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Moses : (14th -13th cent BC) the greatest lawgiver of Israel, he led his people out of bondage in Egypt to the edge of Canaan. God promulgated the Law through Moses, not only the Ten Commandments & the criminal code, but the whole liturgical law as well. The Law he promulgated is called the Mosaic Law. “The power to observe law rigidly is the basis of freedom; therefore in most disciplines the soul has to endure & fulfil the law in its lower members before it can rise to the perfect freedom of its divine being. Those disciplines which begin with freedom are only for the mighty ones who are naturally free or in former lives have founded their freedom.” ― “The double law of sin & virtue is imposed on us because we have not that ideal life & knowledge within, which guides the soul spontaneously & infallibly to its self-fulfilment. The law of sin & virtue ceases for us when the sun of God shines upon the soul in truth & love with its unveiled splendour. Moses is replaced by Christ, the Shāstra by the Veda.” [SABCL 17:98-99]

69 result/s found for Moses

... when he separates two Hebrew slaves who are fighting, one of them angrily taunts Moses that it is known that Moses had killed the Egyptian. Moses immediately understands that he is in danger. And indeed Pharaoh orders Moses killed, so he flees to Midian, and thus ends his princely life. Even as he flees, Moses once more shows his strong sense of justice. He comes to a well where several shepherds... thirty days; then the period of mourning for Moses was ended. 9 Joshua son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom, because Moses had laid his hands on him; and the Israelites obeyed him, doing as the Lord had commanded Moses. 10 Never Page 108 since has there arisen a prophet in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face. 11 He was unequaled for all the signs and wonders that the Lord... found in the Torah given to the Jewish people through Moses after they escaped from the bondage in Egypt. This series of events is essential to understand if the reader is to understand Jesus. Therefore, this essay will also introduce Moses, the escape from bondage in Egypt and the giving of the Law. The greatest Actor in that drama is God, with Moses being His messenger. Jesus said that he had not ...


... Jesus identifies his work with the work of Moses (see Appendix), but on a higher level of consciousness: "If a man receives circumcision on the Sabbath in order that the law of Moses may not be broken, are you angry with me because I healed a man's whole body on the Sabbath?" John 7:23) John can thus state: "The Law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ"... prepared to yield. God tells Moses, to tell the people, 15 "The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me (Moses) from among you, from your brethren — him you shall heed." (Deut. 18:15-22) In the New Testament and in later Christian writers, the prophet-to-come is taken to be Jesus. We are to take Jesus as the one Prophet in whom the teaching of Moses was fulfilled and yet superseded... John 3:1) In The Sermon on the Mount, we see Jesus ascend the mountain to give a new law to his people just as Moses went up Mt. Sinai to receive the Torah, the Law, from God. In John's Gospel, we can see Jesus' connection to Moses emphasized: "The Law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ". (John 1:17) According to the New Testament, the obedience that ...


... the "Pharaoh's daughter" who brought up Moses as the famous Hatshepsut, daughter of Amenophis I (1546-1525 B.C.), with Moses being born in 1521 B.C. and she dying in 1482 B.C. to be succeeded by Tuthmosis III.   On the other hand, following the Albright school, if Ramses II was ruling during the Exodus and Seti I was the Pharaoh of the Oppression, Moses would have to be born in 1373 to be 80... when Page 187 we recall that she is supposed to have been one of the Mother's avatars - to show that Moses' monotheism had its roots in the new religion of Amon that she established, merging all the temples into a single organisation. He points out how Moses' dialogue with God in the burning bush episode echoes the colloquy between Amon, speaking from his shrine about God's land... to build the store-cities of Raamses and Pithom leading to the Exodus in c. 1294 B.C. This leaves Ramses II living for 46 years more, whereas the Bible states that the oppressive Pharaoh died before Moses returned to Egypt. On the other hand, if the Exodus occurred in the reign of his successor Merneptah and the Jews wandered for 40 years en route the Promised Land, how could this Pharaoh defeat ...


