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Mikado : See Shinto.

20 result/s found for Mikado

... yogic consciousness and his constant spiritual activity. August 13, 1945 I never said anything of this kind and never mentioned Krishna in connection with the Mikado. All that I said about the Mikado was that he (or it is rather his position as the divine descendant of the Sun-goddess, Mother of Nippon) was the centre of the whole social system, culture and religion of patriotism... fail to see how in saying that obvious thing I did anything wrong. Whether the Japanese were right or wrong or their faith justified was not the question; and Krishna has nothing to do with the Mikado.\ It is a pity that you still allow yourself to be emotionally upset by anything said by anybody, whether as a report or an opinion or a dictum about Yoga, etc. This you have done so many... don’t allow anything to interfere with it. My love and blessings. Page 162 August 14, 1945 I understand from your letter that the alleged equalisation of the Mikado and Krishna was only an occasion and that the real cause of the upset was the old thing, the upsurge of vital discontent because of the lack of physical contact with me and my supposed indifference ...

... their duty to sacrifice – of course, duty to the country. Page 189 Disciple : How far back in history do they go? Sri Aurobindo : The Mikado claims to be the descendant of the Goddess of the Sun. The Mikado Maigi believed in it and he used to do what was necessary after feeling the inspiration within him. There are two types of features among the Japanese :  one... their duty to sacrifice – of course, duty to the country. Page 189 Disciple : How far back in history do they go? Sri Aurobindo : The Mikado claims to be the descendant of the Goddess of the Sun. The Mikado Maigi believed in it and he used to do what was necessary after feeling the inspiration within him. There are two types of features among the Japanese :  one ...

... slaughter. And what was the point at issue? Simply, whether Shogun or Mikado should be leader and sovereign in Japan. Our wise men would have advised the Japanese to give up their differences and work together under the Shogun because he was "the recognised leader"; but the patriots of Japan knew that the question of Shogun or Mikado involved vital issues which must be settled at any cost; so with one ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... followed, with whatever differences of detail, the common evolution. Japan with its great feudal order under the spiritual Page 375 and secular headship of the Mikado and afterwards the double headship of the Mikado and the Shogun evolved one of the most vigorous and self-conscious nation-units the world has seen. China with its great learned class uniting in one the Brahmin and Kshatriya... manifestation of the sense of the old necessity, not so truly necessary now 1 but felt in the subconscious minds of these peoples. In the new formation of Japan into a nation of the modern type the Mikado played a similar role; the instinct of the renovators brought him out of his helpless seclusion to meet this inner need. The attempt of a brief dictatorship in revolutionary China to convert itself ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... abdicated their powers and titles for the sake of duty—duty to their country. NIRODBARAN: How far back in history do the Japanese rulers go? SRI AUROBINDO: The Mikado claims to be a descendant of the Goddess of the sun. The Mikado named Magi used to believe that and feel that the inspiration above was doing whatever was necessary. There are two types of men in Japan. One is tall, with a long ...


... and the Japanese mind. The Japanese have got the mental discipline and capacity to organise. We in India have not that sort of ordered and practical mind. In Japan everyone lives for the Mikado and the Mikado is the symbol of the nation – he embodies the spirit of the nation. Everyone is prepared to die for him. This we could never have in India ; Japan was more feudal in its past than any other ...

