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Messiah : one who would be sent by God to restore Israel & reign righteously. ‘Christ’ is Greek for Messiah. The common idea of Jesus’ time was that the Messiah should reign in glory as an earthly king. Christianity’s expectation of the second coming of Jesus is similar to the Jewish belief in the Messianic advent.
... The Centenary Edition, Vol. 13, pp. 297-99, 303-05, 299. 57. Ibid., p. 301. 58. The Birth of the Messiah, p. 520. 59. Ibid., p. 519. 60. Ibid., p. 521. 61. Ibid. 62. Ibid., p. 340. 63. Ibid., p. 519. 64. The Birth of the Messiah, p. 520. 65. Ibid. 66. Ibid., p. 245: fn. 33. 67.Michael Ramsey, The Resurrection of... y without the original sin, the Incarnation, the plan of Atonement. It has even a Virgin Birth, but its founder is a Prophet and not the Logos embodied, though there is distinctly the idea of the Messiah at the world's termination. Possibly there was a hint of a movement towards incarnationism in the legend of Luke's Three Wise Men who go by the Persian title of Magi and who in the earliest tradition... throwing dust in our eyes. Realising his own verbal sophistry of drawing a significant line between the clear and the lucidly clear, he takes up a different posture in his later book The Birth of the Messiah: A Commentary on the Infancy Narratives in Matthew and Luke (New York: Image Books, 1979, p. 520). Translating as "his own" the phrase which the Jerusalem Bible renders "his relatives", Brown avoids ...
... more developed view was dominant whereby Jesus was seen already to have been the Messiah and Son of God during his ministry... Mark tells the reader that... at the baptism Jesus was the Son of God (1:11)". But "Mark partially preserved the older understanding. He insists that Jesus was already Son of God and Messiah during his lifetime, but this was not publicly known". "In the later Gospels...... wrote in the 90s, gets in The Jerusalem Bible 177 the annotation: "Probably a reference to Cerinthus who taught that Jesus was an ordinary human being who was 'possessed' by the Messiah at his baptism in the Jordan; this Messiah ascended before the Passion of Jesus." So the possible Proto-Gnostic view hailing from Corinth may be stated along the following lines: Page 193 "Something... "on a tree" instead of performing miracles of conquest would never be acceptable: a Messiah of this kind would be an insuperable obstacle to their faith, a stumbling-block (skandalon in Paul's Greek original) that would be absolute. As Ruef 228 points out, "the inability of the Jews to accept a crucified Messiah found substantiation in their scriptures" - namely, in "Deuteronomy 21:22f", as Ruef's ...
... the bread of the Eucharist. — Messiah or Christ Christ is a Greek word and means Messiah. It was applied to Jesus even in the New Testament to show the faith of the early Christians in the unique meaning of his death and subsequent resurrection. That is, Jesus was the Messiah; he was Jesus Christ. The Jewish belief that the coming of the Messiah still lies in the future is one of... Christians. The Christians believe that the Messiah came 2000 years ago in the person of Jesus. Although faith in the Messiah had been entirely Jewish, and still is to this day, the Christians claimed Jesus as the Messiah (Jesus Christ), but gave an entirely different meaning and belief to this word. (a) Jewish : The rabbis taught that with the coming of the messiah, the anointed descendant of the great... hell or even of an afterlife. God's Kingdom reigned over by the Messiah will be established here on Earth. (b) Christian : Christianity insists that Jesus is the anointed* descendant of King David. Through this and other signs from prophets of the Old Testament, Christianity declares Jesus to be the Messiah. In Greek, the word 'messiah' is 'christ' or the anointed one, so according to the faith of ...
... supreme spontaneity, he "acted from impulse, not rules". But if to Blake his own Satan is Milton's Messiah how can The Tyger's "he" be the Miltonic Christ? Here comes the second complexity. Without reverting to the essential characters which, according to Blake, Milton has given his Messiah and Satan, Blake partly turns his own topsyturvying of them upside down and remains Miltonic when he... warring with Satan, "the God of this World", in The Everlasting Gospel is the same burning brightness that the Messiah is in Milton's Book VI. So it is no freakish and unlikely 63. Ibid., 64. Ibid., Page 71 identification that we are submitting of that Messiah and the Christ in our lyric both in the role of the Tyger's maker and in that of the Tyger itself. Of course... explaining the almighty arms, is the radiant panoply, "work divinely wrought". And when the Messiah comes with God's war, "far off his coming shone". 191 . It should be evident that the fiery "distant deeps or skies" of Blake to which the creative "he" aspires are the many-featured chariot which the Messiah ascended in answer to the Father's call, as much as they are what is transfused into Christ ...