... enters the Christian church of the saved. Passover (See also Appendix: Moses and above, Last Supper) Even to this day, one of the most important celebrations in the Judaic religious calendar is Passover. It basically commemorates the Exodus or the release of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. Moses then leads the former slaves into the desert of Sinai. Shortly after the escape... words of his own, he was speaking words of common wisdom, or he was referring to or explaining verses from the Hebrew Bible, that is, The Old Testament. Specifically, he referred to the five books of Moses, to the Torah, or the book of the Psalms. Along with his own original teachings, these will have been the stuff out of which Jesus created much of his teaching and his preaching. Since the story... story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (see note on The Fall), as well as God's revealing himself to humanity. For the Jews, the most important portions of the Torah are the laws that God gave Moses on Mt. Sinai. These laws are the backbone of the morality and ethics of Western Civilization. The Torah, in Exodus, includes the Ten Commandments. God commanded that his laws be kept, and it is by ...


... Krishna led the exodus of his Yadava tribe from Mathura to Dwaraka, seemingly Moses did the same with the Jews in the Middle East. Page 98 way the Ten Commandments on top of Mount Sinai —"And to think Moses climbed up there to hear that banality!" exclaimed Mother— how Joshua completed Moses' task of reaching the Promised Land, is doubtless among the best adventure stories to be found in... immediate descendants migrated to Egypt, where they fell on bad days. How Moses led the Exodus of the enslaved Hebrew tribes out of Egypt, 1 how he welded the various tribes into a confederation during their forty years of wandering, receiving on the 1. The Exodus is supposed to have begun in 1447 B.C., which would make Moses a contemporary of Sri Krishna. And peculiarly enough, just when Krishna... — which can mean 'the birthday of the world' or "when mankind passes in judgment before the heavenly throne." It is therefore not surprising that the Hebrew race excelled as a law-giver— take Moses and his Ten 'Thou Shalt Nots'! Although for the Cabala the role of man on earth is "to renew the unimpeded flow of Divine Love," the watchword of exoteric Judaism is rather Justice. God, in it, is basically ...

... transfigured: his clothes became dazzlingly white, whiter than any earthly bleacher could make them. Elijah appeared to them with Moses, and they were talking with Jesus" (9:2-4). 159 Matthew 17:1-3 and Luke 9:28-31 tell the same story. Luke has even a phrase - "Moses and Elijah appearing in glory" (verses 30-31) 160 - in accord with the general Pauline "what is raised is glorious" (1 Corinthians... What Brown has explicated shows that Luke's forty days are part of a deliberately constructed pattern to evoke in the Christian mind of the 80s or 90s a sense of divine continuity from the epoch of Moses. They have no historical value, whereas Paul is giving us concrete history.   Uneasiness over the forty days can be caused by a comparison of the very pair of books ascribed to the same author:... side by side with the idea of the dead rising at the world's end, the Jews harboured the idea of God placing his sign of approval upon a particular worthy individual by exalting him bodily to heaven: "Moses, Elijah, and Enoch are all thought in various strands of Jewish tradition to have been exalted to heaven." But exaltation really meant "translation": the person exalted was "assumed" into heaven without ...

... the book of Al-Mostatraf that when Moses spoke with God, the Most High uttered 3500 words. At the end of the conversation, Moses said, "O my Lord God, give me a rule of conduct." The Lord replied: "I bid you be good to your mother." These words were repeated seven times, and Moses assured him that he would remember them. Then the Lord added: "Yes, Moses. When your mother is happy with you ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... simply live beyond the notion of property, the mark of individual or collective ego. Our very being will be shared. This will not, however, be done according to extraneous codes, as since the time of Moses, or more precisely, since Leviticus, when for the first time in the history of mankind a law of love was decreed, to be taken up again and exalted by Christ, while in Asia the Buddha taught compassion... education will appear, as well as a new political system. How would we be able, in fact, to raise from birth and govern beings greater than ourselves? Can we imagine Cro-Magnon man teaching and governing Moses or the Buddha? Nevertheless the difference is less between the former—who were forty thousand years ago the first artists, navigators and astronomers—and ourselves, than between ourselves and the beings... entire history, the most elevated degree to which, with the intercession of seers, we have been able to raise ourselves. It was the secret heart of the Veda, before being the source of the revelation of Moses—and neither Vedic polytheism nor Christo-Semitic monotheism exhausts the content. According to time and place, it has assumed one aspect or another, each of which is only a facet, both perfectly exact ...


