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English [105]
A Vision of United India [2]
Among the Not So Great [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Autobiographical Notes [3]
Beyond Man [1]
Early Cultural Writings [1]
Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo [1]
Essays Divine and Human [1]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [1]
Essays on the Gita [6]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [2]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [1]
I Remember [1]
India's Rebirth [1]
Isha Upanishad [2]
Karmayogin [4]
Landmarks of Hinduism [2]
Letters on Yoga - III [1]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [4]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Mantra in Music by Sunil [4]
Moments Eternal [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [1]
On The Mother [2]
Our Light and Delight [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Record of Yoga [6]
Savitri [4]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [9]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [1]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [1]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Krishna In Brindavan [2]
Sri Rama [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [4]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Genius Of India [1]
The Gita and its Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Life Divine [1]
The Mother (biography) [1]
The Renaissance in India [2]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [1]
The Secret of the Veda [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [3]
Vyasa's Savitri [1]
Wager of Ambrosia [3]
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English [105]
A Vision of United India [2]
Among the Not So Great [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Autobiographical Notes [3]
Beyond Man [1]
Early Cultural Writings [1]
Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo [1]
Essays Divine and Human [1]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [1]
Essays on the Gita [6]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [2]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [1]
I Remember [1]
India's Rebirth [1]
Isha Upanishad [2]
Karmayogin [4]
Landmarks of Hinduism [2]
Letters on Yoga - III [1]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [4]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Mantra in Music by Sunil [4]
Moments Eternal [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [1]
On The Mother [2]
Our Light and Delight [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Record of Yoga [6]
Savitri [4]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [9]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [1]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [1]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Krishna In Brindavan [2]
Sri Rama [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [4]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Genius Of India [1]
The Gita and its Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Life Divine [1]
The Mother (biography) [1]
The Renaissance in India [2]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [1]
The Secret of the Veda [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [3]
Vyasa's Savitri [1]
Wager of Ambrosia [3]

Narayana : one of the two Rishi brothers who performed austerities at Budaricāshram. Urvasie was produced by the sage Nārāyaṇa by thumping on his thigh.

105 result/s found for Narayana

... pranic deficiencies which result in exhaustion & roga. The Brahmadarshan fluctuates between the Krishna, Krishna Narayana, Narayana, Nara Narayana, Nara in Saguna Brahman & mere Saguna bhavas. The two former predominate in children, the young & the beautiful, the Narayana & Nara Narayana in others; the Nara & mere Saguna are survivals from former states of perception. The Nara comes whenever the mind... nothings; for even if they are given a strong foothold, they cannot keep it. 4) telepathy The Narayana-drishti, which had been withdrawn, is now established in the Sagunabodha and seeks to be confirmed. The Krishna-darshana is, in its turn, withdrawn. In the Darshana, however, Nara is prominent, Narayana in the background. As the vijnana began to remanifest & harmonise with the ugrata of the Mahakali... ely rare. Anandamaya Saguna tends to be the assured level (sanu) of the Brahmadarshana from which there is a steady tendency to rise to the Lilamaya. Formerly the sense of the Lilamaya Krishna or Narayana used to blot out the Jiva and, also, it used to be isolated without the background & continent of the Sarva Brahman or the pervasive content of the Sarva Ananta Jnana Brahman,—it was divine Anandamaya ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... jyotirātmā nārāyaṇaḥ paraḥ, nārāyaṇaḥ paraṁ brahma tattvaṁ nārāyaṇaḥ paraḥ, nārāyaṇaparo dhyātā dhyānaṁ nārāyaṇaḥ paraḥ. 4 Narayana is the Real Knowledge, Narayana is the Highest Soul Narayana is the Real Brahman, Narayana is the Real Self. Meditation is on Narayana, Narayana is the Highest Meditation. Taittiriya Aranyaka Narayanasuktam 4 कृष्णाय गोपीनाथाय गोविन्दाय नमो नमः। कृष्णाय गोपीनाथाय... Weal, Well-being and the Giver of boons Narayana वन्दे श्रीअरविन्दम्। vande śrīaravindam Salutations to Sri Aurobindo स एव हि महादेवः स एव हि महाहरिः॥४॥ स एव ज्योतिषां ज्योतिः स एव परमेश्वरः ॥५॥ sa eva hi mahādevaḥ sa eva hi mahāhariḥ. 4 sa eva jyotiṣāṁ jyotiḥ sa eva parameśvaraḥ, 5 It is He Who is Mahadeva, It is He Who is Mahahari (Narayana), It is He Who is the Light of Lights... dacchide vande, 2 dāmodara guṇamandira sundaravadanāravinda govinda, 6 nārāyaṇa karuṇāmaya sindho. For deliverance from the fear of the world I worship the lotus feet of the Lord of Lakshmi, Narayana the Ocean of Grace. O Damodara, O Govinda, the temple of virtues and having a sweet face, ONarayana, the Ocean of Compassion, I take refuge in Thee. Vishnushatpadi 2, 6 वन्दे श्रीअरविन्दं ...

... was Narayana who was guarding and standing sentry over me. Or I lay on the coarse blankets that were given me for a couch and felt the arms of Sri Krishna around me, the arms of my Friend and Lover. This was the first use of the deeper vision He gave me. I looked at the prisoners in the jail, the thieves, the murderers, the swindlers, and as I looked at them I saw Vasudeva, it was Narayana whom... of God. Hinduism says there is One without a second. In the high and the low, in the Brahmin and the Shudra, in the saint and the sinner, there is one Narayana, one God and He is the soul of all men. Not until you have realised Him, known Narayana in all, and the Brahmin and the Shudra, the high and the low, the saint and the sinner are equal in your eyes, then and not until then you have knowledge... clear for the influx of a dynamic, militant, conquering spirituality, the twin-force of Brahminhood and Kshatriyahood, 8 to lead India and the world towards the integral self-fulfilment of Nara-Narayana, the Divine Being in man. We shall now follow the subsequent political movement in the country, and study what constituted Sri Aurobindo's contribution to it. 8. Political freedom ...

... true. Only.... Narayana came first. I put him there and told him to stay and be happy. A while later, I was given a very nice Ganapati; so I asked Narayana—I didn't ask his permission, I told him, 'Don't be angry, you know, but I'm going to give you a companion; I like you both very much, there's no preference; the other is much better looking, but you, you are Narayana!' I flattered him, I told... he's there. I have a little one by my bedside where I work, eat, and meditate. And then there is a Narayana 3 which comes from the Himalayas, from Badrinath. I use them both as paperweights for my handkerchiefs! (My handkerchiefs are kept on a little table next to my bed, and I keep Ganapati and Narayana on top of them.) And no one touches them but me—I pick them up, take a fresh handkerchief, and put... realizations (over money in particular). He is also known as the scribe of divine knowledge. × Narayana : another name of Vishnu, one of the gods of the Hindu trinity. He watches over the creation, whereas Brahma is the creator and Shiva the destroyer. ...


