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Nero : Nero Claudius Caesar was the title of Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus as the 5th Roman emperor (54-68). His fervent admiration of Greek culture & efforts to be a poet & artist, made no impression of the common people who suffered under his unstable character & bizarre cruelty.
... to chop off the head of anyone who refuses to love it. The bureaucracy has sometimes been compared by editors with exuberant pens to the Emperor Nero, a comparison which it has resented by putting the writer in prison; but it is written in history that Nero suffered precisely from this amiable weakness. He wanted to be loved and anyone who had a "disaffectionate feeling" for him Page 1022 ... "unrighteously" his character or his flute-playing or his poetry or his acting, was in instant danger of being taught affection by the sword. Nero also did not want to dissuade "righteous" criticism, but then the judge of the righteousness of the criticism was Nero himself. The love-sick despot is a more difficult kind of animal to tackle than the more ferocious species. "Obey me or perish" is the attitude ...
... madhouse, the prison, suicide, exile or the dagger of the assassin. It must be admitted that this dramatic picture largely reflects the facts of history. We know some instances of poet-kings in history, Nero & Ludwig of Bavaria were extreme instances; but we have a far more interesting because typical series in the history of the British isles. The Stuarts were a race of born poets whom the irony of their... simply gives us the other side of the shield. It is not an invariable law of human nature that the poetic temperament should be by its nature absolutely unfitted for practical action & regal power. Nero & Charles I were artistic temperaments cursed with the doom of kingship. But Alexander of Macedon & Napoleon Buonaparte were poets on a throne, and the part they played in history was not that of i ...
... the first and second centuries. Most Christians belonged to the lower classes during this period, and the government took note of them only when there was political or social unrest (as in Rome under Nero or in Bithynia under Trajan). Even then, it persecuted Christians largely for political reasons; it made no attempt to wipe out the religion. As a result the early Church had been able... conversion. AD45-47 — Paul's first mission. AD58-60 — Paul imprisoned by Felix, procurator of Judea. AD61-64 — Persecution of Christians by Nero. — Death of Peter and Paul in Rome. AD60-100 — The four Gospels. Page 137 Suggestions for further reading Bultmann, Rudolf. Jesus and the ...
... strange products for stoical virtue-ridden Rome, when we know that Tiberius was a Clausus, one of the great Italian houses renowned for its licence, cruelty, pride and genius, and Caligula the son and Nero the grandson of Germanicus, who drew his blood from Mark Antony. Science is right in its materialist data, though not always in the inferences it draws from them and when she tells us that nothing proceeds ...
... giving the letter to Antonio. Why, would you believe it, in thrust Don Wit, Don Cerberus, Don Subtle- three-mouths. ISMENIA Will you tell me, you ogress, you paragon of tyrannesses, you she-Nero, you compound of impossible cruelties? BRIGIDA Saints, what have I done to be abused so? I was coming to it faster than a mail-coach and four. You would not be so unconscionable as to ask me ...
... Jew named Aquila, born in Pontus, lately come from Italy, with Page 17 his wife Priscilla because Claudius had commanded all Jews to depart from Rome". Suetonius, in the section "Nero", XVI. 2, also mentions Nero's punishment in about 64 A.D. of the Christians, "a class of men given to a new and mischievous superstition". Note the word "new". Suetonius's "Chrestos" (the Greek for ...
... forgot that when the Christian movement was still young they themselves, for almost identical reasons, had been persecuted by the Romans, thrown to the lions, or crucified and lit as torches by Emperor Nero. “Anti-Semitism became the chief vehicle for the diffusion of the völkisch movement”, writes George Mosse. “Those who were attracted primarily by anti-Semitism had no difficulty in accepting the ...
... possible.” 776 The last, emotional occasion on which Speer met Hitler in the Führerbunker, when Hitler knew that the man who once had been his “unrequited love” did everything possible to counteract his “Nero order” to destroy Germany, he asked: “Do you still hope for a successful continuance of the war or is your faith shattered?” “Once again Hitler reduced his demand to a formal profession of faith that ...