... soul saw it, is the word of the Scriptures our supreme authority. I assume that this is an answer to the Biblical belief in the "Commandments of God" received by Moses, supposedly uttered by the Lord Himself and heard by Moses—it is an indirect way of saying ( Mother laughs ) that this is not possible. "Our supreme authority" "because the soul saw it"—but it can only be a supreme authority... was a small child: these ten "Commandments", which Page 181 are besides extraordinarily commonplace. Love thy father and thy mother.... Do not kill.... It is revoltingly commonplace. And Moses went up Mount Sinai to hear that! Now, I do not know whether Sri Aurobindo was thinking of the Indian Scriptures.... There were also Chinese Scriptures.... ( Silence ) More and more my experience ...


... because the soul saw it, is the word of the Scriptures our supreme authority. I presume this is in reply to the biblical belief in "God's Commandments" received by Moses, which the Lord is supposed to have uttered Himself and Moses is supposed to have heard—it's a roundabout way... ( Mother laughs ) to say it's not possible! "The supreme authority because the soul saw it," but it can be a supreme... made me think when I was quite a small child, those twelve "commandments," which, besides, are extraordinarily banal: "Love thy father and mother.... Thou shalt not kill...." Sickeningly banal. And Moses climbed up Sinai to hear that.... Much ado about nothing! Yes, that's always the feeling it gave me. Now, I don't know if Sri Aurobindo had in mind the Indian Scriptures.... The Upanishads ...


... feet unconscious, prone." We may recall in this conection the stem warning uttered by the supreme Lord to Moses, so that the latter might not try to go near Him and 'see' Him in his original Form. For no consciousness lodged in any material embodiment can ever succeed in doing so. So Moses 'heard' the Lord from beyond the burning bush. {Exodus, 3) But this inability, although universal ...

... entirety and not merely in a side or aspect. There is a story in the Jewish Scriptures which relates that when God wished to show himself to Moses, he could only, owing to the spiritual imperfections of the Jewish prophet, reveal safely to him His hinder parts. Moses would have died if he had seen the front of God; he had not the dharanam, the soul-power to support that tremendous vision. The story well ...


... and not at all or only exceptionally and to a hardly noticeable extent the legislator. It is worth noting, indeed, that this customary law was often attributed to an original legislator, a Manu, Moses, Lycurgus; but the historic truth of any such tradition has been discredited by modern inquiry and perhaps rightly, if we consider only the actual ascertainable facts and the ordinary process of the... being and in this sense we may think of the law of any human society as being the conscious evolution of the type and lines which its Manu has fixed for it. If there comes an embodied Manu, a living Moses or Mahomed, he is only the prophet or spokesman of the Divinity who is veiled in the fire and the cloud, Jehovah on Sinai, Allah speaking through his angels. Mahomed, as we know, only developed the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... one chosen for this essay employs modern English rather than older versions which use archaic spellings and grammar. The Bible is the only source of the events as well as words of both Jesus and Moses. Modern scholarship and archaeological research are making attempts to clarify as many points as possible. However, it is the Bible which has been the foundation of Judaic-Christian belief for over... of Christianity interprets the Bible somewhat differently. The present essay does its best to avoid any interpretation and discusses only the actual passages, descriptions and sayings of Jesus and Moses found in the Bible. For this reason, although the term "Christ" is explained, Jesus himself is only referred to as "Jesus" throughout the essay. The focus of this essay is God's Love for humanity as ...


... has criticised Freud's theory that everything is due to the subconscient. Freud says that Moses turned into a prophet because of his personal sufferings, the repression in his childhood. (Laughter) SRI AUROBINDO: Repression complex. PURANI: The professor says that Freud's theory doesn't explain Moses. SRI AUROBINDO (laughing): Not at all. It explains Freud. (Laughter) He himself had so ...


