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Mathura Mothura : on the right bank of the Yamuna, was connected with the life of Sri Krishna along with Gōkula & Vrindāvana, hence became centres of his followers’ pilgrimage. Mathurā’s strategic location, linked it to various trade routes going westwards to West Asia & the Roman Empire, northwards, via Takshashilā, Pushkalāvatī & Purūshapūra to Central Asia & the Silk Route, & eastwards to China, ensured its position as a centre of trade & a meeting point for varied cultures. During the time of Buddha, it was a major metropolis & the capital of the Surasena kingdom – one of the 16 Mahā janapadas of the period. Its economy & arts flourished during the rule of the Kushāns, Kanishka, Huvishka, & Vasishka; & under the Mauryas & Guptās. Mahmud of Ghazni sacked the city, destroyed temples & plundered its wealth in about 1020, as did Aurangzeb in 1670. In 18th century Mathura became the capital of the Jat king Suraj Mal, hence sacked by Ahmad Shah Abdali in 1757; regained by the Marathas it was sacked or saved or civilised by Pax Britannica.
... to tread under Gocool, our Paradise? Watching the wheels our hearts are rent asunder. Alas! and why is Crishna standing With Ocroor in the moving car? To Mothura is he then wending, To Mothura afar, The anguish in our eyes not understanding. What fault, what fault in Radha finding Hast thou forsaken her who loved thee; Her tears upon thy feet not... delight; This was our sin; for this, O lover, Dost thou desert us quite? Is it therefore thou forsakest us forever? Ah why should I forbid thee so? To Mothura let the wheels move thee, To Mothura if thy heart go, For the sad souls that love thee, That thou art happy is enough to know. But O with laughing face half-willing, With eyes that half a... almost always manifesting in Sri Ramakrishna, recharged the devotees' beliefs in the glories of Brindavan. Sri Ramakrishna visited Mathura on his way to Brindavan. According to Sri Ramakrishna's biographer Akshay Kumar Sen, the Master had a vivid vision at Mathura of Vasudeva, Krishna's father, crossing the Yamuna River through a storm at night, carrying the newborn child. Later Sri Ramkrishna reminisced ...
... Incomplete and Fragmentary Plays (1891-1915) Collected Plays and Stories The Prince of Mathura Persons of Drama AJAMEDE - Prince of Mathura, a fugitive in the mountains. INDRADYUMNA - his friend and comrade. ATRY - King of Mathura, by the help of the Scythians. TORAMAN - Prince of Cashmere, son of the Scythian overlord of the North-West. CANACA... court jester. HOOSHKA - captain of the Scythian bodyguard. MAYOOR - Atry's general and minister. INDRANY - Queen of Mathura. URMILA - Princess of Mathura, daughter of Atry and Indrany. LILA - daughter of Hooshka. Page 929 Act I Scene I Mathura. A room in the Palace. Atry, Indrany. ATRY However hard it be, however gross The undisguised compulsion, none... thus. The thing is secret still. Let it remain so. Let Prince Toraman Wed Urmila in secret in the hills As if herself had yielded to his suit, Not my consent. Against whom then, Mayoor, Shall Mathura revolt? MAYOOR It may be done. But will the Scythian's pride assent, or if The bond is secret, will he own the bond? ATRY He shall, he must. To break by any means The bar of pride ...
... Plays Plays Incomplete and Fragmentary Plays (1891-1915) Collected Plays and Stories Fragment of a Play Act I Mathura. Scene I A street in Mathura. Ahuca's house. Sudaman, Ocroor. SUDAMAN What art thou? OCROOR One that walks the Night. SUDAMAN No Ogre! Thou art Ocroor by thy voice. OCROOR Whatever name The... Whose shoe I have enshrined in Mathura And all men kiss it and their tongues declare 'Tis justice and mild rule while their hearts hate And quiver. OCROOR Thou art the Ogre. Has the blood Of many nobles not contented thee? Dost thou not feel enough thy furious greatness yet, Sudaman? SUDAMAN Ocroor, I have a belly to digest Much more than Mathura. OCROOR So Ravan had Who ...