... this is very true. Narayana came first. I put him there and told him to stay and be happy. A while later, I was given a very nice Ganapati; so I asked Narayana—I didn’t ask his permission, I told him, “Don’t be angry, you know, but I’m going to give you a companion; I like you both very much, there’s no preference; the other is much better looking, but you, you are Narayana!” I flattered him, I told... he’s there. I have a little one by my bedside where I work, eat, and meditate. And then there is a Narayana which comes from the Himalayas, from Badrinath. I use them both as paperweights for my handkerchiefs! (My handkerchiefs are kept on a little table next to my bed, and I keep Ganapati and Narayana on top of them.) And no one touches them but me—I pick them up, take a fresh hand-kerchief, and put... loved Ganesha very much. There are a lot of images of gods and goddesses in the Mother’s room. The biggest number is that of Ganesha. The Mother used to talk with them. The statues of Ganesha and Narayana are together next to the Mother. The Mother said that in every image of a god or a goddess there is their Presence and one can experience it. The Mother had images of gods and goddesses in metal, ...


... Narayana's mount. And a Narayana. "It comes from the Himalayas, from Badrinath," Mother told Satprem. "I use both Ganesh and Narayana as paperweights for my handkerchiefs. On a stool beside my bed, I keep the handkerchiefs, and on top of them I have Ganapati and Narayana. No one touches them but I. I pick them up, insert the fresh handkerchief and put them back on top. Narayana 1. Another... be happy. After some time, someone brought me a very nice Ganapati. So I asked Narayana —I didn't ask his permission, but said to him —'Look, you are not going to get angry, I am going to give you a companion. I am very fond of you both, there is no preference; the other one is much nicer looking, but you, you are Narayana.' I flattered him! I told him pleasant things. He was perfectly happy." Humph... water-pot, the kamandalu. As Shankara, 1 the Curer, sang the notes in their purity, the disfigured Ragas and Raginis became whole and beautiful again. And Ganga was born. Mahadeva sang. Narayana melted. Brahma gathered the waters. And Ganga was born. There, in heaven, the Pure Song lingered through eons, rapt in a white desire. Until Bhagirath came and called down on our earth, Ganga ...

... पुरतः नारायण उत्तरतः। nārāyaṇevedaṁ sarvam nārāyaṇa parabrahma param nārāyaṇa paraṁ brahma nārāyaṇa purataḥ nārāyaṇa uttarataḥ Narayana is all this. Narayana is beyond the highest Brahman. Narayana is the highest Brahman. Narayana is in front. Narayana is in beyond. पुण्यो गन्धः पृथिव्यां च तेजश्चास्मि विभावसौ। जीवनं सर्वभूतेषु तपश्चास्मि तपस्विषु ॥९॥ बीजं मां सर्वभूतानां विद्धि पार्थ ...

... experience at Alipore, then? You know, that well-known experience when he saw Narayana in the prisoners, Narayana in the guards, Narayana everywhere?... That is the Supreme. Oneness. Is it a supramental experience or.... It is supramental. Supramental? Yes, the supramental experience. He called it Narayana because he was Indian. It's supramental, not overmental? No, no. ... for my translation!" ( Mother again tries to remember, then gives up. ) Anyway, the important thing is what you told me: the experience at Alipore is supramental. Oh, yes! He used the word Narayana because he hadn't yet developed his own terminology; but he isn't referring to the gods: it's the supramental experience. ( A few days later Mother remarks, concerning her "forgetfulness" and ...


... was Narayana who was guarding and standing sentry over me. Or I lay on the coarse blankets that were given me for a couch and felt the arms of Sri Krishna around me, the arms of my Friend and Lover. This was the first use of the deeper vision He gave me. I looked at the prisoners in the jail, the thieves, the murderers, the Swindlers, and as I looked at them I saw Vasudeva, it was Narayana whom... miraculous gift of mystical vision helped him to see in the lower court - as in the sessions court as well - all the actors clothed in the garment of Narayana, of Vasudeva: I looked and it was not the Magistrate whom I saw, it was Vasudeva, it was Narayana who was sitting there on the bench. I looked at the Prosecuting Counsel... it was Sri Krishna who sat there, it was my Lover and Friend who sat... Mazumdar's house at Baroda six months earlier, - it was still there. The great Bass - the immaculate śruti - of the music of his life continued as before. But, after the blissful experience of Narayana Darshan in the Alipur Jail, it was as though a thousand little beautiful ships plied on the sea, it was as though numberless notes swelled and swayed and resounded and reverberated making melodies ...

... It was Narayana who was guarding and standing sentry over me. Or I lay on the coarse blankets that were given me for a couch and felt the arms of Srikrishna around me, the arms of my Friend and Lover. This was the first use of the deeper vision He gave me. I looked at the prisoners in the jail, the thieves, the murderers, the swindlers, and as I looked at them I saw Vasudeva, it was Narayana whom I... and did you not cry out to me, where is Thy protection? Look now at the Magistrate, look now at the Prosecuting Counsel." I looked and it was not the Magistrate whom I saw, it was Vasudeva, it was Narayana who was sitting there on the bench. I looked at the Prosecuting Counsel and it was not the Counsel for the prosecution that I saw; it was Srikrishna who sat there, it was my Lover and Friend who sat... come, whatever dangers and sufferings, whatever difficulties, whatever impossibilities, there is nothing impossible, nothing difficult. I am in the nation and its uprising and I am Vasudeva, I am Narayana, and what I will, shall be, not what others will. What I choose to bring about, no human power can stay." Meanwhile He had brought me out of solitude and placed me among those who had been accused ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... It was Narayana who was guarding and standing sentry over me. Or I lay on the coarse blankets that were given me for a couch and felt the arms of Sri Krishna around me, the arms of my Friend and Lover. This was the first use of the deeper vision He gave me. I looked at the prisoners in the jail, the thieves, the murderers, swindlers, and as I looked at them I saw Vasudeva, it was Narayana whom I found... and did you not cry out to me, 'Where is Thy protection?' Look now at the Magistrate, look now at the Prosecuting Counsel." I looked and it was not the Magistrate whom I saw, it was Vasudeva, it was Narayana who was sitting there on the bench. I looked at the Prosecuting Counsel and it was not the counsel for the prosecution that I saw; it was Sri Krishna who sat there; it was my Lover and Friend who... come, whatever dangers and sufferings, whatever difficulties, whatever impossibilities, there is nothing impossible and nothing difficult. I am in the nation and its uprising and I am Vasudeva, I am Narayana, and what I will, shall be, not what others will. What I choose to bring about, no human power can stay."' There is no need for me to comment on Sri Aurobindo's words —if you read them aloud you ...


... It was Narayana who was guarding and standing sentry over me. Or I lay on the coarse blankets that were given me for a couch and felt the arms of Sri Krishna around me, the arms of my Friend and Lover. This was the first use of the deeper vision He gave me. I looked at the prisoners in the jail, the thieves, the murderers, the swindlers, and as I looked at them I saw Vasudeva, it was Narayana whom I... me, where is Thy protection? Look Page 118 now at the Magistrate, look now at the Prosecuting Counsel.' I looked and it was not the Magistrate whom I saw, it was Vasudeva, it was Narayana who was sitting there on the bench. I looked at the Prosecuting Counsel and it was not the Counsel for the prosecution that I saw; it was Sri Krishna who sat there, it was my Lover and Friend who... and sufferings, whatever difficulties, whatever impossibilities, there is nothing impossible, nothing difficult. I am in the Page 119 nation and its uprising and I am Vasudeva, I am Narayana, and what I will, shall be, not what others will. What I choose to bring about, no human power can stay.' "Meanwhile He had brought me out of solitude and placed me among those who had been accused ...