... her feet unconscious, prone." We may recall in this connection the stem warning uttered by the supreme Lord to Moses so that the latter might not try to go near Him and "see" Him in his original Form. For no consciousness lodged in any material embodiment can ever succeed in doing so. So Moses "heard" the Lord from within the burning bush. (Exodus, 3) But this disability, although universal ...

... experienced in another world. When a Mystic refers to the Solar Light or to the Fire-the light, for example, that struck down Saul and transformed him into Saint Paul or the burning bush that visited Moses, it is Page 9 not the physical or material object that he means and yet it is that in a way. It is the materialization of something that is fundamentally not material: some movement in... two: the symbol in its entirety is the thing symbolized but thrown down on another plane, it is the embodiment of the latter in a more concrete world. The light and the fire that Saint Paul and Moses saw appear to be of this kind. Thus there is a great diversity of symbols. At the one end is the mere metaphor or simile or allegory ('figure,' as we have called it) and at the other end is the ...

... which guides the soul spontaneously & infallibly to its self-fulfilment. The law of sin & virtue ceases for us when the sun of God shines upon the soul in truth & love with its unveiled splendour. Moses is replaced by Christ, the Shastra by the Veda. 167) God within is leading us always aright even when we are in the bonds of the ignorance; but then, though the goal is sure, it is attained by circlings... only. Therefore Christ had to look forward to a second advent and Mahomed's religion, where it is not stagnant, looks forward through the Imams to a Mahdi. 172) Law cannot save the world, therefore Moses' ordinances are dead for humanity & the Shastra of the Brahmins is corrupt Page 444 & dying. Law released into Freedom is the liberator. Not the Pandit, but the Yogin; not monasticism, but ...


... 5. Settling Accounts Hitler and his God “Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin” Where was Dietrich Eckart during the Hitler Putsch? John Toland spots him at the Bürgerbräukeller, just before the marchers left there, and near the Isartor, watching them pass by singing the “Storm Song” which he had written for the SA. 219 He was already gravely ill in those days... with Hitler and the others in fortress at Landsberg. An important document in the Hitler saga is the unfinished “dialogue” Eckart wrote a few months earlier, in April and May 1923: Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin: A Dialogue between Adolf Hitler and me . This text is not the rendering of a real dialogue but of a fictitious one, no doubt based – and herein lays its special value – on conversations which ...


... Chenier. As for Amrita himself, the forces in his past were Moses, Michelangelo and Victor Hugo, powerful personalities quite in contrast to his gentle, amiable present disposition. To help me in my historical researches I made sure from Amrita that the Egyptian princess mentioned in the Old Testament as getting her attendants to pick up baby Moses who had been left in a basket on the bank of the Nile was ...


... Egypt (one of the Mother's own past incarnations) who was the princess said in the Old Testament to have asked her maids to pick up the basket in which baby Moses had been left on a river's bank. This gave me the approximate date of the birth of Moses. From it I could work out all the other necessary dates according to the numbers given by the Bible. This series of dates differed by nearly a century and ...


... Chenier. As for Amrita himself, the forces in his past were Moses, Michelangelo and Victor Hugo, powerful personalities quite in contrast to his gentle, amiable present disposition. To help me in my historical researches I made sure from Amrita that the Egyptian princess mentioned in the Old Testament as getting her attendants to pick up baby Moses who had been left in a basket on the bank of the Nile ...

... story dealing with ordinary life from which a moral message or religious truth is taught. 2. Pharisee: one of a Jewish religious school of those times, marked by their strict observance of the law of Moses and other religious ordinances which had been added through the centuries. They were known to be more careful of the outward forms than the spirit of religion, and found the unconventional teachings... After a spell in Egypt, first as invitees, later as slaves, the Hebrews were led through the Sinai Desert for forty years by Jahweh (God)to guide them out of Egypt. It is in the desert that Jahweh gave Moses the Law, which included the Ten Commandments and a long catalogue of religious, ethical and juridical regulations. From the thirteenth to the eleventh century BC, the Hebrews established themselves ...


