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Pariah : once referred to the Paraiyan (literally & perhaps originally drummers, beating on skin drums), a Tamil caste employed as labourers & servants. Western rulers affixed the word as a generic term for all low-caste Hindus.

38 result/s found for Pariah

... When I came here for good, cooks were from the pariah caste. In Library House the cook was an old pariah woman who was fair-skinned enough to be taken for a Brahmin. Afterwards I came to know that she had also worked as a cook in France. Pariahs are considered a low caste like that of scavengers but the ones I saw here kept themselves clean. A pariah named Ratnam used to wash Sri Aurobindo's and the ...


... and the devout Sudra, no inequality in the single Virat Purusha of which each was a necessary part. Chokha Mela, the Maratha Pariah, became the guru of Brahmins proud of their caste purity; the Chandala taught Shankaracharya: for the Brahman was revealed in the body of the Pariah and in the Chandala there was the utter presence of Shiva the Almighty. Heredity entered into caste divisions, and in the light ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... no inequality in the single virat purusa [Cosmic Spirit] of which each was a necessary part. Chokha Mela, the Maratha Pariah, became the Guru of Brahmins proud of their caste purity; the Chandala taught Shankaracharya: for the Brahman was revealed in the body of the Pariah and in the Chandala there was the utter presence of Shiva the Almighty......... Caste therefore was not only an institution ...


... disappeared in no time. Why so? Because it was Sri Aurobindo's wish that expressed itself through him. My neighbor was no more a stranger to me, whether Page 144 a shudra or a pariah; he was as I was, a man; little by little my heart got soaked in the feeling that he was my brother. This feeling began to translate itself into due practice. Today it might appear as nothing uncommon... for the shikha I found it non-existent. I got struck with fear. How should I dare look straight in the faces of my parents and relatives? A Brahmin youth without a shikha was no better than a pariah! Thoughts like these troubled my mind. I put off my decision to start for Madras to the third day. There was none to sympathize with my mental agony, the bewildered state of my heart. All inmates ...


... among other things, daily three or four annas worth of fish! Cooking was done on a cooperative basis: Nolini did the rice, Moni the pulses (dal), and Bejoy the curry and the vegetables. There was a Pariah cook, perhaps, for part of the time, and what he prepared was not to their taste. And in such a situation, to have to feed two European ladies too! It was not surprising that uneasiness crept in... IX It was towards the end of 1921 that black magic invaded the precincts of 41, Rue Francois Martin to throw into temporary confusion its peaceful life. For some misconduct of his, Vathal, the Pariah cook, had been scolded by Datta, and then, on account of his insulting behaviour, he had to be dismissed. This bred in him an acute resentment and a desire for revenge, and he got into touch with a ...


... customs slipped off from me and disappeared in no time. Why so? Because it was Sri Aurobindo's wish that expressed itself through him. My neighbour was no more a stranger to me, whether a shudra or a pariah; he was as I was, a man; little by little my heart got soaked in the feeling that he was my brother. This feeling began to translate itself into due practice. Today it might appear as nothing uncommon... felt for the shikha I found it non-existent. I got struck with fear. How should I dare look straight in the faces of my parents and relatives? A Brahmin youth without a shikha was no better than a pariah! Thoughts like these troubled my mind. I put off my decision to start for Madras to the third day. There was none to sympathise with my mental agony, the bewildered state of my heart. All inmates ...

Amrita   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Old Long Since

... slipped off from me and disappeared in no time. Why so? Because it was Sri Aurobindo's wish that expressed itself through him. My neighbour was no more a stranger to me, whether a shudra or a pariah; he was as I was, a man; little by little my heart got soaked in the feeling that he was my brother. This feeling began to translate itself into due practice. Today it might appear as nothing... shikha I found it non-existent. I got struck with fear. How should I dare look straight in the faces of my parents and relatives? A Brahmin youth without a shikha was no better than a pariah! Thoughts like these troubled my mind. I put off my decision to start for Madras to the third day. There was none to sympathise with my mental agony, the bewildered state of my heart. All ...

... sought to shake the world? It is this that in every one of these three hundred millions of men from the Raja on his throne to the coolie at his labour, from the Brahmin absorbed in his sandhya to the Pariah walking shunned of men, GOD LIVETH. We are all gods and creators, because the energy of God is within us and all life is creation; not only the making of new forms is creation, but preservation is ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... British lord's dealings with a navvy, or a Park Page 410 Avenue banker's with an East Side huckster, or a white man's with a negro were not a whit better than the much-reviled Brahmin-pariah relationship (p. 108).   (b) 'But regrettably enough some Hindus themselves have made too much of a song about the evil of untouchabil-ity— This amounts to making Hinduism stand or fall by ...


