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Nemesis : personified law & order, Greek goddess of Fate & Punishment.

18 result/s found for Nemesis

... happiness and well-being of men and were all the time scheming to disrupt the smooth flow of their lives. A few of the Greek Gods had specially bad repute in this matter: these were Zeus, Themis, Nemesis and Ananke. While speaking about a special trait of the consciousness of the ancient Greeks the Mother once observed: "The Greeks had a keen and exceptional sense of beauty , of eurythmy, of... character, they generally produce fruit in the same life, so it is claimed. Thus, the Mahabharata declares: "Atyugra-puṇya-pāpānām ihaiva phalam aśnute." Have we not seen in our own times how the Nemesis of Karma has violently overtaken the fates of Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo and their compeers in misdeeds, in their present life itself. If we rummage through the pages of history books, we can come across ...

... sacrifice in which mankind has been squandering its strength, blood, treasure,—though these are no new calamities, nor would it be safe to hope that they are the last of their kind,—are pointed to as its nemesis or regarded as a funeral pyre it has lighted for itself in whose cruel flame the errors and impurities it brought into existence are being burned to ashes. Science has been declared suspect as a guide ...


... change? But what goes before is altogether fallacious. For, the implied assumptions and hence the conclusions are only half-truths and has it not been well said that 'half-truth is its own Nemesis'? Indeed, doubts and misgivings of the above sort arise from a superficial view of things due to the thought's concentrating on appearance alone and missing what lies behind the frontal process ...

... wavered for a moment — he, a dwarf Napoleon with a rudimentary psychic being whose heart was beyond any possibility of change, became the vessel of an Asuric Power which ultimately led him to his nemesis. Along with the European war, India's political problem naturally played a prominent part in our discussion, Mahatma Gandhi's attitude, the Congress policy, the Hindu-Muslim problem, Jinnah's i ...

... apparent than real and hence a luminous reconciliation between them is absolutely a feasible proposition and programme. The Co-operative Reconciliation "Half-truth is its own Nemesis. One-sided dogmatism has the opposite dogmatism latent in itself." The conflict between Science and Spirituality arises from a misunderstanding of each other's position, role and field of study ...

... But this train of reasoning is altogether fallacious. For, the implied assumptions and hence the conclusions are only half-truths, and has it not been well said that 'half-truth is its own Nemesis'? As a matter of fact, doubts and misgivings of the above sort arise from a superficial consideration of the truth of things, which again is due to the thought's concentrating on the appearance alone ...

...       75.  Savitri, p. 873.       76. ibid., p. 869.       77. ibid., p. 863.       78.  The Odyssey: A Modern Sequel, pp. 513-4. Cf. W.B. Stanford: "The Lonely One: here is the nemesis of absolute freedom...Kazantzakis sends his hero, when he has freed himself in turn from the Ego, the Race, and the World, to a much more desolate place—to the wastes of polar ice...The Odysseus of ...


... out of the strange episode. But it all transpired when Vattal's wife came in an extremity of despair and threw herself at the mercy of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Her husband had realised that nemesis had overtaken him for he Page 307 knew occultism enough to realise that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had hurled the force back. When such occult forces are aroused against one ...


... Art thou a name and a possession, stay Of loftiest natures, but where'er and when In time's full ripeness and the date of men Alien oppression maddened has the wise,— For ever thus preparing Nemesis In ruling nations unjust power has borne Insolence, injustice, madness, outrage, scorn, Its natural children, then, by high disdain And brave example pushed to meet their pain, The pupils of thy ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... here, Who come with open heart to seek a king, Pure of all hostile purpose, innocent Of all the guileful thoughts and blood-stained plans Thou burdenest thy fierce suspicions with. This is the Nemesis of men who rise Too suddenly by fraud or violence Page 550 That they suspect all hearts, yes, every word Of sheltering some direr violence, Some subtler fraud, and they expect their ...


... altogether she was an excellent type of that class of crude failures whose mould nature has left unbroken that there may be a scourge for the refined and a pattern for housewifes. Her face was Nemesis sculptured in marble In her distress the child of the hothouse spoke the language of nature. "I never forgive, but I bear no malice when I have requited" She felt as if she were groping for ...


... introduced by Lamarck into the scientific domain, has not gone away since then, and that it has remained the keystone of the whole evolutionary edifice.” 19 All great persons seem to have a nemesis. For Newton it was Leibniz, for Darwin it will be Richard Owen – and for Lamarck it was Georges Cuvier (1769-1832). Cuvier was one of the great French naturalists and throughout his life much honoured ...

... Shirer: The Nightmare Years, p. 535. 1120 Nirodbaran, op. cit., pp. 672, 674, 678. 1121 Id., pp. 680-81. 1122 Patrick Odone: Dunkirk 1940, p. 125. 1123 Ian Kershaw: Hitler 1936-1945: Nemesis, p. 297. 1124 Sri Aurobindo: On Himself, p. 39. 1125 Nirodbaran, op. cit., pp. 744, 998. 1126 Id., p. 733. 1127 Christoph Studt: Das Dritte Reich in Daten, p. 136. 1128 Joachim ...


... Kaufmann, Walter: Nietzsche – Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist Kempowski, Walter: Haben Sie Hitler gesehen? Kershaw, Ian: Hitler – 1889-1936 Hubris Kershaw, Ian: Hitler 1936-1945: Nemesis Kirchhoff, Jochen: Nietzsche, Hitler und die Deutschen Klemperer, Viktor: Tagebücher 1937-1939 Knopp, Guido: Hitler – Eine Bilanz Knopp, Guido: Hitlers Helfer Knopp, Guido: ...


... progressive degeneration of the bodily system leading ultimately to its dissolution in death. At the same time she suggests a way out of the difficulty, following which we may expect to annul the nemesis of death. In the light of the analysis given by the Mother we may say that the whole world is in a process of progressive transformation; everything is perpetually growing and progressing; ...

... Maupas, Calkins and others as absolutely essential and obligatory. It is thus seen that unicellular organisms like the amoeba possess a kind of potential immortality and are exempt from the nemesis of natural death. As it has been picturesquely put by Prof. Mariano Fiallos-Gil, the protozoan we are viewing through our microscope today has had no dead ancestors; it is the direct descendant ...

... inherent limitation of individual life cabined in the confines of a rigidly static material frame, the life-being in the poor individual existence cannot but succumb sooner or later to the inexorable nemesis of disintegration and death. We must try to be more specific and enumerate the different situations that the limited individual life has to confront and that have for their cumulative effect ...

... this train of reasoning is altogether fallacious. For, the implied assumptions and hence the so-called 'conclusions' are only half-truths and has it not been well said that "half-truth is its own Nemesis" ? As a matter of fact , doubts and misgivings of the above kind arise from a superficial con sideration of the truth of things, which again is due to the thought' s concentrating on the appearance ...