Find in Savitri Poems Flowers
... take her place. I suppose you know Nolini Sen and Iladevi - parents of Amita and Chitra. Then Nolini Sen was working, poor old man, and I took pity on him. I asked, "Can I help you?" He said, "Yes, you can." I was expecting to hear a "No!" (Laughter) That's how I started working with him, from three in the morning, if you please. So it went on and on till Nolini Sen went to the other world. (Laughter) ...
... 1940 SRI AUROBINDO (suddenly) : Is Nolini Sen going today? NIRODBARAN: He has already gone. SRI AUROBINDO: His wife has sent a poem which she received in meditation. It is very good. Pavitra has seen the horoscopes of both husband and wife. He says they are complementary to each other. He has ability, the power of success. NIRODBARAN: Nolini Sen told me about his wife. About himself he ...
... Decades ago, when my nephews—now grandfathers— were schoolchildren in the Ashram, studying in Cinquieme (today's class 7,1 think), they had a teacher for arithmetic who was a brilliant mathematician, Nolini Sen. In the Calcutta University Nolini Sen's classmates were Meghnad Saha and Satyen Bose. 1 Well, the problem was precisely his brilliance. He would start on a problem and immediately ask, "you have... made them lose another year. Yet those students were by no means dullards. Because, when they came up to Troisieme (class 9?) they showed a quick grasp of the subject. Their new 1 Nolini Sen (1894-1962). Meghnad Saha (6.10.1893 - 16.2.1956), a physicist. Satyendra Nath Bose (1.1.1894 - 4.2.1974) is well known for his Bose-Einstein statistics. He was also vice-chancellor of ...
... shocked and disheartened many here. Satyabrata's father Nolini Sen did not hesitate to express himself: "How could you reject Rabindranath's Hungry Stones, Pranab?" Then Satyabrata hired a theatre outside and arranged for the screening of the film there. The amusing part of it all was that after seeing the film Nolini Page 121 Sen came and told me: "No you were right Pranab to reject ...
... 1939 Talks with Sri Aurobindo 30 NOVEMBER 1939 NIRODBARAN (while Sri Aurobindo was waiting for the Mother to come) : Nolini Sen is practically all right. Yesterday I told you that he was feeling a vague irritation and restlessness and a sense of sadness all day long, and badly needed assistance. He didn't know the cause of the irritation but yesterday... Overmind. Purani then related a few more experiences of that Mahratta lady. There was no comment from Sri Aurobindo. After some time Sri Aurobindo himself started to speak. SRI AUROBINDO: About Nolini Sen. I don't understand what the difficulty is about the vital. What is it he doesn't understand? Just as there is the mind with its ideas and perceptions, so there is the vital with its forces of action ...
... have broken through it. SRI AUROBINDO: That is what I thought. Of course they would have had to sacrifice a lot of men, but it wouldn't have been as invulnerable as they thought. NIRODBARAN: Nolini Sen is still not clear about the selection of the individual in the supramental state. He says there will be individual centres and asks whether the individual, though he will work according to the truth... complete egolessness a supramental state? SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, when there is the fullness of the supra mental state. In the intermediate stages there may be various ways of working. NIRODBARAN: Nolini Sen also speaks of individual truth of being. He says that since there will be various individuals, the truth of one will be different from that of another. So in their manifestation a certain selection ...
... came to the Ashram in 1941. He was Chitra-di’s (Chitra Sen — captain in the Department of Physical Education and also of the Trésor Nursing Home) maternal uncle (i.e. mama ). Chitra-di’s father, Nolini Sen, happened to lend Nripen-da a typed copy of Sri Aurobindo’s The Synthesis of Yoga . (Printed books were then hard to come by. The devotees had enough urge to get whole books typed to take home and ...
... told me that once she dreamt that you were taking Khichuri 3 and Meghnad Saha and others were sitting around you. SRI AUROBINDO (surprised) : Meghnad Saha? NIRODBARAN: Yes. And in the dream Nolini Sen brought Mrs. Sen before you and you said to him, "You know I can see the inside of people. She has something in her." And then you said to her that the Hindu-Moslem problem was going to be settled ...
... Egypt too. Suppose today Hertzog gets a majority and tries to make peace with Hitler; England can't do anything about it. It can only create a split separating Natal and Cape Town. NIRODBARAN: Nolini Sen is asking whether, after the ego-sense has disappeared, any selective action can remain. SRI AUROBINDO: After the disappearance of the ego-sense ego-movements remain and they go on, the habitual ...
... brag about her tennis. Not that she played well, but she harboured a false sense of superiority. In those days tournaments were held in the Ashram. In the mixed doubles Pavita's partner was Nolini Sen. Mother used to play with these mixed pairs, one couple each day, late in the afternoons. Mother said: "Pranab, you and I, we'll play against Pavita and her partner. Her false pride must be ...