... daytime it is only a shade less hot than Baroda, except when it has been raining. The Maharaja will probably be leaving here on the 24ᵗʰ,—if there has been rain at Baroda,—but as he will stop at Agra, Mathura & Mhow, he will not reach Baroda till the beginning of July. I shall probably be going separately & may also reach on the 1ṣṭ of July. If you like, you might go there a little before & put up with ...
... and invincible power and his mighty allies and by long impunity has almost come to think himself immortal. Then there comes the leaping of the great name to light, the sudden coming from Gokul to Mathura, the amazement, alarm and fury of the doomed powers and greatnesses, the delight of the oppressed who waited for a deliverer, the guile and violence of the tyrant and his frantic attempts to reverse... accept Nationalism, but Nationalism was not born of oppression. The oppressions and slaughters committed by Kansa upon the Yadavas did not give birth to Krishna but they were needed that the people of Mathura might look for the deliverer and accept him when he came. To hope that conciliation will kill Nationalism is to mistake entirely the birth, nature and workings of the new force, nor will either the... could check the growth of Nationalism while yet it was an indistinct force; and as neither Kansa's wiles nor his vishakanyas nor his mad elephants nor his wrestlers could kill Krishna revealed in Mathura, so neither a revival of Riponism nor the poison of Page 749 discord sown by bureaucratic allurements, nor Fullerism plus hooliganism, nor prosecution under cover of legal statutes can ...
... 63 × The child Krishna had to take refuge at Brindavan in order to escape his uncle Kansa, the tyrant king of Mathura. ...
... to its utmost effectivity unless she is one and indivisible. The days of small peoples, of isolated independence are gone – gone for ever even like Thebes and Nineveh, like Kosala of Dasarathi and Mathura of Yadupati. India can be and is to be a federation of autonomous units. But then we must very carefully choose or find out the units, those that are real units and not fractions (especially ...
... freedom to its utmost effectivity unless she is one and indivisible. The days of small peoples, of isolated independence are gone—gone for ever even like Thebes and Nineveh, like Kosala of Dasarathi and Mathura of Yadupati. India can be and is to be a federation of autonomous units. But then we must very Page 45 carefully choose or find out the units, those that are real units and ...
... posted in the area while serving as a Baroda state officer. The Prince of Mathura. Editorial title. This fragment, related in theme to The Prince of Edur , was written a few years later, probably in 1909 or 1910. The Birth of Sin. This fragment, written in the same notebook as The Prince of Mathura , must date from the same period, that is, 1909 - 10. In December 1909 a related ...
... forgotten. SRI AUROBINDO: I hear these Lamas die young. PURANI: About thirty or forty. SRI AUROBINDO: When one dies young, one comes back to life quickly and the memory remains fresh, as in that Mathura case. Very often one's desires remain unsatisfied and attachments persist, while in old people desires have to a great extent been worked out. PURANI: In Tibet they have developed this occult science ...
... significant colour, the colour of his aura when he manifests,—that is why he is called Nil Krishna ; the adjective does not mean that he was blue or dark in his physical body whether in Brindavan or Mathura or Dwarka! Violet is the radiance of Krishna's protection,—that was why, very naturally, it brought to you a sense of peace. The Mother says that she always saw it when she was in communion with Krishna ...
... know what he had for his breakfast. NIRODBARAN: What was your point in that question? DR. MANILAL: I wanted to say that Krishna was Sarvajna. (Laughter) SRI AUROBINDO: Then that girl from Mathura who knew all the details of her past life was also Sarvajna. When Arjuna said to Krishna, "Will you tell me again all you told me about Kurukshetra etc.,etc.?" Krishna replied, "Good Lord, do I remember ...
... 1510 (March) — Arrival at Puri. 1510(April)-1511 — Tour of South India. 1514 — First pilgrimage to Brindavan and Mathura. 1515 —Second pilgrimage to Brindavan and Mathura. 1516 (April) 1534 — Return to Puri. 1534 — Passing away in Puri. Suggestions for further reading ...