... a Satan of his Messiah and vice versa, the essential Miltonic vision is retained. In terms of this vision Blake sees how Desire, restrained by Reason, becomes passive and shadowy: "The history of this is written in Paradise Lost, & the Governor or Reason is call'd Messiah... "It indeed appear'd to Reason as if Desire was cast out; but the Devil's account is, that the Messiah fell, & formed... attack in Supernature before the fall from it and before the formation of another world by the fallen one. Blake's mythology in the time of The Tyger accepts the battle between Desire, the true Messiah, and Reason, the real Devil, in the Hell that is the original Heaven or Eternity - Desire whose battling could most appropriately be pictured as a Tyger. In this heavenly Hell we have "corrosives... seizing them, he is a rebel and a thief. In thus stealing the fire he is like Prometheus. Blake must have been familiar with the Prometheus-theme: there is that daring aspirer, Satan or the false Messiah, who in The Marriage of Heaven and Hell "formed a heaven of what he stole from the Abyss". 118 The Abyss here, like most things in The Marriage, reminds us of a conception of that Alchemical mystic ...
... Blake with me but I believe the passage in the marriage of Heaven and Hell reads 'the first commander of the heavenly host (Lucifer that is) the Messiah fell, and made a heaven for himself from what he stole from the Abyss'. Deeply true, if the Messiah is 'reason'! As to tygers, I still have not seen one in India, we have postponed our visit to the nature-reserve, no Tygons or Ligers either. We have... a source - laziness, lack of thoroughness in tracing the symbols - and of course Blake's Jesus is not Milton's Son ('reason') but rather the 'first commander of the heavenly host' from whom 'the Messiah fell* and made a heaven for himself in the Abyss (Urizen's world). In a few details I shall disagree - 'And did those feet in ancient time' are universally taken to be those of Jesus, who according... book away. The word which has baffled me is in the sentence: "...and of course Blake's Jesus is not Milton's Son ('reason') but rather the 'first Commander [?] of the heavenly host' from whom 'the Messiah fell" and made a heaven for himself in the Abyss (Urizen's world)," What you have said about my work is extremely gratifying. Thank you for such generous praise. Coming from you it is not only ...
... experience of government, without experience even of resistance to government, consequently without inherited tact, needs a teacher or a Messiah to initiate it in the art of politics. In England the burgess was taught almost insensibly by the nobility; in France he found a Messiah in the great Napoleon. We had no Napoleon, but we had a nobility. Europeans, when the spirit moves them to brag of their superiority... But who expects magnanimity from bureaucracy? The old nobility then were almost extinct and had moreover no power to help us: the bureaucracy had not the will. Yet it was from their ranks that the Messiah came. Page 57 ...
... 12. The Vision of Adolf Hitler Hitler and his God The Messiah Hitler reportedly said in one of his monologues: ”Ich bin auf Grund höherer Gewalt da”. 754 “Höhere Gewalt” means an act of God, and Hitler’s words may be translated as “I am here through an act of God”, something he declared directly or indirectly in many ways throughout his career. Instead... admittedly small in number”, he said in the early years of the movement. “But once another man stood up in Galilee, and today his teaching rules the whole world.” “Hitler presented himself as the Messiah, who as a warrior, filled with the fanatical faith in the righteousness of his ideas, goes his predestined way”, concurs Michael Rissmann. And Hitler said that one day would be written on his tomb:... than a cell in a body, an ant in a nest. The perspectives this opens reveal something of the real dimension of the evil to be discovered behind all the destruction and slaughter caused by this German Messiah. What he said to Speer, when planning his gigantic buildings, cannot be taken literally enough: “I tell you, Speer, these buildings are more important than anything else. You must do everything ...
... she communicated no profound christolog-ical understanding to his followers who came to understand only after the resurrection and, indeed, at first seem to have proclaimed that Jesus had become Messiah, Lord, or Son of God through the resurrection, never mentioning the virginal conception. The family tradition thesis is not impossible, but it faces formidable difficulties." There is... out the idea of the virginal conception and proves the original apostolic Christianity to have had no link with it. Page 31 References 1. The Birth of the Messiah: A Commentary on the Infancy Narratives in Matthew and Luke (Garden City, New York: Image Books, A Division of Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1979), pp. 518-19. 2. Ibid., p. 521. 3. Ibid... Bible (London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 1966), The Old Testament, p. 743. 16. Ibid., p. 745. 17. Ibid., p. 756. 18. Ibid., p. 743, col. 2, n.c. 19. The Birth of the Messiah, p. 519, fn. 5a. 20. The Jerusalem Bible, The New Testament, p. 278. 21. Ibid., p. 279, col. 2, note d. 22. Ibid., note c. 23. Ibid.,p.3U. 24. Ibid. Page ...
