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Naidu, Sarojini : (1879-1949), Gandhian politician, poet, writer, & orator.
... , 198 Moses, 9-10, 108 Mother, The (La Mere), 228, 287n -Prieres et Meditations, 287n Mukherjee, Prabhat, 230 Mussolini, 274 NACHIKETAS, 19-20, 32-3, 35, 105 Naidu, Sarojini, 62n Nazism, 262 Newton, 300 Nietzsche, 126, 243, 297 North Pole, 27 Norway, 175 PAKISTAN, 267 Panis, 13 Parasara, 162 Pascal, Blaise, 107-13 -Le Pari, 110 ...
... super-knowledge and 346 thinking 234 transformation of 69 Mother birthday 272 experiences, described in Savitri 330 recording Savitri 282 N Naidu, Sarojini 147 Napoleon 150,152 Nature achievement of 273 and Supernature 12,208,315 divine manifestation 95 doings of secret 285 domain of 88 field of scientists 163 ...
... 215,706-07,764 Muzzafferpore bomb action, 305ff, 387 Nag, Bejoy, 336, 370, 374ff, 377-78, 379ff, 382,405 Nag, Kalidas, 28, 763 Nagai Japata, Guru, 380 Naidu, Sarojini, 266 Nair, Sir Sankaran, 530 Nammalvar, 497 Nandakumar, Prema, 112fn, 133,134fh, 140, 148,152m, 341, 383m, 640, 646, 690 Naoroji, Dadabhai, 11, 190, 227, 228 ...
... The Indian Spirit and the World's Future The Central Sarojini INDEED we have lost many things with the passing of Sarojini Naidu, but what exactly was her central quality, what constituted the very heart of her genius? It is always desirable to ask such a question, for in answering it we get clear of the plethora of conventional or merely emotional panegyric... students pressed around her at the Madras Station some years ago and many asked for her autograph. One enthusiast came up and said proudly, "Mrs. Naidu, I am thoroughly acquainted with your biology. It is so thrilling." He meant, of course, biography. Sarojini looked up, winked at him and said, "But don't you go and tell my husband." Perhaps her most characteristic stroke of inhibitionless wit was her... best enabled to keep astir in ourselves what the departed greatness had most attempted to evoke. The central Sarojini is summed up in the words: happy visionary. The description must not mislead us. It does not mean a dweller in either the ivory tower or the fool's paradise. Sarojini was always possessed of a finely shrewd practical sense and she knew also the humiliations and sorrows that are ...
... India The inspiration of Sarojini Naidu A Defence against Colour-blind and Tone-deaf "Debunkers" "Debunking" is the favourite sport of our time —often a healthy necessary sport; but futile and thankless is the attempt to "debunk" skylarks and nightingales and Sarojini Naidu! Critics have begun to find her work void of true emotion; they... Mohamed Ali spoken of is neither the brother of Shaukat, famous in the old days of the Khilafat controversy, nor Mr. Jinnah addressed in a mood of familiarity. No, there is no politics here: Sarojini Naidu's genius cannot flower from a political soil, at least not when she herself is an active mover to and fro on it. Far better than her losing her enchanted gift it would have been if she... should convey an impression of exuberance and heat, for, on the whole, Sarojini the poet lives not in high reflective moments nor even in profoundly emotional ones but in a brilliant beauty of suggestive sensation. Yet to deny genuineness to poetry of such a character is to conceive the aim of inspiration too rigidly. Sarojini loves to be luxurious; she has a texture of rich warmth, because she ...
... little in his lifetime—nothing ever came my way. 25 January 1935 You write in your note to Harin [of 24 January 1935] about Toru Dutt and "Romesh of the same ilk" and Sarojini Naidu that you know of no other Indian than Sarojini to have published in English anything that is really alive and strong and original. I can understand your forgetting your own work, but how is it that you have omitted Harin... expression, feeling—even Polish or Russian—can be legitimately expressed in English, however unEnglish it may be, but an Eastern spirit, tradition or temper cannot? He differs from Gosse who told Sarojini Naidu that she must write Indian poems in English Page 443 —poems with an Indian tradition, feeling, way of expression, not reproduce the English mind and turn, if she wanted to do something... succeed in writing correct English, but can never write great English prose, still less perfect or enduring poetry. I doubt whether this is true—I remember having read some extracts from letters by Sarojini Naidu in her youth that seemed to be very perfect and beautiful English prose. But let us keep to poetry which has no doubt a special language or a special spirit and turn in its language and it is true ...