... the gracious mediating form of divine Narayana, the God who is so close to man and in man, the Charioteer of the battle and the journey, with his four arms of helpful power, a humanised symbol of Godhead, not this million-armed universality. It is this mediating aspect which man must have for his support constantly before him. For it is this figure of Narayana which symbolises the truth that reassures... enigmatic world-process. And beyond the end is a yet more wonderful oneness and inliving in the last transfigurations of the Eternal. The Godhead in answer to Arjuna's prayer reassumes his own normal Narayana image, svakaṁ rūpam , the desired form of grace and love and sweetness and beauty. But first he declares the incalculable significance of the other mighty Image which he is about to veil. "This that... confusion of mind, without any sinking of the members; but since the lower nature in thee is not yet prepared to look upon it with that high strength and tranquillity, I will reassume again for thee my Narayana figure in which the human mind sees isolated and toned to its humanity the calm, helpfulness and delight of a friendly Godhead. The greater Form"—and this is repeated again after it has dis ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... your vision. Parvati-Shankara It is probably the realm of the dynamic creative Spirit on the highest mental plane which you saw as the world of ParvatiShankara. Narayana, Vishnu, Brahma, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Ananta Narayana is usually taken as a name of Vishnu—to the Vaishnavas he is the Supreme as Shiva is to the Shaivas. Both are Page 155 cosmic Personalities of the Divine and... subtle physical planes. Lakshmi is usually golden, not white. Saraswati is white. The snake is simply a symbol of Energy or Power. Narayana in your dream is clearly Vishnu as is shown by the presence of Lakshmi and the single many-hooded snake. Vishnu or Narayana in this image which is a normal Puranic image is the Lord of the waters of Space and Time—the Preserver of the principle of the Universe ...


... Son of God is also the Son of Man and both elements are necessary to the complete Christhood; or to use an Indian form of thought, the divine Narayana 162 of whom the universe is only one ray is revealed and fulfilled in man; the complete man is Nara-Narayana' 163 and in that completeness he symbolises the supreme mystery of existence. 164 Thus, in Sri Aurobindo's view, too, the object... of Vishnu, Preserve and Lord of Love. × The human soul (Nara), eternal companion of the Divine (Narayana). × Sri Aurobindo. The Synthesis of Yoga, SABCL. Vol. 20, pp. 313, 314. ...

... and opened by Srinivasa-chari in the addressee's absence from the place, Narayana ends: "It may thus be seen that a suggestion from Sri S. Parthasarathy Iyengar lay behind Sri Aurobindo's visit to Pondicherry, which led in turn to the establishment of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram." In fact, the Archives article says that Narayana "was evidently giving his relative's meeting with Sri Aurobindo more si... Aurobindo about Pondicherry, Parthasarathy may have played an instrumental role in his coming." The opening sentence in the above makes it clear that the writer does not support what M. A. Narayana Iyengar, who Page 197 had no idea of the adesh which Sri Aurobindo had obeyed, wrote in his Foreword to Parthasarathy's posthumously published Bhagavad Gita: A Simple Paraphrase ...


... way affecting the deeper inward peace. 102         Second came, not many months afterwards in his solitary cell in the Alipore Jail, his experience of the omnipresent Deity in the form of Narayana, Vasudeva. As he described his experience later in the course of the celebrated Uttarpara Speech delivered on 30 May 1909:   I looked at the jail that secluded me from men and it was no... high walls that I was imprisoned; no, it was Vasudeva who surrounded me...I looked at the bars of my cell, the very grating that did duty for a door, and again I saw Vasudeva. It was Narayana who was guarding and standing sentry over me. Or I lay on the coarse blankets that were given to me for a couch and felt the arm of Sri Krishna around me, the arms of my Friend and ... the deeper vision He gave me. I looked at the prisoners in the jail, the thieves, the murderers, the Page 324 swindlers, and as I looked at them I saw Vasudeva, it was Narayana whom I found in these darkened souls and misused bodies. 103   Although the ground is the absolute silence, there is structured above the many-chambered mansion of the divine manifestation ...


... for a door and again I saw Vasudeva. It was Narayana who was guarding and standing sentry over me. Or I lay on the coarse blankets ... and felt the arms of Sri Krishna around me, the arms of my Friend and Lover .... I looked at the prisoners in the jail, the thieves, the murderers, the swindlers, and as I looked at them I saw Vasudeva, it was Narayana whom I found in these darkened souls and misused... samisen [guitar-like instrument]. At her feet lay a little child. And in the woman too the Divine was visible. 20 The vision of the Divine in a Japanese street is paralleled by Sri Aurobindo's Narayana Darshan in 1908 in the Alipur Jail during the early weeks of his ash ram vas within its precincts. Recalling that experience he said later at Uttarpara: I looked at the jail that secluded me ...


... man to man in God by the double figure of Nara-Narayana, associated historically with the origin of a religious school very similar in its doctrines to the teaching of the Gita. Nara is the human soul which, eternal companion of the Divine, finds itself only when it awakens to that companionship and begins, as the Gita would say, to live in God. Narayana is the divine Soul always present in our humanity... expressed elsewhere in Indian thought, in the heavenward journey of Indra and Kutsa seated in one chariot, in the figure of the two birds upon one tree in the Upanishad, in the twin figures of Nara and Narayana, the seers who do tapasyā together for the knowledge. But in all three it is the idea of the divine knowledge in which, as the Gita says, all action culminates that is in view; here it is instead ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... Anantam Jnanam with the Anandam subdued but present in all the three. It is now in course of being replaced by the Krishna-darshana in the Jnanam Anandam; the Narayana-Vishnu Bhava persists, but as a past habit. The intensity of the Krishna-Narayana is now taking its place. Karma. Krishna-Kali bhava is growing to the point of the firm epiphany. Subjective kama is assured & the full subjective Ananda... not yet been gained, is being made prominent. The Krishna-Kali-Darshana after a period of higher intensity has fallen back again into a lower degree of the Saguna-Nirguna dominated by Vishnu-Narayana with the Ananda in the background. The Asiddhi is still powerful.. Suddha & Prema Ananda have also become depressed, though not denied. The Shuddha Prema is now being restored independently ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... stress upon the oneness of humanity with God. Nara and Narayana are the eternal couple, who, though they are two, are one, eternally different, eternally the same. Narayana, say the scholiasts, is he who dwells in the waters, but I rather think it means he who is the essence and sum of all humanity. Wherever there is a man, there there is Narayana; for the two cannot be separated. I think sometimes that ...


