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Palit, T. : Sir Tārak Nath Palit (1831-1914), a highly successful barrister of Calcutta who made munificent donations for the spread of the knowledge of science & for national education. He took the initiative in founding a Technical Institute in Calcutta. After some time, however, he was disappointed by its performance & withdrew his patronage. In the political field, Palit was a leader of the Moderate group. [Dict. of National Biography, Ed. S.P. Sen, Institute of Historical Studies, Calcutta, 1972-74; Bengal Past & Present, July-Dec. 1979, Ed. P.C. Gupta, Calcutta Historical Society, p.59]
... not increase the respect of the subject race for its rulers. The Indian Mirror comes out with an article on the selfishness of Indian patriots. According to this self-satisfied critic Mr. T. Palit and the Indian Mirror are the only unselfish men in Bengal. Rajas Subodh Mallik and Brajendra Kishore of Gauripur are notoriety-hunters who have chosen to pay heavily in cash and land for the titles... clear. We gather, however, that Mr. Palit and Babu Narendranath Sen have entered into a league to dare and die for their country, and we rejoice to hear it. While waiting for this glorious consummation, we would suggest to the latter that he might expect his martyrdom with more meekness, and, secondly, that if he has to attack people, he might just as well cross his t's and dot his i's instead of employing ...
... Krishnashashi and other matters. [9] 14 February 1923. About Krishnashashi and other matters. [10] 2 April 1923. About various candidates and also about Rathin, a son of Rajani Palit. (See also the letter to Rajani Palit below.) [11] 16 April 1923. About various candidates. [12] 30 May 1923. [13] 16 June 1923. About Jyotish Mukherjee, a Bhawanipore candidate. Barindra Kumar returned... East Bengal, Krishnashashi went insane while practising yoga at Barin's centre in Bhawanipore. See also letters [4] - [9] to Barindrakumar Ghose above. To Rajani Palit. 6 April 1923 . A government servant, Rajani Palit (born 1891) lived in Calcutta and attended meetings at Barin's Bhawanipore centre. Later he was a frequent visitor to the Ashram. This letter is about the occult illness of... not, as a rule, include letters written between 1927 and 1950. Most letters of biographical or historical interest from that period are included in Letters on Himself and the Ashram , volume 35 of T HE C OMPLETE W ORKS OF S RI A UROBINDO . The contents of the present volume have been arranged by the editors in four parts, each of which is divided into two or three sections. P ...
... its own webs And I follow the tortuous path in front Through nights. . . ages. LABANYA PALIT IN THY NAME In Thy name the eyes are still dim with tears And the heavens tremulous with the song of birds. In Thy name... THIS MIND A fire-fly is this mind, Now it flares, now it fades; It must cross the darkness, So runs about here and there. As if a needle of light I t pierces the mighty curtain: On an edge of the inner being It weaves a fringe of glimmering consciousness. Page 170 Even like a lightning flash In this small ...
... burnished anew, and her will to ultimate victory sustained by the sovereign Grace of the Mother. VIII Another who joined the Ashram when still very young was the nine-year old Romen Palit, who came with his father, Rajani Kanta, in November 1929. Although children were not then allowed into the Ashram, Romen was permitted to go for Darshan of the 24th, and even at that age he "felt... hints and guesses, of course, and these help us to body forth to some extent the nature of the call, the quest, the issue, the struggle and the victory. For example, the noted Sanskrit scholar, T. V. Kapali Sastry, who saw Sri Aurobindo first in 1917, was to return again and again, and become an inmate in due course. When Sastriar met Sri Aurobindo in 1923, the basis of their future relationship... The Mother was clad all in white - sari, blouse and crown. She was sitting on a high chair. When she saw me she was all smiles and a spontaneous recognition arose in my heart that she was my adhisthātrī. I told the Mother that I did not want to go back. 37 Then came 24 November: Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were seated on the sofa. As I approached them after my father, Sri Aurobindo ...
... that, as Sri Aurobindo would now be too occupied to deal with people, he had put me in charge and I would be doing all the work.’ 6 (The reports about Datta’s words vary considerably. Rajani Palit writes: ‘Now Datta came out, inspired, and declared: “The Master has conquered death, decay, hunger and sleep!”’ According to Nolini, it went as follows: ‘Datta … suddenly exclaimed at the top of her... centre of obstruction in somebody else’s body. There were others who thought that the Supermind had descended into them. One or two got mentally unbalanced because of the inability to stand the pressure. T. left off taking food saying that he was having nectar and had no need of ordinary food, but he could not pull on for long. So the whole procedure of the sadhana had to be changed.’ 17 ‘At the ...