... stunted in her growth by the narrow circle society has drawn around her self-expansion, those too, pāpa-yonayaḥ , on whom their past Karma has imposed even the very worst of births, the outcaste, the Pariah, the Chandala, find at once the gates of God opening before them. In the spiritual life all the external distinctions of which men make so much because they appeal with an oppressive force to the outward ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... These men on the bench had no intention of making room for a fellow-poet of low birth, but they tried to confound him with their questions and to catch him out in some mistake. At last they said: "O Pariah, put your poem on this bench, and if it is truly a work of beauty, the bench will hold nothing but the Kural." Tiruvalluvar placed his writings next to them, and the legend says that the bench at ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... of a special righteousness. On the other hand, the traditional conception that a man is superior to others because he is born a Brahmin is not rational or justifiable. A spiritual or cultured man of pariah birth is superior in the divine values to an unspiritual and worldly-minded or a crude and uncultured Brahmin. Birth counts, but the basic value is in the man Page 208 himself, in ...


... set free. Social reform must go hand in hand with work for Swaraj: without social reform Swaraj is not worth a straw!" Can Non-violence be the Master Ideal? Nor is the attack on the pariah system the sole distinguishing mark of Gandhi being basically something else than an embodiment of Swarajism. There is the insistence, in season and out, on non-violence, ahimsa. According to him ...

... a special contact, it is possible. PURANI: Vivekananda, in his writings, stresses the realisation of the Brahman in all and says in particular, "I worship my God the poor, the down-trodden, the pariah." SRI AUROBINDO: Are we to understand that the Brahman is more in the poor and the down-trodden than in others? PURANI: If the Brahman is at all present, it is samam brahma, Equal Brahman. ...


... and would probably try him for treason, punishable by the death penalty, he decided to pursue a course of action that resulted in Bhutto's death by hanging in 1977. Zia became an international pariah after this incident. However, his fortunes underwent a reversal in 1979, when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. Pakistan was now a frontline state, and became the beneficiary of large-scale ...

... to shake the world? It is this, that in every one of these three hundred millions of men, from the Raja on his throne to the coolie at his labour, from the Brahmin absorbed in his Sandhya to the Pariah walking shunned of men, god liveth. We are all gods and creators, because the energy of God is within us and all life is creation; not only the making of new forms is creation, but preservation ...


... inertia and ignorance of her sons. But if we could awaken the God within, if everyone - "from the Raja on his throne to the coolie at his labour, from the Brahmin absorbed in his Sandhya to the Pariah walking shunned of men" - if everyone could manifest the living God, then indeed the whole nation would be able to enact Almighty Power here and now. Again, India must shake off her lethargy ...

... sought to shake the world? It is this, that in every one of these three hundred millions of men, from the Raja on his throne to the coolie at his labour, from the Brahmin absorbed in his Sandhya to the Pariah walking shunned of men, GOD LIVETH. We are all gods and creators, because the energy of God is within us and all life is creation; not only the making of new forms is creation, but preservation ...

... temple reported the matter to their superiors and "bringing them to the spot, showed them what had been done." Like wildfire the sacrilegious news covered the town. Hindus, "from the Brahman to the pariah," held a public meeting. Governor Dupleix sent his chief peon, who tried to disperse the meeting by striking "a Chetti on the cheek" and ordering the people to go away. The people, however, defied ...

... of especial righteousness. On the other hand the traditional conception that a man is superior to others because he is born a Brahmin is not rational or justifiable. A spiritual or cultured man of Pariah birth is superior in the divine values to an unspiritual and worldly-minded or a crude and uncultured Brahmin. Birth counts, but the basic value is in the man himself, the soul behind and the degree ...


... puts the conservative class in power to serve as a means of maintaining British domination or at least as an intolerable brake on progress—also divides India into five or six Indias, Hindu, Moslem, Pariah, Christian, Sikh etc. Page 20 (e) A big fiasco 4 of the Non-Cooperation movement which is throwing politics back on one side to reformism, on the other to a blatant and insincere Socialism ...


... population, 63-64 see also birth control P paganism , 129 Pakis tan, 15(fn), 22 4, 22 7, 24 1, 245(fn), 253 Pal , Bepin Chandra , 17 Pales tine, 137 Panchayat (system), 178, 221 Pariah, 29, 20 8 parliamentary democracy, see under democracy Pars is,63 partition, see under Bengal, India, Pakistan passive resistance, 93 , ISI , 167 ·168 , 219,246 Patanjali, III Patel , Vallabhbhai ...


