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A Greater Psychology [7]
A Scheme for The Education of Bengal [3]
Arguments for the Existence of God [1]
Beyond Man [1]
Champaklal Speaks [1]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [1]
Essays Divine and Human [3]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [8]
Essays on the Gita [3]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [2]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [1]
From Man Human to Man Divine [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [2]
In the Mother's Light [1]
Isha Upanishad [4]
Kena and Other Upanishads [2]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [1]
Letters on Yoga - I [5]
Letters on Yoga - II [2]
Letters on Yoga - III [2]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
On Education [2]
Our Many Selves [1]
Overman [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [1]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [1]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [4]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [1]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [2]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [3]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [1]
Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [1]
The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
The Destiny of the Body [4]
The Hidden Forces of Life [2]
The Life Divine [13]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Renaissance in India [1]
The Secret of the Veda [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [7]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 4 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [1]
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English [126]
A Greater Psychology [7]
A Scheme for The Education of Bengal [3]
Arguments for the Existence of God [1]
Beyond Man [1]
Champaklal Speaks [1]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [1]
Essays Divine and Human [3]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [8]
Essays on the Gita [3]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [2]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [1]
From Man Human to Man Divine [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [2]
In the Mother's Light [1]
Isha Upanishad [4]
Kena and Other Upanishads [2]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [1]
Letters on Yoga - I [5]
Letters on Yoga - II [2]
Letters on Yoga - III [2]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
On Education [2]
Our Many Selves [1]
Overman [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [1]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [1]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [4]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [1]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [2]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [3]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [1]
Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [1]
The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
The Destiny of the Body [4]
The Hidden Forces of Life [2]
The Life Divine [13]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Renaissance in India [1]
The Secret of the Veda [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [7]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 4 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [1]
Visions of Champaklal [2]
126 result/s found for Material energy

... the form with material energy. Life, acting in the inconscient matter, inconscient vitality, inconscient mentality, connects this inconscient material force to the highest development of its own expression, mind. When you "see", it is the vibration of the form that is carried. Form is nothing else but energy of matter. Material energy is expressing itself in form. This material energy expresses itself... they might be in their expression, still the common processes are seen easily by our mind. Life that is involved, in matter, gives rise to forms of life proper by a pressure of life from above. Material energy creates not living groups, but inanimate aggregates. In the insect world you find—in the ant-hill or the beehive, for instance,—a first instinctive beginning of collective consciousness. In the... itself as a cup. Now this energy of matter is carried to my mind, not as material energy but as a sensation. That is the task done by the nervous system. So life, in the nervous system, connects the inconscient energy of form and the conscient energy of mind. First, mind is modified. You see something that pleases you and, your mind gets into a pleasant state. Matter has come and influenced mind, is not ...


... impelling force, whose function is to set in motion a powerful material energy of the Self; and it is this material energy which under the inspiration of Will and at the bidding of Prajna sets about the evolution of the Cosmos. Self in its dealings with the Cosmos is a dual entity, underlying spiritual presence and superficially active material energy, or as they are called in the terminology of the Sankhya... while of Isha, the Lord, it speaks as He; for Isha as Purusha is the male or spiritual presence which generates forms in Prakriti the female or material Energy. The spiritual entity does not work, but merely is and has a result; it is the material Energy, the manifestation of Spirit, which works or ceases from work. Eventually however Spirit and Matter are merely aspects of each other & of something... created in the medium between itself and the mind. But the Will itself is antecedent to mind and intelligence and all the operations of body, mind and intelligence are ultimately operations of material energy ordained by the Will. Self manifesting as Will or Bliss is, spiritually, the Sleep-State and operates absolutely & directly in the Causal body as the creative force behind Nature, but indirectly ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... creatures of the earth and he is expanding his physical consciousness to outer space claiming it as his domain. Mind has succeeded in mastering material energy by the knowledge of its processes. Even with regard to mind's control over material energy, long ago Sri Aurobindo laid down a fundamental principle indicating the nature of the new age of conquest even of Matter —conquest not dependent... to establish itself. The material advance itself, man's mastery over unlimited material energy, and simultaneously man's inner feeling of the need for changing his own nature are signs of the descent of a Power beyond the Mind into earth evolution. Sri Aurobindo advocates the control of Matter—that is, material energy by the Spirit; but, in order to be able to do that, man must rise above his present ...

... when we come to the still unexplained phenomenon of life and mind. Is life a creation out of inanimate substance or the appearance of a new, a suddenly or slowly resultant power out of the brute material energy, and is conscious mind a creation out of inconscient or subconscient life, or do these powers and godheads appear because they were always there though in a shrouded and by us unrecognizable condition... beginning in the whole of matter and in every knot, formation and particle of matter; life, mind and whatever is above mind must be latent inactive or concealed active powers in all the operations of material energy. The only alternative would be to drive in between the two sides of our being the acute Sankhya scission; but that divides too much spirit and nature. Nature would be an inert and mechanical thing... of it brought out from the spiritual being of the Infinite. But the same truth, the same law holds good of all that we see of the emergence of things from Page 322 involution in the material energy. We might almost speak here of a double evolution. A Force inherent in the Infinite brings out of it eternally the structure of its action in a universe of which the last descending scale is based ...


... 16 July 1933 P was making all kinds of gestures and movements and then began to dance wildly. What was this force? Some material energy, not hostile. Will material energy manifest in this form or is it that P made it to manifest in this form? Material energy manifests at present in many ways—motor-accidents, fires, Russian dances etc. What do you mean by “will manifest”? 16.7.1933 ...


... evolutionary process. If a material energy is not that original Power, then we must seek for it in something above Mind or Life; there must be a deeper occult Reality which has yet to disclose itself in Nature. An original creative or evolutionary Power there must be: but, although Matter is the first substance, the original and ultimate Power is not an inconscient material Energy; for then life and c... Force evolve life. There must be, therefore, since Mind and Life also are not that, a secret Consciousness greater than Life Consciousness or Mind Consciousness, an Energy more essential than the material Energy. Since it is greater than Mind, it must be a supramental Consciousness-Force; since it is a power of essential substance other than Matter, it must be the power of that which is the supreme essence ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... active mental intelligence is to our notions the very basis and standing-ground, if not the whole stuff of soul-existence. If Matter is all, then we may very easily conclude that all is a Karma of material energy which is governed by some inherent incomprehensible mechanically legislating Necessity. But then we see that Life seems to be made of a different stuff; here various possibility develops, here... outward machinery an apparent chain of necessity, but in fact it would be a free self-determination of the Spirit in existence. The free self and spirit would be there informing all the action of material energy, secretly conscient in its inconscience; his would be the movement of life and its inner spirit of guidance; but in mind would be something of the first open light of his presence. The soul evolving... myself which I call my ego or my personality. The cosmic spirit in matter seems itself to be so bound, for the same reason. It has started an outward compressed action, a law and disposition of material energy which must be allowed to unroll its consequences; itself holds back behind and conceals its shaping touch; Page 347 but still its supporting assent and impulse are there and these come ...


