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Pramatha : the fourth type from below of the ten forms of consciousness in the evolutionary scale of man. The Pramatha mind is concentrated on the heart & the emotional & aesthetic part of the Chitta. Pramathas are beings attending on Shiva.

19 result/s found for Pramatha

... Manu to fulfil, & to it two Manvantaras are devoted,—in the third the Pisacho-Pramatha of the Asura type evolves; in the fourth the Pisacha Pramatha evolves into the full Pramatha-Asura. The curiosity ceases to be merely cognitional & practically scientific, it becomes aesthetic with an animal & vital aestheticism; the Pramatha seeks to extract their full emotional & aesthetic values, their full rasa out... the Pashu, Vanara, Pishacha, Pramatha, Rakshasa, Asura, Deva, Sadhyadeva, Siddhadeva and the Satyadeva. The last three are known by other names which need not be written at present. The Pashu is mind concentrated entirely on the annam, the Vanara mind concentrated on the Prana, the Pishacha mind concentrated on the senses & the knowledge part of the chitta, the Pramatha mind concentrated on the heart... evolved by the fifth Manu into the Pramatha-Rakshasa of the Asura type, & by the sixth into the full Rakshasa-Asura. The Rakshasa it is who first begins really to think, but his thought is also egoistic & turned towards sensation. What he seeks is a gross egoistic satisfaction in all the life of the mind, prana & body, in all the experiences of the Pashu, Pisacha, Pramatha & his own. But as this type is ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... were crying for his attention in vain! To quote a random instance: when the Golden Book of Tagore was being compiled, Sri Pramatha Choudhuri wrote to me urgent letters to induce Gurudev to contribute something. But Gurudev wrote back to me (in 1931): "I am afraid Pramatha Choudhuri is asking from me a thing psychologically impossible. You know that I have forbidden myself to write anything for... tactful manner." But Sri Pramatha Choudhuri would not listen and importuned again: "Tagore's Golden Book will be incomplete without Sri Aurobindo's tribute. Even a message of two lines or a couplet coming from him will be looked upon as a boon of his Grace" .— etc. But Sri Aurobindo's Grace was not like Caesar's, amenable to flattery. "I take Pramatha Choudhuri's remark — that Tagore's ...


... pay any attention— !,,.. .g forced on one, then a quiet correction or contradiction ! enough. And for the rest to go straight on one's way, casting these salet é s behind you. I am afraid Pramatha Chowdhuri 1 is asking from me a thing psychologically impossible. You know that I have forbidden myself to write anything for publication for some time past and some time to come—I am self-debarred... public. Even if it were otherwise, it would be impossible under present circumstances to write at a week's notice. You will present him my excuses in your best and most tactful manner. P. S. I take Pramatha Chowdhuri's remark as a complimentary hyperbole. The Golden Book will be as golden and Tagore's work and fame as solid without any lucubration from me to gild the one or to buttress the other. ... letter is interesting, because it is evidently very sincere. As for Bahadur he has still some way to go before your wish for him can be fulfilled —there is no hurry. ____________________ 1. Pramatha Chowdhuri (7 August 1868 - 2 September 1946). In 1899, he married Indira Devi, daughter of Satyendranath Tagore, an elder brother of Rabindranath. He knew thoroughly English and French literatures ...

... the correct appraisement of event & tendency, to a mere mahat perception of tendencies open to false stress & false selection of the event. Images (In the Clouds). 1) Yesterday & today—of a Pramatha Rakshasa (5th or 6th Manwantara) war[,] men hastening to battle, men fighting, a war-chariot & fighter, a youth giving news to his sister on the way to battle,—the same face, a modern Teutonic face... handsome & imperial race, but already weakening in type. The bhava is that of men doomed to defeat. Page 409 3) Images of the opposite nation, a man & a woman, ugly, strong, fierce, Pisacha-Pramatha in type; the face expresses a diabolical cruelty & hunger. It is intimated that in this war the young Romanic leader in the war-chariot is victorious, but the eventual victory is to a modified race ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... of anything else can persuade the external doubt in man which is the penalty of his native ignorance...." 76 (4)In 1931, when the Golden Book of Tagore was being compiled, the great savant Pramatha Choudhuri wrote to DK urgent letters to induce Sri Aurobindo to contribute something. For he averred: "Tagore's Golden Book will be incomplete without Sri Aurobindo's tribute. Even a message of two... two lines or a couplet coming from him will be looked upon as a boon of his Grace...." But Sri Aurobindo's Grace was not like Caesar's, amenable to flattery. He wrote back: "I take Pramatha Choudhuri's remark - that Tagore's Golden Book will be incomplete without my contribution - as a complimentary hyperbole. The Golden Book will be as golden and Tagore's work and fame as solid without any lucubration ...

... Yoga , 189, 193, 194 Maurya, the dynasty, 178 Ma Yadava , 183 Mazzini, 57,93 medic a l science, 102-1 03 Me so potamia , 137 Minto , Earl , 47 (fn) see also Morley-Minto re forms Miller, P. (Pramatha Mitra), 13 moderation, Moderatism, 89 , 93, 118 Mohammedans, see under Muslims monarchy, 177,178, 214 Monier-Williams , M., 97(fn) Moonje , B.S., see under Munje morality, 43 , 73, 71 , 186 ...


