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Mahendra : a mountain range of South India, it runs from Gondwānā to Orissa.
... Mauryan emperor", got investitured as king with the help of "various essentials" despatched by Aśoka for his "formal consecration" and finally accepted Buddhism from "Aśoka's son (or brother) Mahendra, who had become a monk" and "was sent to Ceylon as a Buddhist missionary". 1 We shall be asked: "Do you doubt that Devānampiyatissa lived in the post-Alexandrine age or that he was associated with... Kalinga war which took place in the 8th year of his reign. Even by Geiger's chronology the situation hardly improves. For, Aśoka's inscriptions supply no reference either to King Devānampiyatissa or to Mahendra. And the whole story of their relationship may be included among the several points of "palpable and irreconcilable difference between the Ceylonese Chronicles and the information supplied by Aśoka's... did not begin until after the accession of Devānampiyatissa who despatched an embassy to him and to whom Aśoka sent coronation-presents which were followed soon after by the Buddhist mission under Mahendra. As we saw, the date accepted for Devānampiyatissa's accession is, according to Geiger and his school: 247 B.C. (Smith says: "about 251 B.C.") But if five Greek princes - Antiochus, Ptolemy, Antigonus ...
... Thakur Dayanand's. There was a strong sense of unity among them. I wrote an article on the "Avatar" in Karmayogin . Mahendra Dey, Dayanand's disciple, seeing the article wrote to me "he is the Avatar". He was very enthusiastic about it. And when there was police firing and arrests, Mahendra Dey after his imprisonment became changed and said that he was hypnotized by Dayananda. Disciple : Why are ...
... mataram! Mahendra is somewhat puzzled as he listens to this song. He does not understand what it means. Who is this ‘ sujala , suphala , malayaja sheetala , shashyashyamala ’ Mother? But Bhavananda does not answer and continues singing: Shubhra-jyotsna-pulakita-yaminim Phullakusumita-drumadalashobhinim, Suhasinim sumadhurabhasinim, Sukhadam varadam mataram. Mahendra retorts... We take this birthplace to be the Mother. We have no mother, father, brother, wife, son, house, home. We have only that ‘ sujala , suphala , malayaja sheetala , shashyashyamala ’.” A surprised Mahendra then asks: “Who are you?” Bhavananda answers: “We are the children.” “Children? Whose children?” “The Mother’s children.” Let me tell you now what Rabindranath said about his own country ...
... 487, 492 Mahāvamsa, 33, 35, 149-51, 208, 259, 340, 366, 373, 382, 421, 559-60 Mahāvamsatika, 176-7, 180, 202, 208 Mahāvira (Vardhamana), 28, 369, 591 Mahendra (Aśoka's son), 370, 372 Mahendra (missionary monk), 416, 422 Mahishikas, 530 Mahmudbin Sam, 440 Maisolos, 173 Maithilas, 209 Maitraka kings, 26 Maitreya Boddhisatva, 365 Majjhima Nikāya ...
... force, we don't know. SRI AUROBINDO: The Madras squadron of one aeroplane. (Laughter) NIRODBARAN: Dr. Mahendra Sircar has written to Charu Dutt that the Mother's gift to the Indian Government has surprised many in Calcutta. He wants some elucidation. SATYENDRA: Why has Mahendra Sircar suddenly taken interest? SRI AUROBINDO: There have been many others. Somebody has come from Calcutta ...
... myself so far away from books that it is difficult to remember names. If you have not read V's things you can read them or any books that would give you an idea of Vedanta schools and Sankhya. There is Mahendra Sircar's Eastern Lights . It is Indian philosophy you want, I suppose? 25 September 1935 I hear that there is a file of unpublished letters by Vivekananda, in one of which he says: "The time ...
... There was absolutely no tremor. His head is covered with a big bandage. We all pray for Dr.'s recovery." 4 × King Mahendra and Queen Ratna. × As far as Satprem remembers. Mother envisaged a confederation of all the small ...
... wisdom and with prowess, patient in his dauntless heart?" "Surya's lustre in him shineth," so the rishi Narad said, "Brihaspati's wisdom dwelleth in the youthful prince's head. Like Mahendra in his prowess, and in patience like the Earth, Yet O king! a sad disaster marks the gentle youth from birth!" 'Tell me, rishi, then thy reason," so the anxious monarch cried, "Why ...
... mean that one will never arrive. P.S. Have read the preface. Of course. Page 328 October 12, 1935 But how the deuce can I give a formal "psychic certificate" like that to Mahendra Sarkar? 131 His capacities are undoubted and his experiences confirm what I saw at once about him that his is not an ordinary nature. But he is more complex than Somnath and for the moment I don't ...
... away from books that it is difficult to remember names. If you have not read Vivekananda's things, you can read them or any books that would give you an idea of Vedanta schools and Sankhya. There is Mahendra Sircar's "Eastern Lights". It is Indian philosophy you want, I suppose! What Vivekananda has said in his lectures — is it all truth, something directly inspired? I ...