... relations of being with being or force with force and for the building up of symbolic forms on which this interchange can be supported. Ether is Page 245 space supporting the works of material energy and the symbolic forms it creates; it is, speaking paradoxically but to the point, immaterial or essential matter[.] 62 Matter is but a form of consciousness; nevertheless solve not... manifest its own independent or dominant existence. Life is there in the earth, rock, metal, gas, atom, electron and the other more subtle yet undiscovered forces and particles that constitute material energy and form. It is in everything, but at first a hardly detectable presence organised only to support secretly material energies, processes, formations and transformations; it is there as an involved... mind-force—just as the instrument of the animal is life instinct and feeling and remembering life force and the instrument of the plant and tree existence is the vital push and the dynamism of material energy turning into force of life. As these lower states developed up to a point at which Mind-intelligence could descend into the organised living body and take up the earth-past to mentalise and transform ...


... connected in energy, and one matter in fundamental reality. Put otherwise, two bodies are images or formations of one indivisible ethereal space, which is in reality one indivisible movement of material energy, life-energy, mind energy. This inseparable connection and fundamental unity of bodies become of immense importance when we examine the relation of the appearances of consciousness to its reality... Even when not the aim of science, process and utility are the soul and body of physical science. Matter itself is only an utility of Spirit or Being or Nature for physical process and action. Material energy is an instrumental dynamis for that utility or else an original dynamis which has no other sense of its operations. We get beyond to a higher sense only when [we] get beyond material to mental... body, life thinking itself out in body, body living and thinking out its experience in mind, but it is not the same thing as life and body. Life is a new or second power emerging from or in material energy. Mind is a new or third power emerging from or in the life-energy. But this is only the ascending scale. Mind is not only awakened by life-action in the body at a certain evolutionary ...


... that hypothesis, there must be behind the action of the material Energy a secret involved Consciousness, cosmic, infinite, building up through the action of that frontal Energy its means of an evolutionary manifestation, a creation out of itself in the boundless finite of the material universe. The apparent inconscience of the material Energy would be an indispensable Page 317 condition ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... before birth is the material energy with its seed of life, or at best an energy of life-force, which persists in the seed transmitted by the parents and gives, by its mysterious infusion of past developments into that trifling vehicle, a particular mental and physical stamp to the new individual mind and body thus strangely created. What remains after death is the same material energy or life-force persisting ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... phenomena which we associate with the idea of life. It is this action that we recognise as the action of Life-Energy and that which so energises itself is the Life-Force. Mind-Energy, Life-Energy, material Energy are different dynamisms of one World-Force. Even when a form appears to us to be dead, this force still exists in it in potentiality although its familiar operations of vitality are suspended... life are discoverable, unorganised yet or rudimentary, in material things or there are no such signs, because this involved Life is in a full sleep, is not a question of capital importance. The material Energy that aggregates, forms and disaggregates 3 is the same Power in another grade of itself as that Life-Energy which expresses itself in birth, growth and death, just as by its doing of the works ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... × Mātariśvan seems to mean "he who extends himself in the Mother or the container" whether that be the containing mother element, Ether, or the material energy called Earth in the Veda and spoken of there as the Mother. It is a Vedic epithet of the God Vayu, who, representing the divine principle in the Life-energy, Prana, extends himself in Matter and... itself, sometimes the effective power behind action represented in mental consciousness by the will. Agni is this power. He is divine force which manifests first in matter as heat and light and material energy and then, taking different forms in the other principles of man's consciousness, leads him by a progressive manifestation upwards to the Truth and the Bliss. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... conditions in a phenomenon of unconscious life which is in its real nature only an action and reaction of material energy, and the development of that again under certain unknown conditions in a phenomenon of conscious mind which is again in its real nature only an action and reaction of material energy. The thing is not proved, but that, it is argued, does not matter; it only means that we do not yet know ...


... significant discoveries: (i) Behind every action of physical energy and supporting it, there lies always a Pranic Shakti, the universal Life-Energy that is "not physical in itself; ... not material energy, but rather a different principle supporting Matter and involved in it." 4 1 See the discussion in Chapter X. 2 3 Words of the Mother, p. 203. 4 Sri Aurobindo, Kena... material forces could exist or act without it, for from it they derive their energy and movement and they are its vehicles." 2 It is the universal Prana that "in various forms sustains or drives material energy in all physical things from the electron and atom and gas up through the metal, plant, animal, physical man." 3 (iv)Thus all material aspects are only fields and forms of this Prana ...

... physically from generation to generation and there is no end to the continuity of the series, if allowed to run its normal course. Material energy also, it is said, is indestructible; it is never destroyed, but changes form only. But the scientific conception of material energy puts a limit to its course, it proceeds, if we are to believe thermodynamics, towards a dead equilibrium-there is no such ...

... been enabled to establish himself as the undisputed king among creatures of earth and he is expanding his physical consciousness to outer space as his domain. Mind has succeeded in mastering material energy by the knowledge of its processes. Even with regard the control of mind over material energies, Sri Aurobindo laid down, long ago, a fundamental principle, indicating the nature of the... intelligentsia everywhere and, I believe, it is symptomatic of the new psychological change that is trying to establish itself in mankind. The material advance itself, man's mastery over unlimited material energy, and simultaneously man's feeling of a need for change in his own nature, are signs of the descent of the Supramental in our earth evolution. Sri Aurobindo advocates the control of Matter by ...