... doctor and it is by marrying him that Sarojini Chattopadhyaya became Sarojini Naidu. Once an Indian admirer of hers made the fact of her marriage responsible for not only her new name "Mrs. Naidu" but also her original maiden name. At a public gathering which she was going to address, the chairman happened to refer to her husband as the eminent surgeon Dr. Naidu. A man in the audience turned to his... Poetry TALK TWENTY-THREE We have brought Shakespeare and Eliot together apropos of the latter's lines on evening as an etherized patient. But Eliot and Sarojini Naidu would indeed be strange associates, the one a sophisticated modernist, the other a romantic traditionalist, the one intellectually inspired, the other emotionally beauty-swept. Yet there are some... dance-movement: at once we are drawn from the physical to the psychological, from the outer to the inner form, the mind's way of feeling and seeing, the way which is the true stuff of art-expression. Sarojini Naidu is ingeniously phanopoeic Page 191 also in that brief description of the crescent moon, where she discloses by a sharp gleaming touch the high and sacred sense her country's antiquity ...
... I would like to see him go as soon as possible. PURANI: In the Maharshi he has found his right Guru, he says. I hope he will be able to stay half the time there. Premanand was waiting for Sarojini Naidu's visit to the Library. Pujalal remarked, "Keep both parts of the door open!" Premanand did not understand the joke, so I said, "She may not be able to pass through only one open part of the door... of the glands. SATYENDRA: Yes, women get fat after menopause. PURANI: Not all women. SRI AUROBINDO: Otherwise the world would be full of fat women. Suvrata 3 is tolerable compared to Sarojini Naidu. PURANI: Oh yes, because she is taller too. NIRODBARAN: Sisir had a vision of the Mahakali aspect of the Mother in meditation as a sort of reply to his sorrow over the fall of Paris and he ...
... resound everywhere in Tamil Nadu. Weaklings became patriots, and cowardice turned into valour. Bharati with his magic verse had waved the wand, and the age of sloth and slavery was ended for ever. As Sarojini Naidu said in her finely worded message sent at the time of the opening of the Bharati Memorial Building at Ettayapuram on 13 October 1947: 'Poet Bharati has fulfilled the true mission of a... that it had brought about the fragmentation of Indian humanity. He therefore affirmed - Religion and caste shan't divide us. We conclude with tributes paid by Shri C Rajagopalchari and Shrimati Sarojini Naidu. 'Just as in ancient days, Vyasa and Valmiki served human progress, Poet Subramania Bharati has served the Tamils in recent times by his writings. There can be no limit to reading Bharati's... his genius and his work, to rank among those who have transcended all limitation of race, language and continent, and have become the universal possession of mankind.' Shrimati Sarojini Naidu Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay Fewpresent-generation Indians would have even heard of Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay, who was a pioneer among women participants in the Indian ...
... functioning from 1 October 1917 with the Central Hindu College as its first constituent college. Besant received many tributes during her lifetime. Perhaps the most beautiful one came from Sarojini Naidu: 'Mrs. Annie Besant was a great woman, a warrior, a patriot and a priestess. Many creeds were reconciled in her. Her essential qualities were her unquenchable thirst for freedom.' She... speeches helped freedom fighters achieve their goals. S. Subramaniya Iyer, Thiru V. Kalyana Sundaranar and Dr. Varadarajulu Naidu and E. V.Ramasamy Naicker helped her to promote the Home Rule ideas. C. Vijayaraghavachariyar, Thiru V. Kalyana Sundaranar, Varadharajulu Naidu, E. V. Ramasamy Naickear, S. Srinivasa Iyangar, Sathyamurthy and K. Kamaraj were the agreement with this view. He deprecated ...
