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Masonic : the Masonic Fraternity, an oath-bound fraternal order, originally deriving from the medieval fraternity of operative stonemasons. It has no central authority, being divided into more than 100 grand autonomous jurisdictions; its Indian Lodge was formed in 1730 in Bengal.

10 result/s found for Masonic

... same period, and often closely connected with spiritism, there was “the rebirth of magic,” 38 with authors like Éliphas Lévi and Papus who are still being reprinted; there was an expansion of the masonic movement, which is a form of structured and hierarchized occultism; a spreading of Rosicrucianism, closely related to freemasonry; and the foundation of the rapidly proliferating theosophical movement ...

... also became a Freemason. Freemasonry was extremely powerful at the time and the main force in the struggle of rationalism and liberalism against the Catholic Church and the anti-Dreyfusards. ‘The Masonic loges recruited on a grand scale and formed, in the still well-kept secret of their initiatory rites, the cadres of the Third Republic.’ 12 Mirra and Richard grew much closer after her divorce... Propagande Républicaine Radicale et Radicale-Socialiste , a party much smaller than its resounding name might suggest, combining ‘a leftist ideology with a conservative financial programme (and a strong Masonic influence).’ 14 It was supposedly this party that sent Paul Richard to Pondicherry, a French comptoir in the deep south of the Indian subcontinent, a little more than 150 kilometres south ...

... wrote on the 22nd May:— "The Maharaja of Kashmir's demonstration of fidelity is worthy of note. After upsetting the old law of the State against European settlements and earning thanks from the Masonic brotherhood for the great concession made to them, His Highness is extirpating from his dominions all sorts of 'undesirables' in a right autocratic spirit. But his brother chiefs do not seem ready ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... probable, for we will see that Rudolf Hess, himself a lieutenant, was introduced to spiritist circles by officers from Karl Haushofer’s former regiment. (During the first world war there were also Masonic “field lodges”.) And Olden concludes: “It cannot be doubted that the disposition to receive inspiration from above was present in Hitler. But the facts, at present, are no more than rumours, as all ...


... been sent there by the Radical and Radical-Socialist League for the Republican Defense and Propagation, ‘a party that combined a leftist ideology with a conservative financial programme (and a strong Masonic influence)’. 10 Richard was a freemason, and it was his mission to support the election campaign of a certain Bluysen. However, Richard was also interested in meeting an authentic Indian yogi ...


... recent book Darwin’s Armada confirms this contention in a surprising way. Darwin, Hooker and Huxley had, all three of them, been sea-going explorers for years and thus shared, in Huxley’s words, “a masonic bond in being well salted in early life.” Huxley “longed for science to be seen as a moral calling greater than any religion. … He and Hooker had effectively become joint leaders of a group of young ...

... the idea that his memorable "Sisters and Brothers of America" at the Parliament of Religions at Chicago was inspired by his freemasonry or that it would be "a fortuitous choice of words" without the Masonic underpinning.   To begin with: if, as you claim, Vedanta and Freemasonry have similar attitudes, the former is sufficient to account for that mode of address. Secondly, and basically, the term ...


... Thule: the occult activities, covered up by the outward bustle. Thule was after all a secret society whose members were sworn to silence. 67 In the first place there were the sessions of the pseudo-masonic Germanenorden-Walvater: the return of a “wayward Aryan into Halgadom”, the routine meetings of instruction and proposal of activities extra muros , or the promotion of a member to a higher grade within ...


... Hitler’s drive inevitably created friction within the DAP, especially between him and Karl Harrer. Harrer had always seen his creation as a quiet, civil club more or less after the example of a masonic lodge. He could in no way agree with Hitler’s approach and even belittled the oratorical gifts of the Werbeobmann . But the other DAP members realized that they did not mean much without Hitler, and ...


... spiritual discipline. Unfortunately, as always happens to a great effort in unfit hands, it stumbled at the outset & went into strange bypaths. It fell into the mediaeval snare of Gnostic mysticism, Masonic secrecy & Rosicrucian jargon. The little science it attempted has been rightly stigmatised as pseudo-science. A vain attempt to thrust in modern physical science into the explanation of psychical movements ...