... dispositions. In the basis of the physical world this is not apparent only because there the underlying ideative spirit, the Mahad Brahman, is overlaid and hidden up by the movement of matter and material energy. But even in the physical world the miraculous varying results of different combinations and quantities of elements otherwise identical with each other admits of no conceivable explanation if there... But it is driven by the kinetic power of rajas and even in the nescience of Matter is met and embraced by an innate though unpossessed preserving principle of harmony and balance and knowledge. Material energy appears to be tamasic in its basic action, jaḍa , nescient, Page 427 mechanic and in movement disintegrative. But it is dominated by a huge force and impulsion of mute rajasic kinesis ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... workings, we may call successively the reason and the ego, the mind, the senses and the elements of material energy which are the basis of its forms. These are all mechanical, a complex engine of Nature, yantra ; and from our modern point of view we may say that they are all involved in material energy and manifest themselves in it as the soul in Nature becomes aware of itself by an upward evolution ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... eternally concentrated in itself, infinite, free from all variation and formation? This question also does not arise if we assume Existence to be non-conscious and consciousness only a development of material energy which we wrongly suppose to be immaterial. For then we can say simply that this rhythm is the nature of Force in existence and there is absolutely no reason to seek for a why, a cause, an initial... , we arrive at that unity which materialistic Science perceives from the other end when it asserts that Mind cannot be another force than Matter, but must be merely development and outcome of material energy. Indian thought at its deepest affirms on the other hand that Mind and Matter are rather different grades of the same energy, different organisations of one conscious Force of Existence. But ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... remembered that Energy is fundamentally one in all the planes, only taking more and more dense forms, so there is nothing a priori impossible in mind-energy or life-energy acting directly on material energy and substance; if they do they can make a material object do things or rather can do things with a material object which would be to that object in its ordinary poise or "law" unhabitual and therefore... eliminated. If it is allowed to remain concealed and not raised up, the difficulty will never be grappled with and no real transformation will take place. If there were no creative power in the material energy, there would be no material universe. Matter is not unconscious or without dynamism—only it is an involved Force and Consciousness that work in it. It is what the psychologists call the Inconscient ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... comparatively simple and crude in their action. Such a reversal has been made in each radical transition of Nature: life-force emerging turns upon Matter, imposes a vital content on the operations of material Energy while it develops also its own new movements and operations; life-mind emerges in life-force and Matter and imposes its content of consciousness on their operations while it develops also its own... created or manifested; for such a miraculous speed of process, though quite possible on a supraphysical plane of being, does not seem to figure among the normal possibles or potentials of the material Energy. It could only happen there by an intervention of a supraphysical force or law of Nature or by a creator Mind acting with full power and directly on Matter. An action of a supraphysical Force and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... Overmind intelligence as coexistent correlatives; what to the mental reason are contraries are to the Overmind intelligence complementaries. Our mind sees that all things are born from Matter or material Energy, exist by it, go back into it; it concludes that Matter is the eternal factor, the primary and ultimate reality, Brahman. Or it sees all as born of Life-Force or Mind, existing by Life or by Mind... from the beginning, for if it did, the Ignorance and Inconscience would be impossible or else the slow evolution necessary would change into a rapid transformation scene. Yet at every step of the material energy we can see the stamp of inevitability given by a supramental creator, in all the development of life and mind the play of the lines of possibility and their combination which is the stamp of Overmind ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... agent; but that is because the conscious mind in us has a limited individual action and the Inconscient is an immense action of a universal concealed Consciousness: the cosmic Force, masked as a material Energy, hides from our view by its insistent materiality of process the occult fact that the working of the Inconscient is really the expression of a vast universal Life, a veiled universal Mind, a hooded... formulation of Nature and, to our ignorant preconceptions founded on a limited experience, they seem to belong to the supernatural, to the miraculous and occult; for they surpass the known action of material Energy which is now ordinarily accepted as the sole cause and mode of things and the sole instrumentation of the World-Force. A human working of marvels, by the conscious being discovering and developing ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... universal forces. Finally, the individual melts into the cosmic Consciousness, the whole world is felt in oneself and oneself suffused through the world — it is the cosmic Consciousness, Mind, Life, material Energy that works through the individual function. The separate ego either does not exist or is only a convenience for the universal Spirit and its action. This is the complete consummation of the... s, interchanges with cosmic forces, beings, movements, but not the full unity of mind with the cosmic Mind, of life with the cosmic Life, of body and physical consciousness with the cosmic material Energy and its substance. Again, there may be a realisation of the Cosmic Self which is not followed by the realisation of the dynamic universal oneness. Or, on the contrary, there may be some dynamic ...


... eternally concentrated in itself, infinite, free from all variation and formation? This question also does not arise if we assume Existence to be non-conscious and consciousness only a development of material energy which we wrongly suppose to be immaterial. For then we can say simply that this rhythm is the nature of Force in existence and there is absolutely no reason to seek for a why, a cause, an initial... , we arrive at that unity which materialistic Science perceives from the other end when it asserts that Mind cannot be another force than Matter, but must be merely development and outcome of material energy. Indian thought at its deepest affirms on the other hand that Mind and Matter are rather different grades of the same energy, different organisations of one conscious Force of Existence. But ...

... up Matter, there cannot be any individual personal existence outside of the material body. Consciousness having no independent non-material source or support but being only an operation of material energy acting in and upon a particular structural pattern of Matter, must perforce cease to exist with the dissolution of the physical body. The survival of man in any form after death is untenable... field at the lower end, we have to employ the means and methods which Life and Matter offer to us and respect the conditions and what we may call the technique imposed by the vital and the material energy. We may extend the activity, the 1 The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth, pp. 23-24. Page 36 achievement, the perfection attained beyond the initial, even beyond ...

... physically from generation to generation and there is no end to the continuity of the series, if allowed to run its normal course. Material energy also, it is said, is indestructible; it is never destroyed, but changes form only. But the scientific conception of material energy puts a limit to its course, it proceeds, if we are to believe thermodynamics, towards a dead equilibrium—there is no such thing ...

... Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 Matter Aspires MATTER holds and expresses material energy, the subtlest and highest form of which is electric energy. Should Matter be confined to that alone or can it express or create, by and out of itself, non-material energy also? What about mental energy and thought movements-can they too be made a function of Matter? For example ...

... any field at the lower end we have to employ the means and processes which Life and Matter offer to us and respect the conditions and what we may call the technique imposed by the vital and the material energy. We may extend the activity, the achievement, the perfection attained beyond the initial, even beyond the normal possibilities but still we have to stand on the same base with which we started ...


... the most external operations of Nature and has as yet no true knowledge of anything except the physical and outward. This Prana, this life-force is not physical in itself; it is not material Page 63 energy, but rather a different principle supporting Matter and involved in it. It supports and occupies all forms and without it no physical form could have come into being or could remain in ...


... Energy popularised by modern Science. Law of Nature is to Science the tyranny of a self-existent habit in mechanical WorldForce which Intelligence, the indulged & brilliant youngest child of material Energy, can use indeed, can convert in its forms or divert in its processes, but from which it has no door of escape. Law of Nature in Vedanta is the normality of a regular or habitual process in sel ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... a transient fiction of the nervous mentality and the former only a little more long-lived collective form of the same regular nervous spasm of Matter. We work or enjoy under the impulsion of a material energy which deceives us with the brief delusion of life or with the nobler delusion of an ethical aim and a mental consummation. Materialism like spiritual Monism arrives at a Maya that is and yet is ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... of the universe and his way in things. Nor will it confine itself to a physical knowledge and its practical fruits or to the knowledge of life and man and mind based upon the idea of matter or material energy as our starting-point; a spiritualised culture will make room for new fields of research, for new and old psychical sciences and results which start from spirit as the first truth and from the ...


... Space might be regarded as in itself a property of Matter; but Matter is a creation of Energy in movement. Space therefore in the material world could be either a fundamental self-extension of material Energy or its self-formed existence-field, its representation of the Inconscient Infinity in which it is acting, a figure in which it accommodates the formulas and movements of its own action and sel ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... reversal of consciousness. Such a reversal has been made in each radical transition of Nature: Life-Force emerging turns upon Matter, imposes a vital content on the operations of material Energy while it develops also its own new movements and operations; Life-Mind emerges in Life-Force and Matter and imposes its content of consciousness on their operations while it develops also its ...


... we arrive at that unity which materialistic Science perceives from the other end when it asserts that Mind cannot be another force than Matter, but must be merely development and outcome of material energy. Indian thought at its deepest affirms on the other hand that Mind and Matter are rather different grades of the same energy, different organisations of one conscious Force of Existence. ...


