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13 result/s found for Nervous breakdown

... who had this information from people once close to the dictator. He also suffered from enormous nervous tension. At the time of the Munich pact Shirer observed: “The man is on the verge of a nervous breakdown”, and again when awaiting the signing of the non-aggression pact with Moscow. 1056 Goebbels noted that during the days leading up to the Russian invasion “the Führer lives in an indescribable ...


... experienced at the Samadhi sometime ago when I was offering my Pranam there. It was psychological and was very necessary for the work. I am physically very weak and, in fact, I had a nervous breakdown in the past. The Mother had advised me to get treated by Dr. Surya. My physical would not have been able to bear the impact of the work that was going on at that time. That would have been... only afterwards that I feel how powerful the fire was. 03:02:1995 Last few days I am not meditating. I am very weak and I do not want to take any chances. I do not want to have any nervous breakdown. I had two heart-attacks and I must be careful. Yes, I must be careful. But I do go to the Samadhi and offer my Pranam. Today Sri Aurobindo blessed me and he was blessing for a long ...


... the Third Reich about the days of Hitler’s meetings with Chamberlain, when the Führer was “in a highly nervous state”: “He seemed to be, as I noted in my diary that evening, on the edge of a nervous breakdown. ‘Teppichfresser!’ muttered my German companion, an editor who secretly despised the Nazis. And he explained that Hitler had been in such a maniacal mood over the Czechs the last few days that ...


... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 18 December 1933 (Around this time Dyuman suffered a nervous breakdown due to overwork. It took him about four months to recover. A number of letters in the following pages refer to this condition of nervous exhaustion.) My child, I would like you to go to bed now. I am sending ...

... But the Americans had entered the war and the Allies, stronger and better armed than ever before, beat “the Hun” back. In August Ludendorff realized that defeat was inevitable and suffered a nervous breakdown. Now he and Hindenburg manoeuvred to let the politicians solve the enormous problem in which the German nation had got itself involved. The Kaiser, according to the armistice conditions laid down ...


... for a grip, then some adverse Force can leap upon you and hold, and the attack takes either the form of a mental unsettling, a moral disturbance (loss of character etc.), a vital upheaval or nervous breakdown or, as in this case, a physical illness. These things are well known to all who are acquainted with the working of occult forces and the details in the letter are quite unmistakable signs; such ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... considered my wish not to go in for married life as the ravings of a lunatic. I had nobody to turn to, because nobody would believe or understand my feelings. "You know I fell very ill and had a nervous breakdown because it was not easy to adjust to life with your family—my ideals were very different. It was impossible for me to lead an ordinary life because my soul aspires for something higher and exceptional ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... suffered enough, enough, more than my share. One can't go on, you know, with a spiritual dietary of 3 chief elements of food. Let me remind you that vitamins of experience are essential; otherwise nervous breakdown or deficiency disease is the result. You have a lot of things in your chaddar as you said in a book... ? [Sri Aurobindo put a big question mark.] They say that you are now handling the ...

... even secure high places. There is the second type who read and work hard throughout the whole year, devote some time every day to their studies, and never run the risk of falling ill or having a nervous breakdown about the time of the examination on account of excessive work. Our Madanlal belongs to this second category. He is really out to prove by his own example that definition of genius which makes ...

... secure high places. There is the second type who read and work hard throughout the whole year, devote some time every day to their studies, and never run the risk of falling ill or having a nervous breakdown about the time of the examination on account of excessive work. Our Madanlal belongs to this second category. He is really out to prove by his own example that definition of genius which makes ...


... sort of mechanical readiness to satisfy and obey them. The difficulty is aggravated if the seat of the weak- ness is in the nervous system. There is then what is called by European science a neurasthenic tendency and under certain circumstances it leads to nervous breakdowns and collapses. This happens when there is too great a strain on the nerves or when there is excessive indulgence of the sexual... It is best for you so long as you are ill not to leave your father's care, and, above all it is the safe rule in illness like yours not to return to the place and surroundings where you had the breakdown until you are perfectly recovered and the memories and associations connected with it have faded in their intensity, lost their hold on the mind and can no longer produce upon it a violent and disturbing... broke down at Pondicherry. The nervous system in you was weak, it could not obey the will and resist the demand of the external vital forces, and in the struggle there came an overstrain of the mind and the nerves and a collapse taking the form of an acute attack of neurasthenia. These difficulties do not mean that you cannot prevail and bring about a control of your nervous and vital being and build ...

... sort of mechanical readiness to satisfy and obey them. The difficulty is aggravated if the seat of the weakness is in the nervous system. There is then what is called by European science a neurasthenia tendency and under certain circumstances it leads to nervous breakdowns and collapses. This happens when there is too great a strain on the nerves or when there is excessive indulgence of the sexual... is best for you so long as you are ill, not to leave your father's care, and above all, it is the safe rule in [an] illness like yours not to return to the place and surroundings where you had the breakdown, until you are perfectly recovered and the memories and associations connected with it have faded in intensity, lost their hold on the mind and can no longer produce upon it a violent or disturbing... restraining mental will and these propensities. This is the illness from which you are suffering and if you consider these facts you will see the real reason why you broke down at Pondicherry. The nervous system in you was weak; it could not obey the will and resist the demand of the external, vital forces, and in the struggle there came an overstrain of the mind and the nerves and a collapse taking ...


... a sort of mechanical readiness to satisfy and obey them. The difficulty is aggravated if the seat of the weakness is in the nervous system. There is then what is called by European science a neurasthenic tendency and under certain circumstances it leads to nervous breakdowns and collapses. This happens when there is too great a strain on the nerves or when there is excessive indulgence of the sexual... practices that are extremely dangerous because they lead to an excited, exalted abnormal condition, and violently call down forces which the body cannot bear. They may lead to a breakdown of the physical body, the mind and the nervous system. As soon as I became aware of this turn, I warned him of the danger and prohibited the continuance of the practices. At first he attempted to follow my instructions... there is not yet the assured basis of calm, peace, serenity and inner silence which he needs above all things. I hope that it is only a crisis or a passing disorder. I am doing my best to mend the breakdown, but you must help me by keeping there a firm quietness and calm concentration. This was the object of my telegram. I am of the opinion that when he recovers his balance, my original instructions ...