... primarily on this oral tradition. The earliest Gospel, that of St. Mark, is thought to have been written between AD 65 and 70. 1. ''Christ", a name given to Jesus, means "the anointed one", or "The Messiah", the expected Savior of the Jews. Page 119 There are four Gospels, those of St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. John. The first three show many similarities. However, the Gospel... and by skillfully manipulating the fickle moods of the crowd, they finally managed to have Jesus arrested. Jesus was taken before the priests, and when questioned declared that he was indeed the Messiah, the son of God. The priests found him guilty of blasphemy, a capital crime under Jewish law. He was then led before Pilate, the Roman Governor, who alone could pronounce the death sentence. Pilate... word Pharisee has come to mean a self-righteous, hypocritical person. Page 121 Already Jesus was famous for his words and for his miracles. Expectations were high that he might be the Messiah so ardently awaited in Israel. We may well imagine the eagerness of the crowd when he began to speak. And then the surprise: what kind of words are these? In the harsh world of those days, where oppression ...
... Luke and Paul. Brown writes: "In Matthew and Luke we have the christology moved back to Jesus' infancy in Mary's womb, for an angel proclaims that from the moment of his conception he was already the Messiah and the Son of God. On the other hand, in hymns quoted in the Pauline epistles (Philip 2:6-7; Col 1:15-17), in Hebrews (1:2), and in John (1:1; 17:5) the christology is moved toward pre-existence."... Conception and Bodily Resurrection of Jesus (New York: Paulist Press, 1973), p. 57, fn. 91. 2. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Macropaedia (1977), Vol. 2, p. 954, col. 2. 3. The Birth of the Messiah: A Commentary on the Infancy Narratives in Matthew and Luke (New York: Image Books, 1979), p. 332. 4. The Gospel of St. Luke (Harmondsworth: The Pelican New Testament Commentaries, Penguin... Penguin Books, 1972), p. 27. 36. Ibid., pp. 39-40. 37. Ibid., pp. 21-22. 38. Ibid., p. 40. 39. Enc. Brit, Macropaedia, Vol. 2, p. 969, col. 2. 40. The Birth of the Messiah, p. 340. 41. Ibid., p. 519. 42. Ibid., fn. 5a. 43. Ibid., p. 520. 44. Ibid. 45. Ibid., p. 340. Page 114 ...
... the world" having "spontaneously disclosed itself" to the consciousness of our contemporaries and of its appearing "to them as an 'extra', or antagonistic, or stronger absolute" than Christ - "a new Messiah more desirable than the old" (L'ame du monde, 1918, in Ecrits, p. 227). 22 22. Ibid., p. 319. Page 192 We also read: "Some reasonable reconciliation must... y and tends to turn the world "away from the God of the Gospel" and, by setting the universe afire to manifest it through "tangible developments", proves to be a "stronger absolute" than "the old Messiah" - how can a religious intuition that comes alive in terms stressing the progressive "totality of things" and inspiring the devotion of "body and soul" to the world itself and taking form, however ...
... of the Resurrection The followers of Jesus were absolutely convinced that he had been raised from the dead and had been taken away into heaven as a proof of his identity as Jesus Christ, the Messiah. He was the crucified and then risen Lord. The Resurrection brings a different perspective to the understanding of Jesus. If anyone thought of him as only a prophet, as a messenger of God, that changes... changes when he himself is raised by God from the dead. And it is really the belief in the Resurrection experience that leads the disciples to come to think of Jesus as more than even a prophet, as the Messiah... The Redeemer of Humanity from Sin... . He is the one who has been glorified and ascended into heaven as Son of God by God. Page 94 In his final commandments to the disciples before ...
... 7 this world and through His birth to the transfiguration of what we call the world. But the birth towards which we work is not, as formerly, that of a son of God, of an avatar, a messiah. It is the advent of a new species, of a divine race heralded by the messiahs. It is not the appearance of man as god or of god as man which we must expect, but the manifestation of humanity as god... is being prepared. That which is to disappear does so only to initiate you into a vaster future. It matters little if he is forgotten tomorrow, or whether one celebrates him and makes him the Messiah of the End of Time. The real question does not reside therein, and Sri Aurobindo himself was not at all concerned that one glorify him, but only that his vision be embodied. He was the first vessel ...
