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Prithivi : in Vishnu Purana she is the daughter of Prithu, the Giver of Life.
... a mask of God. The other gods—up to the present Surya, Varuna, Usha, Bhaga, Aryaman, Mitra, Aranyani are manifest in their forms & activities. They have now been followed rapidly by the others; Prithivi revealing herself as Aditi, Rudra manifest in the chanda form of all the gods etc. But these manifestations are not so close or so dominant as those of Indra, Agni & Vayu. It is the Vedic gods who... the cosmic consciousness & the universal ocean of substance supply that formulation with its field & materials. Script. The inconclusive result of the rupa extension has somewhat discouraged Prithivi, ie the inferior consciousness of the parthiva Akasha. The activities of the luminous divine mind are now taking final possession of the thought & only need to take final possession of the tri ...
... bloodred or brownish red. Sun dark with broad golden rim. Golden-red scimitar (sattwa-rajas). Realisation of Vasudeva. Vijas of agni, jala, prithivi outside continually seen. Chaya Purusha, bust. Swarupa in red. U.R. exercise with kamananda. Long rope of prithivi, brilliant & coiling, in clouds of vayu. Brilliant rose. Kali blue black bust crowned with sun = Shakti with awakened buddhi (not ugra , simply ...
... two religions, the most hostile to Nature, in the east Buddhism, her step-child Christianity in the west, completed the evil their predecessors had begun. Hear the legend of Purush, the son of Prithivi, and his journey to the land of Beulah, the land of blooming gardens and yellow-vested acres and wavering tree-tops, and two roads lead to it. One road is very simple, very brief, very direct, and... journey by the nearest way to the wavering tree-tops, and the blooming gardens and the acres in their yellow gaberdines for which his soul has long panted. This is the legend of Purush, the son of Prithivi and his journey to the land of Beulah. Wilson —That is a fine apologue, Keshav; is it your own, may I ask? Keshav —It is an allegory conceived by Vallabha Swami, the Indian Epicurus, and ...
... becoming universal, embracing the births in all the worlds, brought into being a fourth world or fourfold world, which must be the supramental beyond the three lower sessions, Dyaus, Antariksha and Prithivi, that wide world which, according to Kanwa son of Ghora, men reach or create by crossing beyond the two Rodasi after killing Vritra. This fourth world must be therefore Swar. The seven-headed thought... Truth, and this is the Mahar discovered according to the Taittiriya Upanishad by the Rishi Mahachamasya as the fourth Vyahriti, the other three being Swar, Bhuvar and Bhur, i.e. Dyaus, Antariksha and Prithivi of the Veda. × Sayana says varanta is here "opened", which is quite possible, but vṛ means ...
... the understanding.” What is Mah or Mahas?The word means great, embracing, full, comprehensive. The Earth, also, because of its wideness & containing faculty is called mahi,—just as it is called prithivi, dhara, medini, dharani, etc. In various forms, the root itself, mahi, mahitwam, maha, magha, etc, it recurs with remarkable profusion and persistence throughout the Veda. Evidently it expressed some... functions of Varuna are undeniable. Yet Varuna is the Greek Ouranos, which is simply & plainly the sky, Akasha. Ouranos in Greek myth is a colourless presence, parent by his union with Earth, Akasha with Prithivi, of all beings but especially of Kronos & the Titans, the elder gods, the first masters of heaven. There is no resemblance here to Varuna. Farther to complicate the task of the modern mythologists ...
... keeps up the appearance of age. The remodelling of the nose has not proceeded far, but a certain definite advantage has been gained. With regard to other features the resistance of the Prithivi continues. St. 1) Forget me not— (nityasmarana[)] 2) The New Way (ie of the entire dasyam,—by this the nityasmarana will come.) Telepathic Tr. [Trikaldrishti] The hold... The energy is ready in the active nervous power and in the soul-thought (suviryam arvatá .. brahmaná) although manifest chiefly in the work of knowledge, thought, writing etc, not in the things of Prithivi, the objective world. It is here that the mental thought Page 824 (धीर्मानुषा) nourished by the ideal (बृहद्दिवेषु) is yielding its full results. अनश्र्वासो ये पवयोऽरथा इंद्रेषिता ...