... creation and humanity in the Old Testament such as in The Law of Moses and The Psalms. But as history tells us, the message of love Jesus brought to humanity was carried beyond its Jewish context and brought to all of humanity by Paul of The New Testament. Paul recognised that the non-Jewish world could not adhere to both the strict Law of Moses, as orthodox Jews had to in order to worship properly, as well ...


... One day, before their dinner, the Bible reading had just finished when Manmohan, in a mood of exasperation and mischief, cried out: 'This fellow Moses was rightly served when his people disobeyed him!' This, you can imagine, set the house on fire, for Moses was for the old lady the greatest of prophets and to speak of him with such irreverence was sacrilege. She said that she would not live another ...


... stoically. But one day there was a bombshell. We were at prayers and Manomohan, who happened to be in a bad mood that day, protested to the old lady by shouting - 'The followers of old Moses did very well by disobeying him!' Moses was a prophet to the Christians. Horrified and furious, she screamed back at him: 'These pagans! These nonbelievers! If I stay a minute longer with them, the roof will fall down ...

... own actions. If ever I had known what it is to procreate chidren, I am sure I could not have mustered courage enough to marry. ... As far as my reading goes I think that Darwin was an addendum to Moses. Moses said, Go and multiply; Darwin said 'Mind, only the fittest of those you multiply will survive.' Now turn and twist the principle of ethics as you like. Even your devotion to an Almighty God will ...

... that a long appendix has been added: "Velikovsky's Chronological Challenge." I have dealt at full length with his dating of Hatshepsut and Tuthmosis III, the two Egyptian rulers vital to my thesis on Moses and the Exodus. Velikovsky has been a favourite of mine for long and it was not enjoyable to demolish his basic thesis. I thought of an incident connected with Father Divine, the Negro God on earth ...


... ... Going on there he saw another pair of brothers, James son of Zebedee and his brother John..." (Matthew 4:18, 21) - "Then some Saducees... put this question to him, 'Master, we have it from Moses in writing, if a man's brother dies leaving a wife but no child, the man must marry the widow to raise up children for his brother.'... (Mark 12:18-19) - "He said to them, 'I tell you solemnly, there ...

... future is and, inevitable corollary, what value should be attributed to the vision of the future of the Earth which prophets have transmitted to us over the centuries. From the Vedic rishis and Moses—the first to have crossed the intangible frontier which separates Space-Time from the Eternal and Infinite—to Israel's inspired prophets, bards of planetary immortality, and to Sri Aurobindo, pioneer ...


... it long ago: “What is very singular is that in all the laws of god’s people there is not a word about the spirituality and the immortality of the soul … It is quite certain, it is indubitable that Moses nowhere promised the Jews rewards and punishments in another life, that he never talked to them about the immortality of their souls, that he never held out hopes of heaven, that he did not threaten ...


... everywhere else he is called the "Son". Even in Book XII, when his human birth is spoken of in a long passage of historical prevision, he remains anonymous although other figures, like Abraham and Moses, get their known appellatives. Of course it may be that the person here is too well-known to need naming. But in Aswapati's case there may be a reason too: he is a certain type — "A thinker and toiler ...


... everywhere else he is called the "Son". Even in Book XII, when his human birth is spoken of in a long passage of historical prevision, he remains anonymous although other figures, like Abraham and Moses, get their known appellatives. Of course it may be that the person here is too well-known to need naming. But in Aswapati's case there may be a reason too: he is a certain type - "A thinker and toiler ...


... On Thoughts and Aphorisms Aphorism - 172 172—Law cannot save the world, therefore Moses' ordinances are dead for humanity and the Shastra of the Page 259 Brahmins is corrupt and dying. Law released into freedom is the liberator. Not the Pundit, but the Yogin; not monasticism, but the inner renunciation of desire and ignorance and egoism ...