... cannot on scriptural authority be denied. 31.7.1983 APPENDIX 'To round off our discussion we should not omit reference to an issue raised by Brown in The Birth of the Messiah (p. 398). Annotating Luke 2:7 which he translates "and she gave birth to a son, her firstborn", he writes: "Although prototokos, 'firstborn', is sometimes clearly equivalent to monogenes... References 1. The Virginal Conception and Bodily Resurrection of Jesus (New York: Paulist Press, 1973), pp. 27-28. 2. Ibid., p. 40 and fn. 52. 3. The Birth of the Messiah: A Commentary on the Infancy Narratives in Matthew and Luke (New York: Image Books, 1979), p. 304. 4. Ibid. 5. The English Authorised Version. 6. The Gospel of St. Mark (Har ...
... has no longer any difficulty in accepting Nazism as an ersatz-, pseudo- or semi-religion, or as a religion pure and simple, which it certainly was for those who responded to the call of the Führer-Messiah. “I call Hitler’s world vision and consequently National Socialism a religion”, 795 states Orzechowski; Bärsch writes that National Socialism “was not one or other ideology, but essentially a religion”;... the future belongs solely to the stronger eastern nation [he meant the USSR]. In any case only those who are inferior will remain after this struggle, for the good have already been killed.” 807 The Messiah had not failed the Chosen People, his people had failed and betrayed him, all of them. ...
... meet and wrestle in the arena of the world and through the constant storm and flash, agitation of force and agitation of light the possibility of the victoriously fulfilled ideal, the hope of the Messiah, the expectation of the Avatar takes possession of the hearts and thoughts of men. Such an age seems now to be coming upon the world. But whether that hope and expectation and possibility are to come... anything depends upon whether men prepare their souls for the advent and rise in the effort of their faith, life and thought to the height and purity of a clearly-grasped ideal. Page 117 The Messiah or Avatar is nothing but this, the divine Seer-Will descending upon the human consciousness to reveal to it the divine meaning behind our half-blind action and to give along with the vision the exalted ...
... gave to his Satan a boundless energy of Desire. Blake held that this energy, rather than the Rationality which Milton considered proper, pertained to the Messiah. He also found apt to his purpose the warrior energy which Milton attributed to his Messiah in Book VI. So, Miltonic ideas and expressions in relation to both Christ and Satan got fused in the poetic reconstruction of the Miltonic theme by Blake ...
... prevent the fulfilment of God's will by killing His instrument, as if the power which warned him of approaching doom had not the strength to enforce the doom. So too, when the vague prophecies of a Messiah reached the ears of Herod and he heard that Christ was born in Bethlehem, the fear of his earthly dominion passing into the hands of another drove him to massacre all the children of the Jews in order ...
... and fantast”, even without the proclamation of his global ambitions. Only his quasi-miraculous internal and external successes as Chancellor will heat up the expectations to a point where the German Messiah could publicly formulate any ambition, however grandiose, and order its execution. What, then, were the differences between Nazism and Hitlerism? Pure Hitlerism was the creation of the SS as a personal ...
... × In persons knowledgeable about Christianity, this image will bring to mind the figure of the Messiah in the biblical book of Revelation, written by John of Patmos. The Mother herself pointed out the similarity: “Saint John has said that there would be a new earth – that, moreover, there would be a ...
... to have been more than a gimmick for the supernatural glorification of the regime and the unbridled expansion of its power, for there are unmistakable indications that Hitler took himself for the Messiah.” 682 Hitler was considered the intermediary between the Volk and God, writes Scholdt. “Solemnly he strides / in silence through his brown army / as a priest who blesses / the germinating seeds ...
... by Christopher Browning), was phenomenal. At its root we find, always, Adolf Hitler, the medium possessed by an asuric god. Most of the Germans did not know this. They glorified their Leader as the Messiah; he was pure and holy, he floated above all the filth. “If only the Führer knew”, was a common expression in Naziland. But the Führer knew very well, for in practically all cases – certainly the most ...
... guidance in accepting to realize the evil that would take humanity back to a former, lower phase of its evolution. Only this Power behind him explains how a man from nowhere could become the Führer and Messiah of the German people, as only this cosmic Power can be a norm for the enormity of the negative forces – falsehood, ignorance, suffering and death – which Hitler was instrumental in unleashing. All ...