... Punjalal 235, 497, 691 Purani, A..B. see Ambalal Purani Purushottam Patel 325 Raja Yoga 15 Rajagopalachari (Rajaji) 404, 427, 457, 571 Rajangam 224, 235-6, 239, 255, 325, 329 Rajani Palit 233, 268 Ramana Maharishi, Sri 257 Ramanuja, Sri 180 Rarnanujachari, M.V. 483 Page 916 Rai, Pratap Chandra 483 Rainer Maria Rilke 59 Rassendran, J. 131 Reddy, C... 86, 89-90, 100ff, 107,119,126, 150,153,183, 201ff, 207-8 Rikiu (Zen Master) 194 Rishabhchand 63, 255, 277-8, 498, 691 Robi Gupta 723 Roger Anger 726, 744, 756, 778, 792-3 Romen Palit 268-9, 311, 365, 708 Roy, M.N. 404 Roy, Motilal 49, 89, 100-3, 107, 118, 127, 132-3, 149ff, 203-5, 213, 241, 281 Ruud Lohman 803-4 Sahana Devi (Gupta) 255, 262ff. 281, 285, 287, 289... Terrace Darshan: 24 November 1965 737 22 January 1966 740 experiences 'consciousness of dead on earth' 741 direct perception of inner reality of people 741 cells becoming conscious 749 the T: not within, not above 750 in the subtle-physical world 750 vision of earth's effort 752 effect on her children 752-3, 805 (cf525, 636) Terrace Darshan: 24 November 1967 753 concrete experience ...
... For none can hope to understand Sri Aurobindo fully without a basic understanding of his estimate of the place of the Mother's divinity in his Yoga. One of his oldest and staunchest disciples, Rajani Palit, wrote to him (in August, 1938): There are many who hold that the Mother was human once upon a time — to judge from her Prayers — but has outgrown her humanity through her sadhana. But to my... live, material muscles of a strong sceptic — healthy, wide-awake and normal to his fingertips! So I did not know what to make of it all: what came to pass was too outlandish to be true and yet wasn' t it too concrete to be dismissed as fanciful! But that was, alas, all. I saw nothing — not even a grasshopper, to say nothing of a benevolent deity — felt no joy, no peace, no strength, no bhakti ...
... the descent of "the world of the Gods". Three testimonies are to hand. Purani makes her cry out by inspiration in the pervading silence: "The Lord has descended into the physical today."² Rajani Palit writes: "Now Datta came out, inspired, and declared: 'The Master has conquered death, decay, hunger and sleep.' ³ Nolini Kanta Gupta tells us: "Datta...suddenly exclaimed at the top of her voice,... and the mention by him and the Mother that there had been the descent of the Divine. Since the Supermind's descent had frequently been spoken of and eagerly expected as we may note from Rajani Palit's account' of the Victory Day, Datta was inspired to utter those words, and the words of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were misinterpreted. What these words signified was explained in the letter... Sri Aurobindo at a fairly later period than 1914-1921. Only the unrevised portions remaining would illustrate our point. ². On Yoga II, Tome One (1958), p. 369. ³ . Ibid., p. 37 T. 4. Ibid., p. 371. 5. Ibid., p. 375. 6. Ibid., p. 376. Page 2 is mentioned in the Arya-days, now the label "supramental" would be a sheer misnomer ...
... remarked, "What for?" Page 198 Then came a message, As long as we go on telling lies we go on pushing the happy Future far from us. * * * 15.7.72 Palit the Founder trustee of Fraternity died three days ago. The residents of Fraternity have asked Mother whether they could take his ashes to Fraternity and plant a tree. Mother said 'Bien'. William... I: They have been there for a week now, on trial. Mother: You must give them at least one month. At least one month. But if they show the slightest insincerity, you understand, if they say, T don't do this, I do that, I won't do this, etc...', just tell them, 'You can leave.' You don't even need to ask me, you can just send them away. Simply inform me: such and such person has been found ... sincerity—in all sincerity—they give themselves to the Divine and side with the divine, they become all they should be. It may take time, there may be turmoil and difficulty—you must be... inflexible: T am for the Divine and the divine manifestation, in spite of everything and anything.' Voila. Then it is omnipotence—even over death. I am not saying tomorrow, I am not saying immediately, but ...
... thought of with regard to the debts have not taken shape or rather have postponed themselves to an indefinite future. If I remember right what you have immediately to pay is some 251 more to Kamala Palit and 600 to Arun. Besides this and the other 2000 to Arun, which if necessary can wait, there are the sums due, 1500 altogether to the Kaviraj and Pulin Mitter. I believe there is nothing else. Can the... word from me is necessary perhaps and therefore I send you this letter through Barin. I am giving him also a letter of authority from which you will understand the immediate nature of the need for which T have sent him to raise funds. But I may add something to make it more definite. I think you know my present idea and the attitude towards life and work to which it has brought me. I have become confirmed ...
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