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Nais : a Greek river goddess.

17 result/s found for Nais

... bureau, il y a plusieurs annees deja. Nous avions beaucoup apprecie son accueil chaleureux; ce souvenir reste, lumineux, dans notre coeur. Son depart, le 14 aout, veille de l'anniversaire de la nais-sance de Sri Aurobindo, n'est pas sans signification. Par le coeur et par l'esprit, nous nous joignos a votre famille pour le Prayer Meeting At De tout coeur avec vous. 16 Septembre ...


... est pourquoi j'hesite a demander parfois quelque chose quand je sais que ce sera une depense de plus que je ne peux pas toujours payer. Sois tranquille, mon enfant, j'ai confiance en toi et con-nais ta fidelite. Mais si tu veux avoir la paix, n'ecoute pas ce que les gens disent. Benedictions * ? Who told you that? I never told anyone On the contrary, I know ...


... diminution of works is not indispensable, since it is neither really nor ordinarily advisable. The one thing that is needed is complete inner quietism and that is all contained the Gita's sense of naiskarmya, actionlessness. According to the Gita, that naiskarmya is possible, even when fullness of action and life are allowed to operate, provided that the threads of action and life are disconnected ...

... Lion, Aditi, called also Savitri or Sita (Astarte, Aphrodite) the Girl, Yama (Hades) the Balance, Aryama (Ares) the Scorpion, Mitra or Bhava (Apollo Phoebus) the Archer, Saraswati called also Ganga (Nais) the Crocodile, Parjanya (Apis) the Jar, Nara (Nereus) the Fish. All these gods have their own character and tend to imprint it on their protégé. Or it would be truer to say, that men of particular ...


... exists in the Greek νῆσoҫ, an island. The physical significance of ná in the Aryan tongues is a gliding or floating motion; we find it in the Page 142 Latin, nare, to swim or float, the Greek Nais, a river goddess, nama, a stream, nêxis, swimming, floating, naros, water, (S. nára, water), necho, I swim, float or sail; but in Sanscrit, except in nára, water, and nága, a snake, elephant, this ...


... (Brahmishtha) and he could drive his cattle away home. The ultimate reality does not lie within the ken of the questioning mind, the Upanishad emphatically declares. We all know the famous mantra: "naisā tarkeṇ matirāpaneyā — this consciousness cannot be reached by reasoning nor by intelligence nor by much learning. Indeed the Self, the Divine discloses his body to him alone whom he chooses as ...


... familiar mantra: “Are, Bharati, kuch nai hoga — I have informed the Mother.” True enough, Bharati never felt any ill effects. Dara’s prayers to the Mother were two — (1) O Mother, fulfil my desire and (2) O Mother take away my desire. In either case the onus was on Her — once the prayer was voiced. He had full faith, so never protested or worried — so he could say “kuch nai hoga.” Though Dara indulged his... glowing in the dark. So far so good — but the lamp would give nasty shock to anyone touching it except Dara! When they warned him about this habit of his lamp he would give his usual reply: “Oh kuch nai hoga.”(oh nothing will happen). He seemed immune to electrocution. Last, but certainly not the least of all, Dara was, let us say, the Adi-photographer of the Ashram. His father was a good amateur ...

... moda, Maanush nai aaj, aachhey shudhu Jaat-sheyaleyr hookkahooa. Jaanish na ki dhormo shey jey Bormoshom shohonsheel, Taakey ki bhangtey paarey Chhonoua-chhouyir chhotto dhil. Jey jaat dhormo thunko eto Aaj noy kaal bhangbey shey to Jaak na shey jaat jahaannamey, Roibey maanush, nai paroya. Boltey... the parlour of the Bhattacharya residence. The Chandi-mandap (a shrine to Kali) in front of the Bhattacharya residence. Ashuchi hon jagannath? Narayaneyr jaat jodi nai Toder keno jaateyr balai? (Tora) chheyleyr mukhey thuthu diyey Maar mukhey dish dhoopeyr dhoaan. All those who were gossiping under bated breath on the side during ...