... hesitate to utter words that the other courtiers, physically as brave as he, would not have let fall from their lips. This courage of the mind is known as moral courage. Such was the courage of Moses, the leader of Israel, who demanded from the Pharaoh of Egypt the freedom of the oppressed Jewish people. Such was the courage of Mohammed, the Prophet, who imparted his religious thought to the ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... The annual cultural programme. × "Law cannot save the world, therefore Moses' ordinances are dead for humanity and the Shastra of the Brahmins is corrupt and dying. Law released into freedom is the liberator. Not the Pundit, but the Yogin, not monasticism, but the inner renunciation ...


... become kings; realisations of Jesus that filled him with love that inspired him to give himself in sacrifice for the sake of the salvation of all children of God on the earth; revelations received by Moses or revelations received by the Prophet Mohammed and the promises that they gave for the world and for the beyond; question of poets and artists and their search for excellence and perfection such as ...


... as well as I can remember, they said that I had kept them back for about half an hour. The impression had been so profound that in climbing slowly the slope I asked myself if it were possible that Moses on Sinai could have had a more intimate communication with God. I think it well to add that in this ecstasy of mine God had neither form, color, odor, nor taste; moreover, that the feeling of his presence ...

... Page 373 -Paradise Lost, 163, 168n Minerva, 284 Mitra, 45, 157, 159-60, 180, 294 Modern Review, the, 229n Mohammedanism, 276 Montaigne, 108 Montevideo, 198 Moses, 9-10, 108 Mother, The (La Mere), 228, 287n -Prieres et Meditations, 287n Mukherjee, Prabhat, 230 Mussolini, 274 NACHIKETAS, 19-20, 32-3, 35, 105 Naidu, Sarojini, 62n ...

... these religions, there should be a detailed study of the lives of great personalities associated with these religions, or various systems of yoga such as Rama, Krishna, Buddha Mahavira, Zoroaster, Moses, Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammed, Guru Nanak, Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo. What is called psychology of religion and spirituality could also be studied at least at the ...

... Vivekananda Page 179 Nor is it at all necessary that he should be original in the idea or ideal he holds up for realisation. Buddha was fundamentally indebted to the Upanishads, Christ to Moses and the Old Testament, and Luther to Wycliff and Erasmus. There can be no creation in a void. No genius is a mushroom, or a freak of Nature. No culture that is rootless can revive after it has had ...

... from the Bible were read; the three brothers had to participate. Sometimes the eldest brother used to conduct the worship. One day at prayer time Manmohan was in an insolent mood and said that old Moses was well served when the people disobeyed him. This enraged the old lady beyond measure and she said she would not live under the same roof with heretics as the house might fall down, and she went to ...


... farce. Not only so, but all of you are very eager to seize all of Mother’s words and align them nicely if possible in ten little paras, clean and dry, for hanging at his own special door, like Moses with his Ten Commandments. But truly we are fed up with this kind of Sinai, and so were Mother and Sri Aurobindo. So if you hope to seize Mother’s Truth in writing and deliver it to the world and ...

... read at prayer time. The boys were expected to participate in all this, and Benoy Bhushan often conducted the worship. On one occasion, however, Manomohan was in a puckish mood and said that old Moses got only his deserts when his people disobeyed him! Mrs. Drewett was understandably furious and declared she would not live with an atheist, since the whole house might fall down! After she had left ...

... troubles come, for Time is the father of wonders; And from the peace of God hope for many blessings to come. 36 Still greater, however, is the courage to hew new pathways of human conduct, as a Moses, a Siddhartha, a Jesus, or a Muhammad did. Cheerfulness of course is a child's native virtue, for children wear a daily beauty and buoyancy in their lives. But cheerfulness equally becomes the elderly ...


... Dr G. 282 Moonje, Dr B.S. 200 Moreau, Gustav 473 Morretta, Angelo 762 Morisset, Andre see Andre Morisset, Francoise see Pournaprema Morisset, Henri 28, 834 Morisset, Janine see Janine Moses 180, 482 THE MOTHER 1, 237, 420, 572 Categorised under 1. The Mother (biographical) 2. Others on the Mother 3. The Mother on other subjects 4. Works of the Mother ...


