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Moloch : Canaanite god of fire, to whom children were offered in sacrifice.

27 result/s found for Moloch

... placating the jealous gods: surely, the trembling believer thinks, when what is most precious has been freely given, their lust for blood must be appeased, and more will not be required. The religion of Moloch, 1 — as such creeds may be generically called — is in essence the cringing submission of the slave, who dare not, even in his heart, allow the thought that his master deserves no adulation. Since... and the creed of Militarism have accustomed us, is the result of failure to maintain our own ideals against a hostile universe: it is itself a prostrate submission to evil, a sacrifice of our best to Moloch. If strength indeed is to be respected, let us respect rather the strength of those who refuse that false "recognition of facts" which fails to recognise that facts are often bad. Let us admit that... Russell in 1902 and published in 1903. Page 294 This text is taken from A Free Man' s Worship and Other Essays, (London, Unwin Paperbacks, 1976), pp. 9-19.- Notes 1. Moloch: A god of the Ammonites and Phoenicians to whom parents offered their children to be burnt in sacrifice. 2. Job is the chief character in the Book of Job (part of the Bible's Old Testament) ...


... sign has a devata , a god or spiritual being in charge of it. He is not its master, but its protector and the protector of all who are born in the sign. Indra (Zeus, Odin) protects the Ram, Agni (Moloch, Thor) the Bull, the Aswins (Castor & Pollux) the Twins, Upendra (Baal) the Crab, Varuna (Poseidon) the Lion, Aditi, called also Savitri or Sita (Astarte, Aphrodite) the Girl, Yama (Hades) the Balance ...


... child of the world and the devil and bid Knowledge carry elsewhere her lack of sweetness and remoteness from the heart's fervour. We erect an idol of Power and would pass all else through the fire of Moloch before its sombre and formidable image, expelling Love with scorn as a nurse of weaklings and degrading Knowledge to the position of Page 155 a squire or even a groom of Force. Or we cultivate ...


... Universal Concave raged such thunderous sounds as never Were sounded from a mortal cloud, nor on Mount Sinai old,... And they elected Seven, call'd the Seven Eyes of God, Lucifer, Moloch, Elohim, Shaddai, Pahad, Jehovah, Jesus. They nam'd the eighth: he came not, he hid in Albion's Forests. But first they said: (& their Words stood in Chariots in array Curbing ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... perhaps Milton's art-peak of austere poignancy. What shall we put up as his art-summit of austere sublimity? In my opinion it is a passage in the devil Belial's speech during the debate in Hell. Moloch has said: "My sentence is for open war." And he has argued that at the worst God would either abolish the very existence of the rebel angels, which would be far happier than having everlasting misery ...

... mythology; but these are modelled some-what differently: the gods are made more human, too human, j as has often been observed. Zeus and Juno (Hera) are infinitely more human than Isis and Osiris or Moloch and Baal or even the Jewish Jehovah. These vital gods have a sombre air about them, solemn and serious, grim and powerful, but they have not the sunshine, the radiance and smile of Apollo (Apollo ...

... prohibitions? Socrates was poisoned, and Rimbaud fled to the Abyssinian desert; we know the fate of the Fourierists, of nonviolence; the Cathars wound up at the stake. History keeps turning like a Moloch. We may now appear to be a "triumph" after many failures, but of what other greater triumph are we not the failure? Is this a chronology of victories or of defeats? Life seems made of a hopelessly ...

... scene (Prologue) from Act I has survived and is now included in Volume 7 of the Centenary Library Edition. In the Dramatis Personae figure Lucifer, Sirioth, Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Belial, Baal, Moloch, Ashtorath, Meroth, Sun and the Elohim, but the dramatic fragment itself opens with a dialogue between Lucifer and Sun - Lucifer compelling obedience on the part of Sun - followed by a conversation ...

... Sri Aurobindo took a quick backward glance as well as a sharp forward look, and either way his findings are important. There is reference to the collapse of Imperial Germany ("a composite godhead of Moloch and Mammon seated between the guardian figures of Intelligence and Science"), the half-headed peace of Versailles that was but a prolongation of the war, and the feeble and mutilated hope of the League ...

... obstructed his entrance into the highest class. Bankim had always an extraordinary luck. Just as at school his fine promise was saved by the prudence of its guardians from the altar of High Education, the Moloch to whom we stupidly sacrifice India's most hopeful sons, so it was saved at Hugly College by his own distaste for hard work. At Hugly College Page 91 quite as much as at Midnapur he had ...


... Love. GABRIEL - the Angel of Obedience. MICHAEL - the Angel of War. RAPHAEL - the Angel of Sweetness. THE ELOHIM. BELIAL - the Angel of Reason. BAAL - the Angel of Worldly Wisdom. MOLOCH - the Angel of Wrath. SUN. ASHTAR - the Angel of Beauty. MEROTH - the Angel of Youth. Page 937 Prologue Act I LUCIFER Master of light and glory, lift thy rays Over the ...


... Tyre towards Atlantic gains, Are by thy trident fiercely shaken forth Upon the jagged rocks, and who escape, The gay and savage Syrians on their altars Massacre hideously, thee to propitiate, Moloch-Poseidon of the Syrian coasts, Dagon of Gaza, lord of many names And many natures, many forms of power Who rulest from Philistia to the north, A terror and a woe. O iron King, Desist from blood ...