... here with that damned whip of his and shouting: ‘I must enter Berlin like Christ the Temple of Jerusalem and scourge out the moneylenders’, and more nonsense of that sort. I tell you, if he lets his Messiah complex run away with him, he will ruin us all.” 222 Another symptom of a possible change in the Eckart-Hitler relation was Eckart’s reflection to Hanfstängl: “I am fed up with this toy-soldier stuff ...
... smash Babylon in the name of God”. Those to be massacred would be “the rich, well-fed, loose-living clergy”, the chief enemy, who must be annihilated. “‘Go on hitting them’, cries [Frederick] the Messiah to his army, ‘from the Pope right down to the little clerics. Kill every one of them!’ He foresees that 2300 clerics will be killed each day for four and a half years.” Others to be slain are the ...
... already at thirteen come under the influence of two direct disciples of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa: Swami Brahmananda, the founder of Ramakrishna Mission, and "Sri M" the famous chronicler of the great Messiah. I cannot here possibly enlarge any more on my father's great though some-what enigmatic personality — since he composed some of the greatest hymns in the Bengali language (to Krishna, Shiva, Kali ...
... that I had feared just the reverse, to wit, I had simply dreaded that Gurudev would grow cold towards me after my all-too-candid confession that I could not dream of ranking him with Krishna as a Messiah or a God-man, playing at hide and seek with us mortals. And it was because he was truly great that he could go on lavishing on me the largess of his delectable intimacy even after my sturdy refusal ...
... closely connected with Christianity. The attitude of Europe, where Christianity became the chief element of the culture, rested on the assumption that the Jews had refused to accept Christ as the Messiah and that they had killed him. This was written in the New Testament, revered as holy scripture and therefore indubitable truth. In The Origin of Satan, Elaine Pagels shows how the authors of the ...
... names were typically Parsi-sounding: Hormiz-dah, Yazdegerd and Perozadh. 2 Later, the names Balthazar, Melchior and Gaspar came into vogue. 3 So the Epiphany-day, 1. The Birth of the Messiah by Raymond E. Brown, S.S. (Image books. Garden City, New York, 1979), p. 198. 2. Ibid. 3.Ib id. Page 230 January 6, is radiantly connected with the wisdom of the ...
... belief. After the liberation of the Jews from the Babylonian captivity by the Persian king Cyrus (559-530 B.C.), who helped them rebuild their temple at Jerusalem and whom the Book of Isaiah hails as "Messiah", Zoroastrian doctrines entered Judaism and through Judaism infiltrated Christianity. Zoroastrianism believes in heaven and hell, the soul's survival and the resurrection of bodily life at the end ...
... 1966), p. 23. 18. The Virginal Conception ..., p. 57, fn. 91. 19. Harvard Theological Studies VI, "The Style and Literary Method of Luke". 20. Raymond E. Brown, The Birth of the Messiah: A Commentary on the Infancy Narratives in Matthew and Luke (New York: Image Books, 1979), p. 261. 21. Ibid., p. 371. 22. Ibid., p. 475. 23. Ibid., p. 338. 24. Ibid., ...
... References 1. William Barclay, The Mind of St. Paul (London: Collins, Fontana Books, 1972), p. 105. 2. Ibid., p. 169. 3. Raymond E. Brown, The Birth of the Messiah: A Commentary on the Infancy Narratives in Matthew and Luke (New York: Image Books, 1979), p. 236, fn 3. 4. Ibid., p. 236. 5. Harry Emerson Fosdick, The Man from Nazareth (New York: ...
... surprising if the Soul of the world, now that it has, in its turn, spontaneously disclosed itself to their consciousness, has appeared to them as an 'extra', or antagonistic, or stronger absolute - a new Messiah more desirable than the old?" (L'ame du monde, 1918, in Ecrits du temps de la guerre, p. 227). Further, the extrinsic individual Christ stood in history for a God who was Himself expressed ...
... personality, installed him in his heart as his Guru and loved him deeply. He wrote, "Faith suddenly descended into me—the Mother's grace through the soul- stirring message of her beloved son, the great Messiah Sri Ramakrishna." 17 May 1913 Sudden demise of his father Dwijendralal Roy, owing to apoplexy. 1913 Passed matriculation examination with scholarship, scoring ...