... to live in Zarif. It was to become their base. They lived there many years with their devoted English secretary, Miss Teresa. "According to a legend, Tlemcen's origin goes back to a remote past. Moses visited it. Solomon stayed in it. Egyptian sorcerers, skilled in witchcraft, made it their chosen town." 1 1. Oran-Tlemcen, Sud-Oranais (1902), by Commandant de Pimodan. Page 56 ...

... solemn and academic manner would be unfair to Mother, who always hated the dogmatic and absolute “this is how it is” like the Ten Commandments (which, by the way, She found extraordinarily banal! And Moses climbed up the Sinai to hear that!). 19 We will not climb up the Sinai of the invis­ible to put it into twelve paragraphs; indeed there were— there are—twelve of these worlds, but all these divisions ...

... passages from the Bible were read. The three brothers had to participate in them and sometimes Beno would conduct the worship. One day at prayer time Mano was in an insolent mood and he said that old Moses was well served when the people disobeyed him. This made the old lady wild and she said she would not live under the same roof with unbelievers, as the roof may fall down upon them. So she went to live ...

... Palestine, but mediaeval Italy is not Palestine. Principles are a matter of chronology and climate, and it would be highly unphilosophical and unpractical of me to be guided by them as if I were Christ or Moses. So I shall go on poisoning and strangling for the good of myself and Italy and leave 'impatient idealists' to their irresponsible chatter. Still I am a Christian and the nephew of a pope, so my anchor ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Record of Yoga Undated Notes, c. January 1927 Amrita— Moses, Brihaspati, Hermes, Michael Angelo, Rudra, Pythagoras. Bijoy Child Krishna, St Jean, Kartikeya, child Vishnu Barin Nefdi. Apollo-Aryaman St Hilaire— Ramakrishna—(The Four) Kshitish Narada—Bach-Isaie Kanai Sukadeva—One of the Vital Four Tirupati ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... an inborn or indwelling Divinity. This is the distinction we can gather from the Gita which is the main authority on this subject.” 4 Among the Vibhutis may be counted: Veda Vyasa, Hatshepsut, Moses, Pericles, Socrates, Alexander, Confucius, Lao Tse, Julius Caesar, Caesar Augustus, Mohammed, Joan of Arc, Leonardo da Vinci, Napoleon, Shankara, Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, and undoubtedly many more ...

... Beumer (1988). The name Amenhotep is the same as Amenophis. × It is also worth pointing out that Moses was instructed by the Egyptian priesthood, as is written in the Acts of the Apostles (7:22), and may have been an initiate. Thus another source of Western civilization, the Semitic, goes back to the ...

... as having been committed by mistake, it is decided that from now onwards the Jews of both genders will distinguish themselves from the other people by their dress, as has moreover been prescribed by Moses.” 551 Poliakov tells of one of the worst pogroms in the small German town of Röttingen where the Jews, in 1298, were suddenly accused of desecrating a host. One Rindtfleisch led a mob against them ...


... ’ 11 The Foundation Scholarship awarded him by his headmaster must have come in useful for Aravinda. Grandmother Drewett had suddenly grown furious when Manmohan, weary of her bigotry, insulted Moses, and she had thrown the three brothers out of her house. James Cotton had become acquainted with them through his father in India, Sir Henry, who was a friend of their father. Cotton paid Benoybhusan ...

... spontaneously and infallibly to its self-fulfilment. The law of sin and virtue ceases for us when the sun of God shines upon the soul in truth Page 256 and love with its unveiled splendour. Moses is replaced by Christ, the Shastra by the Veda. 1 Do you think this idea of sin and virtue has done humanity any good? As Sri Aurobindo says, the law of sin and virtue was certainly necessary ...


... unto sin, so that in him we might become the goodness of God."   If Poh San would like me to elucidate the paradox in my own words, I would say: "We are all sinners and according to the Law of Moses we deserve to be punished, but Jesus got born like one of us and paid the full penalty on our behalf of a Law-transgressor, the penalty of the lowest of deaths, the death of a 'felon' who is crucified ...