... more definitely as the thing to be clothed or invested—whatever is jagat in jagati , or literally whatever is moving thing in her that moves. Now jagati , she who moves, is an old name for Earth, Prithivi, and afterwards for the whole wide universe, of which the Earth with which alone we human beings are at present concerned, is the type. Why then is the universe called jagati , she that moveth... immediate basis or substratum in Agni. So with the waters which are selected out of Agni by the operations of heat etc. So again all earth , all forms of solidity have their basis or substratum in Prithivi, the earth-force, which is again a selection out of Jala or Varouna, the fluid principle. Now life proceeds in this way; it arises on the substratum of ether with Matariswun or the Air Force as its ...
... struggle over the visrishti still proceeds & the frequency of jalavisrishti maintains itself. However, the assimilation, although marred by excess of jala, seems to be more perfect with respect to prithivi, even though the maximum interval has been diminished from seven days to three or four. Sleep for nearly seven hours. The dream images were again mental images rather than actual figures; present ...
... Prediction. Things—objectivity. That is, the subjective-objective being now on the road to siddhi, the battle will be more henceforth for the control of things and objects, the bodily, prithivi. 5 February 1917 Script. "The ideality must be confirmed against such attacks as yesterday's which must rapidly be made impossible "There must be definite and steady progress in the ...
... universe finds the means for its central purpose, through it fulfils itself, in it culminates or from it falls away. When God has Page 395 fulfilled himself here, under these conditions, with prithivi as his pratistha, then we may pass away finally into other conditions or into the unconditioned, but till then, till God here is satisfied, Brahman here manifested, we come here to fulfil him. Till ...
... muscular strength, I must first consent to an output, an expenditure in exercise of the strength I already have, allowing it to escape as energy into the world-sum of energy, sacrificing to Vayu and Prithivi; I must accept temporary loss of power, weariness and exhaustion, losing a little that I may gain Page 455 more; then, what I have given is taken up by the deities in the Jagati and, if ...
... The Rigvedic "fourth" is not the Mandukyan grand finale , the indescribable Supracosmic, but stands in that numerical position both from below and from above: it is above the lower triplicity of Prithivi (earth), antariksha (vital plane) and dyau (mind-level) as well as below the higher triplicity (tridhatu) constituted by Vasu (substance), urj (abounding force of being) and priyam or mayas ...
... Prakrit, 33 Pre-Harappān, 56, 59, 61, 63, 64, 65, 67, 101, 102 Prehistory and Protohistory of India and Parkistan, 2fn. Page 148 Prithivi, 39 Prthu-Parśu (Parthians-Persians?), 12 Proto-Aryan, 4, 34, 35 Proto-Dravidian, 50 Proto-Harappān, 101 Przewalski horse, 70, 73 Pumpelly, 69, 71 Punjāb ...
... × Necessarily, by terrestrial we do not mean this one earth and its period of duration, but use earth in the wider root-sense of the Vedantic Prithivi, the earth-principle creating habitations of physical form for the soul. ...
... कवयः says S. but perhaps मनोवाताः समंजन् worked out into perfection or brightened entirely; but S. says संगतामकार्षुः ममिरे = मात्राभिः = measured—cf also 7 & 8. मही. S. takes = Dyau & Prithivi—but probably Dyau & Mahas. 4 श्रियो Here seems to equal “splendour”. S. takes पर्यभूषन् = अलमकुर्वन् 5 शुरुधः S. आपः । शुचः पिपासाया रोधयित्र्यो । Rather “Currents” or “Motions” or “Divided ...
... himself all the worlds in which, objectively, he is contained. Preferring ordinarily a concrete to an abstract language, the Rishis speak of the physical consciousness as the physical world, earth, Bhu, Prithivi. They describe the pure mental consciousness as heaven, Dyaus, of which Swar, the luminous mind, is the summit. To the intermediate dynamic, vital or nervous consciousness they give the name either ...
... force of the tapas is yet insufficient. Life has to be brought into line with the siddhis acquired, or in other words the powers have to take hold of life and possess it. Life means the Akash of the prithivi, & through the Akash all it contains. It is true, the Akash is full of opposition & obstruction where formerly it seemed clear. The obstruction is only in order to bring out the samata, tapas etc ...