... cleaning oneself of sin. And he also spoke of the __________ * manger: a box in a stable, barn, etc., from which horses or cattle feed. Page 17 coming of the man who would be the Messiah, the true Saviour. And Jesus did come to John in a river and asked to be baptised. John said that one as pure as Jesus had no need of baptism, but Jesus insisted that it was proper for all humans to ...
... commandments of the Torah with faith in the sacrifice of Jesus to remove the sins of humanity. This was very successful and the Roman world was Christianised. While some Jews did accept Jesus as the Messiah, most Jews would not surrender their faith in God who gave them the Torah, nor break the covenants made between them and God by Abraham and Moses. Thus, by 400 CE a new religion, Christianity, formed ...
... number among both the groups and also among all the gradations lying in-between who subscribe, although in various ways, to this television we speak of. Catholics who believe in the coming of the Messiah and physicists who believe in re-creation of Matter and Energy, not merely its disintegration, have been equally enthusiastic in upholding this New Faith. There is Berdyaev who is a Christian, there ...
... controversial pugilist, no adroit manipulator Page 238 of a popular communication medium - though he seemed to be these too! - hit a power that exceeded them all: this was a Messiah, a God-Man, a redeemer ho had taken birth to lead a fallen people out of the cold and the dark into the sunlit spaces of a warm new day. In his writing there was no tinge of mere racial hatred ...
... crucified, it is said, it became all dark for a number of hours. Such a natural calamity was nowhere noted by any scientist." A hypothesis has been put forward by the scholars Robert Eisler (The Messiah Jesus and John the Baptist, pp. 297-99) and Maurice Goguel (Life of Jesus, pp. 91-93, 185, 540) on the strength of a quotation made by the ninth-century Byzantine chronicler, George Syncellus, from ...
... from Luke. So, if we follow Zaehner, two of the Synoptic Gospels, of which one is Luke itself, allude to a Kingdom of God which is not only to be formed by a communion of the faithful with Jesus the Messiah but also to be animated by a core of spiritual inwardness in each individual. To be able to enlist Luke is perhaps the crucial test for my contention, for this Gospel is the immediate context ...
... transformation of the cells of the body. It was the first sign of the awakening of the cells. (2) When one comes in contact with the Divine Power, one at once can start thinking that he is an Avatar or Messiah. The human vital rushes up to capture the Divine by his vital, mental and physical power instead of giving oneself completely to that Divine Power — he wants to possess the Divine with his Asuric ego ...
... Ibid. 93. Ibid., p. 297, col. 1, note c. 94. Ibid., p. 308. 95. Ibid. 96. Ibid., p. 314. 97. Ibid., p. 280. 98. Ibid., p. 267. 99. The Birth of the Messiah, p. 146. 100. The Jerusalem Bible, The New Testament, p. 299. 101. Ibid., pp. 239-40. 102. Ibid., p. 344. 103. The Virginal Conception. .., p. 85. 104. "The Resurrection ...
... Christ in flesh, that is not how we know him now... there is a new creation; the old creation has gone..." (2 Corinthians 5:16-17). What appeared from the dead mortal body was a divine being, the Messiah, who had descended into the body at baptism by John. Sethna shows that there is no evidence of any rock-hewn tomb in a garden as described in Mark/ Luke nor of Joseph of Arimathaea, who is supposed ...
... uttered something the greatest mystics in all climes have proclaimed with one voice: that one must utilise whatever one is given to serve others. Or, to put it in the mantric words of the great Messiah of divine life, the mystic wins God not to rocket up to him leaving the earth to her fate, but to invoke His light here below for all. But this does not mean that the lure is an imaginary ...
... to understand your growing stress on this-worldliness and diminishing approval of other-worldliness. I have, hitherto, given you my loyal adhesion (such as it is) in the belief that you, the modem Messiah, are going to deliver the goods, justifying the ways of earth to heaven. You have sung of a harmonisation of seemingly incompatible elements of life so that human culture may achieve, at long last ...
... Christ, on the other there was the inspired man who dreamed great dreams, confronted one crisis after another and solved or conquered it, rising from anonymity in the barracks to be the adored German Messiah for whom nothing was impossible, “however often and how close he came to failing” (Bullock). The word one encounters time and again when the power emanating from Hitler is discussed, is “charisma” ...
... at the top of the pyramid, and invisibly present everywhere else, there was the Führer, fervently awaited and, now that he had manifested himself as Leader of the German Volk, venerated as the messiah who would redress all injustices and lead them into a new golden age. “Hitler and his propaganda officials were fully aware that the Führer concept was the slogan which responded to the longing of ...