... is primarily a spiritual manifestation of the Divine Reality illuminative and creative; material light is a subsequent representation or conversion of it into Matter for the purposes of the material Energy. There is also in this descent the arrival of a greater dynamic, a golden drive, a luminous "enthousiasmos" of inner force and power which replaces the comparatively slow and deliberate process ...


... we arrive at that unity which materialistic Science perceives from the other end when it asserts that Mind cannot be another force than Matter, but must be merely development and outcome of material energy. Indian thought at its deepest affirms on the other hand that Mind and Matter are rather different grades of the same energy, different organisations of one conscious Force of Existence. ...


... particular thoughts is something essential and permanent; it is a power of the Divine Consciousness. So is life, as opposed to constructed living bodies; so I think is what we call material energy which is really the force of essential substance in motion, a power of the Spirit. Thoughts, lives, material objects are formations of these energies, constructed or simply manifested according ...

... nothing wrong and no possession in the evil sense of the word — nothing hostile. The beat of the tabla — more than anything else — created a vibration which was caught hold of by some rhythmic material energy and that in turn was caught hold of by Purushottam's body which considered itself under a compulsion to execute the rhythm by a dance. There is the whole (occult) science and genesis of the affair ...


... order to climb the World Stair from the lowest Inconscience, into which it was sent as pure Love, up to the highest Ananda , which is its origin. Sri Aurobindo wrote in The Life Divine : ‘The material Energy that aggregates, forms and disaggregates,’ as for instance in the perpetual transformations of the elementary particles, ‘is the same Power in another grade of itself as that Life-Energy which ...


... Time, in Space and beyond Space, a conscious Power of the Self who by her be comes all becomings, of the Absolute who by her manifests all relativities. He knows her, in other words, not only as material Energy, Life-Force, Mind-Energy, the many faces of Nature, but as the power of Knowledge-Will of the Divine Lord of being, the Consciousness-Force of the self-existent Eternal and Infinite. The quest ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... substance in which there can be and are waves, currents, vibrations not physically material but still as definite, as perceptible, as tangible and controllable by an inner sense as any movement of material energy or substance by the physical senses. The stillness of the mind means, first, the falling to rest of the habitual thought movements, thought formations, thought currents which agitate this mind ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... working proper to that stage and acts from behind the veil, supporting and enforcing the immediate necessities of the creative Force. There is an intuition in Matter which holds the action of the material Energy together and dictates the organisation of the material world from the electron to the sun and planet and their contents. There is an intuition in Life which similarly supports and guides the play ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... ions, interchanges with cosmic forces, beings, movements, but not the full unity of mind with the cosmic Mind, of life with the cosmic Life, of body and physical consciousness with the cosmic material Energy and its substance. Again there may be a realisation of the Cosmic Self which is not followed by the realisation of the dynamic universal oneness. Or on the contrary there may be some dynamic u ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... light is primarily a spiritual manifestation of the Divine Reality illuminative and creative; material light is a subsequent representation or conversion of it into Matter for the purposes of the material Energy. There is also in this descent the arrival of a greater dynamic, a golden drive, a luminous "enthousiasmos" of inner force and power which replaces the comparatively slow and deliberate process ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... this presence and power in its widest Page 793 character, we shall see that it is a concealed supramental force with a self-conscient knowledge in it which informs the whole action of material energy. It is that which determines what we call law of nature, maintains the action of each thing according to its own nature and harmonises and evolves the whole, which would otherwise be a fortuitous ...


... truth is quite obscured by the dispersed, dividing and distributive action of Nature which is the normal condition of all our functionings, although even there it is in the end evident; for all material energy contains hidden the vital, mental, psychic, spiritual energy and in the end it must release these forms of the one Shakti, the vital energy conceals and liberates into action all the other forms ...


... the physical offering; the image of the clarified butter recalled only the gross libation to mythological deities, lords of the fire and the cloud and the storm-blast, godheads void of any but a material energy and an external lustre. The letter lived on when the spirit was forgotten; the symbol, the body of the doctrine, remained, but the soul of knowledge had fled from its coverings. Page 57 ...


... for world or universe. But why is the universe called Page 179 "she that moves"? Because it is the result of the working of Prakriti, the visible form of Prakriti, the great female material energy of the Lord, and the essence of Prakriti is motion; for by motion she creates this material world. Indeed all object matter is only a form, that is to say a visible, audible or in some way sensible ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... Shakti, the female principle in Nature Page 27 which is at the root of all action. Behind both is the single Self of the universe which contains both Jiva and Prakriti, spirit and material energy. Yoga puts these ultimate existences within us in touch with each other and by stilling the activity of the saṁskāras or associations in mind and body enables them to act swiftly, victoriously ...


... universal forces. Finally, the individual melts into the cosmic consciousness, the whole world is felt in oneself and oneself suffused through the world—it is the cosmic Consciousness, Mind, Life, material Energy that works through the individual function. The separate ego either does not exist or is only a convenience for the universal Spirit Page 268 and its action. This is the complete c ...


... end we have to employ the means and processes which Life and Matter offer to us and respect the Page 90 conditions and what we may call the technique imposed by the vital and the material energy. We may extend the activity, the achievement, the perfection attained beyond the initial, even beyond the normal possibilities but still we have to stand on the same base with which we started ...


... it could be understood by the mere reasoning intelligence. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - II: The Divine Force All the world, according to Science, is nothing but a play of Energy—a material Energy it used to be called, but it is now doubted whether Matter, scientifically speaking, exists except as a phenomenon of Energy. All the world, according to Vedanta, is a play of a power of a spiritual ...


... be remembered that Energy is fundamentally one in all the planes, only taking more and more dense forms, so there is nothing a priori impossible in mind-energy or life-energy acting directly on material energy and substance; if they do they can make a material object do things or rather can do things with a material object which would be to that object in its ordinary poise or “law” unhabitual and therefore ...


... organised invention, thought and discovery.... Such a reversal has been made in each radical transition of Nature: Life-Force emerging turns upon Matter, imposes a vital content on the operations of material Energy while it develops also its own new movements and operations; Life-Mind emerges in Life-Force and Matter and imposes its content of consciousness on their operations while it develops also its own ...


... into her mental atmosphere from every direction ); and yet, I'm entirely in what I could call the joy and happiness of my japa, full of the energy of walking (the purpose of walking is to give a material energy to the experience, in all the body's cells). Yet in spite of this, one thing after another comes, like this, like that ( Mother draws little arrows in the air ): what I must do, what I must answer ...


... like eating, food doesn't interest me by any means, yet they bring me my meal, and I "have" to eat—sometimes I eat (always in small quantity), but since I don't move and don't work, I don't need material energy, so I don't need to eat much, and I don't think I am losing weight ( Mother touches her arms ). No, apparently not. Apparently not, therefore.... But you aren't heavy! (laughter) ...


... field at the lower end we have to employ the means and processes which Life and Matter offer to us and respect the conditions and what we may call the technique imposed by the vital and the material energy." (Sri Aurobindo, The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth, P. 13). 1 "This experimental era of revitalization stemmed from the accounts of the physiologist, Charles Edward Brown-Sequard ...