... king, Virasena, who has left numismatic and epigraphic traces, is believed to have been a Nāga with his capital at Mathura and with sovereignty also over Bulandshahr, Etah and Farrukhabad districts as well as parts of the Punjāb. 5 The Nāgas, whether centred at Vidiśā, Kantipuri, Mathura or Padmavati, can be considered prominent rulers of the Gangaridai - the peoples along the course of the Ganges... Chandrāmśa may have been sovereign over a fairly extensive territory from a governmental seat at this city. The Purānas figure the Nāgas as flourishing at other centres too: Kantipuri, Mathura, Padmavati. 2 The prevalence of Nāga rule 1."Alexander the Great", The Cambridge History of India, I, p. 370, fn. 4. 2. The Age of Imperial Unity, p. 169. Page 188 ... that centre was to denote the home or the principal city of each Nāga. Thus, "some coins bearing the name of Mahārāja Ganendra or Ganapa have been discovered at Padmavati and also at Vidiśā and Mathura", 2 which shows that this king of Padmavati may have expanded his influence over the rest of the Nāga centres. Again, the Vākātaka records mention Mahārāja Bhavanāga, whose daughter married a son ...
... as the leader of the world manifestation had to accomplish. The story of Sri Krishna begins with an event much before his birth. More than five thousand years ago, in the kingdom of Mathura in Northern India, the king Ug-rasena ruled his people and protected them with due care. His son Kamsa, however, was ambitious; he usurped the kingdom and imprisoned his father taking the reins of ...
... God, that the barbarians have destroyed civilizations, wiped out entire races. Mahmoud Ghazni, continues Danielou, was an early example of Muslim ruthlessness, burning down in 1018 the temples of Mathura, razing Kanauj to the ground, and destroying the famous temple of Somnath, sacred to all Hindus. His successors were as ruthless. In 1030, the holy city of Benares was razed to the ground, its marvellous ...
... 1. The Exodus is supposed to have begun in 1447 B.C., which would make Moses a contemporary of Sri Krishna. And peculiarly enough, just when Krishna led the exodus of his Yadava tribe from Mathura to Dwaraka, seemingly Moses did the same with the Jews in the Middle East. Page 98 way the Ten Commandments on top of Mount Sinai —"And to think Moses climbed up there to hear that banality ...
... Maitreyi, 160 Manchester Guardian, the, 163n Mao-tse-Tung,242 Mara,280 Mars, 323 Maruts, 222 Marx, 128 -Dos Kapital, 118 Marxism, 326 Mathura, 91 Maupassant, 145 Maxwell, 308 Maya, 50, 55, 67, 280, 284, 361, 381 Mayavada,326 Mazzini, 59, 91 Mephistopheles, 83 Michelson-Morley experiment, 315 ...
... hot than Baroda except when it has been raining. The Maharaja will probably be leaving here Page 120 on the 24 th ,—if there has been rain at Baroda, but as he will stop at Agra, Mathura and Mhow he will not reach Baroda before the beginning of July. I shall probably be going separately and may also reach on the 1 st of July. If you like, you might go there a little before and put ...
... have been seen by me elsewhere — on this earth, in the sky or in water?" Observing thus, Akrūra drove his chariot, and arrived at Mathura with Rama and Śrī Krsna at the decline of day. * * * Page 148 With the arrival at Mathura Sri Krishna's exile to Brindavan came to an end. A new chapter of glory began. The major event that occurred in that chapter was Sri Krishna's... celebrating in song Śrī Krsna's glorious pastimes, with their minds absorbed in him and in the bliss produced thereby. * * * Kamsa despatches Akrura to Vraja to bring Śrī Krsna to Mathura Destruction of Arista (1-15) Śrī Śuka said: 1. Now there came into Gokula an Ox-demon called Arista with a huge hump and a very big body, causing tremors on the earth that was riven by... understand the situation. You have therefore to go soon and fetch the boys Rāma and Krsna to participate in the Dhanurya-jna (worship of the bow) to be held soon and to behold the splendour of the city of Mathura." Akrūra replied: 38. "O King! Your resolution to save yourself from death is certainly in order. But you have to be even-minded in success and failure. For it is the unseen divine agency that awards ...
... Deliverer; Vasavadutta; Rodogune; Eric. Volume 7 — Collected Plays AND SHORT STORIES, Part Two: The Viziers of Bassora; Prince of Edur; The Maid in the Mill; The House of Brut; The Prince of Mathura; The Birth of Sin: Vikramorvasie (The Hero and the Nymph). Short Stories: Idylls of the Occult: The Phantom Hour; The Door at Abelard; The Devil's Mastiff; The Golden Bird. Juvenilia. Volume ...
