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Planck : Max (Karl Ernst Ludwig) (1858-1947), German theoretical physicist who originated the quantum theory. He was awarded the 1918 Nobel Prize for physics.

26 result/s found for Planck

... of her—or can make of her. Destiny is not an absolute, it is a relative. One can alter it for the better or the worse. Free Will and Determinism It is difficult indeed to make out what Planck means in these Page 510 pages 1 —what is his conclusion and how he arrives at it; he has probably so condensed his arguments that the necessary explanatory links are missing. The free... position. Certain scientific thinkers consider this uncertainty of individual behaviour to be a physical factor correspondent to the element of free will in individual human beings. It is here that Planck brings in the question of free will to refute the conclusion that it affects strict causality and the law of determinism. His argument, as far as I can make it out, is this: (1) The law of strict... there may be many possible results, and in the case of human action it is conceivable that free will is the or at least a determining factor. I do not think therefore that these arguments of Planck carry us very far. There is also of course the question raised in the book Page 512 itself whether, granting determinism, a local state of things is an independent field of causality or ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... aside the examples of Newton, Kepler and Tycho Brahe, even in the world of to-day it is not rare to find more than one scientist who believes in God. In this respect Lodge, Eddington, Einstein and Planck are outstanding figures that require no introduction. It is generally said that a scientist may indeed be a God-believer, but not in the capacity of a scientist. The faculty by which he acquires religious... But how can science or the scientific methodology assert that it has alone found the clue to the essence and nature of knowledge and truth? The question can be asked whether the theism of Einstein or Planck is the ultimate consequence of their scientific intellect or a reflection of some other non-scientific faculty. A class of continental scientists says that the religious sentiment and the puritanism ...

... new beauty. 4 She was there—was it by chance? In fact, we had not had such a profound revolution since 1789, and Einstein was eighteen when Mirra turned nineteen. Like the poin­tillists, Max Planck was about to discover that light did not move sensibly at all, but in “little parcels." Newton’s apple was beginning to be seriously threatened, like a certain other apple that caused us to fall from... could ever have left. The Division Strange Mirra. Yet, all this did not quench her thirst. She was in quest of a more profound revolution than that of lines and colors, and Einstein or Planck would have finally interested her more than the Impressionist explosion, although every­thing is linked. A secret ferment had crept into Matter to shatter the old facade. In Bengal, Sri Aurobindo ...

... atheism on the grounds they have themselves chosen, and with results of the exact concreteness they require. It must have a tremendous repercussion on physics, biology, physiology and medicine. A Planck, a Julian Huxley, a Pavlov, a Steinbach will not feel they are groping for the invisible and the intangible when they deal with the final triumphs of Sri Aurobindo's Yoga. At the heart of the Ashram ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Evolving India

... physics may give no direct handle to the theory that matter is involved life and life involved mind or to the contention that life and mind are existents in themselves, it can hardly dispose us, after Planck, Schrodinger, Born, Einstein, Heisenberg and Bohr have laid their stamps upon it, to believe in a closed material reality. The state of affairs we have glanced at in quantum physics and relativity ...

... unique synthesis. He was born in Calcutta on August 15, 1872, the year of Rimbaud's Illuminations , just a few years before Einstein; modern physics had already seen the light of day with Max Planck, and Jules Verne was busy probing the future. Yet, Queen Victoria was about to become Empress of India, and the conquest of Africa was not even completed; it was the turning point from one world to ...

... inspiration in poetry: the poetry of Shahid Suhrawardy, of Amal, of Dilip, of Armando, Menezes, of Auden, of Spender, of Hopkins, of Bharati Sarabhai, of Harindranath, of Arjava, of D.H. Lawrence: Planck and the Quantum Theory: Ouspensky: automatic writing: spiritism, ghosts, popular superstitions: Cheiro and Astrology:... indeed, there is no end to the subjects that figure in the letters. ...

... poor summit indeed. And Mirra was there. Strangely enough, Mirra always found herself at the crossroads—just as She found herself at the crossroads of the first explosion of appearances (Max Planck, 1900, Einstein, 1905), which was curiously linked to the Impres­sionists’ explosion of color—as if all were not closely bound together! One and the same seed is sown at a given time, and it bursts ...

... nothing beyond a swirl of electrons; still when A.E. sounds his crystal note of the Undying Ones that are not clay, we feel caught up into a realm of crowned souls, a world of wizardry uncharted by Planck and Schroedinger. And paradoxical though it may seem, our firmest faith in A.E.'s occult "Candle of Vision" will not drive back the shadow that falls upon us from Housman's exquisite agnosticism: like ...

... had gone before. This happened in literature (Proust, Rimbaud, Mallarmé), philosophy (Nietzsche and Bergson), psychology (Freud and Jung), biology (Darwin, Pasteur) and physical science (the Curies, Planck, Lorentz, Einstein). The incredible twentieth century, the greatest show in all history, was being prepared. And Impressionism – thanks to the passion for perceptual honesty in that group of diverse ...

... formulation of that theory. Quantum theory, or quantum mechanics as it is also called, was formulated during the first three decades of the century by an international group of physicists including Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Louis De Broglie, Erwin Schrodinger, Wolfgang Pauli, Werner Heisenberg, and Paul Dirac. Even after the mathematical formulation of quantum theory was completed, its ...