... any field at the lower end we have to employ the means and processes which Life and Matter offer to us and respect the conditions and what we may call the technique imposed by the vital and the material energy. We may extend the activity, the achievement, the perfection attained beyond the initial, even beyond the normal possibilities but still we have to stand on the same base with which we started ...

... light is primarily a spiritual manifestation of the Divine Reality illuminative and creative; material light is a subsequent representation or conversion of it into Matter for the purposes of the material Energy. There is also in this descent the arrival of a greater dynamic, a golden drive, a luminous 'enthousiasmos' of inner force and power which replaces the comparatively slow and deliberate process ...

... All upon Matter stands as on a rock. (Savitri, Book X, Canto II, p. 615) The materialist comes with his dour denial and asserts on the basis of his monism of matter and material energy assumed to be the sole ultimate principle sufficing for the explanation of every conceivable phenomenon in the universe — that man's body and mind, as well as all other animal and plant organisms ...

... varying play of diversity. In our lower experience of human consciousness, the individual soul is found in the complex formation of body, life and mind. The body, life and mind are formations of material energy of Prakriti, vital energy of Prakriti and Page 115 mental energy of Prakriti; corresponding to these three levels of Prakriti, there are three poises of the Purusha consciousness ...


... regarded as in itself a Property of Matter; but Matter is a creation of Energy in movement. Space therefore in the material world could be Page 189 either a fundamental self-extension of material Energy or its self-formed existence field, its representation of the Inconscient Infinity in which it is acting, a figure in which it accommodates the formulas and movements of its own action and sel ...

... and that is why it looks as though dead solidity. In reality its stilled high potency harbours almost an immeasurable force of creation and destruction.         The release of energy, material energy, in matter, is the business of Science and the scientist; the release of consciousness, the energy of consciousness in matter is the business of yoga and the yogi. The tantrik discipline was in ...

... concentrated and that is why it looks as though dead solidity. In reality its stilled high potency harbours almost an immeasurable force of creation and destruction. The release of energy, material energy, in matter, is the business of Science and the scientist; the release of conscious­ ness, the energy of consciousness in matter is the business of yoga and the yogi. The tantrik discipline was ...

... are not conscious or observant enough to notice. A conscious concentration of the vital energy directed upon a material object can Page 244 handle it with the effectivity of material energy. When it needs physical conditions it creates them, as the protective vital energy of the young man created the physical disposition of objects that formed a covert for the girl. In the present ...

... Page 45 only we are not conscious or observant enough to notice. A conscious concentration of the vital energy directed upon a material object can handle it with the effectivity of material energy. When it needs physical conditions it creates them, as the protective vital energy of the young man created the physical disposition of objects that formed a covert for the girl. In the ...

... end we have to employ the means and processes which Life and Matter offer to us and respect the conditions Page 128 and what we may call the technique imposed by the vital and the material energy. We may extend the activity, the achievement, the perfection attained beyond the initial, even beyond the normal possibilities but still we have to stand on the same base with which we started ...

... of the five concrete elements of ancient thought, ether, air, fire, water and earth; but it must be remembered that they are not elements in the modern scientific sense but subtle conditions of material energy and nowhere to be found in their purity in the gross material world. All objects are created by the combination of these five subtle conditions or elements. Again, each of these five is the base ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... remembered that Energy is fundamentally one in all the planes, only taking more and more dense forms, so there is nothing a priori impossible in mind-energy or life-energy acting directly on material energy and substance; if they do they can make a material object do things or rather can do things with a material object which would be to that object in its ordinary poise or "law" unhabitual and therefore ...


... created or manifested; for such a miraculous speed of process, though quite possible on a supraphysical plane of being, does not seem to figure among the normal possibles or potentials of the material Energy. It could only happen there by an intervention of a supraphysical force or law of Nature or by a creator Mind acting with full power and directly on Matter. An action of a supraphysical Force and ...


... for human use, occultism receded and was finally set aside on the ground that the physical alone is real and Mind and Life are only departmental activities of Matter. On this basis, believing material Energy to be the key of all things, Science has attempted to move towards a control of mind and life processes by a knowledge of the material instrumentation and process of our normal and abnormal mind ...


... light is primarily a spiritual manifestation of the Divine Reality illuminative and creative; material light is a subsequent representation or conversion of it into Matter for the purposes of the material Energy. There is also in this descent the arrival of a greater dynamic, a golden drive, a luminous “enthousiasmos” of inner force and power which replaces the comparatively slow and deliberate process ...


... any field at the lower end we have to employ the means and processes which Life and Matter offer to us and respect the conditions and what we may call the technique imposed by the vital and the material energy. We may extend the activity, the achievement, the Page 71 perfection attained beyond the initial, even beyond the normal possibilities but still we have to stand on the same base ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... on Yoga - II Chapter II The Divine Force The Nature of Spiritual Force All the world, according to Science, is nothing but a play of Energy—a material Energy it used to be called, but it is now doubted whether Matter, scientifically speaking, exists except as a phenomenon of Energy. All the world, according to Vedanta, is a play of a power of a spiritual ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... opposed to particular thoughts is something essential and permanent; it is a power of the Divine Consciousness. So is life, as opposed to constructed living bodies; so I think is what we call material energy which is really the force of essential substance in motion, a power of the Spirit. Thoughts, lives, material objects are formations of these energies, constructed or simply manifested according ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... conscious life & mind into the mechanism of its formal energies & the inertia of its substantial forms. Man is the nodus, the agent & instrument of the gods for the full recovery of Consciousness in material Energy, universal being in particular Form. Man, the mental being in Bhu, shares with the Gods the appellation, Nri, the Purusha; he too is a guiding Soul of consciousness & not the mere gana, formal ...


... always go together—it is in appearance that anything seems only dynamic or only static. In each atom of the being there is an Energy, a Shakti—just as there is in every material atom a great material energy. When you see like that, you become aware of these energies. They are neither good nor bad—it depends on how they are used or how they act. Power means strength and force, Shakti, which ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... knowledge, a more infallible operation of its own and its mechanism once set going can be trusted for the most part to do its work accurately and well. It is so that man is able, taking hold of a material energy, to mechanise it for his own ends and trust it under proper conditions to do for him his work. The self-creating life-power, amazingly abundant in its invention and fantasy, yet seems to be more ...


... this inconscience can be detected an involved consciousness which has to evolve; life and mind are steps and instruments of that evolution; the purposeful drive and workings of the inconscient material Energy are precisely such as we can attribute to the presence of an involved consciousness, automatic, not using thought like the mind but guided by something like an inherent material instinct practically ...


... inertia, atomic disaggregation of Matter is due to this involved action of Mind. The creative life-energy of Mind involved in Matter and there turned into what appears to us as an inconscient material Energy gives to form or substance of being on which it works the aspect of inconscience. Mind here is a first action of Supermind in the involutionary descent working in these conditions, separated from ...