... and puts her down Page 71 into weakness and degradation so that she may retire into herself and not interfere with this movement of his Lila. When he wants to rise up from the mud and Narayana in man to become once again mighty and wise and blissful, then he once more pours out the knowledge on India and raises her up so that she may give the knowledge with its necessary consequences of... ādityavarṇas tamasaḥ parastāt ). It is he who has made this world out of his Page 76 being and is immanent in and sustains it as the infinite-finite Ishwara, ananta and sānta , Shiva and Narayana, Sri Krishna the Lilamaya who draws all of us to him by his love, compels all of us by his masteries and plays his eternal play of joy and strength and beauty in the manifold world. The world is... become a centre Page 77 of the radiation of this divine state, brāhmī sthiti , throughout our world. It is not only in things animate but in things inanimate also that we must see Narayana, experience Shiva, throw our arms around Shakti. When our eyes, that are now blinded by the idea of Matter, open to the supreme Light, we shall find that nothing is inanimate, but all contains, expressed ...


... the vivid metaphor of the Soul and the Oversoul connecting in an organic way the individual and the cosmic in their works here. In the process, he also dismisses the Puranic experience of Nara and Narayana, of Man and God. No doubt the world is full of falsehood, but is certainly not false and there is a chance for it,—because the amsa , the Immortal in the Mortal of the Veda, is present here. ... destroy the dark agents who cause the decline of the Dharma, the identity with the golden Purusha chanted triumphantly by the Upanishad in the assertion of so’hamsmi , the Puranic relationship of Nara-Narayana, or the two famous birds dwelling on the same tree as we see them in the ancient Shrutis, or else the vivid parable of Kutsa-Indra so convincingly presented by the Vedic Rishi showing the oneness... flame nor soot nor snuff when camphor is set ablaze. That conception which had given rise to nescience also vanishes. As a matter of fact there is no scope for ignorance then. The two-ness of Nara and Narayana, of Man and God, in its essentiality exists no more. We need two lips to talk, but the speech is one; we need two legs to walk, but the act of walking is one,— dohi Page 56 vothi ...


... It was Narayana who was guarding and standing sentry over me. Or I lay on the coarse blankets that were given me for a couch and felt the arms of Sri Krishna around me, the arms of my Friend Lover. This was the first use of the deeper vision He gave me. I looked at the prisoners in the jail, the thieves, the murderers, the swindlers, and as I looked at them I saw Vasudeva, it was Narayana whom... whom I found in these darkened souls and misused bodies. . . . 'I looked and it was not the Magistrate whom I saw, it was Vasudeva, it was Narayana who was sitting there on the bench. I looked at the Prosecuting Counsel and it was not the Counsel for the prosecution I saw; it was Sri Krishna who sat there, it was my Lover and Friend who sat there and smiled.'12 The following two interesting ...

... was Narayana who was guarding and standing sentry over me. Or I lay on the coarse blankets that were given me for a couch and felt the arms of Sri Krishna around me, the arms of my Friend and Lover. This was the first use of the deeper vision He gave me. I looked at the prisoners in the jail, the thieves, the murderers, the swindlers, and as I looked at them I saw Vasudeva, it was Narayana whom... did you not cry out to me, where is Thy protection? Look now at the Magistrate, look now at the Prosecuting Counsel.' I looked and it was not the Magistrate whom I saw, it was Vasudeva, it was Narayana who was sitting there on the bench. I looked at the Prosecuting Counsel and it was not the Counsel for the prosecution that I saw; it was Sri Krishna who sat there, it was my Lover and Friend who ...

... again I saw Vasudeva. It was Narayana 131 who was guarding and standing sentry over me. Or I lay on the coarse blankets that were given me for a couch and felt the arms of Sri Krishna around me, the arms of my Friend and Lover.... I looked at the prisoners in the jail, the thieves, the murderers, the swindlers, and as I looked at them I saw Vasudeva, it was Narayana whom I found in these darkened... and did not you cry out to me, where is Thy protection? Look now at the Magistrate, look now at the Prosecuting Counsel." I looked and it was not the magistrate whom I saw, it was Vasudeva, it was Narayana who was sitting there on the bench. I looked at the Prosecuting Counsel and it was not the Council for the Prosecution that I saw; it was Sri Krishna who sat there and smiled. "Now do you fear?" he ...

... year round. Medical relief is something. Disciple : Education also. Now a days in many places of spiritual work they feed the poor – it is done as the Seva – Service to, Daridra Narayana – the poor as Narayana. Sri Aurobindo : I see no idea in that. What is the use of feeding for one day, when they have to fast all the year round? You can satisfy your conscience that you have done something... fact, there was a great difference among Ramakrishna's disciples about what Vivekananda was bringing in. But some of them submitted saying :  "Vivekananda must know better." The phrase "Daridra Narayana" was Vivekanand's. Disciple : But some disciples, even though they did not object, did not take any part in the work. Brahmananda was one such. He had a greater realization than Vivekananda ...

... it one great infinite indwelling Consciousness, Allah, Shiva, Krishna, Narayana, God. When we see around us man & animal & leaf & clod, king & beggar, philosopher & peasant, saint & criminal, we must look on these names & forms as so many houses of being and within each the same great inhabitant, Allah, Shiva, Krishna, Narayana, the Lord. Manhood & animality, animation & inanimation, wealth & poverty ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... self: the community was the body of the creator Brahma, the people was a life body of Brahman in the samaṣṭi , the collectivity, it was the collective Narayana, as the individual was Brahman in the vyaṣṭi , the separate Jiva, the individual Narayana; the king was the living representative of the Divine and the other orders of the community the natural powers of the collective self, prakṛtayaḥ . The ...


... all will be unforgettably the One and every Person or Purusha will be to him the One in many forms or rather in many aspects and poises, Brahman acting upon Brahman, one Page 366 Nara-Narayana 3 everywhere. In that larger play of the Divine the joy of the relations of divine love also is possible without the lapse into the ego-sense,—just as the supreme state of human love likewise is... that is to say the unattached freedom of the soul touched by the supreme knowledge. × The Divine, Narayana, making itself one with humanity even as the human, Nara becomes one with the Divine. ...


... the Son of God is also the Son of Man and both elements are necessary to the complete Christhood; or to use an Indian form of thought, the divine Narayana of whom the universe is only one ray is revealed and fulfilled in man; the complete man is Nara-Narayana and in that completeness he symbolises the supreme mystery of existence. Therefore renunciation must be for us merely an instrument and not an ...


... The Affirmation of the Jnana Brahma is now sufficiently normal to provide a secure basis for the Ananda Brahman. Only it is the one Anandamaya in all who must be perceived constantly, not the Narayana imprisoned in the form. That must be only a subordinate movement in the One. The fullness of the first four affirmations depends upon the second triad. That must now be made habitual to the... force as a perception energised. In this way by rectification in ritam the unity of Chit & Tapas will be reestablished. Brahman The position now is that the fourfold Brahman in the type of Narayana is seen everywhere, but the perception of the Ananda being stronger in the perception of the One than in that of the Many, the Lilamaya Krishna is seen in the universe, but not always or at once in ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... money, never actually happened. Again the advertisement or rather paragraph about Narayana in the Amrita [ Bazar ] 12 was not inserted by Barin, but by someone else according to that other person's idea after a conversation with him: Barin was not responsible for the form nor had he any intention of claiming the Narayana as the sole and direct mouthpiece of my ideas. It is these misunderstandings which ...


