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Mnemosyne : Greek personification of memory (from which comes the science of Mnemonics). Daughter of Uranus & Gaea & mother of the nine Muses by Zeus.
... delight Thou comst nearer and nearer to me. Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems: In Some Faint Dawn ============= MUSES, the nine goddesses of the liberal arts — daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne. Calliope — of epic poetry Clio — ” history Erato — ” love poetry Euterpe — ” music and lyric poetry Melpomene — ” tragedy Polyhymnia — ” sacred lyrics Terpsichore — ” dancing Thalia — ” ...
... turned into that deeper thing only when they have sunk into the soul and been transmuted in the soul's radiant memory into spiritual experience,—that perhaps was what the Greeks meant when they made Mnemosyne the eternal mother of the muses; the passions can only change into poetic matter when they have been spiritualised in the same bright sources and have undergone the purification, the katharsis , ...
... attended by a diviner splendour of light and blaze of fiery effulgence. This may be called the hermetic gnosis. Its essence is cruti or divine inspiration, as the essence of logistis is smriti, divine mnemosyne. One remembers at a second remove the knowledge secret in the being but lost by the mind in the oblivion of the ignorance, the other divines at a first remove a greater power of that knowledge. One ...
... and Uranus (the sky), the titans form what the Greeks called "the first race". There were twelve of them, six male and six female: Oceanus, Coeus, Hyperion, Crius, lapetus, Cronus.Theia, Rhea, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, Thetys and Themis. Cronus married his sister Rhea and fathered three daughters: Hestia, Demeter and Hera; and three sons: Hades, Poseidon and Zeus. When Zeus reached manhood he liberated ...
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