... for human use, occultism re ceded and was finally set aside on the ground that the physical alone is real and mind and life are only departmental activities of Matter. On this basis, believing material Energy to be the key of all things, Science has attempted to move towards a control of mind and life processes by a knowledge of the material instrumentation and process of our normal and abnormal mind ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... the body or form is the condition of all action, even of the most apparently inanimate physical action. It is the universal Prana, as the ancients knew, which in various forms sustains or drives material energy in all physical things from the electron and atom and gas up through the metal, plant, animal, physical man. To get this pranic shakti to act more freely and forcibly in the body is knowingly or ...


... regarded as power of spirit. Since the whole of our existence is mechanical, physical and bounded by the biological phenomenon of a brief living consciousness and man is a creature and instrument of material energy, the spiritual self-evolution of Yoga can be only a delusion, hallucination, abnormal state of mind or self-hypnosis. In any case it cannot be what it represents itself to be, a discovery of the ...


... being in which we at present live, the spirit's energy of life works between the two terms of mind and matter, supporting and effecting the formulations of substance of matter and working as a material energy, supporting the formulations of consciousness of mind and the workings of mental energy, supporting the interaction of mind and body and working as a sensory and nervous energy. What we call vitality ...


... it, nothing but the mobile and executive Energy, Nature, Prakriti; there is no soul, no Purusha. Consciousness would still be a general name for a brain-record and notation of these events of material Energy and this will still be the true character of thought, perception, will, speech, act. All these events are separate phenomena which may act and react on each other or group themselves together, ...


... light is primarily a spiritual manifestation of the Divine Reality illuminative and creative; material light is a subsequent representation or conversion of it into Matter for the purposes of the material Energy. A consciousness that proceeds by sight, the consciousness of the seer, is a greater power for knowledge than the consciousness of the thinker. The perceptual power of the inner sight is greater ...


... has not yet arrived, although it is one of its oldest occult truths. “The inconscience of Matter is itself a hooded consciousness.” (EDH 165) “Matter is a blind form of the Spirit.” (EPY 571) If material energy is that powerful, how powerful is the power of consciousness which it contains? Powerful enough to create quasars, galaxies and multiple universes, and to perform the wonders of the subatomic world ...

... light is primarily a spiritual manifestation of the Divine Reality illuminative and creative; material light is a subsequent representation or conversion of it into Matter for the purposes of the material Energy. There is also in this descent [of the Illumined Mind] the arrival of a greater dynamic, a golden drive, a luminous ‘enthousiasmos’ of inner force and power which replaces the comparatively slow ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... highly significant phenomenon, so far as the psychology of man in general is concerned, in the history of an Ashram where more spiritual energy is concentrated for the creation of a new earth than material energy can be packed in any atom bomb for the destruction of the old. The book Roy has written about this coming together and this relationship is thus bound to be a powerful help to his fellow ...


... there have been in the field of thought three main conceptions which we can form of existence. First, the theory of the sole reality of Matter asserts that consciousness is only an operation of material energy in matter, and our existence here is an inconsequential freak of Matter itself or of some Energy building up Matter. There is a blind mechanical necessity of some kind, the nature of which would ...

... as power of spirit. Since the whole of our existence is mechanical, physical and bounded by the biological phenomenon of a brief living consciousness and man is a creature and instrument of material energy, the spiritual self-evolution of Yoga can be only a delusion, hallucination, abnormal state of mind or self-hypnosis. In any case it cannot be what it represents itself to be, a discovery of ...


... primarily a spiritual manifestation of the Divine Reality illuminative and creative; material light is a subsequent representation or conversion of it into Matter for the purposes of the material Energy. There is also in this descent the arrival of a greater dynamic, a golden drive, a luminous "enthousiasmos" of inner force and power which replaces the comparatively slow and deliberate process ...


... claim by farther statements which can also be valid for myself alone. One or two general statements may perhaps be made. All the world, according to Science, is nothing but a play of Energy—a material Energy it used to be called, but it is now doubted whether Matter, scientifically speaking, exists except as a phenomenon of Energy. All the world, according to Vedanta, is a play of a power of a spiritual ...

... nothing wrong and no "possession" in the evil sense of the word; nothing hostile. The beat-beat of the tabla more than anything else created a vibration which was caught hold of by some rhythmic material Energy and that in its turn caught hold of or was caught hold of by Purushottam's body which considered itself under a compulsion to "execute" the rhythm by a dance. There is the whole (occult) science ...

... messages. This study has profound implications for the philosophy of materialism, and therefore, for the materialistic system of values that counsels us to work or enjoy under the impulsions of a material energy, which deceives us with a brief delusion of life or with the nobler delusion of an ethical aim and a mental consummation. It appears that the modern science is preparing itself to overcome its ...

... light is primarily a spiritual manifestation of the Divine Reality illuminative and creative; material light is a subsequent representation or conversion of it into Matter for the purposes of the material Energy." (The Life Divine, p. 944) Another interesting point we may note in this connection. Every plane of consciousness has its own characteristic light. Once when a sadhaka asked Sri Aurobindo ...

... messages. This study has profound implications for the philosophy of materialism, and therefore, for the materialistic system of values that counsels us to work or enjoy under the impulsions of a material energy, which deceives us with a brief delusion of life or with the nobler delusion of an ethical aim and a mental consummation. It appears that the modem science is preparing itself to overcome its ...

... nothing wrong and no possession in the evil sense of the word - nothing hostile. The beat of the Tabla - more than anything else - created a vibration which was caught hold of by some rhythmic material energy and that in turn was caught hold of by Purushottam's body which considered itself under a compulsion to execute the rhythm by a dance. There is the whole (occult) science and genesis of the affair ...

... the mind and mind is only one field or grade—not the most dynamic nor direct or immediate—among many for the play of consciousness, as I have already said. Mind energy, life energy, physical or material energy are various forms and stages in the expression of consciousness-energy (Chit-Tapas). The nature and function of consciousness-energy we may elucidate and understand in another way, by following ...

... (radiant energy) to the eye, the liquid to the organ of taste, and earth is given over to smell. Earth is linked with smell, perhaps because it is the perfume of creation, the dense aroma of God's material energy. Also earth is the summation of all the elements and all the qualities of matter. It is the epitome of the material creation. The physical beauty of earth is well-known, the landscape and seascape ...

... the mind and mind is only one field or grade—not the most dynamic nor direct or immediate—among many for the play of consciousness, as I have already said. Mind energy, life energy, physical or material energy are various forms and stages in the expression of consciousness- energy (Chit-Tapas). The nature and function of consciousness-energy we may elucidate and understand in another way, by following ...

... We know today, thanks to modern science, of the mystery of particles. The ultimate constituents of the material world consist of particles (or wave-particles), that is to say, packets of material energy strung together or merely juxtaposed, but held together somehow. Now the Buddhists added that these are particles of energy no doubt, but the energy is not mere material, i.e., electrical energy; ...

... mind and mind is only one field or grade – not the most dynamic nor direct or immediate­ – among many for the play of consciousness, as I have already said. Mind energy, life energy, physical or material energy are various forms and stages in the expression of consciousness­ energy (Chit-Tapas). The nature and function of conscious­ness-energy we may elucidate and understand in another way, by following ...