... well known shikari (hunter) of those early years of the last century, another of his kinsmen an ex-Chief of the Army Staff of the Indian army, Gen. J.N. Chaudhury, and another a well known writer, Pramatha Chaudhury. Kalyan-da seemed to have inherited some of these traits in good measure. Top these up with a flair for sports and spinning yarns — and what you have is a matchless man with a charm all ...


... g in Europe. He was a good sportsman who played cricket and tennis remarkably well and also a good shooter. His other kinsmen included General J.N. Chowdury, an ex-Chief of the Indian Army and Pramatha Chowdury, the famous writer. After joining the Ashram he taught Physics and General Science in the Ashram school as well as looking after a paddy field acquired by him for the Ashram. The tiger ...

... named "his principal associates, whom he visits and is visited by." Among them were several barristers, including Chitta Ranjan Das, Basanta Kumar Das, Bijoy Chandra Chatterji; there was our R Mitter (Pramatha Nath Mitra); the list also included the names of Ramananda Chatterji, Gispati Kabya-tirtha, Lalit Mohan Das, and some others. The list of names shows us Sri Aurobindo's wide-ranging interests. Those ...

... ties purely in the annamaya kosha Page 518 or physical sheath of his being in Annam & Prana; he went on as the mixed animal, first the Pishacha or scientific, curious animal, then the Pramatha or aesthetic, curious animal; and from these levels climbed to the condition of the Rakshasa or animalgod who satisfies egoism through his sensational and emotional impulses; he is now the Asura, ...


... senses has now to develop perfectly. Sensation has also to perfect bhukti The gunas of daya, naishturyam & krauryam are now well-developed; they have yet to be harmonised . The Pashu, Pishacha, Pramatha, Rakshasa have all now taken their seat; they have to be harmonised & subjected to the Deva-Asura who will give them the bali . The Ananda of defeat is now right in temperament and well-established ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... 1280 [ . . . ] = Suryaloka. Swar—Chandraloka & Swarga. Jana, Tapah & Satya above Swar—Chandraloka—Pitriloka; Kailas above, between 7 tiers of 14 worlds, according to types—Pashu, Pisacha, Pramatha, Rakshasa, Asura, Deva, Siddha— Swarga—7—Kama, Yuddha, Prema, Manas, Jnana, Nishkama & Bhagavata Naraka—offences of or against Kama, Prema, Satya, Ishwara, [?Devata], Jnana, Atma—    12 hells ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Tapas & Trikaldrishti are yet unharmonised, the fullness of the Tapas is awaited. The obstinacy of the Bali element must now revive along with the growth of the Rakshasa. Equally, the lower forms, Pramatha, Pishacha, Gandharva, Yaksha, Charana, Pashu, must range themselves in their places & grow distinct yet one. Darshana Since yesterday afternoon the second intensity has taken possession in ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... of the pranamay jagat and felt its warmth on my body. Record of the Drishti from January 28th 1) Sthapatya on windowframe, of (a) a head, half Rakshasa, half animal with the Pisacha & Pramatha bhavas, one tusk (ekadanti), over the eyes sealed in meditation, is written "God". (b) another, half Rakshasa, half-Asura, with a headdress half Egyptian half Semitic, of an intellectual and formidable ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... thing to-day and leave it tomorrow. Disciple : Then where is any hope ? Disciple : I think freedom will come when it can no longer be prevented. At present much of what we do is speech, Pramatha Nath Chowdhury in an article says "Now-a-days it has become a fashion to say in speeches – ­These times are not for speech but for; action" and on that there is a speech ! (Laughter ) Sri ...

... and Menaka, was the Bride. Hosts from heaven and hosts from hell had come trooping. Bhutas and Pramathas' had escorted their Lord from Kailash, dancing and beating skull drums and rattling bones. From the Bride's side came the Apsaras, the Gandharvas 2 the 1 Bhutas and Pramathas are ghosts and fiends attending upon Shiva. Hence Shiva is also known as Bhutanath and Pramathesh. ...

... vital plane the corresponding forces we call the Rakshasas which represent violent passions and influences. There are also other kinds of beings on the vital plane which are called the Pisachas and Pramathas. They manifest more or less in the physico-vital. On the physical plane the corresponding forces are obscure beings, more forces than beings, what the Theosophists call the elementals. They are ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... the Andaman islands for about a decade, in the famous Alipore Bomb Case. Then lived for a few years in Pondicherry with Sri Aurobindo. In 1928 he went back to Bengal. 68. Raksasas, Pisacas, Pramathas: hostile beings and demons. 69. et hoc genus omne: latin for "and the whole tribe". 70. Praswani is a mixture of matra-vrtta and laghu guru. 71. Prabodh Sen: famous exponent and an ...

... Then is he not better off than us ? Kilbil korche [seething] is admirable—it reminds me of a satire I read somewhere that 1 lakh of gods, 2 lakhs of Asuras and 3 lakhs of Raksasas, Pisacas, Pramathas 68 et hoc genus omne 69 are contained in a man's big toe. I may be out a little in the figures and the locality, I write from distant memory— it may have been the heel for instance, but big toe ...