... sensed, as we have seen, by perceptive contemporaries who lacked an adequate vocabulary to formulate their perceptions. They called Hitler a shaman, a being of light, a miracle man, a superman, a messiah endowed with the powers to accomplish his world-saving mission. This was how his magic influence and his oratorical and “mesmeric” powers were explained. ...
... First Class on his chest, high above huge, neatly drawn up columns of uniformed Germans on the Zeppelin Field in Nuremberg. They hailed and revered him as their Leader, their Führer , even as their Messiah, who had come to make them great again, greater than they had ever been before in their history, rulers of the earth. Deutschland über alles, über alles in der Welt. The one-time desperate corpo ...
... than this one. Place it side by side with Raman Maharshi's Ashram or Sri Ramakrishna Mission — our modernity will be too patent a fact. Take the Mother playing tennis, for example. Annie Besant's Messiah, Krishnamurti, too, started playing tennis. Or take Sri Aurobindo's correspondence — the voluminous correspondence that he carried on from year to year, day by day, explaining the same subject at length ...
... feelings etc. etc.—these are vital things. I think you are under the impression that an Avatar must be a saint or a Yogi. Page 473 One can be the head of a spiritual organisation or the Messiah of a religion or an Avatar without in this life reaching the Supermind and beyond. Human Judgments of the Divine It is true that it is impossible for the limited human reason to judge the way ...
... Asiatic mind is indeed still incurably prone to the older type of imagination which took and still takes so many inspiring forms, second coming of Christ, City of God, the Divine Family, advent of Messiah, Mahdi or Avatar,—but whatever the variety of the form, the essence is the same, a religious or spiritual idealisation of a possible future humanity. The European temperament—and we are all trying ...
... disciples still seem to run after him. SRI AUROBINDO: Why doesn't he close his doors against them? He can stop speaking to them. SATYENDRA: He has started with a handicap—having been proclaimed a Messiah. SRI AUROBINDO: That is why he is disgusted with Guruship perhaps. The Reality he speaks of seems to be like Tao. When you realise it you can't speak about it. It is simply "nothing at all". ...
... or inclination to seek, from any inner urge of their own, for principles and primal truths; they become conscious of these only when expressed and embodied in some great and rare soul. An Avatar, a Messiah or a Prophet is the centre, the focus through which a Truth and Law first dawns and then radiates and spreads abroad. The little lamps are all lighted by the sparks that the great torch scatters. ...
... one. Place it side by side with Raman Maharshi's Ashram or Sri Ramakrishna Mission—our modernity will be too patent a fact. Take the Mother playing tennis, for example. And yet, when Annie Besant's Messiah, Krishnamurti, started playing Page 110 tennis, we laughed at him. Or take Sri Aurobindo's correspondence—the voluminous correspondence that he carried on from year to year; day by day ...
... atonement and redemption. Through the allegory of bread and wine, the Eucharist, it has been indicated that a true disciple of Christ turns his blood into that of Christ and his body into that of the Messiah; he makes the body of Christ a part and parcel of his own. As lime clarifies turbid water, so by drinking the physical consciousness of Christ his follower purifies his own physical consciousness. ...
... delight in a spirit of contradiction and went on expatiating on the glory of the mésalliance. He declared a new apocalypse and said that Lucifer, the one called Satan, was the real God, the so-called Messiah the fake one: the apparent Milton spoke in praise of God and in dispraise of Satan, but the real, the esoteric Milton glorified Satan, who is the true God and minimised or caricatured the counterfeit ...
... was not personally attracted by him. Sri Aurobindo : When I saw his photo I had an impression that he is a man with strong vital power. When I saw that he was advertising about himself as Messiah I began to doubt his genuineness. His sadhana seems to be in the vital and it is in these cases that the power descends and unfortunately people are attracted by these powers. In the spiritual and ...
... uplifting earth out of its darkness towards the Divine." 38 Such Love could be a Cross, a pain that is also a joy. One who is capable of such Love—a Buddha, a Christ, or a Sri Aurobindo—is honoured as a Messiah by us who are of the earth because we know that only such a superman can hold the key to the future; but, "whether this means that the human race in general will at some future epoch evolve, reach ...
... and an increasing consciousness are the means and the process." 38 The supreme Guru or teacher for the sadhaka of integral Yoga is likewise the Master "within us". An external Guru - a messiah like Krishna or Christ or Muhammad - is no doubt helpful in the earlier stages of the Yoga, but the sadhaka should shun sectarianism, he should avoid the egoism and arrogance that cry "My God, my ...