... (radiant energy) to the eye, the liquid to the organ of taste, and earth is given over to smell. Earth is linked with smell, perhaps because it is the perfume of creation, the dense aroma of God's material energy. Also earth is the summation of all the elements and all the qualities of matter. It is the epitome of the material creation. The physical beauty of earth is well-known, the landscape and seascape ...

... is a form of consciousness, and the Vital and Superconscient are other forms of consciousness. Once we find this Secret – consciousness in force – we will have the true, and direct, mastery of material energy. But we are merely rediscovering very ancient truths; four thousand years ago the Upanishads knew that Matter is condensed Energy, or rather condensed Consciousness-Energy: "By energism of Con ...

... remembered that Energy is fundamentally one in all the planes, only taking more and more dense forms, so there is nothing a priori impossible in mind-energy or life-energy acting directly on material energy and substance; if they do they can make a material object do things or rather can do things with a material object which would be to that object in its ordinary poise or 'law' unhabitual and therefore ...

... knowledge, a more infallible operation of its own and its mechanism once set going can be trusted for the most part to do its work accurately and well. It is so that man is able, taking hold of a material energy to mechanise it for his own ends and trust it under proper conditions to do for him his work. The self-creating life-power, amazingly abundant in its invention and fantasy, yet seems to be more ...

... this inconscience can be detected an involved consciousness which has to evolve; life and mind are steps and instruments of that evolution; the purposeful drive and workings of the inconscient material Energy are precisely such as we can attribute to the presence of an involved consciousness automatic, not using thought like the mind but guided by something like an inherent material instinct practically ...

... Life, third Mind. One energy one seed, He manifests in many ways : In many ways it multiplies. So one cosmic energy manifests itself in triple form. That same energy takes the form of matter or material energy, takes the form of life and life-energy, takes the form of mind and mind-energy. And when you say energy, it is a conscious power. It cannot be unconscious energy which takes form in life and ...


... fundamental being SEES and has the power to act according to its vision and even by an infallible immediacy which is inherent in its nature.... The purposeful drive and workings of the inconscient material Energy are precisely such as we can attribute to the presence of an involved con­sciousness automatic, not using thought like the mind.... The entirely and inherently enlightened Truth-Consciousness we ...

... food is an indispensable factor. Yogic science knows of other ways of acquiring energy, and we shall mention two of the most important. The first is to put oneself in relation with the energies accumulated in the terrestrial material world and to draw freely from this inexhaustible source. These material energies are obscure and half unconscious; they encourage animality in man, but, at the same... The child spontaneously receives this energy from material Nature as he expends all his energies without calculating, joyfully and freely. But in most human beings, as they grow up, this faculty is blunted by the worries of life, as a result of the predominant place which mental activities come to occupy in the consciousness. However, there is a source of energy which, once discovered, Page 261... same time, they establish a kind of harmonious relationship between the human being and material Nature. Those who know how to receive and use these energies are usually successful in life and succeed in everything they undertake. But they are still largely dependent on their living conditions and their state of bodily health. The harmony created in them is not immune from all attack; it usually vanishes ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... beings and self-conscious human persons. I have said also that the original dead material particles had in them or associated with them or fused into them particles, as it were, of light. They were not merely material energies but light energies which on their side contained or were associated or infused with energies of consciousness. It was because there was behind the dead particle this luminous... I HAVE said, at the very beginning creation was a mass of material particles, dust-particles as it were, millions and hundreds and thousands of millions of them strewn about and scattered in infinite Space. And these gradually condensed and gathered in volumes and masses, definite forms and shapes, gradually changed their material nature also, developed into sentient forms, living creatures, conscious... and stones is not excluded: they too in their solid material dead body enshrine something of the god in devolution. There is no question here of any human intervention – of the infusion of man's will and thought-formation. That is another subject altogether. Here I am speaking of the inherent intrinsic spiritual status or even divinity of a material body – Its dravya-guna – that which a lingam ...

... Yes, exactly. Not material energies, vital ones. But that's something they're beginning to find, because you can feed on vitamins and things like that. Yes, but vitamins are still a material process, Mother. It's quite limited, but it still rests on something material. Yes, but it could be the intermediary. True, it could be the intermediary. But the other thing would really... more and more material, whereas that's not material.... You see, we are told: You have to eat solid food because of the way you're built. Now turn the problem around: If you don't eat solid food, this construction would be unnecessary! ( laughter ) There would be no need anymore of a stomach, of this and that.... What could replace that? We would have to be able to absorb vital energies directly. ... process of "becoming material" and of "ceasing to be material" is unnecessary.... If one could directly receive what nourishes...? Yes, yes. But what is it? From a purely scientific point of view, a chemical point of view? It's molecules and atoms. Various arrangements of molecules and atoms. 3 But they don't seem material to us, do they? They're material in the sense that they're ...


... the bodily energies, the Mother mentions two : "The first is to put oneself in relation with the energies accumulated in the material and earthly world and to draw freely from this inexhaustible source. These material energies are obscure and half inconscient; they encourage animality in man, but at the same time establish a kind of harmonious relation between the human body and material Nature. Those... may also register a considerable change, provided he wills it. The body is a material reflex of the soul, a crystallisation of its formative energy, its clay configuration. There is no gulf between it and the soul, but an ascending series of substance, linking up the crust to the core, and a correlation of creative energies. Every advance made by the soul and the mind is, therefore, sure to produce... receive and use these energies generally meet with success in life and achieve whatever they undertake. But still they depend largely upon the conditions of their life and the state of their bodily health. The harmony created in them is not safe from all attack, it generally vanishes when circumstances become ad- verse. The child spontaneously receives this energy from material Nature when it throws ...


... with a profuser apparent waste of material and energy but with a more complete combination by the great Mother in her vast upward labour. It is this view of Yoga that can alone form the basis for a sound and rational synthesis of Yogic methods. For then Yoga ceases to appear something mystic and abnormal which has no relation to the ordinary processes of the World-Energy or the purpose she keeps in view... the tradition and ideal of a victorious harmony between the inner attraction and the outer demand remains, it is little or else very imperfectly exemplified. In fact, when a man turns his vision and energy inward and enters on the path of Yoga, he is popularly supposed to be lost inevitably to the great stream of our collective existence and the secular effort of humanity. So strongly has the idea prevailed... it must be constantly renovated by fresh streams of the spirit revivifying the dead or dying vehicle and changing it, if it is to acquire a new life. To be perpetually reborn is the condition of a material immortality. We are in an age, full of the throes of travail, when all forms of thought and activity that have in themselves any strong power of utility or any secret virtue of persistence are being ...


