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Ottoman : (from Arabic Uthman) Ottomans were the successors of Osman I (1259-1326), the ruler of a Turkmen principality in NW Anatolia, who is regarded as the founder of the Ottoman Turkish state [s/a Abdul-Hamid, & Islam].

10 result/s found for Ottoman

... languages, religions, cultures—of the ramshackle Turkish empire, but inevitably the dominant Young Turk element was carried away by the instinct for establishing, even by coercion, a uniform Ottoman culture and Ottoman nationality. 1 Belgium, composed almost equally of Teutonic Flemings and Gallic Walloons, grew into a nationality under the aegis of a Franco-Belgian culture with French as the dominant ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... permanently protect a throne based upon cruelty, falsehood and despicable meanness. All that it did, for Satan must be given his due, was to stave off a final disruption of Turkey and expulsion of the Ottoman from Europe. But true freedom is always conscious of strength and knows that it is better to perish than to live for a short while longer at the cost of continual insult, degradation and weakness.... eagerly attached to the Turkish connection as the others are desirous of the Greek. The ancient history of Crete supports the sentiment of Greek unity, its later history the sentiment of imperial Ottoman greatness. And apart from Crete, there are inevitable sources of quarrel in Macedonia. Some day the Powers will have to stand aside and allow these natural enemies to settle the question in the only ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... Turkey and connected by legend with the origin of the Janissaries.” 48 The secret organization of the Baktashi resembled that of the Freemasons; they played an important role in the transition from Ottoman absolutism to a modern Turkish state, for the revolution of the Young Turks had now established a constitutional monarchy and the rule of parliament. Glauer was, according to his own attestation, ... back towards the past and concentrating inwardly on the glow of “the German soul”. “Sebottendorff’s political views were primarily inspired by a religious orientation: the anti-materialism of pan-Ottoman mysticism, alchemy, and Rosicrucianism, combined with a post-war hatred of Bolchevism, which he identified as the acme of materialism, led him to embrace anti-democratic ideas.” 50 It was this kind ...


... Jul 13 Birth of Matteo, the Mother's brother. He became a distinguished diplomat of France. Died in 1942. 1877 The Alfassas emigrate to France. Maurice prospers as a banker in the Banque Ottoman. 1878 Feb 21 Birth of Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa (the Mother) at 10:15 a.m. at 41, boulevard Haussmann, Paris. Sri Aurobindo: 'The Mother's consciousness and mine are the same, the one... Path of Later On' as a school essay. Studies, in addition to what the tutor taught her, the special Mathematics he taught Matteo for his admission to Paris' École Polytechnique. 1889 Banque Ottoman ruined by the Panama affair; Maurice bears the brunt; his family in financial straits. 1889-91 'A series of psychic and spiritual experiences revealed to me not only the existence of God but ...


... and the people of India in general, they annulled the partition of Bengal in 1911. . The annulment gave the Muslims a rude shock. The British complicity in the spoilation of the Ottoman Empire and in the strangulation of Iran about the same time caused further alienation. The British had refused Turkish troops access to Libya through Egypt in 1911, when Libya was raided by Italy, ...

... been dead many times and learned the secret of the grave.... 1830. Mehemet Ali is Viceroy of Egypt. The Suez Canal has not yet been dug. The Pasha's armies are rebelling against the yoke of the Ottoman Empire. A feudalistic Egypt confronts the modern world while still remembering Bonaparte. But Bonaparte's tempest had possibly left something in the air, for Mira Ismalun, too, lost no time in casting ...

... over Mother's cradle, but women—a line of strong women. So we are in the time of Mehemet Ali. The Suez Canal has not yet been dug. The armies of the Pasha are rebelling against the yoke of the Ottoman Empire. Feudalistic Egypt confronts the modem world while still remembering Bona­parte. But Bonaparte's tempestuous wind had possibly left something in the air, for Mira Ismalun, too, lost no time ...

... it been with all the races under the Turkish yoke, because that powerful suzerainty, stern as it was in many respects, never attempted to obliterate their national characteristics or substitute an Ottoman nationality. These nations have revived and have reconstituted or are attempting to reconstitute themselves in the measure in which they have preserved their real national sense. The Serbian national ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... love, would become the best in the world. Why did Maurice and Mathilde leave Egypt and emigrate to France? Some say that Mathilde refused to curtsy before the Khedive, the Egyptian Viceroy of the Ottoman Empire, to which Egypt had belonged since 1517 (and would belong only for a few more years to come). If true, there must surely have been a very strong motive for such behavior towards the highest ...

... Subsequently, they passed into Italy with the _______ 1 Sri Aurobindo: The future Poetry, Vol. 9 of the Centenary edition; p 523 Page 12 Greek scholars who fled westward from the Ottomans, and thus the Homeric epics had a profound impact on the Renaissance culture of Italy. Since then these two epics have been translated into various European languages and have become the most important ...