... 1940-contd Talks with Sri Aurobindo 27 MAY 1940 NIRODBARAN: Nolini Sen writes that Meghnad Saha wants to come here. SRI AUROBINDO: To embrace X? ( Laughter ) NIRODBARAN: Sen has a deep respect for Saha. He says he is very sincere, honest, open-minded, generous. SRI AUROBINDO: Perhaps not open-minded. PURANI ( giving a letter to Sri Aurobindo ...
... "Is that so?") After your last brinjal intuition? (Laughter) NIRODBARAN: Yes, but nothing comes. SRI AUROBINDO: That is because you lost your faith by that brinjal affair. NIRODBARAN: Nolini Sen began to have inner guidance as soon as he set his foot into Yoga. SRI AUROBINDO: He had been doing Yoga for some time. Only he had lost hold of it temporarily. SATYENDRA: Inner guidance in ...
... 1940 Talks with Sri Aurobindo 3 JANUARY 1940 NIRODBARAN: I had a letter from Nolini Sen. He speaks of visions of flowers and wants to know their significance. SRI AUROBINDO: What flowers? NIRODBARAN: A pink lotus closed and then opened by some invisible power. He asks if it is your Force. SRI AUROBINDO: You can write the significance. NIRODBARAN: ...
... got that unity. (Laughter) After this there was some talk on Science, especially Relativity, which started by reference to the term "light-year" which Sri Aurobindo used in The Life Divine . Nolini Sen had pointed out that scientists didn't use it in that sense, so the term was changed to "light-cycle". Jatin Bal supplied many quotations from Jeans, Eddington, etc., on various points. In our discussion ...
... and knowledge by eating. PURANI: That is experience. DR. MANILAL: It is knowledge. SRI AUROBINDO: It is a knowledge of the taste, not a metaphysical knowledge. (Laughter) NIRODBARAN: Nolini Sen says they are feeling a more and more intense force, peace, etc. at Calcutta in their meditation. So intense that some people wonder if it isn't the supramental force that is descending. SRI AUROBINDO ...
... now advised it to the French. PURANI: That is because they have no other way. SRI AUROBINDO: Gandhi admits that. Sri Aurobindo was given Moni's article to read in reply to Meghnad Saha. Nolini Sen was much hurt by Moni's personal attack against Meghnad. SRI AUROBINDO: I have read Moni's article— (laughing) it is personal all through. One can't but feel the sting there and the force. But ...
... Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo AUGUST 1943 7th August, 1943 Letter from Siddhartha (Nolini Sen's son). 1. Faith-Blind in Guru's words. 2. Religion is superfluous and injurious to India. 3. What is Sri Aurobindo doing? What has he done or is doing for India? Sri Aurobindo : Why does Siddhartha want to argue about his faith ...
... 1940 Talks with Sri Aurobindo 12 JANUARY 1940 Nirodbaran read out Nolini Sen's letter to Sri Aurobindo, wherein he has written that he can't remember anything he reads. He is very elated to hear that Guru has called him an intellectual. He doesn't know how he is one. SRI AUROBINDO: I have not used the word in the sense of intellectuality, neither have... PURANI: Nolini had a strange experience. SRI AUROBINDO: What was it? PURANI: Dilip brought a retired Bengali judge to introduce him to Nolini. The judge is a member of the Gita Prachar Party. The man looked at Nolini for an instant and then suddenly embraced and kissed him; then he said, "I have read your writings and I like them very much." Nolini was so surprised. SRI AUROBINDO: Nolini didn't... didn't return the kiss? He should have returned the compliment. (Laughter) NIRODBARAN: If X were paid a compliment like that for his writings, he would be in ecstasy. SRI AUROBINDO: Nolini could have said, "I am flattered by your reading my books." NIRODBARAN: There is again another hitch in Bengal between Congress and Sarat Bose over the Bengal Congress parliament fund. Rajendra Prasad has ...
... has never left by sea. There seems little doubt that the J.N. Mitter who embarked on the Dupleix was Arabinda Ghose. "It is believed that the other person Bankim Chandra Bhowmik may be Nolini Kanto Sen Gupta of Nilphamari, an acquitted accused in the Alipore Bomb case who was known to be an intimate friend and admirer of Arabinda Ghose, and who disappeared about the same time as Arabinda.... there till April, 1911. Nolini Kanta Gupta came from Bengal and joined them in November, 1910. Except for a few short visits to Bengal, Nolini Kanta, Moni and Be joy lived permanently with Sri Aurobindo as his disciples. Bejoy went back to Bengal sometime in the early thirties and died there soon after. Moni passed away at Pondicherry in 1951, and Nolini Kanta, a wiry young man of eighty... Commissioner of Police is applying for warrants to be sent to Bombay, Madras and Colombo". Telegram from D.S.P. to Director C.I.D. : 12. Nolini Kanta was in Calcutta at that time. It was Bejoy who accompanied Sri Aurobindo to Pondicherry. Nolini Kanta and Bejoy were as like as chalk and cheese! Page 359 "My Pondicherry agent identified Arabinda personally on Simla photo." ...
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