... any point, then, in saying that romanticism ended with Sarojini Naidu? Did it end with her death or the publication of her last collection of poems during her lifetime? There is a considerable gap of time between these two events. Quite apart from Sarojini Naidu, what do we mean by saying that romanticism "ended" with Sarojini Naidu? A particular verbal mode of expressing romantic sensibility... is a poetic device not infrequently patronised even by so sophisticated a poet as Dylan Thomas. P. Lai goes on to say: "We claim that the phase of Indo-Anglian romanticism ended with Sarojini Naidu: 'I bring for you aglint with dew a little lovely dream.' Now, waking up, we must more and more aim at a realistic poetry reflecting, poetically and pleasingly, the din and hubbub, the confusion... this mean that we must aim at a realistic poetry in order to appeal to idealistic minds? Why bring in "realism" and "idealism" into the discussion in this unhelpful fashion? We know that Sarojini Naidu was influenced considerably by the Decadent Poetry of the late nineteenth century, especially in her style and diction. The jewelled phrases and the preciosity were peculiar to her age and there ...
... adaptation to music and melody. His thought is profound, his technical devices are commendable but the music that enchants or disturbs is not there. Aurobindo is not another Tagore or Iqbal or even Sarojini Naidu." I confess the words fairly take my breath away. They deny inspiration altogether and in all its forms to Sri Aurobindo's poetry. For, evidently, music in poetry does not stand just for one particular... clinchingly proves the inspired poet? Sri Aurobindo's being very strikingly successful in it gives the lie, with quintessential force, to the charge that he is less a poet than Tagore or Iqbal or even Sarojini Naidu. Page 161 ...
... auspices. English poetry written by an Indian writer who uses the foreign medium as if it were his mother-tongue, with a spontaneous ease, power and beauty, the author a brother of the famous poetess Sarojini Naidu, one of a family which promises to be as remarkable as the Tagores by its possession of culture, talent and genius, challenging attention and sympathy by his combination of extreme youth and a... heights he may attain,—the book at once attracts interest and has come into immediate prominence amidst general appreciation and admiration. We have had already in the same field of achievement in Sarojini Naidu's poetry qualities which make her best work exquisite, unique and unmatchable in its kind. The same qualities are not to be found in this book, but it shows other high gifts which, when brought... idiosyncrasy of the fancy, the turn given to the thought, the colour of the vision, which are very often of the Sufi type. Something of the union of the two cultures appeared in the temperament of Mrs. Naidu's poetry, but here it is more subtly visible as part of the intellectual strain. This is however only one shaping influence behind; except in one or two poems, where we get some echo of his sister's ...
... yesterday's Hindu the review of an annual of English literature. It is a symposium of many writers of the British Empire. From India four names have been chosen—one Kashi Prasad Ghose, Toru Dutt, Sarojini Naidu and yourself . Do you know this Kashi Prasad Ghose? SRI AUROBINDO: No. Who is he? NIRODBARAN: Only poets have been included, and the Indian selection has been made by an Indian professor... SRI AUROBINDO: I wonder which poems of mine he has taken. Does he not mention Harin or my brother? NIRODBARAN: No. SRI AUROBINDO: Then I don't understand the rationale of the selection. Sarojini is alright. But, except for a few things, Toru Dutt does not come to much. And, if Toru can be included, surely Harin and Manmohan ought to be. They are better writers than she. If Romesh Dutt was ...
... The Thinking Corner The Peacock Lute Sarojini Naidu flashed out that phrase in a poem - Professor Bhushan has caught it on the title-page of his excellent new anthology of poems written in English by Indians. Both are acts of inspiration. The fine phrase becomes a focus of special significance when applied to Indian poetry in any form. A peacock is commonly ...
... forget all innovators and to fall into an error that should have been swept away for good when Symons and Gosse sponsored Sarojini Naidu or Fowler-Wright and Laurence Binyon hailed Harindranath Chattopadhyaya. It is curious to remember that Gosse's advice to Sarojini Naidu amounted to saying: "If you, an Indian with such a flair for our tongue and our literary technique, want to write good ...
... moral stature of man. Non-violence can do that. SRI AUROBINDO: But he is putting the cart before the horse. The moral stature has to be improved before man becomes non-violent. SATYENDRA: Sarojini Naidu seems to have visited Raman Maharshi. She writes that she has seen two Mahans. One is Maharshi and the other Gandhi. Maharshi gives peace. SRI AUROBINDO: And Gandhi gives Charkha? (Laughter) ...