... all will or must accept. The Japanese perceived this at a very early stage and leaving aside all other matters, devoted their first energies to the creation of such an authority in the person of the Mikado and his Government, holding it cheaply purchased even at the price of temporary internal discord and civil slaughter. We also must develop a central authority, which shall be a popular Government in ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... ble strength. They were drawn from religion. It was the Vedantic teachings of Oyomei and the recovery of Shintoism with its worship of the national Shakti of Japan in the image and person of the Mikado that enabled the little island empire to wield the stupendous weapons of western knowledge and science as lightly and invincibly as Arjun wielded the Gandiv. INDIA'S GREATER NEED OF SPIRITUAL ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... essential to their leaders in these critical times. It is reassuring to find Persians high in praise of the self-denying and lofty character of the new Regent. In the absence of a patriotic King like the Mikado such a man alone can form the centre of national reconstruction. Madanlal Dhingra Madanlal Dhingra pays the inevitable and foreseen penalty of his crime. We have no wish whatever to load the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... after the holidays, I asked him, "But what happened to you, why did you go away?"—"Oh! You understand, I discovered my soul and saw that my soul was more powerful than my faith in the country and the Mikado; I would have had to obey my soul and I would no longer have been a faithful subject of my emperor. I had to go away." There you are! All this is authentically true. Why are great artists born ...


... e strength. They were drawn from religion. It was the Vedantic teachings of Oyomei and the recovery of Shintoism with its worship of the national Shakti of Japan in the image and person of the Mikado that enabled the little island empire to wield the stupendous weapons of Western knowledge and science as lightly and invincibly as Arjun wielded the Gandiv. India's Greater Need of Spiritual ...


... asked him why he had left so suddenly, he answered as if to disarm her: Oh! you understand, I discovered my soul and saw that my soul was more powerful than my faith in the country and the Mikado; I would have had to obey my soul and I would no longer have been a faithful subject of my emperor. I had to go away. 18 There is the classic compromise that one should render unto Caesar the ...


... is in their hearts, a palsy has come upon their strength, and with blanched lips they watch every movement of the two Eastern giants, each wondering when his turn will come to feel the sword of the Mikado or what will happen when China, the Titan of the world, shall have completed her quiet, steady, imperturbable preparation. The vision of a China organized, equipped, full of the clang of war and the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... the close of the war still preserved something of its old sacrosanct character and its appeal to the sentiment of the race. In Japan, still imperfectly democratised, the sentiment which surrounds the Mikado is visibly weakened, his prestige survives but his actual power is very limited, and the growth of democracy and socialism is bound to aid the weakening and limiting process and may well produce the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... object—the freedom and greatness of Japan, on which all parties were agreed—but on questions of method and internal organisation. Until that question as between the moderate Shogun party and the extremist Mikado party had been settled, it was felt by all that the approach to the ultimate ideal of all could not be seriously attempted. True national unity is the unity of self-dedication to the country when ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... reverence with which old names and formulas have been preserved while the thing itself was profoundly modified until its original sense remained only as a pious fiction. Thus Japan kept its sacrosanct Mikado as a cover for the change to an aristocratic and feudal government and has again brought him forward in modern times to cover and facilitate without too serious a shock the transition from a mediaeval ...


... leave all the money and go away. Imagine such a house-breaker in England or America! The Japanese also have a high sense of chivalry. In the Russo-Japanese war when the Russians were defeated the Mikado almost shed tears thinking of the Czar of Russia! That was his sense of Chivalry. When a congregation of fifty thousand persons was caught in a fire due to an earthquake there was not a single ...

... the whole sum behind and go away. Imagine such a housebreaker in England or America! The Japanese have a high sense of chivalry too. In the Russo Japanese War, when the Russians were defeated the Mikado almost shed tears thinking of the Czar. That was a true sense of chivalry. When a congregation of fifty or sixty thousand were caught in a fire due to an earthquake, there was not a single cry, ...


... and Austria. There was a visible British presence in Japan during the War, and after the Allied victory, Japan was one of the Big Five of the world. The Japanese Page 172 Emperor - the Mikado - was still a sacred and inviolable personage, and mystical awe and aura surrounded his movements. On the other hand, their fanatic loyalty to their Emperor apart, the Japanese people were a talented ...


... country into revolt and created a nation. The history of the Italian revolution tells the same story. Even in Japan, it was when the issue between the moderate Shogun party and the extremist Mikado party was settled that the country's sensational regeneration became possible. Of course, as distinct from paper-unity or hypocritical platform-unity, there was the mystique of true national unity ...