... Amsterdam: p. 345, 348— Pestalozzi Institute: p. 260, p. 269, 272, p. 277 — Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust Archives, p. 514, p. 515, p. 520 — Editions Auroville Press Publishers: p. 495 — Jean-Louis Nou, Mathura Museum: p. 96 — Abanindranath Tagore: p. 60 — Nandalal Bose: p. 74, p. 75, p. 81 — Upendra Maharathi, National Gallery of Modern Arts, New Delhi: p. 93. Page 526 Printed at Auroville ...
... been intended as a dramatic study megalomania - the overweening pride that canters before the inevitable fall. In the early fragment. The Prince of Mathura, Ajamede the fugitive in the mountains is the intended hero-saviour of Mathura from the usurper Atry, and perhaps Ajamede also marries Atry's daughter, Urmila. Sri Aurobindo seems to have enlarged the theme in Prince of Edur by making... and three unfinished plays (The House of Brut, The Maid in the Mill and Prince of Edur) were published, first in Sri Aurobindo Annual year after year and later in book form. The Prince of Mathura, an earlier version of Prince of Edur, and two dramatic pieces of his student days - The Witch of Ilni and 'Fragment of a Drama' (a dialogue between Achab and Esar) - are now included in Volume ...
... before experienced in her history. After the conquest of India, one of the very first acts of the Muslim invaders was to pillage the well-endowed Hindu temples at Somnath, Thanesar, Mathura, Kannauj and other places. In this way and in one stroke, the riches concentrated in the hands of these temples through many centuries of grants from Hindu rulers, fell into the hands of the Muslim ...
... seventh is doubt; the eighth is hypocrisy and obduracy; the ninth is gains, praise, honour, false glory; the tenth is exalting self, despising others. Mara, these are your Page 38 Mathura Museum, Gupta art, 5th centure armies. No feeble man can conquer them, yet only by conquering them one wins bliss. I challenge you! Shame on my life if defeated! Better for me to die in battle ...
... were not so, there would not have been great spiritual men like Janaka or Vidura in India and even there would have been no Krishna or else Krishna would have been not the Lord of Brindavan and Mathura and Dwarka or a prince and warrior or the charioteer of Kurukshetra, but only one more great anchorite. The Indian scriptures and Indian tradition, in the Mahabharata and elsewhere, make room both ...
... a third; the revision of your other poems; the completion of the Stone of Ishtar and a number of occasional verses (Poetry); the Idylls of the Occult, The Return of Moro Giafferi and The Siege of Mathura (Prose fiction); your study of the Vedas (first mandala) along with an explanation of the Vedic Gods (the Secret of the Veda). Page 1290 Script - II There is no Script in this actually ...
... it were not so, there would not have been great spiritual men like Janaka or Vidura in India and even there would have been no Krishna or else Krishna would have been not the Lord of Brindavan and Mathura and Dwarka or a prince and warrior or the charioteer of Kurukshetra, but only one more great anchorite. The Indian scriptures and Indian tradition, in the Mahabharata and elsewhere, make room both ...
... continue to put their own interpretation on his movements. The least offensive was what his friend Shyamsundar once said [comparing Sri Aurobindo to the cowherd of Brindaban] - "My Kanai has gone to Mathura and put on a royal head-gear." Let that be. I found my Kanu again in 1940. He was wearing the divine peacock feather on his head. But, as I have stated already, I could cast but one stolen fleeting ...
... ... In thy line the Spirit Supreme Shall bound existence with one human form; In Mathura and ocean Dwarca Man Earthly perfectibility of soul Example— refer to Sri Krishna the Avatar, traditionally considered the complete incarnation of divinity, who was born in Mathura and many of whose famous deeds were by the waters of Dwarca. He was of the same "lunar line" as ...