... mood that is idiotic here for the modernist: the way of speech is so unreal and fantastically high-faluting. How much more truth-gripping and home-reaching both in mood and manner are lines like: Nero and his sycophants Are violating their uncles and aunts. Of course all modernist poetry does not disdain the winged word, nor is its penchant for ordinary locutions invariably a path to the ...
... sense of the word was not extant. Keshav —Then what becomes of your postulate that without marriage and public decency society is unimaginable? Wilson —Can you bestow the name on the world of Nero & Caracalla? Keshav —Certainly, if I understand the significance of the word. Wherever the mutual dependence of men builds up a community cemented by a chain of rights and liabilities, that, I imagine ...
... self-satisfaction and had no element in it of self-surrender. The Rakshasa slays all that opposes him and he is callous about the extent of the slaughter. But he is never cruel. Napoleon had no taint of Nero in him, but he flung away without a qualm whole armies as holocausts on the altar of his glory; he shot Hofer and murdered Enghien. What then is there Page 519 in the Rakshasa that makes ...
... an outburst of poetical fancy beyond all parallel but they have insisted on staging and enacting their dramatic creation in real life. Sir Denzil Ibbetson reminds us of that great aesthetic realist, Nero, who made slaves and prisoners enact the parts of classic tragedy and had them actually stabbed or crucified or torn by real wild beasts to embody his mimic imaginations. Sir Denzil has conceived a ...
... balance of profit and loss for each individual sacrifice and only after mature deliberation decide whether to obey the voice of God in their conscience or offer flowers to Venus and divine homage to Nero. Loss of Courage But the question of self-sacrifice needs separate handling and we have not the space to deal with it in this issue as its importance deserves. The Bengalee counters our suggestion ...
... preserves his own blood unadulterated.” 34 And when Germany in the winter months of 1945 will be crushed by the armies of the Allies, closing in from the West and from the East, he will give ‘the Nero Order’ to totally destroy any place that had to be abandoned to the enemy. He will also command what was left of the civilian population to leave their homes and walk away in the snow before the invaders ...
... all German citizens had to flee before the Allied armies, on foot if need be, in the freezing cold through the snow. And then he issued a series of orders, the first of which was, on 19 March, the “Nero Order”, saying that “all military, transportation, communications, industrial and food-supply facilities, as well as all other resources within the Reich which the enemy might use either immediately ...
... supernatural birth brought about by a deity's intervention was surmised for Augustus. Whatever the travesty of the deific title in relation to Page 5 some of his successors like Nero, Caligula and Domitian who claimed it as an inheritance from its first bearer, here was a natural spontaneous ascription by his compatriots to one felt to be of extraordinary greatness, as if sent by ...
... ans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Romans - all strictly the people of the regions contained within the Roman Empire under Caesar Augustus's successors Tiberius and Nero whose reigns covered Paul's ministry. No matter how much to the Page 94 non-jews Christianity or, as Mr. Vedanthan would have it, Paulinism masquerading as Christianity was preached ...
... given you suffering in order to help the growth of your soul. SRI AUROBINDO: The commentators on Shakespeare say that when he was in trouble he wrote the great tragedies. DR. MANILAL: It is like Nero fiddling when Rome was burning. SRI AUROBINDO: That is different matter. God may smile and say, "Suffering will do good to Manilal." (Laughter) NIRODBARAN (to Dr. Manilal) : Is there no gospel ...
... whose death is traditionally put during Nero's persecution of A.D. 64: "The first letter is written to encourage Christians in Asia Minor who are suffering or are likely to suffer for their Christian faith. If this were written during a specific period of persecution it would almost certainly have been that under the Roman emperor Domitian (A.D. 81-96), since Nero's persecution does not appear to have ...
... strong, clothing with brilliant fire, Tyrants in Titan lands..., the phrase "clothing with brilliant fire" was put before Sri Aurobindo for elucidation. He replied that it was suggested by "Nero's 'living torches', the Christians indued with combustible matter and set on fire in his fetes—according to the history (?) or the legend." Sri Aurobindo was also asked about the meaning of the ...
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