... of light advocated by the great Newton and putting on a patronising air at the frailty of an otherwise mighty intelligence.  But the tables are now turned and we accept it as an undoubted fact when Planck says today that a light ray consists also of particles {quanta) of light. Similarly if in some scientific quarter a doubt has arisen as to the absolute and exclusive truth of the principle of evolution ...

... Pericles, 206-7, 239 Periclean Age, 206 Persia, 240 Pharaohs, the, 239 Phidias, 220 Phoenicia, 219 Pisa, 322 Pisacha, 201, 234 Planck, Max, 356 Plato, 1l7, 150, 211, 219, 326 Plotinus, 150, 361 Poland, 72, 127 Pole, the, 304 Polonius, 187 Pope, 212 Pound, Ezra, 192 ...

... deduction is scientifically acceptable unless made in such terms that it can be repeated and confirmed by any qualified individual." 22 (7)The two basic assumptions of science are, according to Planck, the existence of a real outer world independent of our act of knowing, and the impossibility of having any direct knowledge of this world. "This world cannot be disclosed by mere meditation and i ...

... famous 5th Solvay Conference in Belgium (October 1927), which brought together the greatest minds of the last century including Einstein, Curie, Schroedinger, Bohr, Heisenberg, Planck, Dirac, Pauli, Lorentz, Born, etc. The majority of the twenty-nine attendees are Nobel Prize winners. The conference was dedicated to quantum theory. 1 Inspired from www.r ...


... narrate. Evolution is materialistic, as it should be, or material in any case. What remains to be seen is, what is this Matter? Closed or open? Darwin opened it, as did his contemporary Jules Verne. Max Planck, Heisenberg and Einstein opened it, as did their impressionist, fauvist or pointillist friends — Matter burst forth on all sides. Sri Aurobindo and Mother belong to that side. Some astrophysicists ...


... following year. January 15 — Swami Vivekananda lands at Colombo, and on his way north delivers many lectures throughout India. 1899, October — Beginning of the Boer War. 1900 — Max Planck lays the foundation of quantum physics. — International Exposition in Paris. -J.C. Bose demonstrates the basic unity of inorganic and living matter at the International Congress of Physicists; ...

... formula or an equation in Tensor Calculus the mysterious and manifold workings in four-dimensional Space-Time; and they can psycho-analyse the Cosmic-self itself! These are the symbol Einsteins, Plancks, Rutherfords and Freuds who draw Necessity's logarithmic tables and derive "the calculus of Destiny". Their massive insight— and their monumental effrontery!         All was coerced by number ...

... and Valéry, now venerated as god-like statues at the gates of all modernist writing. “It may be pure accident or arbitrary selection”, writes Eric Hobsbawm in The Age of Empire 1875-1914, “that Planck’s quantum theory, the rediscovery of Mendel, Husserl’s Logische Untersuchungen , Freud’s Interpretation of Dreams and Cézanne’s Still Life with Onions can all be dated 1900 … but the coincidence ...

... this discovery with mathematical precision: he said that the margin of the inaccuracy or uncertainty which is always present is invariably a function of that small but positive number which is termed Planck's Constant (roughly .000000000000000000000000006624). It is this summing up that is really his principle of uncertainty or indeterminacy. And the experiment which he imagined with gamma rays to ...

... initial formation of the universe, where gravity already acted upon the elementary particles which gave birth to the cosmos. But, nothing enables us to determine what went before. A wall stands, called Planck's wall, named after the father of quantum physics who was the first to show the impossibility of describing the behaviour of atoms in conditions of extreme gravity. However, researchers have subsequently ...

... values of what are termed the fundamental constants of physics such as the masses of the hydrogen nucleus (proton) and of the electron, light-velocity, the gravitation constant, the electron-charge, Planck's quantum constant. We are told that in addition to the constants there are necessarily a series of parameters serving as initial conditions for the universe. Observation shows the number of radiation ...

... supposed for several centuries to be purely a wave motion is now found to consist also of bullet-like particles called photons. Very few realise that nobody except Einstein gave the conclusive proof of Planck's brilliant hypothesis that light was composed of quanta, separate packets of energy; what is more, Einstein proved these energy-packets to be possessing mass and inertia like any material object. Even ...

... velocity are measured at the same time, there is always an uncertainty or inaccuracy in either and the margin of uncertainty is invariably a function of that small but positive number which is termed Planck's Constant (roughly .000000000000000000000000006624). To illustrate his principle with finality he suggested a simple crucial experiment which would convince us that the electron's position and velocity ...

... forms part of a more general, and dramatic, abandonment of established and often long-accepted values, truths and ways of looking at the world … It may be pure accident or arbitrary selection that Planck’s quantum theory, the rediscovery of Mendel, Husserl’s Logische Untersuchungen , Freud’s Interpretation of Dreams and Cézanne’s Still Life with Onions can all be dated to 1900 … but the coincidence ...

... of mathematical constants which are absolutely basic for its evolution. There are for instance the fundamental physical constants which no theory can explain, but without which no theory can work: Planck’s constant, the speed of light, the electrical charge of the proton, Newton’s constant of gravity, the mass of the electron, and several others. The constants have been described as “the portions, balances ...