... to follow the sankirtan of Gauranga. Our offerings on the altar must be as wildly liberal, as remorselessly complete as that of Carthaginian parents who passed their children through the fire to Moloch. If any reservation mars the completeness of our self-abandonment, if any bargaining abridges the fullness of our sacrifice, if any doubt mars the strength of our faith and enthusiasm, if any thought ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... the hunters and try to persuade the world that she had never any strength and virtue in her. It is an easy task in this age of the noble culture of Reason and Mammon and Science doing the works of Moloch, when the brazen idol of the great goddess Success is worshipped as she was never before worshipped by cultured human beings. But they have too the yet greater advantage of representing her to the ...


... his integral realization of the Divine be restricted and fitted into a German framework? The great medieval mystic too was now being gleichgeschaltet , integrated into the pseudo-culture of the Nazi moloch. “In the German mystic there appears for the first time in history and fully consciously – although in the garments of his time – the new, the reborn German man.” 735 Even Eugen Diederichs let himself ...


... youth who had been marching and chanting in the Wandervogel and its numerous sister organizations, was now marching and chanting at the NSDAP rallies, but integrated (gleichgeschaltet) into the Nazi moloch and proudly wearing their carefully designed uniforms. The testimony of Denis de Rougemont, written in 1936 after having participated in a mass rally of the NSDAP, is often quoted: “I had thought ...


... that Page 388 would be abhorred as atrocities in an all-powerful human ruler and could not be other than monstrous in a moral Divine Ruler. A personal God so acting would be a Jehovah-Moloch, a merciless and unrighteous demander of righteousness and mercy. On the other hand an inconscient Force mechanically executing an eternal ethical rule without an author or mover would be a paradox: ...


... all it represented had to go because it was the worst side of European civilisation enthroned in all the glory of a perfect mechanical and scientific efficiency. Its figure was a composite godhead of Moloch and Mammon seated between the guardian figures of Intelligence and Science. It had its ideal, a singular combination of the remnants of the old spirit of monarchy and feudalism now stripped of all ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... Milton, 194, 251 Minerva, 222 Mitra, 9 Modem Age, 145, 152 Moghuls, 58, 239 Mohammed, 208,215 Mohenjo-daro, 238, 243 Moliere, 197 Moloch, 220 Montesquieu,212 Morris, 151 Mother, The, 366, 372 Mysteries, -Christian, 153 -Druidic, 151, 153 -Eleusinian, 150, 151, 153 -Kabalistic ...

... words used by Sri Aurobindo in the fiery days of Swadeshi: Our sacrifice at the altar of the Mother must be as relentless as that of the Carthaginian parents who pressed their children through fire to Moloch. It was in the course of this War that we saw from the Ashram so many aeroplanes flying directly overhead, by day and by night, although the enemy's missiles did not quite reach us. Trainloads of ...

... follow the Sankirtan of Gauranga. Our offerings on the altar must be as wildly liberal, as remorselessly complete as that of Carthagenian parents who passed their children through the fire to Moloch... " 178 — Sri Aurobindo Barindra, Sri Aurobindo's youngest brother, first came to Baroda in 1901. After passing the Entrance Examination in 1900, he studied for six months in ...

... and power to the point of sublimity has given us what is to be found nowhere else in English poetry. Hell yawns before us, and chaos presently envelops us; and Satan and Beelzebub and Mammon and Moloch and Belial are vivid, almost apocalyptic, projections. Page 381         But there is a debit side as well, for as Sri Aurobindo points out, "Milton has seen Satan and Death ...


... of the Trojan senators is called—"this last of Ilion's sessions"—and Antenor the aged statesman counsels a policy of lying low and secret preparation. Laocon and Paris, however, counsel defiance as Moloch does in Paradise Lost, and so the die is cast. There are partings on the eve of the battle—Anchises and Aeneas, Antenor and Halamus, Paris and Helen, Paris and Cassandra. Meanwhile Achilles has learned ...


... false colors and tinsel and fake, artificial television lights, whose shell of triumphant unconsciousness is the heaviest, dominate a hypnotized mass which consents to this barbarous sacrifice to Moloch, this universal and total slavery, detailed down to the tiniest subconscious reaction, in which even the most enlightened men are still impelled by the muffled reverberation of the Machine, alienated ...


... the camps, sometimes there may happen... Do you remember what happened on the edge of the Auroville canyons, for example? 1 Certain events may have struck you, may have shown you that, sometimes, Moloch is vulnerable! It happens. An intimate recognition that all those people guarding you were in the end only straw men? Do you have a recollection about an inmate's behavior, something that might have ...

Satprem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   My Burning Heart

... does not render, as some critics claim, his language utterly unEnglish. A Latin turn is part of the multiple modulation to which English lends itself. Thus the turn about Hell which Milton puts in Moloch's mouth - this dark opprobrious den of shame, The prison of his tyranny who reigns By our delay 31 – employs the relative "who" with an antecedent in the possessive case: "his ...

... to philosophy, and particularly to India's inward-looking spiritual philosophy. Measuring the creations of Indian art and literature with a yard-stick fashioned by Mammon in Science's forge and on Moloch's anvil. Archer finds everything Indian a negation of culture and a denial of life. An excessive emphasis on the elusive claims of the Spirit: a religion that sports polytheism with a reckless extravagance ...