... stick always to the religion into which we were born, no such teacher would be able to get a following. When Jesus appeared, what would have been his effect if everyone had insisted on sticking to Moses? Or - to be more relevant to your case - in Mohammed's time, would there have been any Islam if people had clung to the religion prevalent among the Arabs in that period? We have to be plastic to new ...


... religion should fear in the notion of evolution. Real spirituality is not a theory about how to make the beans grow, nor is it an empirical account of anthropological data. It is not about whether or not Moses actually parted the Red Sea. It is about whether or not you can awaken to the Spirit in you which is beyond you, and that therefore plugs you straight into the Source and Suchness of the entire Kosmos ...


... qu'en dites-vous ?(Gods are so easily defeated, don't you see?) Well, from the accounts he seems to have made Shankar Page 91 sweet as sugar and soft as butter and mild as Moses. How far Shankar's mighty bulk will stand that sort of thing, I don't know—it might begin to feel uncomfortable carrying about a little lamb that did not seem meant to be there. Let us hope however ...

... to make them his enemies? First of all, he broke the Sabbath laws. The Sabbath which modern laws, Christians and Moslems still follow has the same foundation as that of the Hebrews from the time of Moses. Keepins the Sabbath is the fourth of the Ten Commandments. After the Creation, which lasted six days. God said that He would rest and that the seventh day of the week was to always be a day of rest ...


... directs them to bring his message to the world. 44 Then he said to them, "These are my words which I spoke to yon, while I was still with you-, that everything written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and the psalms must be fulfilled." 45 Then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures, 46 and said to them, "Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third ...


... verse (ofttimes as musical and highly wrought as Homer's own Greek) bears, as I think, testimony... to an origin anterior to writing, anterior to Puranic theology, anterior to Homer, perhaps even to Moses." This story was told and retold many times after the composing of the original Mahabharata. M Krishnamachariar in his History of Classical Sanskrit Literature mentions at least thirteen poems ...


... Palestine, but mediaeval Italy is not Palestine. Principles are a matter of chronology and climate, and it would be highly unphilosophical and unpractical of me to be guided by them as if I were Christ or Moses. So I shall go on poisoning and strangling for the good of myself and Italy and leave 'impatient idealists' to their irresponsible chatter. Still I am a Christian and the nephew of a Pope, so my anchor ...

... India. Page 165 When we were staying in London this old lady used to have daily family prayers and reading of some passage from the Bible. One day Mano Mohan said something about Moses which made her wild. She said she did not want to live under the same roof with unbelievers, and went to live somewhere else. I felt infinitely relieved and grateful to Mano Mohan. We were then entering ...

... of the world had given him no rest or relaxation, it served only to fill his cup of misery to the brim. But the hour of final relief was not long postponed: the Grace came to him, even as it came to Moses or St. Paul as a sudden flare of fire which burnt up the Dark Night and opened out the portals of Morning Glory. Pascal's place in the evolution of European culture and consciousness is of considerable ...

... were all cast in the physical, vital and mental moulds of beauty and strength, valour and endurance, intellectual subtlety and moral grandeur. The avatars and prophets of old - Rama, Sita. Krishna, Moses, Mahavira, Siddhartha, Christ, Muhammad, Sankara, Ramanuja, Nanak - punctuated the march of the human consciousness by precept and example. There were also heroic figures like Arjuna and Achilles ...


... without us. In fact, we are right in the middle of the transition, mahas pathah, the great passage, and our scientific and rational materialism is probably the most antiquated thing there is after old Moses on his Sinai. That Sinai we will speak of again as the biggest balloon that has ever burst. Yet why should the transition not occur with us? Instead of being the passive and rather ill-treated guinea ...

... but mediaeval Italy is not Palestine. Principles are a matter of chronology and climate, and it would be highly unphilosophical and unpractical of me to be guided by them as if I were Christ or Moses. ... Still I am a Christian and the nephew of a Pope, so my anchor holds, yes, my anchor holds." And, for a final illustration, there was the castigation of the whole class of Anglo-Indian a ...