... history: gestation and growth in secrecy or obscurity (Krishna in Gokul growing from infancy to youth), the leaping of the Page 223 great name to light (the sudden coming from Gokul to Mathura causing amazement, alarm and fury to Kamsa), the season of trial and triumph (the hour of reckoning when the enemy"feels the grasp of the avenger on his hair and the sword of doom in his heart")... check the growth of Nationalism while yet it was an indistinct force; and as neither Kamsa's wiles nor his visakanyās, nor his mad elephants nor his wrestlers could kill Krishna revealed in Mathura, so neither a revival of Riponism nor the poison of discord... nor Fullerism plus hooliganism... can slay Nationalism now that it has entered the arena. Nationalism is an avatār and cannot ...
... penetrating word than Maya. Lila includes the idea of Maya and exceeds it; nor has it that association of the vanity of all things, useless to you who have elected to remain and play with Sri Krishna in Mathura and Brindavan. God is one but he is not bounded by his unity. We see him here as one who is always manifesting as many, not because he cannot help it, but because he so wills, and outside manifestation ...
... Miniature Painting 5. Impressionism 6. Renaissance Art 7. Abstract Paintings 8. Semi Abstract Paintings 9. Mughal Paintings 10. Rajasthani Paintings 11. Mathura Art 12. Figurative Paintings 13. Landscape Paintings 14. Ceramics 15. Sculpture 16. Glass Painting 17. Basholi, Guler-Kangra and Sikh Lepakshi Painting 18 ...
... leaving the Ashram. But the argument you put forward seems to me rather queer. By that logic one could deny greatness or divinity to Krishna because he was driven by superior armaments from Mathura to the farthest end of India or because he was wounded by an arrow in the heel and died of it, or to Ramakrishna because he suffered and died from cancer. You wrote the other day blaming somebody ...
... sadhana takes the form of an application of human vital love in all its principal turns to the Divine; viraha, abhimāna , even complete separation (like the Page 478 departure of Krishna to Mathura) are made prominent elements of this Yoga. But all that was only meant—in the sadhana itself, not in the Vaishnava poems—as a passage of which the end is milana or complete union; but the stress ...
... because people had no faith (faith being one of the conditions imposed on his work) or when Krishna after fighting eighteen battles with Jarasandha failed to prevail against him and had to run away from Mathura. Why the immortal Hell should the Divine be tied down to succeed in all his operations? What if failure suits him better and serves better the ultimate purpose? What if the gentleman in question ...
... Eric. Volume 7 Collected Plays AND SHORT STORIES, Part Two: The Viziers of Bassora; Prince of Edur; The Maid in the Mill; The House of Brut; The Prince of Mathura; The Birth of Sin; Vikramorvasie (The Hero and the Nymph): Short Stories: Idylls of the Occult: The Phantom Hour; The Door at Abelard; The Devil's Mastiff; The Golden Bird. Juvenilia. ...
... Raymond R, 20, 515 Plato, 48, 418, 441 Plotinus, 441 Poddar, Arabinda, 26fh Prasad, Narayan, 579 Prince of Edur, The, 119,120, 152,154-55 Prince of Mathura, The, 119 Pringle-Kennedy, Mrs. and Miss, 305, 365 Prothero, G. W., 33, 37 Psychology of Social Development, The, See The Human Cycle Punjabee, The, 234 ...
... and personalities With battle and with passion and with storm Shall burn through Aryan history, the speech Of ages. In thy line the Spirit Supreme Shall bound existence with one human form; In Mathura and ocean Dwarca Man Earthly perfectibility of soul Example: son of thy line and eulogist, The vast clear poet of the golden verse, Whose song shall be as wide as is the world. But all by huge ...
... had no faith (faith being one of the conditions imposed for his working) or when Krishna after fighting eighteen battles with Jarasandha 54 failed to prevail against him and had to run away from Mathura. Why the immortal Hell should the Divine be tied down to succeed in all his operations? What if failure suits him better and serves better the ultimate purpose? What if the gentleman in question ...
... equates him with Krshna Vasudeva (plus Krishna's brother Balarāma) and the Sourasenoi with the Surasenas or Satvatas. Lassen, McCrindle and Hopkins state that Methora and Cleisobora are respectively Mathura and Krish-napura on the Jamunā (Jobares). The story about Pāndaia is a confused reference to Krishna's close personal association with the Pāndavas in the Bhārata War and to his family-tie to them... fixes more firmly the Purānic Kaliyuga's termination in the very era for which we have contended by equating Viśvasphurti with Samudragupta. Now we may reach out to the precise date. In the Mathura inscription (No. 5) Chandragupta II gives the 61st year of the establishment of the imperial dynasty by his grandfather and the 5th of his own reign, 1 which means that he became king in the 56th ...