... vital plane—probably the vital physical. It is mostly there that the beings of the vital world appear with animal heads or features. A human figure with a dog's face means a very coarse and material sexual energy. Infinite realities which cannot be limited by these symbolic forms, though they may be somewhat expressed by them; they might be expressed as well by other symbols, and the same symbol... planes in which you can see. There is a mental seeing, a vital seeing, and there are some visions that are seen in a plane very close to the most material. The visions that belong to the last category appear in forms and symbols that seem to be absolutely material, so clear and real and tangible they are. And if you know how to interpret them you can have very exact indications of circumstances and of the... became a part of their realisation. It appeared in their visions as an image of spiritual light. The horse also was one of their favourite symbols, and a more easily adaptable one, since its force and energy were quite evident. 2) Life Symbols, such as are not artificially chosen or mentally interpreted in a conscious deliberate way, but derive naturally from our day-to-day life and grow out of the ...


... the world being, as the material, vital, mental and supramental energy of the Divine, but all these, all the powers of all the planes must be seen and known as self-formulations of the one spiritual Shakti, infinite in being, consciousness and Ananda. It is not the invariable rule that this power should first manifest itself on the lower levels in the lower forms of energy and then reveal its higher... constituting, maintaining and directing all the movements and workings of the universe. This universal Power is apparent to us first on the lower levels of existence as a mental, vital and material cosmic energy of which all our mental, vital and physical activities are the operations. It is necessary for our sadhana that we should thoroughly realise this truth in order to escape from the pressure... thinking, willing, doing, but feels too the divine Shakti or Prakriti behind driving and shaping all his thought, will, feeling and action: the individual energy belongs in a way to him, but is still only a form and an instrument of the universal divine Energy. The Master of the Power may be hidden from him for a time by the action of the Shakti, or he may be aware of the Ishwara sometimes or continually manifest ...


... overcome the Daityas or Dasyus by the aid of the gods; afterwards the gods had themselves to be overcome in order that man might reach his goal. Agni in the sphere of material energies is the master of tejas, the third and central material principle in the five known to Vedic science. Tejas itself is of seven kinds, chhaya or negative luminosity which is the principle of the annakosha; twilight or dosha... prakasha which is the basis of the satkosha. Each of the seven has its own appropriate energy; for the energy is the essential reality and the light only a characteristic accompaniment of the energy. Of all these Agni is the greatest in this world, greater even than Vidyut—although the God of the vaidyuta energy is Vishnu himself who is the Lord of the ananda, the vaidyuto manavah, electrical Man,... greater than Agni, but here he and Vishnu both work under the dominant energy of Agni and for the satisfaction of Indra,—Vishnu in the Upanishads being younger than Indra,—Upendra. Translated into the language of physics, this means that Agni, commanding as he does heat and cold, is the fundamental Page 472 active energy behind all phenomena of light and heat; the Sun is merely a reservoir ...


... because she spent much of her time outside her body, which meant that a great part of her body’s energy went elsewhere instead of staying quite pru­dently in its box performing all the operations or tasks that one normally expects to be done in the said box. So she needed to recover her material energies. She did this in a very simple, very direct way; instead of sitting down to eat and going through... more) of her being was exteriorized, her body kept a life of its own and she could walk about and even attend to small material chores. 14 She could also speak and narrate everything she saw on the other planes, while she was exploring them, which is how Theon gathered all the material for his Revue Cosmique. "Her eyes have the purity of a child's, but they look tired of having seen so many things... thinking. Her powers were of the highest order; she had received an extremely complete and rigorous training, and she was capable of exteriorizing herself, that is, to draw out a subtle body from her material body, totally consciously, and twelve times in a row. In other words, she could shift consciously from one state of being to another, live there as consciously as in her physical body, then again ...

... mostly there that the beings of the vital world appear with animal heads or features. A human figure with a dog's face means a very coarse and material sexual energy. Of course, all such energies can be transformed and cease to be sexual—turned into material strength of some kind, just as the seminal force can be turned by brahmacharya into ojas. This gazing on a flame or a bright spot is the... on. As the flower was a subtle physical object, not entirely material in the ordinary sense of the word (though quite substantial and material in its own plane, not an illusion), a camera would not be able to detect it—except in the case of one of those abnormal interventions by which a subtle form has been thrown upon the material plate. It could be sensed in a dark room, though not so easily... hostile force represented by the buffalo. Seeing Forms of the Divine and Other Beings Subjective visions can be as real as objective sight—the only difference is that one is of real things in material space, while the others are of real things belonging to other planes down to the subtle physical; even symbolic visions are real insofar as they are symbols of realities. Even dreams can have a reality ...


... me, were mystics—not in the sense of being vague & loose-thoughted visionaries, but in the sense of being intuitional symbolists—who regarded the world as a movement of consciousness & all material forms & energies as external symbols & shadows of deeper & ever deeper internal realities. It is not my intention here nor is it in my limits possible to develop the philosophy of the Great Aranyaka Upanishad... of mystical imagery, which starts with & looks on psychological and philosophical truths in the most material things and we shall miss its meaning altogether, if in our interpretation we are afraid of mysticism. The sun is the eye of this great Force, the wind is its life-breath or vital energy, Fire is its open mouth. We are here in the company of very familiar symbols. We shall have to return... but of the powers of the Horse. Some of these are material powers, the thunder, the lightning, the rain. When he stretches himself, then it lightens; when he shakes himself, then it thunders; when he urines, then it rains—vijrimbhate, extends himself by intensity, makes the most of his physical bulk & force; vidhunute, throws himself out by energy, converts his whole body into a motion & force; these ...


... yoga are already being used loosely, largely, in a leisurely movement in the unconscious evolutionary movements of life; the leisurely movement of life permits a profuser apparent waste of material and energy; yoga and various systems of yoga aim at substituting the leisurely and unconscious movement and its apparent waste by self- conscious means and willed arrangements of activity by which the... as man, the present human being. (c) The progress of Nature from Matter to Life, from Life to Mind may be conceded: but there is no proof yet that Matter developed into life or Life-energy into Mind- energy; all that can be conceded is that Life has manifested in Matter, Mind in living Matter. (d) The constant creation of types is visible but that is no indubitable proof of evolution.... Upanishads, and when we study them, we find that they tended to subordinate more and more completely the outward ritual, the material utility of the mantra and the sacrifice to a more spiritual aim and intention. The Vedic Rishis had preserved a synthesis between the material and the spiritual life; but the Upanishadic Rishis developed a new synthesis, leaning finally towards asceticism and renunciation ...


... small and frail that it becomes accidental and secondary. In face of the vast material energies to which it adds absolutely nothing that can be weighed or measured, the 'fact of consciousness' can be regarded as negligible. It is an 'epi-phenomenon'.   1. All the three essays are in the collection entitled Human Energy. Page 214 "I propose in these pages to develop a third... around Christ."   Now the picture is distinct: "physical", implying "organic", refers to the material universe of nature. It may not in every context coincide with "material", but the two adjectives show the same thing under two faces: the substance that acts as "physical" is "material" - the "material" substance in its organicity is "physical". And both the faces - the substantial and the organic... paralyse dans tous nos mouvements!" 24.Ibid., p, 68. Page 325 common mistake of regarding the spiritual as an attenuation of the material, whereas it is in fact the material carried beyond itself: "it is super-material." Again, we learn 25 that, while "the juridicists...will always understand 'mystical' (in 'mystical body') by analogy with a somewhat stronger family association ...