... luchis — they too were accepted. This was repeated several times — and the pile grew, overflowing the dish. Then came another similar offer. Bhola-da looked sadly at the boy and said, “Dekchhoto ar jayga nai…” (“As you see, there is no more place…”) Then, when the boys were about to feel they had measured Bhola-da, he said, “Achha arekta thala niye esho!” (“All right, go get another dish!”) Where did all ...

... literature impress the hearts of learners very much. Professor Kireetjoshi mentioned that Upanisads could be termed a highly value-oriented literature. He also mentioned that the book titled 'Nai Nai Kahaniyan, brought out by NCERT depicts good human values. It would be beneficial to collect the fund of knowledge from the great literature available in India and elsewhere. Professor D. P. ... biographies of national leaders like Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose and Govind Ballabh Pant. Supplementary reading materials for school children titled Nai Nai Kahaniyan contains value-based stories. The NCERT has produced recorded cassettes of fifteen community songs in twelve different languages. NCERT has developed source books/guide books for... There is a growing feeling that stories are powerful vehicles for Value-Oriented Education. ii.Good stories need to be selected and propagated. He referred to the NCERT's publication titled Nai Nai Kahaniyan as a good collection of stories. Professor Joshi appreciated Mrs. Manorama Jafa who edited this book, a copy of which was given to each participant as a complimentary copy by the NCERT. ...

... It has been widely acknowledged that Macaulay has succeeded in the aim that he set up for education, and that in spite of great educational experiments of the Gurukul system, of Shanti Niketan, of Nai Talim, and of the blazing message of Swami Vivekananda and radical experiments proposed and conducted by Sri Aurobindo, nothing palpable seems to have happened so as to arrest the onward march of the ...

... world. Mahatma Gandhi conceived, even when he was in South Africa, a scheme of ashram education and developed it further in India at Sabarmati Ashram and at Wardha into what came to be called "Nai Talim" that would reflect the ancient spirit of blending head, heart and hand so as to create new types of human beings that would be self-reliant, chaste, truthful, non-violent and devoted servants ...

... readers may want to enjoy the fun: Aaj ami khabo na, Kaj jodi thakey. Makey boley dio na, Pakey podey jabo. Kajey jabo shaukaley, Majhey chhuti nai. Tai kheley shanjhey tey, Nai kono dosh. Kaurey kaj maujatey, Bhorey thaki ami. Kajey dosh dio na, Lajey morey jabo. Koro jodi chalaki, Phor phor korey. Chanti debo mathatey ...

... others around thought the pipes would serve the purpose. In came Bula-da. He asked: “What for are the pipes?” I told him, unsuspecting and relaxed — when the blast came. “Tumi ki pagol? Buddhi, shuddhi nai?” (Are you mad? Have you lost your sense?) He went on: “Who taught you this false economy? What if the railing breaks, and a child falls, who will be responsible?” I did not offer any explanation. He ...

... heart knows—"ami chini"—"I know." In his poem on 'Spring' he asks:— "By what path did you make your way to the earth, O traveller!" "Tumi kon pathe je yele"—"I did not see your coming—ami dekhi nai tomare" "You came upon my vision suddenly like a dream at the edge of the forest" ''Hathat swapan samo dekha dile, boneri kinare". Tagore's Urvashi, an ode to the spirit of Beauty, is one of ...

... knows-"ami chini"—" I know". In his poem on 'Spring' he asks: "By what path did you make your way to the earth, O traveller!" "Tumi kon pathe je yele" - "I did not see your coming — "ami dekhi nai tomare." "You came upon my vision suddenly like a dream at the edge of the forest." -—"Hatha swapan Samo dekha dele, Boneri Kinare." His 'Urvashi', an ode to the spirit of Beauty, is one of the ...

... has developed biographies of national leaders like Dr. Ambedkar, Mahatma Gandhi, Pt. Nehru, Subhas Chandra Bose and Pt. G.B. Pant. The supplementary reading materials for school children entitled 'Nai Nai Kahaniya' contains value based stories—highlighting values like cooperation, courage, character development, brotherhood, patriotism, sacrifice and national integration. It has developed recently (in ...