Brahman's seeking after 'food', annakāmena brahman ā . 2 But the great Initiator of the Cosmic Becoming, the Mother Mahashakti, is not merely licking all the regions around with her million tongues of flame, sahasrajihv ā ; it is She Herself again who has become the universal food, annabhūtamidam jagat 3 and it ...
... quality, maternal and imperfect. How do you see “the Mother”? It is Sri Aurobindo who called me Mother and it is his conception of the mother that he wanted for me. For him, the Mother is the Mahashakti, creatrix of the universe, as he has explained in his book The Mother . 7 October 1966 ...
... went to her. I observed that many a time the Mother would stretch her feet towards me, as a help. Sri Aurobindo has stated: All is created by the Supreme Goddess, the Supreme and Original Mahashakti, all proceeds from her; all lives by her, all lives in her, even as she lives in all. All wisdom and knowledge are her wisdom and knowledge, all power is her power, all will and force her will and ...
... copies of the symbol. On one symbol I have explained the meaning, My love and blessings. Here is the correct design of the symbol. The central circle represents the Supreme Mother, the Mahashakti. The four central petals are the four aspects of the Mother—and the twelve petals, Her twelve attributes. It was still raining. The dance-drama "The Story of India's Spiritual Destiny", directed ...
... sometimes during the day—a mass of things! Afterwards I told Sri Aurobindo about it, and he explained to me that it was quite natural. And indeed, it is quite natural: with the present incarnation of the Mahashakti (as he described it in Savitri ), whatever is more or less bound up with Her wants to take part, that's quite natural. And it's particularly true for the vital: there has always been a preoccupation ...
... masterpiece, "The Four Powers and Personalities of the Mother", which together with some letters written in the same year was published in book-form in1928. There we are told:¹ "The Mother as the Mahashakti of this triple world of the Ignorance stands in an intermediate plane between the supramental Light, the Truth life, the Truth creation which has to be brought down here and this mounting and ...
... by Her creativity the whole universe has taken birth. And when the Supreme manifests in the world His own personal being, He does it also through Her transcendence. In Her universal aspect She is Mahashakti. All the Gods and Goddesses are of Her making—they are but powers that express Her. There are many powers of the universal Mother which are not yet made manifest to us, and many universes too ...
... higher consciousness in Nature. Human mind can occupy itself with certain mental absolutes, not all. It can confine itself to the absolute of the silent Brahman or the absolute of the Infinite Power, Mahashakti, and exclude the rest of the Infinite. So many movements like this are possible. But I do not concern myself with them. Looking at the thing as a whole, we find that the aim has been to manifest ...
... character. In the Gita, we do not find the reference to the word Aditi but we have equivalent term, namely, Para Prakriti. In later developments, Aditi has also come to be known as Shakti, Mahashakti, Parashakti and as Parameshwari. In Sri Aurobindo's book. The Mother, four aspects of Aditi have been described, namely, those of Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. 8 The ...
... and I would not be here - if a realisation of the Impersonal were sufficient. In our terminology how do you name the Purushottama and the Parashakti? Are they the Supreme and the Mahashakti as spoken of in your book The Mother? Yes. When I start writing to you, there comes a greater pressure, a deeper concentration of the higher Force. Why so? ...
... the secret of world-existence as the play of Shakti. Under Sri Aurobindo's influence, Bharati translated the Gita and a chapter from Patanjali into Tamil, and hymned the glory and greatness of Mahashakti in poem after poem. Chafing that he had been rusting too long in exile, not shining in patriotic armour on the regular battlefield, Bharati crossed the border on 20 November 1918, and was promptly ...
... human individual. The soul of a nation is also a psychic being, that is to say, a conscious being, a formation out of the Divine Consciousness and in direct contact with it, a power and aspect of Mahashakti. A nation is not merely the sum total of the individuals that compose it, but a collective personality of which the individuals are as it were cells, like the cells of a living and conscious organism ...
... Divine Nature, is the manifest Omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent reality holding within her the transcendent divine Purusha who supports, sanctions and inspires secretly, yet is dependent on the Mahashakti and without her is nothing, ś unyam. That is how the Tantriks put it. We may mention here, among European philosophers, the rather interesting conclusion of Leibnitz (to which Russell draws our ...
... converted, it knows how to collaborate. 29.11.1967 Who emerged first in the manifestation, the Gods or the Asuras? The oldest tradition says that the first four emanations of the Mahashakti—Consciousness, Love, Truth and Life—cut themselves off (separated themselves) from their Supreme Origin and became Unconsciousness, Suffering, Falsehood and Death. Then a second emanation was ...
... thanking of the Holy (as Heidegger might have put it). Sri Aurobindo sees the Mother as she is poised between the higher supramental world and our lower phenomenal world: The Mother as the Mahashakti of this triple world of the Ignorance stands in an intermediate plane between the supramental Light, the Truth life, the Truth creation which has to be brought down here and this mounting and ...
... too used to affect variously different individuals, and even the same individual on different days. Some have glimpsed in the Mother one or another of their favourite Powers and Personalities of Mahashakti, and some have seen an aura around her day after day. On the question of the Mother's aura in general, Sri Aurobindo had written in November 1933: *This darshan came to an end when the Mother ...
... —an unprecedented triumph of the human soul, inevitable as an evolutionary perfection, but possible only by an ascent of the individual to the Supermind and the answering descent of the supramental Mahashakti into Matter. What remains when the ego fades out of existence? The infinite and indestructible substance, of which the ego was a convulsed shadow; the liberated being, delivered for ever from ...
... Aurobindo's Relics are now going to different parts of the country and the world. With the Relics of Sri Aurobindo there goes with it Sri Aurobindo's Power and Consciousness. As the sacred parts of Mahashakti's body are scattered in 52 places in our country creating the holy places — Pithasthan, likewise the places where Sri Aurobindo's Relics are going are also becoming holy places — The Divine Pithasthan ...
... 7= Realization 8= Infinite 9= Gestation or Birth 10= Sign of external expression, or, something established, a static perfection 11= Progress, or, a Beginning 12= Mahashakti's figure, or, the Perfection of the Creation 12 = 4 + 8 = Manifestation of the Infinite 18 = Consciousness in its effort towards a material realization 18 = 10 + 8 = an established ...
... 19.3.1970 "The more rapidly one goes, individually, the more one must try to extend and strengthen the collective base." (Questions and Answers) Happily all this is Mahashakti's affair. Now, more and more, the whole world works in the joy of being at the service of the Supreme Lord. 21.3.1970 Yesternoon I was feeling an aspiration which got formulated ...
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