... various temperaments will have a chance" — I feel that we have a right to use new words and thus help enlarge the English vocabulary, as Sri Aurobindo, Sarojini Naidu and many others have done. (Sri Aurobindo has used words like ras, apsara, etc.; Sarojini — tilak, koel etc. Koel has since passed into English usage though words like tilak, ras, lila etc. have not. But they will, when, in the near... autobiography? Many English critics think it first-class in its own kind; of course he was educated at an English public school, but I suppose he was not born to the language? Some of Toru Datt's poems, Sarojini's, Harin's have been highly placed by good English critics, and I don't think that we need be more queasy than Englishmen themselves. Of course there were special circumstances; I don't find that you ...
... He was the Founder-President of Paschimbanga Bangla Academy. 13 . Toru Dutt (1856-1877) was one of the earliest poetess of Bengal to write in English and French. 14 . Sarojini Naidu (1879-1949) was born in Hyderabad. She was a poetess and a nationalist. She was the first lady Governor of Uttar Pradesh after India’s independence. 15 . Sotuda, a Royal Chartered ...
... alongside the British if only she is given the opportunity. We have no arms, no ammunitions, no training. How can we help? If the Government made some gesture, then everybody would willingly help. Sarojini Naidu has said that nobody in India wants Hitler's victory. If the British gave some self-government—for instance, Dominion Status—all would help the Allies." SRI AUROBINDO: Is what she says true ...
... was not a party of rich men ; nor were those Gandhian days when the 'third-class' carriage in which Mr. M. K. Gandhi travelled was often converted to one with the comforts of a first -class. As Sarojini Naidu commented wryly, "It costs the people of India a lot of money to maintain the poverty of the Mahatma." In the event, this was a real third-class, and the Bengali Nationalist leaders were ...
... something higher than his quotidian consciousness, he strains and poises himself and rarefies his mood in order to catch the inevitable phrase, the authentic rhythm, the real-sense of inspiration. Sarojini Naidu, after a brief spell of delicate music, grew dumb because she was not jealous enough of the gift bestowed on her: the drum and trumpet of politics deafened her to those flute-voices of her young ...
... Radhakrishnan has achieved through it a striking lucidity of versatile intellectual exposition, R. K. Narayan has made by its help the novelist's art a rare blend of the simple and the subtle, Sarojini Naidu has been enchantingly lyrical in it, Tagore has given with it to his Gitanjali an immortal poignancy, Vivekananda has forged from it a thrilling Page 101 clarion of the Vedanta ...
... adaptation to music and melody. His thought is profound, his technical devices commendable, but the music that enchants or disturbs is not there. Aurobindo is not another Tagore or Iqbal or even Sarojini Naidu." The words fairly take one's breath away by their sweeping ineptitude. For, they deny inspiration completely and in all its modes to Sri Aurobindo's poetry. In poetry, music does not stand just... clinching proof of the genuine poet. Sri Aurobindo's being very striking in its music gives the lie, with quintessential force, to the charge that he is less a poet than Tagore or Iqbal or even Sarojini Naidu. None of these has produced blank verse in English. And no other Indian has anything to show in this "tricky" medium, which would bear comparison with the Aurobindonian afflatus, the blending ...
... or Dante's Divina Commedia as a nightingale's song. Least of all would we normally associate this song with Paradise Lost. The nightingale reminds us of Catullus and Campion, Sappho and Sarojini Naidu. It is a symbol of lyricism. And in a very evident sense the grandioseness of Milton's chant is at the opposite pole to the lyrical. But Milton the epic poet par excellence has a special purpose ...
... technically, alter-native scansisons. But I believe there is always one scansion which is of true help to the significance and the feeling of a line. The critic Chapman has instanced the opening of Sarojini Naidu's Flute-player of Vrindavan as posing us a small problem in scansion. Technically both the following lines — Why didst thou play thy matchless flute 'Neath the Kadamba tree? — have ...
... adaptation to music and melody. His thought is profound; his technical devices are commendable; but the music that enchants or disturbs is not there. Aurobindo is not another Tagore or Iqbal, or even Sarojini Naidu." – The Times Literary Supplement, July 8, 1944. Page 62 poetry is not merely beauty but power, it is not merely sweet imagination but creative vision – it is even the Rik ...
