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10 result/s found for Petain

... Minister had resigned and that the defeatists in France had won the day. Petain had been chosen as the new Prime Minister. The London proposal then was received in Bordeaux in an atmosphere of mistrust and hostility. As Churchill said later, "rarely has so generous a proposal encountered such a hostile reception." According to Petain, what was being proposed was nothing less than "a union with a corpse" ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Uniting Men

... who felt that new little vibration, that Hope, but most people did not understand anything, they only understood their privileges and convenience, the “sensible” and patriotic surface of Marshal Petain — all those stars were almost glorious, mind you. And that solitary voice calling to the Adventure: that De Gaulle was an adventurer, some even said a traitor. Well, it is a little the same: one... protection, and you have it.” It is incredible. Human nature is decidedly an abyss of cowardice. It is incurable. We might call it: “The Falsehood of the right-thinking ones.” It was the same thing with Petain — they all were petainists, except for a handful. “Careful of reprisals, you jeopardize the future of France.” I quite understand now why Sri Aurobindo and Mother kept on saying, “It is not for ...

... imaginative offer of a union with France was rejected by the French Government (an action that was deplored by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother) - and on 16 June, Reynaud resigned, and the aged Marshal Petain formed a new Government with the sole aim of making peace with Hitler on any terms whatsoever. Mussolini's attack of France from the rear on 11 June and some easy conquests in that area further ... 18 June, Churchill reaffirmed in Parliament the determination of his Government to fight on, whatever the hazard. Even in France, the capitulation was not total, for General de Gaulle denounced Petain and the Armistice, and the Free French forces joined hands with the British to continue the war. Thus a month passed without Britain responding to Hitler's discreet peace feelers through neutral ...

... you will have to obey." This shows a peculiar mind. I think this kind of people are a little cracked. June 17, 1940 (The German troops entered Paris a few days earlier; on the 17 th Petain proposed an armistice.) (A disciple:) I think everybody realizes the danger if Hitler occupies France. Does India realize it ? Everybody seems to be busy with his own interest and ...


... 21 -22 , 23 , 24 -25, 76 peace, the gospel of, 4 5, 125 , 246 Page 268 peasantry, 18, 32, 39, 40, 44 see al so agriculture, village Persia, 86(fn), 168, 169, 179 Petain,227 philanthropy, 112 see also altruism, charity poetry, 44, 65, 127, 138 Poland,231 political systems , in ancient India, 137 , 165, 172 , 177,178, 2 14 , 220,221,24 8, in t he West, 103 -104 ...


... in the last war the generals didn't want to attack Germany from the South because it wasn't the right technique. SRI AUROBINDO: In the last war the generals didn't come up to much. Only Foch and Petain stood out. Napolean had against him all the technician generals of Europe. That is why he could defeat them. NIRODBARAN: Have you seen the latest New Statesman and Nation ? John Mair condemns Huxley's ...


... on this side of allies who incarnates a Divine force? Sri Aurobindo : No. Unfortunately there is none. They are all ordinary men; there is no one who can receive the Force. Perhaps Marshal Petain may be able to receive but he is too old I think. Disciple : Can Wegan receive? Page 265 Sri Aurobindo : I don't know him; in such times if you have men who do not ...

... that Pakistani troops are recapturing territory and they're trying to set up a provisional pseudogovernment under their control. That's what they're doing. A government of traitors, you know, like Petain [the head of the Vichy government during World War II which collaborated with the Nazis]. ( Mother goes within for a long time, then raises her hands ) ( In a sad tone: ) I don't know. ( ...


... take possession of the Suez and then Egypt, a simultaneous movement in Spain for Gibraltar with the help of France or without. After Egypt, he will try to take North Africa with Pétain's consent. If Petain refuses, he may be replaced by Laval. If both refuse, he will occupy the whole of France and the Mediterranean ports. All this will be most dangerous to England, and the English blockade won't be effective ...

... connected with the war. Sri Aurobindo : Yes, they are known as possibilities. We do not accept anything as absolutely certain. On the 17th (curiously enough Richard Paul’s birth day) Petain proposed an armistice and all thought that France was lost. Sri Aurobindo : All these heroes of the last war – how could they propose a truce? How can they expect anything honourable from ...