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Paracelsus : Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim (1493-1541); Swiss physician, alchemist, & chemist: wrote many medical & occult works.
... s, the Alchemical book whose theme is the "mystery" of Nature. Paracelsus likens Nature, "the great mystery", to a forest burning as it grows, issuing from nothing and returning to nothing once more, "as a forest which the fire burneth into a little heap of ashes...such is the beginning, such is the end of the creatures". Paracelsus further writes: "all bodies shall pass away and vanish into nothing... consuming. As to Urizen, maker of both the Tyger and night-forests, Raine relates him to the "Demiurge" of the Gnostic philosophies, the "Workman Mind" of the Hermetica and the "Mortal God" of Paracelsus - the universe's creator who is not the supreme God but a power descended from the latter. The only difference is that Blake's Urizen, though ultimately redeemable, is more markedly evil and, whatever... what he stole from the Abyss". 118 The Abyss here, like most things in The Marriage, reminds us of a conception of that Alchemical mystic, Jacob Boehme, who greatly influenced Blake and is, with Paracelsus, actually mentioned in The Marriage under his Englished name Behmen: Boehme associates the Abyss with God the Father's flaming fires. We have also Orc and Luvah saying to Urizen in The Four Zoas: ...
... once champions of progress, are now the stiffest and blindest opponents of new Truth going. Torquemada was a babe to you. Scientist —Well, and what about the Mystic here, who wants to go back to Paracelsus and Santa Teresa? Mystic —I should say rather, to keep unbroken the most important Page 523 thread in the long and intricately woven cord of evolving knowledge. Professor —My ...
... of superior power or superior knowledge. And in that sense the occultism of the Page 16 present day is magic precisely in the same sense as the scientific experiments of Roger Bacon or Paracelsus. There is a good deal of fraud and error and self-deception mixed up with it, but so there was with the earliest efforts of the European scientists. The defects of Western practitioners or Eastern ...
... Press, ii Oaks, 83,194-95 "Ode on the Morning of Christ's Nativity", 204 Old Testament, The, 47 Orc, 131,163,179,202-04 Original draft of The Tyger, 128-31 Paracelsus, 27,170 Paradise Lost, iii, 52,53,54,64,66,69,76,89,101,102,106,108, 111, 117, 157,158,185,187,220 221,230, 246,253,255,256,258,265 Paradise Lost and the Seventeenth Century Reader ...
... not even mentioned meteorology – may perplex the reader. This, however, was an axis time for what are now called the biological sciences. There had been Aristotle, Galen, Descartes and La Mettrie, Paracelsus, Vesalius in Padua and the naturalists connected in one way or another with the University of Leiden, that practically forgotten but important former centre of medical research; 6 each of those ...
... no definite succour or message of hope to death-stricken man. Where can be found the Indian soma or the Iranian haoma or the Greek nectar that would confer the boon of immortality on man? Paracelsus, the great alchemist, claimed to have discovered the elixir of life that would indefinitely prolong one's earthly existence; but, lo! he died before his fiftieth year! The Babylonian King Asurbanipal ...
... to live them. The same road will be taken by the New Romantics [mainly the völkisch movement], going back to the spontaneity, originality, artistry and joy of living of the people at the time of Paracelsus and Dürer.” (Justus Ulbricht 732) A leading promoter of this movement was the publisher Eugen Diederichs, the key figure whom we have met when discussing the revival of the Germanic myths and legends ...
... ve knowledge, but, as yet and in themselves, are so inchoate, so imperfect, so devoid of sure fundamental laws that they can be no more authoritative to future enquiry than the early gropings of Paracelsus and his contemporaries to the modern chemical analyst. And if they are not to be authoritative to future enquiry, neither can they be binding on the living seeker after knowledge. Anyone of Indian ...
... affirmation, praising the fiery might, the energy, and the intelligence of the mortal God." The expression "mortal God" applied to the Tyger's creator is borrowed from the Alchemical philosophy of Paracelsus and is equivalent to the "Demiurge" of the Gnostics. The Demiurge of Gnosticism is not the supreme God but an ambivalent power descended from the latter and he, not the supreme God, is the creator ...
... world - the same inner universe, in many essentials - is the terrain of the Tyger. I would still put in a plea for the Gnostic-Hermetic sources, for Blake was, after all, immersed in Boehme and Paracelsus at that time. Also for my view that the symbols of the poem are inseparable, you can't say the forests existed 'before' the tyger, they go together. Blake was after all a Swedenborgian, and Sweden-borg ...
... have commented that I was probably the beneficiary of a mammoth venture in self-administered placebos. Such a hypothesis bothers me not at all. Respectable names in the history of medicine, like Paracelsus, Holmes, and Osier, have suggest ed that the history of medication is far more the history of the placebo effect than of intrinsically valuable and relevant drugs. Such modalities ; as bleeding (in ...
... the builders of the Christian civilization. Plato and Pythagoras and Heraclitus and the initiates to the Orphic and the Eleusinian mysteries continued to live in and through Plotinus and Anselm and Paracelsus and the long line 'Of Christian savants and sages. The Middle Age had its own spiritual discoveries and achievements founded Page 150 on the Cult of the Christ; to ...
... Nietzsche, 16, 18-19,21-24, 130,261, 272, 358 Nineveh, 91 ODIN, 201 Old Testament, the, 214, 244 Olympus, 201, 234 Osiris, 220 PACIFIC, the, 209 Paracelsus, 150 Paris, 373 Parthenon, 136 Patanjali, 315, 319 Pericles, 206-7, 239 Periclean Age, 206 Persia, 240 Pharaohs, the, 239 Phidias ...
... almost unique. Of course, 'upward' and inward' are but physical terms to convey experiences that are supra-physical; 'The Kingdom of Heaven is within you', says the Scripture; and Browning says in Paracelsus: There is an inmost centre in us all, Where truth abides in fullness; and F.W.H. Myers says in A Cosmic Outlook: Inward! aye deeper far than ...
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