... Gita also asks us to work for the good of the world. Loka hita can be done in many ways. PURANI: So far as I know, Ramakrishna didn't say anything about service of humanity. The phrase daridra narayana—"God the poor"—was Vivekananda's. It seems not all the disciples of Ramakrishna were agreeable to the idea. But some submitted, saying, "Vivekananda should know best." SATYENDRA: Even from those... I advised him to keep silent and not give any reply. PURANI: Nowadays in many places people feed the poor. On the birthdays of saints and Yogis, there is what Vivekananda called seva of daridra narayana. SRI AUROBINDO: What is the use of feeding people one day when they have to go without sufficient food all the year round? Those who feed them satisfy their own conscience, I suppose. If you could ...


... difference: the teacher is a divine personality, the pupil is his comrade and kinsman, and the occasion is the moment of a sanguinary clash of arms. Arjuna and Krishna have been compared to nara and narayana, who do tapasya together, and to the two birds of the Rig Veda. (1.164.20) that cling to a common tree, one eating the sweet fruit, the other unregarding and silent: Arjuna and Krishna... major prose works; and, undoubtedly, it is both preparation and corroboration for The Life Divine. And the sweep of its comprehension, the resilience of its argument, the brilliance of its Nara-Narayana portraiture and the steady flow and sustained glow of its language secure for the work a place of special honour among the great Commentaries on the world's greatest poem of spiritual philosophy. ...

... describe the circumstances of his arrest, his initial sense of defeat, the first hint of the Divine purpose behind his removal from the political scene, the reading of the Gita, the Vision of Narayana - the blissful experience of Vasudeva everywhere and in all things. Living with the other accused, he had seen them too hedged in with divinity; and when - after the killing of the approver, N... but there was some significant difference in stress as well. Sri Aurobindo had spoken at Bombay after his Baroda nirvanic experience, while at Uttarpara he spoke after the Alipur experience of Narayana darsan. Yet it was the same man, dedicated to the service of the Mother, the man self-poised and self-giving and exuding iron resolve and tremendous purpose. At Uttarpara, Sri Aurobindo gave the ...

... knowledge, in which works are fulfilled in knowledge, knowledge supports, changes and enlightens works, and both are offered to the Purushottama, the supreme Divinity who becomes manifest within us as Narayana, Lord of all our being and action seated secret in our hearts for ever, who becomes manifest even in the human form as the Avatar, the divine birth taking possession of our humanity, Krishna has declared... movement, inhabits its every form, possesses here every soul and mind; all is in God and in him moves and has its being, in all he is, acts and displays his being; every creature is the disguised Narayana. Far from the unborn being unable to assume birth, all beings Page 151 are even in their individuality unborn spirits, eternal without beginning or end, and in their essential existence ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... pressing spiritual need to find our poise of perfect peace and equality by attainment to the Brahmic condition. He speaks as yet not at all in set terms of the Purushottama, but of himself,—"I", Krishna, Narayana, the Avatar, the God in man who is also the Lord in the universe incarnated in the figure of the divine charioteer of Kurukshetra. "In the Self, then in Me," is the formula he gives, implying that... can attain supremely beyond to the status of the divine Mastery which is Page 134 able to do all works and yet be bound by none. The idea of the Purushottama, seen here as the incarnate Narayana, Krishna, is therefore the key. Without it the withdrawal from the lower nature to the Brahmic condition leads necessarily to inaction of the liberated man, his indifference to the works of the world; ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... sight of God. Hinduism says there is one without a second. In the high and the low, in the Brahmin and the Shudra, in the saint and the sinner, there is one Narayana, one God and he is the soul of all men. Not until you have realised Him, known Narayana in all, and the Brahmin and the Shudra, the high and the low, the saint and the sinner are equal in your eyes, then and not until then you have knowledge ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... He finds himself everywhere and all in himself. He finds himself in all because God is in all. Whether he looks at the high or low, he sees no difference and sees that in every creature there is Narayana. He sees that he is only an ansha of one who is in every particle of matter. If there be any differences, they are only temporary and outward. He is only that through which Vasudeva carries on his... all your works to God. You must do all your work for His Page 51 sake, and therefore sin does not touch you. It is only because of selfishness that sin touches you. If you realise that Narayana is in all, it follows that you lose the smaller, the individual limited self. You look to wider things. You see yourself in the family, in the community, race, humanity, and all things in the world ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... hear the Sanskrit mantra: OM NAMO BHAGAVATEH 1 It is there, all around me; it takes hold of all the cells and at once they spring forth in an ascension. And Narada's mantra, too: Narayana, Narayana... (it is actually a Command which means: now you shall do as I wish), but it doesn't come from the heart. What will it be? It will simply spring forth in a flash, all of a sudden, ...


... live and move in it, act in it, talk about it. It is likely that he still sees the lurking two-ness between himself as a disciple and his Teacher, between Man and the supreme Being, between Nara and Narayana. But then that two-ness, he is told, happens to be there only on account of the nature of the bodily existence, dehadharma , which, with its dissolution, will also get dissolved. By worshipping the...   ( Jnaneshwari : 18.1421-22) The sea got mingled with the Sea and rose to the sky. Everywhere is the presence of the Lord himself, the universe filled by Narayana alone. In this way, through Bhakti Yoga, does the true Karma Yoga lead the doer of the works to the knowledge of the Eternal in whom is complete liberation. This is the most ancient and cherished ...


... Hamlet, 145; not Thor but Freya, 145 Essays on the Gita, 283, 404, 448, 463ff; Gita's place in India's scriptural literature, 464; presenting the essential message, 464; Arjuna-Krishna, Nara-Narayana, 464; existential situation, 464; three arches, works-knowledge-love, 464; wide range of comprehension, 465; central argument, 465; the idea of sacrifice, 466; Krishna as friend and avatar, 466;... 530 Nammalvar, 497 Nandakumar, Prema, 112fn, 133,134fh, 140, 148,152m, 341, 383m, 640, 646, 690 Naoroji, Dadabhai, 11, 190, 227, 228, 273 Napoleon, 20 Narayana Guru, 16 National Value of Art, The, 337, 353, 354-55 Navajata, 775 Nava Sakti, 284, 308 Nehru, Jawaharlal, 490,728,735 Nehru, Motilal, 229, 522,531 ...

... body of the creator Brahman, the people was a life body Page 507 of Brahman in the samasti, the collectivity, it was the collective Narayana, as the individual was Brahman in the vyasti, the separate Jiva, the individual Narayana; the king was the living representative of the Divine and the other orders of the community the natural powers of the collective self, prakrtayah. ...

... Vishnu dhyanam OM. Obeisance to Vishnu, adorned with bracelets and golden ear-rings and a crown, the golden-bodied One, bearer of a conch and a discus. Obeisance to the Eternal Narayana-Hari. I bow down to Narayana, the giver of boons. नीलतोयदमध्यस्था विद्युल्लेखेव भास्वरा । नीवारशुकवत्तन्वी पीता भास्वत्यणूपमा ॥११॥ तस्याः शिखाया मध्ये परमात्मा व्यवस्थितः। स ब्रह्मा स शिवः स हरिः सेन्द्रः ...

