... But that is another story. Towards the end of his life Nata was very unwell. I saw him sometimes going to the samadhi with frail steps. He had lost kilos of weight. He passed away in 1985 at the age of 81. I remember Nata for his warmth, Auroshikha, Udavi. and other services to Mother. Maggi and Nata went together to Mother. Nata was the name given by Mother to Alberto Grassi. After the... Memory Lane Udavi, Auroshikha, Nata Nata was the founder of the incense making unit 'Auroshikha' at the Edayanchavacfi village, Auroville. Auroshika became a great financial success and grew up as a big financial support to Auroville. Hundreds of villagers got employed in this enterprise. Nata and Maggi started a school there and also a medical aid centre.... water was Mother's gift to the village Edayanchavadi. There were some pressures on Nata regarding the end use of the profits of Auroshikha. One day he told me that he had just spoken to Mother about it and she had said that not a piece of hay should go out of Auroville from there. A day came when Nata chose to transfer Auroshikha to the Ashram. This unit has been one of the best money-earners ...
... Shyamsunder sent a word to Nata. He replied on 4.6.74: Cher Shyamsunder, On n' a jamais vendu la terre du Matrimandir. On a vendu de petits pots en terre cuite et on a fait le cadeau d'une poignee de terre du Matrimandir—pas vendue, en cadeau. La terre servait pour remplir le pot et tenir debout les batonnets d'encens. Voilà tout mon crime. Nata Evidemment avec votre remarque... pot and hold up the incense sticks. This is all my crime. Nata Of course, after your remark, we have stopped even the gift. I went to Senteurs and bought a small pot with the Matrimandir soil in it for Rs. 10. I gave the pot to Shyamsunder and told him that this attitude was not in tune with the Mother's Consciousness. Even if Nata changed the name on the plastic bags, he was still selling the ...
... Mother was inquiring about the lands. * * * 21.3.73 Pranam. * * * 22.3.73 Yesterday a dispensary has been opened by Nata and Satyabrata at Udavi for the benefit of the villagers. Nata has two more programmes for execution: incense making and weaving. * * * Due to financial difficulties I have asked Narad to confine himself to an... about the exhibition in the embassies on the occasion of Sri Aurobindo's Centenary, Mother said that there should be photos and products, and for each country a person from that country should choose : Nata for Italy, Andre for France, like this. They should make a list. Mother wrote the message in French, Page 160 Un nouveau monde veut naitre, base sur la Verite, et refusant... publication. Mother signs a copy and gives it to me. Page 275 22.2.73 Vishwanath's consultancy for Bharatniwas is approved. Reorganisation of Udavi and its charge is given again to Nata. "He has spoken to me", said Mother. * * * 23.2.73 Offerings and blessings. No answer for Auroarindam who has come for a fortnight and wants to know if Mother will ...
... Mother was inquiring about the lands. * * * 21.3.73 Pranam. * * * 22.3.73 Yesterday a dispensary has been opened by Nata and Satyabrata at Udavi for the benefit of the villagers. Nata has two more programmes for execution: incense making and weaving. * * * Due to financial difficulties I have asked Narad to confine himself to an... about the exhibition in the embassies on the occasion of Sri Aurobindo's Centenary, Mother said that there should be photos and products, and for each country a person from that country should choose : Nata for Italy, Andre for France, like this. They should make a list. Mother wrote the message in French, Page 160 Un nouveau monde veut naitre, base sur la Verite, et refusant... publication. Mother signs a copy and gives it to me. Page 275 22.2.73 Vishwanath's consultancy for Bharatniwas is approved. Reorganisation of Udavi and its charge is given again to Nata. "He has spoken to me", said Mother. * * * 23.2.73 Offerings and blessings. No answer for Auroarindam who has come for a fortnight and wants to know if Mother will ...
... A letter dated 21.8.74 came from Paris. Yiovne Garry wrote: Dear Huta, Pourna told me about your effort for the lotus urn. I sent 200 Francs to Nata—as I did not know how to forward it to you. Nata should give them to you "for the Lotus". I asked many questions to Pourna about the Mother, the Yoga, mental silence, etc... I hope she did not mind too much. This is to learn... will have advanced on the way next time we meet. After Samadhi, my first visit shall be for you. A bientôt! Many affectionate regards In Mother's Love and Joy Your sister Yiovne Garry Nata gave the 200 Francs to Shyamsunder for the Lotus project. ...
... Shyamsunder sent a copy of the brochure to Nata. He wrote on 6.6.74: Cher Shyamsunder, Merci, merci beaucoup du beau livre de Huta. Cela m'a fait souvenir de la merveilleuse vision que Mère avait d' Auroville. Serons nous capable de la réaliser? Bien à vous avec amitie Nata Dear Shyamsunder, Thank you, thank you very much for Huta's beautiful... beautiful book. It made me remember the wonderful vision the Mother had for Auroville Will we be able to realise it? In friendship Nata ...
