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Patmos : smallest (22 sq. miles) of the original twelve Greek islands in the Aegean Sea off the coast of Asia Minor. St John wrote his Gospel & Revelation on this island.
... maleficence, as if one were up against everything . I have made so many discoveries since that day in 1982, discoveries that Sri Aurobindo had made, that Mother had made, that perhaps John of Patmos had made on his island of exile, as well as the rishis. And I realize that I had not understood anything, or so little, though I had been a witness and even written books – a trilogy – to try to... many more? – I have kept a journal of that perilous Odyssey, as I felt the necessity to leave some traces. I call it my “Notebooks”; Notebooks of an Apocalypse . The Greeks knew, as did John of Patmos, that this famed “Apocalypse,” which has elicited so many monsters (although there might be, after all, a few tremors and some “beasts”... already visible), simply meant “to lay bare,” apo-kalupsis... in the underground lakes of Mexico. We had never seen the daylight, never seen life. We were living dead. Then our walls crumble. And it's another Earth. It is “another heaven,” as John of Patmos had seen. It is the Day, as the Vedic rishis saw some five or seven thousand years ago. They shattered the mountain rock with their cry; They made in us a path... They discovered ...
... cyclic but as linear, with a beginning at Creation and an end when evil will be conquered and Earth become an eternal Paradise. The following words from Revelation , written by the visionary John of Patmos, have had an enormous influence in Christianity: “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy... fierce spasm of the dying past Shall shake the nations, and when that has passed, Earth washed of ills shall raise a fairer brow. It comes at last, the day foreseen of old, What John in Patmos saw, what Shelley dreamed, Vision and vain imagination deemed, The City of Delight, the Age of Gold. 26 × ...
... three Are one and shall be realised at length, Love, Wisdom, Justice, Joy and utter Strength Gather into a pure felicity. It comes at last, the day foreseen of old, What John in Patmos saw, what Shelley dreamed, Vision and vain imagination deemed, The City of Delight, the Age of Gold. The Iron Age is ended. Only now The last fierce spasm of the dying past Shall ...
... Preparing for the Miraculous Introductory Quotation It comes at last, the day foreseen of old, What John in Patmos saw, what Shelley dreamed, Vision and vain imagination deemed, The City of Delight, the Age of Gold. The Iron Age is ended. Only now The last fierce spasm of the dying past Shall shake the nations, and when that has passed, Earth ...
... would continue to be driven, which was unprecedented and revolutionary, and which aimed at a new world and a new man. “He who writes this sees himself in his prison cell like Johannes in his cave on Patmos and is in his solitude open for inspiration”, writes Karin Wilhelm. “While writing Hitler too follows a voice which he hears inside himself in the act of writing, and meanwhile his eyes are clairvoyant ...
... prepares the Age of Gold," he said. His portrayal of the present and the future is both luminous and crystalline. Page 77 "It comes at last, the day foreseen of old, What John in Patmos saw, what Shelley dreamed, Vision and vain imagination deemed, The City of delight, the Age of Gold. The Iron Age is ended. Only now The last fierce spasm of the dying past ...
... Like his predecessors he meant what he said. Daniel intended to tell his followers that in the wake of the capture by Antiochus Epiphanes of Jerusalem the world's end would come. So also John of Patmos actually meant the conflict of the Roman Empire with Christianity to be the sign of the end of the world. The universal belief of the Apostles that the ultimate fulfilment was extremely near points ...
... Sun in Satan's bosom glowing, A Female hidden in a Male, Religion hidden in War, Nam'd Moral Virtue, cruel two-fold Monster shining bright, A Dragon red & hidden Harlot which John in Patmos saw, 343 Being like the Sun in glory and shining bright are an imitation here, and indeed it is by parading in the appearance of Truth that the false Religion can impose itself and ...
... × In persons knowledgeable about Christianity, this image will bring to mind the figure of the Messiah in the biblical book of Revelation, written by John of Patmos. The Mother herself pointed out the similarity: “Saint John has said that there would be a new earth – that, moreover, there would be a new Christ who corresponds with the one of the Hindus. Yes, Kalki ...
... in it. The formation of their bodies will be moulded by the existence of the Mother’s supramental body, the prototype of the new species. It comes at last, the day foreseen of old, What John in Patmos saw, what Shelley dreamed, Vision and vain imagination deemed, The City of delight, the Age of Gold. The Iron Age is ended. Only now The last fierce spasm of the dying past Shall shake the nations ...
... Aurobindo has vividly flashed on our eyes the ultimate result on earth of "the desire of the moth for the star" that is the Shelleyan cry: It comes at last, the day foreseen of old, What John in Patmos saw, what Shelley dreamed, Vision and vain imagination deemed, The City of Delight, the Age of Gold. We have to keep the sense of this waiting City and that emergent Age alive in our ...
... Revelation lived, inspired with the certitude of Christ's return within a short time to annihilate the evils of the contemporary world. Revelation was written about 95 A.D. on the island of Patmos which at that time was used by Rome as a place of detention for prisoners whom the emperor ruling from his mighty city, built on seven hills, compelled to work in quarries to procure stone for his ...
... Are one and shall be realised at length; Love, Wisdom, Justice, Joy and utter Strength Gather into a pure felicity. It comes at last, the day foreseen of old, What John in Patmos saw, what Shelley dreamed,... The Iron Age is ended, the Age of Gold must begin - Only now The last fierce spasm of the dying past Shall shake the nations.... 31 When ...
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