... with lesser intensity, in individual human conflicts or more wide-spread conflicts between whole nations and peoples. When giant forces join issue in this manner, people usually pin their faith on a messiah, an Avatar, a divine-human personality. Perseus is presented as such a power and personality; he is, one might say, the divine Seer-Will descending upon the human consciousness to reveal to it ...
... heard - a call that once heard can be unheard no more. But you cannot hear such a fateful Call till you are chosen by the One on high who leads us on. It is He who has coronated Aurobindo as His Messiah. So march on he must, for harking to His Call has transformed him into what he is today - a herald of the Power that never came down to earth, though it was destined.8 III Sri Aurobindo ...
... become of the earth, earthy. If there be God indeed, he too is not of the earth; why should he care to entangle himself in the stupidities of the earth? There have been avatars, messiahs, founders of great faiths and what have they achieved in the end? Vain was the sage's thought, the prophet's voice; In vain is seen the shining upward Way. Earth ...
... While the Ignorance no doubt envelops us as a thick veil (to relapse into simile again), its reign is by no means absolute. There are transparent patches through which light trickles in. Messiahs have been our beacon lights. The ideal of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man has been repeatedly placed before us. Many a man and woman has transcended in the past the limiting ego and ...
... the assault of fresh temptations, he surrenders to a Dionysian dance of acceptance of everything. He wanders on towards the Cape, life idly or agitatedly passes him by, he encounters Tempters and Messiahs (including Prince Motherth and the gentle Fisher-Lad, who typify the Buddha and the Christ respectively), sets out towards the South Pole, and with a final supreme gesture of acceptance and affirmation ...
... but a manner of speaking: according to the vision of St. John, there is no temple in the heavenly Jerusalem— and, therefore, no priests or religions, no more scriptures or prophets, no avatars or messiahs. It is, in fact, a matter of passage to another consciousness in which all meet God. How this passage will be effectuated, something which cannot be accomplished from one day to the next, nor result ...
... the bounden duty of the good shepherd to burn and flay -the heretic. And in recent times the ceremony of "purge" bespeaks of the same compulsion of the sense of duty in the consciousness of modern Messiahs. But the true name of the thing in all these cases is not duty, but fanaticism. For fanaticism may be defined as duty running away with itself; but duty proper, the genuine form of it is something ...
... the bounden duty of the good shepherd to burn and flay the heretic. And in recent times the ceremony of "purge" be-speaks of the same compulsion of the sense of duty in the consciousness of modern Messiahs. But the true name of the thing in all these cases is not duty, but fanaticism. For fanaticism may be defined as duty running away with itself; but duty proper, the genuine form of it is something ...
... presiding genius... we shall lack the inner cohesion without which no collectivity can come to total fruition and make its most effective cultural mark on the world. (p. 11) Our secularist messiahs who thrive on fomenting internal divisiveness in the country would not today touch, even with a pair of tongs, the goal of co hesion Amal Kiran had spoken of. They say, "India making a cultural ...
... the same appetites, the same ignorant errors. 36 While this may be the general rule, the Divine Light incarnates in a being periodically, and that radiance fills the world. Such are the Messiahs, Saviours, Sanatanas, God-men and Mahapurushas who have leavened and Page 74 brightened human life in the past. But in the altered circumstances of our something even more potent seems ...
... violence, obscurity and ignorance - all ills come from the same source. 27 The remedy, then, is to increase the receptivity below to the downpour of the new consciousness from above. Great messiahs in the past have tried to hew new paths to freedom, peace and harmony, and this in spite of much contemporary resistance. Some inner progress has surely been achieved as a result of the labours ...
... too quixotic! You glibly mouth a string of hyperboles, Feminine and absurd! Do we not know How unattainable is our Lord, Sri Krishna? Did not even the resplendent saints and sages Apostles and Messiahs find the Path To Him, the Lone, strait, difficult to tread As the razor's edge? Is He not far-off like The galaxies, elusive like the sky, Vast like the sea, ineffable like Om And, above all ...
... same ignorant errors.* That is the general rule. But periodically the Divine Light "shines in a being and radiates through him over the world"; such are the Sanatanas, the Saviours, the Messiahs who have leavened our existence in the past. Yet more is needed now: But how much greater a splendour than all that have gone before, how marvellous a glory and light would be needed to draw ...
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