... For all these stages the Tantric worship and discipline provides. How can the Formless invest Himself with form, asks the religious rationalist. The universe is there to reply. Hinduism worships Narayana in the stone, the tree, the animal, the human being. That which the intellectual and spiritual pride or severity of other religions scorns, it makes its pride and turns into its own form of logical ...


... heaven like a shining eye of vision; it is this highest seat of Vishnu that is the goal of the Vedic journey. Here again the Vedic Vishnu is the natural precursor and sufficient origin of the Puranic Narayana, Preserver and Lord of Love. In the Veda indeed its fundamental conception forbids the Puranic arrangement of the supreme Trinity and the lesser gods. To the Vedic Rishis there was only one universal ...


... understress falsifies or disturbs the arrangement of the details & may lead to a wrong ultimate conclusion. The impersonality of the human consciousness is now everywhere perceived as the Srikrishna Narayana chaitanya diffused in the mental & sensational being with the ego centre as a circumstance of mind relating back to the ultimate cosmic personality of God in the universe. Sortilege —referring ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... —action worked out mechanically by Prakriti while the soul watches only & knows that it is not the actor? And as for any other & greater freedom, it can only be the freedom by self-extinction of Nara in Narayana, of the individual man in the universal all-inhabiting Ishwara—if indeed the real goal be not some transcendental Impersonality in which man & world & God are all & for ever extinguished. We might ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... we love and adore and whom we pursue and seize through the Ages. Then, descending a step farther, avataran, He is known to Himself not only as the universal Lord of the Lila, but as the individual, Narayana concealed in Nara, playing through him, different from him, one with him. Many Adwaitins of the Kaliyuga insist that God is a myth and only the Sad Atman is a reality, just as many Buddhists deny ...


... symbol of its social order, it never quite forgot, as the caste-spirit is apt to forget, that the human soul and the human mind are beyond caste. For it had seen in the lowest human being the Godhead, Narayana. It emphasised distinctions only to turn upon them and deny all distinctions. If all its political needs and circumstances compelled it at last to exaggerate the monarchical principle and declare ...


... spite of the limitations of human mind and nature we can see God in the man of God, how shall we see him in those who oppose him and represent in act and nature all that we conceive of as undivine? If Narayana is without difficulty visible in the sage and the saint, how shall he be easily visible to us in the sinner, the criminal, the harlot and the outcaste? To all the differentiations of the world-existence ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... Mother's simple-sounding New-Year's Message of 1964 — "Are you ready?" — only one sadhak could answer "Yes" but in a sense never expected Page 151 by the Mother. The sadhak was Narayana Reddy. Occasionally the call was all too evidently towards an achievement unheard-of. Thus we were adjured in 1968: "Remain young." When an old sadhak was told this, he exclaimed with a ...


... chariot and accompanying him was in the pursuit of immortality and not for disappearance. The Kutsa-Indra parable belongs to the set of the two Vedic-Upanishadic birds on the same tree, or of Nara and Narayana of the Puranas,. or of the later-day Aitihasic human Warrior and the divine Avatar on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. Everywhere the soul, instead of losing itself in the oversoul, gets enriched in ...


... expression in that law is what has to occur. Each one then becomes real-ideally his amsha , his part, a Vibhuti possessing correspondingly the aspect of him who is of infinite Quality, ananta guni ; one Narayana is then present in every Nara. These divine souls indeed will be the denizens of the divine creation that is to come on the earth. When such is the state, then in it all distances between the ...


... than once, written the same thing as Krishnaprem though in a different language. ____________________ *Krishnaprem quotes this first verse from Jayadeva's famous hymn to the ten Avataras of Narayana. This verse describes His coming to save the drowning earth (in the cataclysmic Deluge) as a vast Saviour Fish which took the earth on its back: I have translated it thus: When the whole creation ...


... liberation by Buddhism and ' Kai-valyd or integration by Yoga and Jainism. Page 132 With our national weakness for easy apotheosis, we have been multiplying Avataras. Even Swami Narayana {early XIX century) claimed to be Sri Krishna come again and is worshipped as an Avatara by his sect. The other day a Sadhu came to me and, throughout a forty-minute conversation, referred to himself ...


... telegram was sent by Sri Aurobindo to S. Duraiswami, an advocate of Madras, to whom Tirupati had gone while on his way to Pondicherry. [3] 26 February 1926. Written in reply to a letter from Dasari Narayana Swamy Chetty, Tirupati's father-in-law, explaining Tirupati's condition. [4] February 1926. An incomplete draft of a letter. [5] 4 March 1926. Manuscript in the Mother's hand. [6] 5 March 1926 ...


... strive to remove the causes of misunderstanding by a better mutual knowledge and sympathy; we must extend the unfaltering love of the patriot to our Musulman brother, remembering always that in him too Narayana dwells and to him too our Mother has given a permanent place in her bosom; but .we must cease to approach him falsely or flatter out of a selfish weakness and cowardice. We believe this to be the ...


... Mira's Lord is the courtly Giridhara, She offers herself in sacrifice again and again. Ill Anklets have I tied and I have danced in ecstasy, I am Thine O Narayana, and Thine maid have I become to serve Thee. The cup of poison has been delivered by the emissary of the king In mad love and laughter have I drunk it. "Mira has lost all ...


... people. Oh how I have been yearning to unburden my mind to one who will understand my thought! " Then with folded hands he went on: "Lord! I know you are the ancient sage Nara — the incarnation of Narayana — born on earth to remove the miseries of mankind. " Recalling this moment, Swami Vivekananda described his own reaction: "I was altogether taken aback by his conduct; 'Who is this man whom I have ...


... Akrūra's eulogy The Primordial Being Nārāyana (1-3) Akrūra said: 1. I prostrate before Thee, the ultimate cause of all, beyond the cause-and-effect relationship. I prostrate before Narayana, the primordial and imperishable Person, from whose navel came the cosmic lotus, in which was seated Brahmā who created all the worlds. 2. All categories of evolution like the earth, water, fire, ...


... follows, fully reassuring her: — (26) "Alas, I find no delight even in heaven obtained by causing agony to you, 0 auspicious one! Nor is there fear to me from any quarter any more than to Lord Narayana. (27) Not knowing your full mind, 0 beautiful one, I did not approve of your sojourn in the forest, though capable of protecting you. (28) Since you were (obviously) born to dwell with me in the forest ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... to remove the causes of misunderstanding by a better mutual knowledge and sympathy; we must extend the unfaltering love of the patriot to our Mussulman brother, remembering always that in him too Narayana dwells and to him too our Mother has given a permanent place in her bosom; but we must cease to approach him falsely or flatter out of a selfish weakness and cowardice. We believe this to be the only ...

... and weeping. And then suddenly he folded his palms together and began addressing me as if I were some divine being. "I know who you are, My Lord. You are Nara, the ancient sage, the incarnation of Narayana. You have come back to earth to take away the sufferings and sorrows of mankind." I was absolutely dumbfounded. I said to myself, "What kind of a man is this? He must be raving mad! How can he talk ...