... came a Sudra begging for help and Rantideva gave him half of what remained. Then he heard a dog barking; the poor beast seemed to be starving. Rantideva gave him what was left. Last of all came a Pariah who stopped at the hermit's door and asked for help. Rantideva gave him the milk and the sugar, and continued to fast. Then came four gods who said to him: "It was to us, Rantideva, that you ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... of especial righteousness. On the other hand the traditional conception that a man is superior to others because he is born a Brahmin is not rational or justifiable. A spiritual or cultured man of Pariah birth is superior in the divine values to an unspiritual and worldly-minded or a crude and uncultured Brahmin. Birth counts, but the basic value is in the man himself, the soul behind, Page 430 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... type in general is not something peculiarly associated with Hindu society. Will Durant, the famous American writer on civilisation and culture, pointedly asks: "Does the attitude of a Brahmin to a Pariah differ, except in words, from that of a British lord to a navvy, or a Park Avenue banker to an East Side huckster, or a white man to a negro, or a European to an Asiatic?" What is clear from Durant's ...

... for the shikha I found it non-existent. I got struck with fear. How could I dare look straight in the faces of my parents and relatives? A Brahmin youth without a shikha was no better than a pariah! Thoughts like these troubled my mind. I put off my decision to start for Madras to the third day. There was none to sympathise with my mental agony, the bewildered state of my heart. All inmates ...


... basely possessed figure without any humane feelings. “He was considered disgusting even in the Third Reich”, according to Speer, and Joseph Persico observed at Nuremberg that “the man had become a pariah, reviled by his captors and shunned by his fellow defendants”. 1026 But “Streicher spoke and acted aloud what Hitler secretly thought and desired”, remarks Heiden. “Streicher was the embodiment of ...


... on the surface. Therefore the Yogi or the spiritual man is always equal-visioned and sees all as the One Self. He makes no distinction between a learned Brahmin, a cow, an elephant, a dog and the pariah. This One Self or Soul is pervasive of the whole universe of its own creation, both animate and inanimate, is near and far but is imperceptible to human intelligence because of its extreme subtlety ...

... of hair on the shaven head of a Brahmin. ‘I got struck with fear. How should I dare to look straight in the faces of my parents and relatives? A Brahmin youth without a shikha was no better than a pariah!’ But he withstood the storm, became a member of the circle of intimates around Sri Aurobindo, who had helped him make the decisive step by cutting the symbolic tie with his past, and later, as one ...

... because when you come from Europe you bring all your European ideas with you and you don't know or understand a thing about the way it really is. I immediately came into contact with Brahmin servants and pariah servants, but I didn't know that some were Brahmins and others pariahs, nobody had told me anything; it depended upon the people I was with and the places I went. But the contact, the atmosphere ( ...


... customs slipped off from me and disappeared in no time. Why so? Because it was Sri Aurobindo’s wish that expressed itself through him. My neighbour was no more a stranger to me, whether a shudra or a pariah; he was as I was, a man; little by little my heart got soaked in the feeling that he was my brother. This feeling began to translate itself into due practice. Today it might appear as nothing uncommon ...


... stunted in her growth by the narrow circle society has thrown around her self-expansion, those too, papa-yonayah, on whom their past karma has imposed even the very worst of births, the outcaste, the Pariah, the Chandala, find at once the gates of God opening before them. In the spiritual life, all the external distinctions, of Page 129 which men make so much because ...


... began to crumble away; in his presence all rules and ceremonies, habits and customs slipped off from me and disappeared in no time.... My neighbour was no more a stranger to me, whether a Shudra or a pariah; he was as I was, a man; little by little my heart got soaked in the feeling that he was my brother. This feeling began to translate itself into due practice. Today it might appear as nothing uncommon ...

... religions, it is done as much by the Hindus here as by the Mahomedans. The Hindus here—even those who were once orthodox Brahmins and have grown old in it,—give up all observance of caste, take food from Pariahs and are served by them, associate and eat with Mahomedans, Christians, Europeans, cease to practise temple worship or Page 411 Sandhya (daily prayer and mantras), accept a non-Hindu from ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... Machtergreifung, the acquisition of power; then, gradually, there was the smothering of the Jewish community within German society. Step by step the Jews became non-persons, outlaws, worse than pariahs, still allowed to stay alive, but barely. The Germans, who liked to joke that “the soup is never eaten as hot as it is served”, now found out that their Führer and his brown-shirts had meant what they ...

... religions, it is done as much by the Hindus here as by the Mahomedans. Every Hindu here—even those who were once orthodox Brahmins and have grown old in it,—give up all observance of caste, take food from Pariahs and are served by them, associate and eat with Page 700 Mahomedans, Christians, Europeans, cease to practise temple worship or Sandhya (daily prayer and mantras), accept a non Hindu from ...

... NB: Others say - and it was the central question - that wherever the Divine Power has successfully acted upon and miraculously changed those who were in their external nature robbers and social pariahs, there was probably in them, interiorly, something latent. And they say - excuse my reiteration - that from those who have evidently no music or poetry latent in them, the Divine cannot bring ...

... all? But others say—and it was the central question—that wherever the Divine Power has successfully acted upon and miraculously changed those who were in their external nature robbers and social pariahs, there was probably in them, interiorly, something latent. And they say—excuse my reiteration—that from those who have evidently no music or poetry latent in them the Divine cannot bring out these ...