... Indian Christians. It means he also can become dynamic. The only Ashram I have heard of in which there was great unity was Thakur Dayanand's. Once I wrote an article on the Avatar in the Karmayogin. Mahendra Day, one of Dayanand's disciples, seeing the article wrote to me: "Here is the Avatar." He was very enthusiastic about it. NIRODBARAN: Why are Gurus obliged to work with imperfect and defective ...
... Marot) 138 Pavitra driving Mother's car, from an album of Abhay Page 184 ERRATUM On page 114 (line 2), please read the name of the King of Nepal as: King Mahendra ...
... patient in his dauntless heart?" Page 497 "Surya's lustre in him shineth," so the rishi Narad Said, "Brihaspati's wisdom dwelleth in the youthful prince's head, Like Mahendra in his prowess, and in patience like the Earth, Yet O king! a sad disaster marks the gentle youth from birth!" "Tell me, rishi, then thy reason," so the anxious monarch cried, ...
... and with prowess, patient in his dauntless heart?" "Surya's lustre in him shineth," so the rishi Narad Said, "Brihaspati's wisdom dwelleth in the youthful prince's head. Like Mahendra in his prowess, and in patience like the Earth, Yet O king! a sad disaster marks the gentle youth from birth!" "Tell me, rishi, then thy reason," so the anxious monarch cried, "Why ...
... other two are: The Riddle of This World and Lights on Yoga. 129. See Sri Aurobindo's letter dated 5 October 1935, p.322. 130. The double brackets are Sri Aurobindo's. 131. Professor Mahendra Nath Sarkar was an eminent teacher of philosophy at Presidency college, Calcutta and author of many valuable books on Indian philosophy and spirituality. An ardent admirer of Sri Aurobindo, he ...
... also Vayu, who dwells in the sky, (so also) proclaimed the two — sun and moon — before the gods Sītā free from sins before all the Rsis. In Lankā, Sītā, (pure of conduct) was handed over to me by Mahendra (the lord of gods), in the presence of the gods and the Gandharvas and my inner conscience bears testimony to her purity and nobility. (7-10) "Then having accepted Sītā, I have come to Ayodhyā ...
... asya sa dharmavijayī nrpah śriyarh mahendranāthasya jahāra na tu medinīm Conquering in the cause of righteousness, Raghu took away the royal prowess but not the domains of the Lord of Mahendra who was first captured and later on released. — Canto IV. 43 Page 55 It is to be noted further that on returning from his conquests, Raghu performs the Viśvajit sacrifice ...
... NIRODBARAN: Perhaps Nolini, Anilbaran and Purani will have to write in your case. (Laughter) SRI AUROBINDO: And each will understand my philosophy in his own way and produce his own interpretation. Mahendra Sircar will come in too and there will be Veerabhadra after him. (Laughter) PURANI: Veerabhadra will equate you with Shankara or he will say that you have explained what Shankara meant. SRI ...
... aspiring for is this psychic attitude of Bhakti. SRI AUROBINDO: He thinks the psychic has no love and emotion. What he was afraid of was that his vital movements would be taken away. NIRODBARAN: Mahendra Sircar also came for your philosophy. PURANI: Adwaitanand, too. Of course, such people are very few. SATYENDRA: Very few people have any clear idea about it. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. I am not ...
... Ashram inmates. But we must know that this lacuna, even if it is factually true, is not something peculiar to the Ashram of today. The complaint is as old as the hills. For even in 1938 Dr. Mahendra Sircar, a distinguished philosopher on a visit to the Ashram, commented after a "stove incident" that Sri Aurobindo's Ashram lacked "fraternity", while the Ramakrishna Mission was ideal in that way ...
... Vīvekcūdāmani, Gita Press, Gorakhpur, 1932. Śankaracharya, Brahmasūtra Bhāsyam, Nimaysagar Press, Bombay. Śankarā, Drg-drsya-viveka, Sri Ramakrishna Ashram, Mysore, 1970. Śankarā, Mahendra Nath, The Bhagwad Gitā: Its Early Commentaries, in Cultural History of India, Ramakrishna Mission institute of culture, 1962, Calcutta, Vol. II. Sharma, B.N.K., History of the Dvaita School ...
... those songs of Gobindo Adhikari and his travelling theatre troupe. That is why people haven’t responded to it. This great mantra of Vande Mataram was waiting like a sleeping fire for the right ‘Mahendra’ to ignite it. In those days Bengal, or more rightly the Presidency of Bengal, was a huge state. Bihar, Orissa and Bengal were together called Bengal. It was not easy to administer such a large ...
... people. I am afraid you will have to take the trouble of either writing it with your own hand or typing it and then signing. Forms are forms—que voulez-vous [what would you] ? I struggled with Mahendra's philosopho-aesthetic flourishes but after much slipping and stumbling about amid tails and curls and arabesques could only form a speculative idea of his meaning. I have kept these formidable documents ...
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