... to remove the causes of misunderstanding by a better mutual knowledge and sympathy; we must extend the unfaltering love of the patriot to our Mussulman brother, remembering always that in him too Narayana dwells and to him too our Mother has given a permanent place in her bosom; but we must cease to approach him falsely or flatter out of a selfish weakness and cowardice. We believe this to be the only ...

... and found a great feeling of lightness and purification in the system." ² Sometime during his stay at Baroda Sri Aurobindo had another personal experience of the power of occult knowledge when Narayana Jyotishi, without any reference to the horoscope, foretold his three politicial trials and also his release by saying that he would come to trouble while fighting against "white enemies". At that ...


... Mother, verily as the Mother. He wrote to his wife in 1905 that a demon was sucking his Mother's blood, that he must strive to redeem Her from the demon's grasp. 100 He had a vision of the Lord as Narayana, as Vasudeva, in the Alipore Jail. 101 But there is no hint of a 'Savitri' in these experiences. We have to wait till 1914 for the first definite clue. In that year Madame Mira Richard, who had been ...


... of his inner life: 1. His meeting with Vishnu Bhaskar Leie and the experience of the Silent Brahman Consciousness that never afterwards left him. 2. His vivid experience of the omnipresent Narayana during his confinement in a solitary cell in Alipore jail. 3. His seclusion at Pondicherry and the crucial and significant fact of his meeting with the Mother. 4. The descent of the Higher ...


... to the tentative period of prānāyāma and then on to the all-annihilating experience of the silent Brahman at Baroda, under Yogi Lele's guidance. At the Alipur jail, the blissful experience of Narayana Omnipresent had suddenly overwhelmed Sri Aurobindo, and he had won his way to the heart of the Gita's integral Yoga; and he had been given a glimpse of the overhead planes of consciousness from ...

... himself has been called a modern Rishi by V.S. Srinivasa Sastri. What an inspiring calendar of modern Rishis: Rammohan, Keshab Chunder Sen, Debendranath Tagore, Vidyasagar, Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Narayana Guru, Dayanand, Bankim Chandra, Ranade, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Subramania Bharati, Rabindranath Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi, Ramana Maharshi, Sri Aurobindo: these are among the more well-known names of ...

... plunged into the maelstrom of politics and revolution; at the height of his influence after Surat, he withdrew to a quietude of Nirvanic calm in Page 741 a small room in Baroda - then Narayana withdrew him to the Alipur jail so that he could continue his sādhanā  - and still later Sri Aurobindo withdrew from politics altogether and proceeded from Calcutta to Chandernagore, and from ...

... 14 Salutations to the One Who has a Lotus on thy navel, Salutations to the Lord of Kamala (Lakshmi). Salutations to Sri Krishna the protector of the devotee, Salutations to Kesava (Krishna), Narayana, Janardana, the reliever from sorrows, Salutations to Govinda, the Supremely delightful Madhava deliver me. Gopalapurvatapaniya Upanishad Srikrishnastuti.5.9.14 जयतु जयतु देवो देवकीनन्दनोऽयं ...

... to pray. But I was absorbed in the silent Brahman and so I told him I was not in a mood to pray." So Lele held a day of prayer with other disciples "for me and at the end he said: 'Make a pranam to Narayana in the audience before you start and with your mind completely vacant. Then you will see that everything will come down and some power speak through you.' I did as he had said and found that the whole ...

... form of a man and the head of a horse, as opposed to Sagittarius the Archer, who has a horse's body and the head of a man. 2 I have heard that it was at Triyugīnārāyan (1980 m.) that Vishnu, or Narayana, performed the celestial nuptials. The fire lit for the wedding ceremony still burns. The temple with a gopuram is curiously reminiscent of South Indian temple architecture. 3 "... The native ...

... attainment towards supermanhood. Arjuna himself is a Vibhuti; he is a man high in the spiritual evolution, a figure marked out in the crowd of his contemporaries, a chosen instrument of the divine Narayana, the Godhead in humanity. In one place the Teacher speaking as the supreme and equal Self of all declares that there is none dear to him, none hated, but in others he says that Arjuna is dear to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... infinite Identity, the multitudinous Unity, Page 17 the Omniscient, the Omnipotent, who having made man in His own image, with the ego as a centre of working, with the race, the collective Narayana, 6 the viśvamānava 7 as the mould and circumscription, seeks to express in them some image of the unity, omniscience, omnipotence which are the self-conception of the Divine? "That which is ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... Madras, to whom Tirupati had gone on his way to Pondicherry.—Ed. × Draft of a letter to Dasari Narayana Swamy Chetty, Tirupati's father-in-law.—Ed. × MS study ...


... symbol of its social order, it never quite forgot, as the caste-spirit is apt to forget, that the human soul and the human mind are beyond caste. For it had seen in the lowest human being the Godhead, Narayana. It emphasised distinctions only to turn upon them and deny all distinctions. If all its political needs and circumstances compelled Page 35 Its spiritual extremism ...


... strive to remove the causes of misunderstanding by a better mutual knowledge and sympathy; we must extend the unfaltering love of the patriot to our Musulman brother, remembering always that in him too Narayana dwells and to him too our Mother has given a permanent place in her bosom; but we must cease to approach him falsely or flatter out of a selfish weakness and cowardice. We believe this to be the only ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... addition the tapas born of devotional self-dedication is needed, especially, by the karmi—the first belongs to the realisation of the nirgun sad Brahman, the second to the conception of universal Narayana. The first by itself makes for Sannyasa, the second for divine activity. The reference is to the passing away of the mere sannyasochita bhava in its last remnants at the end of June, the fulfilment ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... of outgoing error. The Personality of the Master is now occupying the life in place of the more general personality of the Saguna Brahman. It is no longer Ishwara or Bhagawan only, but Srikrishna-Narayana. At present, however, it is only in the personal relations with the Master of the Yoga that the substitution has been established.. During the rest of the day, the parts of the Yoga which had been ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... existences; for the many souls of the universal manifestation are only faces of the one Divine, the many minds, lives, bodies are only His masks and disguises. We perceive each being to be the universal Narayana presenting to us many faces; we lose ourselves in that universality and perceive our own mind, life and body as only one presentation of the Self, while all whom we formerly conceived of as others ...


... man himself. Charu-da did not stay too long, then left for Bengal. When in Bengal Charu-da fell quite ill. At that time, when he lay feeling physically miserable, he had a darshan (vision) of Lord Narayana. Charu-da identified Him as Sri Aurobindo. He returned to Pondicherry in 1928. During his first stay here, a Frenchman named Barbier Saint Hilaire arrived. He was later named “Pavitra” by Sri Aurobindo ...


... looked at the prisoners in the jail, the thieves, the murderers, the swindlers, and as I looked at them I saw Vasudeva … I looked and it was not the Magistrate whom I saw, it was Vasudeva, it was Narayana who was sitting there on the bench.’ 3 Everyday reality had become a spiritual reality for him wherever and whenever, whether he sat in concentration, ate, wrote, moved among the people, or ...