... that he should keep away. He took the prohibition as the result of an adverse report having been made after a certain incident before the darshan. At that time the daughter of the poet Sarojini Naidu was on a visit to Pondicherry. She had a friend in the Ashram who took Purani and me as well as the man in question to see her. At a meeting the last-named had aired some unfriendly views about ...
... the Englishman and how he did it. Dilip argued: "The Gitanjali of Tagore was appreciated and highly praised by many English poets. Conrad's prose ranks as high as any great English writer's. Sarojini Naidu and some others were praised by Gosse, Binyon and De la Mare." Add Santayana whose prose is better than most Englishmen's Thompson rejoined: "Well, the merits of the latter people you mention... expression, feeling—even Polish or Russian—can be legitimately expressed in English, however unEnglish it may be, but an Eastern spirit, tradition or temper cannot? He differs from Gosse who told Sarojini Naidu that she must write Indian poems in English—poems with an Indian tradition, feeling, way of expression, not reproduce the English mind and turn, if she wanted to do something great and original ...
... Pilgrims of the Stars) 17. Sri Aurobindo's own experience in Alipore jail. 18. Harindranath Chattopadhyay (1897 -1990), a poet and cinema actor, brother of Mrinalini Chattopadhyay and Sarojini Naidu. Husband of Kamala Devi Chattopadhyay. 19. aksaravrtta: system of versification in which the number of letters and not the sounds is taken into account. 20. Vairagya: disgust or ...
... Masses of men act upon their vital push, not according to reason—individuals too mostly, though they frequently call in their reason as a lawyer to plead the vital's case. 30 January 1936 Sarojini Naidu's daughter Padmaja told me today that when Subhas issued his manifesto from Europe to the effect that he and Jawaharlal were great friends and at one on every point, he actually had been scheming ...
... baffling the reader is carried off in a mysterious manner that carries the overtone of some universal presence - "seen nowhere though felt everywhere". I am reminded of the last stanza of a poem by Sarojini Naidu: I, leaning from my sevenfold height, Shall teach thee of my sevenfold grace: Life is a prism of my light And death the shadow of my face. Your whole piece is poetry ...
... before, and she was accepted too, and acquired from Sri Aurobindo the spiritual name of' 'Datta' 22 (meaning 'Entirely Self-given' 23 ). When Mrinalini Chattopadhyaya (sister of the well-known Sarojini Naidu) visited Pondicherry in mid-1920 to see Sri Aurobindo, she also initiated Mirra into wearing the sari; and even as the kimono in Japan had fitted her as if to the culture born, now the Indian sari ...
... poetry". Amal had a notebook of his own in which he had copied poems of rare poets who were usually omitted in academic studies, for instance, the War-poets, our Indian poets like Sarojini Naidu, Toru Dutt, Manmohan Ghose. He tried to inculcate in us the beauty of form, structure, rhythm. But alas the rhythmic beauty of English poetry was alien to my Bengali ears in spite of my composing ...
... What do you think of them? Sri Aurobindo : They do write poetry in English and it may even be successful, but it is not the real man who is speaking. Very few can do it in another language. Sarojini Naidu Page 235 had a small range but had the Capacity to express- herself. Disciple : The general impression is that poetry is not in vogue in England, or perhaps anywhere ...
... nearly 24,000 lines cannot just be ignored or bypassed. And, reading on in Mr. Lai's Introduction, we come across some light on the positive side of that see-saw passage. He says: "Toru Dutt..., Sarojini Naidu, and Sri Aurobindo - whatever their weaknesses - have this great strength in common though in varying degrees: they have Indian responses to life and things." And also a little before those zigzag ...
... facts with her. It is also strange that several decades ago a critic in the The Times Literary Supplement said that Sri Aurobindo's poetry did not have the magical rhythm of Tagore, Iqbal and Sarojini Naidu,—which only shows that he was not perceptive of the deeper and subtler rhythms that go far beyond just the lyrical. However, in his defence it may be said that much of Sri Aurobindo's poetry... of the associative magic of the words themselves." 89 Here we have another comment, from P. Lai as quoted by V. K. Gokak. 90 P. Lai considered that Indo-Anglian romanticism ended with Sarojini Niadu. "Now, waking up we must more and more aim at a realistic poetry reflecting, poetically and pleasingly, the din and hubbub, the confusion and indecision, the flashes of beauty and goodness ...