... not all in the same period, in different periods.’ 20 Another verified case 91 is that of Nata, an Italian sadhak. When on one of his birthdays he was received by the Mother in the room she then no longer left, she asked him whether he had a special wish on the occasion of that day. Nata said that in future lives he wanted to be always together with her on Earth, and the Mother consented ...
... the time after Navajata had taken over from me by virtue of the decision of his Executive Committee, but even for this period no distinction was made by his witnesses and the CBI. In the eighties Nata disclosed that in August 1970 Mother spoke to him of the mismanagement of Auroville and the sad state of affair there. It was clear to him that she wanted to replace Navajata when she said that she... Mother if it was so, Mother said, "No, it is Shyam Sunder." It is interesting to note that Carlo Schueller had intuitively spoken of Mother having prepared me for the Auroville work, much before Nata made his above disclosure. It is again interesting that while a large number of Ashram residents chose to join others in wriggling out of Mother's direction about Auroville and myself, Carlo Schueller ...
... and soon obtained the Mother’s permission for this. At that time I was living in “Hope”. The Mother soon asked through Nata, an Italian man who founded the Auroshikha incense factory, to see all of us individually from the “Hope” community. When the Mother saw my photo, Nata said she expressed a great deal of interest, though he thought it was because I represented the Japanese people. During the ...
... the time after Navajata had taken over from me by virtue of the decision of his Executive Committee, but even for this period no distinction was made by his witnesses and the CBI. In the eighties Nata disclosed that in August 1970 Mother spoke to him of the mismanagement of Auroville and the sad state of affair there. It was clear to him that she wanted to replace Navajata when she said that she... Mother if it was so, Mother said, "No, it is Shyam Sunder." It is interesting to note that Carlo Schueller had intuitively spoken of Mother having prepared me for the Auroville work, much before Nata made his above disclosure. It is again interesting that while a large number of Ashram residents chose to join others in wriggling out of Mother's direction about Auroville and myself, Carlo Schueller ...
... manifested being will be in secure possession of an integral consciousness and an integral 18. Savitri, Book III, Canto IV, p. 343. 19.Cf. anvath ā g ṛ h ṇ a ṭ a ḥ svapno nidr ā tattvamaj ā nata ḥ (Gaudapadacharya, M āṇ -dukya-Karik ā , 1.15). 20. Savitri, Book II, Canto V, p. 161. 21. Savitri, Book II, Canto V, p. 166. Page 105 Sight and "dwell in the unwalled ...
... The Spirit of Auroville I came to know that soil from the Matrimandir was being sold at Senteurs in small earthen pots, by Nata—Alberto Grassi. I wrote a letter about this to Shyamsunder: To sell the soil of the Matrimandir is equal to selling the Mother's Heart and Soul. It is a sin and a great—a serious—mistake to do so. This is not the way to make ...
... In 1972, Sunil-da had the New Year’s music ready. The Mother had entrusted him with this work (some more details are given later). The Mother was to hear it in Her room. Sunil-da was there. Maggi and Nata too were called. After hearing the music the Mother was very happy and was showering Sunil-da profusely with praises. He was full of joy, but felt quite embarrassed. He looked this way and that and ...
... and the author of many books] approached me about teaching in the newly formed Udavi village school outside Pondicherry. The Udavi school was established by Maggi Lidchi-Grassi and her late husband, Nata Grassi, who had also founded Auroshikha incense factory. Udavi, in Tamil language, means “Help” and the name was given by the Mother. The Auroshikha factory was, at that time, on the grounds of the ...
... No. 5 Nehru Street on Friday, 6th May at 9 p.m., to exchange views and help in clearing all doubts which have risen in the minds of many. Guru Prasad To, Huta, K.D. Sethna, Satprem, Udar, Nata, Piero, Shyamsunder, Madanlal, Gloria, Toine, Ruud, Francois, Patrizia, Amita, Robi Gangulee, William Netter, Mona, Manoj Dasgupta, Peter Steiger, Barbara. ...
... symbol in order to grasp the truth. Disciple : But mystic poetry is bound to be a little hazy and vague. Tagore has also written simple and clear poems in his Gitanjali , e.g. "āmār māthā nata kare dao". Perhaps one can write that sort of poem mentally also. Sri Aurobindo : Yes, one need not have any experience to write that. Disciple : You once spoke of mystic poetry as " ...
... sometimes I even looked arrogant the French way. Mother also remarked that my French was better and more French than that of the Ashram boys. Towards the end, Suvrata had a long illness. Nata visited her daily then, for some three years, sometimes with flowers from Mother. When I was informed that she-was leaving for France, I went to her to say "Good-bye". Her elder daughter had come in ...