... Brahman self-extended in Space and Time is the universe. In this extension Brahman represents Itself as formative Nature, the universal Mother of things, who appears to us, first, as Matter, called Prithivi, the Earth-Principle. Brahman in Matter or physical being represents Itself as the universal Life-Power, Matarishwan, which moves there as a dynamic energy, Prana, and presides effectively over ...
... the modern mind. It mentions the three steps5 of Vishnu, the all-pervading Divine. Each step of Vishnu creates a world and Vishnu maintains it by His dynamic presence. Rig Veda speaks of " Dyawa Prithivi" Heaven and Earth symbolising the Mental and the Physical planes of consciousness. It mentions ' Antariksha '—-the intermediate vital plane between Earth and Heaven—the physical and. mental. Veda ...
... characteristic of the Vedic outlook and has stood at the root and basis of all Indian thought and religion then & subsequently. Nevertheless existence is not simple in its infinite oneness. Matter is prithivi, tanu or tanva (terra), a wide yet formal extension of being; but behind matter and containing it is a term of being, not formal though instrumentally creative of form, measuring & containing it, ...
... which there is no idea at present and in comparison with which the present knowledge is poor. According to the experience of ancient Yogis, sensible matter was made out of five elements, Bhutani: Prithivi, Apas, Agni (Tejas), Vayu, Akasha. Agni is threefold: 1) Ordinary fire, Jada Agni, 2) Electric fire, Vaidyuta Agni, 3) Solar fire, Saura Agni. Science has only entered upon the first ...
... anandas are intermittent and obstructed. The nirvisesha shuddha & premabhoga are, however, still dependent on the perfect realisation of Sarvavastushu Ishwara. There is strong tendency to deposit of prithivi & visrishti, & if the apana is dominated by the prana, it is as one who still successfully struggles with his assailant. The same is true of all the physical siddhis that have at all advanced, they ...
... utthapana occupied the system. The roga that came, is being slowly eliminated. Its chief characteristic is a dull form of watery nausea, slight in substance but with some tamasic power of oppression. The prithivi, tejas & jala are very weak. Hunger Page 60 persists. Samadhi in the afternoon greatly improved, but not free of the tamas. Sleep 1.0 to 7. Signs of the raising of the objective siege ...
... is called Vayu, Air; and so by ever more complex motion with increasing intensity of condition for result, yet three other matter-states are successively developed, Agni or Fire, Apah or Water and Prithivi or Earth. These are the five tanmatras or subtle elements of Sankhya philosophy by the combination of which subtle forms in subtle matter are built. Here it is necessary to enter a caution against ...
... Mind, and this Life instinct with an involved subconscious Mind is again itself involved in Matter. Therefore Matter is here the basis and the apparent beginning; in the language of the Upanishads, Prithivi, the Earth-principle, is our foundation. The material universe starts from the formal atom surcharged with energy, instinct with the unformed stuff of a subconscious desire, will, intelligence. Out ...
... mid-world, nor the gross-physical "Vaiswanara", the universal godhead of Matter. The "turiya" of the Rigveda stands "fourth" from below as well as from above: it is above the lower triplicity of "prithivi" (earth), "antariksha" (vital mid-world) and "dyau" (mind-heaven) but below the higher triplicity, "tridhatu", constituted by "vasu" (substance), "urj" (abounding force of being) and "priyam" or "mayas" ...
... the path which leads to immortality. In 1.72.9, he gives the brief formula describing the state of immortality: " ā ye viśvā svapatyāni tasthuh krnvanāso amrtatvāya gātum; mahnā. mahadbhih. prithivi vi tasthe; mātā putrair aditir dhayāse veh ." "They who entered into all things that bear ripe fruits formed a path towards the immortality; earth stood wide for them by the greatness and by the ...
... earth and heaven. "Heaven" is a word which is used for "mind" in the algebraic language of the Veda. Wherever the word "heaven" comes in the Veda, one has to understand "mind". Wherever the word prithivi, earth, comes, one has to understand it to be the physical. The word antariksha is the algebraic term for intermediate world. So there are three worlds: the world of the physical, the world of ...
... the Vedic image, if man is born of the Dark Mother, he is also a child of the White Mother (krishna and shveti). Or again, if earth is our mother, the Heaven is our father— dyaur me pita mata prithivi iyam. In other words, consciousness extends not in depth alone, but in height also —it is vertically extended, infinite both ways. Page 43 As there is a subconsciousness or unco ...
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