... nearly 24,000 lines cannot just be ignored or bypassed. And, reading on in Mr. Lal's Introduction, we come across some light on the positive side of that see-saw passage. He says: "Torn Dutt..., Sarojini Naidu, and Sri Aurobindo— whatever their weaknesses—have this great strength in common though in varying degrees: they have Indian responses to life and things." And also a little before those zigzag ...
... background. Politics in those days was a conveniently part-time affair, a hobby almost, and involved no risks; professional or domestic life was hardly interrupted A colourful visitant like Sarojini Naidu was merely the proverbial exception. As the tempo of the movement changed, however, politics became a whole-time mission or vocation; and there was the danger of disruption of family life, and ...
... landing at Pondicherry, Paul Richard enquired whether there was any Yogi in the town. He was told of Sri Aurobindo, and as an interview was not an easy affair, he took the help of his friend, Zir Naidu, who was a prominent leader in politics, and obtained Sri Aurobindo's permission. He saw Sri Aurobindo twice and had long talks with him, and he also got from him the interpretation of the mystic... y for Paris by French steamer. Will you watch for them and arrest under Fugitive Offenders' Act in Colombo harbour using this as your authority?" Report from Deputy Superintendent, Papu Rao Naidu, 9.4.1910: "In continuation of my previous wire of this day, I beg to inform you that Arabinda Ghose arrived at Pondicherry by S.S. Dupleix on the morning of 6th instant.11 He was received at... management of the house and the kitchen, and, as in every- thing else she took up, there was a marked and progressive improvement. Order, harmony and beauty flowed spontaneously out of her touch. Sarojini Ghose, Sri Aurobindo's sister, came to Pondicherry in 1921. In order to render her some financial help Sri Aurobindo gave her the right to take the sale proceeds of his book, War and Self-determination ...
... 1921 Arun Chandra Dutt of Chandernagore came to Pondicherry. He stayed for some months at 41, Rue Francois Martin. Sri Aurobindo's sister Sarojini came with Sudhamayi Sen and Pratap Sen the same year. Sri Aurobindo went to the station to receive them. He gave Sarojini publication rights to his book War and Self-Determination in order to help her financially. Another visitor this year was Kumud Bandhu... Bluyson for election to the French Chamber. Bluyson was elected. Richard came to know that Sri Aurobindo had come to Pondicherry and was doing yoga. An interview was arranged, most probably by Zir Naidu, a friend of Richard's, between Sri Aurobindo and Richard. It was in Shanker Chetty's house that they met two days for two or three hours each day. Richard asked Sri Aurobindo many questions, one of ...
... Plain statement of the closing couplet, actually described the ________________________________ 1- Harindranath Chattopadhyay, a poet and cinema actor, brother of Mrinalini Chattopadhyay and Sarojini Naidu. Husband of Kamala Devi Chattopadhyay. Page 57 poem as the poet's memory of a girl running past him on the seashore!! I refuse to fall into your trap about Tagore. In vain is ...
... ENCHANTMENT—a tale of triumph of wisdom over death 5.THE WISDOM OF CHILDREN—Leo Tolstoy 6.DAVID COPPERFIELD—Charles Dickens 7.MY ELDER BROTHER—PremChand 8.COROMANDEL FISHERS—Sarojini Naidu 9.CASABLANCA—Felicia Hemans 10.SOCRATES 11.REMINISCENCES—Rabindra Nath Tagore 12.ALFRED NOBEL 13.THE HAPPY PRINCE—Oscar Wilde 14.SCIENTIFIC GENIUS OF THE ATOMIC AGE—ALBERT ...
... attacks from vital or other forces or from one's own movements of the lower nature, as violent as possible, but there will be no madness. October 20,1936 (Padmaja, daughter of Sarojini Naidu, bore a tale to Dilipda, which troubled him no end, as it concerned two of his great friends: Subhash Bose and Jawaharlal Nehru.) I would certainly not hang anybody on ...
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