... was Vasudeva, it was Sri Krishna whom I saw standing there and holding over me his shade. I looked at the bars of my cell, the very grating that did duty for a door and again I saw Vasudeva. It was Narayana who was guarding and standing sentry over me.’ Narayan and Vasudeva are names of Krishna and Vishnu, and represent here the highest Godhead. Aurobindo had realized the cosmic consciousness, the second ...

... fulfilment of a higher purpose. Personally, he had the experience of being surrounded by Vasudeva from all the sides. He looked around and "it was not the Magistrate whom I saw, it was Vasudeva, it was Narayana who was sitting there on the bench. I looked at the Prosecuting Counsel and it was not the Counsel for the prosecution that I saw; it was Sri Krishna who sat there, it was my Lover and Friend who ...

... the pursuit of immortality and not for disappearance. The Kutsa-Indra parable belongs to the set of the two Vedic-Upanishadic birds Page 577 on the same tree, or of Nara and Narayana of the Puranas, or of the later-day Aitihasic human Warrior and the divine Avatar on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. Everywhere the soul, instead of losing itself in the oversoul, gets enriched in ...

... Vishnu pervades all these worlds and gives less or greater room to the actions and movements of the Gods. Here, again, the Vedic Vishnu is a natural precursor and sufficient origin of the Puranic Narayana, Preserver and Lord of Love. In the Vedic religion, ritualistic sacrifice occupied the central place. In the Puranic tradition, the Vedic sacrifice persisted only in broken and lessening fragments ...


... Thee even as before crowned and with Thy mace and discus. Assume Thy four-armed shape, O thousand-armed, O Form universal." 109 Godhead in answer to Arjuna's prayer reassumed His own normal Narayana image, svakam rūpam, the desired form of grace and love and sweetness and beauty. But first he declared the incalculable significance of the other mighty Page 108 image which he was ...

... like a shinning eye of vision³. It is this highest seat of Vishnu that is the goal of the Vedic journey. Here again, the Vedic Vishnu is the natural precursor and sufficient origin of the Puranic Narayana, preserver and Lord of Love. In the Vedas we find only one universal deva of whom Vishnu, Rudra, Brahmanaspati, Agni, Indra, Vayu, ________________ ² Ibid, IV, 18.11 ³ .Rigveda ...


... with a fierce desire to change such evil conditions. Let no one talk of karma. If it was their karma to suffer; it is our karma to relieve the suffering. If you want to find God, serve Man. To reach Narayana you must serve the daridranarayanas — the starving millions of India.'2 'May I be born again and again and suffer thousands of miseries so that I may worship the only God that exists, the ...

... spiritual life with the aid of such external sign-posts—his poems and his letters, for example —as are available: his experience of cosmic silence under Yogi Lele's guidance; his beatific vision of Narayana the Omnipresent God in the Alipore Jail; his experience of the besieging of his fields of trance by the cosmic ignorance; his spiritual association with Madame Richard, the Mother from 1914 onwards; ...


... told him I was not in a mood Page 72 to pray. Then he said he and some others would pray and I should simply go to the meeting and make namaskār – a bow – to the audience as Narayana, the all-pervading Divine, and then a voice would speak through me. I did exactly as he told me. On my way to the meeting somebody gave me a paper to read. There was some headline there which caught ...

... finds that the Gita is right about the Gunas and that man is made to do one thing or another by the action of the Gunas. That is why Ramakrishna said about a visiting Sannyasi that he was tamasic Narayana, God inert. But when another Vedantin came along and brought a concubine with him, Ramkrishna could not keep to the same viewpoint. He asked the Vedantin, "Why do you keep a concubine?" The Vedantin ...


... people" are insisted on; "God" is left out of the account. Possibly there is the echo here of Vivekananda's idea of serving Daridranarayana (God the Poor). NIRODBARAN: Vivekananda did perhaps see Narayana in the Daridra. SRI AUROBINDO: But ordinarily, in the man drawing water from the well, people hardly have the vision of the Divine at work: they see only the peasant. PURANI: Kalelkar says that ...


... When I lay on the coarse blanket it was the embrace of Sri Krishna that I felt, the arms of my Lover and my Friend. In the thieves and murderers of the prison I discovered the same Vasudeva, the same Narayana. The love, kindness and humanity shown to me by those men had earlier not only overwhelmed me but also embarrassed me. I am particularly reminded of one of them, a simple peasant, a man of the unlettered ...

... deliver a lecture. How am I going to speak? Not a single thought is coming to me. I cannot make a speech." He held a day of prayer with other disciples for me and at the end he said, "Make a pranam to Narayana in the audience before you start, with your mind completely vacant. Then you will see that everything will come down and some power speak through you." I did as he had said and found that the whole ...


... Alipore Bomb Case and the trial of Sri Aurobindo provoked nationwide interest. It was in the course of his solitary confinement in the Alipore Jail that Sri Aurobindo had his great mystic experience —Narayana darshan —which he was later to describe in his Uttarpara speech. The prosecution failed once again, and Sri Aurobindo was acquitted and released on 6 May 1909.   30 May 1909       ...


... So I said to him that I was not in a mood to pray. Then he replied that it did not matter. He and some others would pray and I had simply to go to the meeting and make Namaskar to the audience as Narayana and then some voice would speak. I did exactly as he told me. On my way to the meeting somebody gave me a paper to read. When I rose to speak the impression of the headline flashed across my mind ...


... . to remember... that love compels love and that strength conciliates the strong.... we must extend the unfaltering love of the patriot to our Musulman brother, remembering always that in him too Narayana dwells and to him too our Mother has given a permanent place in her bosom; but we must cease to approach him falsely or flatter out of a selfish weakness and cowardice. 17 On his return ...

... asked Narada, "what can be done to cure thy headache?" "If you can procure some dust from the feet of a human or a god, and apply it on my head, then only will my headache get cured," informed Narayana. "I shall try, my Lord," said Narada, "and see whether I can succeed or not." It did not occur to Narada, who always boasted of his own devotion to Krishna, to there and then take some dust ...

... Manilal but as the Divine living in the Divine. It is a wonderful experience." It all began in the Magistrate Barley's court. "I looked and it was not the Magistrate whom I saw, it was Vasudeva, it was Narayana who was sitting there on the bench. I looked at the Prosecuting Counsel and it was not the Counsel for the prosecution that I saw; it was Sri Krishna who sat there ... and smiled." Sri Aurobindo disclosed ...

... his life, Sri Aurobindo had a series of spiritual experiences and realisations, each apparently at variance with the others. There was the experience of Nirvana in Baroda in January 1908, - that of Narayana's omnipresence in the Alipur jail later in the year, and of the levels of overhead consciousness under Vivekananda's guidance. During his first years at Pondicherry he saw these diverse experiences ...

... smiling as he watched me try. I had an armoury where I used to keep all my bows and arrows, shield and lance, and all my playthings. The staircase from Chandi Mandap* used to go straight up to Narayana's** room. My playthings used to be kept under that dark staircase. This staircase was rarely used by anyone except during pujas. Then again when I would get angry or felt unhappy about anything I would ...