... Sandrocottus. And in contrast to the insignificance of Buddhism in the time of Megasthenes we may stress the prevalence of the Guptas' own religion, Vaishnavism or Bhāgavatism, which he noted at Mathura in particular. As a converse to the information by Megasthenes we may add what we gather from the earliest Buddhist works and the inscriptions of Aśoka. Sircar 2 writes: "The Buddhist canonical... " observes Bevan, 1 "always experienced a keen joy of recognition, when they could connect foreign things with the figures of their legends..." Do we not know how they saw Heracles in Krishna of Mathura and found Dionysus in Shiva of the hills? The Dionysian Nysaioi are also an instance of their Hellenifying tendency. Another instance is provided by Strabo (XV.8): "They further called the Oxydrakai... But by the 4th century B.C. at least, Vāsudeva is a full-fledged object of whole-hearted devotion as "is proved by the statement of Megasthenes that the Souresenoi, i.e. the people of the Mathura region, held Herakles in special honour; for there is no doubt that Herakles was the Greek analogue of Vāsudeva-Krishna". 3 Originally "a hero of the Yādava clan", Vāsudeva-Krishna, when deified ...
... 565, 568-9 Meherauli Iron Pillar of 'Chandra', i, 215, 398, 523-7, 528, 532-3, 596 Menander, 366 Meou-lun, 456 Merutunga: Therāvali, 475, 502 Meru/'Meros', 57, 58, 81 Methora (Mathura), 94, 95, 396 Meyer, E., 251, 281, 282 Meyer, J., 77 Michelson, 315 Mihirakula, 403, 501-16, 600, 606 Milindapanha, 259, 278, 360 Mills, 281 Min-nagara, 477 Mitākshara, ...
... daytime it is only a shade less hot than Baroda except when it has been raining. The Maharaja will probably be leaving here on the 24th,– if there has been rain at Baroda, but as he will stop at Agra, Mathura and Mhow he will not reach Baroda before the beginning of July. I shall probably be going separately and may also reach on the 1st of July. If you like, you might go there a little before and put ...
... bear to Krishna. And your warnings to me are vain like the pleadings of the deaf and mute. The Boy who left his mother's home and was reared by a different mother, — Oh, take me forth to his city of Mathura where He won the field without fighting the battle and leave me there. Of no further avail is modesty. For all the neighbours have known of this fully. Would ye really heal me of this ailing and ...
... of an application of human vital love in all its principal turns to the Divine; viraha [separation], abhim ā na [hurt love], even complete separation (like the departure of Krishna to Mathura) are made prominent elements of this Yoga. But all that was only meant—in the sadhana itself, not in the Vaish nava poems—as a passage of which the end is milana or complete union; but the stress... significant colour, the colour of his aura when he manifests, —that is why he is called N ī l Krishna; the adjective does not mean that he was blue or dark in his physical body whether in Brindavan or Mathura or Dwarka! Violet is the radiance of Krishna's protection—that is why it brought to you a sense of peace. The Mother says that she always saw it when she was in communion with Krishna and now too ...
... are Hardwar and Rishikesh, Kedarnath and Badrinath where pilgrims Page 37 flock. Here are the age-old towns that stand dreaming of the past glory: Ayodhya of Rama of the Raghus, Mathura and Vrindaban of Krishna, Sarnath of Buddha, Allahabad where Ganga the daughter of Himavan meets Yamuna the daughter of the Sun, Agra with its Tajmahal like a teardrop on the cheeks of Time. And here ...
... stop at Agra, 30 30. A town in the United Provinces, famous for the Tajmahal. Page 34 Sri Aurobindo with his wife Mrinalini Devi at Nainital, 1901 Mathura 31 and Mhow, 32 he will not reach Baroda before the beginning of July. I shall probably be going separately and may also reach on the first of July. If you like, you might go there a little ...
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